Organisations, Economy and Society

CollegeWestminster Business School
HeadDr Randhir Auluck
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‘Really useful’ knowledge? The London Mechanics’ Institution and the struggle for (independent) working class education


Clarke, R. 2014. ‘Really useful’ knowledge? The London Mechanics’ Institution and the struggle for (independent) working class education. Post-16 Educator. 76, pp. 18-20.

Windermere Reflections Landscape Partnership Final Evaluation

Technical report

Clarke, R. and Anteric, M. 2014. Windermere Reflections Landscape Partnership Final Evaluation. CEPAR.

Caradon Hill Area Heritage Project Final Evaluation and Completion Report

Technical report

Clarke, R. and Anteric, M. 2014. Caradon Hill Area Heritage Project Final Evaluation and Completion Report. Scorrier, UK Cornwall Council and CEPAR.

Spillovers and Policy Evaluation

Book chapter

Cerqua, A. and Pellegrini, G. 2014. Spillovers and Policy Evaluation. in: Mazzola, F., Musolino, D. and Provenzano, V. (ed.) Reti, nuovi settori e sostenibilità. Prospettive per l'analisi e le politiche regionali FrancoAngeli.

Beyond the SUTVA: how policy evaluations change when we allow for interactions among firms

Technical report

Cerqua, A. and Pellegrini, G. 2014. Beyond the SUTVA: how policy evaluations change when we allow for interactions among firms. Sapienza Universita di Roma.

If You Get Knocked Down, How Long Before You Get Up Again?

Journal article

Cerqua, A. 2014. If You Get Knocked Down, How Long Before You Get Up Again? International Journal of Sports Finance. 9 (4), pp. 284-304.

Further development in the estimation of labour market returns to qualifications gained in English Further Education using ILR-WPLS Administrative Data

Project report

Bibby, D., Buscha, F., Cerqua, A., Thomson, D. and Urwin, P. 2014. Further development in the estimation of labour market returns to qualifications gained in English Further Education using ILR-WPLS Administrative Data. Department of Business, Innovation and Skills.

Do Subsidies to Private Capital Boost Firms’ Growth? A Multiple Regression Discontinuity Design Approach

Journal article

Cerqua, A. and Pellegrini, G. 2014. Do Subsidies to Private Capital Boost Firms’ Growth? A Multiple Regression Discontinuity Design Approach. Journal of Public Economics. 109, pp. 114-126.

Conviene incentivare le piccole imprese piuttosto che le grandi? Un’analisi basata sul multiple regression discontinuity design

Journal article

Cerqua, A. and Pellegrini, G. 2014. Conviene incentivare le piccole imprese piuttosto che le grandi? Un’analisi basata sul multiple regression discontinuity design. Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione. 58, pp. 197-219.

Inflation targeting and the consistency of monetary policy decisions in Mexico: an empirical analysis with discrete choice models

Journal article

Muñoz Torres, R.I. and Shepherd, D. 2014. Inflation targeting and the consistency of monetary policy decisions in Mexico: an empirical analysis with discrete choice models. The Manchester School. 82 (S2), pp. 21-46.

The Finnish Team Academy model: implications for management education


Tosey, P., Dhaliwal, S. and Hassinen, J. 2014. The Finnish Team Academy model: implications for management education. Management Learning. 46 (2), pp. 175-194.

Back to basics: Is there a significant generational dimension and where does it ‘cut’?

Book chapter

Buscha, F., Parry, E. and Urwin, P.J. 2014. Back to basics: Is there a significant generational dimension and where does it ‘cut’? in: Parry, E. (ed.) Generational diversity at work: new research perspectives Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 81-94

Managing diversity through flexible-work arrangements: management perspectives

Journal article

Bingham, C., Michielsens, E. and Clarke, L. 2014. Managing diversity through flexible-work arrangements: management perspectives. Employee Relations. 36 (1), pp. 49-69.

Representation in UK employment tribunals: analysis of the 2003 and 2008 Survey of Employment Tribunal Applications (SETA)


Urwin, P.J., Buscha, F. and Latreille, P. 2014. Representation in UK employment tribunals: analysis of the 2003 and 2008 Survey of Employment Tribunal Applications (SETA). British Journal of Industrial Relations. 52 (1), pp. 158-184.

The William Petty problem and the Whig history of economics

Journal article

Goodacre, H. 2014. The William Petty problem and the Whig history of economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 38 (3), pp. 563-583.

The urban wage growth premium: sorting or learning?

Journal article

D'Costa, S. and Overman, H.G. 2014. The urban wage growth premium: sorting or learning? Regional Science and Urban Economics. 48, pp. 168-179.

Trade-based skills versus occupational capacity: the example of bricklaying in Europe


Clarke, L., Winch, C. and Brockmann, M. 2013. Trade-based skills versus occupational capacity: the example of bricklaying in Europe. Work, Employment & Society. 27 (6), pp. 932-951.

Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates?

Discussion paper

Di Pietro, G. 2013. Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates? Bonn, Germany Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

The creation of trust: the interplay of rationality, institutions and exchange


Mathews, M. 2013. The creation of trust: the interplay of rationality, institutions and exchange. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: an International Journal.

Towards a social model approach?: British and Dutch disability policies in the health sector compared


Bingham, C., Michielsens, E., Clarke, L. and van der Meer, M. 2013. Towards a social model approach?: British and Dutch disability policies in the health sector compared. Personnel Review. 42 (5), pp. 613-637.

Do human resource practices enhance organizational commitment in SMEs with low employee satisfaction?

Journal article

Saridakis, G., Muñoz Torres, R.I. and Johnstone, S. 2013. Do human resource practices enhance organizational commitment in SMEs with low employee satisfaction? British Journal of Management. 24 (3), pp. 445-458.

The value of dedicated cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure on rural roads


Laird, J., Page, M. and Shen, S. 2013. The value of dedicated cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure on rural roads. Transport Policy. 29, pp. 86-96.

Military conscription and university enrolment: evidence from Italy


Di Pietro, G. 2013. Military conscription and university enrolment: evidence from Italy. Journal of Population Economics. 26 (2), pp. 619-644.

Unpacking the mechanism by which corporate responsibility impacts stakeholder relationships


Hillenbrand, C., Money, K. and Ghobadian, A. 2013. Unpacking the mechanism by which corporate responsibility impacts stakeholder relationships. British Journal of Management. 24 (1), pp. 127-146.

Knowledge acquisition in supply chain partnerships: the role of power


He, Q., Ghobadian, A. and Gallear, D. 2013. Knowledge acquisition in supply chain partnerships: the role of power. International Journal of Production Economics. 141 (2), pp. 605-618.

The impact of structural and macroeconomic factors on regional growth

Journal article

D'Costa, S., Garcilazo, E. and Oliveira Martins, J. 2013. The impact of structural and macroeconomic factors on regional growth. OECD Regional Development Working Papers. 2013/11.

The relationship between national culture and organisational effectiveness: the case of Iranian private sector organisations

Journal article

Nazarian, A. and Atkinson, P. 2013. The relationship between national culture and organisational effectiveness: the case of Iranian private sector organisations. International Journal of Management and Marketing Academy. 1 (2), pp. 73-81.

The Effect of Making a Voluntary Labour Market Programme Compulsory: Evidence from a UK Experiment

Journal article

Dorsett, R., Smeaton, D. and Speckesser, S. 2013. The Effect of Making a Voluntary Labour Market Programme Compulsory: Evidence from a UK Experiment. Fiscal Studies. 34 (4), pp. 467-489.

The effect of the Troubles on GDP in Northern Ireland

Journal article

Dorsett, R. 2013. The effect of the Troubles on GDP in Northern Ireland. European Journal of Political Economy. 29, pp. 119-133.

When Innovation Does Not Pay Off: Introducing the “European Regional Paradox”

Journal article

Fragkandreas, Thanos 2013. When Innovation Does Not Pay Off: Introducing the “European Regional Paradox”. European Planning Studies. 21 (12), pp. 2078-2086.

When innovation does not pay-off: A tale of competitiveness in seven European regions

Conference item

Fragkandreas, T. 2013. When innovation does not pay-off: A tale of competitiveness in seven European regions. 42nd Annual Conference and 3rd Annual Doctoral Colloquium. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, UK 20 - 22 Aug 2013

Rethinking Brutalist Buildings: their soul is in their making

Book chapter

Muñoz-Rojas, O., Wall, C. and Clarke, L. 2013. Rethinking Brutalist Buildings: their soul is in their making. in: Gheran, N.L. and Monteith, K. (ed.) Monstrous Spaces: the Other Frontier Oxford Brill. pp. 93-104

Transnacionais: Um Estudo de Quatro Profisses em Quatro Paises no Contexto do Quadro Europeu de Qualficacoes (QEQ)

Book chapter

Clarke, L. and Brockmann, M. 2013. Transnacionais: Um Estudo de Quatro Profisses em Quatro Paises no Contexto do Quadro Europeu de Qualficacoes (QEQ). in: Ensino Profissional Lisbon Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Can Better Working Conditions Improve the Performance of SMEs: An International Literature Review


Miles, L., Croucher, R., Stumbitz, B., Quinlan, M. and Vickers, I. 2013. Can Better Working Conditions Improve the Performance of SMEs: An International Literature Review. Geneva International Labour Office.

Gramsci, Counter-hegemony and Labour Union–Civil Society Organisation Coalitions in Malaysia

Journal article

Miles, L. and Croucher, R. 2013. Gramsci, Counter-hegemony and Labour Union–Civil Society Organisation Coalitions in Malaysia. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 43 (3).

Evaluating South Korean legal channels for individual employment disputes through Budd and Colvin's framework

Journal article

Croucher, R., Kyoung Eun and Miles, L. 2013. Evaluating South Korean legal channels for individual employment disputes through Budd and Colvin's framework. Comparative Labour Law and Policy Journal. 35 (1), pp. 45-65.

Corporate Governance in Asian Countries: Has Confucianism Anything to Offer?

Journal article

Miles, L. and Goo, S. 2013. Corporate Governance in Asian Countries: Has Confucianism Anything to Offer? Business and Society Review. 118 (1), pp. 23-45.

IZA DP No. 7647: Regional Variations in Attitudes Towards Refugees: Evidence from Great Britain

Discussion paper

Crawley, H., Drinkwater, S. and Kausar, R. 2013. IZA DP No. 7647: Regional Variations in Attitudes Towards Refugees: Evidence from Great Britain . Institute of Labor Economics.

Use of record-linkage to handle non-response and improve alcohol consumption estimates in health survey data: a study protocol

Journal article

Gray, L., McCartney, G., White, I. R., Katikireddi, S. V., Rutherford, L., Gorman, E. and Leyland, A. H. 2013. Use of record-linkage to handle non-response and improve alcohol consumption estimates in health survey data: a study protocol . BMJ Open. 3 (3), p. BMJ Open 2013;3:e002647 e002647.

The Business Case for Equality and Diversity: a survey of the academic literature

Project report

Urwin, P., Parry, E., Dodds, I., David, A.H. and Karuk, V. 2013. The Business Case for Equality and Diversity: a survey of the academic literature. London Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

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Arif, Gazi


Auluck, Randhir

Head of School - Org. Econ. & Soc.

Bakry, Walaa-Eldeen

Principal Lecturer

Bolam, Caroline

Assistant Head of School

Bowyer, Alex

Research Fellow

Buchmueller, Gerda

Research Fellow

Cao, Yihui


Cardoso, Catarina

Senior Lecturer

Clarke, Linda


D'Costa, Sabine

Senior Lecturer

De Kock, Dawn

Senior Lecturer

Dias, Shehan

Senior Lecturer

Duran-Palma, Fernando

Senior Lecturer

Gorman, Emma

Principal Research Fellow

Hadjivarnava, Vasoula

Senior Lecturer

Hiew, Ailu

Senior Lecturer

Hussain, Supin

Senior Lecturer

Kameshwara, Kalyan

Research Fellow

Kausar, Rukhsana

Senior Lecturer

Kearney, Paul

Senior Lecturer

Ketkar, Sumita

Principal Lecturer

Kofkin, Darrell

Senior Lecturer

Li, Jane


Madhavan, Shobhana

Emeritus Professor

Mansi, Angela

Senior Lecturer

Masino, Serena

Senior Lecturer

Mathews, Martin

Senior Lecturer

Mereish, Suhair

Senior Lecturer

Michielsens, Elisabeth

Principal Lecturer

Miles, Lilian


Mujan, Aida


Munoz-Torres, Rebeca

Senior Lecturer

Parker, Daniela

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Christine

Principal Lecturer

Qaseem, Naveeda

Senior Lecturer

Razzaq, Sobia

Senior Lecturer

Richardson, Simon

Senior Lecturer

Rodriguez, Anne-Line

Research Fellow

Saundry, Frankie

Research Associate

Shen, Shujie

Senior Lecturer

Sholarin, Olasunkanmi

Principal Lecturer

Snijders, Sylvia

Senior Lecturer

Specht, Doug

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Srinivasan, Sangeetha

Senior Lecturer

Thapar, Ann

Principal Lecturer

Urwin, Peter


Wang, Rebecca (Yi)

Assistant Head of School

Wilkowska, Iwona

Senior Lecturer

Wu, Yupei


Yang, Shubin


Zhang, Min

Research Fellow