College | Westminster Business School |
Head | Prof Malcolm Kirkup |
Illes, K. 2001. Az emberi toke atertekelodesenek szuksegessege. Emberi Toke, Tudas, Kivalosag Konferencia. Balatonfured, Hungary 24 - 25 Apr 2001
Illes, K. 2001. Az Emberi Toke Atertekelodesenek Szuksegessege. Humanpolitikai Szemle. April, pp. 35-41.
Pato-Szucs, B. and Illes, K. 2018. Az Emberkozpontu munkakori leiras. Haditudomany. 28 (2), pp. 109-119.
Illes, K. 1996. Az ertekvaltozasok szociologiai es pszichologiai hattere. INFO Tarsadalomtudomany. (39), pp. 29-37.
Buscha, F., Parry, E. and Urwin, P.J. 2014. Back to basics: Is there a significant generational dimension and where does it ‘cut’? in: Parry, E. (ed.) Generational diversity at work: new research perspectives Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 81-94
Hedges, P.F., Urwin, P.J. and Buscha, F. 2008. Becoming a Government Economist: Who Passes, Who Fails? The Royal Economic Society Conference 2008. University of Warwick 17 - 19 Mar 2008
Ralston, D.A., Vollmer, G.R., Tang, M., Wan, P., Egri, C.P., Maignan, I., Nicholson, J.D., Girson, I., Herrig, H., May, R., Ledgerwood, D., Srinivasan, H. and Wallace, A. 2000. Beginning to globally investigate the influence tactics of managers. 9th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association (IMDA). San Jose, Costa Rica 14-17 Dec 2000
Illes, K. 2015. Being Well and Leading Well. Well Being International Research Festival. Cumbria 16 - 18 Jul 2015
Illes, K. 2017. Being Well and Leading Well. Journal of Corporate Citizenship. 2017 (68), pp. 15-30.
Jackson, K. and Shepotylo, O. 2021. Belt and Road: The China Dream? China Economic Review. 67 101604.
Illes, K. and Tomic, A. 2009. Beyond Language. Hungarian Academy of Science, 'Crisis and Renewal' Scientific Conference. Budapest Business School, Hungary 05 - 07 Nov 2009
Illes, K. and Tomic, A. 2009. Beyond Language. Culture and International Management; Definitions, and Futures Symposium. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge 17 - 18 Dec 2009
Illes, K. and Tomic, A. 2010. Beyond Language. Journal Advances in Higher Education. 3 (1).
Stevens, L. and Maclaran, P. 2012. Bollywood's Global Reach: Consuming the Diasporic Consciousness. Journal of Macromarketing. 32 (3), pp. 266-279.
El-Murad, J. 2018. Book Review: "Islamic Wealth Management: Theory and Practice" edited by Mohamed Ariff and Shamser Mohammad. Economic Affairs. 38 (2), pp. 300-302.
Stevens, L., Maclaran, P. and Kearney, M. 2014. Boudoirs, Cowdillacs and Rotolactors: A Salutary Tale of Elsie the Brand Mascot. in: Brown, S. and Ponsonby-McCabe, S. (ed.) Brand Mascots Routledge. pp. 110-122
Illes, K., Rees, B. and O'Shea, G. 2006. Building Trust in the Workplace. 5th Global Conference on Business and Economics. University of Cambridge 06 - 08 Jul 2006
Illes, K. and Platts, J. 2006. Building Trust through Business Education. 13th EDiNEB International Conference. Lisbon, Portugal 14 - 16 Jun 2006
Buscha, F., Müller, D. and Page, L. 2017. Can a Common Currency Foster a Shared Social Identity across Different Nations? The Case of the Euro. European Economic Review. 100, pp. 318-336.
Buscha, F., Müller, D. and Page, L. 2016. Can a Common Currency Foster a Shared Social Identity across Different Nations? The Case of the Euro. Workshop on Behavioral Political Economy: New models of agents’ beliefs, preferences and sophistication. Abu Dhabi 14 - 15 Dec 2015
Nowlan, J. 2018. Career management and development. in: Matthewman, L.J., Rose, A. and Hetherington, A. (ed.) Work Psychology: An Introduction to Human Behaviour in the Workplace Hakijisa, Korea Hakjisa Publisher INC.
Nowlan, J. 2009. Career management and development. in: Matthewman, L.J., Rose, A. and Hetherington, A. (ed.) Work Psychology New York Oxford University Press. pp. 182-203
Illes, K. and Wascak, J. 2017. Caring for the Other. New Economy, Old Traditions: Caring Entrepreneurship Annual European SPES Conference. Tel Aviv University, Israel 04 - 06 Sep 2017
Brown, S., Stevens, L. and Maclaran, P. 1998. Casting a Critical 'I' Over Caffrey's Irish Ale: Soft Words, Strongly Spoken. Journal of Marketing Management. 14 (7), pp. 733-748.
Ibokessien, N. and Eshraghian, F. 2023. Challenging Institutional Norms and Organizational Lack of Support: An Empirical Study on Academics' Unsanctioned Use of Mobile Technologies for Classroom Augmentation in Higher Education. 37th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management (BAM). University of Sussex Business School, Brighton, East Sussex 06 Jul - 05 Sep 2023
Illes, K., Weetman, P., Clarkson, A.H. and Fraser, M. 1996. Change and Choice in Accounting Practice: an Exploratory Study of the Accounting Law of 1991. European Accounting Review. 5 (3), pp. 523-543.
Illes, K. 1995. Changes in Hungarian Accounting and Reasons for Choice. European Accounting Conference. Birmingham 20 - 22 Mar 1995
Illes, K. 2000. Changing Management Styles in Central and Eastern Europe: the Case of Hungary. in: Tayeb, M. (ed.) International Business: Theories, Policies and Practices London Financial Times / Prentice Hall. pp. 476-486
Hung, K.P., Chen, A.H. and Peng, N. 2016. Chef Image’s Influence on Tourists’ Dining Experiences. Annals of Tourism Research. 56, pp. 154-158.
Singh, C., Lin, W., Zing, L. and Zhao, Z. 2023. China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Amended to Adapt to its Booming Platform Economy. Company Lawyer. 44 (5), pp. 172-173.
Peng, N., Chen, A.H. and Kwon, K.J. 2016. Chinese football fans’ intentions to visit Europe. Annals of Tourism Research. 61, pp. 234-238.
Illes, K., Platts, J. and Wall, S. 2007. Choices and Responsibilities: A Human Centric Approach to University-Industry Knowledge Transfer. British Academy of Management Conference 2007 (BAM2007). Warwick Business School 11th - 13th September 2007
Edginton, T.L., Iddon, J.L., Loveday, C., Pickard, J. and Morgan, R. 2009. Cognitive and psychological sequelae of hydrocephalus and spina bifida: correlating subjective data and objective neuropsychological data to establish insight and inform clinical intervention and guidelines. Cerebrospinal Fluid Research. 6 (1), p. S7 S7 .
Ludwig, S., Herhausen, D., Grewal, D., Bove, L., Benoit, S., de Ruyter, K. and Urwin, P. 2022. Communication in the Gig Economy: Buying and Selling in Online Freelance Marketplaces. Journal of Marketing. 86 (4), pp. 141-161.
Illes, K. 1999. Comparative Study of Electrolux's Marketing Strategies in Hungary and Britain. in: Contemporary Developments in Marketing Paris ESKA. pp. 247-260
Crisafulli, B., Quamina, L. and Singh, J. 2022. Competence is power: How digital influencers impact buying decisions in B2B markets. Industrial Marketing Management. 104, pp. 384-399.
Christodoulou, I., Haj Youssef, M. and Hussein, H. 2019. Competitiveness and managerial discretion: an empirical investigation at the national-level. Competitiveness Review. 29 (2), pp. 181-203.
Kearney, M. and Stevens, L. 2012. Compulsive Buying: Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research. The Marketing Review. 12 (3), pp. 233-251.
Wong, J.Y., Li, T.H., Peng, N. and Chen, A.H. 2014. Conceptualizing trade show visitors' consumption behavior. International Journal of Tourism Research. 16 (4), pp. 325-328.
Illes, K. 2014. Connectedness and Spirituality: A Christian and Hindu Example of Spiritual Based Entrepreneurship. Convergence 2014 - Ethical Leadership: The Indian Way. Bangalore, India 09-10 Jan 2014