Architecture and Cities

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Kate Cheyne
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Airports in the mobility chain – challenging business models

Conference item

Cook, A.J. 2019. Airports in the mobility chain – challenging business models. ART Workshop on Aviation Economics and Business Models. Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Toulouse, France 16 - 17 Apr 2019 EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre.

Airport economic value – informing business models

Conference item

Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Graham, A. and Cristobal, S. 2019. Airport economic value – informing business models. ART Workshop on Aviation Economics and Business Models. Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Toulouse, France 16 - 17 Apr 2019 EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre.

Modelling the coupling of ATM systems

Conference item

Cook, A.J., Gurtner, G. and Delgado, L. 2019. Modelling the coupling of ATM systems. Airspace Users Workshop. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Brétigny-sur-Orge, France 07 May 2019

Assessing ATM impacts and interactions

Conference item

Gurtner, G., Delgado, L. and Cook, A.J. 2019. Assessing ATM impacts and interactions. SESAR ER project ‘Domino’ workshop. Brussels, Belgium 04 Jun 2019

Behavioural economics – finding a place in ATM

Workshop item

Cook, A.J. 2019. Behavioural economics – finding a place in ATM. Novel and more effective allocation markets in ATM, second workshop. Madrid 12 Nov 2019

SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network (Engage)

Workshop item

Cook, A.J. 2019. SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network (Engage). SESAR Innovation Days. Athens, Greece 02 - 06 Dec 2019

Built Environment Interventions to Increase Active Travel: a Critical Review and Discussion

Journal article

Aldred, R. 2019. Built Environment Interventions to Increase Active Travel: a Critical Review and Discussion. Current Environmental Health Reports . 6, pp. 309-315.

Network-wide assessment of 4D trajectory adjustments using an agent-based model

Conference paper

Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J. and Lillo, F. 2019. Network-wide assessment of 4D trajectory adjustments using an agent-based model . SESAR Innovation Days. Athens, Greece 02 - 06 Dec 2019 SESAR.

D4.1: Gaps, bottlenecks and results: the methodology

Project report

Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J. and CAMERA Consortium 2019. D4.1: Gaps, bottlenecks and results: the methodology. CAMERA Consortium.

CAMERA – Mobility Report 1

Project report

Cook, A.J., Gurtner, G. and CAMERA Consortium 2019. CAMERA – Mobility Report 1. CAMERA Consortium.

It Was a Totally Different Approach to Building! Constructing architectural concrete in 1960s

Book chapter

Wall, C. 2019. It Was a Totally Different Approach to Building! Constructing architectural concrete in 1960s. in: Gosseye, J., Stead, N. and van der Plaat, D. (ed.) Speaking of Buildings: Oral History in Architectural Research Princeton Architectural Press. pp. 50-75

Domino D6.3 - Workshop results summary

Project report

Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2019. Domino D6.3 - Workshop results summary. SESAR.

Domino D2.2 - Database structure

Project report

Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Bolic, T., Bassi, P. and Cook, A.J. 2019. Domino D2.2 - Database structure. SESAR.

Domino D5.2 - Investigative case studies results

Project report

Lillo, F., Mazzarisi, P., Zaoli, S., Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Valput, D., Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2019. Domino D5.2 - Investigative case studies results. SESAR.

Domino D5.1 - Metrics and analysis approach

Project report

Lillo, F., Mazzarisi, P., Zaoli, S., Delgado, L., Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J. and Castelli, L. 2019. Domino D5.1 - Metrics and analysis approach. SESAR.

Unplanned Expansions: Renting Private Homes to Tourists

Book chapter

Inkson, C. 2019. Unplanned Expansions: Renting Private Homes to Tourists. in: Destination London London University of Westminster Press. pp. 37-59

Using Different Approaches to Evaluate Individual Social Equity in Transport

Book chapter

Cao, M., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, S. and Hickman, R. 2019. Using Different Approaches to Evaluate Individual Social Equity in Transport. in: Hickman, R., Mella Lira, B., Givoni, M. and Geurs, K. (ed.) A Companion to Transport, Space and Equity Edward Elgar. pp. 209-228

Airports and ageing passengers: A study of the UK

Journal article

Graham, A., Budd, L., Ison, S. and Timmis, A. 2019. Airports and ageing passengers: A study of the UK. Research in Transportation Business & Management. 30, p. 100380 100380.

Enhanced Demand and Capacity Balancing based on Alternative Trajectory Options and Traffic Volume Hotspot Detection

Conference paper

Melgosa, M., Prats, X., Xu, Y. and Delgado, L. 2019. Enhanced Demand and Capacity Balancing based on Alternative Trajectory Options and Traffic Volume Hotspot Detection. 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. San Diego, California 08 - 12 Sep 2019 IEEE .

Train tweets: Engaging and supporting customers through Twitter

Conference paper

Howard, J. 2019. Train tweets: Engaging and supporting customers through Twitter. 47th European Transport Conference. Dublin 08 - 11 Oct 2019

Engaging students to engage

Journal article

Novy, J. 2019. Engaging students to engage. Territorio. 88, pp. 72-75.

Understanding travel and differential capabilities and functionings in Beijing

Journal article

Cao, M. and Hickman, R. 2019. Understanding travel and differential capabilities and functionings in Beijing. Transport Policy. 83, pp. 46-56.

Banning diesel vehicles in London: Is 2040 too Late?

Journal article

Shammut, M., Cao, M., Zhang, Y., Papaix, C., Liu, Y. and Gao, X. 2019. Banning diesel vehicles in London: Is 2040 too Late? Energies. 12 (18) 3495.

Women slowly taking off: An investigation on female underrepresentation in commercial aviation

Journal article

Ferla, M. and Graham, A. 2019. Women slowly taking off: An investigation on female underrepresentation in commercial aviation . Research in Transportation Business & Management. 31, p. 100378 100378.

Taming Vertigo: Philippe Petit and the Subject of High-Wire Walking

Book chapter

Deriu, D. 2019. Taming Vertigo: Philippe Petit and the Subject of High-Wire Walking. in: Dizziness – A Resource Berlin Sternberg Press. pp. 118-136

Rethinking Temporary Use Coordinators for the Regeneration of Underused Urban Spaces in Seoul

Journal article

Kim, K. 2019. Rethinking Temporary Use Coordinators for the Regeneration of Underused Urban Spaces in Seoul. Journal of Regional and City Planning. 30 (1), pp. 1-12 1.

Airport Management: a perspective article

Journal article

Graham, A. 2019. Airport Management: a perspective article. Tourism Review. 75 (1), pp. 102-108.

Transport Economics Matters: Applying Economic Principles to Transportation in Great Britain


Spurling, D., Spurling, J. and Cao, M. 2019. Transport Economics Matters: Applying Economic Principles to Transportation in Great Britain. Boca Raton Brown Walker Press.

Urban transport and social inequities in neighbourhoods near underground stations in Greater London

Journal article

Cao, M. and Hickman, R. 2019. Urban transport and social inequities in neighbourhoods near underground stations in Greater London. Transportation Planning and Technology . 42 (5), pp. 419-441.

The association between urban public transport infrastructure and social equity and spatial accessibility within the urban environment: An investigation of Tramlink in London

Journal article

Cuthill, N., Cao, M., Liu, Y., Gao, X. and Zhang, Y. 2019. The association between urban public transport infrastructure and social equity and spatial accessibility within the urban environment: An investigation of Tramlink in London. Sustainability. 11 (5) 1229.

Public transport accessibility and housing value uplift: Evidence from the Docklands light railway in London

Journal article

Song, Z., Cao, M., Han, T. and Hickman, R. 2019. Public transport accessibility and housing value uplift: Evidence from the Docklands light railway in London. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 7 (3), pp. 607-616.

Co-responsibility and the multiplicities of co-

Conference paper

Udall, J., Vardy, S., Vodicka, G. and McCloskey, P. 2019. Co-responsibility and the multiplicities of co-. (Im)possible Complicities. Berlin, Germany 23 - 24 May 2019

Constituent relations across the city: Three perspectives from practice

Conference paper

Vodicka, G., Udall, J., Vardy, S. and Mccloskey, P. 2019. Constituent relations across the city: Three perspectives from practice. (Im)possible Complicities. Berlin, Germany 23 - 24 May 2019

"Malhar." Theorizing the Contemporary

Edited issue

Bhat, Harshavardhan 2019. "Malhar." Theorizing the Contemporary. Fieldsights. June 27.

Reading Dingo Stories

Book review

Bhat, Harshavardhan 2019. Reading Dingo Stories. Anthroposphere: the Oxford Climate Review. 4.

Implementing transit oriented development in Greater London

Book chapter

Papa, E. 2019. Implementing transit oriented development in Greater London . in: Knowles, R.D. and Ferbrache, F. (ed.) Transit Oriented Development and Sustainable Cities Economics, Community and Methods Edward Elgar. pp. 186-197

Bottlenecks Blocking Use of Accessibility Instuments: Exploring Usability, Usefullness and Institutional Barriers

Book chapter

te Brömmelstroet, M., Silva, C., Milakis, D. and Papa, E. 2019. Bottlenecks Blocking Use of Accessibility Instuments: Exploring Usability, Usefullness and Institutional Barriers. in: Silva, C., Bertolini, L. and Pinto, N. (ed.) Designing accessibility instruments Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

The Learning Process of Accessibility Instrument Developers

Book chapter

Papa, E. and Coppola, P. 2019. The Learning Process of Accessibility Instrument Developers. in: Silva, C., Bertolini, L. and Pinto, N. (ed.) Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on Their Usability for Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning Practices Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

Accessibility: Operationalizing a Concept with Revelance for Planners

Book chapter

Bertolini, L., Hull, A., Papa, E., Silva, C. and Ruiz, R.A. 2019. Accessibility: Operationalizing a Concept with Revelance for Planners. in: Silva, C., Bertolini, L. and Pinto, N. (ed.) Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on Their Usability for Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning Practices Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

Aerotropolis: London's Airports as Experiences and Destinations

Book chapter

Graham, A. 2019. Aerotropolis: London's Airports as Experiences and Destinations. in: Smith, A. and Graham, A. (ed.) Destination London: The Expansion of the Visitor Economy London University of Westminster Press. pp. 61-90

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Achille, Wilfred

Visiting Lecturer

Ajeeb, Dimah

Senior Lecturer

Allen, Julian

Senior Research Fellow

Ayuso, Alessandro

Senior Lecturer

Batty, Scott

Senior Lecturer

Bauer, Susanne

Senior Lecturer

Blyth, Alastair

Assistant Head of School

Boccaletti, Stefania

Senior Lecturer

Bolic, Tatjana

Senior Research Fellow

Bottazzi, Roberto

Senior Lecturer

Boulanger, Anthony

Senior Lecturer

Cascone, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Chan, Tommy

Research Associate

Charrington, Harry

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cheyne, Kate

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cioboata, Sabina

Research Associate

Coleman, Jim


Cook, Andrew


Cullen, Beth


Decermic, Dusan

Senior Lecturer

Delgado, Luis

Principal Research Fellow

Dennis, Nigel

Senior Research Fellow

Deriu, Davide


Difford, Richard

Principal Lecturer

Ellston, Liz


Farrell, Helen

Assistant Head of School

Fevyer, David

Research Associate

Furlong, Jamie

Research Fellow

Gatoo, Ana


Girardin, Francois

Senior Lecturer

Golzari, Nasser

Senior Lecturer

Guibert, Eric

Senior Lecturer

Gurtner, Gerald

Senior Research Fellow

Hanford, Lindsey

Senior Lecturer

Hui, Sam Sam


Inkson, Clare

Senior Lecturer

Jovic, Maja

Assistant Head of School

Kalra, Ripin

Senior Research Fellow

Kramer, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Kremarik, Frances

Senior Lecturer

Kypraiou, Diony

Senior Lecturer

Lau, Constance

Senior Lecturer

Littlefield, David

Senior Lecturer

Martin, Andrei

Senior Lecturer

Mathewson, David

Senior Lecturer

Mclean, William

Principal Lecturer

Mills, Tabatha

Senior Lecturer

Morgan, Sadie


Mukhia, Richa

Senior Lecturer

Musikavanhu, Rutendo

Senior Lecturer

Navarro, Luz


Newey, Natalie

Senior Lecturer

Novy, Johannes

Senior Lecturer

O'Shea, John

Senior Lecturer

Odeke, Alice


Orefice, Chiara

Senior Lecturer

Papa, Enrica


Piotrowska, Marzena

Senior Lecturer

Pollock, Ben


Sharif, Yara

Senior Lecturer

Shortland, Faye

Research Associate

Silver, Peter

Senior Lecturer

Somers, John

Senior Lecturer

Soolaki, Majid

Research Fellow

Spankie, Ro

Assistant Head of School

Stringer, Ben

Senior Lecturer

Tankard, Jane

Senior Lecturer

Tanner, Graham

Senior Research Fellow

Thwaites, Adam

Senior Lecturer

Verlinghieri, Ersilia

Senior Research Fellow

Watson, Victoria

Senior Lecturer

Weiszer, Michal

Research Fellow

White, Peter

Emeritus Professor

Wilkinson, Camilla

Senior Lecturer

Williams, Julian

Principal Lecturer

Yau, Andrew

Senior Lecturer

Zaide, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Zareian, Elham

Research Fellow

Zhang, John
