College | Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Head | Dr Lucy Bond |
Tiddeman, M. 2020. More sugar and spice: Revisiting medieval Italian influence on the mercantile lexis of England. in: Wright, L. (ed.) The Multilingual Origins of Standard English de Gruyter Mouton. pp. 381-410
Shaw, S. 2020. Gender and Political Speech. in: Ross, K., Bachmann, I., Cardo, V., Moorti. S. and Sujata Moorti, C.M. (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication London Wiley-Blackwell.
Breen, P. 2020. Situating observations as part of a teaching portfolio. Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching at the University of Greenwich. 13 (1).
Avery, S. 2020. Review: The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry. Victorian Review. 46 (2), pp. 297-298.
Bakhtiar, S. 2020. Education and the Economy of Attention in Times of (Post-) Pandemic. European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research. 7 (2), pp. 1-14.
Kendall, P. 2020. Ruins on Ruins: Forgetting, Commemorating and Re-Forgetting the Third Front.
Karatsareas, P. and Charalambidou, A. 2020. Exploring linguistic hybridity and lexical creativity in the UK’s Greek Cypriot diaspora: the Grenglish project. Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes. 50, p. 431–456.
Coy-dibley, I. 2020. New Orientations: Touch in Women's Experimental Writing. PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities
Warwick, A. 2020. Nineteenth-century gothic architectural aesthetics: A. W. N. Pugin, John Ruskin and William Morris . in: Townshend, D. and Wright, A. (ed.) The Cambridge History of the Gothic: Vol 2. Gothic in the Nineteenth Century Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press. pp. 118-139
Dominici, S. 2020. The Postal Service, Circulating Portfolios and the Cultural Production of Modern Networked Identities. History of Photography. 44 (2-3), pp. 111-127.
Bakhtiar, S. 2020. Le « droit de citer »: retour sur la question de la citoyenneté des sans-papiers. IRFAM.
Thorniley, T. 2020. ‘The Bridge’: How The Penguin New Writing (1940-1950) shaped twentieth-century responses to China. PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities
Sylvester, L.M., Tiddeman, M. and Ingham, R. 2020. An analysis of French borrowings at the hypernymic and hyponymic levels of Middle English. Lexis: Journal of English Lexicology. 16.
Baker, J.H. 2020. The Influence of Robert Southey’s “The Origin of the Rose” on Robert Browning’s “The Heretic’s Tragedy”. University of Westminster.
Alfer, A. 2020. Book Review: Malmkjær, K., Şerban, A., & Louwagie, F. (Eds.). (2018). Key cultural texts in translation. John Benjamins. 320 pp. Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series – Themes in Translation Studies (LANS-TTS). 19, pp. 267-272.
Gimenez, J. 2020. Building Bridges: Experiencing mediation in English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP). The AKS journal, Fremdsprachen und Hochschule (FuH). 96.
Blanco-Hermida, M. and Úbeda Mansilla, P. 2020. An Action Research Project: Students’ Responses to and Perceptions of Training to Develop Effective Vocabulary Learning Strategies. PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning. 4 (2), pp. 369-389.
Lamb, T. 2020. Supplementary schools as spaces of hope for a more inclusive world: Challenging exclusion and social injustice in multilingual London. Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching. 11 (2), pp. 99-127.
Kwan, D. 2020. The Talking of Objects: Migratory Experiences and Subjectivities of British Chinese Women in Contemporary Britain. PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities
Taylor, E. 2020. The Problem of Hope: Orwell’s Workers. in: Waddell, N. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Nineteen Eighty-Four Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 155-167
Catterall, Pippa 2020. On Visibility. Royal Historical Society.
Andrews, F., Catterall, Pippa, Evans, I., Finn, M., Foxhall, K., Green, A., Harris, O.A., Pendleton, A., Gust, O. and Spicer, A. 2020. LGBT+ Histories and Historians. London Royal Historical Society.
Catterall, Pippa, Mirkasimov, B. and Becke, Charles M. 2020. Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development – Prospectus and Purpose. Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development. 2 (1), pp. 62-65.
Kasstan, J. 2020. Modelling stylistic variation in threatened and under-documented languages. Language Ecology. 4 (1), pp. 73-94.
Wright, A. 2020. Some Reflections on the Practice of Research. The International Journal of Creative Media Research. 4.
Booth, A. 2020. Manx English: a phonological investigation into levelling and diffusion from across the water. PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities
Ng, H. 2020. K. Rajagopal on making films for and on the ethnic minority in Singapore. Asian Cinema. 31 (1), pp. 139-142.
Ng, H. 2020. Boo Junfeng on funding, festivals and Chinese privilege. Asian Cinema. 31 (1), pp. 131-137.
Gimenez, J. 2020. Edulingualism: linguistic repertoires, academic tasks and student agency in an English-dominant university. International Journal of Multilingualism. 20 (2), pp. 656-671.
Bywood, L. 2020. Lindsay Bywood interviews Carol Robertson on her experience of the early days of subtitling at the BBC. JoSTrans - The Journal of Specialised Translation. 34.
Bywood, L. 2020. Book review: Sanderson, John D. and Carla Botella-Tejera (eds) (2018) Focusing on Audiovisual Translation Research. JoSTrans - The Journal of Specialised Translation. 34.
Bywood, L. 2020. Technology and Audiovisual Translation. in: Bogucki, Łukasz and Deckert, Mikołaj (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 503-517
Glew, H. 2020. In a minority in male spaces: the networks, relationships and collaborations between women MPs and women civil servants, 1919-1955. Open Library of Humanities. 6 (2), p. 15.
Linn, A., Bezborodova, A. and Radjabzade, S. 2020. Tolerance and Control. Developing a language policy for an EMI university in Uzbekistan. Sociolinguistica. 34 (1), p. 217–237.
Reynolds, R. 2020. Aunthood and Narrative Voice: Virginia Woolf’s Materteral Form. PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities
Catterall, Pippa 2020. Religion and the Rise of Mass Democracy in Britain. Contemporary British History. 34 (4), pp. 510-528.