College | Westminster Business School |
Head | Dr Randhir Auluck |
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Shortland, S. 2007. Off-shoring: a cultural dilemma? Relocate. Spring 2007, pp. 14-16.
Shortland, S. 2007. The new face of the trailing spouse. Relocate. Summer 2007, pp. 24-25.
Shortland, S. 2007. International reward and recognition: recent research findings. Relocate. Summer 2007, pp. 22-23.
Shortland, S. 2007. Role models, mentors, sponsors and networks: facilitators of international adjustment. Relocate. Autumn 2007, pp. 14-15.
Shortland, S. 2007. Inspirational relocation! Relocate. Autumn 2007, pp. 22-23.
Shortland, S. 2007. Culture: a question of difference, dilemma or diversity? Relocate. Autumn 2007, pp. 14-15.
Shortland, S. 2007. Managing international assignments: ensuring a smoother ride. Relocate. Autumn 2007, pp. 24-25.
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Shortland, S. 2007. Participation, justice and trust within developmental peer observation of teaching: a model and research agenda. International Journal of Management Education. 6 (1), pp. 27-37.
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