Organisations, Economy and Society

CollegeWestminster Business School
HeadDr Randhir Auluck
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Embedding Mindfulness Practice Within a Higher Education Organisation: a Living Theory Influenced Approach

PhD thesis

Nowlan, Jennifer 2022. Embedding Mindfulness Practice Within a Higher Education Organisation: a Living Theory Influenced Approach. PhD thesis University of Westminster Organisations, Economy and Society

Selective Schooling and Returns to Education

Book chapter

Gorman, E. 2022. Selective Schooling and Returns to Education. in: Zimmermann, K.F. (ed.) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics Springer.

The changing role of the global mobility function

Journal article

Shortland, S. 2022. The changing role of the global mobility function. Relocate Extra. Autumn.

Striking the Golden Mean: Organisational Identity and Innovation in the German Games Industry

Conference paper

Fragkandreas, T. and Storz, C. 2022. Striking the Golden Mean: Organisational Identity and Innovation in the German Games Industry. 34th SASE Annual conference 2022 (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics). Amsterdam, Netherlands 09 - 11 Jul 2022

Three Decades of Research on Innovation and Inequality

Conference item

Fragkandreas, T. 2022. Three Decades of Research on Innovation and Inequality. AHE Conference 2022 - Association for Heterodox Economics. SOAS, London, UK 06 - 08 Jul 2022

A Handbook to Support the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Factory Women Migrant Workers


Miles, L., Endut, N., Freeman, T., Ying, K., Lai, W.T. and Mat Yasin, S. 2022. A Handbook to Support the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Factory Women Migrant Workers. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Unit for Research on Women and Gender.

Three decades of research on innovation and inequality: Causal scenarios, explanatory factors and suggestions

Journal article

Fragkandreas, T. 2022. Three decades of research on innovation and inequality: Causal scenarios, explanatory factors and suggestions. Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation. 38 (2), pp. 147-193.

Climate change – reviewing global mobility policy initiatives

Journal article

Shortland, S. 2022. Climate change – reviewing global mobility policy initiatives. Relocate Extra. Autumn 2022.

Vocational education and training for a greener construction sector: low road or high road approaches to apprenticeships?

Book chapter

Clarke, L., Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Winch, C. 2022. Vocational education and training for a greener construction sector: low road or high road approaches to apprenticeships? in: Apprenticeships for green economies and societies Luxembourg Publications Office of the European Union. pp. 87-96

Organisation Development, HR and Global Mobility – working together for future success

Journal article

Shortland, S. 2022. Organisation Development, HR and Global Mobility – working together for future success. Relocate Extra.

The social construction of executive pay: governance processes and institutional isomorphism

Journal article

Perkins, S.J. and Shortland, S. 2022. The social construction of executive pay: governance processes and institutional isomorphism. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. 9 (4), pp. 610-636.

Climate Cop-up, Cop-out & Hycoprisy

Journal article

Clarke, R. 2022. Climate Cop-up, Cop-out & Hycoprisy. Theory and Struggle. 123 (1), pp. 34-45.

Asymmetries in risk premia, macroeconomic uncertainty and business cycles

Journal article

Yeromonahos, M. and Görtz, C. 2022. Asymmetries in risk premia, macroeconomic uncertainty and business cycles. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 137 104330.

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship: The Enabling Role of Social Capital Among Female Entrepreneurs

Journal article

Babajide, A.A., Obembe, D., Solomon, H. and Woldesenbet, K. 2022. Microfinance and Entrepreneurship: The Enabling Role of Social Capital Among Female Entrepreneurs. International Journal of Social Economics. 49 (8), pp. 1152-1171.

What is 'useful' knowledge?

Journal article

Clarke, R. 2022. What is 'useful' knowledge? Post-16 Educator. (107), pp. 22-23.

What do we know about diversity, intersectionality and inclusion in organisationally-assigned expatriation? A review of relocation management company/consultancy practitioner research

Journal article

Shortland, S. and Perkins, S.J. 2022. What do we know about diversity, intersectionality and inclusion in organisationally-assigned expatriation? A review of relocation management company/consultancy practitioner research. Career Development International. 27 (2), pp. 274-297.

Partner employment access – the triple win

Journal article

Shortland, S. 2022. Partner employment access – the triple win. Relocate Extra. January.

Working from anywhere – the hidden implications of cross-border and remote working

Journal article

Shortland, S. 2022. Working from anywhere – the hidden implications of cross-border and remote working. Relocate Extra. January (18 January).

A Demonstration Study of the Quiet Time Transcendental Meditation Program

Journal article

Oppedisano, V., Conti, G., Doyle, O. and Fearon, P. 2022. A Demonstration Study of the Quiet Time Transcendental Meditation Program. Frontiers in Psychology. 12 765158.

Women and Minority Expatriates

Book chapter

Shortland, S. and Perkins, S.J. 2022. Women and Minority Expatriates. in: Denisi, A. and Toh, S.M. (ed.) Expatriates and Managing Global Mobility Philadelphia, PA Routledge.

The Effect of Embedding Formative Assessment on Pupil Attainment

Journal article

Anders, J., Foliano, F., Bursnall, M., Dorsett, R., Hudson, N., Runge, J. and Speckesser, S. 2022. The Effect of Embedding Formative Assessment on Pupil Attainment. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. 15 (4), pp. 748-779.

Polynomial adjusted Student-t densities for modeling asset returns

Journal article

León, Á. and Ñíguez, T.M. 2022. Polynomial adjusted Student-t densities for modeling asset returns. The European Journal of Finance. 28 (9), pp. 907-929.

Communication in the Gig Economy: Buying and Selling in Online Freelance Marketplaces

Journal article

Ludwig, S., Herhausen, D., Grewal, D., Bove, L., Benoit, S., de Ruyter, K. and Urwin, P. 2022. Communication in the Gig Economy: Buying and Selling in Online Freelance Marketplaces. Journal of Marketing. 86 (4), pp. 141-161.

The Role of Universities in the Development of the Local Knowledge Base: Supporting Innovation Ecosystems through Skills Development and Entrepreneurship

Journal article

Rosli, A. and Cacciolatti, L. 2022. The Role of Universities in the Development of the Local Knowledge Base: Supporting Innovation Ecosystems through Skills Development and Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management. 12 (1), pp. 64-87.

Collective Knowledge and Social Innovation in Communities of Practice: The Case of the Slow Food Movement in Italy

Book chapter

Cacciolatti, L. and Lee, S.H. 2022. Collective Knowledge and Social Innovation in Communities of Practice: The Case of the Slow Food Movement in Italy. in: Chen, J. and Nonaka, I. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Knowledge Management London Routledge.

Empowerment as a pre-requisite to managing and influencing health in the workplace: The sexual and reproductive health needs of factory women migrant workers in Malaysia

Journal article

Miles, L., Freeman, T., Lai WT., Mat Yasin, S. and Ying, K. 2022. Empowerment as a pre-requisite to managing and influencing health in the workplace: The sexual and reproductive health needs of factory women migrant workers in Malaysia. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 43 (4), pp. 1676-1698.

Pre-apprenticeship training for young people: Estimating the marginal and average treatment effects

Journal article

Dorsett, R. and Stokes, L. 2022. Pre-apprenticeship training for young people: Estimating the marginal and average treatment effects. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society). 185 (1), pp. 37-60.

Changes in the study abroad gender gap: A European cross-country analysis

Journal article

Di Pietro, G. 2022. Changes in the study abroad gender gap: A European cross-country analysis. Higher Education Quarterly. 76 (2), pp. 436-459.

Exploring Entrepreneurship Education Effectiveness at British Universities – An Application of the World Café Method

Journal article

Decker-Lange, C., Lange, K., Dhaliwal, S. and Walmsley, A. 2022. Exploring Entrepreneurship Education Effectiveness at British Universities – An Application of the World Café Method. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. 5 (1), pp. 113-136.

Attaining organisational agility through competitive intelligence: the roles of strategic flexibility and organisational innovation

Journal article

Atkinson, P., Hizaji, M., Nazarian, A. and Abasi, A. 2022. Attaining organisational agility through competitive intelligence: the roles of strategic flexibility and organisational innovation. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 33 (3-4), pp. 297-317.

Does an International Academic Environment Promote Study Abroad?

Journal article

Di Pietro, G. 2022. Does an International Academic Environment Promote Study Abroad? Journal of Studies in International Education. 26 (1), pp. 3-20.

A closer look into the global determinants of oil price volatility

Journal article

Filippidis, M., Chatziantoniou, I., Filis, G. and Gabauer, D. 2021. A closer look into the global determinants of oil price volatility. Energy Economics. 95.

Energy poverty through the lens of the Energy-Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis

Journal article

Filippidis, M., Chatziantoniou, I and Tzouvanas, P. 2021. Energy poverty through the lens of the Energy-Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. Energy Economics. 100.

Scarlett H.. Neuroscience for organizational change: An evidence‐based practical guide to managing change. London: Kogan Page, 2019, 288 pages, $39.95 paperback

Book review

Lister, Julie 2021. Scarlett H.. Neuroscience for organizational change: An evidence‐based practical guide to managing change. London: Kogan Page, 2019, 288 pages, $39.95 paperback. Personnel Psychology. 74 (1), pp. 199-201.

Refining vertical productivity spillovers from FDI: Evidence from 32 economies

Journal article

Mei, J. 2021. Refining vertical productivity spillovers from FDI: Evidence from 32 economies. International Review of Economics and Finance. 74, pp. 176-191.

From subsistence farming to agribusiness and nonfarm entrepreneurship: Does it improve economic conditions and well-being?

Journal article

Saridakis, G., Georgellis, Y., Muñoz Torres, R.I., Mohammed, A-M. and Blackburn, R. 2021. From subsistence farming to agribusiness and nonfarm entrepreneurship: Does it improve economic conditions and well-being? Journal of Business Research. 136, pp. 567-579.

Marxism in Comparative and International Education

Book chapter

Shields, R. and Kameshwara, K. 2021. Marxism in Comparative and International Education. in: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theory in Comparative and International Education Bloomsbury. pp. 53-67

The double pendulum

Journal article

Shields, R., Swati Banerjee, S., Shajahan, P.K., Singh, G.B., Bista, M.B., Krishna, G., Paudel, M., Singh, A., Sandoval-Hernández, A., Carney, S., Kameshwara, K. and Dhanda, K.R. 2021. The double pendulum. International Journal of Educational Development. 84 102438.

Survey Data on the Impact of COVID-19 on Parental Engagement Across 23 Countries


Eliana Maria Osorio Saez, Nurullah Eryilmaz, Andrés Sandoval-Hernández, Yui-yip Lau, Elma Barahona, Adil Anwar Bhatti, Godfried Caesar Ofoe, Leví Astul Castro Ordóñez, Artemio Arturo Cortez Ochoa, Rafael Ángel Espinoza Pizarro, Esther Fonseca Aguilar, Maria Magdalena Isac, K.V. Dhanapala, Kameshwara, K., Ysrael Alberto Martínez Contreras, Geberew Tulu Mekonnen, José Fernando Mejía, Catalina Miranda, Shehe Abdalla Moh'd, Ricardo Morales Ulloa, Kayon Morgan, T Lee Morgan, Sara Mori, Forti Ebenezah Nde, Silvia Panzavolta, Lluís Parcerisa, Carla Leticia Paz, Oscar Picardo, Carolina Piñeros, Pablo Rivera-Vargas, Alessia Rosa, Lina Maria Saldarriaga, Adrián Silveira Aberastury, YM Tang, Kyoko Taniguchi, Ernesto Treviño, Carolina Valladares Celis, Cristóbal Villalobos, Dan Zhao and Allison Zionts 2021. Survey Data on the Impact of COVID-19 on Parental Engagement Across 23 Countries. Data in Brief. 35 106813.

The Research Schools Programme in Opportunity Areas: Investigating the Impact of Research Schools in Promoting Better Outcomes in Schools


Gu, Q., Seymour, K., Rea, S., Knight, R., Ahn, M., Sammons, P., Kameshwara, K. and Hodgen, J. 2021. The Research Schools Programme in Opportunity Areas: Investigating the Impact of Research Schools in Promoting Better Outcomes in Schools. The Education Endowment Foundation.

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Arif, Gazi


Auluck, Randhir

Head of School - Org. Econ. & Soc.

Bakry, Walaa-Eldeen

Principal Lecturer

Bolam, Caroline

Assistant Head of School

Bowyer, Alex

Research Fellow

Buchmueller, Gerda

Research Fellow

Cao, Yihui


Cardoso, Catarina

Senior Lecturer

Clarke, Linda


D'Costa, Sabine

Senior Lecturer

De Kock, Dawn

Senior Lecturer

Dias, Shehan

Senior Lecturer

Duran-Palma, Fernando

Senior Lecturer

Gorman, Emma

Principal Research Fellow

Hadjivarnava, Vasoula

Senior Lecturer

Hiew, Ailu

Senior Lecturer

Hussain, Supin

Senior Lecturer

Kameshwara, Kalyan

Research Fellow

Kausar, Rukhsana

Senior Lecturer

Kearney, Paul

Senior Lecturer

Ketkar, Sumita

Principal Lecturer

Kofkin, Darrell

Senior Lecturer

Li, Jane


Madhavan, Shobhana

Emeritus Professor

Mansi, Angela

Senior Lecturer

Masino, Serena

Senior Lecturer

Mathews, Martin

Senior Lecturer

Mereish, Suhair

Senior Lecturer

Michielsens, Elisabeth

Principal Lecturer

Miles, Lilian


Mujan, Aida


Munoz-Torres, Rebeca

Senior Lecturer

Parker, Daniela

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Christine

Principal Lecturer

Qaseem, Naveeda

Senior Lecturer

Razzaq, Sobia

Senior Lecturer

Richardson, Simon

Senior Lecturer

Rodriguez, Anne-Line

Research Fellow

Saundry, Frankie

Research Associate

Shen, Shujie

Senior Lecturer

Sholarin, Olasunkanmi

Principal Lecturer

Snijders, Sylvia

Senior Lecturer

Specht, Doug

Head of School - West. Sch Media Comms

Srinivasan, Sangeetha

Senior Lecturer

Thapar, Ann

Principal Lecturer

Urwin, Peter


Wang, Rebecca (Yi)

Assistant Head of School

Wilkowska, Iwona

Senior Lecturer

Wu, Yupei


Yang, Shubin


Zhang, Min

Research Fellow