Architecture and Cities

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadMs Kate Cheyne
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Moscow Vertigo

Conference paper

Deriu, D. 2016. Moscow Vertigo. Alcolea, R.A. and Mingo, J.T. (ed.) inter- photography and architecture. Pamplona, Spain 02 - 04 Nov 2016 Universidad de Navarra, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Managing frame diversity in environmental participatory processes: Example from Fogera woreda, Ethiopia


Hassenforder, E., Brugnach, M., Cullen, B., Ferrand, N., Barreteau, O., Daniell, K. and Pittock, J. 2016. Managing frame diversity in environmental participatory processes: Example from Fogera woreda, Ethiopia. Journal of Environmental Management. 177, pp. 288 - 297.

From Body Agents to Agent Bodies: Drawing Posthuman Embodiment from the Inside Out

Book chapter

Ayuso, A. 2016. From Body Agents to Agent Bodies: Drawing Posthuman Embodiment from the Inside Out. in: Allen, Laura and Pearson, Luke Caspar (ed.) Drawing Futures: Speculations in Contemporary Drawing for Art and Architecture London UCL Press. pp. 110-113

Where Mega meets Modest: community events and the making of Canadian national identity

Book chapter

Laws, C. and Ferguson, R. 2016. Where Mega meets Modest: community events and the making of Canadian national identity. in: Frew, E. and White, L. (ed.) Tourism and National Identity: an international perspective Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 121-135

Pagan Tourism and the Management of Ancient Sites in Cornwall

Book chapter

Laws, C. 2016. Pagan Tourism and the Management of Ancient Sites in Cornwall. in: White, L. and Frew, E. (ed.) Dark Tourism and Place Identity: managing and interpreting dark places Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 97-114

Reassessing the Numerous Proposed and Existing U-values for Lebanon

Conference paper

Saleh, P. 2016. Reassessing the Numerous Proposed and Existing U-values for Lebanon. Second International Conference on Efficient Building Design: Materials and HVAC Equipment Technologies. Beirut, Lebanon 22 - 23 Sep 2016

BESTFACT Best Practice Handbook 3


Permala, A., Eckhardt, J., Laparidou, K., Mortimer, P.N., Tumasz, M.R., Hanžič, K., Castay, V., Herrero Tomás, D., Frindik, R., Milotti, A., Sakalys, A., Jarzemskis, A., Greičiūnė, L., Huschebeck, M., Lenz, P., Barrera, G., Jorna, R., Rizet, C., Schrampf, J., Boschian, V. and Wolters, P. Ruesch, M., Bohne, S. and Leonardi, J. (ed.) 2016. BESTFACT Best Practice Handbook 3. Online.

Towards a common measure of greenhouse gas related logistics activity using data envelopment analysis

Journal article

Holden, R., Xu, B., Greening, P., Piecyk, M. and Dadhich, P. 2016. Towards a common measure of greenhouse gas related logistics activity using data envelopment analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 91, pp. 105-119.

The Artek Manifesto in Practice - Baker House Senior Dormitory; Säynätsalo Town Hall; Rautatalo; National Pensions Institute; Hansaviertel Apartment Block, Interbau

Book chapter

Charrington, H. 2016. The Artek Manifesto in Practice - Baker House Senior Dormitory; Säynätsalo Town Hall; Rautatalo; National Pensions Institute; Hansaviertel Apartment Block, Interbau. in: Stritzler-Levine, N. (ed.) Artek and the Aaltos New Haven Yale University Press. pp. 364–373; 374–379; 380–385; 386–395; 446–453

Artek and the Aalto Atelier in Postwar Finland

Book chapter

Charrington, H. 2016. Artek and the Aalto Atelier in Postwar Finland. in: Stritzler-Levine, N. (ed.) Artek and the Aaltos New Haven Yale University Press. pp. 573-604

Retailing Aalto in London

Book chapter

Charrington, H. 2016. Retailing Aalto in London. in: Stritzler-Levine, N. (ed.) Artek and the Aaltos New Haven Yale University Press. pp. 101-142

21st Century Trucking: A Trajectory for Ergonomics and Road Freight

Journal article

Bedinger, M., Walker, G., Piecyk, M. and Greening, P. 2016. 21st Century Trucking: A Trajectory for Ergonomics and Road Freight. Applied Ergonomics. 53 (Part B), pp. 343-356.

Enabling Sustainable Economies in Marginal Areas: the Problem of Measuring Culture and Creativity

Conference keynote

Verdini, G. 2016. Enabling Sustainable Economies in Marginal Areas: the Problem of Measuring Culture and Creativity. Second UNESCO Creative Cities Beijing Summit. Beijing 06 - 08 Jun 2016

DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile

Project report

Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2016. DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D3.1 - Current Passenger Demand Profile

Project report

Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2016. DATASET2050 D3.1 - Current Passenger Demand Profile. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D2.2 - Data-driven Model

Project report

Cristobal, S., Ureta, H., Perez, D., Paul, A., Gurtner, G. and Cook, A.J. 2016. DATASET2050 D2.2 - Data-driven Model. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data Requirements and Acquisition

Project report

Cook, A.J. and Tanner, G. 2016. DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data Requirements and Acquisition. Innaxis.

DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile

Project report

Hullah, P., Kirby, S., Ureta, H., Cook, A.J., Tanner, G., Graham, A., Rothfeld, R. and Paul, A. 2016. DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile.

Complexity challenges in ATM

Discussion paper

Lopez, P., Cook, A.J. and Rivas, D. 2016. Complexity challenges in ATM. Madrid ComplexWorld Consortium.

Assessing European mobility

Conference paper

Cook, A.J. and Perez, D. 2016. Assessing European mobility. ACARE Implementation & Review Group. European Commission, Brussels 13 Dec 2016

The cost of delay

Conference paper

Cook, A.J. 2016. The cost of delay. EUROCONTROL Agency Research Team. Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Toulouse 24 Mar 2016

The challenge of ATM performance measurement

Conference paper

Cook, A.J. 2016. The challenge of ATM performance measurement. Global Workshop on Aviation System Performance. Tianjin, China 21 - 23 Jul 2016

Network modelling – performance, metrics, challenges

Conference paper

Cook, A.J. 2016. Network modelling – performance, metrics, challenges. Symposium on Complexity Science in Air Transportation. Beihang University, Beijng 10 - 12 Apr 2016

SATURN D6.5 - Final Report

Project report

Babić, O., Bolić, T., Castelli, L., Cook, A.J., Corolli, L., Costanzo, S., Jovanović, R., Marcotte, E., Rigonat, D., Tanner, G., Tošić, V. and Živanović, M. 2016. SATURN D6.5 - Final Report.

UDPP Credits concept description – White Paper

Confidential report

Cook, A.J., Ruiz, S., Bujor, A. and Castelli, L. 2016. UDPP Credits concept description – White Paper.

Study on the Modelling of Airport Economic Value

Project report

Gurtner, G., Cook, A.J., Graham, A. and Cristobal, S. 2016. Study on the Modelling of Airport Economic Value. Eurocontrol.

DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future supply profile

Technical report

Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Gurtner, G., Graham, A., Delgado, L., Cristobal, S., Ureta, H., Paul, A., Kluge, U., Mennig, P. and Hullah, P. 2016. DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future supply profile.

DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data requirements and acquisition

Technical report

Tanner, G., Cook, A.J., Delgado, L., Graham, A., Cristobal, S., Ureta, H. and Paul, A. 2016. DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data requirements and acquisition.

MUAC Stakeholder Survey - MCG briefing

Confidential report

Cook, A.J. 2016. MUAC Stakeholder Survey - MCG briefing.

‘Revisiting Sigmund Freud’s Diagrams of the Mind’

Conference paper

Spankie, R. 2016. ‘Revisiting Sigmund Freud’s Diagrams of the Mind’ . Diagrammatic: Beyond Inscription?. CRASSH Centre For Research In The Arts, Social Sciences And Humanities), University of Cambridge, 02 - 03 Dec 2016

Supervising Creative Practice PhDs/ Supervisor&Candidate Toolkit

Online educational resource

Rattenbury, K. and Stamm, M. 2016. Supervising Creative Practice PhDs/ Supervisor&Candidate Toolkit.

‘Through Trade Unionism you felt a belonging – you belonged’: Collectivism and the Self-Representation of Building Workers in Stevenage New Town

Journal article

McGuire, C., Clarke L. and Wall, C. 2016. ‘Through Trade Unionism you felt a belonging – you belonged’: Collectivism and the Self-Representation of Building Workers in Stevenage New Town. Labour History Review. 81 (3), pp. 211-236.

HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016

Conference keynote

Visnjic, F. and Scholz, A 2016. HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016. OFFF Festival 2016. Barcelona, Spain May - Jun 2016



Visnjic, F., Smith, G,J, Scholz, A and Kennedy, S 2016. HOLO 2. Berlin

Makespace Architects

Book chapter

Saleem, S. 2016. Makespace Architects. in: Wing, S. (ed.) Designing Sacred Spaces Routledge.

Building and Becoming: The Shahporan Mosque and the Unfolding of Muslim Visual Identity in London

Book chapter

Saleem, S. 2016. Building and Becoming: The Shahporan Mosque and the Unfolding of Muslim Visual Identity in London. in: Quash, B., Rosen, A. and Reddaway, C. (ed.) Visualising a Sacred City: London, Art and Religion London I.B. Tauris. pp. 205-218

Decarbonising Urban Freight Transport: Experimentations in European Research Projects

Conference paper

Leonardi, J., Rizet, C., Dablanc, L., Ruesch, M. and Bohne, S. 2016. Decarbonising Urban Freight Transport: Experimentations in European Research Projects. Rizet, C. (ed.) Politiques de transport face au changement climatique. Hanoi, Vietnam 24 - 24 Feb 2016 IFSTTAR The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks.

Data Science

Book chapter

Cook, A.J., Zanin, M. and Belkoura, S. 2016. Data Science. in: Cook, A.J. and Rivas, D. (ed.) Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 105-129

Complex Network Theory

Book chapter

Cook, A.J. and Zanin, M. 2016. Complex Network Theory. in: Cook, A.J. and Rivas, D. (ed.) Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 9-22

Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management


Cook, A.J. and Rivas, D (ed.) 2016. Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management. Abingdon and New York Routledge.

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Achille, Wilfred

Visiting Lecturer

Ajeeb, Dimah

Senior Lecturer

Allen, Julian

Senior Research Fellow

Ayuso, Alessandro

Senior Lecturer

Batty, Scott

Senior Lecturer

Bauer, Susanne

Senior Lecturer

Blyth, Alastair

Assistant Head of School

Boccaletti, Stefania

Senior Lecturer

Bolic, Tatjana

Senior Research Fellow

Bottazzi, Roberto

Senior Lecturer

Boulanger, Anthony

Senior Lecturer

Cascone, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Chan, Tommy

Research Associate

Charrington, Harry

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cheyne, Kate

Head of School - Arch & Cities

Cioboata, Sabina

Research Associate

Coleman, Jim


Cook, Andrew


Cullen, Beth


Decermic, Dusan

Senior Lecturer

Delgado, Luis

Principal Research Fellow

Dennis, Nigel

Senior Research Fellow

Deriu, Davide


Difford, Richard

Principal Lecturer

Ellston, Liz


Farrell, Helen

Assistant Head of School

Fevyer, David

Research Associate

Furlong, Jamie

Research Fellow

Gatoo, Ana


Girardin, Francois

Senior Lecturer

Golzari, Nasser

Senior Lecturer

Guibert, Eric

Senior Lecturer

Gurtner, Gerald

Senior Research Fellow

Hanford, Lindsey

Senior Lecturer

Hui, Sam Sam


Inkson, Clare

Senior Lecturer

Jovic, Maja

Assistant Head of School

Kalra, Ripin

Senior Research Fellow

Kramer, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Kremarik, Frances

Senior Lecturer

Kypraiou, Diony

Senior Lecturer

Lau, Constance

Senior Lecturer

Littlefield, David

Senior Lecturer

Martin, Andrei

Senior Lecturer

Mathewson, David

Senior Lecturer

Mclean, William

Principal Lecturer

Mills, Tabatha

Senior Lecturer

Morgan, Sadie


Mukhia, Richa

Senior Lecturer

Musikavanhu, Rutendo

Senior Lecturer

Navarro, Luz


Newey, Natalie

Senior Lecturer

Novy, Johannes

Senior Lecturer

O'Shea, John

Senior Lecturer

Odeke, Alice


Orefice, Chiara

Senior Lecturer

Papa, Enrica


Piotrowska, Marzena

Senior Lecturer

Pollock, Ben


Sharif, Yara

Senior Lecturer

Shortland, Faye

Research Associate

Silver, Peter

Senior Lecturer

Somers, John

Senior Lecturer

Soolaki, Majid

Research Fellow

Spankie, Ro

Assistant Head of School

Stringer, Ben

Senior Lecturer

Tankard, Jane

Senior Lecturer

Tanner, Graham

Senior Research Fellow

Thwaites, Adam

Senior Lecturer

Verlinghieri, Ersilia

Senior Research Fellow

Watson, Victoria

Senior Lecturer

Weiszer, Michal

Research Fellow

White, Peter

Emeritus Professor

Wilkinson, Camilla

Senior Lecturer

Williams, Julian

Principal Lecturer

Yau, Andrew

Senior Lecturer

Zaide, Paolo

Senior Lecturer

Zareian, Elham

Research Fellow

Zhang, John
