A 'modern' European education

Metacognition and motivation: Learning to learn

Points of Departure

Analysis of trk A tyrosine kinase and p53 association

Common amino acid sequence motifs in p53, 14-3-3 and Akt protein families

Mammalian Two-Pore Domain Potassium Channels

Osteocyte lacunar occupancy in the femoral neck cortex: An association with cortical remodeling in hip fracture cases and controls

TiPS nomenclature supplement 2001

Genetic detection of bladder cancer by microsatellite analysis of p16, RB1 and p53 tumor suppressor genes

In utero radiation-induced changes in growth factor levels in the developing rat brain

Molecular mechanisms involved in the response of brain tissue to trauma molecular mechanisms involved in the response of brain tissue to trauma

Talk about Rice: A Discursive Approach to Studying Culture.

Notes on Beauty and Landscape 1

200 000 nematode expressed sequence tags on the Net

Construction and Destruction: European Internet Regulatory Regimes

Scaling properties of foreign exchange volatility

Simulating gaussian stationary processes with unbounded spectra

Differentiating intraday seasonalities through wavelet multi-scaling

Patent data as indicators of technological development: Investigating the electric vehicle

Mass-Customization Definitions for Operations Marketing and Strategy: Conflict at the Interface

Introducing Alternative Technologies: The case of the electric vehicle

Conflict at the Interface: Mass Customization Definitions for Operations, Marketing and Strategy

Capability Alignment and the Electric Vehicle

Be Wise, Be Otherwise: Ideas and Advice for Your Kind of Person

The Red Door: The Collected English Stories of Iain Crichton Smith 1949-76

Research methods for the empirical investigation of the process of formation of operations strategy

Cohesion, but not too close

Edited Journal Issue: Critical Survey 13.2: Literature, Fame and Notoriety in the Nineteenth Century

Methodological Innovations in North-South Tourism Research: Action Anthropology- New Fieldwork Methods

Mot en mer moralsk turisme?

The World Turned Upside Down


Motion Control



Serum selenium levels and blood glutathione peroxidase activities in vitiligo

Circulating cardiac troponin-T in patients before and after renal transplantation

Measurement of cardiac troponins

Clinical evaluation of the ACS:180 cardiac troponin I assay

“Neoclassical Economics”, “Feminist Economics”, “Experimental Economics”, “Paul Samuelson” and “New Household Economics”

Feminism in Economics: Theoria and Aporia

Exploring the causes of adverse events in British NHS hospital practice.

Adverse events in British hospitals: preliminary retrospective record review

Writing On: Robert Creeley's The Death of Venus

Hungarian Enterprises in the Global Market

Knowledge Transfer in Hungarian Higher Education

Atadhato Tudas?!

Kulonbozo oktatasi rendszerek es formak kozotti tudastranszfer es annak merhetosege

The Transformation of Educational Processes in Hungary: Fragmentation or Integration

Az emberi toke atertekelodesenek szuksegessege

Developing Competent Managers: The Shadow of Hungarian History

The Learning Experience of Postgraduate Students: Matching Methods to Aims

Developing Competent Managers: The 'Shadow' of Hungarian History

Az Emberi Toke Atertekelodesenek Szuksegessege

Etalon Akusztika - A Siker Etalonja

Hungarian Enterprises in the Global Market

The Scattering of Time Crystals: Deleuze, Mysticism and Cinema

Low-income Families in Britain: work, welfare and social security in 1999


Stress in hospital medicine: a problem for key medical staff

Social Care and Health: a New Deal?

Stress Among Ward Sisters and Charge Nurses

The UK Cultural Sector: Profile and Policy Issues

Employee Voice, Workplace Closure and Employment Growth: a Panel Analysis

Union Effects on Workplace Governance 1983–1998

Ethnicity, class and health

Youth Unemployment, Labour Market Programmes and Health: A Review of the Literature

A comparison of RTD structures in EU member states

Macro-economic evaluation of new deal for young people: job search impacts using LFS data

How do governments monitor the well-being of children?

Summary measures of child well-being: Report of the workshop held on 19 July 2000 organised by Department of Social Security and Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, LSE

ETU Evaluation Synthesis Report

The foundation of 'partnership'? Union effects on employee trust in management

Union Effects On Managerial and Employee Perceptions of Employee Relations in Britain

Youth-Adult Differences in the Demand for Unionization: Are American, British and Canadian Workers All That Different?

The Responsiveness of House Prices to Macroeconomic Forces: a Cross-Country Comparison

The Kyoto Protocol: Dead or Alive?

The Large Combustion Plant Directive (88/609/EEC): An Effective Instrument for SO2 Pollution Abatement?

EMAS and regulatory relief in Europe: lessons from national experience

Implementation of the European Municipal Waste Incineration Directive (89/429/EEC): Lessons From Four Member States

The Dynamics of European Science and Technology

New Deal for Lone Parents In-Work Training Grant Evaluation: qualitative research with ES advisers

Getting a Chance: Employment Service Support for Young People with Multiple Disadvantages

New Deal for the Long Term Unemployed: A comparison of Provision in Pilot and National areas

New Deal for the Long Term Unemployed pilots: quantitative evaluation using stage 2 survey

Earnings Top-up evaluation: employers' reactions

Earnings Top-up evaluation: effects on unemployed people

Earnings Top-up evaluation: effects on low-paid workers

Ahead of Time: Birthday Letters to Mayer Hillman

Evaluation of New Deal for Young People in Scotland: phase 1

Unequal Distribution of Unequal Pay: An empirical analysis of the gender wage gap in Switzerland

Key Issues in Environmental Economics

Carbon Taxes and Carbon Emissions Trading

Mass Balance UK: Mapping UK Resource and Material Flows

Estimating sustainability gaps: methods and preliminary applications for the UK and the Netherlands

Household Energy Efficiency to 2020: the Economic and Environmental Implications of Improving Household Energy Efficiency in the UK, a Report for the Energy Saving Trust, Forum for the Future, London

The Performance of the New Deal for Young People in Rural Areas of England

Self-employment in rural England: a report to the Countryside Agency

Crypto-judaism and the Spanish inquisition

Language Policy in Multilingual UK

Diasporic audiences, media uses and constructions of 'community'

Corporate reputation management: “living the brand”

’Living’ the corporate identity: Case studies from the creative industry

Women, aliens and international assignments

Book review: Zero Tolerance or Community Tolerance? Managing Crime in High Crime Areas by Walklate, S. & Evans, K.

Patent GB0111627.6: Image compression and transmission - for Salgen Systems Ltd

Melatonin biosynthesis in chick retinal photoreceptor cells: developmental and cAMP-stimulated expression of serotonin N-acetyltransferase promoter constructs

Robust stability of a diamond of complex multivariate polynomials

Immunization with an Interferon-g–gp120 Fusion Protein Induces Enhanced Immune Responses to Human Immunodeficiency Virus gp120

Humoral immune parameters of cultured Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)

Web based consultation for Cambridge University's building program

Computer simulation in daylight design: a comparison

Building Services Standard solutions: variational generation of plant room layouts

Pano painter: sketching in the round

Design participation through the internet

Reading and translating: the circulation of social energy

A comparison between neural network and fuzzy system models for foreign exchange rates prediction

Wissensmanagement in der versicherungswirtschaft (Knowledge management in the insurance industry)

Firewallkonzepte zur gewährleistung von datensicherheit in versicherungsunternehmen (Firewall concepts to ensure data security in insurance companies)

Harnessing the talents of a 'loose and baggy monster'

Watching the World: seeing, feeling — understanding?

Writing With Style

Ethnographic observations in cross-cultural business negotiations between non-native speakers of English: an exploratory study

Characterization of some strains from human clinical sources which resemble "Leptotrichia sanguinegens": description of Sneathia sanguinegens sp. nov., gen. nov.

Facklamia miroungae sp. nov., from a juvenile southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)

Corynebacterium testudinoris sp. nov., from a tortoise, and Corynebacterium felinum sp. nov., from a Scottish wild cat

Actinomyces suimastitidis sp. nov., isolated from pig mastitis

Corynebacterium capitovis sp. nov., from a sheep

Streptococcus ovis sp. nov., isolated from sheep

Actinomyces catuli sp. nov., from dogs

Arcanobacterium/Corynebacterium-like bacterial isolates from sheep

Actinomyces marimammalium sp. nov., from marine mammals

Understanding agent systems

Formal framework development: framework to system


From conventional to distance education: adopting a pedagogy and managing the transformation

Convergence and divergence in HRD: research and practice across Europe

The place of ethics in human resource management

Hydro-ecological variability within a groundwater-dominated stream

The influence of glass technology on Chinese ceramics

Psychoanalysis, complementary medicine and the placebo

The welfare state

Mysticism, method and money in the Marx–Hegel dialectic

Changes in the wage structure and participation in education and training for young people: an analysis of the England and Wales youth cohort study

Local bus industry profitability and the role of longer-distance services

Pro bono and young solicitors: views from the front line

Data driven model acquisition using minimum description length

Auto clustering for unsupervised learning of atomic gesture components using minimum description length

You shouldn't say that: swearing

The inappropriate placement of older people in nursing homes in England and Wales: a national audit

Production of polyhydroxybutyrate by streptomyces

Security threads in Jini technology

Security concerns in Jini technology

Jini technology in e-commerce

The role of private employment agencies in placing the unemployed

Ethnic minority media audiences, community and identity: the case of London's South Asian and Greek-Cypriot communities

Ethnic community media, community identity and citizenship in contemporary Britain

'A space where one feels at home': media consumption practices among London's South Asian and Greek Cypriot communities

A simple approach to digitizing a photographic collection

Multi-level integrity mechanisms

In vitro determination of skin bilirubin using chromatic modulation

Analysis and measurement of the modal power distribution for guiding multimode fibres

Information extraction from acoustic signals by optical fibre interferometry techniques based on chromatic modulation

The future is hairy

9/10 Stock Orchard Street: a guidebook

Too many ideas

Privatizing Intelsat: implications for the global south

The Lift: Dance for Camera


CNN Interactive just got more interactive

Subgroup analyses of cost of care in a Markov model of the natural history of Alzheimer's disease

Extensiometric determination of the rheological properties of the epidermis of growing tomato fruit

FIR filters for systems with input clock jitter

Production of lipolytic enzymes in batch cultures of Ophiostoma piceae

Effect of mannan and alginate oligosaccharides on production in bioreactors of penicillin G and its biosynthetic intermediates

Toll price: traffic demand elasticity analysis on variable priced toll bridges

The mutual entanglement of strangers in the human world

Ethanol and oxidative stress

Managing the impression of authenticity: students' construction of an authorial persona in reflective writing

Onlineaktivitäten der BBC: gratwanderung zwischen public-service-verpflichtungen und kommerziellen zielen

In search of a third way: balancing public purpose and commerce in German and British public service broadcasting

Auf konfrontationskurs: die BBC auf der flucht nach vorne

Franchising as a source of technology transfer to developing economies

Unravelling the evidence on franchise system survivability

Survey: professional services for franchising in the UK

International franchising in emerging markets: Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America

Franchising as a source of technology-transfer to developing economies

Evaluating the dynamic employment effects using conditional difference-in-differences

Media pi societatea democratica

Media and democratic society: a survey of post communist experience

The Internet and the global public sphere

Development, imperialism and globalization: the implication of the paradigm shifts in international communication

Democratisation and the media: a preliminary discussion of experiences in Europe And Asia

Achieving the competitive edge with IT: unleashing the African potential

Taking deliberation seriously: institutional design and green politics

Sporting a new image? Sport-based regeneration strategies as a means of enhancing the image of the city tourist destination

Earnings top-up evaluation: effects on unemployed people

Implications of using ED-50 and probit analysis in comparing retinal injury threshold data

A new polarimeric method for the analysis of dextran and sucrose

Software for wireless broadband system design

CAD for CATV design

Highly skilled labour mobility, skills shortages and immigration policy in Britain and Germany

Highly skilled labour mobility and skills shortages in Britain and Germany

Modeling of uncertainty associated with dose-response curves as applied for probabilistic risk assessment in laser safety

Does active labour market policy matter?: An aggregate analysis for Germany

Passive evaporative cooling using porous ceramic evaporators

Shaping Chinese medicine: two case studies from contemporary China

The importance of real-world experience in student learning

An evolutionary approach to static task graph scheduling with task duplication for minimised interprocessor traffic

Developing pragmatic competence in EFL learners through project work in the community

La zone denuclearisee du sud-est asiatique: prpblemes de droit de la mer

What's new in the economics of newspapers?

What factors influence the supply of nurses and teachers? Why is there a shortage?

What are the main trends in the UK labour market?

What are the economic lessons of the foot and mouth crisis?

Differential effects of Ecstasy and cannabis on self-reports of memory ability: A web-based study

Parapsychology: the science of unusual experience

Understanding the city in terms of design: urban generators

Urban composition

Contemporary issues and the public realm

Inter-organisational relationships in the worldwide popular recorded music industry

Erasing the margins: youth marginalisation round table (YMaRT), building relationships and youth directed initiatives: a report from the round table

Building relations and youth directed initiatives in research and services

RGS4 inhibits platelet-activating factor receptor phosphorylation and cellular responses

Complementary therapies: what is the evidence for their use?

Intersubjectivity and the therapeutic relationship

Developing and evaluating complementary therapy services: part 2. Examining the effects of treatment on health status

Developing and evaluating complementary therapy services: part 1. Establishing service provision through the use of evidence and consensus development

Recycling: an introduction


An object-oriented organic architecture for next generation intelligent reconfigurable mobile networks

Skills of Management. 5th edition

The house book

A novel generic distributed intelligent re-configurable mobile network architecture

Cultural differences in upward influence: a study from societies in Europe, Asia and America

Upward influence styles around the world: evidence from countries in Asia, Europe and North America

An evaluation of the quality of a structured spreadsheet development methodology

Art and chaos

Optimising active database rules by partial evaluation and abstract interpretation

Placental vascular complications and the G-455A β-fibrinogen gene polymorphism

Communication strategies by non-native interviewers

The Basque country and the vikings during the ninth century

Risk strategies and the profitability of film making: Warner Bros. in the 1930s

Practical camera characterization for color measurement

JavaGrande - high performance computing with Java

Sustaining our rivers in crisis: setting the international agenda for action

Listening to one another's lives and disciplines

A place for complementary therapies in the new NHS

Integrating complementary therapies in primary care: a practical guide for health professionals

Understanding the placebo effect in complementary medicine: theory, practice and research

The participatory worldview in healthcare

The new NHS: will complementary therapies fit in?

The need for a new language of health and healing

Participate, collaborate, integrate: modern medicine's crisis and the search for stories to live by

Are CT models useful in headache research and treatment?

Intelligent classification of bacterial clinical isolates in vitro, using electronic noses

Patterns in a prehistoric landscape: the archaeology of Les Mielles, Jersey

Internet users and online privacy: a study assessing whether Internet users' privacy is adequately protected

An approach to developing a Web site for SME

The LH5 model for data mining

Classical and contemporary sociology: theory and issues

Translation of book: Under the ocean: the natural world by Paul Bennett [El Oceano]

Translation of book: In the Rainforest by Barbara Taylor [La Selva Lluvliosa]

Translation of book: In the Dessert by Paul Bennett [El Desierto]

Translation of book: From pole to pole by Paul Bennet [De polo a polo]

Apopting E-commerce in small business contexts

An international comparison of pricing callable and puttable bonds in interbank financial markets

The one and the many: Sufi lessons for today?

Communicating intangible value

Lessons from Luxembourg: federalisation and the European Court of Human Rights

EC membership and the judicialization of British politics

Review: a dionysian joke: Friedrich Nietzsche, dithyrambs of dionysus, translated by R.J. Hollingdale

Bad co-ordination: a mistaken discussion of Lewis and Heidegger

The impact of three key healthcare technology standards on evidence based healthcare practice

Déjà vu all over again! : the reluctant rise and protracted demise of Scott Lithgow Limited

Choosing pedagogy and technology for an international web-based masters degree

Which kind of public space for a democratic habitus?

Immunogenicity of adjuvanted recombinant urease administered intranasally

Immunogenicity of adjuvanted recombinant urease administered intra-muscularly

Evaluation of adjuvanted recombinant urease for effective immunization against Helicobacter pylori

Quil-A and MDP enhances the adjuvanticity of alum for intramuscular delivery of rURE

Quality and cost: final report on the contracting of Civil, Non-Family Advice and Assistance Pilot

Dal sistema della tassa a quello della tariffa. I rischi della gestione quando lo scopo non è il profitto (From tax to price. Management contradictions in not-for profit)

Aspetti gestionali di un progetto di riutilizzo. La Scuola Grande della Misericordia (Business plan of a project to convert an artistic building in a tourist facility)

Isoforms of Na+, K+-ATPase in human prostate; specificity of expression and apical membrane polarization

The role of immune complexes in immunopathogenesis of extrinsic allergic alveolitis caused by the contact with organic dust

A multicarrier amplifier design linearized trough second harmonics and second-order IM feedback

How insular is an island?: training, skills and the construction labour market in Jersey, Channel Islands

Local access competition and local loop unbundling

Sculpsit: contemporary artists on sculpture and beyond

Human risk analysis simulator for space lidars: model discription

Environmental and medical bioethics in late modernity: Anthony Giddens, genetic engineering and the postmodern state

The precautionary principle: the British perspective

A case study in environmental risk and its assessment in the BSE epidemic: lessons for the future

Environmental law and regulation

The poetic necessity

Earnings top-up evaluation : effects on low-paid workers

Fooling and falling into the feeling of being stared at

Effect of pH and loading manner on the start-up period of peat biofilter degrading xylene and toluene mixture

Personality under pressure: a study of Watch Commander management styles in the Fire Brigade

Corporate power, globalisation and the environment - interview with Guardian journalist George Monbiot

Uniformization of affine dependence programs for parallel embedded system design

Social capital and the city

Low intermodulation amplifiers for RF and microwave wireless systems

IMD amplifiers

Design of low intermodulation amplifiers for wireless multichannel applications

Planning for leisure and tourism

Effective risk relievers for dimensional perceived risks on mail-order purchase: a case study on speciality foods in the UK

Financing transport infrastructure in developing countries: sustaining the budget and environment

Enabling technologies for the CAST intelligent reconfigurable mobile radio network

Visual significance of digital artifacts

Anti-inflammatory effects of a novel, potent inhibitor of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase

The role of multinational companies in the Middle East: the case of Saudi Arabia

L'evolution des impots sur le revenu des personnes physiques en France depuis 1945 dans un cade camparatif

A conceptual framework for agent definition and development

Plan analysis for autonomous sociological agents

Autonomy: a nice idea in theory

Factoring social exclusion/inclusion into local transport planning

Transport, the environment and social exclusion

A framework for norm-based inter-agent dependence

Serum factors and T cell phenotype in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), SLE-complicated with glomerulonephritis (SLE-GN) and in healthy controls

Autoantibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and patients with tumours of the reproductive systems

Flexible channel allocation strategy for user service prioritisation in hierarchical cellular systems

A generic handover prioritisation queuing scheme (SPQS) for a future hierarchical cellular system

Flexible channel allocation schemes (FCAS) using handover service prioritisation for 3G wireless systems

Guide to good practice in core area development: DFID research project R6860 – summary technical report, March 2001

The integrated metropolis: a strategy for the networked, multi-centred city

Understanding the design task: the design process

Auditory event-related potentials in the assessment of auditory processing disorders: a pilot study

Key issues in using information systems for strategic marketing decisions

GloStra: a hybrid system for developing global strategy and associated Internet strategy

Bacterium-dinoflagellate interactions: investigative microscopy of Alexandrium spp. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae)

Transformation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by free and immobilized fungal laccase

Application of ligninolytic fungi for biotransformation of chlorophenols

Application of ligninolytic fungi for biotransformation of chlorophenols

Hemmnisse der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in europäischen Metropolregionen

Cloning, expression and characterisation of the P2 adenosine transporter of Trypanosoma equiperdum in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Optimising concurrent processing efficiency: a practical methodology

Reforms in the new German labour market: a case for institutional corporatism?

A problem solving environment based on CORBA

Cluster growth in a growing tree network

The position of aliens in relation to the European Convention on Human Rights

The conceptualisation of 'persecution' by the House of Lords: Horvath v. Secretary of State for the Home Department

Electromagnetic modelling of multilayer CPW on GaAs substrate for MMICs

Electromagnetic modelling of multilayer CPW on GaAs substrate for MMICs

Electromagnetic modelling of 3D multilayer CPW transmission lines on GaAs/Si substrates for MMICs

Comparison of multilayer CPW on GaAs and Si substrate for MMICs

3D coplanar waveguide structures on GaAs/Si substrates for MMIC applications

New Deal for Young People in Scotland - phase 1

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning research findings no.1: New Deal for Young People in Scotland - phase 1

Problems with a European public sphere: an introduction

Induction of apoptosis by anti-CD5 monoclonal antibodies in B-CLL cells correlates with the level of CD79b expression

Virtual classroom

Establishing a systematic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of interprofessional education Issues in Interdisciplinary Care

Alpha-Tocopherol supplementation does not prevent acute alcohol-induced heart muscle damage

Neural network adaptive controller for unmanned underwater vehicles

A comparison between neural network and fuzzy system models for foreign exchange rates prediction

Prediction of foreign exchange rates by neural network and fuzzy system based techniques

Forecasting exchange rates using neural network and fuzzy system based techniques

Electronic nose: clinical diagnosis based on soft computing methodologies

An efficient fuzzy based technique for signal classification

Neuro-fuzzy based techniques for acoustic signal classification

Neural network adaptive control for underwater robotic systems

From supervisors to team co-ordinators and business unit managers: a reconfiguration or reconceptualisation of the role of first-line manager

Macro-economic evaluation of new deal for young people: job search impacts using LFS data

Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) by avian articular chondrocytes following hypotonic challenge

Book review: Rap music and the poetics of identity

Pierre Albert-Birot et La Guerre (1916)

Mythes et metaphores chez Assia Djebar et Abdelkebir Khatibi

Knowledge, self-knowledge and liberation: the quest of the writer in Assia Djebar’s L'Amour, la fantasia and vaste est la prison

Intelligent reconfiguration of large mobile networks using complex organic distributed architecture

Proliferation of B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemic cells in vitro in response to dihydroxycinnamate-derived polymers from symphytum asperum and symphytum caucasicum

The cell cycle progression of B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells in vitro

A meaning driven querying methodology: end user oriented querying

Epidemiology of intestinal helminth infestations among school children in southern Uganda

Assessing debate and participative technology assessment (ADAPTA): project no. BIO-CT98-0318: annex no. 1: the Denmark national report

Stated preference: problems and potentials

Doing educational research on the Internet

Down the river

Strategy and response in British shipbuilding, 1945-1972

E-manufacturing in networked virtual environments

Distributed VR-based simulation for manufacturing

Partial determination of non-linear MTF via the Volterra and Wiener theories of non-linear systems

Jon Jerde's consuming fantasies and other urban interiors

Does the pre-frontal cortex contribute to movement-related potentials? Recordings from subdural electrodes

Modelling light fading of hard copy media

@ your home: new markets for consumer service and delivery


Editorial: business process reengineering: a modeling perspective

South Asian Muslims in Britain: faith family and community

Disabled People and the National Minimum Wage: an exploration of the impact on therapeutic activity and earnings: final report to the Low Pay Commission's third review of the National Minimum Wage

Flexibility and reorganisation of work

Disabled people, disadvantage and (getting into) local government

Introduction. War in the twentieth century: the functioning of humour in cultural representation

Your time has come

How to manage the design of the product generation after the product generation after next

Failure?: Wembley here we go?

Failing faculties

A problem aired: radio therapeutic discourse and modes of subjection

Business process modelling using discrete-event simulation: potential benefits and obstacles for wider use

Diabetic regimen omissions and barriers: perceptions of patients and professionals

Environment and business

Creative destruction in European internet industries and policies

'Looks like it hurts': women's responses to shocking entertainment

Sequence comparisons of toxic and non-toxic Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae) isolates for UK waters

Misguided virtue: false notions of corporate social responsibility

Anti-liberalism 2000: the rise of new millennium collectivism. Thirtieth Wincott Lecture 12 October 2000

The British Broadcasting Corporation

E-Nuggets browser-based presentation system

The establishment and enforcement of codes

Ethical aspects of e-business: the use of codes of conduct

Face to face teaching and resource-based learning: conflict or collaborative

Key performance indicators in European hotel properties: general managers' choices and company profiles

The use of intelligence in Royal Navy amphibious operations 1739-1783

An association between chronic undernutrition and educational test scores in Vietnamese children

Anaemia in schoolchildren in eight countries in Africa and Asia

E1B-deleted adenovirus (dl1520) gene therapy for patients with primary and secondary liver tumors

The strategic management of organisations

Film and the law

Regulating football: commodification consumption and the law

Using tourism statistics to measure demand maturity

The US experience

Managing airports: an international perspective

Simple tuning procedure for coupled-resonator filters

Electromagnetic modelling of ridged waveguide

Electromagnetic analysis and design of ridged waveguide T-junctions for multiplexer applications

E-plane manifold multiplexers with improved bandwidth

E-plane double ridge waveguide filters and diplexers for communication systems

Brand new Tafuri: some timely notes on the imaging of spatial demands

Arthritic diseases: melanocortin type 3 receptor agonists as potential therapeutics

Java communications for large-scale parallel computing

Message-passing computing with Java: performance evaluation and comparisons

A mixed-language programming methodology for high performance Java computing

The development and application of a gender sensitive design methodology

Transferring knowledge for achieving development

Music journalists, music press officers and the consumer music press in the UK

The vultures fly East: the creation and globalisation of the distressed debt market

Capital markets: those who can and cannot do the purest global law

The phoney cold war in British trade unions

What colour is beautiful hair? Subjective interventions and global fashions in the cultural production of gender in urban China

Planning for leisure and tourism

Understanding the city in terms of design: design problems

Moderating effects of the internet on marketing development: Sub-Saharan Africa

Pavement cafés, markets and the highway

Effects of nicotine on inhibitory processes in human memory

User centred virtual actor technology


Lay perceptions of risk in relation to food safety and BSE in the UK: preliminary findings

XML and functional databases

Workless couples: modelling labour market transitions

Workless couples: characteristics and labour market transitions

Managing the body and the city: the contested re-appropriation of London Underground in wartime

Airport environmental capacity and developments in airline operations

Tools of EDPEPPS

Parallel software development with EDPEPPS

Distribution channel analysis for business travel

Sustainable development or self-determination? Asking the hard questions about the WSSD

The coaching skill-builder activity pack


Trying (not) to understand: Adorno and the work of Beckett

Architecture, Utopia and the futures of the avant-garde

Ethanol and protein metabolism

Parallel program development for cluster computing: methodology, tools and integrated environments

Ways of making Key Stage 2 History culturally inclusive

Ancient Egypt: digging for dreams

The interaction between consumer response and urban design: empirical results from Belfast

Conditional route implementation phase 1: AO use of CDRs

The burden of proof regulations

Race, gender and mens rea

One careful owner?

More new law on victimisation

Allonby v. Accrington and Rossendale College: note and comment

Managing large modules: email or web sites?

Knowledge management: a sociotechnical perspective

Virulence gene regulation in Salmonella enterica


Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plans: a guide

Diverse equality: the example of the construction sector

Innovation and skills: a transnational study of skills, education and training for prefabrication in housing

Cost versus production: disparities in construction labour process in Europe

Theory into praxis? Reflections on a Habermasian methodology

The Ford Foundation and social planning in Britain: the case of the Institute of Community Studies and Family and Kinship in East London

General aspects of lender liability under English law

Virtual integration of temporal and conflicting information

Precise enterprises and imprecise data

Investigating teams and business process change using case studies

More useful Londons: the comparative development of alternative concepts of London

Blind source separation based low-complexity carrier phase synchronization

Blind adaptive DSP techniques to combat analog front-end non-linearities in digital receivers

Adaptive digital receivers for analog front-end mismatch correction

Adaptive compensation of analog front-end I/Q mismatches in digital receivers

The British Isles today

Mathcomm: getting mathematicians interested in engineering

Worksheet-based 'keep-on-trying' tests for foundation mathematics

Clinical significance of β2-glycoprotein I polymorphisms Val247Leu and Trp316Ser in an antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) population

Lack of a protective effect of the β2-glycoprotein I Trp316Ser polymorphism on the development of primary antiphospholipid syndrome

Clinical significance of β2-glycoprotein I polymorphisms Trp316Ser and Val247Leu in a PAPS population

The β2-glycoprotein I Trp316Ser polymorphism does not protect against the development of primary antiphospholipid syndrome

The Lexical Interface: closed class items in South Slavic and English

Impact of variable pricing on temporal distribution of travel demand

A n-bit reconfigurable scalar quantiser

Pipelining considerations for an FPGA case

Further evidence on the forecasting performance of two factor continuous time interest rate models in international and Asia-Pacific financial markets

A pilot study into the therapeutic effects of music therapy at a cancer help center

Who gets into debt?

CAD for broadband wireless access design

Periodically loaded waveguide structures

Amplifiers for RF and microwave multichannel wireless systems

Online personality assessment

Collective bargaining and workplace performance: an investigation using the workplace employee relations survey 1998

Home delivery market size and operations in the UK

Logistics outsourcing

The benefits of a supply chain approach to urban freight transport

United Kingdom

Les avantages d'une approche de chaine d'approvisionnement pour le transport urbain de fret

The limits of statutory trade union recognition

Red Olympia, Portrait Bust, The Glyptotek

Red Galateea, Galatea's Helper

Portrait of the Golem, Portrait of Prometheus, The Glypotek

Portrait of Pygmalion, Portrait of Galatea, the Glyptotek

Family portraits

Christie Brown - recent sculpture

Child of Glass Head

Direct sales franchises in the UK: a self-employment grey area

The experience of racism: black staff in Social Services

Engaging difference

Book review: Marschall, S. and Kearney, B. (2000). Opportunities for relevance: architecture in the new South Africa

Using 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein-diacetate to assess polysaccharides as immunomodulating agents

Graphodigest 2000: 1st virtual conference for graphology

A multi-lingual dictionary of graphology. 4th edition

Managing tacit knowledge in knowledge intensive firms: is there a role for technology?

Simulation and knowledge management: the role of groupware

Improving the quality in distance learning: the explanatory environment

PEtri nets and IDEF diagrams: applicability and efficacy for business process modelling

IDEF diagrams and petri nets for business process modeling: suitability, efficacy, and complementary use

Cause lawyers in a cold climate: the impact(s) of globalization on the United Kingdom

New deal for young people: national survey of participants: stage 2

Joint claims for JSA: quantitative survey stage 1: potential claimants

Study on the state of the cultural heritage in Kosovo

The Queen's House Greenwich

Guidance on inventory and documentation of the cultural heritage

Comparable institutions: the Royal Hospital for Seamen and the Hotel des Invalides

Dimeric yttrium(III) and neodymium(III) macrocyclic complexes: potential catalysts for hydrolysis of double-stranded DNA

Measuring the ripple effect of Pascal programs

Automating ripple effect measurement

The exotic West? / Der exotische West

Architecture development environment


COTS real-time operating systems in space

Negotiating the site for an ethnography of relationship marketing: boundaries, actors, texts

Peak power output, the lactate threshold, and time trial performance in cyclists

Writing the radical center: William Carlos Williams, John Dewey, and American cultural politics

Without form and void: the American desert as trope and terrain

Economics: a student's guide. 5th edition

A low-power asynchronous VLSI FIR filter

Exploiting data-dependencies in ultra low-power DSP arithmetic

Using carry-save adders in low-power multiplier blocks

The regulatory framework in the EU

Westminster tales: the twenty-first century crisis in British political journalism

Half-baked plans for broadcasting

Distorting democracy: public opinion, polls and the press

Beckett and Heidegger: a critical survey

Lipietz in London and Paris

Hypermedia freedom

Integrating reciprocal perspectives: on Gurvitch's theory of immediate jural experience

Profiles of sociolinguists

Chronic ethanol consumption alters the glutathione/glutathione peroxidase-1 system and protein oxidation status in rat liver

Defining the education and training needs for the new urban agenda

The UK experience in containing growth and sustaining the compact city

Strategy and partnership: governing London in the millenium

A semantics based interactive query formulation technique

Practical camera characterization for colour measurement

Observer responses to colour perturbations in reflection prints

Application of a colour reproduction index to digital camera characterization

GeNisa: a web-based interactive learning environment for teaching simulation modelling

An extensible movie system interface for information-rich television

An investigation into the learning needs of managers in internationalising small and medium-sized enterprises

International entrepreneurs: how do entrepreneurs learn to operate internationally?

Service-related vehicle activity in urban areas

Designing organisational memory in knowledge intensive companies: a case study

Criptojudaísmo e Inquisición en los siglos XVII y XVIII

Actitudes sefardies del siglo XIX y pensamiento sansimoniano reflejados en las carreras de Emile e Isaac Pereire, fundadores del Credit Mobilier

Urban freight transport and logistics systems: moving towards sustainability

Social exclusion and neighbourhood governance

Learning independently

Project management

Book review: Change management in information services by Lyndon Pugh

Realism and its discontents: the virgin in the garden and still life

The future of Islam, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. New edition

The international scrap and recycling trade handbook

The international scrap and recycling trade handbook

Rethinking Islam and modernity: essays in honour of Fathi Osman

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on User Interfaces in Data Intensive Systems: UIDIS 2001

Essays on the fiction of A.S. Byatt: imagining the real

Emerging from the shadows: photography in Slovakia 1989-2001

Democracy: a reader

Datos para la reconstrucción léxica del inglés antiguo: De las glosas de Aldred a los Evangelios de Lindisfarne

Beyond Kyoto: achieving sustainable development. Summer session 2000

Approaching urban design: the design process

The changing nature of rail freight in Great Britain: the start of a renaissance?

Music, radio and the record business in Zimbabwe today

Ecological gradients within the riparian forests of the lower Caura River, Venezuela

Aldred’s glosses to numismatic terms in the Lindisfarne Gospels

CD5-induced apoptosis of B cells in some patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Final Report, EPSRC Grant, REFLEX

Rearrangement of the human heavy chain variable region gene V3-23 in transgenic mice generates antibodies reactive with a range of antigens on the basis of VHCDR3 and residues intrinsic to the heavy chain variable region

Vitamin C transport systems of mammalian cells

Adorning VRML worlds with environmental aspects

Riparian vegetation and island formation along the gravel-bed Fiume Tagliamento, Italy

Natural and synthetic agonists of the melanocortin receptor type 3 possess anti-inflammatory properties

Developments of hubbing at European airports

Tourism and cyberspace

Graphologist get-togethers


Helix pomatia agglutinin lectin-binding oligosaccharides of aggressive breast cancer.

Editorial: Modelling the process of care

From green GNP to the sustainability gap: recent developments in national environmental economic accounting

A Simple Approach in Digitising a Photographic Collection

Proteome and glycosylation mapping identifies post-translational modifications associated with aggressive breast cancer.

A WISE method for designing IIR filters

Book review: Vitalism revisited

On an instantaneous frequency estimator with FIR filters having maximally flat frequency response error magnitude

Steven Franks & Tracy Holloway King, Review of A handbook of Slavic clitics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. xv+403

Visceral adipose tissue and metabolic complications of obesity are reduced in Prader-Willi syndrome female adults: evidence for novel influences on body fat distribution

Book review: Digital Democracy; Deliberation, Democracy and the Media; New Media and Politics

Review of: Formal approaches to Slavic linguistics volumes 3-5, Michigan Slavic materials

The Limits of statutory trade union recognition

Local competition and the role of regulation: the EU debate and Britain's experience

Guest editorial: Java in high-performance computing

The degree of monopsony power in agricultural labour markets, and the impact of the agricultural minimum wage: an application to craft workers in England and Wales

Editorial: current trends in business process modelling

A simulation study of the winter bed crisis

In vivo protein synthetic rates of atrial, ventricular, and pulmonary tissue proteins in aortic constriction, goldblatt, and bromoethylamine models of hypertension

"You become really close... you talk about the silly things you did, and we laugh": the role of binge drinking in female secondary students' lives

Estimates of the continuous time Cox-Ingersoll-Ross term structure model: further results for the UK gilt-edged market

Modelling hospital and social care bed occupancy and use by elderly people in an English health district

Developing a Bayesian belief network for the management of geriatric hospital care

Sometimes they don't stop, they just slow down

Uremic concentrations of guanidino compounds inhibit neutrophil superoxide production

Health and cultural factors associated with enrolment in basic education: a study in rural Ghana

Using a continuous time hidden Markov process, with covariates, to model bed occupancy of people aged over 65 years

Data requirements in a model of the natural history of Alzheimer's disease

Managing the transition to work: the role of the planning network in British town planning education

Successive eigenvalue relaxation: a new method for the generalized eigenvalue problem and convergence estimates

Post-operative epidural analgesia: introducing evidence-based guidelines through an education and assessment process

All change at Elstree: Warner Bros., ABPC and British film policy, 1945–1961

Physiochemical properties of rat liver mitochondrial ribosomes

Borders and boundaries: locating the law in film

Gaussian estimation and forecasting of multi-factor term structure models with an application to Japan and the United Kingdom

Proactive crisis-management strategies and the archaeological heritage

Assessing adult Trichoptera communities of small streams: a case study from Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire, UK

Hero or villain?: Cinematic lawyers and the delivery of justice

A motion sickness maximum around the 0.2 Hz frequency range of horizontal translational oscillation

Exploration of the awakening cortisol response in relation to diurnal cortisol secretory activity

Identification of a novel stretch-responsive skeletal muscle gene (smpx)

Acute doxorubicin (adriamycin) dosage does not reduce cardiac protein synthesis in vivo, but decreases diaminopeptidase I and proline endopeptidase activities

Smoking and symbolism: children, communication and cigarettes

Intracranial identification of an electric frontal-cortex response to auditory stimulus change: a case study

Regional unemployment disparities in Australia

Contemporary lifestyles and the implications for sustainable development policy: lessons from the UK's most car dependent city, Belfast

Graphology and the law

The valuation of reliability for personal travel

The role of English local authorities in tourism survey 2000

Intracellular expression of the truncated extracellular domain of c-erbB-3/HER3

Guest editors forward: Engineering of reconfigurable hardware/software objects

Mapping utopias: a voyage to placelessness

Modelling commodity prices using continuous time models

The cyst-theca relationship of Bitectatodinium tepikiense (Dinophyceae)

Complementary therapies courses for the 21st century

Diarrhea reduces the rates of cardiac protein synthesis in myofibrillar protein fractions in rats in vivo

Making informed decisions on change: key points for health care managers and professionals

Methods for the transfer function design of multiple narrow-band bandpass sigma-delta modulators

Involvement of the receptor for formylated peptides in the in vivo anti-migratory actions of annexin 1 and its mimetics

Cardioprotective effect of propranolol from alcohol-induced heart muscle damage as assessed by plasma cardiac troponin-T.

The nature of partnership in urban renewal in Paris and London

PerR controls oxidative stress resistance and iron storage proteins and is required for virulence in Staphylococcus aureus

Beyond hybridoma technology: production of monoclonal antibodies by phage display

Cardiac troponin T and creatine kinase MB are not increased in exterior oblique muscle of patients with renal failure

Refocusing of B-cell responses following a single amino acid substitution in an antigen

Compliance and outcome in treatment-resistant anorexia and bulimia: a retrospective study

Improvement of third-order intermodulation product of RF and microwave amplifiers by injection

Interference between postural control and mental task performance in patients with vestibular disorder and healthy controls

Scales of hydroecological variability within a groundwater-dominated stream

Development, flood risk and the urban environment: experiences from the River Tame

'Eisenman's banana', extended review of Andrew Benjamin's 'Architectural philosophy'

Recent progress in the understanding of B-cell functions in autoimmunity

Stage-dependent localization of a novel gene product of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum

From British Story

Media risks: the social amplification of risk and the media violence debate

Ethical aspects of ebusiness: the use of codes of conduct

Courting controversy: international law, national norms and American nuclear use

Design of hybrid MIC power amplifier linearized through second harmonics feedback

The handwriting analysis research library

Career paths and choices in a highly differentiated profession: the position of newly qualified solicitors

Computing ripple effect for software maintenance

The message, Radio 4, 13th July 2001

Factors affecting the production of a single-chain antibody fragment by Aspergillus awamori in a stirred tank reactor

Stardom and the profitability of film making: Warner Bros. in the 1930s

A multicarrier amplifier design linearized through second harmonics and second-order IM feedback

Evaluation of efficacy of school-based anthelmintic treatments against anaemia in children in the United Republic of Tanzania

The impact of the gender pay gap on post-retirement earnings

TQM implementation: an empirical examination and proposed generic model

Association between time of awakening and diurnal cortisol secretory activity

Energy trade-offs and market responses in transport and residential land use patterns: promoting sustainable devlopment policy

The road to military humanitarianism: how the human rights NGOs shaped a new humanitarian agenda

Atlantic, Pacific, and world-wide features in English-lexicon contact languages

Identification of amyloid-ß binding sites using an antisense peptide approach

Twenty minutes, Radio 3, 12 August 2001

Anxious adults vs. cool children: children's views on smoking and addiction

Declining the offer of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for bowel cancer: a qualitative investigation of the decision-making process

Tesla's contribution to radiowave propagation

The rationalization Of warship building in the United Kingdom, 1945-2000

Regulation of rat adrenal vasoactive intestinal peptide content: effects of adrenocorticotropic hormone treatment and changes in dietary sodium intake

Islam and human rights: the lessons from Sudan

Trends and cycles in Australian state and territory unemployment rates

Suburbia and party politics

The church of the sacred heart: Irish Catholics in 19th century Kilburn

Learning in multi-agent systems

Green or red architecture

Sediment deposition along the channel margins of a reach of the middle River Severn, UK

Expansion of CD4+ T cells with a cytotoxic phenotype in patients with B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL)

Low frequency noise "pollution" interferes with performance

Multiparadigm communications in Java for grid computing

Reaching for my revolver. Problems with the concept of culture

Auditing and governance in the forestry industry: between protest and professionalism

The impasse in the Igad peace process for Sudan: the limits of regional peacemaking?

A bit of a flutter

Evidence for altered hepatic gluconeogenesis in patients with cirrhosis using in vivo 31-phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Overview of home deliveries in the UK

International graphology year

How peer-review can help graphology

The effects of sex and age of responders on the reliability of self-diagnosed infection: a study of self-reported urinary schistosomiasis in Tanzanian school children

The impostor phenomenon in British university students: relationships between self-esteem, mental health, parental rearing style and socioeconomic status

Corporate banking: the strategic impact of boundary spanner effectiveness

Integrating complementary therapies into health care education: a cautious approach

Aldredian glosses to proper names in the Lindisfarne Gospels

IUPAC-NIST solubility data series. 76. Solubility of ethyne in liquids

Older migrants and social care in Austria

Omnibus services

Multiculturalism and governing neighbourhoods

Upper and lower bounds of 180 degree unit element of a ridge waveguide: calculations and measurements

Age and participation in vocational education and training

A hydrogeomorphological context for ecological research on alpine glacial rivers

Semi-on-line monitoring of P-GRADE applications

Dynamic business process modelling (BPM) for business process change

Inhibition of catalase activity with 3-amino-triazole enhances the cytotoxicity of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-ß peptide

Trends of macroinvertebrate community structure in glacier-fed rivers in relation to environmental conditions: a synthesis

Personality under pressure: management styles in the fire brigade

Leptin requirement for conception, implantation, and gestation in the mouse

The value of asthma camps for young people in Victoria, Australia

"I will start treatment when I think the time is right": HIV-positive gay men talk about their decision not to access antiretroviral therapy

Energy use and transport correlation linking personal and travel related energy uses to the urban structure

The Sex Discrimination (Indirect Discrimination and Burden of Proof) Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No 2260)

Community perception of school-based delivery of anthelmintics in Ghana and Tanzania: The Partnership for Child Development

Predicting the distribution of urinary schistosomiasis in Tanzania using satellite sensor data

Phosphorylation of amyloid-ß at the serine 26 residue by human cdc2 kinase

Uptake of pentamidine in Trypanosoma brucei brucei is mediated by the P2 adenosine transporter and at least one novel, unrelated transporter

Room service: a short experimental film (5mins 30 sec) scripted and directed by Bringas that explores the notion of the hotel room as a virtual space where identities fluctuate

Arcanobacterium/Corynebacterium-like bacterial isolates from sheep