College | Westminster Business School |
Head | Dr Randhir Auluck |
Cui, Y., Cacciolatti, L., Woock, P., Liu, Y. and Zhang, X. 2016. A qualitative exploratory investigation of the purchase intention of consumers affected by long-Term negative referral: A case from the Chinese milk sector. Economia Agro-Alimentare. XVIII (3), pp. 263-282.
Fragkandreas, T. 2016. Innovation and Inequality: An Outline of an Alternative Perspective. 19th Uddevalla Symposium. London, UK 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2016
Clarke, L. and Janssen, J. 2016. Explaining diverging VET systems and approaches in the post-war construction sector: the examples of Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany. in: Berner, E. and Gonon, P. (ed.) History of Vocational Education and Training in Europe: Cases, Concepts and Challenges Bern, Switzerland Peter Lang. pp. 531-550
Beech, N., Clarke, L., Wall, C. and Fitzgerald, I. 2016. On Site. in: Lloyd Thomas, K., Amhoff, T. and Beech, N. (ed.) Industries of Architecture Routledge.
Clarke, L. and Winch, C. 2016. Lessons from abroad: the need for employee involvement, regulation and education for broad occupational profiles – the case of construction’ in Where next for apprenticeships? in: Where next for apprenticeships? Policy report London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Miles, L. and Croucher, R. 2016. The Power of Disruptive Protest in Driving Reform: Explaining the Failed case of Labour in Malaysia. Global Labour Journal. 7 (3), pp. 297-314.
Miles, L. 2016. The Social Relations Approach, empowerment and women factory workers in Malaysia. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 37 (1), pp. 3-22.
Lysandrou, P., Solomon, H. and Goda, T. 2016. The Differential Impact of Public and Private Governance Institutions on the Different Modes of Foreign Investment. International Review of Applied Economics . 30 (6), pp. 1465-3486.
Dell'Anno, R, Rayna, T. and Solomon, H. 2016. Impact of Social Media on Economic Growth - Evidence from Social Media. Applied Economics Letters. 23 (9), pp. 633-636.
Shortland, S. 2016. Mind the gap: Reality and expectations of the global mobility function. Relocate. Autumn 2016, pp. 14-16.
Shortland, S. 2016. The intersection of mobility and talent – the role of gender diversity. Global Heads Mobility Summit. Dec 2016
Cerqua, A. and Urwin, P. 2016. Returns to Maths and English Learning (at level 2 and below) in Further Education. London Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Urwin, P. and Gould, M. 2016. Estimating the Economic Impact of Acas Services. Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).
Urwin, P., Gould, M. and Faggio, G. 2016. Estimating the Value of Discounted Rental Accommodation for London’s ‘Squeezed’ Key Workers. Dolphin Square Foundation.
O'Connor, F. 2016. Silence, Exile and Coming Second. Dublin, Ireland
Masino, S. and Niño-Zarazúa, M. 2016. What works to improve the quality of student learning in developing countries? International Journal of Educational Development. 48, pp. 53-65.
Franklin, S. 2016. Book Review: Moving Health Sovereignty in Africa: Disease, Governance, and Climate Change. African Studies Quarterly. 16 (3-4), pp. 202-203.
Knowles, D., Ruth, D. and Hindley, C. 2016. Psychogeography in a Time of Calamity: Dériving with Defoe. Benson, V. and Filippaios, F. (ed.) European Conference on Research Methodology in Business and Management Studies. Kingston University, Kingston-on-Thames, UK 08 - 10 Jun 2016 Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
Bettany, S., Davies, A. and Snijders, S. 2016. Menopause and the Market: understanding the transitions to post-menopause through the lives of professional women. 13th Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour. Paris 04 - 06 Jul 2016
Alessia, D., Snijders, S., Leonard, N. and Boyle, L. 2016. Pig farmers attitudes towards sick/injured pigs in relation to care and rehabilitation, the use of medication and euthanasia. Dwyer, C., Haskell, M. and Sandilands, V. (ed.) 50th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Edinburgh, UK 12 - 15 Jul 2016 Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Dorsett, R., Lui, S. and Weale, M. 2016. The effect of lifelong learning on men's wages. Empirical Economics. 15 (2), pp. 737-762.
Benyaminova, A., Mathews, M., Rieple, A. and Langley, P. 2016. Corporate social responsibility in the Russian energy industry. ICCMI. 22-24 June 2016, Heraklion 22 - 24 Jun 2016 ICCMI.
Dorsett, R. and Lucchino, P. 2016. The Work Programme: factors associated with differences in the relative effectiveness of prime providers. Department for Work and Pensions.
McGuire, C., Clarke L. and Wall, C. 2016. ‘Through Trade Unionism you felt a belonging – you belonged’: Collectivism and the Self-Representation of Building Workers in Stevenage New Town. Labour History Review. 81 (3), pp. 211-236.
Patel, Z. and Christodoulou, I. Forthcoming. Understanding feedback - what are the discrepancies? WBS Learning and Teaching Day. University of Westminster 21 Jun 2016
Christodoulou, I. and Patel, Z. (ed.) 2016. Strategic Perspectives. 2nd edition. Chichester Wiley.
Bingham, C. and Druker, J. 2016. Human resources, ethics and corporate social responsibility: what makes ‘people’ count within the organisation’s corporate social responsibility platform? CIPD Applied Research Conference 2016: The shifting landscape of work and working lives. Westminster Business School, London 19 Dec 2016 Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Shortland, S. 2016. Relocation policy design and review. Relocate. Autumn 2016, pp. 42-44.
Shortland, S. 2016. Reality and expectations of the global mobility function. Relocate. pp. 14-16.
Shortland, S. 2016. Managing talent: current issues. Relocate. Winter 2016/17, pp. 42-44.
Shortland, S. 2016. "Isn’t it just all hard hats and remote rigs?" Women pursuing oil and gas exploration expatriate careers via rotational assignments. London Metropolitan Staff Development: Research & Scholarship Conference by Guildhall School of Business and Law: The contribution of research to internationalisation and change. London 23 Jun 2016
Shortland, S. and Perkins, S. J. 2016. Employee pay preferences: transnational investigations drawing on postgraduate student data. London Metropolitan Staff Development: Research & Scholarship Conference by Guildhall School of Business and Law: The contribution of research to internationalisation and change. London 23 Jun 2016
Lee, N. and Shortland, S. 2016. Enhancing student outcomes through staff peer review of learning technologies. London Met Learning & Teaching Conference . London 05 Jul 2016
Saridakis, G., Mendoza, M.A., Muñoz Torres, R.I. and Glover, J. 2016. The Relationship between Self-employment and Unemployment in the Long-Run: A Panel Cointegration Approach Allowing For Breaks . Journal of Economic Studies. 43 (3), pp. 358-379.
Michielsens, E. 2016. Contextualising diversity management: challenging the effectiveness of the business case. PhD thesis University of Westminster Human Resources and Management
Mathews, M. and Illes, K. 2016. Leadership and Trust - How to Build a Trustworthy Company. in: Stokes, P., Moore, N., Smith, S.M., Rowland, C. and Scott, P. (ed.) Organisational Management: approaches and Solutions London Kogan Page. pp. 119 -136
Franklin, S. 2016. Book review: Aid, growth and poverty. Medicine, Conflict, and Survival. 32 (3), pp. 249-250.
Franklin, S. 2016. Book review: Managing global health security: the World Health Organization and Disease outbreak control. Medicine, Conflict, and Survival. 32 (3), pp. 247-248.
Shortland, S. 2016. The Purpose of Expatriation: Why Women Undertake International Assignments. Human Resource Management. 55 (4), pp. 655-678.
Shortland, S. 2016. Extreme Expatriation: The Effect of Location Factors and Masculine Environments on Women’s International Assignment Participation in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. in: Connerley, M.L. and Wu, J. (ed.) Handbook on Well-Being of Working Women Springer. pp. 393-411