Westminster School of Arts

CollegeDesign, Creative and Digital Industries
HeadProf Catherine Dormor
Sort by Date Title

Conversation with Susan Schuppli and Matthew C. Wilson


Thomson, J. 2019. Conversation with Susan Schuppli and Matthew C. Wilson. Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool UK 17 Dec 2018 - 01 Feb 2019

Fashion Marketing and Communication: Theory and Practice across the Fashion Industry


Mitterfellner, O. 2019. Fashion Marketing and Communication: Theory and Practice across the Fashion Industry. Abingdon Routledge.

As “a hedge, as a convenience, a good thing”: Elizabeth Petipher Cash’s continued fashioning of a Plain appearance

Conference paper

Rumball, H. 2019. As “a hedge, as a convenience, a good thing”: Elizabeth Petipher Cash’s continued fashioning of a Plain appearance. 107th CAA Annual Conference. New York, New York, United States 13 - 16 Feb 2016

Symposium Review: Reframing 19th-century Fashion and Dress Symposium


Rumball, H. 2019. Symposium Review: Reframing 19th-century Fashion and Dress Symposium. Centre for Design History, University of Brighton.

Signalling - at the molecular level

Journal article

Jaeckel, M. 2019. Signalling - at the molecular level. Hyphen Journal. 1.



de Oliveira, A.A. and Bate, D. 2019. Instinct. Membrana Journal of Photography. 4 (1). https://doi.org/10.47659/m6.020.int

Building a repository in collaboration with our research community to support practice-research

Workshop item

Evans, J. 2019. Building a repository in collaboration with our research community to support practice-research. Capturing practice research: improving visibility and searchability. London 15 Mar 2019

Women Artists, Feminism and the Moving Image: Contexts and Practices


Reynolds, L. (ed.) 2019. Women Artists, Feminism and the Moving Image: Contexts and Practices. Bloomsbury Academic.

Introduction: Raising voices

Book chapter

Reynolds, L. 2019. Introduction: Raising voices. in: Women Artists, Feminism and the Moving Image: Contexts and Practices London Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1-18

Subjective Documentary Photography in ‘‘Normalised’’ Czechoslovakia (1968-89). Decoding Vladimír Birgus’ Work

Journal article

Gortazar, P. 2019. Subjective Documentary Photography in ‘‘Normalised’’ Czechoslovakia (1968-89). Decoding Vladimír Birgus’ Work. Fotocinema. 19, pp. 101-123. https://doi.org/10.24310/Fotocinema.2019.v2i19.6647

Toward an Emancipation of Photographic Vision: “Visualism” Under Czechoslovakian “Normalization” (1968–89)

Journal article

Gortazar, P. 2019. Toward an Emancipation of Photographic Vision: “Visualism” Under Czechoslovakian “Normalization” (1968–89). Photography and Culture. 12 (2), pp. 151-170. https://doi.org/10.1080/17514517.2019.1596598

Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience

Journal article

Marsh, J. 2019. Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience. Journal for Artistic Research. Issue 19 19. https://doi.org/10.22501/jar.596787

I am an ordinary man: Getting and wearing suits in Britain 1945-1980

Conference paper

Sprecher, D. 2019. I am an ordinary man: Getting and wearing suits in Britain 1945-1980. Everyday Fashion: Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary Clothes. University of Huddersfield and University of Leeds 27 - 28 Jun 2019 University of Huddersfield.

Fashion parades - for men only: Multiple tailor Hepworths, designer Hardy Amies and the marketing of men's suits in Britain in the 1960s

Journal article

Sprecher, D. 2019. Fashion parades - for men only: Multiple tailor Hepworths, designer Hardy Amies and the marketing of men's suits in Britain in the 1960s. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion. 6 (1&2), pp. 161-178. https://doi.org/10.1386/csmf_00010_1

Gazing at the family: archives, performance and Portuguese photography (1940-1975)

PhD thesis

Janeiro Fernandes, A. 2019. Gazing at the family: archives, performance and Portuguese photography (1940-1975). PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts https://doi.org/10.34737/qy47z

Visuality and the haptic qualities of the line in generative art

Conference paper

Fry, C. 2019. Visuality and the haptic qualities of the line in generative art. 22nd Generative Art Conference. Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Rome, Italy 19 - 21 Dec 2019 Domus Argenia Publisher.

Animistic Apparatus


Ingawanij, M.A. 2019. Animistic Apparatus. University of Westminster. https://doi.org/10.34737/qy152

Observations on the Utility of Square Waves and Their Applicability in Generative Melodic Applications

Conference paper

Boon, H. 2019. Observations on the Utility of Square Waves and Their Applicability in Generative Melodic Applications. SEMPRE Autumn Conference. Bath Spa 08 - 08 Nov 2019

Improvising Songwriting and Composition Within A Hybrid Modular Synthesis System

Conference paper

Boon, H. 2019. Improvising Songwriting and Composition Within A Hybrid Modular Synthesis System. InMusic19. University of West London 05 - 07 Dec 2019

Making Sense of My Creativity: Reflecting on Digital Autoethnography

Journal article

Musgrave, G. 2019. Making Sense of My Creativity: Reflecting on Digital Autoethnography. Journal of Artistic and Creative Education. 13 (1), pp. 1-11.

off screen


Tabrizian, M. 2019. off screen . Kerber.

Moving Image Review Journal

Edited issue

Maziere, M. and Reynolds, L. 2019. Moving Image Review Journal. The Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ). 8 (1-2). https://doi.org/10.1386/miraj_00001_2

Sweet Harmony: Rave|Today (Exhibition Review)


Christodoulou, C. 2019. Sweet Harmony: Rave|Today (Exhibition Review). Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture. 11 (1), pp. 101-102. https://doi.org/10.12801/1947-5403.2019.11.01.07

Streaming intersectionality: Queer and trans television aesthetics in post-medium transformation

Journal article

Goddard, M. and Hogg, C. 2019. Streaming intersectionality: Queer and trans television aesthetics in post-medium transformation. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies. 14 (4), pp. 429-434. https://doi.org/10.1177/1749602019875846

Transforming musical performance: the audience as performer

Book chapter

York, A. 2019. Transforming musical performance: the audience as performer. in: Hepworth-Sawyer, R., Hodgson, J., Paterson, J. and Toulson, R. (ed.) Innovation In Music London Routledge. pp. 3-23

“Art is Energy, Art is Power”: An Interview with Józef Robakowski


Goddard, M. 2019. “Art is Energy, Art is Power”: An Interview with Józef Robakowski. Apparatus Journal.

Invisible Men: An Anthology from the Westminster Menswear Archive

Exhibition catalogue

Groves Andrew and Sprecher, D. 2019. Invisible Men: An Anthology from the Westminster Menswear Archive.

Invisible Men Conference

Conference item

Groves Andrew and Sprecher, D. 2019. Invisible Men Conference . Invisible Men Conference. Ambika P3 29 - 29 Oct 2019

Honorary Doctorate of Arts


Cummings, P. 2019. Honorary Doctorate of Arts. University of Brighton.

Interview with Lukas Marxt

Book chapter

Ross, J. 2019. Interview with Lukas Marxt. in: Slanar, C. (ed.) Lukas Marxt: From Light to Cold Vienna VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH.

(Reopening) the Open Frame

Book chapter

Dornieden, A, Gonzáles, J.D. and Ross, J. 2019. (Reopening) the Open Frame. in: Greenfield, L., Philips, D.S., Schroedinger, K., Speidel, B. and Widmann, P. (ed.) Film in the Present Tense: Why can’t we stop talking about analogue film? Berlin Archive Books. pp. 111-114

America, America, America: Japanese artists in the United States in the Sixties and Seventies

Book chapter

Ross, J. 2019. America, America, America: Japanese artists in the United States in the Sixties and Seventies. in: Jhaveri, S. (ed.) America: Films from Elsewhere India The Shoestring Publisher.

I IS ANOTHER: The fabulative filmic collaboration with someone recovering from addiction

PhD thesis

Ledésert, C. 2019. I IS ANOTHER: The fabulative filmic collaboration with someone recovering from addiction. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts https://doi.org/10.34737/qvwq0

Harry Partch: A Catalyst for Queer Compositionism

PhD thesis

Saunders, W. 2019. Harry Partch: A Catalyst for Queer Compositionism. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts https://doi.org/10.34737/qv97w

The Art of Un-belonging

PhD thesis

Sözen, D. 2019. The Art of Un-belonging. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts https://doi.org/10.34737/qv976

Factors influencing the spectral clarity of vocals in music mixes

Conference item

Hermes, K. 2019. Factors influencing the spectral clarity of vocals in music mixes. Loughran, R. and Angus-Whiteoak, J. (ed.) Audio Engineering Society 146th Convention. Dublin 20 - 23 Mar 2019 Audio Engineering Society. https://doi.org/10.17743/aesconv.2019.978-1-942220-26-8

Enhancing creativity through automatic mixing research: testing spectral clarity predictors in the mix process

Book chapter

Hermes, K. 2019. Enhancing creativity through automatic mixing research: testing spectral clarity predictors in the mix process. in: Gullö, J.O. (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th Art of Record Production Conference Mono: Stereo: Multi – Stockholm 2017 Stockholm, Sweden Royal College of Music (KMH) & Art of Record Production. pp. 155-170

Optimizing vocal clarity in the mix

Book chapter

Hermes, K. 2019. Optimizing vocal clarity in the mix. in: Hepworth-Sawyer, R., Hodgson, J., Paterson, J. and Toulson, R. (ed.) Innovation in Music: Performance, Production, Technology, and Business UK Routledge.

The Repository is the CRIS, and the CRIS is the Repository

Conference item

Evans, J. 2019. The Repository is the CRIS, and the CRIS is the Repository. Open Repositories Conference. Hamburg, Germany 10 - 13 Jun 2019

Practice-based arts research in repositories: how do we better engage with researchers to capture, manage and enable discoverability of this research?

Conference item

Evans, J., Gray, A., Kaye, J., Siminson, N., Watts, N. and Renner, T. 2019. Practice-based arts research in repositories: how do we better engage with researchers to capture, manage and enable discoverability of this research? Open Repositories Conference. Hamburg, Germany 10 - 13 Jun 2019

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Allen, Elizabeth

Assistant Head of School

Anouti, Caline

Senior Lecturer

Armour, Helen

Principal Lecturer

Astor, Pete

Senior Lecturer

Atherton, Peggy

Senior Lecturer

Bartolo, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Bate, David


Boon, Hussein

Principal Lecturer

Campbell, Anthony

Senior Lecturer

Chapman, Leddra

Senior Lecturer

Christodoulou, Chris

Senior Lecturer

Cumberland, Stuart

Senior Lecturer

Cummings, Phoebe

Research Associate

Cunningham, Rachel

Senior Lecturer

Curtis, Caroline

Senior Lecturer

Dawood, Shezad

Senior Research Fellow

Dormor, Catherine

Head of School - West. School of Arts

Dukes, Peter

Principal Lecturer

Evans, Jenny

Research Environment & Schol. Comms Lead

Farsides, Antony

Senior Lecturer

Fry, Christopher

Senior Lecturer

Ginda, Sareata

Senior Lecturer

Gogerly, Simon

Senior Lecturer

Grose, Virginia

Assistant Head of School

Harrison, Lucy

Assistant Head of School

Heale, Sally

Senior Lecturer

Hermes, Kirsten

Senior Lecturer

Hodge, Zoe


Hupli, Teemu

Senior Lecturer

Jack, Gavin

Senior Academic

Jones, Rachel

Senior Lecturer

Koi, Dansoa


Ladega, Tumi


Lavery, Julianne

Senior Lecturer

Leach, Robert

Senior Lecturer

Leyens, Ulrike

Senior Lecturer

Mansfield, Nicola

Senior Lecturer

Marsh, Julie

Senior Lecturer

Metcalf, Gulsun Metin

Senior Lecturer

Mitterfellner, Olga

Senior Lecturer

Moore, David

Principal Lecturer

Musgrave, George

Senior Lecturer

Owen, Pete

Senior Lecturer

Peric, Zak

Senior Lecturer

Pinkowski, Andre

Senior Lecturer

Reyes, Ochi


Reynolds, Lucy

Senior Lecturer

Robson, Cathryn

Senior Lecturer

Skinner, Glenn

Senior Lecturer

Smith, Raine

Senior Lecturer

Sprecher, Danielle

Menswear Curator

Squires, Kate

Senior Lecturer

Stewart, Kerry

Senior Lecturer

Taylor, Jasmine

Senior Lecturer

Thomas, Rosie


Thornton, Joyce

Senior Lecturer

Twomey, Clare


Wallin, Rosie

Senior Lecturer

White, Russell

Assistant Head of School

Wyver, John


York, Adrian

Senior Lecturer