Immersive Learning Research Network, 5th International Conference, iLRN 2019, London, UK, June 23–27, 2019, Proceedings
Beck, D., Peña-Rios, A., Ogle, Economou, D., Mentzelopoulos, M., Morgado, L., Eckhardt, C., Pirker, J., Koitz-Hristov, R., Richter, J., Gütl, C. and Gardner, M. Beck, D., Peña-Rios, A., Ogle, T., Economou, D., Mentzelopoulos, M., Morgado, L., Eckhardt, C., Pirker, J., Koitz-Hristov, R., Richter, J., Gütl, C. and Gardner, M. (ed.) 2019. Immersive Learning Research Network, 5th International Conference, iLRN 2019, London, UK, June 23–27, 2019, Proceedings. Switzerland Springer.