A dynamic role-playing platform for simulations in legal and political education

Economou, D., Doumanis, I., Bouki, V., Pedersen, F.S., Kathrani, P., Mentzelopoulos, M. and Georgalas, N. 2014. A dynamic role-playing platform for simulations in legal and political education. International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL). Thessaloniki 13 Nov 2014 IEEE . https://doi.org/10.1109/IMCTL.2014.7011138

TitleA dynamic role-playing platform for simulations in legal and political education
AuthorsEconomou, D., Doumanis, I., Bouki, V., Pedersen, F.S., Kathrani, P., Mentzelopoulos, M. and Georgalas, N.
TypeConference paper

One big challenge in deploying games-based learning, is the high cost and specialised skills associated with customised development. In this paper we present a serious games platform that offers tools that allow educators without special programming or artistic skills to dynamically create three dimensional (3D) scenes and verbal and non-verbal interaction with fully embodied conversational agents (ECAs) that can be used to simulate numerous educational scenarios. We present evaluation results based on the use of the platform to create two educational scenarios for politics and law in higher education. We conclude with a discussion of directions for the further work.

Serious Games (computing)
ConferenceInternational Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL)
Publication dates
PublishedNov 2014
Journal citationpp. 232 - 236
Book title2014 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1109/IMCTL.2014.7011138

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Economou, D., Doumanis, I., Pedersen, F.S., Kathrani, P., Mentzelopoulos, M., Bouki, V. and Georgalas, N. 2016. Westminster Serious Games Platform (wmin-SGP) a tool for real-time authoring of roleplay simulations for learning. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments. 16 (6), p. e5 e5. https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.27-6-2016.151524

Perceptual user interface framework for immersive information retrieval environments (An experimental framework for testing and rapid iteration)
Mentzelopoulos, M., Ferguson, J. and Protopsaltis, A. 2016. Perceptual user interface framework for immersive information retrieval environments (An experimental framework for testing and rapid iteration). International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). 10 (2), pp. 64-71. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v10i2.5643

A sociolegal approach to the refugee crisis, public partnerships and making use of human capital
Kathrani, P. 2016. A sociolegal approach to the refugee crisis, public partnerships and making use of human capital. Creativity in the Circular Economy . University of Westminster, London, UK 24 Mar 2016

Can we Prosecute a Robot?
Kathrani, P. 2016. Can we Prosecute a Robot?

Then and Now: The Ontological Dehumanisation of the Refugee
Kathrani, P. 2015. Then and Now: The Ontological Dehumanisation of the Refugee . Past and future issues and challenges of prevention of international crimes and rise of intolerance. Vilnius, Lithuania 10 Dec 2015

Perceptually captured gesture interaction with immersive information retrieval environments: An experimental framework for testing and rapid iteration
Mentzelopoulos, M., Ferguson, J. and Protopsaltis, A. 2015. Perceptually captured gesture interaction with immersive information retrieval environments: An experimental framework for testing and rapid iteration. 2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL). Thessaloniki, Greece 19 Nov 2015 IEEE . https://doi.org/10.1109/IMCTL.2015.7359608

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Economou, D., Doumanis, I., Pedersen, F., Kathrani, P., Mentzelopoulos, M. and Bouki, V. 2015. Evaluation of a dynamic role-playing platform for simulations based on Octalysis gamification framework. Immersive Learning Research Network Conference. Prague, Czech Republic 13 Jul 2015 IOS Press. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-530-2-388

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Tseliki, L., Bouki, V. and Economou, D. 2015. Using Mobile Learning Games for Delivery Purposes in Humanities. IMCL 2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning. Thessaloniki, Greece 19 Nov 2015 IEEE . https://doi.org/10.1109/IMCTL.2015.7359595

Edu-simulation: a serious games platform designed to engage and motivate students
Economou, D., Doumanis, I., Bouki, V., Pedersen, F.S., Kathrani, P., Mentzelopoulos, M. and Georgalas, N. 2015. Edu-simulation: a serious games platform designed to engage and motivate students. IMCL 2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning. Thessaloniki, Greece 19 Nov 2015 IEEE . https://doi.org/10.1109/IMCTL.2015.7359596

‘Being’ Alone: The Confluence of Asylum Law and Existential Literature
Kathrani, P. 2015. ‘Being’ Alone: The Confluence of Asylum Law and Existential Literature. 'Translaborate' Symposium . University of Westminster, London Jun 2015

Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education
Kathrani, P. 2015. Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education . Caceres ABDEM conference. Caceres, Spain Dec 2013

Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education (‘AQRba’)
Kathrani, P. 2015. Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education (‘AQRba’). Abdem Conference . Setif, Algeria Mar 2015

Debate Chair: ‘You, Robot! What Does it take to Regulate Artificial Intelligence?’ 8 October 2015
Kathrani, P. 2015. Debate Chair: ‘You, Robot! What Does it take to Regulate Artificial Intelligence?’ 8 October 2015. University of Westminster.

Panel discussion: SocialHuman lawyer in the robotic age
Kathrani, P. 2015. Panel discussion: SocialHuman lawyer in the robotic age. ARG Group.

Hardware Interfaces for VR Applications: Evaluation on Prototypes
Mentzelopoulos, M., Tarpini, F., Emanuele, A. and Protopsaltis, A. 2015. Hardware Interfaces for VR Applications: Evaluation on Prototypes. The 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications - IUCC-2-15 (Special session: VEAI). Liverpool - UK 26 Oct 2015 IEEE .

EdCCDroid: An Education Pilot Prototype for Introducing Code-Combat using LUA
Wood, C., Mentzelopoulos, M. and Protopsaltis, A. 2015. EdCCDroid: An Education Pilot Prototype for Introducing Code-Combat using LUA . 1st Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN'15). Prague - Czech Republic Jul 2015 IOS Press. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-530-2-353

Planning and Co-Organiser of three day short course, ‘Beyond Law: The UN mechanisms for the protection of human rights’
Kathrani, P. and McClean, E. 2014. Planning and Co-Organiser of three day short course, ‘Beyond Law: The UN mechanisms for the protection of human rights’.

It’s Good to be Square: The Kandinsky-fication of Law
Kathrani, P. 2014. It’s Good to be Square: The Kandinsky-fication of Law. Westminster Law School.

UWE (UK) Reflection and Analysis of Phase 1 of ABDEM Project
Kathrani, P. 2014. UWE (UK) Reflection and Analysis of Phase 1 of ABDEM Project. Logrono ABDEM Conference . Logrono, Spain Sep 2014

Human Computer Interaction using gestures for mobile devices and serious games: A review
Spanogianopoulos, S., Mentzelopoulos, M., Sirlantzis, K. and Protopsaltis, A. 2014. Human Computer Interaction using gestures for mobile devices and serious games: A review. International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL). Thessaloniki 13 Nov 2014 IEEE . https://doi.org/10.1109/IMCTL.2014.7011154

3D hand pose estimation with neural networks
Serra, J.A., Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Orts Escolano, S., Garcia-Chamizo, J.M., Angelopoulou, A., Psarrou, A., Mentzelopoulos, M., Montoyo-Bojo, J. and Domínguez, E. 2013. 3D hand pose estimation with neural networks. in: Advances in Computational Intelligence: 12th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2013 Springer.

Football video annotation based on player motion recognition using enhanced entropy
Mentzelopoulos, M., Psarrou, A., Angelopoulou, A. and Garcia-Rodriguez, J. 2013. Football video annotation based on player motion recognition using enhanced entropy. in: Advances in Computational Intelligence: 12th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2013 Springer.

Natural User Interfaces in Volume Visualisation using Microsoft Kinect
Angelopoulou, A., Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Psarrou, A., Mentzelopoulos, M., Reddy, B., Orts Escolano, S., Serra, J.A. and Lewis, A. 2013. Natural User Interfaces in Volume Visualisation using Microsoft Kinect. ICIAP 2013 International Workshops. Naples, Italy 09 Sep 2013 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41190-8_2

Adaptive learning in motion analysis with self-organising maps
Angelopoulou, A., Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Psarrou, A., Gupta, G. and Mentzelopoulos, M. 2013. Adaptive learning in motion analysis with self-organising maps. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Dallas, TX 04 Aug 2013 IEEE . https://doi.org/10.1109/IJCNN.2013.6707135

A semi-parametric approach for football video annotation
Mentzelopoulos, M., Psarrou, A., Angelopoulou, A. and Garcia-Rodriguez, J. 2013. A semi-parametric approach for football video annotation. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Dallas, TX 04 Aug 2013 IEEE . https://doi.org/10.1109/IJCNN.2013.6706720

3D gesture recognition with growing neural gas
Sera-Perez, J.A., Garcia Rodriguez, J., Orts-Escolano, S., García-Chamizo, J.M., Montoyo-Bojo, J., Angelopoulou, A., Psarrou, A., Mentzelopoulos, M., Lewis, A. and Orts Escolano, S. 2013. 3D gesture recognition with growing neural gas. in: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference in Neural Networks, IJCNN 2013, 2-9 August 2013, Dallas, USA IEEE . pp. 3034-3041

School essentials for 21st century learning: connect, collaborate, create, contextualise
Kolyda, F. and Bouki, V. 2013. School essentials for 21st century learning: connect, collaborate, create, contextualise. in: Proceedings of Information Society (i-Society), 2013 International Conference IEEE . pp. 207-211

21st century learning: exploring the classroom experience
Kolyda, F. and Bouki, V. 2013. 21st century learning: exploring the classroom experience. in: Herrington, J., Couros, A. and Irvine, V. (ed.) Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 Chesapeake, VA AACE. pp. 1674-1682

Active foreground region extraction and tracking for sports video annotation
Mentzelopoulos, M., Psarrou, A., Angelopoulou, A. and Garcia-Rodriguez, J. 2013. Active foreground region extraction and tracking for sports video annotation. Neural Processing Letters. 37 (1), pp. 33-46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-012-9267-4

Exploring what formal learning involves in the digital era
Kolyda, F. and Bouki, V. 2013. Exploring what formal learning involves in the digital era. International Journal for e-Learning Security. 3 (2), pp. 318-324.

Quality circles and human rights: tackling the universalism and cultural relativism divide
Kathrani, P. 2012. Quality circles and human rights: tackling the universalism and cultural relativism divide. AI and Society. 27 (3), pp. 369-375. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-012-0379-1

Pamphlet for the Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative ‘All-Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees Open Debate on Refugee Integration’ (including foreword)
Kathrani, P. 2012. Pamphlet for the Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative ‘All-Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees Open Debate on Refugee Integration’ (including foreword).

Panel Member at All-Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees ‘Open Debate on Refugee Integration’ chaired by Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament, in conjunction with Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative
Kathrani, P. 2012. Panel Member at All-Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees ‘Open Debate on Refugee Integration’ chaired by Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament, in conjunction with Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative.

Chaired Panel on ‘Refugee and Asylum Law’ at Queen Mary Postgraduate Law Conference 2012: Taking Risks and Challenging Legal Thought
Kathrani, P. 2012. Chaired Panel on ‘Refugee and Asylum Law’ at Queen Mary Postgraduate Law Conference 2012: Taking Risks and Challenging Legal Thought.

Uncodified Prerogative Powers and Prerogative Powers
Kathrani, P. 2012. Uncodified Prerogative Powers and Prerogative Powers.

WMIN-MOBILE: a mobile learning platform for information and service provision
Economou, D., Keable-Crouch, A., Bouki, V., Basukoski, A. and Getov, Vladimir 2012. WMIN-MOBILE: a mobile learning platform for information and service provision. in: Venkatasubramanian, N., Getov, Vladimir and Steglich, S. (ed.) Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems and applications: 4th international ICST conference, Mobilware 2011. London, UK, June 2011. Revised selected papers. Springer.

Mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage
Angelopoulou, A., Economou, D., Bouki, V., Psarrou, A., Jin, L., Pritchard, C. and Kolyda, F. 2012. Mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage. in: Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems and applications: 4th international ICST conference, Mobilware 2011. London, UK, June 2011. Revised selected papers. Springer.

Mytilene e-guide: a multiplatform mobile application tourist guide exemplar
Kenteris, M., Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2011. Mytilene e-guide: a multiplatform mobile application tourist guide exemplar. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 54 (2), pp. 241-262. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-010-0519-x

Co-Chaired Five Seminars in the Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative Seminar Series ‘New Challenges in Refugee Integration’
Kathrani, P. 2011. Co-Chaired Five Seminars in the Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative Seminar Series ‘New Challenges in Refugee Integration’.

Explosive ordinance disposal: motion sensor simulator in Nintendo Wii
Mentzelopoulos, M., Tanasa, M., Protopsaltis, A. and Economou, D. 2011. Explosive ordinance disposal: motion sensor simulator in Nintendo Wii. in: SIGDOC'11: proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on design of communication: October 3 - 5, 2011, Pisa, Italy ACM. pp. 227-234

Asylum law or criminal law: blame, deterrence and the criminalisation of the asylum
Kathrani, P. 2011. Asylum law or criminal law: blame, deterrence and the criminalisation of the asylum. Jurisprudence. 18 (4), pp. 1543-1554.

Development platforms for mobile applications: status and trends
Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2011. Development platforms for mobile applications: status and trends. IEEE Software. 28 (1), pp. 77-86. https://doi.org/10.1109/MS.2010.155

Simulation game for training new teachers in class management
Bouki, V., Mentzelopoulos, M. and Protopsaltis, A. 2011. Simulation game for training new teachers in class management. in: SIGDOC'11: proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on design of communication: October 3 - 5, 2011, Pisa, Italy ACM. pp. 79-82

"Cognitive theory of multimedia learning" and learning videos design: The "redundancy principle"
Bouki, V., Economou, D. and Angelopoulou, A. 2011. "Cognitive theory of multimedia learning" and learning videos design: The "redundancy principle". in: SIGDOC'11: proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on design of communication, October 3 - 5, 2011, Pisa, Italy ACM. pp. 271-278

International Refugee Law and Legal Theory: Developing a New Global Ethic for the Contemporary Protection of Refugees
Kathrani, P. 2010. International Refugee Law and Legal Theory: Developing a New Global Ethic for the Contemporary Protection of Refugees. PhD thesis Kings College, London Law

Inside or Outside? Asylum Seekers on the Periphery of Borders
Kathrani, P. 2010. Inside or Outside? Asylum Seekers on the Periphery of Borders.

The Fourth Generation of Human Rights
Kathrani, P. 2010. The Fourth Generation of Human Rights.

Social contract theory and the international normative order: a new global ethic
Kathrani, P. 2010. Social contract theory and the international normative order: a new global ethic. Jurisprudencija. 1 (119), pp. 97-109.

Legal realism
Kathrani, P. 2010. Legal realism. in: Introduction to legal theory Vilnius Mykolas Romeris University Books.

Constructing human freedom: the refugee convention and networks of power
Kathrani, P. 2010. Constructing human freedom: the refugee convention and networks of power. Social Sciences Studies. 3 (7), pp. 115-124.

A user-centered approach for building design guidelines for the use of virtual actors in CVEs for learning
Economou, D. 2010. A user-centered approach for building design guidelines for the use of virtual actors in CVEs for learning. in: Stewart, C.M., Schifter, C.C. and Markaridian Selverian, M.E. (ed.) Teaching and learning with technology: beyond constructivism New York Routledge. pp. 182-213

Model-driven development of pervasive applications using context and ontologies: an m-commerce case study
Georgalas, N. and Economou, D. 2009. Model-driven development of pervasive applications using context and ontologies: an m-commerce case study. Electronic Journal for E-Commerce Tools & Applications. 3 (1).

Agile product lifecycle management for service delivery frameworks: history, architecture and tools
Georgalas, N., Achilleos, A., Freskos, V. and Economou, D. 2009. Agile product lifecycle management for service delivery frameworks: history, architecture and tools. BT Technology Journal. 26 (2), pp. 65-86.

An innovative mobile electronic tourist guide application
Kenteris, M., Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2009. An innovative mobile electronic tourist guide application. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 13 (2), pp. 103-118. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-007-0191-y

Asylum Law or Criminal Law: the Criminalisation of the Asylum Seeker
Kathrani, P. 2009. Asylum Law or Criminal Law: the Criminalisation of the Asylum Seeker.

Online documentation and preservation of cultural content in the "grico" speaking area of Magna Grecia (South Italy)
Samaroudi, M. and Economou, D. 2009. Online documentation and preservation of cultural content in the "grico" speaking area of Magna Grecia (South Italy). in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Documentation and Tradition, with a special interest in the Kalasha of the Hindu Kush Valleys Himalayas, 7 – 9 November 2008, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

A decade of change: a case for global morality, dialogue and transnational trust building
Kathrani, P. 2009. A decade of change: a case for global morality, dialogue and transnational trust building. Jurisprudence. 4 (118), pp. 97-104.

Assessment and "concurrent learning": combining different learning goals in one task
Bouki, V. and Modi, S. 2009. Assessment and "concurrent learning": combining different learning goals in one task. in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Research and Information (ICERI2009), Madrid, Spain, November 2009 Spain International Association of Technology, Education and Development. pp. 005930-005933

Using learning videos in classroom: cognitive aspects and evaluation of software to create learning videos
Bouki, V. 2009. Using learning videos in classroom: cognitive aspects and evaluation of software to create learning videos. in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Research and Information (ICERI2009), Madrid, Spain, November 2009 Spain International Association of Technology, Education and Development. pp. 005604-005608

Improved batch fuzzy learning vector quantization for image compression
Tsekouras, G.E., Antonios, M., Anagnostopoulos, C., Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2008. Improved batch fuzzy learning vector quantization for image compression. Information Sciences. 178 (20), pp. 3895-3907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2008.05.017

Cultural applications for mobile devices: issues and requirements for authoring tools and development platforms
Economou, D., Gavalas, D., Kenteris, M. and Tsekouras, G.E. 2008. Cultural applications for mobile devices: issues and requirements for authoring tools and development platforms. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review. 12 (3), pp. 18-33. https://doi.org/10.1145/1462141.1462145

EU Common Asylum Policy
Kathrani, P. 2008. EU Common Asylum Policy.

Post Second World War Existential Crisis of States
Kathrani, P. 2008. Post Second World War Existential Crisis of States.

Human Rights and Education: Furthering Global Citizenship
Kathrani, P. 2008. Human Rights and Education: Furthering Global Citizenship.

Judicial Guidelines On Procedures With Respect To Vulnerable Persons
Kathrani, P. 2008. Judicial Guidelines On Procedures With Respect To Vulnerable Persons.

Theatrical dialectical tradition and intercultural dialogue in Magna Grecia: case study the “Grico theatre: between Greece and Italy" project
Samaroudi, M., Stathi, I. and Economou, D. 2008. Theatrical dialectical tradition and intercultural dialogue in Magna Grecia: case study the “Grico theatre: between Greece and Italy" project. in: Proceedings of the 1st Adriatic-Ionian Intercultural Dialogue Conference, Ionian University Conference Centre, Corfu, Greece, 27-28 June 2008 Europe of Cultures Forum.

Gender patterns in hypertext reading
Protopsaltis, A. and Bouki, V. 2008. Gender patterns in hypertext reading. in: Workshop on Cognition and the Web: Information Processing, Comprehension and Learning, April 24-26, Granada, Spain WebCog. pp. 213-217

Gender and information processing in electronic age
Protopsaltis, A. and Bouki, V. 2008. Gender and information processing in electronic age. in: ACM Special Interest Group for Design of Communication: proceedings of the 26th annual ACM international conference on design of communication New York ACM. pp. 131-138

Does gender matter in hypertext reading?
Protopsaltis, A. and Bouki, V. 2008. Does gender matter in hypertext reading? in: Luca, J. and Weippl, E.R. (ed.) ED-MEDIA 2008 : Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria Chesapeake, VA AACE. pp. 1120-1129

Evaluation of mobile tourist guides
Kenteris, M., Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2008. Evaluation of mobile tourist guides. in: Lytras, M.D., Carroll, J.M., Damiani, E., Tennyson, R.D., Avison, D., Vossen, G. and Ordonez De Pablos, P. (ed.) The open knowlege society: a computer science and information systems manifesto : first world summit on the knowledge society, WSKS 2008, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008. Proceedings Berlin Springer.

Deploying thick mobile clients using thin client architecture: a case in mobile tourist guides
Kenteris, M., Economou, D., Gavalas, D. and Zamplaras, D. 2008. Deploying thick mobile clients using thin client architecture: a case in mobile tourist guides. in: Lytras, M.D., Carroll, J.M., Damiani, E., Tennyson, R.D., Avison, D., Vossen, G. and Ordonez De Pablos, P. (ed.) The open knowlege society: a computer science and information systems manifesto : first world summit on the knowledge society, WSKS 2008, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008. Proceedings Berlin Springer.

The quest to build a multi-platform mobile tourist guide for the Municipal Council of Mytilene, Greece
Kenteris, M., Economou, D. and Gavalas, D. 2008. The quest to build a multi-platform mobile tourist guide for the Municipal Council of Mytilene, Greece. in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference of the E-Business Forum in "E-Business in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality", 14 March 2008, Athens, Greece e-Business Forum.

The contribution of virtual actors in collaborative virtual reality environments in education
Economou, D. 2008. The contribution of virtual actors in collaborative virtual reality environments in education. in: Avouris, N., Karagiannidis, C. and Komis, V. (ed.) Introduction to computer-supported collaboration: collaborative environments and models for work, learning, communities of practice and knowledge building Greece Kleidarithmos Publications.

Dansk public diplomacy og tegningesagen.
Pedersen, F.S. 2007. Dansk public diplomacy og tegningesagen. in: Linell, J. (ed.) Streger i et forvirret billede: Strejflys over udvalgte sider af tegningekrisen i 2005-06 Copenhagen, Denmark Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier.

Multimedia applications for mobile devices: issues and requirements for authoring tools and development platforms
Economou, D., Gavalas, D., Kenteris, M. and Micha, K. 2007. Multimedia applications for mobile devices: issues and requirements for authoring tools and development platforms. Journal of Mobile Multimedia. 3 (1), pp. 65-87.

UK Asylum Law and Policy: A Tale of Four Parties
Kathrani, P. 2007. UK Asylum Law and Policy: A Tale of Four Parties.

The Relationship between the Public and the Asylum Seeker: a Meta-Ethical Perspective
Kathrani, P. 2007. The Relationship between the Public and the Asylum Seeker: a Meta-Ethical Perspective.

The technology landscape of wireless web
Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2007. The technology landscape of wireless web. International Journal of Mobile Communications. 5 (5), pp. 508-527. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMC.2007.013930

Undergraduate computer science projects in UK: what is the point?
Bouki, V. 2007. Undergraduate computer science projects in UK: what is the point? in: Kefalas, P., Sotiriadou, A., Davies, G. and McGettrick, A. (ed.) Proceedings of Informatics Education Europe II (IEEII 2007): Developments in South East Europe Thessaloniki, Greece SEERC. pp. 176-184

The effects of reading goals in hypertext reading
Protopsaltis, A. and Bouki, V. 2006. The effects of reading goals in hypertext reading. in: Pierce, R. and Stamey, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Design of communication New York, USA ACM. pp. 29-34

Reading strategies in hypertexts and factors influencing link selection
Protopsaltis, A. and Bouki, V. 2006. Reading strategies in hypertexts and factors influencing link selection. in: Pearson, E. and Bohman, P. (ed.) Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2006: world conference on educational multimedia, hypermedia & telecommunications AACE. pp. 450-457

E-learning within the classroom: examining the complexity before measuring the impact
Kolyda, F. and Bouki, V. 2006. E-learning within the classroom: examining the complexity before measuring the impact. in: Reeves, T. and Yamashita, S. (ed.) Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006 Chesapeake, VA, USA AACE. pp. 2114-2121

A novel method for the development of personalized mobile tourist applications
Kenteris, M., Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2006. A novel method for the development of personalized mobile tourist applications. in: Palau Salvador, C.E. (ed.) Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN'2006): August 28 - 30 2006. Palma de Mallorca, Spain Calgary, Canada Acta Press. pp. 208-212

Developing tourist guide applications for mobile devices using the J2ME platform
Kenteris, M., Gavalas, D. and Economou, D. 2006. Developing tourist guide applications for mobile devices using the J2ME platform. in: 2006 Proceedings of the First Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications International Conference, 17-20 Sep 2006, Amman, Jordan IEEE .

Rapid integration of systems to manage content and interactions within virtual cultural organizations
Georgalas, N. and Economou, D. 2006. Rapid integration of systems to manage content and interactions within virtual cultural organizations. 3rd International Conference on Museology, ICOM-AVICOM Annual Conference: audiovisuals as cultural heritage and their use in museums. Mytilene, Greece 05-09 Jun 2006

The wireless internet technology landscape
Gavalas, D., Economou, D. and Kenteris, M. 2006. The wireless internet technology landscape. in: 2006 Proceedings of the First Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications International Conference, 17-20 Sep 2006, Amman, Jordan IEEE .

Status and trends of wireless Web technologies
Gavalas, D., Economou, D. and Kenteris, M. 2006. Status and trends of wireless Web technologies. in: Palau Salvador, C.E. (ed.) Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN'2006): August 28 - 30 2006, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Calgary, Canada Acta Press. pp. 219-224

The effectiveness of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Audio-guides or paper leaflets to enhance the museum visit experience
Economou, D., Varitimiadis, S., Samaroudi, M. and Gavalas, D. 2006. The effectiveness of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Audio-guides or paper leaflets to enhance the museum visit experience. 3rd International Conference on Museology, ICOM-AVICOM Annual Conference: audiovisuals as cultural heritage and their use in museums. Mytilene, Greece 05-09 Jun 2006

A user centred approach for building design guidelines for the use of virtual actors in CVEs for learning/Une approach basee sur l'utilisateur pour construire des modeles de plans pour utiliser dans l'apprentissage des acteurs virtuels de la technologie EVC
Economou, D. 2006. A user centred approach for building design guidelines for the use of virtual actors in CVEs for learning/Une approach basee sur l'utilisateur pour construire des modeles de plans pour utiliser dans l'apprentissage des acteurs virtuels de la technologie EVC. Electronic Journal of Communication. 16 (1-2).

Towards a hypertext reading/comprehension model
Protopsaltis, A. and Bouki, V. 2005. Towards a hypertext reading/comprehension model. in: Tilley, S. and Newman, R.M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd annual international conference on Design of communication: documenting & designing for pervasive information ACM. pp. 159-166

Using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to enhance the museum visit experience
Micha, K. and Economou, D. 2005. Using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to enhance the museum visit experience. in: Bozanis, P. and Houstis, E.N. (ed.) 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2005, Volas, Greece, November 11-13, 2003: proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer.

The effectiveness of educational technology on children's learning in a school environment
Kolyda, F. and Bouki, V. 2005. The effectiveness of educational technology on children's learning in a school environment. in: Crawford, C., Carlsen, R., McFerrin, K., Price, J., Weber, R. and Willis, D.A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 Chesapeake, VA, USA AACE. pp. 898-905

Towards a user-centred method for studying CVEs for learning
Economou, D. and Pettifer, S.R. 2005. Towards a user-centred method for studying CVEs for learning. in: Sanchez-Segura, M.I. (ed.) Developing future interactive systems Hershey, USA Idea Group Publishing. pp. 269-301

Key-frame extraction algorithm using entropy difference
Mentzelopoulos, M. and Psarrou, A. 2004. Key-frame extraction algorithm using entropy difference. in: Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval New York, USA ACM. pp. 39-45

The effectiveness of educational CD-ROMs and web-based applications in the classroom
Kolyda, F. and Bouki, V. 2004. The effectiveness of educational CD-ROMs and web-based applications in the classroom. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. 6 (1), pp. 1730-1733.

The effectiveness of educational CD-ROMs and Web-based applications in the classroom
Kolyda, F. and Bouki, V. 2004. The effectiveness of educational CD-ROMs and Web-based applications in the classroom. in: Proceedings of the 2004 WSEAS International Conference on Engineering WSEAS.

Virtual reality and museums: the development of a collaborative virtual environment for learning about ancient Egypt
Economou, D. 2004. Virtual reality and museums: the development of a collaborative virtual environment for learning about ancient Egypt. Museology: International Scientific Electronic Journal. 2.

Understanding social interaction and informing the design of virtual actors in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) for learning
Economou, D. 2004. Understanding social interaction and informing the design of virtual actors in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) for learning. 2nd International Conference of Museology: Technology for Cultural Heritage Management - Education - Communication. Mytilene, Greece 28 Jun - 02 Jul 2004

Cognitive aspects of web-based hypertext: an experimental approach
Bouki, V. and Protopsaltis, A. 2004. Cognitive aspects of web-based hypertext: an experimental approach. in: Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Crete, Oct. 2004 WSEAS.

Cognitive aspects of web-based hypertext: an experimental approach
Bouki, V. and Protopsaltis, A. 2004. Cognitive aspects of web-based hypertext: an experimental approach. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. 1 (5), pp. 1268-1276.

'Real-time' communication in e-learning: a pilot study using Blackboard
Bouki, V. 2004. 'Real-time' communication in e-learning: a pilot study using Blackboard. WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing. 60 (1), pp. 1726-1730.

Cognitive model for web based hypertext comprehension
Bouki, V. 2004. Cognitive model for web based hypertext comprehension. in: Uskov, V. (ed.) Proceedings of the IASTED international conference on Web-based education Canada Acta Press. pp. 604-606

Pedersen, F.S. 2003. Norway. in: Jane's sentinel : security assessment. Western Europe Coulsdon, UK Jane's Information Group.

Pedersen, F.S. 2003. Greenland. in: Jane's sentinel : security assessment. North America Coulsdon, UK Jane's Information Group.

Pedersen, F.S. 2003. Denmark. in: Jane's sentinel : security assessment. Western Europe Coulsdon, UK Jane's Information Group.

Assessing the impact of new technology in sports annotation
Kilner, A., Trepess, D., Economou, D., Jennings, V. and Winter, G. 2003. Assessing the impact of new technology in sports annotation. in: Bisdorff, R. (ed.) proceedings of HCP'2003: Human Centred Processes, Distributed Decision Making and Man-Machine Cooperation: 14th Mini EURO Conference, 05-07 May 2003, Luxembourg Luxembourg Centre Universitaire. pp. 65-70

Intelligent interfaces for educational sites: an analysis of the cognitive stage of 'explanation'
Bouki, V. 2003. Intelligent interfaces for educational sites: an analysis of the cognitive stage of 'explanation'. in: Mohammadian, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (IAWTIC 2003) Vienna, Austria IAWTIC. pp. 585-592

Problem driven CVE technology development
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L. and Pettifer, S.R. 2002. Problem driven CVE technology development. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 25 (4), pp. 243-262. https://doi.org/10.1006/jnca.2002.0141

Pedersen, F.S. 2002. Greenland. in: Jane's sentinel security assessment: North America Jane's Information Group. pp. 295-299

Pedersen, F.S. 2002. Denmark. in: Blackwell, S. (ed.) Jane's sentinel security assessment: Western Europe Jane's Information Group. pp. 111-143

Subjective picture quality assessment for UMID/metadata watermark
Economou, D., Jennings, V., Kilner, A., Trepess, D., Pelly, J. and Tapson, D. 2002. Subjective picture quality assessment for UMID/metadata watermark. in: Proceedings of the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC'02), September 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Exeter, UK Short Run Press Ltd.. pp. 440-446

Intelligent self-study aid: a revision tool that uses natural language
Bouki, V. 2002. Intelligent self-study aid: a revision tool that uses natural language. in: Mastorakis, N. and Mladenov, V. (ed.) Recent advances in computers, computing and Communications WSEAS. pp. 143-147

User centred virtual actor technology
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L., Pettifer, S.R., Cook, J. and Marsh, J. 2001. User centred virtual actor technology. in: VAST '01: Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage, Glyfada, Greece, 28-30 Nov 2001 New York, USA ACM. pp. 323-332

Improving the quality in distance learning: the explanatory environment
Bouki, V. 2001. Improving the quality in distance learning: the explanatory environment. in: Hoyer, H. (ed.) 20th World conference on open learning and distance education: 'the future of learning' Germany ICDE & University of Hagen.

Methodological approaches to developing content for the cultural grid
Mitchell, W.L. and Economou, D. 2000. Methodological approaches to developing content for the cultural grid. Museum Documentation Association (MDA) Information. 5 (1), pp. 5-10.

"God is an alien": Understanding informant responses through user participation and observation
Mitchell, W.L., Economou, D. and Randall, D. 2000. "God is an alien": Understanding informant responses through user participation and observation. in: Proceedings of PDC 2000 6th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, 28 November - 1 December 2000 New York CPSR. pp. 135-142

Choosing and using a driving problem for CVE technology department
Mitchell, W.L., Economou, D., Pettifer, S.R. and West, A.J. 2000. Choosing and using a driving problem for CVE technology department. in: Proceedings of VRST 2000: 7th Virtual Reality Software & Technology Symposium, 22-25 October 2000 Seoul, Korea ACM. pp. 16-24

CVE technology development based on real world application and user needs
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L., Pettifer, S.R. and West, A.J. 2000. CVE technology development based on real world application and user needs. in: Proceedings of IEEE Knowledge Networking Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 14 - 16 June 2000 IEEE . pp. 12-20

Towards a user-centred method for studying CVLEs
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L. and Boyle, T. 2000. Towards a user-centred method for studying CVLEs. in: Proceedings of the one-day ERCIM WG UI4ALL Joint Workshop with i3 Spring Days 2000 on "interactive learning environments for children" Athens, Greece ERCIM.

Requirements elicitation for virtual actors in collaborative learning environments
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L. and Boyle, T. 2000. Requirements elicitation for virtual actors in collaborative learning environments. Computers & Education. 34 (3-4), pp. 225-239. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0360-1315(99)00047-0

The problems and future of Denmark
Alastair, T. and Pedersen, F.S. 2000. The problems and future of Denmark. in: Anderson, P., Wiessala, G. and Williams, C. (ed.) New Europe in transition London, UK Continuum. pp. 175-191

The Learning Skills Project
Bouki, V., Veniou, P. and Parapadakis, D. 1999. The Learning Skills Project. The 19th ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education. Vienna, Austria Jun 1999

Understanding context and medium in the development of educational virtual environments
Mitchell, W.L. and Economou, D. 1999. Understanding context and medium in the development of educational virtual environments. in: Proceedings of the Workshop on User Centered Design and Implementation of Virtual Environments University of York. pp. 109-115

The Internet and virtual reality in heritage education: more than just a technical problem
Mitchell, W.L. and Economou, D. 1999. The Internet and virtual reality in heritage education: more than just a technical problem. in: Barceló, J.A., Briz, I. and Vila, A. (ed.) New techniques for old times: CAA 98: computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology : proceedings of the 26th conference, Barcelona, March 1998 Oxford Archaeopress.

The Kahun project: CVE technology development based on real world application and user needs
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L., Pettifer, S.R. and West, A.J. 1999. The Kahun project: CVE technology development based on real world application and user needs. in: Slater, M. (ed.) VRST '99: proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, December 20-22nd 1999, University College London, Gower Street, London, UK ACM. pp. 168-169

Pedagogical virtual actors technology development based on real worl applications and user needs
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L. and Boyle, T. 1999. Pedagogical virtual actors technology development based on real worl applications and user needs. in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents (VA '09) Centre for Virtual Environments, University of Salford. pp. 1-11

Virtual environments: real uses
Mitchell, W.L., Randall, D. and Economou, D. 1998. Virtual environments: real uses. in: Tromp, J., Instance, H., Hand, C., Steed, A. and Kaur, K. (ed.) Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Usability Evaluation for Virtual Environments: Methods, Results and Future Directions De Montfort University. pp. 96-104

A phased approach to developing a set of requirements for the use of virtual actors in share virtual learning environments
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L. and Boyle, T. 1998. A phased approach to developing a set of requirements for the use of virtual actors in share virtual learning environments. in: Ottmann, T. and Tomek, I. (ed.) Proceedings of ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 98: 10th World Conference on Educational Multimedia and hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, Freiburg, Germany, 20-25 June 1998 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp. 1620-1621

Developing requirements for the use of virtual actors in shared virtual learning environments
Economou, D., Mitchell, W.L. and Boyle, T. 1998. Developing requirements for the use of virtual actors in shared virtual learning environments. in: Snowdon, D. and Churchill, E. (ed.) Proceedings of CVE'98: Collaborative Virtual Environments, University of Manchester, 17-19 June 1998 Colorado Springs, CO IPI Press. pp. 133-134

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