Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Dehydration in older people: a systematic review of the effects of dehydration on health outcomes, healthcare costs and cognitive performance

Journal article

Edmonds, C.J., Foglia, E., Booth, P., Fu, C.H.Y. and Gardner, M. 2021. Dehydration in older people: a systematic review of the effects of dehydration on health outcomes, healthcare costs and cognitive performance. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 95 104380.

Motion sickness diagnostic criteria: Consensus document of the classification committee of the Bárány society

Journal article

Cha, Yoon-Hee, Golding, John, Keshavarz, Behrang, Furman, Joseph, Kim, Ji-Soo, Lopez-Escamez, Jose A., Magnusson, Måns, Yates, Bill J., Lawson, Ben D., Staab, Jeffrey and Bisdorff, Alexandre 2021. Motion sickness diagnostic criteria: Consensus document of the classification committee of the Bárány society. Journal of Vestibular Research. 31 (5), pp. 327-344.

Representing Bhutan: A Critical Analysis of the Politics of Knowledge Production

Journal article

Kaul, N. 2021. Representing Bhutan: A Critical Analysis of the Politics of Knowledge Production. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 49 (4), pp. 629-657.

Does online sexually transmitted infection screening compromise care? A service evaluation comparing the management of chlamydial infection diagnosed online and in clinic

Journal article

Gasmelsid, N., Moran, B., Nadarzynski, T., Patel, R. and Foley, E. 2021. Does online sexually transmitted infection screening compromise care? A service evaluation comparing the management of chlamydial infection diagnosed online and in clinic. International Journal of STD & AIDS. 32 (6), pp. 528-532.

The influence of music on black, Asian and minority ethnic women working in the field of domestic violence and abuse: Critical reflection on music as method

Journal article

Waddington, K. and Erbmann, M. 2021. The influence of music on black, Asian and minority ethnic women working in the field of domestic violence and abuse: Critical reflection on music as method. International Practice Development Journal. 11 (1) 10.

Predicting individual susceptibility to Visually Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS) by Questionnaire

Journal article

Golding, J.F., Rafiq. A. and Keshavarz, B. 2021. Predicting individual susceptibility to Visually Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS) by Questionnaire. Frontiers in Virtual Reality. 2 576871.

The use and efficacy of question type and an attentive interviewing style in adult rape interviews

Journal article

Webster, W., Oxburgh, G. and Dando, Coral J. 2021. The use and efficacy of question type and an attentive interviewing style in adult rape interviews. Psychology, Crime & Law. 27 (7), pp. 656-677.

Out of time: The queer politics of postcoloniality

Book review

Burchiellaro, O. 2021. Out of time: The queer politics of postcoloniality. Gender, Work & Organization. 28 (3), pp. 1191-1194.

Psychological and pastoral care for survivors of human trafficking and the effects on their personhood

Book chapter

Souvlakis, N. 2021. Psychological and pastoral care for survivors of human trafficking and the effects on their personhood. in: Protecting the vulnerable: Addressing the sin of human trafficking and modern slavery London The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain Press. pp. 55-70

Quantifying Aphantasia through drawing: Those without visual imagery show deficits in object but not spatial memory

Journal article

Bainbridge, W. A., Pounder, Z., Eardley, A.F. and Baker, C. I. 2021. Quantifying Aphantasia through drawing: Those without visual imagery show deficits in object but not spatial memory. Cortex. 135, pp. 159-172.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the Understanding of Behavior

Journal article

Pitcher, David, Parkin, B. and Walsh, Vincent 2021. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the Understanding of Behavior. Annual Review of Psychology. 72, pp. 97-121.

Book review: Wong, R. The Illegal Wildlife Trade in China: Understanding the Distribution Networks

Book review

Atkinson-Sheppard, S. 2021. Book review: Wong, R. The Illegal Wildlife Trade in China: Understanding the Distribution Networks. Asian Journal of Criminology. 16, pp. 415-416.

Expertise and Participatory Governance: The Incorporation of Expert Knowledge in Local Participatory Processes

Journal article

Rico Motos, Carlos, Font, Joan, Bherer, Laurence and Smith, Graham 2021. Expertise and Participatory Governance: The Incorporation of Expert Knowledge in Local Participatory Processes. Journal of Deliberative Democracy. 17 (2).

Efficiency of scanning and attention to faces in infancy independently predict language development in a multiethnic and bilingual sample of 2-year-olds

Journal article

Lopez Perez, D., Tomalski, P., Radkowska, A., Ballieux, H., Moore, D.G., Kushnerenko, E., Birtles, D., Johnson, M.H. and Karmiloff-Smith, A. 2021. Efficiency of scanning and attention to faces in infancy independently predict language development in a multiethnic and bilingual sample of 2-year-olds. First Language. 41 (2), pp. 218-239.

Testing the input-process-output model of public participation

Journal article

Galais, C., Fernandez Martinez, J., Font, J. and Smith, G. 2021. Testing the input-process-output model of public participation. European Journal of Political Research. 60 (4), pp. 807-828.

Working conditions and wellbeing in UK social workers

Journal article

Ravalier, J., Wainwright, E., Clabburn, O. and Smyth, N. 2021. Working conditions and wellbeing in UK social workers. Journal of Social Work. 21 (5), pp. 1105-1123.

Coloniality and/as Development in Kashmir: Econonationalism

Journal article

Kaul, N. 2021. Coloniality and/as Development in Kashmir: Econonationalism. Feminist Review. 128 (1), pp. 114-131.

Reimagining the landscape of gangs: reflections from Bangladesh and China

Book chapter

Atkinson-Sheppard, S. 2021. Reimagining the landscape of gangs: reflections from Bangladesh and China. in: Brotherton, D. and Gude, R. (ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Critical Gang Studies Routledge.

Gaza, Palestine, and the Political Economies of Indigenous (Non)-Futures

Book chapter

Charrett, C. 2021. Gaza, Palestine, and the Political Economies of Indigenous (Non)-Futures. in: Tartir, A., Dana, T. and Seidel, T. (ed.) Political Economy of Palestine: Critical, Interdisciplinary, and Decolonial Perspectives Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 197-222

Understanding the diverse sexual repertoires of men who have sex with men, trans and gender-diverse groups is important for sexually transmitted infection prevention

Journal article

Richardson, D., Nambiar, K. and Nadarzynski, T. 2021. Understanding the diverse sexual repertoires of men who have sex with men, trans and gender-diverse groups is important for sexually transmitted infection prevention. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. 47 (3).

Men, trans/masculine, and non-binary people negotiating conception: Normative resistance and inventive pragmatism

Journal article

Riggs, D., Pfeffer, C., Pearce, R., Hines, S. and White, F.R. 2021. Men, trans/masculine, and non-binary people negotiating conception: Normative resistance and inventive pragmatism. International Journal of Transgender Health. 22 (1-2), pp. 6-17 conception.

European Citizens Assembly: Bring Citizens into EU Decision Making

Book chapter

Smith, G. 2021. European Citizens Assembly: Bring Citizens into EU Decision Making. in: Alemanno, A. and Organ, J. (ed.) Citizen Participation in Democratic Europe: What Next for the EU? ECPR Press.

'Where is Bhutan?': The Production of Bhutan's Asymmetrical Inbetweenness in Geopolitics

Journal article

Kaul, N. 2021. 'Where is Bhutan?': The Production of Bhutan's Asymmetrical Inbetweenness in Geopolitics. Journal of Asian Studies. pp. 1-20.

It made me feel brighter in myself”- The health and well-being impacts of a residential front garden horticultural intervention

Journal article

Chalmin-Pui, L.S., Roe, J., Griffiths, A., Smyth, N., Heaton, T., Clayden, A. and Cameron, R. 2021. It made me feel brighter in myself”- The health and well-being impacts of a residential front garden horticultural intervention. Landscape and Urban Planning. 205 103958.

Self-governing prison communities

Book chapter

Darke, S. 2021. Self-governing prison communities. in: Darke, S., Garces, C., Duno-Gottberg, L. and Antillano, A. (ed.) Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 61-87

Ethnographic reflexivity and ethics of community in the new mass carceral zone

Book chapter

Garces, C. and Darke, S. 2021. Ethnographic reflexivity and ethics of community in the new mass carceral zone. in: Darke, S., Garces, C., Duno-Gottberg, L. and Antillano, A. (ed.) Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-35

Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century


Darke, S., Garces, C., Duno-Gottberg, L. and Antillano, A. (ed.) 2021. Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century. London Palgrave Macmillan.

Space, Taste and Affect: Atmospheres That Shape How We Eat


Falconer, E. (ed.) 2021. Space, Taste and Affect: Atmospheres That Shape How We Eat. Routledge.

Anthropocene Islands: there are only islands after the end of the world

Journal article

Chandler, D. and Pugh, J. 2021. Anthropocene Islands: there are only islands after the end of the world. Dialogues in Human Geography. 11 (3), pp. 395-415.

Evil Eye in Christian Orthodox Society: A Journey from Envy to Personhood

Scholarly edition

Souvlakis, N. 2021. Evil Eye in Christian Orthodox Society: A Journey from Envy to Personhood. New York, US Berghahn Books.

Can democracy safeguard the future?


Smith, G. 2021. Can democracy safeguard the future? Cambridge Polity Press.

The undeniable reality of the ‘war on terror’, radicalisation and sanity

Book chapter

Ahmed, S. 2021. The undeniable reality of the ‘war on terror’, radicalisation and sanity. in: Bhui, K. and Bhugra, D. (ed.) Terrorism, Violent Radicalisation, and Mental Health Oxford University Press.

Queering Control and Inclusion in the Contemporary Organization: On ‘LGBT-friendly control’ and the reproduction of (queer) value

Journal article

Burchiellaro, O. 2021. Queering Control and Inclusion in the Contemporary Organization: On ‘LGBT-friendly control’ and the reproduction of (queer) value. Organization Studies. 42 (5), pp. 761-785.

"Fatties Cause Global Warming": The Strange Entanglement of Obesity and Climate Change

Book chapter

White, F.R. 2021. "Fatties Cause Global Warming": The Strange Entanglement of Obesity and Climate Change. in: Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse Cardiff, Wales University of Wales Press.

‘There’s nowhere wonky left to go’: Gentrification, queerness and class politics of inclusion in (East) London

Journal article

Burchiellaro, O. 2021. ‘There’s nowhere wonky left to go’: Gentrification, queerness and class politics of inclusion in (East) London. Gender, Work & Organization. 28 (1), pp. 24-38.

Why compassion, why now?

Book chapter

Waddington, K. 2021. Why compassion, why now? in: Waddington, K. (ed.) Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 5-22

Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact


Waddington, K. (ed.) 2021. Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact. Abingdon and New York Routledge.

Can academic writing retreats function as wellbeing interventions?

Journal article

Eardley, A.F., Banister, E. and Fletcher, M. 2021. Can academic writing retreats function as wellbeing interventions? Journal of Further and Higher Education. 45 (2), pp. 183-196.

Islands and the rise of correlational epistemology in the Anthropocene: rethinking the trope of the ‘canary in the coalmine’

Journal article

Chandler, D. and Pugh, J. 2021. Islands and the rise of correlational epistemology in the Anthropocene: rethinking the trope of the ‘canary in the coalmine’. Island Studies Journal. 16 (1), pp. 209-228.

Why Spontaneity Matters: Rosa Luxemburg and Democracies of Grief

Journal article

Tambakaki, P. 2021. Why Spontaneity Matters: Rosa Luxemburg and Democracies of Grief. Philosophy and Social Criticism. 47 (1), pp. 83-101.

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Ahmed, Shamila

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Bezborodova, Anastasiya

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Brighi, Elisabetta

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Buchanan, Tom


Bunday, Karen

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Burke, Patrick

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Cahill, Mags

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Cambridge, Mark

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Cetin, Umit

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Charrett, Catherine

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Cheshire, Anna

Senior Research Fellow

Christodoulou, Ioannis

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Cliffe, Beth

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Clow, Angela


Colwell, John

Principal Lecturer

Cross, Hannah

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Dando, Coral


Dey, Adrija

Senior Research Fellow

Eldridge, Adam

Senior Lecturer

English, Charlotte

Senior Lecturer

Evans, Phil

Emeritus Professor

Falconer, Emily

Senior Lecturer

Fixsen, Alison

Senior Lecturer

Fluck, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Flynn, Maria

Research Fellow

Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

Principal Lecturer

Gautier, Chantal

Senior Lecturer

Gerard, Jeane

Senior Lecturer

Gillies, Val


Golding, John


Joban, Sanjay

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Kaul, Nitasha


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Law, Robin

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Li, Yue


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DVC Research & Knowledge Exchange

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Moutsiana, Christina

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Nadarzynski, Tom

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Ostrowski, Wojciech

Senior Lecturer

Parkin, Beth

Senior Lecturer

Pedersen, Frands

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


Raphael, Sam


Ridge, Damien


Rudoe, Naomi

Senior Lecturer

Ryder, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

Senior Lecturer

Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

Senior Lecturer

Slark, Charlotte

Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

Souvlakis, Nikolaos

Senior Lecturer

Stephansen, Hilde

Senior Lecturer

Straw, David


Taghdisi Rad, Sahar

Senior Lecturer

Tajvidi, Ali

Senior Lecturer

Tambakaki, Paulina

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Taylor, Donna

Senior Lecturer

Thorn, Lisa

Senior Lecturer

Wild, Jess

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Williams, David

Senior Lecturer

Woloshynowych, Maria

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Yetkili, Orkun

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