Management and Marketing

CollegeWestminster Business School
HeadDr Richard Berry
Sort by Date Title

Consumer susceptibility to the credit card misuse and indebtedness

Journal article

Awanis, S. and Cui, C. 2014. Consumer susceptibility to the credit card misuse and indebtedness. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 26 (3), pp. 408-429.

Institutional factors influencing innovation adoption by dairy farmers in Ireland

Conference paper

Rieple, A. and Snijders, S. 2014. Institutional factors influencing innovation adoption by dairy farmers in Ireland. 11th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management (WICaNeM 2014).. Capri, Italy 04 - 06 Jun 2014

Stimulating learning about social entrepreneurship through income generation projects


Chang, J., Benamraoui, A. and Rieple, A. 2014. Stimulating learning about social entrepreneurship through income generation projects. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research . 20 (5), pp. 417-437.

Fashion design in London: the positioning of independent designers within the fashion fielD

Journal article

Gornostaeva, G. and Rieple, A. 2014. Fashion design in London: the positioning of independent designers within the fashion fielD. Archives of Design Research. 27 (3), pp. 37-47.

Learning-by-doing as an approach to teaching social entrepreneurship


Chang, J., Benamraoui, A. and Rieple, A. 2014. Learning-by-doing as an approach to teaching social entrepreneurship. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 51 (5), pp. 459-471.

Effect of Meditation of Self-Perception of Leadership Skills: A Contol Group Study of CEOs

Conference paper

Amar, A., Hlupic, V. and Tamwatin, T. 2014. Effect of Meditation of Self-Perception of Leadership Skills: A Contol Group Study of CEOs. Academy of Management Conference 2014. Philadelphia, USA 01 - 05 Aug 2014 Academy of Management.

Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in Emerging Economies: An Empirical Study in the Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Sector

Conference item

Konstantoulaki, K., Rizomyliotis, I., Ukpabi, I. and Kostopoulos, G. 2014. Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in Emerging Economies: An Empirical Study in the Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Sector. 43rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Valencia, Spain

The moderating role of gender on entrepreneurial intentions

Conference paper

Ruiz-Alba, J., Vallespín, M., Martín, V. and Rodríguez-Molina, M. 2014. The moderating role of gender on entrepreneurial intentions. IV Congreso INBAM. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 24 - 27 Jun 2014

Metodologia de aprendizaje a traves del metodo del caso

Conference paper

Ruiz-Alba, J. and Almenta, E. 2014. Metodologia de aprendizaje a traves del metodo del caso. IV Jornadas de Innovacion Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacion. University of Seville, Spain 19 - 20 May 2014

Analisis de la actitud y la confianza de los turistas hacia las redes sociales: el caso Tripadvisor

Conference paper

Vallespín, M., González, A., Ruiz-Alba, J. and Molinillo, S. 2014. Analisis de la actitud y la confianza de los turistas hacia las redes sociales: el caso Tripadvisor. Turitec 2014: Congreso Turismo y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Málaga, Spain 23 - 24 Oct 2014

Como formar profesores universitarios para utilizar el metodo del caso como tecnica docente participativa. Experiencias del plan oficial de formacion del PDI de la UMA

Conference paper

Ruiz-Alba, J. and Almenta, E. 2014. Como formar profesores universitarios para utilizar el metodo del caso como tecnica docente participativa. Experiencias del plan oficial de formacion del PDI de la UMA. Primer Seminario Iberoamericano de Innovacion Docente.. Seville, Spain 20 - 21 Nov 2014

Proceso de eleccion de los intermediarios hoteleros: un analisis comparativo

Conference paper

Vallespín, M., Ruiz-Alba, J., Molinillo, A. and Delgado, A. 2014. Proceso de eleccion de los intermediarios hoteleros: un analisis comparativo. AEDEM 2014. Trujillo, Cáceres, Spain 04 - 06 Jun 2014

Analisis de la dimension social de la RSC y su impacto sobre los empleados

Conference paper

Ruiz-Alba, J., Vallespín, M. and González-Porras, J. 2014. Analisis de la dimension social de la RSC y su impacto sobre los empleados. AEDEM 2014. Trujillo, Cácers, Spain 04 - 06 Jun 2014

Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: a TPB multi-group analysis

Conference paper

Ruiz-Alba, J., Vallespin, M., Martin. V. and Rodríguez-Molina, M. 2014. Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: a TPB multi-group analysis. AEDEM 2014. Trujillo, Cáceres, Spain 04 - 06 Jun 2014

Utilizacion de redes sociales para la planificacion de viajes: estrategias de segmentacion

Conference paper

Vallespín, M., Ruiz-Alba, J., Molinillo,S. and Delgado, A. 2014. Utilizacion de redes sociales para la planificacion de viajes: estrategias de segmentacion. Tourism & Management Studies International Conference. University of Algarve, Portugal 26 - 29 Nov 2014

Analisis del voluntariado corporativo: incorporacion al modelo de orientacion al marketing interno y su efecto sobre la satisfaccion laboral

Conference paper

Ruiz-Alba, J., Vallespín, M. and González-Porras, J. 2014. Analisis del voluntariado corporativo: incorporacion al modelo de orientacion al marketing interno y su efecto sobre la satisfaccion laboral. Tourism & Management Studies International Conference 2014. University of Algare, Portugal 26 - 29 Nov 2014

The CMGS (Case Method with Guest Speakers) Project: developing experienced learning in Sales Management Education

Conference paper

Ruiz-Alba, J., Vallespín, M. and Almenta, E. 2014. The CMGS (Case Method with Guest Speakers) Project: developing experienced learning in Sales Management Education. EMAC 2014. University of Valencia, (Spain) 03 - 06 Jun 2014

Sales education beyond the classroom: building participative learning experiences in Sales Management through the CMGS (Case Method with Guest Speakers)


Ruiz-Alba, J., Almenta, E. and Vallespín, M. 2014. Sales education beyond the classroom: building participative learning experiences in Sales Management through the CMGS (Case Method with Guest Speakers). Journal of Technology and Science Education. 4 (3), pp. 125-154.

El voluntariado corporativo y sus efectos sobre la satisfaccion laboral y el compromiso en empresas familiares de Andalucia

Journal article

Ruiz-Alba, J., Vallespín, M. and González-Porras, J 2014. El voluntariado corporativo y sus efectos sobre la satisfaccion laboral y el compromiso en empresas familiares de Andalucia. Revista de Empresa Familiar (Now: European Journal of Family Business). 4 (1), pp. 45-58.

Empirical analysis of the constituent factors of internal market orientation at Spanish hotels

Journal article

Ruiz-Alba, J. and Vallespín, M. 2014. Empirical analysis of the constituent factors of internal market orientation at Spanish hotels. Tourism & Management Studies. 10 (Special Issue), pp. 151-157.

Farmanova Pharmaceutical distribution (Video case study)

Digital or visual media

Ruiz-Alba, J. and López Toro, A. 2014. Farmanova Pharmaceutical distribution (Video case study). Riuma Repositorium University of Málaga

Societal challenges of responsible innovation in the Malaysian palm oil industry

Conference paper

Rieple, A., Chang, J., Martin, S., Boniface, B. and Ahmed, A. 2014. Societal challenges of responsible innovation in the Malaysian palm oil industry. 11th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management. Capri, Italy 04 - 06 Jun 2014 Wageningen Academic Publishers.

An interdisciplinary approach and framework for dealing with security breaches and organizational recovery

Book chapter

Trim, P.R.J., Lee, Yang-im and Weston, D. 2014. An interdisciplinary approach and framework for dealing with security breaches and organizational recovery. in: Trim, P.R.J. and H.Y. Youm (ed.) Korea-UK Collaboration in Cyber Security: From Issues and Challenges to Sustainable Partnership Republic of Korea British Embassy Seoul. pp. 34-43

Cyber security culture and ways to improve security management

Book chapter

Trim, P.R.J., Lee, Yang-im, Ko, E. and Kim, K.H. 2014. Cyber security culture and ways to improve security management. in: Trim, P.R.J. and H.Y. Youm (ed.) Korea-UK Collaboration in Cyber Security: From Issues and Challenges to Sustainable Partnership Republic of Korea British Embassy Seoul. pp. 21-26

Implementing a social intranet in a professional services environment through Web 2.0 technologies

Journal article

Janes, S.H., Patrick, K. and Dotsika, F. 2014. Implementing a social intranet in a professional services environment through Web 2.0 technologies. The Learning Organization Journal. 21 (1), pp. 26-47.

Developing a ‘Mindful Institution’

Conference paper

Nowlan, J. 2014. Developing a ‘Mindful Institution’. BPS London & Home Counties Branch. London 02 - 02 Dec 2014

Internal Marketing Orientation: an empirical research in hotel sector

Journal article

Ruiz-Alba, J., Bermúdez-González, G., Rodríguez-Molina, M.A. and Blanca, M.J. 2014. Internal Marketing Orientation: an empirical research in hotel sector. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 38, pp. 11-19.

The role of GPS-enabled information in transforming operational decision making: an exploratory study

Journal article

Habjan, A., Andriopoulos, C. and Gotsi, M. 2014. The role of GPS-enabled information in transforming operational decision making: an exploratory study. European Journal of Information Systems. 23 (4), pp. 481-502.

Business Model Adaptation to a New Digital Culture

Conference paper

Pisano, P., Pironti, M., Rieple, A. and Christodoulou, I. 2014. Business Model Adaptation to a New Digital Culture. Bohemia, E., Rieple, A., Liedtka, J. and Cooper, R. (ed.) 19th DMI International Design Management Research Conference Design Management in an Era of Disruption. London 02 - 04 Sep 2014 DMI.

Design and Identity Formation in Cultural Organisations’ Strategic Performance

Conference paper

Pitsaki, I., Rieple, A. and Nixon, N. 2014. Design and Identity Formation in Cultural Organisations’ Strategic Performance. Bohemia, E., Rieple, A., Liedtka, J. and Cooper, R. (ed.) 19th DMI International Design Management Research Conference Design Management in an Era of Disruption. London 02 - 04 Sep 2014 DMI.

The Role of Networks in Fashion Designing: The disconnect between designers and manufacturers in London

Conference paper

Gornostaeva, G., Rieple, A. and Barnes, D. 2014. The Role of Networks in Fashion Designing: The disconnect between designers and manufacturers in London. Bohemia, E., Rieple, A., Liedtka, J. and Cooper, R. (ed.) 19th DMI International Design Management Research Conference Design Management in an Era of Disruption. London 02 - 04 Sep 2014 DMI.

Studio design and the management of creative production

Conference paper

Gander, J. and Rieple, A. 2014. Studio design and the management of creative production. Bohemia, E., Rieple, A., Liedtka, J. and Cooper, R. (ed.) 19th DMI International Design Management Research Conference Design Management in an Era of Disruption. London 02 - 04 Sep 2014 DMI.

Fashion Design in London: The Positioning of Independent Designers within the Fashion Field

Journal article

Gornostaeva, G. and Rieple, A. 2014. Fashion Design in London: The Positioning of Independent Designers within the Fashion Field . Archives of Design Research. 27 (3), pp. 37-47.

Curating as a Brand Design Tool in Creative Organizations

Journal article

Nixon, N.W., Pitsaki, I. and Rieple, A. 2014. Curating as a Brand Design Tool in Creative Organizations. Economía Creativa. 1, pp. 16-26.

Strategic Approaches

Book chapter

Pisano, P., Rieple, A. and Pironti, M. 2014. Strategic Approaches. in: Rees, G. and Smith, P. (ed.) Strategic Human Resource management: An International Perspective London Sage. pp. 30-71

Strategic perspectives


Christodoulou, I. and Patel, Z. 2014. Strategic perspectives. London Wiley.

Cyber security management: a governance, risk and compliance framework


Lee, Yang-im and Trim, P.R.J. 2014. Cyber security management: a governance, risk and compliance framework. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

The implementation of market orientation revisited: a change management perspective

Conference paper

Morah, E.M.I. and Wilson, J. 2014. The implementation of market orientation revisited: a change management perspective. Academy of Marketing Conference. Bournemouth University, Bournemouth 10 Jul 2014

Conceptual and methodological challenges in market orientation research

Conference paper

Morah, E.M.I. 2014. Conceptual and methodological challenges in market orientation research. 8th Annual Research Student Conference: The Write Way!. Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, Essex 13 Jun 2014

Strategic options for new product development and the product life cycle

Conference paper

Morah, E.M.I. 2014. Strategic options for new product development and the product life cycle. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) Conference. Harvard University, Boston, USA 28 May 2014

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