Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Night Matters—Why the Interdisciplinary Field of “Night Studies” Is Needed

Journal article

Kyba, C., Pritchard, S., Ekirch, A., Eldridge, A., Jechow, A., Preiser, C., Kunz, D., Henckel, D., Hölker, F., Barentine, J., Berge, J., Meier, J., Gwiazdzinski, L., Spitschan, M., Milan, M., Bach, S., Schroer, S. and Straw, W. 2020. Night Matters—Why the Interdisciplinary Field of “Night Studies” Is Needed. J: Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal. 3 (1), pp. 1-6.

Accountability, Denial and the Future - Proofing of British Torture

Journal article

Raphael, S. and Blakeley, R. 2020. Accountability, Denial and the Future - Proofing of British Torture. International Affairs. 96 (3), p. 691–709.

Menu engineering to encourage sustainable food choices when dining out: An online trial of priced-based decoys

Journal article

Attwood, S., Chesworth, S. and Parkin, B. 2020. Menu engineering to encourage sustainable food choices when dining out: An online trial of priced-based decoys. Appetite. 149 104601.

Acceptability of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled chatbots, video consultations and live webchats as online platforms for sexual health advice

Journal article

Nadarzynski, T., Bayley, J., Llewellyn, C., Kidsley, S. and Graham, C.A. 2020. Acceptability of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled chatbots, video consultations and live webchats as online platforms for sexual health advice. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health. 46, pp. 210-217.

Yoga practice in the UK: a cross- sectional survey of motivation, health benefits and behaviours

Journal article

Cartwright, T., Mason, H., Porter, A. and Pilkington, K. 2020. Yoga practice in the UK: a cross- sectional survey of motivation, health benefits and behaviours. BMJ Open. 10, p. e031848 e031848.

Parliamentary Influence Ten Years after Lisbon: EU Trade Negotiations with Japan

Journal article

Frennhoff Larsen, M. 2020. Parliamentary Influence Ten Years after Lisbon: EU Trade Negotiations with Japan. Journal of Common Market Studies. 58 (6), pp. 1540-1557.

Sexualized Video Games, Sexist Attitudes and Empathy Toward Victims of Rape: Correlational Evidence for a Relationship Is Minimal in an Online Study

Journal article

Ferguson, C.J. and Colwell, J. 2020. Sexualized Video Games, Sexist Attitudes and Empathy Toward Victims of Rape: Correlational Evidence for a Relationship Is Minimal in an Online Study. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 30 (1), pp. 16-27.

Building better relationships: Developing critically reflective practice when working preventatively with domestic violence and abuse

Journal article

Das, J. and Waddington, K. 2020. Building better relationships: Developing critically reflective practice when working preventatively with domestic violence and abuse . International Practice Development Journal. 10 (2) 12.

The Politics of Exhaustion: Immigration Control in the British-French Border Zone

Journal article

Welander, M. 2020. The Politics of Exhaustion: Immigration Control in the British-French Border Zone. Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration. 8 (2), pp. 33-38.

The Rise of Data-Driven Governance

Journal article

Chandler, D. 2020. The Rise of Data-Driven Governance. Current History. 119 (813), pp. 3-8.

Impulsiveness or self-protection? Exploring individual perceptions, family and school strains related to why adolescents run away from home in China

Journal article

Yanping Yu, Atkinson-Sheppard, S. and Yunjiao Gao 2020. Impulsiveness or self-protection? Exploring individual perceptions, family and school strains related to why adolescents run away from home in China. Children and Youth Services Review. 108, p. 104615 104615.

The accessible museum: towards an understanding of international museum audio description practices

Journal article

Hutchinson, R. and Eardley, A.F. 2020. The accessible museum: towards an understanding of international museum audio description practices. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. 114 (6), pp. 475-487.

‘Momma bear wants to protect’: Vicarious parenting in practitioners working with disturbed and traumatised children


Alison Fixsen, Damien Ridge and Carys Evans 2020. ‘Momma bear wants to protect’: Vicarious parenting in practitioners working with disturbed and traumatised children. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 20 (4), pp. 680-688.

Non-coercive human intelligence gathering

Journal article

Dando, C.J. and Ormerod, T. 2020. Non-coercive human intelligence gathering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149 (8), pp. 1435-1448.

Enhancing the legitimacy of offices for future generations: the case for public participation

Journal article

Smith, G. 2020. Enhancing the legitimacy of offices for future generations: the case for public participation. Political Studies. 68 (4), pp. 996-1013.

Lack of Consensus Among Scholars on the Issue of Video Game “Addiction”

Journal article

Ferguson, C.J. and Colwell J. 2020. Lack of Consensus Among Scholars on the Issue of Video Game “Addiction”. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 9 (3), pp. 359-366.

The Burkina Faso: Côte d’Ivoire Migration Corridor

Book chapter

Cross, Hannah 2020. The Burkina Faso: Côte d’Ivoire Migration Corridor. in: Bastia, T. and Skeldon, R. (ed.) Routledge Handbook on Migration and Development Oxon Routledge.

(M)othering and the politics of early intervention

Book chapter

Gillies, V. and Edwards, R. 2020. (M)othering and the politics of early intervention. in: Portier-Le Cocq, F. (ed.) Motherhood in Contemporary International Perspective: Continuity and Change Abingdon Routledge. pp. 18-32

Exploratory analyses of crime-scene characteristics in cyber-related homicides

Journal article

Gerard, F.J., Khachatryan, N. and Browning, B. 2020. Exploratory analyses of crime-scene characteristics in cyber-related homicides. Homicide Studies. 24 (1), pp. 45-68.

Securitising education: An exploration of teachers’ attitudes and experiences regarding the implementation of the Prevent duty in sixth form colleges

Journal article

Moffat, A. and Gerard, F.J. 2020. Securitising education: An exploration of teachers’ attitudes and experiences regarding the implementation of the Prevent duty in sixth form colleges. Critical Studies on Terrorism. 13 (2), pp. 197-217.

Exploration of crime‐scene characteristics in juvenile homicide in the French‐speaking part of Belgium

Journal article

Gerard, F.J., Whitfield, K. and Browne, K. 2020. Exploration of crime‐scene characteristics in juvenile homicide in the French‐speaking part of Belgium. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 35 (13-14), pp. 2399-2421.

Steering, knowledge and the challenge of governance evaluation: the case of National Health Service governance and reform in England

Journal article

Greenwood, D. and Mills, T. 2020. Steering, knowledge and the challenge of governance evaluation: the case of National Health Service governance and reform in England. Administration and Society. 52 (7), pp. 1069-1100.

Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness and Disorientation in vehicles

Journal article

Bronstein, A.M., Golding, J.F. and Gresty, M.A. 2020. Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness and Disorientation in vehicles. Seminars in Neurology. 40 (1), pp. 116-129.

Helping parents to help children overcome fear: The influence of a short video tutorial

Journal article

Ewing, D., Pike, A., Dash, S., Hughes, Z., Thompson, E.J., Hazell, C., Ang, C.M., Kucuk, N., Laine, A. and Cartwright‐Hatton, S. 2020. Helping parents to help children overcome fear: The influence of a short video tutorial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 59 (1), pp. 80-95.

Language Experience Impacts Brain Activation for Spoken and Signed Language in Infancy: Insights From Unimodal and Bimodal Bilinguals

Journal article

Mercure, E., Evans, S., Pirazzoli, Laura, Goldberg, Laura, Bowden-Howl, Harriet, Coulson-Thaker, Kimberley, Beedie, Indie, Lloyd-Fox, S., Johnson, M. and MacSweeney, M. 2020. Language Experience Impacts Brain Activation for Spoken and Signed Language in Infancy: Insights From Unimodal and Bimodal Bilinguals. Neurobiology of Language. 1 (1), pp. 9-32.

Police officers’ and Registered Intermediaries’ use of drawing during investigative interviews with vulnerable witnesses

Journal article

Mattison, M.A. and Dando, C.J. 2020. Police officers’ and Registered Intermediaries’ use of drawing during investigative interviews with vulnerable witnesses. Psychology, Crime and Law. 26 (2), pp. 167-185.

Security through societal resilience: Contemporary challenges in the Anthropocene

Journal article

Chandler, D. 2020. Security through societal resilience: Contemporary challenges in the Anthropocene. Contemporary Security Policy. 41 (2), pp. 195-214.

Designing Democratic Innovations as Deliberative Systems: The Ambitious Case of NHS Citizen

Journal article

Dean, R., Boswell, J. and Smith, G. 2020. Designing Democratic Innovations as Deliberative Systems: The Ambitious Case of NHS Citizen . Political Studies. 68 (3), pp. 689-709.

The health impact of nature exposure and green exercise across the life course: a pilot study

Journal article

Wood, C. and Smyth, N. 2020. The health impact of nature exposure and green exercise across the life course: a pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 30 (2), pp. 226-235.

(M)othering and the politics of early intervention: biologisation and the reproduction of gendered, classed and raced inequalities

Journal article

Gillies, V. and Edwards, R. 2020. (M)othering and the politics of early intervention: biologisation and the reproduction of gendered, classed and raced inequalities. Revue des politiques sociales et familiales. 135, pp. 6-19.

Parallels and ruptures in the neoliberal intensive parenting regime

Journal article

Gillies, V. 2020. Parallels and ruptures in the neoliberal intensive parenting regime. Families, Relationships and Societies. 9 (1), pp. 169-172.

Islam and Resistance in the Middle East: A Methodology of Muslim Struggle and the Impact on Women

Book chapter

Holt, M.C. 2020. Islam and Resistance in the Middle East: A Methodology of Muslim Struggle and the Impact on Women. in: Sadiki, L. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Middle East Politics Routledge.

Forum: Complex Systems and International Governance

Journal article

Orsini, A., Le Prestre, P., Brosig, M., Pattberg, P., Gomez-Mera, L., Morin, J-F., Harrison, N., Geyer, R. and Chandler, D. 2020. Forum: Complex Systems and International Governance. International Studies Review. 22 (4), pp. 1008-1038.

Making a Difference: Toward a Feminist Democratic Theory in the Digital Age

Journal article

Asenbaum, H. 2020. Making a Difference: Toward a Feminist Democratic Theory in the Digital Age. Politics & Gender. 16 (Special issue 1), pp. 230-257.

Review Essay: Biopolitics 2.0 – Reclaiming the Power of Life in the Anthropocene

Journal article

Chandler, D. 2020. Review Essay: Biopolitics 2.0 – Reclaiming the Power of Life in the Anthropocene . Contemporary Political Theory. 19, pp. 14-20.

Guided graded exercise self-help for chronic fatigue syndrome: Patient experiences and perceptions

Journal article

Cheshire, A., Ridge, Damien T., Clarke, L. and White, P.D. 2020. Guided graded exercise self-help for chronic fatigue syndrome: Patient experiences and perceptions. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42 (3), pp. 368-377.

Islands of relationality and resilience: the shifting stakes of the Anthropocene

Journal article

Chandler, D. and Pugh, J. 2020. Islands of relationality and resilience: the shifting stakes of the Anthropocene. Area: Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. 52 (1), pp. 65-72.

Media practices

Book chapter

Stephansen, H. and Treré, E. 2020. Media practices. in: Baker, M., Blaagaard, B., Perez Gonzalez, L. and Jones, H. (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media London Routledge.

World Social Forum

Book chapter

Stephansen, H. 2020. World Social Forum. in: Baker, M., Blaagaard, B., Perez Gonzales, L. and Jones, H. (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media London Routledge.

The Touch of Iconoclasm

Journal article

Pitcher, B. 2020. The Touch of Iconoclasm. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 23 (2), pp. 454-473.

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Bezborodova, Anastasiya

PTVL - Student Experience

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Bonaparte, Bryan

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Brighi, Elisabetta

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Buchanan, Tom


Bunday, Karen

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Burke, Patrick

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Cahill, Mags

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Cambridge, Mark

Senior Lecturer

Cetin, Umit

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Charrett, Catherine

Senior Lecturer

Cheshire, Anna

Senior Research Fellow

Christodoulou, Ioannis

Senior Lecturer

Cliffe, Beth

Research Fellow

Clow, Angela


Colwell, John

Principal Lecturer

Cross, Hannah

Senior Lecturer

Dando, Coral


Dey, Adrija

Senior Research Fellow

Eldridge, Adam

Senior Lecturer

English, Charlotte

Senior Lecturer

Evans, Phil

Emeritus Professor

Falconer, Emily

Senior Lecturer

Fixsen, Alison

Senior Lecturer

Fluck, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Flynn, Maria

Research Fellow

Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

Principal Lecturer

Gautier, Chantal

Senior Lecturer

Gerard, Jeane

Senior Lecturer

Gillies, Val


Golding, John


Joban, Sanjay

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Kaul, Nitasha


Khabaz, David

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Law, Robin

Senior Lecturer

Li, Yue


Linn, Andrew

DVC Research & Knowledge Exchange

Macmaster, Rob

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Magioglou, Thalia

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Miah, Jolel

Senior Lecturer

Moutsiana, Christina

Senior Lecturer

Nadarzynski, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Ostrowski, Wojciech

Senior Lecturer

Parkin, Beth

Senior Lecturer

Pedersen, Frands

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


Raphael, Sam


Ridge, Damien


Rudoe, Naomi

Senior Lecturer

Ryder, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

Senior Lecturer

Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

Senior Lecturer

Slark, Charlotte

Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

Souvlakis, Nikolaos

Senior Lecturer

Stephansen, Hilde

Senior Lecturer

Straw, David


Taghdisi Rad, Sahar

Senior Lecturer

Tajvidi, Ali

Senior Lecturer

Tambakaki, Paulina

Senior Lecturer

Taylor, Donna

Senior Lecturer

Thorn, Lisa

Senior Lecturer

Wild, Jess

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Williams, David

Senior Lecturer

Woloshynowych, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Yetkili, Orkun

Senior Lecturer