Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Conducting Effective Research into State Complicity in Human Rights Abuses

Journal article

Blakeley, R. and Raphael, S. 2020. Conducting Effective Research into State Complicity in Human Rights Abuses. Contemporary Social Science. 15 (2), pp. 196-210.

Declarations - the Human Rights Podcast: Season 4 Episode 3 – The Politics of Exhaustion at the British Border

Digital or visual media

Welander, M. 2019. Declarations - the Human Rights Podcast: Season 4 Episode 3 – The Politics of Exhaustion at the British Border.

The Vein, the Fingerprint Machine and the Automatic Speed Detector


Charrett, C. 2019. The Vein, the Fingerprint Machine and the Automatic Speed Detector .

Yoga-therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: Marked improvement in patient-reported outcome measures

Journal article

Anie, K., Colaço, C.B., Cartwright, T. and Kahill, M. 2019. Yoga-therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: Marked improvement in patient-reported outcome measures. Clinical Medicine. 19 (Issue 2, Supplement), p. s3.

The art of dialogic silence in the way of tea

Journal article

Murakami, K. 2019. The art of dialogic silence in the way of tea. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 25 (1), pp. 43-53.

A Qualitative Research Method to Explore Meaning-Making Processes in Cultural Psychology

Journal article

Lehmann, Olga, Murakami, Kyoko and Klemp, Hroar 2019. A Qualitative Research Method to Explore Meaning-Making Processes in Cultural Psychology. FQS: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 20 (2).

Ethos of theorising


Murakami, Kyoko, Cresswell, James, Kono, Tetsuya and Zittoun, Tania 2019. Ethos of theorising. Captus Press Inc.

Non-Binary Genders in Higher Education Survey, 2019


Fraser, J. and White, F.R. 2019. Non-Binary Genders in Higher Education Survey, 2019. University of Westminster.

Goal measures for psychotherapy: A systematic review of self‐report, idiographic instruments.

Journal article

Lloyd, Christopher, Charlie Duncan and Mick Cooper 2019. Goal measures for psychotherapy: A systematic review of self‐report, idiographic instruments. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 26 (3).

The impact of different question types on confidence and subsequent memory report

Conference paper

Caso, A., Gabbert, F. and Wright, G. 2019. The impact of different question types on confidence and subsequent memory report. Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XIII 2019). Cape Cod, Massachusetts 06 - 09 Jun 2019

Exploring the impact of question type and question order on witness confidence

Conference paper

Caso, A., Gabbert, F. and Wright, G. 2019. Exploring the impact of question type and question order on witness confidence. 12th Annual Conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG). Stavern, Norway 26 - 28 Jun 2019

Burnout Syndrome Among Primary Care Physicians in Oman

Journal article

Al-Hashemi, T., Al-Huseini, S., Al Alawi, M., Al-Balushi, N., Al-Senawi. H., Al-Balushi, M., Jose, S. and Al-Adawi, S. 2019. Burnout Syndrome Among Primary Care Physicians in Oman. Oman Medical Journal. 34 (3), pp. 205-211.

Street children, gender dynamics and organised crime; reflections from Bangladesh and China

Journal article

Atkinson-Sheppard, S. 2019. Street children, gender dynamics and organised crime; reflections from Bangladesh and China. Development and Cooperation. 2019/08, pp. 31-32.

Multiple Selves, Marginalised Voices: Exploring Black Female Psychology Students’ Experiences of Constructing Identity in UK Higher Education

PhD thesis

Husbands, D. 2019. Multiple Selves, Marginalised Voices: Exploring Black Female Psychology Students’ Experiences of Constructing Identity in UK Higher Education. PhD thesis University of Westminster Psychology

Museums for all: towards engaging, memorable museum experiences through inclusive audio description

PhD thesis

Hutchinson, R. 2019. Museums for all: towards engaging, memorable museum experiences through inclusive audio description. PhD thesis University of Westminster Social Sciences

Others’ within the ‘Others’: An Intersectional Analysis of Gender Violence in India

Journal article

Dey, A. 2019. Others’ within the ‘Others’: An Intersectional Analysis of Gender Violence in India . Gender Issues. 36 (4), pp. 357-373.

The psychological wellbeing outcomes of nonpharmacological interventions for older persons with insomnia symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal article

Perach, R., Allen, C.K., Kapantai, I., Madrid-Valero, J.J., Miles, E., Charlton, R.A. and Gregory, A.M. 2019. The psychological wellbeing outcomes of nonpharmacological interventions for older persons with insomnia symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 43, pp. 1-13.

Can Creativity Beat Death? A Review and Evidence on the Existential Anxiety Buffering Functions of Creative Achievement

Journal article

Perach, R. and Wisman, A. 2019. Can Creativity Beat Death? A Review and Evidence on the Existential Anxiety Buffering Functions of Creative Achievement. Journal of Creative Behavior. 53 (2), pp. 193-210.

Trait Emotional Intelligence and Its Correlates in Oman Medical Specialty Board Residents

Journal article

Al Huseini, S., Al Alawi, M., Al Sinawi, H., Al-Balushi, N., Jose, S. and Al-Adawi, S. 2019. Trait Emotional Intelligence and Its Correlates in Oman Medical Specialty Board Residents. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 11 (4s), pp. 134-140.

Level and determinants of patient satisfaction with psychiatric out-patient services, Muscat, Oman

Journal article

Alkaabi, S., Al-Balushi, N., Al-Alawi, M., Mirza, H., Al-Huseini, S., Al-Balushi, M., Murthi, S., Al-Saadon, M., Al-Sibani, N. and Al-Adawi, S. 2019. Level and determinants of patient satisfaction with psychiatric out-patient services, Muscat, Oman. International Journal of Mental Health. 48 (2), pp. 80-94.

Risk factors underlying depressive symptoms among parents/primary care providers of kids with autism spectrum disorder: A study from Muscat, Oman

Journal article

Alshekaili, M., Al‐Balushi, N., Al Alawi, M., Mirza, H., Al‐Huseini, S., Al‐Balushi, M., Panchatcharam, S.M., Mahadevan, S., Al‐Sibani, N., Al‐Farsi, Y.M. and Al‐Adawi, S. 2019. Risk factors underlying depressive symptoms among parents/primary care providers of kids with autism spectrum disorder: A study from Muscat, Oman. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. 55 (4), pp. 600-606.

Predictors of Burden of Care Among Caregivers of Drug-Naive Children and Adolescents With ADHD: A Cross-Sectional Correlative Study From Muscat, Oman

Journal article

Al-Balushi, N., Al-Alawi, M., Al Shekaili, M., Al-Balushi, M., Mirza, H., Al-Huseini, S., Panchatcharam, S.M., Al-Sibani, N., Cucchi, A. and Al-Adawi, S. 2019. Predictors of Burden of Care Among Caregivers of Drug-Naive Children and Adolescents With ADHD: A Cross-Sectional Correlative Study From Muscat, Oman. Journal of Attention Disorders. 23 (5), pp. 517-526.

Prevalence and determinants of Burnout Syndrome and Depression among medical students at Sultan Qaboos University: A cross-sectional analytical study from Oman

Journal article

Al-Balushi, N., Al Shekaili, M., Al Alawi, M., Al-Balushi, M., Panchatcharam, S.M. and Al-Adawi, S. 2019. Prevalence and determinants of Burnout Syndrome and Depression among medical students at Sultan Qaboos University: A cross-sectional analytical study from Oman. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health. 74 (3), pp. 130-139.

Prevalence and predictors of depressive symptoms among caregivers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder attending a tertiary care facility: a cross-sectional analytical study from Muscat, Oman

Journal article

Al-Balushi, N., Al Shekaili, M., Al-Alawi, M., Al-Balushi, M., Panchatcharam, S.M. and Al-Adawi, S. 2019. Prevalence and predictors of depressive symptoms among caregivers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder attending a tertiary care facility: a cross-sectional analytical study from Muscat, Oman. Early Child Development and Care. 189 (9), pp. 1515-1524.

Lives and spaces: Photovoice and offender supervision in Ireland and England

Journal article

Fitzgibbon, W. and Healy, D. 2019. Lives and spaces: Photovoice and offender supervision in Ireland and England. Criminology and Criminal Justice. 19 (1).

You can’t change your basic ability, but you work at things, and that’s how we get hard things done: Testing the role of growth mindset on response to setbacks, educational attainment, and cognitive ability

Journal article

Li, Y. and Bates, T.C. 2019. You can’t change your basic ability, but you work at things, and that’s how we get hard things done: Testing the role of growth mindset on response to setbacks, educational attainment, and cognitive ability. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 148 (9), pp. 1640-1655.

Introduction: Kosovo’s Symbolic Importance

Journal article

Hehir, A. 2019. Introduction: Kosovo’s Symbolic Importance. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. 13 (5), pp. 539-544.

Continuity or Change? Intervention and Statebuilding after Kosovo

Journal article

Hehir, A. 2019. Continuity or Change? Intervention and Statebuilding after Kosovo. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. 13 (5), pp. 581-593.

Kosovo 1999: The False Dawn of Humanitarian Intervention

Journal article

Hehir, A. 2019. Kosovo 1999: The False Dawn of Humanitarian Intervention. Comparative Strategy. 38 (5), pp. 454-466.

Value Development in childhood and adolescence: Insights into an emerging field

PhD thesis

Döring, A.K. 2019. Value Development in childhood and adolescence: Insights into an emerging field. PhD thesis University of Muenster, Germany

Evaluation of the Westminster REFRAME Workshop for Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Staff and Junior Doctors: 2018/19


Sebah, I., Shaw, P. and Cheshire, A. 2019. Evaluation of the Westminster REFRAME Workshop for Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Staff and Junior Doctors: 2018/19. London University of Westminster.

Evaluation of the Westminster REFRAME Workshop for North Kensington General Practitioners: 2019

Project report

Sebah, I., Shaw, P. and Cheshire, A. 2019. Evaluation of the Westminster REFRAME Workshop for North Kensington General Practitioners: 2019. London University of Westminster.

How would university students prefer their classes to be timetabled?

Conference paper

Adam, C., Piravea, N. and Gardner, M. 2019. How would university students prefer their classes to be timetabled? BPS DART-P Annual Conference 2019. Cardiff University 04 - 05 Jun 2019 BPS.

CIA Torture Unredacted

Project report

Raphael, S., Black, C. and Blakeley, R. 2019. CIA Torture Unredacted. London The Rendition Project.

Studying Cherrypicking: Substantive and Methodological Reflections

Working paper

Font, J. and Smith, G. 2019. Studying Cherrypicking: Substantive and Methodological Reflections. Constitution Making and Deliberative Democracy Cost Action.

The Current and Retrospective Intentional Nature Exposure Scales: Development and Factorial Validity

Journal article

Wood, C., Barron, D. and Smyth, N. 2019. The Current and Retrospective Intentional Nature Exposure Scales: Development and Factorial Validity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (22) 4443.

Finding the Ways Forward on Kashmir


Kaul, N. 2019. Finding the Ways Forward on Kashmir. Centre on Constitutional Change.

Media, money and majoritarianism: The Indian elections 2019


Kaul, N. 2019. Media, money and majoritarianism: The Indian elections 2019. Asia Dialogue.

Kashmir Is Under the Heel of India’s Colonialism


Kaul, N. 2019. Kashmir Is Under the Heel of India’s Colonialism. Foreign Policy.

Written Testimony of Dr Nitasha Kaul


Kaul, N. 2019. Written Testimony of Dr Nitasha Kaul. US House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and Nonproliferation (Committee on Foreign Affairs).

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