Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Rethinking Energy Policy in Central and Eastern Europe

Technical report

Ostrowski, W. and Butler, E. 2018. Rethinking Energy Policy in Central and Eastern Europe. London European Centre for Energy and Resource Security.

Future Cities: Asserting Public Governance


Joss, S. 2018. Future Cities: Asserting Public Governance. Palgrave Communications. 4 (36) 36.

“Who can play this game?” The lived experiences of doctoral candidates and early career women in the neoliberal university


Caretta, M.A., Drozdzewski, D., Jokinen, J.A. and Falconer, E. 2018. “Who can play this game?” The lived experiences of doctoral candidates and early career women in the neoliberal university. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 42 (2), pp. 261-275.

The Effects of the Selective Muscarinic M3 Receptor Antagonist Darifenacin, and of Hyoscine (scopolamine), on Motion Sickness, Skin Conductance & Cognitive Function


Golding, J.F., Wesnes, K.A. and Leaker, B.R. 2018. The Effects of the Selective Muscarinic M3 Receptor Antagonist Darifenacin, and of Hyoscine (scopolamine), on Motion Sickness, Skin Conductance & Cognitive Function. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 84 (7), pp. 1535-1543.

REPLY TO ADRION ET AL. ON PATEL ET AL. Letter to the Editor, British Medical Journal


Patel, M., Arshad, Q., Seemungal, B.M., Harcourt, J.P., Golding, J.F. and Bronstein, A.M. 2018. REPLY TO ADRION ET AL. ON PATEL ET AL. Letter to the Editor, British Medical Journal . British Medical Journal.

Children, Young People and the Press in a Transitioning Society Representations, Reactions and Criminalisation


Gordon, F. 2018. Children, Young People and the Press in a Transitioning Society Representations, Reactions and Criminalisation. London Palgrave Macmillan.

HRI Malta 2017—Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy: HRI’s Third International Research Conference in Malta


Mosley, A.J., Roberts, E.R., Partington, H., Gaertner, K., Fisher, P., Lex Rutten, A.L.B., Mathie, R.T., Cartwright, S.J., Fixsen, Alison, Kokornaczyk, M.O., Sokol, A.M. and Tournier, A.L. 2018. HRI Malta 2017—Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy: HRI’s Third International Research Conference in Malta. Homeopathy. 107 (1), pp. 50-54 107.

MRI Indices of Cortical Development in Young People With Psychotic Experiences: Influence of Genetic Risk and Persistence of Symptoms


Fonville, L., Drakesmith, M., Zammit, S., Lewis, G., Jones, D.K. and David, A.S. 2018. MRI Indices of Cortical Development in Young People With Psychotic Experiences: Influence of Genetic Risk and Persistence of Symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin. sbx195.

Measuring the Engagement of the Learner in a Controlled Environment Using Three Different Biosensors

Conference paper

El-Abbasy, K., Angelopoulou, A. and Towell, A. 2018. Measuring the Engagement of the Learner in a Controlled Environment Using Three Different Biosensors. 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. Madeira, Portugal 15 - 17 Mar 2018 SCITEPRESS.

Implicit mentalising during level-1 visual perspective-taking indicated by dissociation with attention orienting

Journal article

Gardner, M., Bileviciute A.P. and Edmonds, C.J. 2018. Implicit mentalising during level-1 visual perspective-taking indicated by dissociation with attention orienting. Vision. 2 (1) 3.

Explaining city branding practices in China’s three mega-city regions: The role of ecological modernization


De Jong, M., Chen, Y., Joss, S., Lu, H., Zhao, M., Yang, Q. and Zhang, C. 2018. Explaining city branding practices in China’s three mega-city regions: The role of ecological modernization. Journal of Cleaner Production. 179, pp. 527-543.

Troubling Children’s Families: Who’s Troubled and Why? Approaches to Inter-Cultural Dialogue

Journal article

Ribbens McCarthy, J and Gillies, V. 2018. Troubling Children’s Families: Who’s Troubled and Why? Approaches to Inter-Cultural Dialogue. Sociological Research Online. 23 (1), pp. 219-244.

The cortisol awakening response predicts response inhibition in the afternoon of the same day


Shi, Xia, Sun, Xiaofang, Yao, Zhuxi, Yuan, Yiran, Wu, Jianhui and Clow, A. 2018. The cortisol awakening response predicts response inhibition in the afternoon of the same day. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 89, pp. 23-29.

Interpreting the Development and Growth of Convict Criminology in South America

Journal article

Ross, J.I. and Darke, S. 2018. Interpreting the Development and Growth of Convict Criminology in South America . Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. 27 (2), pp. 108-117.

Developing Insider Perspectives in Research Activism

Journal article

Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2018. Developing Insider Perspectives in Research Activism. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. 27 (2), pp. 3-16.

Conviviality and Survival: Co-Producing Brazilian Prison Order


Darke, S. 2018. Conviviality and Survival: Co-Producing Brazilian Prison Order. Palgrave Macmillan.

No evidence against Sketch Reinstatement of Context, Verbal Labels or the use of Registered Intermediaries for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Response to Henry et al. (2017)


Dando, C.J., Ormerod, T. C., Cooper, T. C., Mattison, M., Merchant, R., Milne, R. and Bull, R. 2018. No evidence against Sketch Reinstatement of Context, Verbal Labels or the use of Registered Intermediaries for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Response to Henry et al. (2017). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48 (7), pp. 2593-2596.

Homeopathy in the age of antimicrobial resistance: Is it a viable treatment for upper respiratory tract infections?


Fixsen, Alison 2018. Homeopathy in the age of antimicrobial resistance: Is it a viable treatment for upper respiratory tract infections? Homeopathy. 107 (2), pp. 99-114.

Self-care and entrepreneurism: An ethnography of soft skills development for higher education staff

Journal article

Fixsen, Alison, Cranfield, S. and Ridge, Damien T. 2018. Self-care and entrepreneurism: An ethnography of soft skills development for higher education staff. Studies in Continuing Education. 40 (2), pp. 181-197.

An Ethnographic Study of Suicide Among Young Men in the London Alevi Community

Book chapter

Cetin, U. 2018. An Ethnographic Study of Suicide Among Young Men in the London Alevi Community. in: SAGE Research Methods Cases Sociology Sage.

Intervention and Statebuilding beyond the Human: From the ‘Black Box’ to the ‘Great Outdoors’

Journal article

Chandler, D. 2018. Intervention and Statebuilding beyond the Human: From the ‘Black Box’ to the ‘Great Outdoors’. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. 12 (1), pp. 80-97.


Book chapter

Ostrowski, W. 2018. Poland. in: Ostrowski, W. and Butler, E. (ed.) Understanding Energy Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Russia, Transition and National Interest Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 116-137


Book chapter

Ostrowski, W. 2018. Introduction. in: Ostrowski, W. and Butler, E. (ed.) Understanding Energy Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Russia, Transition and National Interest Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

The Rise and Limits of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Book chapter

Ostrowski, W. 2018. The Rise and Limits of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. in: Raszewski, S. (ed.) The International Political Economy of Oil and Gas Palgrave Macmillan Springer. pp. 87-107

Mini-publics and deliberative democracy

Book chapter

Setälä, M. and Smith, G. 2018. Mini-publics and deliberative democracy. in: Bächtiger, A., Dryzek, J., Mansbridge, J. and Warren, M.E. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy Oxford Oxford University Press.

Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries


Jenkins, C., Cetin, U. and Aydin, S. (ed.) 2018. Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries. London Routledge.

Conducting an Exploratory Survey of a Little Researched Marginalised Transnational Migrant Community

Online educational resource

Jenkins, C. and Cetin, U. 2018. Conducting an Exploratory Survey of a Little Researched Marginalised Transnational Migrant Community. Sage.

India’s obsession with Kashmir: democracy, gender, (anti-)nationalism

Journal article

Kaul, N. 2018. India’s obsession with Kashmir: democracy, gender, (anti-)nationalism. Feminist Review. 119 (1), p. 126–143.

Tourism, nightlife and planning: challenges and opportunities for community liveability in La Barceloneta

Journal article

Nofre, J., Giordano, E., Eldridge, A., Martins, J.C. and Sequera, J. 2018. Tourism, nightlife and planning: challenges and opportunities for community liveability in La Barceloneta. Tourism Geographies. 20 (3), pp. 377-396.

The Relationship Between Schizotypal Facets and Conspiracist Beliefs via Cognitive Processes


Barron, D., Furnham, A., Weis, L., Morgan, K.D., Towell, A. and Swami, V. 2018. The Relationship Between Schizotypal Facets and Conspiracist Beliefs via Cognitive Processes. Psychiatry Research. 259, pp. 15-20.

Human Rights Fact-Finding and the CIA's Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programme: A Response to Cordell


Blakeley, R. and Raphael, S. 2018. Human Rights Fact-Finding and the CIA's Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programme: A Response to Cordell. International Area Studies Review. 21 (2), pp. 169-178.

Governance, rights and the demand for democracy: evidence from Bangladesh

Book chapter

Basu, I., Brown, G.K. and Devine, J. 2018. Governance, rights and the demand for democracy: evidence from Bangladesh. in: Basu, I., Devine, J. and Wood, G. (ed.) Politics and Governance in Bangladesh: Uncertain Landscapes London Routledge.

Politics and Governance in Bangladesh: Uncertain Landscapes


Basu, I., Devine, J. and Wood, G. (ed.) 2018. Politics and Governance in Bangladesh: Uncertain Landscapes. London Routledge.

Cherry-picking participation: explaining the fate of proposals from participatory processes 

Journal article

Font, J., Smith, G., Galais, C. and Alarcón, P. 2018. Cherry-picking participation: explaining the fate of proposals from participatory processes . European Journal of Political Research. 57 (3), pp. 615-636.

Evaluating coordination and learning within governance: open epistemological issues

Book chapter

Greenwood, D. 2018. Evaluating coordination and learning within governance: open epistemological issues. in: Dotti, N.F. (ed.) Knowledge, Policymaking and Learning for European Cities and Regions: From Research to Practice Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 219-230

Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Liberal Cosmopolitan IR: A Response to Burke et al.’s ‘Planet Politics’


Chandler, D., Cudworth, E. and Hobden, S. 2018. Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Liberal Cosmopolitan IR: A Response to Burke et al.’s ‘Planet Politics’. Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 46 (2), pp. 190-208.

Exploring suicidal behaviours by probation clients—a qualitative near-lethal study

Journal article

Mackenzie, J.-M., Borrill, J. and Cartwright, T. 2018. Exploring suicidal behaviours by probation clients—a qualitative near-lethal study. The Journal of Public Health. 40 (1), pp. 146-153.

Lesbian and gay teachers and sex/uality education policy enactment in schools

Journal article

Rudoe, N. 2018. Lesbian and gay teachers and sex/uality education policy enactment in schools. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 39 (6), pp. 926-940.

Cyborg Activism: Exploring the reconfigurations of democratic subjectivity in Anonymous


Asenbaum, H. 2018. Cyborg Activism: Exploring the reconfigurations of democratic subjectivity in Anonymous. New Media & Society. 20 (4), pp. 1543-1563.

The smart city and Its publics: insights from across six UK cities


Cowley, R., Joss, S. and Dayot, Y. 2018. The smart city and Its publics: insights from across six UK cities. Urban Research & Practice. 11 (1), pp. 53-77.

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Fixsen, Alison

Senior Lecturer

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Flynn, Maria

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Fraser, Jennifer

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