Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Getting the Cocktail Party Started: Masking Effects in Speech Perception


Evans, S., McGettigan, C., Agnew, Z.K., Rosen, S. and Scott, S.K. 2016. Getting the Cocktail Party Started: Masking Effects in Speech Perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 28 (3), pp. 483-500.

Visual Speech Perception in Children With Language Learning Impairments


Knowland, V.C.P., Evans, S., Snell, C. and Rosen, S. 2016. Visual Speech Perception in Children With Language Learning Impairments. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 59, pp. 1-14.

Distinct neural systems recruited when speech production is modulated by different masking sounds

Journal article

Meekings, S., Evans, S., Lavan, N., Boebinger, D., Krieger-Redwood, K., Cooke, M. and Scott, S.K. 2016. Distinct neural systems recruited when speech production is modulated by different masking sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140 (1), pp. 8-19.

European Nuclear Disarmament: Transnational Peace Campaigning in the 1980s

Book chapter

Burke, P.D.M. 2016. European Nuclear Disarmament: Transnational Peace Campaigning in the 1980s. in: Conze, Eckart, Klimke, Martin and Varon, Jeremy (ed.) Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fears and the Cold War of the 1980s Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 227-250

How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles


Gordon, F. 2016. How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles . Forum on Geopolitics, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge.

How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles


Gordon, F. 2016. How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles. Schools Improvement.

Journalists needs to stop exploiting children’s social media profiles: Children’s rights are being breached in the race for content


Gordon, F. 2016. Journalists needs to stop exploiting children’s social media profiles: Children’s rights are being breached in the race for content. The NewStatesman.

How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles


Gordon, F. 2016. How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles. The Conversation.

‘Five Tips for Early Career Researchers who want to Engage with Government’, Health and Human Rights Blog, School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast


Gordon, F. 2016. ‘Five Tips for Early Career Researchers who want to Engage with Government’, Health and Human Rights Blog, School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast. Queen’s University Belfast.

Comment: When words can do damage


Gordon, F. 2016. Comment: When words can do damage. The View. 37, p. 26.

Qu’apporte l’étude des town meetings à la quête d’une démocratie plus participative et délibérative?

Journal article

Bryan, F.W., Keith, W.W., Kloppenberg, J.T., Mansbridge, J.J., Morrell, M.E. and Smith, G. 2016. Qu’apporte l’étude des town meetings à la quête d’une démocratie plus participative et délibérative? Participations. Revue de sciences sociales sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté. 15 (2), pp. 203-220.

The Secret World of The Brain


Loveday, C. 2016. The Secret World of The Brain. Andre Deutsch (Carlton Publishing Group).

Putting the stress on conspiracy theories: examing associations between psychosocial stress, anxiety, and belief in conspiracy theories


Swami, V., Furnham, A., Smyth, N., Weis, L., Ley, A. and Clow, A. 2016. Putting the stress on conspiracy theories: examing associations between psychosocial stress, anxiety, and belief in conspiracy theories. Personality and Individual Differences . 99, pp. 72-76.

Breathlessness and inflammation: relationship and implications


Ryan, R., Spathis, A., Clow, A. and Booth, S. 2016. Breathlessness and inflammation: relationship and implications. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative care. 10 (3), pp. 242-248.

The role of peer physical activity champions in the workplace: a qualitative study


Edmunds, S. and Clow, A. 2016. The role of peer physical activity champions in the workplace: a qualitative study. Perspectives in Public Health. 136 (3), pp. 161-170.

Book review: Punishment in Europe: A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems by Ruggiero, V. & Ryan, M. (eds.)

Book review

Darke, S. 2016. Book review: Punishment in Europe: A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems by Ruggiero, V. & Ryan, M. (eds.). Prison Service Journal. 227, pp. 46-48.

Stability and change of basic personal values in early adulthood: An 8-year longitudinal study

Journal article

Vecchione, M., Schwartz, S. H., Alessandri, G., Döring, A.K., Castellani, V. and Caprara, M.G. 2016. Stability and change of basic personal values in early adulthood: An 8-year longitudinal study. Journal of Research in Personality. 63, pp. 111-122.

Interviewing Adult Witnesses and Victims

Book chapter

Dando, C.J., Geiselman, R. E., MacLeod, N. and Griffiths, A. 2016. Interviewing Adult Witnesses and Victims. in: Oxburgh, G., Myklebust, T. and Milne, R. (ed.) Communication in Investigative and Legal Contexts: Integrated Approaches from Forensic Psychology, Linguistics and Law Enforcement Chichester Wiley. pp. 79-107

Applied Cyberpsychology: Military and Defence Applications

Book chapter

Dando, C.J. and Tranter, C. 2016. Applied Cyberpsychology: Military and Defence Applications. in: Attrill, A. and Fullwood, C. (ed.) Applied Cyberpsychology. Practical Applications of Cyberpsychological Theory and Research Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 197-216

Ektashif - Art through the Senses: Families shaping museum programming in Qatar


Dobbin, C., Eardley, A.F. and Neves, J. 2016. Ektashif - Art through the Senses: Families shaping museum programming in Qatar. Multaqa: Professional Journal of the Gulf Museum Educators Network. 2, pp. 11-19.

Editorial: Special Issue: 5th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology

Edited issue

Charlton, S., Ryder, K. and Taylor, J. 2016. Editorial: Special Issue: 5th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Psychology Learning & Teaching. 15 (3), pp. 211-213.

Intratympanic methylprednisolone versus gentamicin in patients with unilateral Ménière's disease: a randomised, double-blind, comparative effectiveness trial

Journal article

Patel, M., Agarwal, K., Arshad, Q., Hariri, M., Rea, P., Seemungal, B.M., Golding, J.F., Harcourt, J.P. and Bronstein, A.M. 2016. Intratympanic methylprednisolone versus gentamicin in patients with unilateral Ménière's disease: a randomised, double-blind, comparative effectiveness trial. The Lancet. 338 (10061), p. 2753–2762.

Perceptions of Psychological Coercion and Human Trafficking in the West Midlands of England: Beginning to Know the Unknown

Journal article

Dando, C. J., Walsh, D. and Brierley, R. 2016. Perceptions of Psychological Coercion and Human Trafficking in the West Midlands of England: Beginning to Know the Unknown. PLoS ONE. 11 (5) e0153263.

Empathy in the field: Towards a taxonomy of empathic communication in information gathering interviews with suspected sex offenders


Dando, C.J. and Oxburgh G.E. 2016. Empathy in the field: Towards a taxonomy of empathic communication in information gathering interviews with suspected sex offenders. The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context. 8 (1), pp. 27-33.

Brave new brains: sociology, family and the politics of knowledge

Journal article

Gillies, V., Edwards, R. and Horsley, N. 2016. Brave new brains: sociology, family and the politics of knowledge. Sociological Review. 64 (2), p. 219–237.

The Remembering-Imagining System

Journal article

Conway, M.A, Loveday, C. and Cole, S.N 2016. The Remembering-Imagining System. Memory Studies. 9 (3), pp. 256-265.

Post-Political Ontologies and the Problems of Anti-Anthropocentrism: Reply to Tsouvalis


Chandler, D. 2016. Post-Political Ontologies and the Problems of Anti-Anthropocentrism: Reply to Tsouvalis. Global Discourse. 6 (1/2), pp. 40-42.

How the World Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Failure: Big Data, Resilience and Emergent Causality


Chandler, D. 2016. How the World Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Failure: Big Data, Resilience and Emergent Causality. Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 44 (3), pp. 391-410.

New Narratives of International Security Governance: The Shift from Global Interventionism to Global Self-Policing


Chandler, D. 2016. New Narratives of International Security Governance: The Shift from Global Interventionism to Global Self-Policing. Global Crime. 17 (3/4), pp. 264-280.

Pushed to the Edge: Inclusion and Behaviour Support in Schools


Gillies, V. 2016. Pushed to the Edge: Inclusion and Behaviour Support in Schools. Bristol Policy Press.

Facilitating Inclusion: Austrian Wisdom Councils as Democratic Innovation between Consensus and Diversity


Asenbaum, H. 2016. Facilitating Inclusion: Austrian Wisdom Councils as Democratic Innovation between Consensus and Diversity. Journal of Public Deliberation. 12 (2), p. Article 7 Article 7.

Editorial: African women's struggles in a gender perspective

Edited issue

Bouilly, Emmanuelle, Rillon, Ophélie and Cross, Hannah 2016. Editorial: African women's struggles in a gender perspective. Review of African Political Economy. 43 (149), pp. 338-349.

Prevalence, Predictors & Prevention of Motion Sickness in Zero-G Parabolic Flights


Golding, J.F., Paillard, A.C., Normand, H., Besnard, S. and Denise, P. 2016. Prevalence, Predictors & Prevention of Motion Sickness in Zero-G Parabolic Flights. Aerospace Medicine & Human Performance . 88 (1), pp. 3-9.

EU-Russia Energy Relations in Context


Dannreuther, R. 2016. EU-Russia Energy Relations in Context. Geopolitics. 21 (4), pp. 913-921.

Information-Based Approaches of Noninvasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation


Romei, V., Thut, G. and Silvanto, J. 2016. Information-Based Approaches of Noninvasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation. Trends in Neurosciences. 39 (11), pp. 782-795.

Assessment of the cortisol awakening response: Real-time analysis and curvilinear effects of sample timing inaccuracy


Smyth, N., Thorn, L., Hucklebridge, F., Clow, A. and Evans, P. 2016. Assessment of the cortisol awakening response: Real-time analysis and curvilinear effects of sample timing inaccuracy. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 74, pp. 380-386.

Citizenship and Inclusion: Rethinking the Analytical Category of Noncitizenship

Journal article

Tambakaki, P. 2016. Citizenship and Inclusion: Rethinking the Analytical Category of Noncitizenship. Citizenship Studies. 19 (8), pp. 922-935.

Motion Sickness

Book chapter

Golding, J.F. 2016. Motion Sickness. in: Furman, J.M. and Lempert, T. (ed.) Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Volume 137 Elsevier. pp. 371-390

Publication of children’s images, privacy and Article 8: judgment in the matter of An Application by JR38 for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) [2015] UKSC 42


Gordon, F. 2016. Publication of children’s images, privacy and Article 8: judgment in the matter of An Application by JR38 for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) [2015] UKSC 42. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly. 67 (2), pp. 257-261.

Smart-Eco Cities in the UK 2016

Project report

Joss, S., Caprotti, F., Cowley, R. and Yu, L. 2016. Smart-Eco Cities in the UK 2016. Exeter University of Exeter (Smart Eco Cities Project).

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Bezborodova, Anastasiya

PTVL - Student Experience

Birkett, Jo


Bonaparte, Bryan

Senior Lecturer

Boubert, Laura

Principal Lecturer

Brighi, Elisabetta

Senior Lecturer

Buchanan, Tom


Bunday, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Burke, Patrick

Senior Lecturer

Cahill, Mags

Senior Lecturer

Cambridge, Mark

Senior Lecturer

Cetin, Umit

Senior Lecturer

Charrett, Catherine

Senior Lecturer

Cheshire, Anna

Senior Research Fellow

Christodoulou, Ioannis

Senior Lecturer

Cliffe, Beth

Research Fellow

Clow, Angela


Colwell, John

Principal Lecturer

Cross, Hannah

Senior Lecturer

Dando, Coral


Dey, Adrija

Senior Research Fellow

Eldridge, Adam

Senior Lecturer

English, Charlotte

Senior Lecturer

Evans, Phil

Emeritus Professor

Falconer, Emily

Senior Lecturer

Fixsen, Alison

Senior Lecturer

Fluck, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Flynn, Maria

Research Fellow

Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

Principal Lecturer

Gautier, Chantal

Senior Lecturer

Gerard, Jeane

Senior Lecturer

Gillies, Val


Golding, John


Joban, Sanjay

Senior Lecturer

Kaul, Nitasha


Khabaz, David

Senior Lecturer

Law, Robin

Senior Lecturer

Li, Yue


Linn, Andrew

DVC Research & Knowledge Exchange

Macmaster, Rob

Principal Lecturer

Magioglou, Thalia

Senior Lecturer

Miah, Jolel

Senior Lecturer

Moutsiana, Christina

Senior Lecturer

Nadarzynski, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Ostrowski, Wojciech

Senior Lecturer

Parkin, Beth

Senior Lecturer

Pedersen, Frands

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


Raphael, Sam


Ridge, Damien


Rudoe, Naomi

Senior Lecturer

Ryder, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

Senior Lecturer

Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

Senior Lecturer

Slark, Charlotte

Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

Souvlakis, Nikolaos

Senior Lecturer

Stephansen, Hilde

Senior Lecturer

Straw, David


Taghdisi Rad, Sahar

Senior Lecturer

Tajvidi, Ali

Senior Lecturer

Tambakaki, Paulina

Senior Lecturer

Taylor, Donna

Senior Lecturer

Thorn, Lisa

Senior Lecturer

Wild, Jess

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Williams, David

Senior Lecturer

Woloshynowych, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Yetkili, Orkun

Senior Lecturer