Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Democracy: A Reader. 2nd Edition


Blaug, R. and Shwarzmantel, J. (ed.) 2016. Democracy: A Reader. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh and New York Columbia University Press.

Biodynamic Hypothesis for the Frequency Tuning of Motion Sickness


Golding, J.F. 2016. Biodynamic Hypothesis for the Frequency Tuning of Motion Sickness. Aerospace Medicine & Human Performance. 87 (1), pp. 65-8.

How do we improve men’s mental health via primary care? An evaluation of the Atlas Men’s Well-being Pilot Programme for stressed/distressed men


Cheshire, A., Peters, D. and Ridge, Damien T. 2016. How do we improve men’s mental health via primary care? An evaluation of the Atlas Men’s Well-being Pilot Programme for stressed/distressed men. BMC Family Practice. 17 (13).

Reciprocal relations across time between basic values and value-expressive behaviors: A longitudinal study among children


Vecchione, M., Döring, A.K., Alessandri, G., Marsicano, G. and Bardi, A. 2016. Reciprocal relations across time between basic values and value-expressive behaviors: A longitudinal study among children. Social Development. 25 (3), pp. 528-547.

Introduction to the Special Section Value Development from Middle Childhood to Early Adulthood: New Insights from Longitudinal and Genetically Informed Research


Döring, A.K., Daniel, E. and Knafo-Noam, A. 2016. Introduction to the Special Section Value Development from Middle Childhood to Early Adulthood: New Insights from Longitudinal and Genetically Informed Research. Social Development. 25 (3), pp. 471-481.

Values in middle childhood: Social and genetic contributions

Journal article

Uzefovsky, F., Döring, A.K. and Knafo-Noam, A. 2016. Values in middle childhood: Social and genetic contributions. Social Development. 25 (3), pp. 482-502.

Bevacizumab in NF2-related vestibular schwannomas: a nationally coordinated approach to delivery and prospective evaluation


Morris, K.A., Golding, J.F., Afridi, S., Blesing, C., Ferner, R.E., Halliday, D., Jena, R., Pretorius, P.M., Parry, A., Axon, P.R., Evans, D.G. and McCabe, M.G. 2016. Bevacizumab in NF2-related vestibular schwannomas: a nationally coordinated approach to delivery and prospective evaluation. Neuro-Oncology Practice. 3 (4), pp. 281-289.

Separating the effects of ethnicity and socio-economic status on sleep practices of 6- to 7-month-old infants


Tomalski, P., Moore, D.G., Ballieux, H., Kushnerenko, E., Johnson, M.H. and Karmiloff-Smith, A. 2016. Separating the effects of ethnicity and socio-economic status on sleep practices of 6- to 7-month-old infants. Learning & Individual Differences. 46, pp. 64-69.

Applying gaze-contingent training within community settings to infants from diverse SES backgrounds

Journal article

Ballieux, H., Wass, S., Tomalski, P., Kushnerenko, E., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Johnson, M.H. and Moore, D.G. 2016. Applying gaze-contingent training within community settings to infants from diverse SES backgrounds. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 43, pp. 8-17.

Parental feeding behaviour and motivations regarding pre-school age children: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies

Journal article

Rylatt, L. and Cartwright, T. 2016. Parental feeding behaviour and motivations regarding pre-school age children: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Appetite. 99, pp. 285-297.

Tracking rendition aircraft as a way to understand CIA secret detention and torture in Europe

Journal article

Raphael, S., Black, C., Blakeley, R. and Kostas, S. 2016. Tracking rendition aircraft as a way to understand CIA secret detention and torture in Europe. International Journal of Human Rights. 20 (1), pp. 78-103.

Book review: 'Tourism and citizenship: rights, freedoms and responsibilities in the global order' by Raoul Bianchi and Marcus Stephenson

Book review

Falconer, E. 2016. Book review: 'Tourism and citizenship: rights, freedoms and responsibilities in the global order' by Raoul Bianchi and Marcus Stephenson. Hospitality and Society. 6 (1), pp. 91-100.

Governance, Coordination and Evaluation: the case for an epistemological focus and a return to C.E. Lindblom

Journal article

Greenwood, D. 2016. Governance, Coordination and Evaluation: the case for an epistemological focus and a return to C.E. Lindblom. Political Research Quarterly. 69 (1), pp. 30-42.

Citizenship, belonging and attachment in the ‘war on terror’

Journal article

Ahmed, S. 2016. Citizenship, belonging and attachment in the ‘war on terror’. Critical Criminology: an International Journal. 24 (1), pp. 111-125.

Reflections on conducting research on the ‘war on terror’: religious identity, subjectivity and emotions


Ahmed, S. 2016. Reflections on conducting research on the ‘war on terror’: religious identity, subjectivity and emotions. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 19 (2), pp. 177-190.

The Online dating romance scam: The psychological impact on victims – both financial and non-financial

Journal article

Whitty, M.T. and Buchanan, T. 2016. The Online dating romance scam: The psychological impact on victims – both financial and non-financial. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 16 (2), pp. 176-194.

Self-report measures of executive function problems correlate with personality, not performance-based executive function measures, in nonclinical samples.

Journal article

Buchanan, T. 2016. Self-report measures of executive function problems correlate with personality, not performance-based executive function measures, in nonclinical samples. Psychological Assessment. 28 (4), pp. 372-385.

From dispersed to monopolized violence: expansion and consolidation of the Primeiro Comando da Capital's hegemony in São Paulo's prisons

Journal article

Dias Camila and Darke, S. 2016. From dispersed to monopolized violence: expansion and consolidation of the Primeiro Comando da Capital's hegemony in São Paulo's prisons. Crime, Law and Social Change. 65 (3), pp. 213-225.

Bridging the gap: giving public voice to prisoners and former prisoners through research activism

Journal article

Aresti, A., Darke, S. and Manlow, D. 2016. Bridging the gap: giving public voice to prisoners and former prisoners through research activism. Prison Service Journal. 224, pp. 3-13.

Feasibility of undertaking off-site infant eye-tracking assessments of neuro-cognitive functioning in early-intervention centres


Ballieux, H., Haiko, Tomalski, P., Kushnerenko, E., Johnson, M.H., Karmiloff-Smith, A. and Moore, D.G. 2016. Feasibility of undertaking off-site infant eye-tracking assessments of neuro-cognitive functioning in early-intervention centres . Infant and Child Development. 25 (1), pp. 95-113.

New Ways of Being a Man: “Positive” Hegemonic Masculinity in Meditation-based Communities of Practice

Journal article

Lomas, Tim, Cartwright, T., Edginton, T.L. and Ridge, Damien T. 2016. New Ways of Being a Man: “Positive” Hegemonic Masculinity in Meditation-based Communities of Practice. Men and Masculinities. 19 (3), pp. 289-310.

Latin American prisons

Book chapter

Darke, S. and Karam, M.L. 2016. Latin American prisons. in: Jewkes, Y., Bennett, J. and Crewe, B. (ed.) Handbook on prisons. 2nd edition Abington Routledge.

The Sacred and the Political: Explorations on Mimesis, Violence and Religion


Brighi, E. and Cerella, A. (ed.) 2016. The Sacred and the Political: Explorations on Mimesis, Violence and Religion . London Bloomsbury Academic.

Post awakening cortisol and melatonin secretion are not related

Journal article

Ramachandran, N., Smyth, N., Thorn, L., Eardley, A.F., Evans, P. and Clow, A. 2015. Post awakening cortisol and melatonin secretion are not related. Psychoneuroendocrinology. (61), p. 65.

Relationships in the context of suicide risk

Journal article

Borrill, J., Mackenzie, J.-M., Cook, L. and Beck, A. 2015. Relationships in the context of suicide risk. Probation Journal. 62 (1), pp. 71-78.

Interventions for Alleviating Loneliness Among Older Persons: A Critical Review

Journal article

Cohen-Mansfield, J. and Perach, R. 2015. Interventions for Alleviating Loneliness Among Older Persons: A Critical Review. American Journal of Health Promotion. 29 (3), pp. e109-25.

The man who was tested for HIV 100 times

Journal article

Al Alawi, M. and Al. Sinawi, H. 2015. The man who was tested for HIV 100 times. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases. 5 (4), pp. 163-165.

Book review: Delivering Rehabilitation: The Politics and Governance and Control of Probation

Book review

Fitzgibbon, W. 2015. Book review: Delivering Rehabilitation: The Politics and Governance and Control of Probation. Probation Journal. 62 (4), pp. 417-419.

Sexual healthcare professionals’ views on HPV vaccination for men in the UK

Journal article

Nadarzynski, T., Smith, H.E., Richardson, D., Ford, E. and Llewellyn, C.D. 2015. Sexual healthcare professionals’ views on HPV vaccination for men in the UK. British Journal of Cancer. 113 (11), pp. 1599-1601.

Words and Worlds: Linguicide


Kaul, N. 2015. Words and Worlds: Linguicide. Kindle Magazine.

Poems by Nitasha Kaul


Kaul, N. 2015. Poems by Nitasha Kaul. Kindle Magazine.

Why the New Film About the Gang Rape and Murder of Jyoti Singh Is Required Viewing


Kaul, N. 2015. Why the New Film About the Gang Rape and Murder of Jyoti Singh Is Required Viewing. The Nation.

Stormy Days Ahead for the BJP-PDP alliance of Opposites


Kaul, N. 2015. Stormy Days Ahead for the BJP-PDP alliance of Opposites. The Quint.

Mother Wit


Kaul, N. 2015. Mother Wit. Kindle Magazine.

On Hindutva hate politics: A few things I wasn't able to discuss with Ram Madhav on Al Jazeera


Kaul, N. 2015. On Hindutva hate politics: A few things I wasn't able to discuss with Ram Madhav on Al Jazeera.

Political Economy of Aid in Conflict: An Analysis of Pre- and Post-Intifada Donor Behaviour in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Journal article

Taghdisi Rad, S. 2015. Political Economy of Aid in Conflict: An Analysis of Pre- and Post-Intifada Donor Behaviour in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Stability: International Journal of Security & Development. 4 (1), p. Art 22 22.

Gender comparison of young people charged with murder in England and Wales

Journal article

Gerard, F.J., Browne, K. and Whitfield, K. 2015. Gender comparison of young people charged with murder in England and Wales. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 61 (4), pp. 413-429.

Locomotor adaptation is modulated by observing the actions of others

Journal article

Patel, M., Roberts, R.E, Risyaz, M.U., Buckwell, D., Bunday, K.L., Ahmad, H., Kaski, D., Arshad, Q. and Bronstein, A.M. 2015. Locomotor adaptation is modulated by observing the actions of others. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114 (3), pp. 1538-1544.

Class Wargames


Barbrook, R. 2015. Class Wargames. Minor Compositions.

Scholarly Consensus on Video Game Violence Effects Continues to Elude: Examining Factors Related to Differing Opinions Among Scholars on Whether Violent Video Games Cause Societal Violence

Conference item

Ferguson, C.J. and Colwell, J. 2015. Scholarly Consensus on Video Game Violence Effects Continues to Elude: Examining Factors Related to Differing Opinions Among Scholars on Whether Violent Video Games Cause Societal Violence. The 14th European Congress of Psychology. Milan 07 - 10 Jul 2015

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Ahmed, Shamila

Senior Lecturer

Alkhoee, Zainab

Senior Lecturer

Aresti, Andreas

Senior Lecturer

Ballieux, Haiko

Senior Lecturer

Bennallick, Morwenna

Senior Lecturer

Bezborodova, Anastasiya

PTVL - Student Experience

Birkett, Jo


Bonaparte, Bryan

Senior Lecturer

Boubert, Laura

Principal Lecturer

Brighi, Elisabetta

Senior Lecturer

Buchanan, Tom


Bunday, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Burke, Patrick

Senior Lecturer

Cahill, Mags

Senior Lecturer

Cambridge, Mark

Senior Lecturer

Cetin, Umit

Senior Lecturer

Charrett, Catherine

Senior Lecturer

Cheshire, Anna

Senior Research Fellow

Christodoulou, Ioannis

Senior Lecturer

Cliffe, Beth

Research Fellow

Clow, Angela


Colwell, John

Principal Lecturer

Cross, Hannah

Senior Lecturer

Dando, Coral


Dey, Adrija

Senior Research Fellow

Eldridge, Adam

Senior Lecturer

English, Charlotte

Senior Lecturer

Evans, Phil

Emeritus Professor

Falconer, Emily

Senior Lecturer

Fixsen, Alison

Senior Lecturer

Fluck, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Flynn, Maria

Research Fellow

Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

Principal Lecturer

Gautier, Chantal

Senior Lecturer

Gerard, Jeane

Senior Lecturer

Gillies, Val


Golding, John


Joban, Sanjay

Senior Lecturer

Kaul, Nitasha


Khabaz, David

Senior Lecturer

Law, Robin

Senior Lecturer

Li, Yue


Linn, Andrew

DVC Research & Knowledge Exchange

Macmaster, Rob

Principal Lecturer

Magioglou, Thalia

Senior Lecturer

Miah, Jolel

Senior Lecturer

Moutsiana, Christina

Senior Lecturer

Nadarzynski, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Ostrowski, Wojciech

Senior Lecturer

Parkin, Beth

Senior Lecturer

Pedersen, Frands

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


Raphael, Sam


Ridge, Damien


Rudoe, Naomi

Senior Lecturer

Ryder, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

Senior Lecturer

Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

Senior Lecturer

Slark, Charlotte

Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

Souvlakis, Nikolaos

Senior Lecturer

Stephansen, Hilde

Senior Lecturer

Straw, David


Taghdisi Rad, Sahar

Senior Lecturer

Tajvidi, Ali

Senior Lecturer

Tambakaki, Paulina

Senior Lecturer

Taylor, Donna

Senior Lecturer

Thorn, Lisa

Senior Lecturer

Wild, Jess

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Williams, David

Senior Lecturer

Woloshynowych, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Yetkili, Orkun

Senior Lecturer