Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Examining life in detention: A process of survey translation and adaptation through an ecological and collaborative approach

Journal article

Esposito, F., Di Napoli, I., Ornelas, J., Briozzo, E. and Arcidiacono, C. 2021. Examining life in detention: A process of survey translation and adaptation through an ecological and collaborative approach. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community. 50 (3), pp. 302-316.

The Effect of Bilingualism on Executive Functioning Found in Young Adults: an eye-tracking study

Journal article

Pshonkovskaya, Polina and Ballieux, Haiko 2021. The Effect of Bilingualism on Executive Functioning Found in Young Adults: an eye-tracking study. New Psychological Research. 1 (4), pp. 47-70.

Navigating Burnout within the Changing Context of the NHS: An Exploration into the Experiences of General Practitioners

PhD thesis

Shaw, Philippa 2021. Navigating Burnout within the Changing Context of the NHS: An Exploration into the Experiences of General Practitioners. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences

Exploring the Impact of School-Based Yoga and Mindfulness for Adolescents in a Highly Deprived Urban Area: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study

PhD thesis

Sumner, A. 2021. Exploring the Impact of School-Based Yoga and Mindfulness for Adolescents in a Highly Deprived Urban Area: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences

A Comparative Study of the Delhi Nirbhaya Protests and the Occupy Nigeria Movement: Evaluating Uses of ICTs and Social Media

Book chapter

Dey, A. and Olabode, S. 2021. A Comparative Study of the Delhi Nirbhaya Protests and the Occupy Nigeria Movement: Evaluating Uses of ICTs and Social Media. in: Karatzogianni, A., Schandorf, M. and Ferra, I. (ed.) Protest Technologies and Media Revolutions: The Longue Durée Emerald Publishing Limited. pp. 177-195

Understanding and Operationalising Rapport Building in Police and Probation Interviews

PhD thesis

Nahouli, Zacharia 2021. Understanding and Operationalising Rapport Building in Police and Probation Interviews. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences

Capturing the whole effect of social prescribing – meaningful outcomes and theoretical positions

Journal article

Polley, M. and Fixsen, Alison 2021. Capturing the whole effect of social prescribing – meaningful outcomes and theoretical positions. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 48 102006.

Emotion regulation and decision-making in persons with dementia: A scoping review

Journal article

Perach, R., Rusted, J., Harris, P.R., Miles, E. and for the DETERMIND team 2021. Emotion regulation and decision-making in persons with dementia: A scoping review. Dementia. 20 (5), pp. 1832-1854.

Association between symptoms of sleep apnea and problem behaviors in young adult twins and siblings

Journal article

Madrid-Valero, J.J., Barclay, N.L., Rowe, R., Perach, R., Buysse, D.J., Ordoñana, J.R., Eley, T.C. and Gregory, A.M. 2021. Association between symptoms of sleep apnea and problem behaviors in young adult twins and siblings. Psychological Medicine. 51 (7), pp. 1175-1182.

Rivalry in International Relations: A Mimetic Approach to the Case of the Rivalry in Northern Ireland (1963-2020)

PhD thesis

Lanza, C. 2021. Rivalry in International Relations: A Mimetic Approach to the Case of the Rivalry in Northern Ireland (1963-2020). PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences

Data linkage for early intervention in the UK: Parental social license and social divisions

Journal article

Edwards, R., Gillies, V. and Gorin, S. 2021. Data linkage for early intervention in the UK: Parental social license and social divisions. Data and Policy. 3 e34.

5. Europe’s Migration Regime: Why a Radical Approach is Necessary and Possible

Book chapter

Cross, Hannah 2021. 5. Europe’s Migration Regime: Why a Radical Approach is Necessary and Possible. in: Fouskas, Theodoros (ed.) Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: A. An International Handbook on Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance Athens, Greece European Public Law Organization Publications. pp. 135-156

The CFA Franc Under Neoliberal Monetary Policy: A labour-focused approach

Book chapter

Cross, Hannah 2021. The CFA Franc Under Neoliberal Monetary Policy: A labour-focused approach. in: Ben Gadha, Maha, Kaboub, Fadhel, Koddenbrock, K. and Sylla, Ndongo Samba (ed.) Economic and Monetary Sovereignty in 21st Century Africa London Pluto Press.

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Screening Tools for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents.

Journal article

Mulraney, Melissa, Arrondo, Gonzalo, Musullulu, Hande, Iturmendi-Sabater, Iciar, Cortese, Samuele, Westwood, Samuel J, Donno, Federica, Banaschewski, Tobias, Simonoff, Emily, Zuddas, Alessandro, Döpfner, Manfred, Hinshaw, Stephen P and Coghill, David 2021. Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Screening Tools for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 61 (8), pp. 982-996.

Mapping the landscape of male-on-male rape in London: an analysis of cases involving male victims reported between 2005 and 2012

Journal article

Hine, B.A., Murphy, A.D., Yesberg, J.A., Wunsch, D., Charleton, B. and Widanaralalage Don, K. 2021. Mapping the landscape of male-on-male rape in London: an analysis of cases involving male victims reported between 2005 and 2012. Police Practice and Research. 22 (1), pp. 109-126.

Editorial: From Modems to Mobile Apps

Journal article

Reips, Ulf-Dietrich and Buchanan, Tom 2021. Editorial: From Modems to Mobile Apps. Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 229 (4), pp. 195-197.

A mixed methods evaluation of Viniyoga therapy intervention for rheumatoid arthritis

Journal article

Sadana, Vidhi, Cartwright, Tina and Cahill, Margaret 2021. A mixed methods evaluation of Viniyoga therapy intervention for rheumatoid arthritis. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 48 102081.

Efficacy of a Six-Week-Long Therapist-Guided Online Therapy Versus Self-help Internet-Based Therapy for COVID-19–Induced Anxiety and Depression: Open-label, Pragmatic, Randomized Controlled Trial

Journal article

Al-Alawi, M., McCall, R.K., Sultan, A., Al Balushi, N., Al-Mahrouqi, T., Al Ghailani, A., Al Sabti, H., Al-Maniri, A., Panchatcharam, S.M. and Al Sinawi, H. 2021. Efficacy of a Six-Week-Long Therapist-Guided Online Therapy Versus Self-help Internet-Based Therapy for COVID-19–Induced Anxiety and Depression: Open-label, Pragmatic, Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health. 8 (2) e26683.

Predictors of psychological distress among the public in Oman amid coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a cross-sectional analytical study

Journal article

Al Sinawi, H., Al Balushi, N., Al-Mahrouqi, T., Al Ghailani, A., McCall, R.K., Sultan, A., Al Sabti, H., Al Maniri, A., Panchatcharam, S.M. and Al-Alawi, M. 2021. Predictors of psychological distress among the public in Oman amid coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a cross-sectional analytical study. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 26 (1), pp. 131-144.

One Planet Living and the legitimacy of sustainability governance: From standardised information to regenerative systems

PhD thesis

Gerhards, J. 2021. One Planet Living and the legitimacy of sustainability governance: From standardised information to regenerative systems. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences

Marketisation and Privatisation in Criminal Justice, K.Albertson, M.Corcoran and J.Phillips (Eds.). Bristol: Policy Press (2020) 329pp. £64.00hb, £23.19pb, £23.19e‐book ISBN 9781447345701, 9781447345817, 9781447346180

Book review

Fitzgibbon, W. 2021. Marketisation and Privatisation in Criminal Justice, K.Albertson, M.Corcoran and J.Phillips (Eds.). Bristol: Policy Press (2020) 329pp. £64.00hb, £23.19pb, £23.19e‐book ISBN 9781447345701, 9781447345817, 9781447346180. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 60 (4), pp. 606-607.

Making Digital Surveillance Unacceptable? Security, Democracy, and the Political Sociology of Disputes

Journal article

McCluskey, E. and Aradau, C. 2021. Making Digital Surveillance Unacceptable? Security, Democracy, and the Political Sociology of Disputes. International Political Sociology. 16 (1) olab024.

Teaching homocapitalism with Rahul Rao’s out of time the queer politics of postcoloniality: navigating against queer inclusivity as a way of shoring up capital

Journal article

Charrett, C. 2021. Teaching homocapitalism with Rahul Rao’s out of time the queer politics of postcoloniality: navigating against queer inclusivity as a way of shoring up capital. Critical Studies on Security. 9 (3), pp. 254-257.

Real-World Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience


Parkin, B. (ed.) 2021. Real-World Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience. Elsevier.

Health chatbots acceptability moderated by perceived stigma and severity: A cross-sectional survey

Journal article

Miles, O., West, R. and Nadarzynski, T. 2021. Health chatbots acceptability moderated by perceived stigma and severity: A cross-sectional survey. Digital Health. 7.

Preface to the Brazilian edition


Darke, S. and Karam, M.L. 2021. Preface to the Brazilian edition. Tirant Brasil.

Nationwide assessment of the mental health of UK Doctoral Researchers

Journal article

Hazell, C.M., Niven, J. E., Chapman, L, Roberts, P. E., Cartwright-Hatton, S, Valeix, S and Berry, C 2021. Nationwide assessment of the mental health of UK Doctoral Researchers. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 8 305.

Life Between Construction Sites and Reconfiguring Public Space: The Current Case of Istanbul

PhD thesis

Can, E. 2021. Life Between Construction Sites and Reconfiguring Public Space: The Current Case of Istanbul. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences

The Persisting Past of Iraq

Journal article

Chokr, M. 2021. The Persisting Past of Iraq. CSS Analyses in Security Policy. 289.

Russia, Transition and Poland’s Energy Security: A Retrospective View

Journal article

Ostrowski, W. 2021. Russia, Transition and Poland’s Energy Security: A Retrospective View. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. 29 (2-3), pp. 195-207.

The diffusion of democratic innovations

Book chapter

Pradeau, G. 2021. The diffusion of democratic innovations. in: Porto de Oliveira, O. (ed.) Handbook of Policy Transfer, Diffusion and Circulation Edward Elgar. pp. 365-385

Current practice in English-medium education in higher education: Case studies from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and Nepal


Linn, A., Shrestha, P.N., Hultgren, A.K. and Bezborodova, A. 2021. Current practice in English-medium education in higher education: Case studies from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. London British Council.

Personal, social and relational predictors of UK postgraduate researcher mental health problems

Journal article

Berry, C., Niven J.E. and Hazell, C.M. 2021. Personal, social and relational predictors of UK postgraduate researcher mental health problems. BJPsych Open. 7 (6), p. e205.

Developing authenticity, building connections; exploring research methodologies in Asia

Journal article

Atkinson-Sheppard, S. 2021. Developing authenticity, building connections; exploring research methodologies in Asia . Asian Journal of Criminology. 17, p. 157–174.

Measurement practices in hallucinations research

Journal article

Smailes, D., Alderson-Day, B., Hazell, C.M., Wright, A. and Moseley, P. 2021. Measurement practices in hallucinations research. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 27 (2-3), pp. 183-198.

Learning of Research Methods in Psychology: The Influence of Affective, Behavioural and Cognitive Factors

PhD thesis

Leino, R. 2021. Learning of Research Methods in Psychology: The Influence of Affective, Behavioural and Cognitive Factors. PhD thesis University of Westminster College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation on Corticospinal Excitability

Journal article

Al’joboori, Yazi, Hannah, Ricci, Lenham, Francesca, Borgas, Pia, Kremers, Charlotte J. P., Bunday, Karen L., Rothwell, John and Duffell, Lynsey D. 2021. The Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation on Corticospinal Excitability. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15, p. 749042.

Beyond ambivalence: Locating the whiteness of security

Journal article

Machold, R. and Charrett, C. 2021. Beyond ambivalence: Locating the whiteness of security. Security Dialogue. 52 (S), pp. 38-48.

How older people living with HIV narrate their quality of life: Tensions with quantitative approaches to quality-of-life research

Journal article

Rosenfeld, D., Anderson, Jane, Catalan, Jose, Delpech, Valerie and Ridge, Damien 2021. How older people living with HIV narrate their quality of life: Tensions with quantitative approaches to quality-of-life research. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health. 1 100018.

The switch to online teaching during the first COVID-19 lockdown: A comparative study at four European universities

Journal article

Kaqinari, T., Makarova, E., Audran, J., Döring, A.K., Göbel, K. and Kern, D. 2021. The switch to online teaching during the first COVID-19 lockdown: A comparative study at four European universities. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice. 18 (5) 10.

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