Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Is the hijab protective? An investigation of body image and related constructs among British Muslim women


Swami, V., Miah, J., Noorani, N. and Taylor, D.A. 2014. Is the hijab protective? An investigation of body image and related constructs among British Muslim women. British Journal of Psychology. 105 (3), pp. 352-363.

Becoming a young mother: teenage pregnancy and parenting policy

Journal article

Rudoe, N. 2014. Becoming a young mother: teenage pregnancy and parenting policy. Critical Social Policy. 24 (3), pp. 293-311.

A religion of wellbeing? The appeal of Buddhism to men in London, United Kingdom

Journal article

Lomas, Tim, Cartwright, T., Edginton, T.L. and Ridge, Damien T. 2014. A religion of wellbeing? The appeal of Buddhism to men in London, United Kingdom. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 6 (3), pp. 198-207.

Cerebellar vermis plays a causal role in visual motion discrimination


Cattaneo, Z., Renzi, C., Casali, S., Silvanto, J., Vecchi, T., Papagno, C. and D'Angelo, E. 2014. Cerebellar vermis plays a causal role in visual motion discrimination. Cortex. 58, pp. 272-280.

Reappraising the relationship between working memory and consciousness

Journal article

Soto, D. and Silvanto, J. 2014. Reappraising the relationship between working memory and consciousness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 18 (10), pp. 520-525.

Phosphene induction by cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation


Renzi, C., Vecchi, T., D’ Angelo, E., Silvanto, J. and Cattaneo, Z. 2014. Phosphene induction by cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology. 125 (10), pp. 2132-2133.

Is primary visual cortex necessary for visual awareness?


Silvanto, J. 2014. Is primary visual cortex necessary for visual awareness? Trends in Neurosciences. 37 (11), pp. 618-619.

Associations between schizotypy and belief in conspiracist ideation

Journal article

Barron, D., Morgan, K.D., Towell, A., Altemeyer, B. and Swami, V. 2014. Associations between schizotypy and belief in conspiracist ideation. Personality and Individual Differences. 70, pp. 156-159.

Taking political engagement online: an experimental analysis of asynchronous discussion forums

Journal article

Smith, G., John, P. and Sturgis, P. 2013. Taking political engagement online: an experimental analysis of asynchronous discussion forums. Political Studies. 61 (4), pp. 709-730.

International statebuilding and the ideology of resilience


Chandler, D.C. 2013. International statebuilding and the ideology of resilience. Politics. 33 (4), pp. 276-286.

Metalheads: the influence of personality and individual differences on preference for heavy metal


Swami, V., Malpass, F., Havard, D., Benford, K., Costescu, A., Sofitiki, A. and Taylor, D.A. 2013. Metalheads: the influence of personality and individual differences on preference for heavy metal. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 7 (4), pp. 377-383.

Brain responses to audiovisual speech mismatch in infants are associated with individual differences in looking behaviour


Kushnerenko, E., Tomalski, P., Ballieux, H., Ribeiro, H., Potton, A., Axelsson, E.L., Murphy, E. and Moore, D.G. 2013. Brain responses to audiovisual speech mismatch in infants are associated with individual differences in looking behaviour. European Journal of Neuroscience. 38 (9), pp. 3363-3369.

The responsibility to protect in international political discourse: encouraging statement of intent or illusory platitudes?

Book chapter

Hehir, A. 2013. The responsibility to protect in international political discourse: encouraging statement of intent or illusory platitudes? in: Pattison, J. (ed.) Humanitarian intervention London Sage.

“Mirror, mirror…” A preliminary investigation of skin tone dissatisfaction and its impact among British adults


Swami, V., Henry, A., Peacock, N., Roberts-Dunn, A. and Porter, A. 2013. “Mirror, mirror…” A preliminary investigation of skin tone dissatisfaction and its impact among British adults. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 19 (4), pp. 468-476.

Salivary cortisol as a biomarker in social science research


Thorn, L., Smyth, N., Hucklebridge, F., Evans, P. and Clow, A. 2013. Salivary cortisol as a biomarker in social science research. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 7 (9), pp. 605-625.

Weight discrepancy and body appreciation among women in Poland and Britain


Taylor, D.A., Szpakowska, I. and Swami, V. 2013. Weight discrepancy and body appreciation among women in Poland and Britain. Body Image. 10 (4), pp. 628-631.

Social dominance orientation predicts drive for muscularity among British men


Swami, V., Neofytou, R.V., Jablonska, J., Thirlwell, H., Taylor, D.A. and McCreary, D.R. 2013. Social dominance orientation predicts drive for muscularity among British men. Body Image. 10 (4), pp. 653-656.

Delays of 5–15 min between awakening and the start of saliva sampling matter in assessment of the cortisol awakening response


Smyth, N., Clow, A., Thorn, L., Hucklebridge, F. and Evans, P. 2013. Delays of 5–15 min between awakening and the start of saliva sampling matter in assessment of the cortisol awakening response. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 38 (9), pp. 1476-1483.

State variation in the cortisol awakening response

Journal article

Law, R., Hucklebridge, F., Thorn, L., Evans, P. and Clow, A. 2013. State variation in the cortisol awakening response. Stress. 16 (5), pp. 483-492.

Competitiveness and sustainability: can ‘smart city regionalism’ square the circle?


Herrschel, T. 2013. Competitiveness and sustainability: can ‘smart city regionalism’ square the circle? Urban Studies. 50 (11), pp. 2332-2348.

Strategy modulates spatial perspective-taking: evidence for dissociable disembodied and embodied routes


Gardner, M., Brazier, M., Edmonds, C.J. and Gronholm, P.C. 2013. Strategy modulates spatial perspective-taking: evidence for dissociable disembodied and embodied routes. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7 457.

Subjective thirst moderates changes in speed of responding associated with water consumption


Edmonds, C.J., Crombie, R. and Gardner, M. 2013. Subjective thirst moderates changes in speed of responding associated with water consumption. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7 363.

Inmate governance in Brazilian prisons


Darke, S. 2013. Inmate governance in Brazilian prisons. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 52 (3), pp. 272-284.

Mapping the environmental third sector in England: a distinctive field of activity?

Journal article

Clifford, D., Geyne-Rajme, F., Smith, G., Edwards, R., Buchs, M. and Saunders, C. 2013. Mapping the environmental third sector in England: a distinctive field of activity? Voluntary Sector Review. 4 (2), pp. 241-264.

The cultural politics of being a knob

Book chapter

Pitcher, B. 2013. The cultural politics of being a knob. in: Bennett, P. and McDougall, J. (ed.) Barthes' "Mythologies" Today: Readings of Contemporary Culture London Routledge.

'It was the most beautiful country I have ever seen': the role of Somali narrative in adapting to a new country


Ramsden, R. and Ridge, Damien T. 2013. 'It was the most beautiful country I have ever seen': the role of Somali narrative in adapting to a new country. Journal of Refugee Studies. 26 (2), pp. 226-246.

Sleep disturbance as part of the neurofibromatosis type 1 phenotype in adults


Leschziner, G., Golding, J.F. and Ferner, R.E. 2013. Sleep disturbance as part of the neurofibromatosis type 1 phenotype in adults. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 161 (6), pp. 1319-1322.

The world of attachment? The post-humanist challenge to freedom and necessity


Chandler, D.C. 2013. The world of attachment? The post-humanist challenge to freedom and necessity. Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 41 (3), pp. 516-534.

Identity issues surrounding American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and an optimised high performance liquid chromatography method to authenticate commercially available products


Brock, C., Whitehouse, J., Tewfik, I. and Towell, A. 2013. Identity issues surrounding American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and an optimised high performance liquid chromatography method to authenticate commercially available products. Journal of Herbal Medicine. 3 (2), pp. 57-64.

Starting from the Amazon: communication, knowledge and politics of place in the World Social Forum


Stephansen, H. 2013. Starting from the Amazon: communication, knowledge and politics of place in the World Social Forum. Interface: a journal for and about social movements. 5 (1), pp. 102-127.

How short-term memory maintenance modulates subsequent visual after effects


Saad, E. and Silvanto, J. 2013. How short-term memory maintenance modulates subsequent visual after effects. Psychological Science. 24 (5), pp. 803-808.

Entangled staff-inmate relations


Darke, S. 2013. Entangled staff-inmate relations. Prison Service Journal. 207, pp. 16-22.

Resisting resilience? Reply to Mark Neocleous


Chandler, D.C. 2013. Resisting resilience? Reply to Mark Neocleous. Radical Philosophy. 179, pp. 58-59.

No emancipatory alternative, no critical security studies


Hynek, N. and Chandler, D.C. 2013. No emancipatory alternative, no critical security studies. Critical Studies on Security. 1 (1), pp. 46-63.

I was so done in that I just recognized it very plainly, “You need to do something”’: men’s narratives of struggle, distress and turning to meditation

Journal article

Lomas, Tim, Cartwright, T., Edginton, T.L. and Ridge, Damien T. 2013. I was so done in that I just recognized it very plainly, “You need to do something”’: men’s narratives of struggle, distress and turning to meditation. Health. 17 (2), pp. 191-208.

Policing the crisis, or, why we love The Wire


Bramall, R. and Pitcher, B. 2013. Policing the crisis, or, why we love The Wire. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 16 (1), pp. 85-98.

Human Rights violation in Turkey: Rethinking Sociological Perspectives


Straw, D. 2013. Human Rights violation in Turkey: Rethinking Sociological Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.

A multicentre observational study to evaluate a new tool to assess emergency physicians' non-technical skills

Journal article

Flowerdew, L., Gaunt, A., Spedding, J., Bhargava, A., Brown, R., Vincent, C. and Woloshynowych, M. 2013. A multicentre observational study to evaluate a new tool to assess emergency physicians' non-technical skills. Emergency Medicine Journal. 30 (6), pp. 437-443.

Troubling normalities and normal family troubles: diversities, experiences and tensions

Book chapter

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane, Hooper, Carol-Ann and Gillies, Val 2013. Troubling normalities and normal family troubles: diversities, experiences and tensions. in: Family troubles? Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people Policy Press. pp. 1–21

Personalising Poverty: Parental Determinism and the Big Society Agenda

Book chapter

Gillies, Val 2013. Personalising Poverty: Parental Determinism and the Big Society Agenda. in: Atkinson, W., Roberts, S. and Savage, M. (ed.) Class Inequality in Austerity Britain: Power, Difference and Suffering Springer. pp. 90-110

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