Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Modeling perception and behavior in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: support for the predictive processing framework

Journal article

Kafadar, E., Vijay, V.A., Strauss, G., Chapman, H., Ellman, L., Bansal, S., Gold, J., Alderson-Day, B., Evans, S., Moffatt, J., Silverstein, S., Walker, E., Woods, S., Corlett, P. and Powers, A. 2020. Modeling perception and behavior in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: support for the predictive processing framework. Schizophrenia Research. 226, pp. 167-175.

Applying critical systems thinking to social prescribing: a relational model of stakeholder “buy-in”

Journal article

Fixsen, Alison, Seers, H. and Polley, M.J. 2020. Applying critical systems thinking to social prescribing: a relational model of stakeholder “buy-in”. BMC Health Services Research. 20 (80) 580.

Fleshing Out Non-Binary

Book chapter

White, F.R. 2020. Fleshing Out Non-Binary. in: Twist, J., Vincent, B., Barker, M-J. and Gupta, K. (ed.) Non-Binary Lives: An Anthology of Intersecting Identities London Jessica Kingsley Publishers. pp. 223-228

The Science of Gossip: Rethinking the Evidence-base for Healthcare Practice

Journal article

Waddington, K. 2020. The Science of Gossip: Rethinking the Evidence-base for Healthcare Practice. Healthcare Transformers.

Neuroticism influences informant ratings of other people’s memory performance

Journal article

Buchanan, T. and Loveday, C. 2020. Neuroticism influences informant ratings of other people’s memory performance. Personality and Individual Differences. 166 110209.

Racism and Brexit: notes towards an antiracist populism

Book chapter

Pitcher, B. 2020. Racism and Brexit: notes towards an antiracist populism. in: Valluvan, S. and Kalra, V.S. (ed.) Racial Nationalisms: Borders, Refugees and the Cultural Politics of Belonging London Routledge.

Overcoming diverse approaches to vocational education and training to combat climate change - the case of low energy construction in Europe

Journal article

Clarke, L., Sahin-Dikmen, M. and Winch, C. 2020. Overcoming diverse approaches to vocational education and training to combat climate change - the case of low energy construction in Europe . Oxford Review of Education. 46 (5), pp. 619-636.

The effect of the visual exercise environment on the response to psychological stress: a pilot study

Journal article

Wood, C., Flynn, M., Law, R., Naufahu, J. and Smyth, N. 2020. The effect of the visual exercise environment on the response to psychological stress: a pilot study. Anxiety, Stress and Coping. 33 (6), pp. 716-729.

Effectiveness of stress relieving strategies in regulating patterns of cortisol secretion and promoting brain health

Book chapter

Smyth, N., Rossi, E. and Wood, C. 2020. Effectiveness of stress relieving strategies in regulating patterns of cortisol secretion and promoting brain health. in: Clow, A. and Smyth, N. (ed.) Stress and Brain Health Across the Life Course UK Elsevier. pp. 219-246

Hanging in the balance: Conceptualising doctoral researcher mental health as a dynamic balance across key tensions characterising the PhD experience

Journal article

Berry, C, Valeix, S, Niven, J.E., Chapman, L., Roberts, P.E. and Hazell, C.M. 2020. Hanging in the balance: Conceptualising doctoral researcher mental health as a dynamic balance across key tensions characterising the PhD experience. International Journal of Educational Research. 102, p. 101575 101575.

Demographic predictors of wellbeing in Carers of people with psychosis: secondary analysis of trial data

Journal article

Hazell, C.M., Hayward, M., Lobban, F., Pandey, A., Pinfold, V., Smith, H.E. and Jones, C.J. 2020. Demographic predictors of wellbeing in Carers of people with psychosis: secondary analysis of trial data. BMC Psychiatry. 20 269.

Prisoner university partnerships at Westminster

Book chapter

Darke, S., Aresti, A., Faisal, A. B. and Ellis-Rexhi, N. 2020. Prisoner university partnerships at Westminster. in: Shecaira, S.S., Ferrarini, L.G.B. and Almeida, J.D.M. (ed.) Criminologoa: Estudos em Homenagem ao Alvino Augusto de Sá Belo Horizonte: D'Placido. pp. 475-498

Lecture capture adds value to attending psychological research methods lectures

Journal article

Gardner, M. 2020. Lecture capture adds value to attending psychological research methods lectures. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. 8 (3), pp. 236-245.

Supporting older eyewitnesses’ episodic memory: The Self-Administered Interview and Sketch Reinstatement of Context

Journal article

Dando, C.J., Gabbert, F. and Hope, L. 2020. Supporting older eyewitnesses’ episodic memory: The Self-Administered Interview and Sketch Reinstatement of Context. Memory. 28 (6), pp. 712-723.

Perceived barriers and facilitators to female condoms among UK based healthcare professionals

Journal article

Burton, Jack, Bedford, Rowena, Graham, C. and Nadarzynski, T. 2020. Perceived barriers and facilitators to female condoms among UK based healthcare professionals. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care. 25 (4), pp. 299-304.

Food and Mood: Exploring the determinants of food choices and the effects of food consumption on mood among women in Inner London.

Journal article

Leeds, J., Keith, R. and Woloshynowych, M. 2020. Food and Mood: Exploring the determinants of food choices and the effects of food consumption on mood among women in Inner London. World Nutrition. 11 (1), pp. 68-96.

The Social Construction of a Concept- Orthorexia Nervosa: Morality Narratives and Psycho-politics

Journal article

Fixsen, Alison, Cheshire, A. and Berry, M. 2020. The Social Construction of a Concept- Orthorexia Nervosa: Morality Narratives and Psycho-politics. Qualitative Health Research. 30 (7), pp. 1101-1113.

Aviation security by consent using the Controlled Cognitive Engagement (CCE) alternative screening programme

Journal article

Dando, C.J. and Ormerod, T. 2020. Aviation security by consent using the Controlled Cognitive Engagement (CCE) alternative screening programme. Journal of Air Transport Management. 86, p. 101824 101824.

“Aspirational capital” and transformations in first-generation Alevi-Kurdish parents’ involvement with their children’s education in the UK

Journal article

Jenkins, C. 2020. “Aspirational capital” and transformations in first-generation Alevi-Kurdish parents’ involvement with their children’s education in the UK. Kurdish Studies. 8 (1), pp. 113-134.

Migration Beyond Capitalism


Cross, Hannah 2020. Migration Beyond Capitalism. Cambridge Polity.

Predictors of likelihood of sharing disinformation on social media 2019-2020


Buchanan, T. 2020. Predictors of likelihood of sharing disinformation on social media 2019-2020. UK Data Archive [distributor].

Negotiating Brexit: A Clash of Approaches?

Journal article

Frennhoff Larsen, M. and Khorana, S. 2020. Negotiating Brexit: A Clash of Approaches? Comparative European Politics. 18, p. 858–877.

The Changing Narratives of Death, Dying, and HIV in the United Kingdom

Journal article

Catalan, J., Ridge, Damien T., Cheshire, A., Hedge, B. and Rosenfeld, D. 2020. The Changing Narratives of Death, Dying, and HIV in the United Kingdom. Qualitative Health Research. 30 (10), pp. 1561-1571.

The Night and Cultural Benefit : The Case for a Holistic Approach to Licensing

Journal article

Roberts, M., Eldridge, A., Osborn, G. and Flacks, S. 2020. The Night and Cultural Benefit : The Case for a Holistic Approach to Licensing. Entertainment and Sports Law Journal. 18 (1) 9.

The Coronavirus: Biopolitics and the Rise of ‘Anthropocene Authoritarianism’

Journal article

Chandler, D. 2020. The Coronavirus: Biopolitics and the Rise of ‘Anthropocene Authoritarianism’. Russia in Global Affairs.

Coronavirus and the End of Resilience

Journal article

Chandler, D. 2020. Coronavirus and the End of Resilience. E-International Relations.

Addressing Ethical Issues in Studying Men’s Traumatic Stress

Journal article

Affleck, W., Oliffe, J., McKenzie, S., Ridge, Damien T., Jenkins, E. and Broom, A. 2020. Addressing Ethical Issues in Studying Men’s Traumatic Stress. International Journal of Men's Social & Community Health. 3 (1), pp. e16-e23.

The Assumptions Underlying the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and their Implications

Journal article

Hehir, A. 2020. The Assumptions Underlying the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and their Implications. International Criminal Law Review. 20 (1), pp. 17-42.

Instrumental Reason

Book chapter

Fluck, M. 2020. Instrumental Reason. in: Roach, Steven C. (ed.) Handbook of Critical International Relations Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar. pp. 179-200

Assessing the Effectiveness of Automated Emotion Recognition in Adults and Children for Clinical Investigation

Journal article

Flynn, M., Effraimidis, D., Angelopoulou, A., Kapetanios, E., Williams, D., Hemanth, J. and Towell, T. 2020. Assessing the Effectiveness of Automated Emotion Recognition in Adults and Children for Clinical Investigation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 14 70.

What does successful social prescribing look like? Mapping meaningful outcomes

Project report

Polley, M.J., Whiteside, J., Elnaschie, S. and Fixsen, Alison 2020. What does successful social prescribing look like? Mapping meaningful outcomes. London University of Westminster.

Stress, the cortisol awakening response and cognitive function

Book chapter

Law, R. and Clow, A. 2020. Stress, the cortisol awakening response and cognitive function. in: Clow, A. and Smyth, N. (ed.) Stress and Brain Health: Across the Life Course Elsevier. pp. 187-217

Unregulated Desires: Anomie, the “Rainbow Underclass” and Second-generation Alevi Kurdish Gangs in London

Journal article

Cetin, U. 2020. Unregulated Desires: Anomie, the “Rainbow Underclass” and Second-generation Alevi Kurdish Gangs in London. Kurdish Studies. 8 (1), pp. 185-208.

Organised crime, gangs and the complexity of group offending in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Book chapter

Atkinson-Sheppard, S. 2020. Organised crime, gangs and the complexity of group offending in Dhaka, Bangladesh. in: Jaishankar, K. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of South Asian Criminology Routledge.

Becoming Indigenous: The ‘Speculative Turn’ in Anthropology and the (Re)colonization of Indigeneity

Journal article

Chandler, D. and Reid, J. 2020. Becoming Indigenous: The ‘Speculative Turn’ in Anthropology and the (Re)colonization of Indigeneity. Postcolonial Studies. 23 (4), pp. 485-504.

‘We believe in every child as an individual’: Nursery School head teachers’ understandings of ‘quality’ in early years education

Journal article

Rudoe, N. 2020. ‘We believe in every child as an individual’: Nursery School head teachers’ understandings of ‘quality’ in early years education. British Educational Research Journal. 46 (5), pp. 1012-1025.

A mixed methods evaluation of an individualised yoga therapy intervention for rheumatoid arthritis: Pilot study

Journal article

Cartwright, T., Cahill, M. and Sadhana, V. 2020. A mixed methods evaluation of an individualised yoga therapy intervention for rheumatoid arthritis: Pilot study . Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 50 102339.

Salivary cortisol as a non-invasive window on the brain

Book chapter

Smyth, N. 2020. Salivary cortisol as a non-invasive window on the brain. in: Clow, A. and Smyth, N. (ed.) Stress and Brain Health: Across the Life Course Elsevier. pp. 1-16

Psychological stress reactivity and future health and disease outcomes: A systematic review of prospective evidence

Journal article

Turner, A.I., Smyth, N., Hall, S.J., Torres, S.J., Hussein, M., Jayasinghe, S.U., Ball, K. and Clow, A. 2020. Psychological stress reactivity and future health and disease outcomes: A systematic review of prospective evidence. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 114 104599.

The Witness-Aimed First Account (WAFA): A new technique for interviewing autistic witnesses and victims

Journal article

Maras, K, Dando, C.J., Stephenson, H, Lambrechts, A, Anns, S. and Gaigg, S 2020. The Witness-Aimed First Account (WAFA): A new technique for interviewing autistic witnesses and victims. Autism. 24 (6), p. 1449–1467 Autism; memory; interviewing; support; witness; victim; Criminal Justice System; police; narratives; event segmentation.

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Bezborodova, Anastasiya

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Bonaparte, Bryan

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Principal Lecturer

Brighi, Elisabetta

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Buchanan, Tom


Bunday, Karen

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Burke, Patrick

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Cahill, Mags

Senior Lecturer

Cambridge, Mark

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Cetin, Umit

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Charrett, Catherine

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Cheshire, Anna

Senior Research Fellow

Christodoulou, Ioannis

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Cliffe, Beth

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Clow, Angela


Colwell, John

Principal Lecturer

Cross, Hannah

Senior Lecturer

Dando, Coral


Dey, Adrija

Senior Research Fellow

Eldridge, Adam

Senior Lecturer

English, Charlotte

Senior Lecturer

Evans, Phil

Emeritus Professor

Falconer, Emily

Senior Lecturer

Fixsen, Alison

Senior Lecturer

Fluck, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Flynn, Maria

Research Fellow

Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

Principal Lecturer

Gautier, Chantal

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Gerard, Jeane

Senior Lecturer

Gillies, Val


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Joban, Sanjay

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Parkin, Beth

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Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


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Ridge, Damien


Rudoe, Naomi

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Ryder, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

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Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

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Slark, Charlotte

Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

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Senior Lecturer

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Tambakaki, Paulina

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Taylor, Donna

Senior Lecturer

Thorn, Lisa

Senior Lecturer

Wild, Jess

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Williams, David

Senior Lecturer

Woloshynowych, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Yetkili, Orkun

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