Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Identifying and explaining framing strategies of low carbon lifestyle movement organisations

Journal article

Buchs, M., Wallbridge, R., Saunders, C., Smith, G. and Bardsley, N. 2015. Identifying and explaining framing strategies of low carbon lifestyle movement organisations. Global Environmental Change. 35 (Nov), p. 2015.

The 'emotionalization of the 'war on terror'': counter-terrorism, fear, risk, insecurity and helplessness

Journal article

Ahmed, S. 2015. The 'emotionalization of the 'war on terror'': counter-terrorism, fear, risk, insecurity and helplessness. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 15 (5), pp. 545-560.

Reflections in the pool of Narcissus: Some thoughts on Cyberpsychology

Conference keynote

Buchanan, T. 2015. Reflections in the pool of Narcissus: Some thoughts on Cyberpsychology. Social Networking in Cyberspace (SNIC 2015). Wolverhampton, UK 03 Sep 2015

The viability of the responsibility to prevent


Hehir, A. 2015. The viability of the responsibility to prevent. Politics and Governance. 3 (3), pp. 85-97.

Cultivating equanimity through mindfulness meditation: a mixed methods enquiry into the development of decentring capabilities in men

Journal article

Lomas, T., Edginton, T.L., Cartwright, T. and Ridge, Damien T. 2015. Cultivating equanimity through mindfulness meditation: a mixed methods enquiry into the development of decentring capabilities in men. International Journal of Wellbeing. 5 (3), pp. 88-106.

The role of the lateral occipital cortex in aesthetic appreciation of representational and abstract paintings: a TMS study.


Cattaneo, Z., Lega, C., Ferrari, C., Vecchi, T., Cela-Conde, C.J., Silvanto, J. and Nadal, M. 2015. The role of the lateral occipital cortex in aesthetic appreciation of representational and abstract paintings: a TMS study. Brain and Cognition. 95 (April), pp. 44-53.

Partial dissociation in the neural bases of VSTM and imagery in the early visual cortex.


Saad, E., Wojciechowska, M. and Silvanto, J. 2015. Partial dissociation in the neural bases of VSTM and imagery in the early visual cortex. Neuropsychologia. 75, pp. 143-148.

How is working memory content consciously experienced? The 'conscious copy' model of WM introspection


Silvanto, J. and Jacobs, C. 2015. How is working memory content consciously experienced? The 'conscious copy' model of WM introspection. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 55, pp. 510-519.

What do self-report measures of problems with executive function actually measure? Data from internet and laboratory studies.

Conference paper

Buchanan, T. 2015. What do self-report measures of problems with executive function actually measure? Data from internet and laboratory studies. 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. Zurich, Switzerland 23 Jul 2015

Interaction Rituals and Jumbled Emotions Among “Relative Strangers”: Simulated Patient Work on a Trainee Complementary Therapy Practitioner Program


Fixsen, Alison, Ridge, Damien T., Kirkpatrick, S. and Foot, D. 2015. Interaction Rituals and Jumbled Emotions Among “Relative Strangers”: Simulated Patient Work on a Trainee Complementary Therapy Practitioner Program . Sage Open. pp. 1-12.

Energy security and shifting modes of governance

Journal article

Dannreuther, R. 2015. Energy security and shifting modes of governance. International Politics. 52 (4), pp. 466-483.

Russia and the Arab Spring: supporting the counter-revolution

Journal article

Dannreuther, R. 2015. Russia and the Arab Spring: supporting the counter-revolution. Journal of European Integration. 37 (1), pp. 77-94.

Tomorrow’s City Today: Prospects for Standardising Sustainable Urban Development


Joss, S., Cowley, R., de Martin Jong, Müller Bernhard, Park, B.S., Rees, W., Roseland, M., Rydin, Y., de Jong, M. and Mueller, B. 2015. Tomorrow’s City Today: Prospects for Standardising Sustainable Urban Development. London University of Westminster.

Personality and performance on digit span tests in online and offline settings.

Conference paper

Buchanan, T. 2015. Personality and performance on digit span tests in online and offline settings. WEBDATANET CONFERENCE 2015. Salamanca, Spain 26 May 2015

Finance, Development, and Remittances: Extending the Scale of Accumulation in Migrant Labour Regimes

Journal article

Cross, Hannah 2015. Finance, Development, and Remittances: Extending the Scale of Accumulation in Migrant Labour Regimes. Globalizations. 12 (3), pp. 305-321.

Divisive democracy and popular struggle in Africa

Edited issue

Cross, Hannah 2015. Divisive democracy and popular struggle in Africa. Review of African Political Economy. 42 (143), pp. 1-6.

Open prisons: An ex-prisoner perspective


Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2015. Open prisons: An ex-prisoner perspective. Prison Service Journal. 217, pp. 14-16.

Book Review: The globalization of supermax prisons

Book review

Darke, S. 2015. Book Review: The globalization of supermax prisons. International Criminal Justice Review. 25 (2), pp. 215-216.

Eco-cities and Sustainable Urbanism

Book chapter

Joss, S. 2015. Eco-cities and Sustainable Urbanism. in: Wright James, D. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 6. Oxford Elsevier. pp. 829-837

Probation staff experiences of managing suicidal and self-harming service users

Journal article

Mackenzie, J.-M., Cartwright, T., Beck, A. and Borrill, J. 2015. Probation staff experiences of managing suicidal and self-harming service users. Probation Journal. 62 (2), pp. 111-127.

Pathophysiology and treatment of motion sickness


Golding, J.F. and Gresty, M.A. 2015. Pathophysiology and treatment of motion sickness. Current Opinion in Neurology. 28, pp. 83-88.

“I’m Not Waving, I’m Drowning”: An Autoethnographical Exploration of Biographical Disruption and Reconstruction During Recovery From Prescribed Benzodiazepine Use


Fixsen, Alison 2015. “I’m Not Waving, I’m Drowning”: An Autoethnographical Exploration of Biographical Disruption and Reconstruction During Recovery From Prescribed Benzodiazepine Use . Qualitative Health Research. 26 (4), pp. 466-481.

In search of green political economy: steering markets, innovation and the case of the zero carbon homes agenda in England

Journal article

Greenwood, D. 2015. In search of green political economy: steering markets, innovation and the case of the zero carbon homes agenda in England. Environmental Politics. 24 (3), pp. 423-441.

The Potential of Participedia as a Crowdsourcing Tool for Comparative Analysis of Democratic Innovations

Journal article

Smith, G., Gastil, John and Richards Jr, R.C. 2015. The Potential of Participedia as a Crowdsourcing Tool for Comparative Analysis of Democratic Innovations. Policy and Internet. 7 (2), p. 243–262.

Sustainable Cities: Governing for Urban Innovation


Joss, S. 2015. Sustainable Cities: Governing for Urban Innovation. London Palgrave Macmillan.

Sustainable–Smart–Resilient–Low Carbon–Eco–Knowledge Cities; Making sense of a multitude of concepts promoting sustainable urbanization


de Martin Jong, Joss, S., Daan Schraven, Changjie Zhan and Weijnen Margot 2015. Sustainable–Smart–Resilient–Low Carbon–Eco–Knowledge Cities; Making sense of a multitude of concepts promoting sustainable urbanization. Journal of Cleaner Production. 109, pp. 25-38.

The Breast Size Rating Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation


Swami, V., Cavelti, S., Taylor, D.A. and Tovee, M.J. 2015. The Breast Size Rating Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation. Body Image. 14, pp. 29-38.

Aggressive priming online: Facebook adverts can prime aggressive cognitions


Buchanan, T. 2015. Aggressive priming online: Facebook adverts can prime aggressive cognitions. Computers in Human Behavior. 48, pp. 323-330.

Biological Stress Regulation in Female Adolescents: A Key Role for Confiding

Journal article

Oskis, A., Clow, A., Loveday, C., Hucklebridge, F. and Sbarra, D.A. 2015. Biological Stress Regulation in Female Adolescents: A Key Role for Confiding . Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 44 (5), pp. 1066-1077.

Remembering, imagining, false memories & personal meanings


Conway, M.A. and Loveday, C. 2015. Remembering, imagining, false memories & personal meanings. Consciousness and Cognition. 33, pp. 574-581.

Survey Article: Deliberation, Democracy, and the Systemic Turn

Journal article

Owen, D. and Smith, G. 2015. Survey Article: Deliberation, Democracy, and the Systemic Turn. Journal of Political Philosophy. 23 (2), p. 213–234.

The Psychology of Work: Insights into Successful Working Practices


Gautier, C. 2015. The Psychology of Work: Insights into Successful Working Practices. London Kogan Page.

Motion sickness in migraine and vestibular disorders


Murdin, L., Chamberlain, F., Cheema, S., Arshad, Q., Gresty, M.A., Golding, J.F. and Bronstein, A.M. 2015. Motion sickness in migraine and vestibular disorders. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 86 (5), pp. 585-587.

The causal role of the occipital face area (OFA) and lateral occipital (LO) cortex in symmetry perception

Journal article

Silvanto, J., Bona, S. and Cattaneo, Z. 2015. The causal role of the occipital face area (OFA) and lateral occipital (LO) cortex in symmetry perception. Journal of Neuroscience. 35 (2), pp. 731-8.

Why is “blindsight” blind? A new perspective on primary visual cortex, recurrent activity and visual awareness


Silvanto, J. 2015. Why is “blindsight” blind? A new perspective on primary visual cortex, recurrent activity and visual awareness. Consciousness and Cognition. 32, pp. 15-32.

Pakistani children’s experiences of growing up with Beta-Thalassemia Major

Journal article

Mufti, G.E.R., Towell, A. and Cartwright, T. 2015. Pakistani children’s experiences of growing up with Beta-Thalassemia Major. Qualitative Health Research. 25 (3), pp. 386-96.

Recoverers helping recoverers: discipline and peer-facilitated reform in Brazilian faith-based prisons

Book chapter

Darke, S. 2015. Recoverers helping recoverers: discipline and peer-facilitated reform in Brazilian faith-based prisons. in: Miller, V. and Campbell, J. (ed.) Transnational penal cultures: new perspectives on discipline, punishment and desistance London Routledge. pp. 217-229

Constructing a digital storycircle: digital infrastructure and mutual recognition


Couldry, N., MacDonald, R.L., Stephansen, H., Clark, W., Dickens, L. and Fotopoulou, A. 2015. Constructing a digital storycircle: digital infrastructure and mutual recognition. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 18 (5), pp. 501-517.

Digital platforms and narrative exchange: hidden constraints, emerging agency


Clark, W., Couldry, N., MacDonald, R.L. and Stephansen, H. 2015. Digital platforms and narrative exchange: hidden constraints, emerging agency. New Media & Society. 17 (6), pp. 919-938.

An alternative vision of politics and violence: Introducing mimetic theory in international studies


Brighi, E. and Cerella, A. 2015. An alternative vision of politics and violence: Introducing mimetic theory in international studies. Journal of International Political Theory. 11 (1), pp. 3-25.

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