Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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A qualitative analysis of experiential challenges associated with meditation practice

Journal article

Lomas, Tim, Cartwright, T., Edginton, T.L. and Ridge, Damien T. 2015. A qualitative analysis of experiential challenges associated with meditation practice. Mindfulness. 6, pp. 848-860.

Are the scope and nature of psychology properly understood? An examination of belief in myths of popular psychology among university students

Book chapter

Swami, V., Thorn, L., Husbands, D., Tran, U.S., Nader, I.W., von Nordheim, L., Pietschnig, J., Stieger, S. and Voracek, M. 2015. Are the scope and nature of psychology properly understood? An examination of belief in myths of popular psychology among university students. in: Columbus, A.M. (ed.) Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 101 Hauppage, NY Nova Science Publishers. pp. 9-32

Prison Life, Sociology of: Recent Perspectives from the United Kingdom

Book chapter

Drake, D., Darke, S. and Earle, R. 2015. Prison Life, Sociology of: Recent Perspectives from the United Kingdom. in: Wright, J. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2nd edition Oxford Elsevier.

‘It helped me sort of face the end of the world’: the role of emotions for third sector climate change engagement initiatives

Journal article

Buchs, M., Hinton, E. and Smith, G. 2015. ‘It helped me sort of face the end of the world’: the role of emotions for third sector climate change engagement initiatives. Environmental Values. 24 (5), pp. 621-640.

The mimetic politics of lone-wolf terrorism

Journal article

Brighi, E. 2015. The mimetic politics of lone-wolf terrorism. Journal of International Political Theory. 11 (1), pp. 145-164.

Tramonto e rinascita del pensiero geopolitico in Italia durante la Guerra Fredda

Book chapter

Brighi, E. 2015. Tramonto e rinascita del pensiero geopolitico in Italia durante la Guerra Fredda. in: Maccaferri, M. (ed.) Intellettuali e politica estera negli anni della guerra fredda’, Special Issue of Memoria e Ricerca – Rivista di storia contemporanea il Mulino.

Guerra e teoria mimetica

Book chapter

Brighi, E. 2015. Guerra e teoria mimetica. in: Altini, C. (ed.) Guerra e Pace: storia e teoria di un’esperienza filosofica e politica Bologna il Mulino.

Examination of the factor structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) among British and Trinidadian adults

Journal article

Barron, D., Towell, A., Swami, V. and Morgan, K.D. 2015. Examination of the factor structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) among British and Trinidadian adults. BioMed Research International. 2015 258275.

Towards true equality: engaging with LGBTI students at Westminster

Conference item

Cranfield, S., White, F.R., Wareham, J. and Follows, M. 2014. Towards true equality: engaging with LGBTI students at Westminster. University of Westminster Learning and Teaching Symposium 2014. University of Westminster, London 9 June 2014

Conceptions of effort among students, teachers and parents within an English secondary school

Journal article

Stables, A., Murakami, K., McIntosh, S. and Martin, S. 2014. Conceptions of effort among students, teachers and parents within an English secondary school. Research Papers in Education. 29 (5), pp. 626-648.

Commemoration reconsidered

Journal article

Murakami, K. 2014. Commemoration reconsidered. Memory Studies. 7 (3), pp. 33-353.

Establishing Field Relations through Shared Ideology

Journal article

Shariff, F. 2014. Establishing Field Relations through Shared Ideology. Field Methods. 26 (1), pp. 3-20.

Law, Power and Culture: Supporting Change From Within


Knight, F. 2014. Law, Power and Culture: Supporting Change From Within. Palgrave Macmillan.

Commentary on ‘Upgrading electronic monitoring, downgrading probation’

Journal article

Fitzgibbon, W. 2014. Commentary on ‘Upgrading electronic monitoring, downgrading probation’. European Journal of Probation. 6 (2), pp. 192-193.

Defending probation: Beyond privatisation and security

Journal article

Fitzgibbon, W. and Lea, J. 2014. Defending probation: Beyond privatisation and security. European Journal of Probation. 6 (1), pp. 24-41.

A Question of Family? Youth and Gangs

Journal article

Young, T., Fitzgibbon, W. and Silverstone, D. 2014. A Question of Family? Youth and Gangs. Youth Justice. 14 (2), pp. 171-185.

A standardized set of 260 pictures for Turkish: Norms of name and image agreement, age of acquisition, visual complexity, and conceptual familiarity

Journal article

Raman, I., Raman, E. and Mertan, B. 2014. A standardized set of 260 pictures for Turkish: Norms of name and image agreement, age of acquisition, visual complexity, and conceptual familiarity. Behavior Research Methods. 46, pp. 588-595.



Kaul, N. 2014. Residue . New Delhi Rupa Publications (Rainlight Imprint).

The Economic Strategies of Occupation: Confining Development and Buying-off Peace

Book chapter

Taghdisi Rad, S. 2014. The Economic Strategies of Occupation: Confining Development and Buying-off Peace. in: Turner, M. and Shweiki, O. (ed.) Decolonising Palestinian Political Economy: De-development and Beyond Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 13-31

Human papillomavirus and vaccine-related perceptions among men who have sex with men: a systematic review

Journal article

Nadarzynski, T., Smith, H., Richardson, D., Jones, C.J. and Llewellyn, C.D. 2014. Human papillomavirus and vaccine-related perceptions among men who have sex with men: a systematic review. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 90 (7), pp. 515-523.

Modelling the interplay between childhood and adult adversity in pathways to psychosis: initial evidence from the AESOP study

Journal article

Morgan, C., Reininghaus, U., Fearon, P., Hutchinson, G., Morgan, K.D., Dazzan, P., Boydell, J., Kirkbride, J., Doody, G., Jones, P., Murray, R. and Craig, T. 2014. Modelling the interplay between childhood and adult adversity in pathways to psychosis: initial evidence from the AESOP study. Psychological Medicine. 44 (2), pp. 407-419.

Interplay Between Childhood Physical Abuse and Familial Risk in the Onset of Psychotic Disorders

Journal article

Fisher, H., McGuffin, P., Boydell, J., Fearon, P., Craig, T., Dazzan, P., Morgan, K.D., Doody, G., Jones, P., Leff, J., Murray, R. and Morgan, C. 2014. Interplay Between Childhood Physical Abuse and Familial Risk in the Onset of Psychotic Disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 40 (6), p. 1443–1451.

An exploration of the current knowledge on young people who kill: A systematic review

Journal article

Gerard, F.J., Jackson, V., Chou, S., Whitfield, K. and Browne, K. 2014. An exploration of the current knowledge on young people who kill: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 19 (5), pp. 559-571.

Brain scans are fascinating but behaviour tells us more about the mind


Loveday, C. 2014. Brain scans are fascinating but behaviour tells us more about the mind. Guardian.

Serial: your memory can play tricks on you – here’s how


Loveday, C. 2014. Serial: your memory can play tricks on you – here’s how. The Conversation.

Video game violence, bullying, and aggression, in a large sample of school children in the UK

Conference paper

Colwell, J. 2014. Video game violence, bullying, and aggression, in a large sample of school children in the UK. International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris 08 - 13 Jul 2014

Subcortical control of precision grip after human spinal cord injury.

Journal article

Bunday, K.L., Tazoe, T., Rothwell, J.C. and Perez, M.A. 2014. Subcortical control of precision grip after human spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroscience. 21 (34), p. 7341–7350.

'Visual Vertigo’ and Motion Sickness

Book chapter

Bronstein, A., Golding, J.F. and Gresty, M. 2014. 'Visual Vertigo’ and Motion Sickness. in: Colombo, B. and Teggi, R. (ed.) Free Preview Vestibular Migraine and Related Syndromes Springer. pp. 91-104

Increased BOLD signal in the fusiform gyrus during implicit emotion processing in anorexia nervosa


Fonville, L., Giampietro, V., Surguladze, S., Williams, S.C.R. and Tchanturia, K. 2014. Increased BOLD signal in the fusiform gyrus during implicit emotion processing in anorexia nervosa. Neuroimage: Clinical. 4, pp. 266-273.

Comrades in diversity: Weathering the storm of NHS reform through action learning

Book chapter

Waddington, K. 2014. Comrades in diversity: Weathering the storm of NHS reform through action learning. in: Hardy, S. (ed.) Towards Creative Action: Transformations and Collaborations in Practice Manchester Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Manchester Metropolitan University. pp. 23-30

US Oil Strategy in the Caspian Basin: Hegemony through Interdependence

Journal article

Raphael, S. and Stokes, D. 2014. US Oil Strategy in the Caspian Basin: Hegemony through Interdependence. International Relations. 28 (2), pp. 183-206.

Punishing the poor again?: irregularity, the 'criminalisation of migration' and precarious labour markets in the UK and Germany

PhD thesis

Sitkin, L. 2014. Punishing the poor again?: irregularity, the 'criminalisation of migration' and precarious labour markets in the UK and Germany. PhD thesis University of Oxford Criminology

Two-point tactile discrimination ability is influenced by temporal features of stimulation


Boldt, R., Gogulski, J., Guzmán-Lopéz, J., Carlson, S. and Pertovaara, A. 2014. Two-point tactile discrimination ability is influenced by temporal features of stimulation. Experimental Brain Research. 232 (7), pp. 2179-2185.

‘Well London’ and the benefits of participation: results of a qualitative study nested in a cluster randomised trial


Derges, J., Clow, A., Lynch, R., Jain, S., Phillips, G., Petticrew, M., Renton, A. and Draper, A. 2014. ‘Well London’ and the benefits of participation: results of a qualitative study nested in a cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open. 2014 (4), p. e003596 e003596.

Troubling families: parenting and the politics of early intervention

Book chapter

Gillies, V. 2014. Troubling families: parenting and the politics of early intervention. in: Wagg, S. and Pilcher, J. (ed.) Thatcher’s Grandchildren? Politics and Childhood in the Twenty-First Century London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 204-224

Values and education: Insights from empirical studies

Conference keynote

Bardi, A. and Döring, A.K. 2014. Values and education: Insights from empirical studies. Values and Education. Edinburgh, UK 20 - 21 Nov 2014

Coordinating internal immigration control in the UK


Sitkin, L. 2014. Coordinating internal immigration control in the UK. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies. 1 (1), pp. 39-56.

The state’s contradictory response to the exploitation of immigrant workers: the UK case

Book chapter

Sitkin, L. 2014. The state’s contradictory response to the exploitation of immigrant workers: the UK case. in: Pickering, S. and Ham, J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook on Crime and International Migration Abingdon Routledge.

The brain's temporal dynamics from a collective decision to individual action

Journal article

Charpentier, C.J., Moutsiana, C., Garrett, N. and Sharot, T. 2014. The brain's temporal dynamics from a collective decision to individual action. Journal of Neuroscience. 34 (17), pp. 5816-5823.

Making an effort to feel positive: insecure attachment in infancy predicts the neural underpinnings of emotion regulation in adulthood

Journal article

Moutsiana, C., Fearon, P., Murray, L., Cooper, P., Goodyer, I., Johnstone, T. and Halligan, S. 2014. Making an effort to feel positive: insecure attachment in infancy predicts the neural underpinnings of emotion regulation in adulthood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 55 (9), pp. 999-1008.

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Brighi, Elisabetta

Assistant Head of School

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Cambridge, Mark

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Clow, Angela


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English, Charlotte

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Emeritus Professor

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Fixsen, Alison

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Fluck, Matthew

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Flynn, Maria

Research Fellow

Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

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Gerard, Jeane

Senior Lecturer

Gillies, Val


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Ostrowski, Wojciech

Senior Lecturer

Parkin, Beth

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Pedersen, Frands

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Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


Raphael, Sam


Ridge, Damien


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Ryder, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

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Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

Senior Lecturer

Slark, Charlotte

Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

Souvlakis, Nikolaos

Senior Lecturer

Stephansen, Hilde

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Straw, David


Taghdisi Rad, Sahar

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Tambakaki, Paulina

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Taylor, Donna

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Thorn, Lisa

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Wild, Jess

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Williams, David

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Woloshynowych, Maria

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Yetkili, Orkun

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