Social Sciences

CollegeLiberal Arts and Sciences
HeadMr Alan Porter
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How the public engages in climate change: A social representations approach

Journal article

Smith, N. and Joffe, H. 2013. How the public engages in climate change: A social representations approach. Public Understanding of Science. 22 (1), pp. 16-32.

Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults


Pawson, C., Gardner, M., Doherty, S., Martin, L., Soares, R. and Edmonds, C.J. 2013. Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults. Psychology Teaching Review. 19 (1), pp. 57-66.

Technoself Enhanced Blended Learning via Social Interaction

Conference paper

Jin, L., Porter, A. and Saunders, G. 2013. Technoself Enhanced Blended Learning via Social Interaction. The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2013), 23-25 Sept, pp. 74-80, 2013. . Lodz, Poland 23 Sep 2013 IEEE .

Transformations of the backpacking food tourist: emotions and conflicts


Falconer, E. 2013. Transformations of the backpacking food tourist: emotions and conflicts. Tourist Studies. 13 (1), pp. 25-35.

Should homeopathy be considered as part of a treatment strategy for otitis media with effusion in children?


Fixsen, Alison 2013. Should homeopathy be considered as part of a treatment strategy for otitis media with effusion in children? Homeopathy. 102 (2), pp. 145-50.

Human Resource Management (HRM) strategies and academic engagement in UK universities: reflections on an academic-practitioner study


Lister, J. and Waddington, K. 2013. Human Resource Management (HRM) strategies and academic engagement in UK universities: reflections on an academic-practitioner study. European Work and Organizational Psychology in Practice. (5), pp. 12-25.

Understanding alexithymia in female adolescents: the role of attachment style


Oskis, A., Clow, A., Hucklebridge, F., Bifulco, A., Jacobs, C. and Loveday, C. 2013. Understanding alexithymia in female adolescents: the role of attachment style . Personality and Individual Differences . 54 (1), pp. 97-102.

Behavioural coping patterns in Parkinson's patients with visual hallucinations


Barnes, J., Connelly, V., Boubert, L. and and Maravic, K. 2013. Behavioural coping patterns in Parkinson's patients with visual hallucinations. Journal of Neuropsychology. 7 (2), pp. 326-34.

How women use and experience western herbal practice for distress: implications for health care and self-management approaches.

Conference poster

Yates, A., Green, J., Whitehouse, J. and Ridge, Damien T. 2013. How women use and experience western herbal practice for distress: implications for health care and self-management approaches. CAMSTRAND 2013. University of Westminster 02 Jul 2013 Elsevier.

‘We’re kind of devolving’: visual tropes of evolution in obesity discourse

Journal article

White, F.R. 2013. ‘We’re kind of devolving’: visual tropes of evolution in obesity discourse. Critical Public Health. 23 (3), pp. 320-330.

No Fat Future? The Uses of Anti-Social Queer Theory for Fat Activism

Book chapter

White, F.R. 2013. No Fat Future? The Uses of Anti-Social Queer Theory for Fat Activism. in: Michaelis, B., Haschemi Yekani, E. and Kilian, E. (ed.) Queer futures: reconsidering normativity, activism and the political Aldershot Ashgate. pp. 21-36

Exploring early developmental changes in face scanning patterns during the perception of audiovisual mismatch of speech cues


Tomalski, P., Ribeiro, H., Ballieux, H., Axelsson, E.L., Murphy, E., Moore, D.G. and Kushnerenko, E. 2013. Exploring early developmental changes in face scanning patterns during the perception of audiovisual mismatch of speech cues. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 10 (5), pp. 611-624.

Connecting the peripheries: networks, place and scale in the World Social Forum process


Stephansen, H. 2013. Connecting the peripheries: networks, place and scale in the World Social Forum process. Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 49 (5), pp. 506-518.

Cortisol secretion in saliva and hair: methodological considerations and relationships with state and trait well-being

PhD thesis

Smyth, N. 2013. Cortisol secretion in saliva and hair: methodological considerations and relationships with state and trait well-being. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages

Designing democratic innovations at the European level: lessons from the experiments

Book chapter

Smith, G. 2013. Designing democratic innovations at the European level: lessons from the experiments. in: Kies, R. and Nanz, P. (ed.) Is Europe listening to us? Successes and failures of EU citizen consultations Ashgate. pp. 201-216

Contrast and strength of visual memory and imagery differentially affect visual perception

Journal article

Saad, E. and Silvanto, J. 2013. Contrast and strength of visual memory and imagery differentially affect visual perception. PLoS ONE. 8 (12) e84827.

Psychology: yesterday and today

Book chapter

Porter, A. 2013. Psychology: yesterday and today. in: Comer, R., Gould, E. and Furnham, A. (ed.) Psychology Wiley.

Motion sickness susceptibility in healthy subjects and vestibular patients: effects of gender, age and trait-anxiety


Paillard, A.C., Quarck, G., Paolino, F., Denise, P., Paolino, M., Golding, J.F. and Ghulyan-Bedikian, V. 2013. Motion sickness susceptibility in healthy subjects and vestibular patients: effects of gender, age and trait-anxiety. Journal of Vestibular Research. 23 (4), pp. 203-209.

Brain responses and looking behavior during audiovisual speech integration in infants predict auditory speech comprehension in the second year of life

Journal article

Kushnerenko, E., Tomalski, P., Ballieux, H., Potton, A., Birtles, D., Frostick, C. and Moore, D.G. 2013. Brain responses and looking behavior during audiovisual speech integration in infants predict auditory speech comprehension in the second year of life. Frontiers in Psychology. 4 432.

The weakest link: Leveson report and media ownership


Khabaz, D. 2013. The weakest link: Leveson report and media ownership. The Chartist. March/April (261).

The eco-city as urban technology: perspectives on Caofeidian International Eco-City (China)


Joss, S. and Molella, A.P. 2013. The eco-city as urban technology: perspectives on Caofeidian International Eco-City (China). Journal of Urban Technology. 20 (1), pp. 115-137.

Towards the ‘ubiquitous eco-city’: an analysis of the internationalisation of eco-city policy and practice


Joss, S., Cowley, R. and Tomozeiu, D. 2013. Towards the ‘ubiquitous eco-city’: an analysis of the internationalisation of eco-city policy and practice. Urban Research & Practice. 6 (1), pp. 54-74.

Women and conflict in the Middle East: Palestinian refugees and the response to violence


Holt, M.C. 2013. Women and conflict in the Middle East: Palestinian refugees and the response to violence. London I.B. Tauris.

The responsibility to protect as the apotheosis of liberal teleology

Book chapter

Hehir, A. 2013. The responsibility to protect as the apotheosis of liberal teleology. in: Hehir, A. and Murray, R.W. (ed.) Libya, the responsibility to protect and the future of humanitarian intervention Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 34-57

The permanence of inconsistency: Libya, the Security Council, and the Responsibility to Protect


Hehir, A. 2013. The permanence of inconsistency: Libya, the Security Council, and the Responsibility to Protect. International Security. 38 (1), pp. 137-159.

Libya and the responsibility to protect

Book chapter

Hehir, A. 2013. Libya and the responsibility to protect. in: Hehir, A. and Murray, R.W. (ed.) Libya, the responsibility to protect and the future of humanitarian intervention Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-14

International law, justice and world politics

Book chapter

Hehir, A. 2013. International law, justice and world politics. in: Beeson, M. and Bisley, M. (ed.) Issues in twenty-first century world politics (2nd edition) Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 251-262

Humanitarian intervention: an introduction (2nd edition)


Hehir, A. 2013. Humanitarian intervention: an introduction (2nd edition). Palgrave Macmillan.

Motion sickness and disorientation in vehicles

Book chapter

Golding, J.F. and Gresty, M.A. 2013. Motion sickness and disorientation in vehicles. in: Bronstein, A.M. (ed.) Oxford textbook of vertigo and imbalance Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 293-306

Informal prison dynamics in Africa and Latin America


Garces, C., Martin, T. and Darke, S. 2013. Informal prison dynamics in Africa and Latin America. Criminal Justice Matters. 91 (1), pp. 26-27.

Re-populating the nighttime city: Hospitality and gender

Book chapter

Eldridge, A. and Roberts, M. 2013. Re-populating the nighttime city: Hospitality and gender. in: Henckel, D., Thomaier, S., Könecke, B., Zedda, R. and Stabilini, S. (ed.) Space-time design of the public city Netherlands Springer. pp. 49-60

Gatekeeping and drinking cultures: How do we talk about drinking?

Journal article

Eldridge, A. 2013. Gatekeeping and drinking cultures: How do we talk about drinking? International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 16 (6), pp. 477-489.

Environmental management systems and the third sector: exploring weak adoption in the UK

Journal article

Edwards, R., Smith, G. and Buchs, M. 2013. Environmental management systems and the third sector: exploring weak adoption in the UK. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 31 (1), pp. 119-133.

International security: the contemporary agenda (2nd edition)


Dannreuther, R. 2013. International security: the contemporary agenda (2nd edition). Cambridge Polity.

Geopolitics and international relations of resources

Book chapter

Dannreuther, R. 2013. Geopolitics and international relations of resources. in: Dannreuther, R. and Ostrowksi, W. (ed.) Global resources: conflict and cooperation Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 79-97

Migrants, borders and global capitalism: West African labour mobility and EU borders


Cross, Hannah 2013. Migrants, borders and global capitalism: West African labour mobility and EU borders. Routledge London.

Labour and underdevelopment? Migration, dispossession and accumulation in West Africa and Europe

Journal article

Cross, Hannah 2013. Labour and underdevelopment? Migration, dispossession and accumulation in West Africa and Europe. Review of African Political Economy. 40 (136), pp. 202-218.

Globalisation du marché du travail, frontières et migrations à partir du Sénégal

Book chapter

Cross, Hannah 2013. Globalisation du marché du travail, frontières et migrations à partir du Sénégal. in: Diop, M.C. (ed.) Sénégal sous Abdoulaye Wade. Le Sopi à l'épreuve de pouvoir Dakar and Paris Cres and Karthala.

Book review: Chronique d’une transition (Kmar Bendana. Les Editions Script, Tunis, 2011) and La face cachée de la révolution tunisienne: Islamisme et occident, une alliance à haut risque (Mezri Haddad. Arabesques, Tunis, 2011)

Book review

Cross, Hannah 2013. Book review: Chronique d’une transition (Kmar Bendana. Les Editions Script, Tunis, 2011) and La face cachée de la révolution tunisienne: Islamisme et occident, une alliance à haut risque (Mezri Haddad. Arabesques, Tunis, 2011). Review of African Political Economy. 40 (136), pp. 333-335.

Vestibular perception following acute unilateral vestibular lesions

Journal article

Cousins, S., Kaski, D., Cutfield, N., Seemungal, B., Golding, J.F., Gresty, M.A., Glasauer, S. and Bronstein, A.M. 2013. Vestibular perception following acute unilateral vestibular lesions. PLoS ONE. 8 (5) e61862.

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Cliffe, Beth

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Clow, Angela


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English, Charlotte

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Evans, Phil

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Falconer, Emily

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Fixsen, Alison

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Fluck, Matthew

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Flynn, Maria

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Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

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Gerard, Jeane

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Gillies, Val


Golding, John


Joban, Sanjay

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Kaul, Nitasha


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Law, Robin

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Ostrowski, Wojciech

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Parkin, Beth

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Pedersen, Frands

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Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


Raphael, Sam


Ridge, Damien


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Ryder, Karen

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Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

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Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

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Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

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Taylor, Donna

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Thorn, Lisa

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Wild, Jess

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Yetkili, Orkun

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