Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Which world order: cosmopolitan or multipolar?


Mouffe, C. 2008. Which world order: cosmopolitan or multipolar? Ethical Perspectives. 15 (4), pp. 453-467.

Cumulative social disadvantage, ethnicity and first-episode psychosis: a case-control study


Morgan, C., Kirkbride, J.B., Hutchinson, G., Craig, T.K.J., Morgan, K.D., Dazzan, P., Boydell, J., Doody, G.A., Jones, P.B., Murray, R.M., Leff, J. and Fearon, P. 2008. Cumulative social disadvantage, ethnicity and first-episode psychosis: a case-control study. Psychological Medicine. 38 (12), pp. 1701-1715.

Retrofitting Soho: improving the sustainability of historic core areas. Report on a pilot study sponsored by Westminster City Council, the Soho Community Environment Fund, The Crown Estate, English Heritage and Shaftesbury PLC

Project report

Lloyd-Jones, T., Eldridge, A., Mulyawan, B. and Theis, M. 2008. Retrofitting Soho: improving the sustainability of historic core areas. Report on a pilot study sponsored by Westminster City Council, the Soho Community Environment Fund, The Crown Estate, English Heritage and Shaftesbury PLC. London, UK Max Lock Centre Press, University of Westminster.

Adaptation of ventilation to 'buffeting' in vehicles


Green, D.A., Golding, J.F., Mandip, A., Faldon, M.C., Murphy, K.G., Bronstein, A.M. and Gresty, M.A. 2008. Adaptation of ventilation to 'buffeting' in vehicles. Clinical Autonomic Research. 18 (6), pp. 346-351.

Textual and critical approaches to reading Schmitt: rejoinder to Odysseos and Petito


Chandler, D.C. 2008. Textual and critical approaches to reading Schmitt: rejoinder to Odysseos and Petito. Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 37 (2), pp. 477-481.

Women and Islamic resistance


Holt, M.C. 2008. Women and Islamic resistance. Muslim News. 235.

Non-market coordination: towards an ecological response to Austrian economics

Journal article

Greenwood, D. 2008. Non-market coordination: towards an ecological response to Austrian economics. Environmental Values. 17 (4), pp. 521-541.

Normative power and the liberal peace: a rejoinder to John O'Brennan


Chandler, D.C. 2008. Normative power and the liberal peace: a rejoinder to John O'Brennan. Global Society. 22 (4), pp. 519-529.

FMRI/ERP of musical syntax: comparison of melodies and unstructured note sequences


Minati, L., Rosazza, C., D'Incerti, L., Valentini, L., Scaioli, V., Loveday, C. and Bruzzone, M.G. 2008. FMRI/ERP of musical syntax: comparison of melodies and unstructured note sequences. NeuroReport. 19 (14), pp. 1381-1385.

Unemployment, social isolation, achievement–expectation mismatch and psychosis: findings from the ÆSOP Study


Reininghaus, U.A., Morgan, C., Simpson, J., Dazzan, P., Morgan, K.D., Doody, G.A., Bhugra, D., Leff, J., Jones, P.B., Murray, R.M., Fearon, P. and Craig, T.K.J. 2008. Unemployment, social isolation, achievement–expectation mismatch and psychosis: findings from the ÆSOP Study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 43 (9), pp. 743-751.

Humanitarian intervention: past, present and future


Hehir, A. 2008. Humanitarian intervention: past, present and future. Political Studies Review. 6 (3), pp. 327-339.

Sexually dimorphic changes in the amygdala in relation to delusional beliefs in first episode psychosis


Gibbs, A.A., Dazzan, P., Morgan, K.D., Naudts, K.H., Morgan, C., Hutchinson, G., Fearon, P., Leff, J., Murray, R.M. and David, A.S. 2008. Sexually dimorphic changes in the amygdala in relation to delusional beliefs in first episode psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 42 (11), pp. 913-919.

Neurological abnormalities and cognitive ability in first-episode psychosis


Dazzan, P., Lloyd, T., Morgan, K.D., Zanelli, J., Morgan, C., Orr, K.G., Hutchinson, G., Fearon, P., Allin, M., Rifkin, L., McGuire, P.K., Doody, G.A., Holloway, J., Leff, J., Harrison, G., Jones, P.B. and Murray, R.M. 2008. Neurological abnormalities and cognitive ability in first-episode psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry. 193 (3), pp. 197-202.

The revival of Carl Schmitt in international relations: the last refuge of critical theorists?


Chandler, D.C. 2008. The revival of Carl Schmitt in international relations: the last refuge of critical theorists? Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 37 (1), pp. 27-48.

Review essay: Human security: the dog that didn't bark


Chandler, D.C. 2008. Review essay: Human security: the dog that didn't bark. Security Dialogue. 39 (4), pp. 427-438.

Human security II: waiting for the tail to wag the dog - a rejoinder to Ambrosetti, Owen and Wibben


Chandler, D.C. 2008. Human security II: waiting for the tail to wag the dog - a rejoinder to Ambrosetti, Owen and Wibben. Security Dialogue. 39 (4), pp. 463-469.

Nauseogenicity of off-vertical axis rotation vs. equivalent visual motion


Bijveld, M.M.C., Bronstein, A.M., Golding, J.F. and Gresty, M.A. 2008. Nauseogenicity of off-vertical axis rotation vs. equivalent visual motion. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 79 (7), pp. 661-665.

NATO's role in statebuliding: interview with Jamie Shea


Hehir, A. 2008. NATO's role in statebuliding: interview with Jamie Shea. Journal of Intervention and State Building. 2 (2), pp. 227-241.

Review article: Theorising the shift from security to insecurity: Kaldor, Duffield and Furedi


Chandler, D.C. 2008. Review article: Theorising the shift from security to insecurity: Kaldor, Duffield and Furedi. Conflict, Security & Development. 8 (2), pp. 265-276.

Q&A with Jasbir Puar


Puar, J., Pitcher, B. and Gunkel, H. 2008. Q&A with Jasbir Puar. Darkmatter. (3).

Associations between positive emotion and recovery of functional status following stroke


Ostir, G.V., Berges, I.M., Ottenbacher, M.E., Clow, A. and Ottenbacher, K.J. 2008. Associations between positive emotion and recovery of functional status following stroke. Psychosomatic Medicine. 70 (4), pp. 404-409.

Caregiving is associated with low secretion rates of immunoglobulin A in saliva


Gallagher, S., Phillips, A.C., Evans, P., Der, G., Hunt, K. and Carroll, D. 2008. Caregiving is associated with low secretion rates of immunoglobulin A in saliva. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 22 (4), pp. 565-572.

Like a prayer: the role of spirituality and religion for people living with HIV in the UK


Ridge, Damien T., Williams, J., Anderson, I. and Elford, J. 2008. Like a prayer: the role of spirituality and religion for people living with HIV in the UK. Sociology of Health and Illness. 30 (3), pp. 413-428.

Self-harm in first-episode psychosis


Harvey, S.B., Dean, K., Morgan, C., Walsh, E., Demjaha, A., Dazzan, P. and Morgan, K.D. 2008. Self-harm in first-episode psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry. 192 (3), pp. 178-184.

Perceptions of disadvantage, ethnicity and psychosis


Cooper, C., Morgan, C., Byrne, M., Dazzan, P., Morgan, K.D., Hutchinson, G., Doody, G.A., Harrison, G., Leff, J., Jones, P.B., Ismail, K., Murray, R.M., Bebbington, P. and Fearon, P. 2008. Perceptions of disadvantage, ethnicity and psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry. 192 (3), pp. 185-190.

Women and Islamic resistance in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories

Book chapter

Holt, M.C. 2008. Women and Islamic resistance in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. in: Stivachtis, Y.A. (ed.) Global affairs in a turbulent world: perspectives and controversies Athens ATINER. pp. 479-488

Cognitive impairment by spatial disorientation


Gresty, M.A., Golding, J.F., Le, H. and Nightingale, K. 2008. Cognitive impairment by spatial disorientation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 79 (2), pp. 105-111.

[18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) as a diagnostic tool for neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) associated malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours (MPNSTs): a long-term clinical study


Ferner, R.E., Golding, J.F., Smith, M., Calonje, E., Jan, W., Sanjayanathan, V. and O'Doherty, M. 2008. [18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) as a diagnostic tool for neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) associated malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours (MPNSTs): a long-term clinical study. Annals of Oncology. 19 (2), pp. 390-394.

Power Relations and Legal Pluralism: An Examination of ‘Strategies of Struggles’ Amongst the SantalAdivasiof India and Bangladesh

Journal article

Shariff, F. 2008. Power Relations and Legal Pluralism: An Examination of ‘Strategies of Struggles’ Amongst the SantalAdivasiof India and Bangladesh. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. 40 (57), pp. 1-43.

Deconstructing probation: Risk and developments in practice

Journal article

Fitzgibbon, W. 2008. Deconstructing probation: Risk and developments in practice. Journal of social work practice. 22 (1), pp. 85-101.

Evaluating risk assessment: A methodological study of mentally disordered offenders in the London probation area

Book chapter

Fitzgibbon, W. 2008. Evaluating risk assessment: A methodological study of mentally disordered offenders in the London probation area. in: Cox, P., Geisen, T. and Green, R. (ed.) Qualitative Research and Social Change: European Contexts Springer. pp. 135-152

Fit for purpose? OASys assessments and parole decisions

Journal article

Fitzgibbon, W. 2008. Fit for purpose? OASys assessments and parole decisions. Probation Journal. 55 (1), pp. 55-69.

Tied up like a kipper: mentally disordered offenders and the parole process

Journal article

Fitzgibbon, W. 2008. Tied up like a kipper: mentally disordered offenders and the parole process. Prison Service Journal. 179, pp. 32-35.

Recent Developments in Probation Practice: the impact of risk analysis

PhD thesis

Fitzgibbon, W. 2008. Recent Developments in Probation Practice: the impact of risk analysis. PhD thesis University of Hertfordshire

Visuo-vestibular influences on the moving platform locomotor aftereffect.

Journal article

Bunday, K.L. and Bronstein, A.M. 2008. Visuo-vestibular influences on the moving platform locomotor aftereffect. Journal of Neurophysiology. 99 (3), pp. 1354-1365.

Análise confirmatória de escalonamento multidimensional (EMD) de valores baseada em una matriz de desenho: Uma nota de pesquisa [Confirmatory multidimensional scaling (MDS) of values, based on a design matrix: A research note]

Book chapter

Gollan, T., Bilsky, W. and Döring, A.K. 2008. Análise confirmatória de escalonamento multidimensional (EMD) de valores baseada em una matriz de desenho: Uma nota de pesquisa [Confirmatory multidimensional scaling (MDS) of values, based on a design matrix: A research note]. in: Valores humanos e gestão: Novas perspectivas [Human values and leadership: New perspectives] São Paulo: Senac.

Assessment of children’s values: The development of a picture-based instrument

PhD thesis

Döring, A.K. 2008. Assessment of children’s values: The development of a picture-based instrument. PhD thesis University of Muenster, Germany

Hope and Despair


Kaul, N. 2008. Hope and Despair. Pratilipi: a bilingual literary journal.

Democracy is all you need?


Kaul, N. 2008. Democracy is all you need? The Edinburgh Journal.

Die jüngste Demokratie der Welt


Kaul, N. 2008. Die jüngste Demokratie der Welt. Kulturaustausch: Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven.

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