Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Ecstacy/MDMA attributed problems reported by novice, moderate and heavy recretional users


Parrott, A.C., Buchanan, T., Scholey, A.B., Heffernan, T., Ling, J. and Rodgers, J. 2002. Ecstacy/MDMA attributed problems reported by novice, moderate and heavy recretional users. Human Psychopharmacology. 17 (6), pp. 309-312.

The value of asthma camps for young people in Victoria, Australia


Lord, A., St Leger, L., Ridge, Damien T. and Elisha, D. 2001. The value of asthma camps for young people in Victoria, Australia. Contemporary Nurse. 11 (2-3), pp. 133-141.

"I will start treatment when I think the time is right": HIV-positive gay men talk about their decision not to access antiretroviral therapy


Gold, R.S. and Ridge, Damien T. 2001. "I will start treatment when I think the time is right": HIV-positive gay men talk about their decision not to access antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Care. 13 (6), pp. 693-708.

The impostor phenomenon in British university students: relationships between self-esteem, mental health, parental rearing style and socioeconomic status


Sonnak, C. and Towell, A. 2001. The impostor phenomenon in British university students: relationships between self-esteem, mental health, parental rearing style and socioeconomic status. Personality and Individual Differences. 31 (6), pp. 863-874.

Association between time of awakening and diurnal cortisol secretory activity


Edwards, S., Evans, P., Hucklebridge, F. and Clow, A. 2001. Association between time of awakening and diurnal cortisol secretory activity. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 26 (6), pp. 613-622.

The road to military humanitarianism: how the human rights NGOs shaped a new humanitarian agenda


Chandler, D.C. 2001. The road to military humanitarianism: how the human rights NGOs shaped a new humanitarian agenda. Human Rights Quarterly. 23 (3), pp. 678-700.

Interference between postural control and mental task performance in patients with vestibular disorder and healthy controls


Yardley, L., Gardner, M., Bronstein, A.M., Davies, R., Buckwell, D. and Luxon, L. 2001. Interference between postural control and mental task performance in patients with vestibular disorder and healthy controls. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 71 (1), pp. 48-52.

Compliance and outcome in treatment-resistant anorexia and bulimia: a retrospective study


Baker Towell, D.M., Woodford, S., Reid, S., Rooney, B. and Towell, A. 2001. Compliance and outcome in treatment-resistant anorexia and bulimia: a retrospective study. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 40 (2), pp. 189-195.

Intracranial identification of an electric frontal-cortex response to auditory stimulus change: a case study


Liasis, A., Towell, A., Alho, K. and Boyd, S. 2001. Intracranial identification of an electric frontal-cortex response to auditory stimulus change: a case study. Cognitive Brain Research. 11 (2), pp. 227-233.

A motion sickness maximum around the 0.2 Hz frequency range of horizontal translational oscillation


Golding, J.F., Mueller, A.G. and Gresty, M.A. 2001. A motion sickness maximum around the 0.2 Hz frequency range of horizontal translational oscillation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 72 (3), pp. 188-192.

Exploration of the awakening cortisol response in relation to diurnal cortisol secretory activity


Edwards, S., Clow, A., Evans, P. and Hucklebridge, F. 2001. Exploration of the awakening cortisol response in relation to diurnal cortisol secretory activity. Life Sciences. 68 (18), pp. 2093-2103.

"You become really close... you talk about the silly things you did, and we laugh": the role of binge drinking in female secondary students' lives


Sheehan, M. and Ridge, Damien T. 2001. "You become really close... you talk about the silly things you did, and we laugh": the role of binge drinking in female secondary students' lives. Substance Use & Misuse. 36 (3), pp. 347-372.

Sometimes they don't stop, they just slow down


Lupton, K. and Colwell, J. 2001. Sometimes they don't stop, they just slow down. InRoads: Journal of the Institute of Road Safety Engineers. 21 (6).

Talk about Rice: A Discursive Approach to Studying Culture.

Journal article

Murakami, K. 2001. Talk about Rice: A Discursive Approach to Studying Culture. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2 (3).

“Neoclassical Economics”, “Feminist Economics”, “Experimental Economics”, “Paul Samuelson” and “New Household Economics”

Book chapter

Kaul, N. 2001. “Neoclassical Economics”, “Feminist Economics”, “Experimental Economics”, “Paul Samuelson” and “New Household Economics”. in: Michie, J. (ed.) Readers Guide to the Social Sciences London Fitzroy Dearborn.

Feminism in Economics: Theoria and Aporia

Book chapter

Kaul, N. 2001. Feminism in Economics: Theoria and Aporia. in: Assiter, A., Britton, C. and Brina, C. (ed.) Millenial Visions: Feminisms into the 21st Century Cardiff Cardiff Academic Press.

Exploring the causes of adverse events in British NHS hospital practice.

Journal article

Neale, G., Woloshynowych, M. and Vincent, C. 2001. Exploring the causes of adverse events in British NHS hospital practice. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 94, pp. 322-220.

Adverse events in British hospitals: preliminary retrospective record review

Journal article

Vincent, C., Neale, G. and Woloshynowych, M. 2001. Adverse events in British hospitals: preliminary retrospective record review. BMJ. 322, pp. 517-519.

Book review: Zero Tolerance or Community Tolerance? Managing Crime in High Crime Areas by Walklate, S. & Evans, K.

Book review

Darke, S. 2001. Book review: Zero Tolerance or Community Tolerance? Managing Crime in High Crime Areas by Walklate, S. & Evans, K. Theoretical Criminology. 5 (2), pp. 265-267.

Media and democratic society: a survey of post communist experience

Book chapter

Sparks, C. 2001. Media and democratic society: a survey of post communist experience. in: Blunden, M. and Burke, P.D.M. (ed.) Democractic reconstruction in the Balkans London, UK Policy Studies Institute. pp. 147-164

Taking deliberation seriously: institutional design and green politics

Journal article

Smith, G. 2001. Taking deliberation seriously: institutional design and green politics. Environmental Politics. 10 (3), pp. 72-93.

Differential effects of Ecstasy and cannabis on self-reports of memory ability: A web-based study


Rodgers, J., Buchanan, T., Scholey, A.B., Heffernan, T.M., Ling, J. and Parrott, A. 2001. Differential effects of Ecstasy and cannabis on self-reports of memory ability: A web-based study. Human Psychopharmacology. 16 (8), pp. 619-625.

Erasing the margins: youth marginalisation round table (YMaRT), building relationships and youth directed initiatives: a report from the round table


Ridge, Damien T. 2001. Erasing the margins: youth marginalisation round table (YMaRT), building relationships and youth directed initiatives: a report from the round table. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 12 (3), pp. 196-198.

Building relations and youth directed initiatives in research and services


Ridge, Damien T. 2001. Building relations and youth directed initiatives in research and services. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 12 (3), pp. 6-8.

Which kind of public space for a democratic habitus?

Book chapter

Mouffe, C. 2001. Which kind of public space for a democratic habitus? in: Hillier, J. and Rooksby, E. (ed.) Habitus: a sense of place Aldershot, UK Ashgate. pp. 93-100

Fooling and falling into the feeling of being stared at


Marks, D.F. and Colwell, J. 2001. Fooling and falling into the feeling of being stared at. Skeptical Inquirer. 25 (2), pp. 62-63.

Social capital and the city

Book chapter

Maloney, W., Smith, G. and Stoker, G. 2001. Social capital and the city. in: Edwards, B., Foley, M.W. and Diani, M. (ed.) Beyond Tocqueville: civil society and the social capital debate in comparative perspective University of New England Press. pp. 83-98

Auditory event-related potentials in the assessment of auditory processing disorders: a pilot study


Liasis, A., Bamiou, D.E., Campbell, P. and Towell, A. 2001. Auditory event-related potentials in the assessment of auditory processing disorders: a pilot study. Neuropediatrics. 34, pp. 23-29.

Assessing debate and participative technology assessment (ADAPTA): project no. BIO-CT98-0318: annex no. 1: the Denmark national report

Project report

Joss, S. and Kluver, L. 2001. Assessing debate and participative technology assessment (ADAPTA): project no. BIO-CT98-0318: annex no. 1: the Denmark national report. Grenoble, France University of Grenoble.

Doing educational research on the Internet

Book chapter

Joinson, A.N. and Buchanan, T. 2001. Doing educational research on the Internet. in: Wolfe, C.R. (ed.) Learning and teaching on the World Wide Web San Diego, CA Academic Press. pp. 221-242

Does the pre-frontal cortex contribute to movement-related potentials? Recordings from subdural electrodes


Jahanshahi, M., Dirnberger, G., Liasis, A., Towell, A. and Boyd, S. 2001. Does the pre-frontal cortex contribute to movement-related potentials? Recordings from subdural electrodes. Neurocase. 7 (6), pp. 495-501.

Online personality assessment

Book chapter

Buchanan, T. 2001. Online personality assessment. in: Reips, U.D. and Bosnjak, M. (ed.) Dimensions of Internet science Lengerich Pabst Science Publishers. pp. 57-74

Lipietz in London and Paris

Book chapter

Barbrook, R. 2001. Lipietz in London and Paris. in: Jessop, B. (ed.) The Parisian regulation school Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar.

Hypermedia freedom

Book chapter

Barbrook, R. 2001. Hypermedia freedom. in: Ludlow, P. (ed.) Crypto anarchy, cyberstates, and pirate utopias Cambridge, USA MIT Press. pp. 47-58

Democracy: a reader


Blaug, R. and Schwarzmantel, J.J. (ed.) 2001. Democracy: a reader. Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.

Seeing how it's done: matching conditions for observer rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) in the bidirectional control


Ray, E.D., Gardner, M. and Heyes, C. 2000. Seeing how it's done: matching conditions for observer rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) in the bidirectional control. Animal Cognition. 3 (3), pp. 147-157.

Social capital and urban governance: adding a more contextualized ‘top-down’ perspective

Journal article

Maloney, W., Smith, G. and Stoker, G. 2000. Social capital and urban governance: adding a more contextualized ‘top-down’ perspective. Political Studies. 48 (4), pp. 802-820.

CuZn-superoxide dismutase transgenic mice: no effect on longevity, locomotor activity and 3H-mazindol and 3H-spiperone binding over 19 months


Gallagher, I., Jenner, P., Glover, V. and Clow, A. 2000. CuZn-superoxide dismutase transgenic mice: no effect on longevity, locomotor activity and 3H-mazindol and 3H-spiperone binding over 19 months. Neuroscience Letters. 289 (3), pp. 221-223.

Book review: Budiansky, S. (1998). If a lion could talk: How animals think. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Pp. 234. ISBN 0297819321. £20.00 (Hbk). ISBN 0753807726. £7.99 (Pbk).

Book review

Gardner, M. 2000. Book review: Budiansky, S. (1998). If a lion could talk: How animals think. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Pp. 234. ISBN 0297819321. £20.00 (Hbk). ISBN 0753807726. £7.99 (Pbk). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B. 53 (3), pp. 286-287.

Negative correlates of computer game play in adolescents


Colwell, J. and Payne, J. 2000. Negative correlates of computer game play in adolescents. British Journal of Psychology. 91 (3), pp. 295-310.

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