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Book Review: addicted.pregnant.poor by K. R. Knight

Book review

Rudoe, N. 2017. Book Review: addicted.pregnant.poor by K. R. Knight. Women's Studies International Forum. 60.

A survey to determine usual care after cancer treatment within the United Kingdom National Health Service


Duncan, M., Deane, J., White, P.D., Ridge, Damien T., Roylance, R., Korszun, A., Chalder, T., Bhui, K.S., Thaha, M.A. and Bourke, L. 2017. A survey to determine usual care after cancer treatment within the United Kingdom National Health Service. BMC Cancer . 17 (186) 186.

Care, control and the electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) ritual: Making sense of polarised patient narratives


Knight, F., Ridge, Damien T., McShane, R., Ryan, S. and Griffith, L. 2017. Care, control and the electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) ritual: Making sense of polarised patient narratives . Qualitative Health Research. 27 (11), pp. 1675-1685.

A comparative political economy of regional migration and labour mobility in West and Southern Africa

Journal article

Cross, H. and Cliffe, Lionel 2017. A comparative political economy of regional migration and labour mobility in West and Southern Africa. Review of African Political Economy. 44 (153), pp. 381-398.

Enriched Audio Description: Working towards an inclusive museum experience

Book chapter

Eardley, A.F., Fryer, L., Hutchinson, R., Cock, M., Ride, P. and Neves, J. 2017. Enriched Audio Description: Working towards an inclusive museum experience. in: Halder, S. and Czop Assaf, L. (ed.) Inclusion, Disability and Culture: An Ethnographic Perspective Traversing Abilities and Challenges Springer.

Related but different: Examining pseudoneglect in audition, touch and vision

Journal article

Eardley, A.F., Darling, S., Dumper, P., Browne, D. and Van Velzen, J. 2017. Related but different: Examining pseudoneglect in audition, touch and vision. Brain and Cognition. 113, p. 164–171.

Salivary diurnal cortisol profiles in patients suffering from chronic breathlessness receiving supportive and palliative care services: a cross-sectional study


Ryan, R., Clow, A., Spathis, A., Smyth, N., Barclay, S., Fallon, M. and Booth, S. 2017. Salivary diurnal cortisol profiles in patients suffering from chronic breathlessness receiving supportive and palliative care services: a cross-sectional study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 79, pp. 134-145.

Who is really in control of Brazil's Prisons?


Darke, S. 2017. Who is really in control of Brazil's Prisons? The Conversation.

Evaluation of quality of life in adults with neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) using the Impact of NF1 on Quality Of Life (INF1-QOL) questionnaire


Ferner, R.E., Thomas, M., Mercer, G., Williams, V., Leschziner, G.D., Afridi, S.K. and Golding, J.F. 2017. Evaluation of quality of life in adults with neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) using the Impact of NF1 on Quality Of Life (INF1-QOL) questionnaire. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 15, p. 34 15:34.

How Brazil’s far right became a dominant political force


Cavalcanti, R.P. 2017. How Brazil’s far right became a dominant political force. The Conversation.

‘Over, under and through the walls’: The dynamics of public security, police-community relations and the limits of managerialism in crime control in Recife, Brazil

PhD thesis

Cavalcanti, R.P. 2017. ‘Over, under and through the walls’: The dynamics of public security, police-community relations and the limits of managerialism in crime control in Recife, Brazil. PhD thesis King's College London Global Institutes

The New Urban Agenda: key opportunities and challenges for policy and practice


Caprotti, F., Cowley, R., Datta, A., Broto, V.C., Gao, E., Georgeson, L., Herrick, C., Odendaal, N. and Joss, S. 2017. The New Urban Agenda: key opportunities and challenges for policy and practice. Urban Research & Practice. 10 (3), pp. 367-378.

What's Causing Brazil's Prison Massacres?


Darke, S. and Garces, C. 2017. What's Causing Brazil's Prison Massacres? Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.

Examining the consistency and coherence of values in young children using a new animated values instrument

Journal article

Collins, P.R., Lee, J.A., Sneddon, J.N. and Döring, A.K. 2017. Examining the consistency and coherence of values in young children using a new animated values instrument. Personality and Individual Differences. 104, pp. 279-285.

Parent-Child Value Similarity in Families with Young Children: The Predictive Power of Prosocial Educational Goals

Journal article

Döring, A.K., Makarova, E., Herzog, W. and Bardi, A. 2017. Parent-Child Value Similarity in Families with Young Children: The Predictive Power of Prosocial Educational Goals. British Journal of Psychology. 108 (4), pp. 737-756.

‘Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons', Prison Service Journal, 229


Darke, S. and Garces, C. (ed.) 2017. ‘Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons', Prison Service Journal, 229. H M Prison Service.

Surviving in the new mass carceral zone


Darke, S. and Garces, C. 2017. Surviving in the new mass carceral zone. Prison Service Journal. 229, pp. 2-9.

Predictors of clinical recovery from vestibular neuritis: a prospective study


Cousins, S., Kaski, D., Cutfield, N., Arshad, Q., Ahmad, H., Gresty, M.A., Seemungal, B.M., Golding, J.F. and Bronstein, A.M. 2017. Predictors of clinical recovery from vestibular neuritis: a prospective study. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 4 (5), pp. 340-346.

'What about the children?' Re-engineering citizens of the future

Book chapter

Gillies, V. 2017. 'What about the children?' Re-engineering citizens of the future . in: Pykett, J., Jones, R. and Whitehead, M. (ed.) Psychological Governance and Public Policy Abingdon Routledge.

Visual mismatch negativity to masked stimuli presented at very brief presentation rates


Flynn, M., Liasis, A, Gardner, M. and Towell, A. 2017. Visual mismatch negativity to masked stimuli presented at very brief presentation rates. Experimental Brain Research. 235 (2), pp. 555-563.

Dose-Response Effects of Water Supplementation on Cognitive Performance and Mood in Children and Adults


Edmonds, C.J., Crosbie, L., Fatima, F., Hussain, M., Jacob, N. and Gardner, M. 2017. Dose-Response Effects of Water Supplementation on Cognitive Performance and Mood in Children and Adults. Appetite. 108, pp. 464-470.

Meniere’s, Migraine & Motion Sickness


Golding, J.F. and Patel, M. 2017. Meniere’s, Migraine & Motion Sickness. Acta Oto‐Laryngologica. 137 (5), pp. 495-502.

Shades of White Complicity: The End Conscription Campaign and the Politics of White Liberal Ignorance in South Africa

Book chapter

Conway, D. 2017. Shades of White Complicity: The End Conscription Campaign and the Politics of White Liberal Ignorance in South Africa. in: Afxentiou, A., Dunford, R. and Neu. M. (ed.) Exploring Complicity: Concept, Cases and Critique London Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 119-142

Introduction: resilience and the Anthropocene: the stakes of ‘renaturalising’ politics


Grove, K. and Chandler, D. 2017. Introduction: resilience and the Anthropocene: the stakes of ‘renaturalising’ politics. Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses. 5 (2), pp. 79-91.

Securing the Anthropocene? International Policy Experiments in Digital Hacktivism: A Case Study of Jakarta


Chandler, D. 2017. Securing the Anthropocene? International Policy Experiments in Digital Hacktivism: A Case Study of Jakarta. Security Dialogue. 48 (2), pp. 113-130.

Feeling the commute: Affect, affordance and communities in motion

Book chapter

Falconer, E. 2017. Feeling the commute: Affect, affordance and communities in motion. in: Spinney, J., Reimer, S. and Pinch, P. (ed.) Mobilising Design Routledge. pp. 200-210

Moments of Collusion? Close readings of affective, hidden moments within feminist research


Falconer, E. 2017. Moments of Collusion? Close readings of affective, hidden moments within feminist research . Women’s Studies International Forum . 61, pp. 75-80.

‘Learning to be Zen’: Women travellers and the imperative to happy

Journal article

Falconer, E. 2017. ‘Learning to be Zen’: Women travellers and the imperative to happy. Journal of Gender Studies. 26 (1), pp. 56-65.

Engaging with the public in public engagement with research


Mahony, N and Stephansen, H. 2017. Engaging with the public in public engagement with research. Research For All. 1 (1), pp. 35-51.

Agonism Reloaded: Potentia, Renewal and Radical Democracy


Tambakaki, P. 2017. Agonism Reloaded: Potentia, Renewal and Radical Democracy. Political Studies Review. 15 (4), pp. 577-588.

Self-assessments of memory correlate with neuroticism and conscientiousness, not memory span performance

Journal article

Buchanan, T. 2017. Self-assessments of memory correlate with neuroticism and conscientiousness, not memory span performance. Personality and Individual Differences. 105, pp. 19-23.

Negotiating queer and religious identities in higher education: queering ‘progression’ in the ‘university experience’

Journal article

Falconer, E. and Taylor, Y. 2017. Negotiating queer and religious identities in higher education: queering ‘progression’ in the ‘university experience’. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 38 (6), pp. 782-797.

Armed violence and the politics of gun control in Brazil: an analysis of the 2005 referendum


Cavalcanti, R.P. 2017. Armed violence and the politics of gun control in Brazil: an analysis of the 2005 referendum. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 36 (1), pp. 36-51.

The Increasing Power of the European Parliament: Negotiating the EU-India Free Trade Agreement

Journal article

Frennhoff Larsen, M. 2017. The Increasing Power of the European Parliament: Negotiating the EU-India Free Trade Agreement. International Negotiation. 22 (3), pp. 473-498.

Toxicity profile of bevacizumab in the UK Neurofibromatosis Type 2 cohort


Morris, K.A., Golding, J.F., Blesing, C., Evans, D.G., Ferner, R.E., Foweraker, K., Halliday, D., Jena, R., McBain, C., McCabe, M.G., Swampillai, A., Warner, N., Wilson, S., Parry, A. and Afridi, S. 2017. Toxicity profile of bevacizumab in the UK Neurofibromatosis Type 2 cohort. Journal of Neuro-oncology . 131, pp. 117-124.

The Concept of Transparency in International Relations: towards a critical approach

Journal article

McCarthy, D. R. and Fluck, M. 2017. The Concept of Transparency in International Relations: towards a critical approach. European Journal of International Relations. 23 (2), pp. 416-440.

British torture in the 'war on terror'

Journal article

Raphael, S. and Blakeley, R. 2017. British torture in the 'war on terror'. European Journal of International Relations. 23 (2), p. 243–266.

Sociological Knowledge and Transformation at ‘Diversity University’, UK

Book chapter

Jenkins, C., Barnes, C., McLean, M., Abbas, A. and Ashwin, P. 2017. Sociological Knowledge and Transformation at ‘Diversity University’, UK. in: Walker, M. and Wilson-Strydom, M. (ed.) Socially Just Pedagogies, Capabilities and Quality in Higher Education Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 45-67

Cosmopolitanism and the relevance of ‘zombie concepts’: the case of anomic suicide amongst Alevi Kurd youth

Journal article

Cetin, U. 2017. Cosmopolitanism and the relevance of ‘zombie concepts’: the case of anomic suicide amongst Alevi Kurd youth. British Journal of Sociology. 68 (2), pp. 145-166.

Motion Sickness Susceptibility and Management at Sea

Book chapter

Golding, J.F. 2017. Motion Sickness Susceptibility and Management at Sea. in: MacLachlan, M. (ed.) Maritime Psychology Springer. pp. 151-183

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