Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Work conditions, mental workload, and patient care quality: a multisource study in the emergency department.

Journal article

Weigl, M., Müller, A., Holland, S., Wedel, S. and Woloshynowych, M. 2016. Work conditions, mental workload, and patient care quality: a multisource study in the emergency department. BMJ Quality and Safety. 25, pp. 499-508.

Economic and Trade Policies in the Arab World: Employment, Poverty Reduction and Integration

Scholarly edition

Elkhafif, M.A.T., Taghdisi Rad, S. and Elagraa, M. (ed.) 2016. Economic and Trade Policies in the Arab World: Employment, Poverty Reduction and Integration. London; New York Routledge.

The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience, Adaptation and Vulnerability


Chandler, D. and Reid, J. 2016. The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Rowman & Littlefield.

Ageing increases reliance on sensorimotor prediction through structural and functional differences in frontostriatal circuits

Journal article

Wolpe, N., Ingram, J., Tsvetanov, K., Geerligs, L., Kievit, R., Henson, R., Wolpert, D., Cam-CAN Consortium, Rowe, J. and Parkin, B. 2016. Ageing increases reliance on sensorimotor prediction through structural and functional differences in frontostriatal circuits. Nature Communications . 7 13034.

The Gangs of Bangladesh: Exploring Organised Crime, Street Gangs and ‘Illicit Child Labourers’ in Dhaka

Journal article

Atkinson-Sheppard, S. 2016. The Gangs of Bangladesh: Exploring Organised Crime, Street Gangs and ‘Illicit Child Labourers’ in Dhaka. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 16 (2), pp. 233-249.

The experiences of victims of online Islamophobia

Book chapter

Gerard, F.J. and Whitfield, K. 2016. The experiences of victims of online Islamophobia. in: Awan, I. (ed.) Islamophobia in Cyberspace: Hate Crimes Go Viral Ashgate.

Offender and offence characteristics of school shooting incidents

Journal article

Gerard, F.J., Whitfield, K., Porter, L. and Browne, K. 2016. Offender and offence characteristics of school shooting incidents. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. 13 (1), pp. 22-38.

A systematic review and meta- analysis of low intensity CBT for psychosis

Journal article

Hazell, C.M., Hayward, M., Cavanagh, K. and Strauss, C. 2016. A systematic review and meta- analysis of low intensity CBT for psychosis. Clinical Psychology Review. 45, pp. 183-192.

Guided self-help cognitive behavioural intervention for VoicEs (GiVE): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial

Journal article

Hazell, C.M., Hayward, M., Cavanagh, K., Jones, A.M. and Strauss, C. 2016. Guided self-help cognitive behavioural intervention for VoicEs (GiVE): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials. 17, p. 351 351.

No Significant Evidence of Cognitive Biases for Emotional Stimuli in Children At-Risk of Developing Anxiety Disorders.

Journal article

Ewing, D.L., Dash, S., Thompson, E.J., Hazell, C.M., Hughes, Z., Lester, K.J. and Cartwright-Hatton, S. 2016. No Significant Evidence of Cognitive Biases for Emotional Stimuli in Children At-Risk of Developing Anxiety Disorders. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 44 (7), pp. 1243-1252.

Grasp-specific motor resonance is influenced by the visibility of the observed actor.

Journal article

Bunday, K.L., Lemon, R.N., Kilner, J.M., Davare, M. and Orban, G.A. 2016. Grasp-specific motor resonance is influenced by the visibility of the observed actor. Cortex. 84, pp. 43-54.

A Causal Role for Primary Motor Cortex in Perception of Observed Actions.

Journal article

Palmer, C.E., Bunday, K.L., Davare, M. and Kilner, J.M. 2016. A Causal Role for Primary Motor Cortex in Perception of Observed Actions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 28 (12), pp. 2021-2029.

International Law and World Politics

Book chapter

Hehir, A. 2016. International Law and World Politics. in: Beeson, M. and Bisley, N. (ed.) Issues in 21st Century World Politics Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 113-125

Bahrain: An R2P Blindspot?

Book chapter

Hehir, A. 2016. Bahrain: An R2P Blindspot? in: Grover, S. (ed.) The Responsibility to Protect: Perspectives on the Concept's Meaning, Proper Application and Value London Routledge. pp. 131-149

Humanitarian Intervention

Book chapter

Hehir, A. 2016. Humanitarian Intervention. in: Dunn Cavelty, M. and Balzacq, T. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Security Studies London Routledge. pp. 415-424

Why singing may help people with dementia


Loveday, C. 2016. Why singing may help people with dementia. The Conversation.

Cognition and Belief

Book chapter

Groome, D. and Law, R. 2016. Cognition and Belief. in: Groome, D. and Roberts, R. (ed.) Parapsychology: The Science of Unusual Experience (Second Edition) Psychology Press. pp. 191-198

Biological Cycles and Cognition

Book chapter

Law, R. and Maguire, M. 2016. Biological Cycles and Cognition. in: Groome, D. and Eysenck, M. (ed.) An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology (Second Edition) Psychology Press. pp. 253-286

Memory Improvement

Book chapter

Law, R. and Groome, D. 2016. Memory Improvement. in: Groome, D. and Eysenck , M.W. (ed.) An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology (Second Edition) Psychology Press. pp. 125-151

Volumetric, relaxometric and diffusometric correlates of psychotic experiences in a non-clinical sample of young adults


Drakesmith, M., Dutt, A., Fonville, L., Zammit, S., Reichenberg, A., Evans, C.J., McGuire, P., Lewis, G., Jones, D.L. and David, A.S. 2016. Volumetric, relaxometric and diffusometric correlates of psychotic experiences in a non-clinical sample of young adults. Neuroimage: Clinical. 12, pp. 550-558.

Mediation of Developmental Risk Factors for Psychosis by White Matter Microstructure in Young Adults With Psychotic Experiences


Drakesmith, M., Dutt, A., Fonville, L., Zammit, S., Reichenberg, A., Evans, CJ, Lewis, G, Jones, D.K. and David, A.S. 2016. Mediation of Developmental Risk Factors for Psychosis by White Matter Microstructure in Young Adults With Psychotic Experiences. JAMA Psychiatry. 73 (4), pp. 396-406.

Realism and Geopolitics in Italy during the Cold War: Decline and Revival


Brighi, E. and Rosenboim, O. 2016. Realism and Geopolitics in Italy during the Cold War: Decline and Revival. Memoria e Ricerca. 1, pp. 9-24.

Foreign Policy and the Ideology of Post-ideology: The Case of Matteo Renzi’s Partito Democratico


Brighi, E. 2016. Foreign Policy and the Ideology of Post-ideology: The Case of Matteo Renzi’s Partito Democratico. The International Spectator. 51 (1), pp. 13-27.

The Globalisation of Resentment: Failure, Denial, and Violence in World Politics

Journal article

Brighi, E. 2016. The Globalisation of Resentment: Failure, Denial, and Violence in World Politics . Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 44 (3), pp. 411-432.

Mercenaries Unleashed: The Brave New World of Private Military and Security Companies

Project report

Raphael, S. 2016. Mercenaries Unleashed: The Brave New World of Private Military and Security Companies. War on Want.

Arming Repression: The New British Imperialism in the Persian Gulf

Project report

Raphael, S. and St John, J. 2016. Arming Repression: The New British Imperialism in the Persian Gulf. War on Want.

Theory, 'truthers', and transparency: Reflecting on knowledge in the twenty-first century

Journal article

Fluck, M. 2016. Theory, 'truthers', and transparency: Reflecting on knowledge in the twenty-first century. Review of International Studies. 42 (1), pp. 48-73.

Catholics and Climate Change Skepticism

Journal article

Vincentnathan, L., Vincentnathan, S.G. and Smith, N. 2016. Catholics and Climate Change Skepticism. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology. 20 (2), pp. 125-149.

The Mimetic Origins of the Cold War Washington-Moscow: still two rival powers?


Lanza, C. 2016. The Mimetic Origins of the Cold War Washington-Moscow: still two rival powers? Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe. January 2015 (55), pp. 1-30.

Wellbeing and food safety


Draper, A. and Clow, A. 2016. Wellbeing and food safety. UK Food Standards Agency.

Gender, Agency and the Veil: Analysing the Role of Representations in Identity Construction by Muslim Women

PhD thesis

Chapman, M. 2016. Gender, Agency and the Veil: Analysing the Role of Representations in Identity Construction by Muslim Women. PhD thesis University of Copenhagen Psychology

Veil as Stigma: Exploring the Role of Representations in Muslim Women's Management of Threatened Social Identity


Chapman, M. 2016. Veil as Stigma: Exploring the Role of Representations in Muslim Women's Management of Threatened Social Identity. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 26 (4), pp. 354-366.

Feminist Dilemmas and the Agency of Veiled Muslim Women: Analysing Identities and Social Representations


Chapman, M. 2016. Feminist Dilemmas and the Agency of Veiled Muslim Women: Analysing Identities and Social Representations. European Journal of Women's Studies. 23 (3), pp. 237-250.

Werte in der Schule (Values in schools)

Conference item

Döring, A.K. 2016. Werte in der Schule (Values in schools).

Assessing the fit of each item of the ’Picture-Based Value Survey for Children’ into the theoretical structure of values

Book chapter

Bilsky, W., Döring, A.K. and Groenen, P.J.F. 2016. Assessing the fit of each item of the ’Picture-Based Value Survey for Children’ into the theoretical structure of values. in: Roazzi, A., Campello de Souza, B. and Bilsky, W. (ed.) Facet theory: Searching for structure in complex social, cultural, and psychological phenomena Recife, Brazil Editora UFPE. pp. 27-34

From Schmitt to Foucault: Inquiring the Relationship between Exception and Democracy


Raimondi, S. 2016. From Schmitt to Foucault: Inquiring the Relationship between Exception and Democracy. Democratic Theory. 3 (1), pp. 52-70.

Altered engagement of autobiographical memory networks in adult offspring of postnatally depressed mothers


Macdonald, B., Murray, L., Moutsiana, C., Fearon, P., Cooper, P.J., Halligan, S.L. and Johnstone, T. 2016. Altered engagement of autobiographical memory networks in adult offspring of postnatally depressed mothers. Biological Psychology. 118, pp. 147-153.

Cortical idiosyncrasies predict the perception of object size

Journal article

Moutsiana, C., de Haas, B., Papageorgiou, A., van Dijk, J.A., Balraj, A., Greenwood, J.A. and Schwarzkopf, D.S. 2016. Cortical idiosyncrasies predict the perception of object size. Nature Communications . 7 12110 (2016).

Fewer but better: proportionate size of the group affects evaluation of transgressive leaders

Journal article

Travaglino, G.A., Abrams, D., de Moura, G.R. and Yetkili, O. 2016. Fewer but better: proportionate size of the group affects evaluation of transgressive leaders. British Journal of Social Psychology. 55 (2), p. 318–336.

REFRAME: Resilience training for GPs


Lynch, S., Lown, M., Rajasingami, D., Peters, D., Ridge, Damien T., Cheshire, A., Fismer, K., Stewart-Brown, S, Lewith, H., Jagger, O. and Lewith, G. 2016. REFRAME: Resilience training for GPs. InnovAiT. 9 (6), p. 356–360.

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Ahmed, Shamila

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Bezborodova, Anastasiya

PTVL - Student Experience

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Bonaparte, Bryan

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Boubert, Laura

Principal Lecturer

Brighi, Elisabetta

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Buchanan, Tom


Bunday, Karen

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Burke, Patrick

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Cahill, Mags

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Cambridge, Mark

Senior Lecturer

Cetin, Umit

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Charrett, Catherine

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Cheshire, Anna

Senior Research Fellow

Christodoulou, Ioannis

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Cliffe, Beth

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Clow, Angela


Colwell, John

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Cross, Hannah

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Dando, Coral


Dey, Adrija

Senior Research Fellow

Eldridge, Adam

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English, Charlotte

Senior Lecturer

Evans, Phil

Emeritus Professor

Falconer, Emily

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Fixsen, Alison

Senior Lecturer

Fluck, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Flynn, Maria

Research Fellow

Fraser, Jennifer

Principal Lecturer

Gardner, Mark

Principal Lecturer

Gautier, Chantal

Senior Lecturer

Gerard, Jeane

Senior Lecturer

Gillies, Val


Golding, John


Joban, Sanjay

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Kaul, Nitasha


Khabaz, David

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Law, Robin

Senior Lecturer

Li, Yue


Linn, Andrew

DVC Research & Knowledge Exchange

Macmaster, Rob

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Magioglou, Thalia

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Miah, Jolel

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Moutsiana, Christina

Senior Lecturer

Nadarzynski, Tom

Senior Lecturer

Ostrowski, Wojciech

Senior Lecturer

Parkin, Beth

Senior Lecturer

Pedersen, Frands

Senior Lecturer

Porter, Alan

Head of School - Social Sciences

Raman, Evren


Raphael, Sam


Ridge, Damien


Rudoe, Naomi

Senior Lecturer

Ryder, Karen

Senior Lecturer

Sahin-Dikmen, Melahat

Senior Lecturer

Shaw, Philippa


Sitkin, Lea

Senior Lecturer

Slark, Charlotte

Research Fellow

Smith, Graham


Smith, Nick

Assistant Head of School

Souvlakis, Nikolaos

Senior Lecturer

Stephansen, Hilde

Senior Lecturer

Straw, David


Taghdisi Rad, Sahar

Senior Lecturer

Tajvidi, Ali

Senior Lecturer

Tambakaki, Paulina

Senior Lecturer

Taylor, Donna

Senior Lecturer

Thorn, Lisa

Senior Lecturer

Wild, Jess

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Williams, David

Senior Lecturer

Woloshynowych, Maria

Senior Lecturer

Yetkili, Orkun

Senior Lecturer