College | Westminster Business School |
Head | Dr Richard Berry |
Morah, E.M.I. 2014. The market orientation and organizational performance measures conundrum: a re-visitation of eclectic discord. British Academy of Management Conference 2014 (BAM2014). Belfast Waterfront, Northern Ireland 10 Sep 2014
Peng, N. and Chen, A.H. 2014. Examining Chinese consumers’ luxury hotel staying behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 39, p. 53–56.
Wong, J.Y., Li, T.H., Chen, A.H. and Peng, N. 2014. Attendees’ intention to revisit tourism trade shows: the effect of environmental stimuli, visitors’ emotions, and product knowledge. Advances in Consumer Research. 42, p. 805.
Peng, N. and Chen, A.H. 2014. Digital literacy, flow experiences, and elderly gamers' mobile application usage behavior. Advances in Consumer Research. 42, p. 776.
Peng, N. and Chen, A.H. 2014. Examining Chinese consumers’ intention to purchase luxury group package tours. Advances in Consumer Research. 42, p. 804.
Hlupic, V. 2014. The Management Shift: How to Harness the Power of People and Transform Your Organization For Sustainable Success. Basingstoke, UK Palgrave Macmillan.
Hlupic, V. 2014. The Management Shift: How to Harness the Power of People and Transform Your Organization For Sustainable Success. Basingstoke, UK Palgrave Macmillan.
Peng, N., Chen, A.H. and Hung, K.P. 2014. Including pets when undertaking tourism activities. Tourism Analysis: an interdisciplinary journal. 19 (1), pp. 69-84.
Moon, H.C., Hur, Y.K., Yin, W. and Helm, C. 2014. Extending Porter’s generic strategies: from three to eight. European Journal of International Management. 8 (2), pp. 205-225.
Mai, L.W. 2014. Consumers' willingness to pay for ethical attributes. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 32 (6), pp. 706-721.
Amar, A.D., Hlupic, V. and Tamwatin, T. 2014. Effect of meditation on self-perception of leadership skills: a control study group study of CEOs. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA 01 - 05 Aug 2014
Wong, J.Y., Li, T.H., Peng, N. and Chen, A.H. 2014. Conceptualizing trade show visitors' consumption behavior. International Journal of Tourism Research. 16 (4), pp. 325-328.
Chen, A.H., Peng, N. and Hung, K.P. 2014. Developing a pet owners' tourism constraints scale: the constraints to take dogs to tourism activities. International Journal of Tourism Research. 16 (4), pp. 315-324.
Chen, A.H. and Peng, N. 2014. Recommending green hotels to travel agencies’ customers. Annals of Tourism Research. 48, pp. 284-289.
Wang, J., Liang, H., Luo, S. and Wu, R.Y. 2013. Active design of tooth profiles using parabolic curve as the line of action. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 67, pp. 47-63.
Gyrd-Jones, R.I., Helm, C. and Munk, J. 2013. Exploring the impact of silos in achieving brand orientation. Journal of Marketing Management. 29 (9-10), pp. 1056-1078.
Wu, R.Y., Huaccho Huatuco, L., Frizelle, G. and Smart, J. 2013. A method for analysing operational complexity in supply chains. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 64 (5), pp. 654-667.
Bourner, T., Heath, L. and Rospigliosi, A. 2013. The fully-functioning university and its higher education. Higher Education Review. 45 (2), pp. 5-25.
Nazarian, A. and Atkinson, P. 2013. The relationship between national culture and organisational effectiveness: the case of Iranian private sector organisations. International Journal of Management and Marketing Academy. 1 (2), pp. 73-81.
Nazarian, A. 2013. The relationship between NC and OC: the case of Iranian private sector organisation. 2nd International Conference on Economics Business and Marketing Management . Rome, Italy 24 - 25 Feb 2013 CEBMM.
Nazarian, A., Irani, Z. and Ali, M. 2013. The Relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: The Case of Iranian Private Sector Organisations. Journal of Economics, Business and Management. 1 (1), pp. 11-15.
Tsekleves, E., Whitham, R., Kondo, K. and Hill, A. 2013. Investigating pay-as-you-go to address issues of trust, privacy and security around media use at home. Universal Access in the Information Society. 12 (2), pp. 217-231.
Mukesh, M. and Goncalves, D. 2013. The Curse of Online Friends: The Detrimental Effects of Online Social Network Usage on Well-Being. SSRN Working Papers.
Matthewman, L.J. 2013. The Effectiveness of Peer Coaching in Higher Education: Reflections of Business Studies Students . British Psychological Society: Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference. York 08 - 10 Nov 2013
Ruiz-Alba, J. 2013. Internal marketing and organizational commitment. AEDEM Conference. Islantilla, Huelva, Spain 05 - 07 Jun 2013
Ruiz-Alba, J. and Bermúdez, G. 2013. Exploratory study of the factors with impact on internal marketing strategies in hotel sector. XXIII Jornadas Hispanolusas de Gestion Cientifica. Málaga, Spain 07 - 09 Feb 2013
Ruiz-Alba, J. 2013. Proposal for inclusion of the Work Family Balance (WFB) Factor in the Internal Market Orientation Paradigm. V Academic Conference of Work and Family. IESE Business School. Barcelona, Spain 01 - 03 Jul 2013
Ruiz-Alba, J. 2013. Internal market orientation and internal reputation as prerequisites for external reputation. EBEN Research Conference. Measuring and valuing corporate reputation: being good and looking good. University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain 06 - 08 Jun 2013
Ruiz-Alba, J. 2013. Robert Adams: a case study. Managing in a Global Economy XV International Conference. Eastern Academy of Management.. Seville, Spain 23 - 27 Jun 2013
Ruiz-Alba, J., Las Heras, M. and Chinchilla, N. 2013. Case study IESE Business School. "Olivia Baker". IESE Publishing.
Ruiz-Alba, J. 2013. El compromiso organizacional: un valor personal y empresarial en el marketing interno. Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época. 1 (2013), pp. 67-86.
Ruiz-Alba, J., Navarro, F. and Jiménez, S. 2013. Gamificacion con estrategia de marketing interno. Intangible Capital. 9 (4), pp. 1113-1144.
Ekwulugo, F. and Chang, J. 2013. Business Support for Micro Businesses in Nigeria. International Small Business and Entrepreneurs . Cardiff, Wales 12 - 13 Nov 2013 International Small business and Entrepreneurs.
Granados, M., Coakes, E., Hlupic, V. and Mohamed, S. 2013. Social Enterprises as knowledge-based organisations: UK experiences. UNRISD Conference on the Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy. Geneva, Switzerland 06 - 08 May 2013
Granados, M., Hlupic, V., Coakes, E. and Mohamed, S. 2013. The organisation of Social Enterprises from a knowledge-based perspective. 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise 'If Not For Profit, For What? And How?. Liege, Belgium 01 - 04 Jul 2013
Georgiou, C., Drakopoulou-Dodd, S., Andriopoulos, C. and Gotsi, M. 2013. Exploring the potential impact of colonialism on national patterns of entrepreneurial networking. International Small Business Journal. 31 (2), pp. 217-224.
Jraisat, L., Gotsi, M. and Bourlakis, M. 2013. Drivers of information sharing and export performance in the Jordanian agri-food export supply chain: A qualitative study. International Marketing Review. 30 (4), pp. 323-356.
Dotsika, F. and Patrick, K. 2013. Collaborative KM for SMEs: a framework evaluation study. Information Technology & People. 20 (1), pp. 368-382.
Rieple, A., Gander, J., Pisabo, P. and Haberberg, A. 2013. Accessing the creative ecosystem: a study of the approaches taken by UK apparel designers. First International Entrepreneurship Research Exemplars Conference. Catania, Italy 23 2013 - 25 May 2015
Rieple, A. and Schreiber, D. 2013. An examination of strategic decision-making practices in music industry micro-firms. 29th EGOS Colloquium: Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews. Montréal, Canada 04 - 06 Jul 2013