Evaluating Application Service Providers

'Une Petite Mort’: Death, Love and Liminality in the Fiction of Ali Smith

Real Gorgons or Fantastic Chimeras? Re-shaping Myth and Tradition: Alice Thompson’s Justine

Historical Places of Interest, Books, Tourism and Advertising: Scottish Icons in Contemporary Halifax (Nova Scotia)

Individualising learning: Organising a flexible learning environment

Learning independently? Pedagogical and methodological implications of new learning environments

Dealing with diversity in the modern languages class

Film lawyers: Above and beyond the law

Remote control: Legal censorship of the creative process

Dissolving Boundaries: Possibilities and Challenges in British ceramic art

Compartmentalized megakaryocyte death generates functional platelets committed to caspase-independent death

Mechanical stimulation & cell death-shaping our bones

Bone microdamage and cell apoptosis

A bone fluid flow hypothesis for muscle pump-driven capillary filtration: II Proposed role for exercise in erodible scaffold implant incorporation

Mechanical loading: Biphasic osteocyte survival and targeting of osteoclasts for bone destruction in rat cortical bone

What are the roles of the many different types of potassium channel expressed in cerebellar granule cells?

Neuronal ion channels and their sensitivity to extremely low frequency weak electric field effects.

Study of tissue alterations in traumatized regions of the rat CNS

Control of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels by GABA-A receptors in the developing rat cortex

Neuroprotective effects of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) following a penetrating brain injury in rats

Orientation to the Setting: Discursively Accomplished Intersubjectivity

Collectivity and agency in remembering and reconciliation.

Social practices of reconciliation: Iruka Boys' reconciliation trip

Altered deposition of adipose tissue after extremely preterm birth

Low IL-10 production by der p 1-specific T cells in severe atopic dermatitis

Protein microarray analysis of p53-mediated apoptosis; identification of potential tumour associated antigens

The role of p53 in the immunobiology of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

Fc-dependent depletion of activated T cells occurs through CD40L-specific antibody rather than costimulation blockade

An association between the acute phase response and patterns of antigen induced T cell proliferation in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Apocalypse Postponed

The truth of the colonies

Black object, white subject 1

Fascism and exile

Sadness and sanity

The Sadean eye

The automatic image

The Oriental signifier

What is a surrealist photograph?

Families, Intimacy and Social Capital

Past/Present/Future: Time and the Meaning of Change in the ‘Family’

Systematic risk and timescales

A wavelet solution to the spurious regression of fractionally differenced processes

Stochastic Multiresolution Models for Turbulence

Technology Introduction: Fuel Cell Patents

Patent Portfolio Alignment and the Fuel Cell: Technology Commercialisation

Reading the Tibetan Diaspora: ‘Culture’ and ‘Nation’ as Strategic Constructs

Surface expression of GluR-D AMPA receptor is dependent on an interaction between its C-terminal domain and a 4.1 protein.

Characterization of the functional role of the N-glycans in the AMPA receptor ligand-binding domain

Indymedia and the New Net News

Integrating simulation packages via systems biology mark-up language

Export market-oriented behavior and export performance: the moderating roles of competitive intensity and technological turbulence

Service quality measurement in the banking sector in South Korea

Purchasing inhibitors on the Internet: a comparative study between the UK and the US

Lunch at Yes: v. 20: New Writing Scotland

Choice of an outcome measure for a pilot randomised controlled trial into the treatment by herbal practitioners of symptoms associated with the menopause

User Request Evaluation Tool and Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications Integration Benefits Assessment

Developing a questionnaire for the four-stage model of operations strategy

Competitive advantage through e-operations

Integrating operations and information strategy in e-business

Appropriated meanings: Megaliths and tourism in Eastern Indonesia


Two Men Walking



Sense of Gravity

No Waiting on an Angel

Magnetic North


Ischemia modified albumin is a sensitive marker of myocardial ischemia after percutaneous coronary intervention

Cardiac troponin T in female athletes during a two-day mountain marathon

Relation of ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) levels following elective angioplasty for stable angina pectoris to duration of balloon-induced myocardial ischemia

The relationship between Temporal Logic, Normal Form and Alternating Automata

Review of P.I. Olson and Z. Emami (eds), “Engendering Economics: Conversations with Women Economists in the United States

The anxious identities we inhabit…Post’isms and Economic Understandings

Retrospective case record review: a blunt instrument that needs sharpening

Kerry Stewart

The role of institutional shareholders in corporate governance: recent developments in the UK

Recent developments in Japanese corporate governance

Company stakeholders: their position under the new framework

Keyboard techniques

Managing Education Policy in Globalised Knowledge -based Societies: Lessons from Hungary

The Patchwork Text and Business Education

The Patchwork Text and Business Education: Rethinking the Importance of Personal Reflection and Co-operative Culture

Dialektyka Apoteozy i Szyderstwa: Wajda, Grotowski i Polski Romantyzm

Wajda, Grotowski and Mickiewicz: The Dialectics of Apotheosis and Derision

Summary and conclusions from an analysis of the nature and outcome of complaints received by the GMC, considered by the PPC and considered by the PCC in 1999, 2000 and 2001

The Exclusiveness of the Political Field: Networks and political mobilization

Constituting 'Asian women': political representation, identity politics and local discourses of participation

Is it good to talk?: Information disclosure and organizational performance in the UK

Ways in and out of low income in rural England: a report to the Countryside Agency

Care in the Community?: Gender and the reconfiguration of community work in a post-mining neighbourhood

Why do voice regimes differ?

Decision-making in Mental Health Review Tribunals

2003 Evaluation of Adult Basic Skills Pathfinder Activities: An Overview

South Asian Women and Employment in Britain: The interaction of Gender and Ethnicity

Families and Children Study: Family Change 1999-2001

Permanent revolution: the case of Britain's welfare-to-work regime

Future of Unions in Modern Britain: Mid-Term Report on Leverhulme Trust-funded Research Programme 2000-2002

Segmentation, Switching Costs and the Demand for Unionization in Britain: Frustrated Demand for Union Membership and Representation in Britain

Buying Into Union Membership

From Welfare to Workfare

The Changing meaning of work: Restructuring in the former coalmining communities of the South Wales Valleys

Differentiation in the Modern Languages Classroom

Escaping from the treadmill: practitioner research and professional autonomy

Crosstalk between IGF signalling and cadherin-mediated cell adhesion promotes myogenic differentiation

Learning through international experience

Managing international assignment stress

Women expatriates: a rare breed?

The impact of expatriation on spouses' career paths

Observing teaching in HE: a case study of classroom observation within peer observation

Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) synthesis by recombinant Escherichia coli harbouring Streptomyces aureofaciens PHB biosynthesis genes: Effect of various carbon and nitrogen sources

Proteomic analysis of the Gcn4-mediated response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans

Red Time is Me-Time: Advertising, Ambivalence, and Women's Magazines

Designing fuzzy approximaters with genetic algorithms

Circadian expression of Bmal1 in chicken retina, pineal gland, and peripheral tissues

Expression of cMOP4, a putative clock component in retina, pineal gland and peripheral tissues

A potent adjuvant effect of CD40 antibody attached to antigen

Spontaneous haemolytic activity of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) serum

Protection against atypical furunculosis in Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.); comparison of a commercial furunculosis vaccine and an autogenous vaccine

Generation of variational standard plant room solutions

Persephone: her mythical return to Sicily

Organising for change: conflicts and dilemmas in surveying and consulting

Wissensmanagement in der versicherungswirtschaft - standortbestimmung sowie darstellung der ergebnisse einer praxisbefragung 2001 (Knowledge management in the insurance industry)

Generative knowledge integration in e-learning staff development courses

Tools, techniques and tightropes: the art of walking and talking private sector management in non-profit organisations, is it just a question of balance?

What is craft?

The parade of objects: rethinking twentieth century ceramics

Small upright teapot and Blue white teapot

Masterpieces of European Decorative Art

Lidded Jar

20th century ceramics

What Chinese journalists believe about journalism

The Chinese journalist: mediating information in the world's most populous country

On identifying and managing relationships in multi-agent systems

Behavioral methods of alleviating motion sickness: effectiveness of controlled breathing and a music audiotape

A system-level fault diagnosis algorithm based on preprocessing and parallel Hopfield neural network

A fast diagnosis algorithm for crossed cube connected multicomputer systems under the Maeng-Malek model

A sufficient condition for pessimistically t/t diagnosable systems with application to cube-connected systems

Intimate strangers


A logistical perspective on the potential for modal shift of freight from road to rail in Great Britain

The relationship between professional learning and continuing professional development in the United Kingdom: a critical review of the literature

Woodfiring in China, part 2: Southern porcelain kilns

Woodfiring in China, part 1: the mantou and the dragon kiln

Tapestry - but not as we know it: textiles by Deirdre Wood

A handful of dust

The demonisation of the body in analysis

Politics in practice

"She in her 'armour' and he in his coat of nerves": May Sinclair and the re-writing of chivalry

“La Dernière étape des fédérés au Père-Lachaise”: the contribution of Le Monde illustré to the right-wing myth of Paris and the Commune

Marx and Hegel: new scholarship, continuing questions

Are (intuitive) people (rational) economic agents?: what should be the impact of the critique of economies' agency assumptions on business economics

Pain and social context: social, contextual and environmental factors in the perception of acute pain

New deal for young people: evaluation of unemployment flows

New deal for people aged 25 and over: a synthesis report

Student perspectives of peer assessment in the context of collaborative learning

City logistics: the continuing search for sustainable solutions

Evaluation of adult basic skills Pathfinder Extension activities: stage 1 surveys of learners and teachers

A synoptic survey of the bioethics of human genome research

The polluter pays principle: an assessment of various economic instruments' for the control of pollution

London low emission zone feasibility study phase II: final report to the London low emission zone steering group

London low emission zone feasibility study phase II: a summary of the phase two report

The modernisation of Russian motherhood 1917-37

Neuro-fuzzy ellipsoid basis function classifier for diagnosis of urinary tract infections

Sniffing out the truth: clinical diagnosis based on soft computing methodologies using gas centre arrays

L'entrainement en triathlon: synthese et perspectives de recherche

Topology of human Na+-dependent vitamin C transporters

Topology of Na+-dependent vitamin C transporters

Families and children 2001: living standards and the children

HomeNet: a grid type system for home networking

Security Web services based on trust

Data cube modelling and OLAP algebra for hospital length of stay analysis

Biosynthesis of medium chain length polyhydroxyalakanoic acids by Streptomyces coelicolor

Measuring the impact of higher education quality inputs on the first destinations of graduates : do QAA aspect scores add to the explanation?

Reconciling differences between the estimates of London jobs gained from Employer Surveys and the Labour Force Survey

How many futures for UK higher education?: strategic choices facing UK universities in light of the government's recent white paper

A complete framework for Web mining

Characterizing online and off-line communications in business relationships

Optical pH measurement using chromatic modulation

The post-apartheid struggle for an integrated Johannesburg

Strong margins

Strong doubt


Live TV and bloodless deaths: war, infotainment and 24/7 news

An exhaustive evaluation of row-major, column-major and Morton layouts for large two-dimensional arrays

Improving the performance of Morton layout by array alignment and loop unrolling: reducing the price of naivety

Mapping urbanisation for urban and regional governance: final scoping report and appendices

The long term sustainability of poverty reduction programmes – Kaduna study: final report and appendices

Implementing clinical supervision for complementary therapy clinical tutors: an evaluation

Reconstruction of nonuniformly sampled periodic signals

Digital alias-free spectrum estimation of randomly sampled signals

The emergence of enterprise wide risk management as a discipline, trends and expectations

The emergence of enterprise risk management systems: case study of global investment bank with Sarbanes Oxley and Operational Risk Quantification

The secret meaning of oval fountain

Exploding cinema 1991-1999, culture and democracy

David Leister's Kino Club

Cornelius Cardew's scratch orchestra: a theoretical perspective

A benchmarking approach to agile manufacturing implementation

Benchmarking techniques for agile manufacturing implementation

HE teachers researching their own practice: the possibilities for hybrid methodologies in practitioner research

Teaching university/research university: the debate

Public service broadcasting is not yet dead: survival strategies in the 21st century

BBC online

Franchising as a source of technology transfer to developing countries

Breaking into the European Union using franchising

Entrepreneurial teams, intellectual capital acquisition and knowledge management: new perspectives on franchising

Direct sales franchises in the United Kingdom

Trust in financial services business relationships

The aggregate impact of active labour market policy in Germany and the UK

The aggregate impact of active labour market policy in Germany and the UK

The aggregate impact of active labour market policy in Germany and the UK

The aggregate impact of active labour market policy in Germany and the UK

The contribution of online newspapers to the public sphere: a United Kingdom case study

Newspapers and advertising online

Are the Western media really that interested in China?

Deliberative democracy and the environment

Working after state pension age: quantitative analysis

Representation and modelling of electronic patient records

Designing and delivering training

A high-Q multilayer combline resonators

Novel combline resonator structures for wireless systems

High-Q dielectric combline resonator with wide spurious free performance

Broadband wireless access systems

Novel waveguide E-plane bandpass filters in planar form

Role of protein disulphide isomerase in NO delivery from S-nitrosothiols into megakaryocytes

Opening up trade in higher education: a role for GATS?

Transformation of high concentrations of chlorophenols by the white-rot basidiomycete Trametes versicolor immobilized on nylon mesh

Evaporative cooling using porous ceramic evaporators: product development and generic building integration

Evaporative cooling using porous ceramic evaporators: product development and generic building integration

Ye Tianshi's strategies for the treatment of bloody stools

The brains trust: an historical study of the management of liveness

The BBC and the model of public service

Learning on-line on campus

Partnership for Child Development: an international programme to improve the health of school-age children by school-based health services including deworming

Using our learners' cultural resources to create a schema for understanding plagiarism in academic writing

Non-functional oriented dynamic integration Of distributed components

Evolving e-learning environments

Facing up to ethical issues in qualitative research

Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear weapon-free zones)

Ecohydrological and ecohydrographical methodologies applied to conservation of reparian vegetation: the Caura River

Being there: how teachers of students facing adversity promote positive relationships

The health of young gays and lesbians

Developing clinical supervision for complementary therapy educators

Outcome assessment and moving goal posts: commentary on evaluation of the Tzu Chi Institute for complementary and alternative medicine's integrative care program

Homeopathic arnica

Developing the reflective practitioner in complementary therapy

Complementary and alternative medicine: socially constructed or evidence-based?

The construction of the adolescent male body through sports

The basis of persistent bacterial infections

'Les fleurs du mal': an adaptive wavelet-based method of arbitrary lines for problems with thin layers and moving fronts

The ocean between

Gone into the workhouse

Strange (but optimistic) fruit

Managing knowledge in a collaborative context: how may intellectual resources be harnessed towards joint effect?

Lazarillo de Tormes: and, Francisco de Quevedo: The swindler (El Buscon): two Spanish picaresque novels

Cognitive styles and their implications for effective presentation of information for children with visual impairment

Protein metabolism in alcohol misuse and toxicity

Performance evaluation of hybrid parallel programming paradigms

Activation of B-CLL cells by CD180 monoclonal antibodies: responders and non-responders

Preferential expression of CD180 by B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) cells using IgVh mutated than those using IgVh unmutated genes

Aberrant expression of Ccy-receptor (CD64) by monoclytes and neutrophils from patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

A linear algebra processor using Monte Carlo methods

Getting started with ICT blended learning

Evidence-based complementary (and alternative) medicine on the internet

Social dynamics of 'foreign born' and 'young' returning nationals to the caribbean: a review of the literature

Rivers and wood: a human dimension

The behaviour of C-20/A4 chondrocytes in 3-D collagen gel cultures

Constraint based web mining

Time for a new approach for reporting herbal medicine adverse events?

Vitalism, holism and homeostasis: the need for a new language of health and living

Clinical update: complementary medicine

Migration of specific leukocyte subsets in response to cytokine or chemokine application in vivo

Migration of specific leukocyte sub-sets in response to cytokine or chemokine application in vivo

Decision-making in mental health review tribunals

Modelling survival in long term care of older people

Celebrating community involvement: leading lights, moving spirits and lattice-work networks




Ensuring consistency in the joint beliefs of interacting agents

Chronic ethanol consumption increases the concentration of a 4-hydroxynonenal adduct with the mitochondrial hydroxy methyl glutaryl CoA synthase in liver

Emerging techniques in biomedical research and their application to alcohol toxicity

Technical aspects of knowledge management

Conflict in the context of care: an examination of role conflict between the bereaved and the funeral director in the UK

Renegotiating identity and relationships: men and women's adjustments to retirement

Non-Western political thought

A formal model for improving selection of collaborative environments using learning styles

Explaining party cohesion and discipline in democratic legislatures: purposiveness and contexts

Convergence estimates for the generalized davidson method for symmetric eigenvalue problems II: the subspace acceleration

Convergence estimates for the generalized davidson method for symmetric eigenvalue problems I: the preconditioning aspect

A dance of death and life performed by cinema and TV

Threshold of language - threshold of light (Hebrew)

Masculinities in the global context

Forecasting the conditional covariance matrix of a portfolio under long-run temporal dependence

Forecasting the conditional covariance matrix of a portfolio under long-run temporal dependence

Volatility and VaR forecasting for the IBEX-35 stock-return index using Figarch-type processes and different evaluation criteria

Forecasting Japanese interest rates: an empirical analysis

Continuous time and nonparametric modelling of U.S. interest rate models

The ECU term structure of interest rates

Globalization, world cities and urban planning: developing a conceptual framework

Die governance europaischer stadtregion

Church Street Neighbourhood Forum

Wyndham Lewis and laughter

A proposed ISTH revised classification for the antiphospholipid syndrome

Towards motivation-based decisions for worth goals

Towards a motivation-based approach for evaluating goals

Civil society beyond liberalism and communitarianism

What caused the financial crisis in Argentina?

Can we blame the currency board for all Argentina's problems?

Considerations in the antigen-stimulated, primed, primary splenocyte culture model as an in vitro vaccine screening tool

Determined differences: rent structures in Scottish social housing

Autonomy and control in network organisations: a European study on hotel companies

A new policy-making instrument? The First Australian Consensus Conference

Strategic planning for IS adoption: critical indirect human costs

Socio-organisational dilemma: indirect management human costs

Mapping indirect human costs to their derivers

Usability evaluations of (B2C) e-commerce environments



Cultural policy in Berlin ten years after reunification

Macular pigment anomoly or useful retinal feature?

Practice into theory: learning to facilitate new health and social care partnerships in London

A comparative investigation of the plankton of the four Lundy permanent lentic freshwaters

Further investigations of the flora and fauna of the Lundy lentic freshwaters

The picturesque

Ann Radcliffe

An investigation into the psychometric properties of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome

Economic sanctions: rethought entirely?

The perceptions of pan-European advertising communication: a cross-cultural study between UK and Spain

An overview of modelling patient behaviour in health care systems

Line of fire: a study looks at how fire brigade managers behave under pressure and implications for health and teamwork

The impact of public interventions in the UK tourism sector

Cross-cultural marketing research

A novel architecture for reconfiguration of next generation of wireless mobile networks

Performance analysis of PC-based development systems with onboard ADC/DACs for digital signal processing applications

An investigation into the impact of marketing decisions on logistics in an international food company

Autonomy: variable and generative

What's in a name? Local Agenda 21, community planning and neighbourhood renewal

Feasibility study into measuring public transport network coverage in Greater Manchester: stage 1, 2 and 3 reports

Transport and social exclusion: a G7 comparison. Phase 1 - scoping study report

Transport and social exclusion: a G7 comparison study

Making the connections: final report on transport and social exclusion

Using Java for plasma PIC simulations

Mixed language high-performance computing for plasma simulations

Employment transitions of older workers: the role of flexible employment in maintaining labour market participation and promoting job quality

NESTOR sustainability effects of efficiency measures in freight transport. Final report

Das Pilotprogramm zum Schutz der tropischen Regenwälder Brasiliens

Beyond knowledge management

Asylum, exceptional leave to remain and the right of appeal

Electromagnetic modelling of planar rectangular waveguide resonator structures

Influence of cluster formation: viscosity of concentrated emulsions

Waveguide resonators in planar form for oscillator and filter applications

On fast domain decomposition solving procedures for hp-discretizations of 3-d elliptic problems

Internationalisation of computer science curricula leading to increased uptake by female students

Intuitionistic fuzzy relational databases

Evolutionary computing techniques for diagnosis of urinary tract infections in vivo, using gas sensors

Light rail and the London underground

Segregated authority: first-line manager roles in single gender reporting lines

Ditch-dragging and bridge-building: working towards interdisciplinarity in women's entrpreneurship research

Enhancing stocks of European eal Anguilla anguilla to benefit bittern, Botaurus stellaris

Evaluation of lone parent adviser meetings: interim findings from administrative data analysis

Labour market policy and macro-economic job search impacts

Web services and grid computing for e-business applications

Assessing the impact of new technology in sports annotation

Qualitative sociology: science and empathy

The Iran-American relations (1941- 1953): from obscurity in 1941 to the American domination in 1953

A process comparison between production of antibody fragments in E. coli and in Aspergillus awamori

Is anybody listening?

Computer-applications in music research

Reflets dans "le miroir ebloui": Tardieu, Bazaine, Hartung

Global civil society? Contemporary political theory

Families and children 2001: work and childcare

Patterns in woody vegetation along the active zone of a near-natural Alpine river

Simplifying syntactic and semantic parsing of NL-based queries in advanced application domains

Demonstration of P-GRADE job-mode for the Grid

Experiences of revalidating the undergraduate and postgraduate courses within the information systems curricula at University of Westminster, UK

Experiences of revalidating the undergraduate and postgraduate courses within the information systems curricula at University of Westminster, UK

Cross cultural Web design: an experience of developing UK and Korean cultural markers

Zwischen politikberatung und offentlichkeitdiskurs: erfahrungen mit burgerkonferenzen in Europa

Transport survey quality and innovation

Developing standards of transport survey quality

The 'Civilising Cities' initiative, an overview: 1999-2002

Summary and future directions

Acceptability of road user charging: meeting the challenge

Use of the first order Wiener kernal transform in the evaluation of SQRIn and PIC quality metrics for JPEG compression

Fascin, an actin-bundling protein, modulates colonic epithelial cell invasiveness and differentiation in vitro

Casinos inside out

Characterisation and regulation of the human sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter isoforms (h SVCT1 and h SVCT2) in mammalian cells by hypoxia

Differential targetting of the human sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters (h SVCT1 and h SVCT2) and their regulation by hypoxia

Modelling and application of contrast enhancement of visually indistinct colours using simple single band image capture techniques

Year zero

Proofing rural lifelong learning

Development and application of key performance indicators for retail home delivery operations: phase one

The impact of information and communications technology on quality management

An open interface for parallelization of traffic simulation

Memory and learning in young adults with hydrocephalus and spina bifida: specific cognitive profiles

The influence of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi on K-feldspar dissolution

The screaming abdabs

Bronze pebbles, stationary mobile, black towers

Disabled people and labour market disadvantage: evolving opportunites, evolving barriers?

Stress and the immune system

Community care system design and development with AUML

Efficiency measurement for UK airports: an application of data envelopment analysis

Palestinian women negotiate violent conflict

Design and its management in the service sector: updating the standard

Managing new services in Sri Lanka

Broadcasting the audience: radio therapeutic discourse and implied listeners

Assembling the soul: self and media consumption in alternative spirituality

Training for entrepreneurship

Integration of discrete-event simulation and knowledge management; benefits and the way forward

What causes value to be created when it did not exist before?: a research model for value creation

A research model for collaborative value creation from intellectual capital

Intelligent agents for knowledge management in e-commerce: opportunities and challenges

Knowledge management and e-commerce: issues and opportunities

Women and the practice of architecture in eighteenth-century France

Peter Collins and architectural education

Marie Dormoy and the architectural conversation

Regulatory models for broadcasting in Africa

TV audiences and everyday life (British Film Institute audience tracking study)

Television's prehistory: radio

Speaking to Middle England: Radio Four and its listeners

Fungi on Lundy

Blended learning for computer science education: a conceptual framework and a case study

Communication protocols for online learning: groupwork and dialogues in discussion forums

Mathematical modelling: how and why

London: a guide to recent architecture. 6th updated edition

The sailing Navy

The expedition to Lorient, 1746

The Merchant Navy

The East India Company

The Darien Scheme

Seapower and naval warfare, 1650-1830

The incidence of youth unemployment in urban Ethiopia

The earnings effect of job displacement

Using historical data in fluvial geomorphology

European cinema: inside out images of the self and the other in postcolonial European cinema

Impairment of spatial cognitive function with preservation of verbal performance during spatial disorientation

Large scale social experimentation in Britain: what can and cannot be learnt from the Employment Retention and Advancement demonstration

Researching the Turkish state

Managing airports: an international perspective. 2nd edition

Airports and tourism

Ridged waveguide manifold multiplexers with improved performance

Compact ridged waveguide filters with improved stopband performance

Using clusters for traffic simulation

Urban traffic simulation based on cluster computing

Simulation of urban transport based on cluster computing

Factors that influence voluntary and involuntary retirement

Towers of wind: WaG architecture

Public/private pedestrianship: towards a critical experientialism of the inhabitable image

On the romanticism of immersive technological environments

InterSpace: a proposal for a communicative prosthetic space

Hypothalamic neuropeptides and regulation of fat mass in Prader-Willi syndrome

Motion sickness and tilts of the inertial force environment: active suspension systems vs. active passengers

Generalized net representing of fuzzy-timing high-level petri nets

A Generalized net, representing the functioning and the results of the work of Fuzzy Petri Nets

The language of French orientalist painting

Generalized net with partial batch token movement

Comfort, confidence and confidentiality: the experiences of two e-learners

Architecture's urban shine and brutal reality

Is there a global sports law?

Spirit Icing

Of course she jumped

Reduction in stillbirth and IUGR with aspirin +/- low molecular weight heparin treatment in pregnancy

The language of liberation: gender and jiefang in early Chinese Communist Party discourse

Degradation of chlorophenols by ligninolytic fungi

Building capacity for community asset management: final report

Morphological and LSU rDNA sequence variation within the Gonyaulax spinifera-Spiniferites group (Dinophyceae) and proposal of G. elongata comb. Nov. and G. membranacea comb. Nov.

Forest stewardship audit

Risk and creativity in advertising

A museum-specific retail marketing mix model

A consumer buying behaviour model for retail within museums

Democracy and the Islamist paradox

The elusive reformation

What is liberal Islam? The elusive reformation

Examining the limits to flexibility in Africa

Managing new services in Sri Lanka

Black and minority ethnic representation in planning: a baseline study

Mapping industrial marketing knowledge: a study of an IMP conference

Intelligent Street

Stages of mourning

Smartsound: a framework for multi-user sound interaction

Intelligent street


Food safety and consumers: constructions of choice and risk

GISMoE: a graph-based information system modelling environment

Employment group seminar: refreshment samples, matching and attrition bias

Addressing learner diversity by promoting flexibility in e-learning environments

Learning behaviour patterns of classroom and distance students using flexible learning resources

Software defined radio: architectures, systems and functions

Education and skills mismatch in the Italian graduate labour market

The impact of research and teaching quality on the employment outcomes of postgraduates

Gli effetti del ciclo economico sull'incidenza di poverta: l'esperienza dell'Italia tra il 1980 e il 1997

Equality of opportunity in Italian university education: is there any role for social welfare spending?

New stone architecture

Souvenir Bangkok: holiday snapshots from a city on the move (picture essay)

Working with refugees and survivors of trauma in a day hospital setting: field report

Boom or bust? The future of the low-cost airlines in Europe

Market segmentation and customer knowledge for shopping centres

Reconfigurable implementation of recursive DCT kernels for reduced quantization noise

Design guidelines for reconfigurable multiplier blocks

Innovations: a course in natural English. Upper-intermediate. 2nd edition [Teachers' book]

Innovations: a course in natural English. Upper-intermediate. 2nd edition [Coursebook]


Phoenix from the ashes?: Labor-management partnerships in Britain

Late-Holocene North Atlantic climate ‘seesaws’, storminess changes and Greenland ice sheet (GISP2) palaeoclimates

Business travel: conferences, incentive travel, exhibitions, corporate hospitality and corporate travel

Linger longer: how business visitors can be encouraged to extend their visits for leisure purposes

Enhancing the quality of experience of the business visitor

Adding pleasure to business: conventions and tourism

Re-territorialising and re-centering empires: the connivance of law and geography

Simulation modelling as the link between change management approaches

A time for dissonance and noise: on Adorno, music and the concept of modernism

A question of tomorrow: Blanchot, surrealism and the time of the fragment

Ex minimis: Greenberg, modernism and Beckett's three dialogues

A woman's place...Employment and family life for men and women

End coupled thick microstrip resonators with periodical slot loading

Design of thick film microstrip lowpass filters

Seeding a community of interest: the experience of the knowledge library project

Intelligent fault tolerant architecture for cluster computing: a high level overview

Intelligent architecture for automatic resource allocation in computer clusters

Improving quality of service in application clusters

Cluster infrastructure for biological and health related research

Autonomous agents-based security infrastructure

Agent-based service management in large datacentres and grids

Start up and motivation factors in the UK, African and Caribbean SME's: an exploratory study

The definition of indirect race discrimination and subjective employment practices

A comparison of negative correlates of computer game play in the UK and Japanese adolescents

Working Families' Tax Credit and Disabled Person's Tax Credit: a survey of employers

Educating the reflective practitioner: graduates in practice

Managing and leveraging knowledge for organisational advantage

Knowledge management: a review

Knowledge creation and sharing mechanisms: from head to hands

Developing knowledge for customer management: study of managing information in the developing world

Visualising speciation in models of cichlid fish

Plausible roles for social learning in the speciation and evolution of cichlid fish

Plausible roles for social and individual learning in the speciation and evolution of cichlid fish

Multi-agent simulations of evolution and speciation of cichlid fish

EU enlargement: construction labour relations as a pilot

Minority ethnic groups in High Wycombe and the Probation Service: phase 2 report of a Connecting Communities project

Suburban century: social change and urban growth in England and the USA

‘Ni ville ni campagne: le banlieu et l’evolution sociale en Angleterre depuis 1945’ / 'Neither town nor country: suburbanisation and social change in postwar England’

The Ford Foundation and the Centre for Environmental Studies

Right of guaranteeing associations to contest customs claim to enforce Tir Guarantees

The New Trans Atlantic Conference Agreement: an evaluation of liner conferences under threat

GEHA Naftiliaki EPE and Others v NPDD Limeniko Tamio Dodekanisou. Case C-435/00, ECJ, 14 November 2002. Harbour dues and the freedom to provide services

Editorial: Recent EU Commission activities in maritime andtrade law

DuPont Teijin Films Luxembourg SA and Others v Commission. Case T-113/00 [2002] ECJ CELEX 3127. How should the EU System of Generalised Tariff Preferences (`GSP') Regime on Withdrawals be applied?

Documentary sanctity in international trade: R (Greenpeace Limited) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Documentary credits and illegality in the underlying transaction. Mahonia Limited v J P Morgan Chase Bank

Documentary credit - principle of autonomy - derogation. Sirius International Insurance Co Ltd v FAI General Insurance. [2003] EWCA Civ 470, English Court of Appeal, 4 April 2003

Compulsory guarantees under the Tir Convention: a 'civil and commercial' matter under the Brussels regulation?

Commodity forward contract and regulated investment business. CR Sugar Trading Ltd v China National Sugar & Alcohol Group Corp

Claim against liner conferences for damages for anti-competitive practices. Yeheskel Arkin v Borchard Lines Ltd & Others

Data warehouses-TOLAP-decision making

Temporal modelling in flexible workflow based environments

Evidence law in England and Wales: the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998

The typology of INT sentence type in Modern Greek

Purification and biochemical properties of a galactooligosaccharide producing β-galactosidase from bullera singularis

The shifting patterns of China's television sector and ideological debates amid the WTO entry

The nation-state in a globalizing media environment: China's regulatory policies on transborder TV drama flow

Assessment of in vitro phagocytosis of immune complexes containing native molecules of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and mutant sera

Immunogenicity and cross-reactivity of a novel mutant recombinant hCGb-protein

Performance of an adaptive homodyne receiver in the presence of multipath, Rayleigh-fading and time-varying quadrature errors

Unsupervised low-complexity signal processing techniques for wireless receivers

Roles and relationships: Dean Acheson, “British decline” and post-war Anglo-American relations

Conclusions: The ironies of “successful failure"

Safety in numbness: some remarks on problems of 'late photography'

Almost the same thing: some thoughts on the collector-photographer

Venous thromboembolism and the –455G/A β-fibrinogen gene polymorphism

–455G/A β-fibrinogen gene polymorphism and venous thromboembolism

2002/03 Student income and expenditure survey: students' income, expenditure and debt in 2002/03 and changes since 1998/99

Using public consultation in developing Edinburgh's congestion-charging-based transport strategy

FPGA circuits for a Monte-Carlo based matrix inversion architecture

An average-case classifier algorithm and FPGA implementation

Pullpipelining: a technique for systolic pipelined circuits

Power performance with gated clocks of a pipelined Cordic core

Project Oracle: the development of a web-based learning resource for construction modules

Linearization of multichannel amplifiers with the injection of second harmonics into the amplifier and predistortion circuit

Internet-based questionnaire assessment: Appropriate use in clinical contexts

Profiling benefit claimants in Britain: a feasibility study

Working with dinosaurs?: Union effectiveness in delivering for employees

Employee Desire for Unionisation in Britain and its Implications for Union Organising

City logistics: the continuing search for sustainable solution

Retail home delivery operations

Sustainable urban distribution: evaluating policy measures

Developments in Western European logistics strategies

Sterling stuff

Between the dog and the wolf

Structure/function of N-glycans

Remaking Johannesburg (German translation)

An online course for marketing research (15 units)

SPSS for psychologists: a guide to data analysis using SPSS for Windows (versions 9, 10 and 11). 2nd edition

Intelligent interfaces for educational sites: an analysis of the cognitive stage of 'explanation'

Business process renovation using discrete-event simulation and workflow management

The impact of adult basic skills pathfinder extension activities: stage 2 of the evaluation

A clausal resolution for extended computation tree logic ECTL

Triste fim de policarpo quaresma, or the sad end of party politics in belle epoque Brazil

Manuel Puig: the exploitation and subversion of stereotypes

Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan: survey of the architectural and archaeological heritage (IRPP/SAAH): regional programme for cultural and natural heritage in South-East Europe: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Measurement of dissociation constants of inhibitors binding to Src SH2 domain protein by non-covalent electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

Reaction of (C-(6-aminomethyl-pyridin-2-yl)methylamine)chloroplatinum(II) with nucleosides and its biological activity

How chemistry brought me to the life-sciences interface

Computational parsing of melody (Cpm): Interface enhancing the creative process during the production of music

An initial attempt at validating the alpha metric

Acupuncture in the West keynote debate

Perceptibility and acceptability of gamma differences of displayed sRGB images

What do unions do for women?

COTS software quality evaluation

Leadership development: matching the process with desired outcomes through work-based learning

Job rotation: its role in promoting learning in organizations

Developmental coaching: rejecting the remedial approach

Interest versus non-interest banking model

Designing Community Care Systems with AUML

An agent-based architecture for managing the provision of community care: the INCA (Intelligent Community Alarm) experience

Using agents to promote effective co-ordination in a community care environment

Do policies change practices?: ethnic minorities in the Netherlands and the UK

Gender and ethnic segregation in the British labour market: marginalisation and inclusion

Supporting minority ethnic families: South Asian Hindus and Muslims in Britain: developments in family support

Fotografie und der koloniale blick [Photography and colonial vision]

Art, education, photography

Unpacking interprofessional education

Interprofessional issues in work-based learning

Evaluating interprofessional education

How to achieve accountability for OFCOM

Reality monitoring and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease

Working with interpreters and translators in qualitative research: issues of quality and equality

Making second chances work : final report from the Qualitative Evaluation of Adult Basic Skills Pathfinder Extension Activities

Implementing RBAC policies in PL/SQL

An intelligent teaching tool for CRAS property satisfaction

An e-learning tool for understanding schedule properties

Extended protected databases: a practical implementation

The resources of unrepresentability: a Lacanian glimpse of Beckett's three dialogues

Studying legal texts: introduction to section three

Studying legal cultures: introduction to section five

Structural approaches: introduction to section four

Socio-legal research in the UK: introduction to section six

Law, sociology and method


Ethnography and law: introduction to section two

Studying cases empirically: a sociological method for studying discrimination cases in Sweden

Merging law and sociology: beyond the dichotomies in socio-legal research

Global London: where to find almost everything ethnic and cultural in the multilingual capital

Quelques cas de réanalyse et de grammaticalisation dans l’évolution du créole mauricien

Reduplication in the Gulf of Guinea Creoles

A short note on reduplication in early Pacific Pidgin Englishes

Reduplication in Mauritian Creole, with notes on reduplication in Reunion Creole

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The rhetoric of equality and the problem of heterosexuality

Hair the Show

Learning cardinal vowels

Human rights: a bottom line issue?: Some observations on the future of corporate involvement in human rights

A dynamic model for delivering distance learning material via interactive television

Urban Logistics - How can it meet policy makers sustainability objectives?

A contemporary story of "diaspora": the Tibetan version

Designing organisational memory in knowledge intensive companies: a case study

Factors that cause value creation from IC

Managing knowledge in business requirements identification

Modelling policy measures and company initiatives for sustainable urban distribution

Best practice handbook year 3: road pricing and urban freight transport, and urban freight platforms

Developing collaborative team working while teaching very large groups

Training skills for library staff

Learning and developing through virtual group work

Developing library staff through work-based learning

Book review: Marketing concepts for libraries and information services (2nd ed.)

South Asian women and employment in Britain: the interaction of gender and ethnicity

The television studies reader

Stripping Las Vegas: a contextual review of casino resort architecture

Performance analysis and grid computing: selected articles from the Workshop on Performance Analysis and Distributed Computing, August 19-23, 2002, Dagstuhl, Germany

New frontiers in human resource development

The Macmillan Diaries: The Cabinet Years 1950 - 1957

Leadership in context

Knowledge management : current issues and challenges

Knowledge and business process management

International relations at LSE: a history of 75 years

Emerging Johannesburg: perspectives on the post-apartheid city

Cybersonica '03: proceedings of the CREAM Symposium

Controversies in analytical psychology

Controversies in analytical psychology

Cedric Price: opera

British cinema of the 1950s: the decline of deference

Art and photography

Art and photography

Appraisal pitfalls and the training implications: part 2

Unifying agent systems

Letters to the editor: 1H MR spectroscopy in the evaluation of the severity of chronic liver disease

The structural brain correlates of neurological soft signs in ÆSOP first-episode psychoses study

An investigation into asymmetrical cortical regulation of salivary S-IgA in conscious man using transcranial magnetic stimulation

Virtual conferences for graphology

Skills are not enough: the case for journalism as an academic discipline

Influence of undersampling on magnetic resonance imaging measurements of intra-abdominal adipose tissue

Book review: McCance and Widdowson's the composition of foods - sixth summary edition

Carbohydrate-induced manipulation of insulin sensitivity independently of intramyocellular lipids

Public, private and the media

Human metabolic syndrome resulting from dominant-negative mutations in the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ

Book review: Sexualities and popular culture

Book review: Mental health of Indian women: a feminist agenda by Bhargavi V. Davar

Book review: Cultures under siege: collective violence and trauma’ by Antonius C.G. Robben and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco (Eds)

Great aspirations and conventional repertoires: Chinese regional television journalists and their work

A review of published research on low frequency noise and its effects

'High-performance' management practices, working hours and work-life balance

Parkinson's disorder, psychomotor problems and dopaminergic neurotoxicity in recreational ecstasy/MDMA users

Effects of alcohol on subjective ratings of prospective and everyday memory deficits

Book review: Neil Leach, The hieroglyphics of space: reading and experiencing the modern metropolis

Book review: J. C. CATFORD A Practical Introduction to Phonetics (2nd edn.). Oxford: Oxford University Press 2001. Pp xiii + 229. ISBN 0-19-924635-1

Risk and creativity in advertising

Power, discursive space and institutional practices in the construction of housing problems

Proteome analysis enables separate clustering of normal breast, benign breast and breast cancer tissues

Privileged or exploited council tenants?: The discursive change in Conservative housing policy from 1972 to 1980

Nutrient intakes of middle-aged men and women in China, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States in the late 1990s: the INTERMAP study

Book review: Covington, Coline; Williams, Paul; Arundale, Jean & Knox, Jean (Eds.). Terrorism and war: unconscious dynamics of political violence. London & New York: Karnac Books, 2002. pp. xviii + 435. Pbk. £19.99.

Higher blood pressure in middle-aged American adults with less education - role of multiple dietary factors: the INTERMAP study

Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase activity modulates ADMA levels, VEGF expression, and cell phenotype

Barriers to the sustainable development of electrical energy in the industrialised nations | Barrières au développement durable de l'énergie électrique dans les pays industrialisés

Book review: Democratic phoenix: reinventing political activism

Kings without crowns? The re-emergence of investigative journalism in China

Zeljko Boskovic, On the nature of the syntax-phonology interface: cliticization and related phenomena (North-Holland Linguistic Series: Linguistic Variations Volume 60). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001. Pp. ix+328.

The Journalist in China: looking to the past for inspiration

Patterns of drug use and the influence of gender on self-reports of memory ability in ecstasy users: A web-based study

US economic development and the growth of government

Challenging (and acting for) the president: congressional leadership in an era of partisan polarization

Photography and surrealism: sexuality, colonialism and social dissent

Effects of nighttime low frequency noise on the cortisol response to awakening and subjective sleep quality

The archive hour, Radio 4, 11th January 2003 and 14th July 2001

Dose- and sex-dependent effects of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine on the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway of adult rats: differential actions of estrogen in males and females

Don't mess with Mies

Elicitation of plants and microbial cell systems

Paradoxical association between the 316 Trp to Ser beta 2-glycoprotein I (Beta2GPI) polymorphism and anti-Beta2GPI antibodies

Self-inflicted deaths of women in custody

Aberrant inflammation and resistance to glucocorticoids in annexin 1-/- mouse

Urinary levels of creatine and other metabolites in the assessment of polymyositis and dermatomyositis

Peptides for use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Bursting the dot.com "bubble': a case study in investor behaviour

Extended review of Feilden Clegg Bradley: Persistence Works, Sheffield

Integrating technology into a traditional learning environment: reasons for and risks of success

Freedom of expression, accountability and development in the Arab region

Implied option prices from the continuous time CKLS interest rate model: an application to the UK

Short cuts to safety: risk and 'rules of thumb' in accounts of food choice

Redundancy of a Functional Melanocortin 1 Receptor in the Anti-inflammatory actions of melanocortin peptides: studies in the recessive yellow (e/e) mouse suggest an important role for melanocortin 3 receptor

Changing suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus loads and pathways in underdrained lowland agricultural catchments; Herefordshire and Worcestershire, U.K.

Components of the diurnal cortisol cycle in relation to upper respiratory symptoms and perceived stress

The development and use of the UK environmental futures scenarios: perspectives from cultural theory

The nation-state in a globalising media environment: China’s regulatory policies on transnational television drama flow

Lack of association of β2-glycoprotein I polymorphisms Val247Leu and Trp316Ser with antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with thrombosis and pregnancy complications

Perlongher, poetics and transvestism

The separation

Tracing ingestion of 'novel' foods in UK diets for possible health surveillance: a feasibility study

Chairing: developing a key skill

The use of hepatitis B core antigen particles as a presentation scaffold for a peptide-based contraceptive vaccine

Incentives and disincentives to city-regional cooperation in the Berlin-Brandenburg conurbation

The attack on the Altmark: a case study in wartime propaganda

Hygiene: the art of public health

Design of asymmetrical RF and microwave bandpass filters by computer optimization

Management development and social enterprise: making a difference

5-Aminolevulinic acid synthase: mechanism, mutations and medicine


Effect of breathing supplemental oxygen on motion sickness in healthy adults

'Unsafe' convictions: defining and compensating miscarriages of justice

Light, vision and the welfare of poultry

Clinical training in complementary therapies for the 21st century

Palestinian women, violence, and the peace process

Business process modelling: potential benefits and obstacles for wider use

DNA Museum

Return on investment in corporate events

Temporal–spatial characterization of chicken clock genes: circadian expression in retina, pineal gland, and peripheral tissues

The prevalence and predictors of psychological distress in men with prostate cancer who are seeking support

A preliminary investigation into quality of life, psychological distress and social competence in children with Cloacal Exstrophy

Browning's apology: Robert Browning, Wordsworth, and William Knight

Complementary medicine: evidence base, competence to practice and regulation

Measurement of cardiac troponin I in striated muscle using three experimental methods

The IPCC emission scenarios: an economic-statistical critique

'Front-loaded' vocational education versus lifelong learning: a critique of current UK government policy

Self-employed workers: calling the shots or hesitant independents?: A consideration of the trends

Inflation and capacity constraints in Australian manufacturing industry

Enhancing data on nutrient composition of foods eaten by participants in the INTERMAP study in China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States

Avoid strangling new ideas

Effects of organic enrichment of mine spoil on growth and nutrient uptake in oak seedlings inoculated with selected ectomycorrhizal fungi

P-GRADE: a grid programming environment

The impact of information and communications technology on managerial practices: the use of codes of conduct

Employee evaluations of company occupational pensions: HR implications

Novel periodically loaded E-plane filters

Embedded intelligent music - or iHiFi the intelligent HiFi


New rights for old? Cosmopolitan citizenship and the critique of state sovereignty

The beginnings of Germany's federal constitutional court

Evita hablar de la politica!: multiple critical readings of Nestor Perlongher's Evita vive (en cada hotel organizado)

The interpersonal: a route towards misperception and failed resolution for low frequency noise complaints

The congressional elections in Argentina, 2001

Cybersonica: sound and music challenging digital systems and arts

Three-dimensional coplanar waveguide lowpass filters for MMIC applications

Summer notes

Trends in social capital: membership of associations in Great Britain, 1991-98

De wet betreffende ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht in theorie en praktijk

Central orexin A has site-specific effects on luteinizing hormone release in female rats

Assessment of indications in interventional cardiology: appropriateness and necessity of coronary angiography and revascularization

Antimicrobial action of palmarosa oil (Cymbopogon martinii) on Saccharomyces cerevisiae

To philosophise with a hammer

Evaluating and implementing transport measures in a wider policy context: the 'Civilising Cities' initiative

Insurability and sustainability: technology policy and the role of the private sector

Environmental management systems and company performance: assessing the case for extending risk-based regulation

What's old in marketing (research)

Conflictos intimos en el alma de los descendientes de los conversos en los siglos XVII y XVIII

Effective projects and partnerships

A review of the possible impacts of long-term oceanic and climate changes and fishing mortality on recruitment of anguillid eels of the Northern Hemisphere

Economics, emissions scenarios and the work of the IPCC

Improvement in second harmonics linearization technique for multichannel amplifiers

"Most useful": a rapid qualitative approach to mapping young peoples issues and programs in Vietnam

Environmental change. Communicating the issues. Broadcasters' role in achieving sustainable development

An empirical comparison of interest rates using an interest rate model and nonparametric methods

Working towards integrated healthcare: developing complementary therapies at the University of Westminster

Dissection of the anti-inflammatory effect of the core and C-terminal (KPV) alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone peptides

Investigation of the relationship between social isolation, self-esteem, aggression and computer game play in Japanese adolescents

The state of construction training and employment in the local economy of Jersey

Suppression of sickness by controlled breathing during mildly nauseogenic motion

At the edge of my-self

The Tagliamento River: a model ecosystem of European importance

Sexual harassment in the workplace: a feminist analysis of recent developments in the UK

Isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae-specific antibodies from a phage display library

Analysis of the DNA joining repertoire of Chlorella virus DNA ligase and a new crystal structure of the ligase-adenylate intermediate

A note on Gaussian estimation of the CKLS and CIR models with feedback effects for Japan

Testing for common cycles in money, nominal income and prices

Sediment sources and transport pathways in a rural catchment, Herefordshire, UK

Bioinformatics in the identification of glycosidase genes in the Chlamydia genome

Phage display antibody against gill proteins of the tropical clam

Dispelling a myth?: Second homes in rural Wales

Classifying the hydraulic performance of riffle-pool bedforms for habitat assessment and river rehabilitation design

International marketing of British education: research on the students' perception and the UK market penetration

INTERMAP: the dietary data - process and quality control

Understanding nurturing practices: a comparison of the use of strategies likely to enhance self-esteem in nurture groups and normal classrooms

Incidence and prognostic significance of C-MPL expression in acute myeloid leukemia

Agenda for a feminist legal curriculum

Regulation for survival: training and skills in the construction labour market in Jersey, Channel Islands

Daniel Deronda, a missed opportunity?

Developing a learning community into a community of practice

Kava Lactones and the kava-kava controversy

Educating for reflective practice

Heart valve and arterial tissue engineering

Human papillomavirus: an overview

An exploration of clinical teaching using a reflective method with adult students

Speech and non-speech processing in hemispherectomised children: an event-related potential study

A novel yeast expression system for the overproduction of quality-controlled membrane proteins

Household chores and child health: preliminary evidence from six countries. UCW Working Papers

Intergenerational mobility and occupational status in Italy

N-acetyl aspartate estimation: a potential method for determining neuronal loss in the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

T:G mismatch-specific thymine-DNA glycosylase potentiates transcription of estrogen-regulated genes through direct interaction with estrogen receptor α

Creating high performance boardrooms and workplaces - European corporate governance in the 21st Century

One or several betrayals?: Or, when is betrayal treason? Genet, Arlt and the Argentine liberal project

Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping for the Basaltic aquifer of the Azraq basin of Jordan using GIS, Remote sensing and DRASTIC

The globalisation tapes

Soundtrack to Bollywood Queen, film director Jeremy Wooding.

Changes in the fine sediment dynamics of the Ouse and Tweed basins in the UK over the last 100-150 years

The suspension of suspension: settling for the improbable

Automating negotiation for m-services

Radically reconstituting the subject: social theory and human nature

Ill-health reported by schoolchildren during questionnaire surveys in Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania

Lactoferrin: a multifunctional protein with antimicrobial properties

Ngram and bayesian classification of documents for topic and authorship

Patterns of self-harm and attempted suicide among white and black/mixed race female prisoners

Voyage au bout de la bande: le "feature", un art radiophonique britannique, France Culture, 9th November 2003: interview on a history of avante-garde expreiments on the BBC

Rapid S-nitrosothiol metabolism by platelets and megakaryocytes

Hard boys, attractive girls: expressions of gender in young people's conversations on smoking in Northern Ireland

Appraisal pitfalls and the training implications: part 1

Conventional submarine building at Scott's of Greenock, 1912-1984: with special reference to Australia

The role of antigen in the selection of the human V3-23 immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region gene

The internet: a challenge to public service broadcasting?

Separate and combined effects of scopolamine and nicotine on retrieval-induced forgetting

An interoperable, graphical environment for the capturing of medical information

From data to knowledge in e-health applications: an integrated system for medical information modelling and retrieval

Sediment and phosphorus delivery from field to river via land drains in England and Wales. A risk assessment using field and national databases

La dette: les 'Tirailleurs sénégalais' pendant la Première Guerre mondiale ou le destin de ceux qui viennent d'ailleurs

Comparison of Wpeak and the ventilation threshold from two different incremental exercise tests: relationship to endurance performance

Local strategic partnerships in England: the continuing search for collaborative advantage, leadership and strategy in urban governance

The role of heterotrophic bacteria in feldspar dissolution: an experimental approach

Double identity

Leading from the front may mean asking questions, not issuing instructions: how can leadership research convert to a Masters degree?