Social Sciences

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HeadMr Alan Porter
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Book review: Inside the Brotherhood

Book review

Jouai, E. 2015. Book review: Inside the Brotherhood. Revue Internationale des Etudes du Developpement. 2015/2 (222), pp. 161-184.

Aberrant Function of Learning and Cognitive Control Networks Underlie Inefficient Cognitive Flexibility in Anorexia Nervosa: A Cross-Sectional fMRI Study

Journal article

Lao-Kaim, N.P., Fonville, L., Giampietro, V., Williams, S.C.R., Simmons, A and Tchanturia, K 2015. Aberrant Function of Learning and Cognitive Control Networks Underlie Inefficient Cognitive Flexibility in Anorexia Nervosa: A Cross-Sectional fMRI Study. PLoS ONE. 10 (5) e0124027.

Psychotic experiences, working memory, and the developing brain: a multimodal neuroimaging study


Fonville, L., Kadosh, K.C., Drakesmith, M., Dutt, A, Zammit, S., Mollon, J., Reichenberg, A., Lewis, G., Jones, D.K. and David, A.S. 2015. Psychotic experiences, working memory, and the developing brain: a multimodal neuroimaging study. Cerebral Cortex. 25 (12), pp. 4828-4838.

Involve, Improve, Inspire: Evaluation of a Learner Voice programme piloted in eight prisons to develop rehabilitative cultures

Project report

Auty, K., Bennallick, M., Taylor, M. and Champion, N. 2015. Involve, Improve, Inspire: Evaluation of a Learner Voice programme piloted in eight prisons to develop rehabilitative cultures. Prisoners' Education Trust.

Women, Islam and War in Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories

Book chapter

Holt, M.C. 2015. Women, Islam and War in Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories. in: Kendall, E. and Stein, E. (ed.) Twenty-First Century Jihad: Law, Society and Military Action London & New York I.B. Tauris. pp. 216-232

Stories of Identity and Resistance: Palestinian Women outside the Homeland

Book chapter

Holt, M.C. 2015. Stories of Identity and Resistance: Palestinian Women outside the Homeland. in: Gorman, A. and Kasbarian, S. (ed.) Diasporas of the Modern Middle East: Contextualizing Community Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press. pp. 212-238

Resistance narratives: Palestinian women, Islam and insecurity

Book chapter

Holt, M.C. 2015. Resistance narratives: Palestinian women, Islam and insecurity. in: El-Affendi, A.A. (ed.) Genocidal Nightmares: Narratives of Insecurity and the Logic of Mass Atrocities New York and London Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 153-170

An 'Invented People': Palestinian Refugee Women and Meanings of Home


Holt, M.C. 2015. An 'Invented People': Palestinian Refugee Women and Meanings of Home. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. 14 (2), pp. 452-460.

State Capitalism and the Politics of Resources

Book chapter

Ostrowski, W. 2015. State Capitalism and the Politics of Resources. in: Belyi, A.V. and Talus, K. (ed.) States and Markets in Hydrocarbon Sectors Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 83-102

Learning Futures: Designing a module to increase student participation

Conference poster

Ryder, K. 2015. Learning Futures: Designing a module to increase student participation. International Conference on Teaching of Psychology. Vancouver BC Canada 23 - 25 Jul 2015

Social Representations of Threatening Phenomena: The Self-Other Thema and Identity Protection


Smith, N., O'Connor, C. and Joffe, H. 2015. Social Representations of Threatening Phenomena: The Self-Other Thema and Identity Protection. Papers on Social Representations. 24 (2), pp. 1.1-1.23.

Scent Trails: The challenge of Countering Terrorism Through Intelligent Surveillance

Book chapter

Sandham, A., Ormerod, T.C., Dando, C.J. and Menacere, T. 2015. Scent Trails: The challenge of Countering Terrorism Through Intelligent Surveillance. in: Stedmon, A. and Lawson, G. (ed.) Hostile Intent and Counter-Terrorism: Human Factors Theory and Application London Routledge. pp. 129-149

The Promise of Global Transparency

Book chapter

Fluck, M. 2015. The Promise of Global Transparency. in: Azmanova, A. and Mihai, M. (ed.) Reclaiming Democracy: Judgment, Responsibility, and the Right to Politics London Routledge. pp. 144-162

Maternal postnatal depression predicts altered offspring biological stress reactivity in adulthood

Journal article

Barry, T.J., Murray, L., Pasco Fearon, R.M., Moutsiana, C., Cooper, P., Goodyer, I.M., Herbert, J. and Halligan, S.L. 2015. Maternal postnatal depression predicts altered offspring biological stress reactivity in adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 52, pp. 251-260.

Insecure attachment during infancy predicts greater amygdala volumes in early adulthood

Journal article

Moutsiana, C., Johnstone, T., Murray, L., Fearon, P., Cooper, P.J., Pliatsikas, C., Goodyer, I. and Halligan, S.L. 2015. Insecure attachment during infancy predicts greater amygdala volumes in early adulthood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 56 (5).

The effect of flavanol-rich cocoa on cerebral perfusion in healthy older adults during conscious resting state: a placebo controlled, crossover, acute trial


Lamport, D.J., Pal, D., Moutsiana, C., Field, D.T., Williams, C.M., Spencer, J.P.E. and Butler, L.T. 2015. The effect of flavanol-rich cocoa on cerebral perfusion in healthy older adults during conscious resting state: a placebo controlled, crossover, acute trial. Psychopharmacology. 232 (17), p. 3227–3234.

Human Frontal–Subcortical Circuit and Asymmetric Belief Updating

Journal article

Moutsiana, C., Charpentier, C.J., Garrett, N., Cohen, M.X. and Sharot, T. 2015. Human Frontal–Subcortical Circuit and Asymmetric Belief Updating. Journal of Neuroscience. 35 (42), pp. 14077-14085.

Self esteem and self agency in first episode psychosis: Ethnic variation and relationship with clinical presentation


Ciufolini, S., Morgan, C., Morgan, K.D., Fearon, P., Boydell, J., Hutchinson, G., Demjaha, A., Girardi, P., Doody, G.A., Jones, P.B., Murray, R.M. and Dazzan, P. 2015. Self esteem and self agency in first episode psychosis: Ethnic variation and relationship with clinical presentation. Psychiatry Research. 227 (2-3), pp. 213-218.

Gender differences in the association between childhood physical and sexual abuse, social support and psychosis


Gayer-Anderson, G., Fisher, H.L., Fearon, P., Hutchinson, G., Morgan, K.D., Dazzan, P., Boydell, J., Doody, G.A., Jones, P.B., Murray, R.M., Craig, T.K.J. and Morgan, C. 2015. Gender differences in the association between childhood physical and sexual abuse, social support and psychosis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 50 (10), pp. 1489-1500.

Do We Know What We’re Saying? The Roles of Attention and Sensory Information During Speech Production

Journal article

Meekings, S., Boebinger, D., Evans, S., Lima, C.F., Chen, S., Ostarek, M. and Scott, S.K. 2015. Do We Know What We’re Saying? The Roles of Attention and Sensory Information During Speech Production . Psychological Science. 26 (12), pp. 1975-1977.

Feel the noise: Relating individual differences in auditory imagery to the structure and function of sensorimotor systems

Journal article

Lima, C.F., Lavan, N., Evans, S., Agnew, Z., Halper, A.R., Shanmugalingam, P., Meekings, S., Boebinger, D., Ostarek, M., McGettigan, C., Warren, J.E. and Scott, S.K. 2015. Feel the noise: Relating individual differences in auditory imagery to the structure and function of sensorimotor systems. Cerebral Cortex. 25 (11), pp. 4638-4650.

Hierarchical organization of auditory and motor representations in speech perception: Evidence from searchlight similarity analysis

Journal article

Evans, S. and Davis, M.H. 2015. Hierarchical organization of auditory and motor representations in speech perception: Evidence from searchlight similarity analysis. Cerebral Cortex. 25 (12), pp. 4772-4788.

Musicians and non-musicians are equally adept at perceiving masked speech


Boebinger, D., Evans, S., Rosen, S., Lima, C.F., Manly, T. and Scott, S.K. 2015. Musicians and non-musicians are equally adept at perceiving masked speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 137 (1), pp. 378-387 378.

Research Findings published in ‘Truth about Youth: Issues relating to the media and to policing’. ARK Northern Ireland Policy Brief


Gordon, F. 2015. Research Findings published in ‘Truth about Youth: Issues relating to the media and to policing’. ARK Northern Ireland Policy Brief. OFMDFM, University of Ulster and Queen’s University Belfast.

Novel translations of the scientific subject: Clorinda Matto de Turner, Margarita Práxedes Muñoz, and the gendered shaping of discourses of desire in Nineteenth-Century Peru

Book chapter

Fraser, J. 2015. Novel translations of the scientific subject: Clorinda Matto de Turner, Margarita Práxedes Muñoz, and the gendered shaping of discourses of desire in Nineteenth-Century Peru. in: Bauer, H. (ed.) Sexology and Translation: Cultural and Scientific Encounters Across the Modern World, 1880-1930 Philadelphia Temple University. pp. 179-196

Queer desires and critical pedagogies in higher education: reflections on the transformative potential of non-normative learning desires in the classroom

Journal article

Fraser, J. and Lamble, S. 2015. Queer desires and critical pedagogies in higher education: reflections on the transformative potential of non-normative learning desires in the classroom. Journal of Feminist Scholarship . 7/8, pp. 61-77.

Con el ropaje de la novela’: Margarita Práxedes Muñoz’s La evolución de Paulina as an attempt to (re)negotiate literary forms and contest normative subjectivities

Journal article

Fraser, J. 2015. Con el ropaje de la novela’: Margarita Práxedes Muñoz’s La evolución de Paulina as an attempt to (re)negotiate literary forms and contest normative subjectivities. Journal of Romance Studies. 15 (1), pp. 91-110.

The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on daily cortisol secretion


Chellew, K., Evans, P., Fornes-Vives, J., Pérez, G. and Garcia-Banda, G. 2015. The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on daily cortisol secretion. Stress. 18 (5), pp. 538-544.

Effects of postural and voluntary muscle contraction on modulation of the soleus H reflex by transcranial magnetic stimulation


Guzman Lopez, J., Selvi, A., Solà-Valls, N., Casanova-Molla, J. and Valls-Solé, J. 2015. Effects of postural and voluntary muscle contraction on modulation of the soleus H reflex by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Experimental Brain Research. 233 (12), pp. 3425-3431.

Electrocortical therapy for motion sickness


Arshad, Q., Cerchiai, N., Goga, U., Nigmatullina, Y., Roberts, R.E., Casani, A.P., Golding, J.F., Gresty, M.A. and Bronstein, A.M. 2015. Electrocortical therapy for motion sickness. Neurology . 85 (14), pp. 1257-1259.​1212/​WNL.​0000000000001989

Exercise increases the dynamics of diurnal cortisol secretion and executive functionin people wiht MCI

Journal article

Tortosa-Martínez, J., Clow, A., Caus-Pertegaz, N., González-Caballero, G., Abellán-Miralles, I. and Saenz, M.J. 2015. Exercise increases the dynamics of diurnal cortisol secretion and executive functionin people wiht MCI. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. 23 (4), pp. 550-558.

Drawing to remember: Supporting child witnesses and victims with Autistic Spectrum Disorder to give ‘Best Evidence’


Matison, M. L., Dando, C.J. and Ormerod, T. C. 2015. Drawing to remember: Supporting child witnesses and victims with Autistic Spectrum Disorder to give ‘Best Evidence’. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45 (6), pp. 1751-1765.

Manufacturing consensus in a diverse field of scholarly opinions: a comment on Bushman, Gollwitzer, and Cruz


Ivory, J. D., Markey, P. M., Elson, M., Colwell, J., Ferguson, C.J., Savage, J., Griffiths, M. D. and Williams, K. D. 2015. Manufacturing consensus in a diverse field of scholarly opinions: a comment on Bushman, Gollwitzer, and Cruz. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 4 (3), pp. 222-229.

Finding a needle in a haystack: Towards a psychologically-informed method for aviation security screening

Journal article

Ormerod, T.C. and Dando, C.J. 2015. Finding a needle in a haystack: Towards a psychologically-informed method for aviation security screening. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 144 (1), p. 76–84.

Early intervention and evidence-based policy and practice: framing and taming


Edwards, R., Gillies, V. and Horsley, N. 2015. Early intervention and evidence-based policy and practice: framing and taming. Social Policy and Society. 15 (1), pp. 1-10.

Brain science and early years policy: Hopeful ethos or ‘cruel optimism’?

Journal article

Edwards, R., Gillies, V. and Horsley, N. 2015. Brain science and early years policy: Hopeful ethos or ‘cruel optimism’? Critical Social Policy. 35 (2), pp. 167-187.

Intelligence Interviewing: Synthetic Environments, Cognition and Cognitive Styles

Journal article

Dando, C.J. and Tranter, C.L. 2015. Intelligence Interviewing: Synthetic Environments, Cognition and Cognitive Styles. Investigative Interviewing: Research and Practice. 7 (2), pp. 43-51.

Atlas Men’s Well-being Programme: Evaluation Report

Project report

Cheshire, A. and Ridge, Damien T. 2015. Atlas Men’s Well-being Programme: Evaluation Report. London Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster.

Contesting postliberalism: governmentality or emancipation?


Chandler, D. and Richmond, O. 2015. Contesting postliberalism: governmentality or emancipation? Journal of International Relations and Development . 18 (1), pp. 1-24.

The R2P is Dead, Long Live the R2P: The Successful Separation of Military Intervention from the Responsibility to Protect’


Chandler, D. 2015. The R2P is Dead, Long Live the R2P: The Successful Separation of Military Intervention from the Responsibility to Protect’. International Peacekeeping. 22 (1), pp. 1-5.

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Flynn, Maria

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Fraser, Jennifer

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