Epidermal growth factor, neurotrophins and the metastatic cascade in prostate cancer
Fas/CD95 is associated with glucocorticoid-induced osteocyte apoptosis
Guide to receptors and channels. 1st edition (2005 revision)
The Two-Pore-Domain K+ Channels TREK-1 and TASK-3 Are Differentially Modulated by Copper and Zinc
Sources of entrepreneurial supply and embeddedness in Rural Cumbria
Entrepreneurial behaviour in rural contexts
Rural entrepreneurs in Russia and the Ukraine: Origins, motivations, and institutional change
Internationalization, strategic behavior, and the small firm: A comparative investigation
Determinants of altered adipose tissue deposition in preterm infants at term
Error Reduction in Medicine: Final report to the Nuffield Trust
Modulation of chemokine receptor expression on CLA+ T cells in atopic dermatitis
Selective depletion of activated T cells: the CD40L-specific antibody experience
Achieving Best Value in Social Housing Procurement
Achieving Best Value in Social Housing Procurement
Human Antibody Responses to the Plamodium vivax DBP
Review of Randal Holme, 2004, 'Mind, metaphor and language teaching'.
(Dis)possessing Literacy and Literature: Gourmandising in Gibsonbarlowville
A Mapping Study of Media Concentration and Ownership in Ten European Countries
Parenting and social capital: Accessing help and support from informal social networks
Wavelet-based estimation for seasonal long-memory processes
Wavelets and functional magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain
Identifying and tracking turbulence structures
Incumbency and the Disruptive Regulator: the Case of Electric Vehicles in California
Technology portfolio alignment commercialisation: an investigation of fuel cell patenting
Defining technology management: A citation/co-citation study
Inventive Concentration: An Analysis of Fuel Cell Patents
Incumbency and the Disruptive Regulator: The Case of Electric Vehicles in California
Expecting the Unexpected: Disruptive Technological Change Processes and the Electric Vehicle
'Networks of Influence: Internet Activism in Australia and Beyond'
Evaluation of mutual information and genetic programming for feature selection in QSAR.
Constructing an enzyme-centric view of metabolism.
Mining HIV protease cleavage data using genetic programming with a sum-product function.
Dance culture and statuary politics: Chiang Kai-Shek and the myth of primitivism
Dance as Cultural Understanding: Ideas, Policy, and Practice
Unexpected complexity in the haplotypes of commonly used inbred strains of laboratory mice
Defining Technology Management
Pre-emptive Criminalisation Risk Control and Alternative Futures
Corporate Reporting on the Internet in Australia: An Exploratory Study
Climatic impact of surface transport
Avoiding the fate of the dotbombs: Lessons from three surviving dotcom start-ups
A questionnaire operationalising Hayes and Wheelwright's four-stage concept
Barriers to e-health business processes
e-Business processes: Information and operations for competitive advantage
Testing the four-stage model of the strategic role of operations in a UK context
Managing the transition from bricks-and-mortar to clicks-and-mortar: A business process perspective
E-commerce in the old economy: Three case study examples
The strategic management of operations in e-business
Surrealism, Communism and Photography
Shared Benefits? Longitudinal Research in Eastern Indonesia
Cultural values in conflict: case study from Ngadha, Flores, Indonesia
The roles of Global and diasporic media in the process of developing children’s identities
Effect of prolonged exercise in a hypoxic environment on cardiac function and cardiac troponin T
Altered cardiac function and minimal cardiac damage during prolonged exercise
Effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on the biochemical marker ischemia modified albumin
The impact of prolonged exercise in a cold environment upon cardiac function
Writing Economic Theory AnOther Way
Waking up after the 1997 financial crisis: corporate governance in Malaysia
Recent developments in corporate governance in New Zealand
The German takeover code: what implications?
The 4th Korea Software Company Award - Analysis report
Missing Components of Management Education
Uncovering the Communist and Capitalist Shadow: Developing Relational Forms of Inquiry and Writing
Principles and Applications in Ticketing and Reservations Management
Managing to change? British workplaces and the future of work
Effective Job Search Practice in the UK's Mandatory Welfare-to-Work Programme for Youth
Charging for domestic waste: Combining environmental and equity considerations
Towards the Design of an Environmentally and Socially Conscious Water Metering Tariff
Economic Instruments for a Socially Neutral National Home Energy Efficiency Programme
Distributional Impacts of Economic Instruments to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transport
Job satisfaction and employer behaviour
The Announcement Effect and Environmental Taxation
Eight Integrated Tyndall Scenarios
Ex-post evaluations of CO2-Based Taxes: A Survey
Hysteresis and Energy Demand: the Announcement Effects and the Effects of the UK Climate Change Levy
Getting out of the mess we're in: combining sustainability and social justice in waste policy
Do Job Security Guarantees Work?
Changing priorities, transformed opportunities?: Why people work after state pension age
The Union Wage Premium in the US and the UK
Does Union Membership Really Reduce Job Satisfaction?
Mapping the Terrain of the Private Sector in Relation to Race
Unions and Workplace Closure in Britain, 1990-1998
Managerial responsiveness to union and non-union worker voice in Britain
Incapacity Benefit reforms - the Personal Adviser role and practices
New Deal for Young People: Relative effectiveness of the options in reducing male unemployment
A Stepping Stone to Employment? An Evaluation of the Permitted Work Rules – Wave 2
IGF-independent effects of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5 (Igfbp5) in vivo
International relocation policy design: key principles
Short-term assignments: the solution to global mobility?
Communication: the aim of the group move game
Women and international assignments: from the 1980s to the 21st century
Novel E. coli having accession no. PTA 1579 and its use to produce PHB
Process for the production of polyhydroxyoctanoate by Streptomyces lividans
Partitioning of IGFBP-5 actions in myogenesis: IGF-independent anti-apoptotic function
Peer observation: a tool for staff development or compliance?
‘Observing Teaching in HE: A case study of classroom observation within peer observation
Student teacher collaborative reflection: perspectives on learning together
Towards a Perverse Neo-Baroque Cinematic Aesthetic: Raúl Ruiz’s Poetics of Cinema
The Fold, Cinema and Neo-Baroque Modernity
Johan Storm: dhi grétest pràktikal liNgwist in dhi werld
An exploration of the underlying meaning of job performance ratings for different ethnic groups
CD40 antibody as an adjuvant induces enhanced T cell responses
Is Apolipoprotein A-I a regulating protein for the complement system of cod (Gadus morhua L.)?
Haemogregarina bigemina (Protozoa : Apicomplexa : Adeleorina) – Past, present and future
Stylist and scaleable: vector graphics for all on the web
Dizionario degli studi culturali
The Prime Minister and his Trollope: reading Harold Macmillan’s reading
'List of Changes in Taxonomic Opinion': making use of the new lists
Corynebacterium caspium sp. nov., from a Caspian seal (Phoca caspica)
Jeotgalicoccus pinnipedialis sp. nov., from a southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)
US economic development and the growth of government
Pottery making in the city: craft is not just a country pursuit
High unseriousness: artists and clay
Ceramics: the need for a new history
Can vote, won't vote: is the media to blame?
William Cobbett: Wegbereiter des investigativen journalismus in England
The documentary as 'amplification': holding the baby and politics of attachment
Ruhm, Flucht und Gefangnis: William Cobbett, der erste investigative journalist
Creative conflict in interdisciplinary collaboration: interpretation, scale and emergence
The dMARS architechure: a specification of the distributed multi-agent reasoning system
Locally twisted cubes are 4-pancyclic
Details of productions discussed
Rail freight in Scotland: issues and challenges
Meeting the rail freight growth target
Zaoqi Yaozhou qingci he Nansong Lauhudong yao de jishu guangxi
Five dynasties Yaozhou Celadon: a true ancestor to Laohudong Guan ware?
GEMLCA: a grid formula for re-starting applications
City space and the politics of carnival in Zola's 'L'Assommoir'
Clinical governance for complementary and alternative medicine
Immunological changes after both exercise and activity in chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study
Effective job search practice in the UK's mandatory welfare-to-work programme for youth
The annexin 1-/- mouse: phenotypic studies
The loneliness of the pro bono coordinator
Same old story: Christianity and its myths
Politics, the papacy and the media
Church as auteur: a strong hand
The hush house: Cold War sites in England
Human monoclonal antibodies that neutralize anthrax toxin by inhibiting heptamer assembly
”黄绍伦教授与华人研究:一个社会学的观点“ (Wong Siu-lun and Chinese migration studies: a sociological perspective)
Never argue with the architect: hierachy, skill and status on mid twentieth century building sites
Any woman can: twenty years of campaigning for access to training and employment
Extended normalised radial basis function for short term load forecasting
Airport privatisation and performance
The echoes of grassroots media practices in Greece: a sociological approach
A requirement for a XML Web services security architecture
Using the WSMA architecture for discovering Web services dynamically
A data warehouse environment for storing and analyzing simulation output data
Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoic acids by Streptomyces coelicolor
Adipose tissue magnetic resonance imaging in the newborn
Improving job access in the US, France and the UK: examining the role of transport initiatives
Distimulus chromatic measurement systems
Studio culture and contingent reality
Invited keynote and panel chair
Studying CPD in professional life
The development of critical reflection in the health professions
Using critical reflection as a teaching tool
Classification of telephone signals with use of artificial neural networks
Design of optimal IIR filters in reduced dimensionality parameter spaces
Beyond the limits: silent majority
Categories and taxonomies: a cognitive approach to lexicographical resources
Benchmarking techniques for agile manufacturing implementation
Supplier strategies and responses to institutional drivers for an emerging energy technology
Voluntary organisations and the generation of social capital
Selling television: British television in the global marketplace
The impact of the Internet on the existing media
Liberal democracy and the shaping of environmentally enlightened citizens
How can the weaknesses of deliberative decision making be overcome?
Effects of low dose ADMA on gene expression in human coronary artery endothelial cells
The impact of sports events on city images
Individuals' donations to charities and their use of tax relief
Mismatched expectations: The student-lecturer expectation-performance gap
How to be a team leader: the simple way to build and manage an effective team
Dielectric combline resonators
Bandpass filters using periodically loaded combline resonators
Rectangular waveguide resonators in planar form for filter applications
Novel E-plane filters and diplexers using rectangular waveguide in planar form
Electromagnetic modelling of novel E-plane diplexers
Cell surface thiol modification by GSNO: a mechanism of nitric oxide delivery?
Intentions & effects: the rhetoric of current cultural policy in England
The characteristics of film as a commodity
Writing the history of broadcasting
Cooling systems: principles and practice
Basic German: a grammar and workbook
Menghe yixue xintan (a new enquiry into Menghe physicians)
Broadcasting historiography and historicality
Successful bequest fundraising: key lessons from research
Plagiarism explained through copyright and intertextuality in music and film
Plagiarism explained through copyright and intertextuality in music and film
Women and media in the Middle East: an introductory overview
Young Amazighs, the Land of Eromen and Pamela Anderson as the embodiment of modernity
Polyhydroxyalkanoate production by Bacillus cereus SPV
First national survey evening and night-time activities in England
Understanding why your new design ideas get blocked
Social determinants of mental health for young same-sex attracted men
Book review: The new public health (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press
Developing complementary therapy services: a systematic approach
An effective wavelet method of arbitrary lines for problems with boundary and interior layers
Unprecedented access? Women instrumentalists in punk bands 1976-1984: an exploration
The forgotten revolution of female punk musicians in the 1970s
'Lady' punks in bands: a subculturette?
Conclusion: reappraising Farrell
Archaeology of the air: O'Donnell and Tuomey, Architecture
Developing grid services with Jini and JXTA
Morphological changes in the submerged cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum: elicitor effects
The Question of the Subject and the Autobiographic in Artists Moving Image Practice
Active daydreaming: the nature of collaboration
Zineb Sedira: l'art de traduire le conflit
Language and identity issues with home students on EAP writing programmes
The adaptation of ON grið in old English as represented by the works of Archbishop Wulfstan
Whom did al-Ghazāl meet? An exchange of embassies between the Arabs from al-Andalus and the Vikings
Being a thrall of the antichrist: how much lower can you get?
Warner Bros in the inter-war years: strategic responses to the risk environment of filmmaking
Hollywood and the risk environment of movie production in the 1990s
Developing CAMEO (CAM Evidence Online) for cancer
The invisible presence of homosexuality: implications for HIV/AIDS and rights in Southern Africa
The rejuvenation of tourism in Barbados 1993-2003: reflection on the Butler model
Caspian catachreses: environmental transplanting and integration in a space of flows
Boundaries of exclusions past: the memory of waste
Beauty and the beast: art and law in the hall of mirrors
Establishment and analysis of 3-D collagen cultures of C-20/A4 chondrocytes
An intuitionistic fuzzy component based appoach for identifying web usage patterns
Why we need integrated health care
1st International Conference on Panic Attacks: diversity of theories and treatments
Independent living in later life
Redistribution or recognition?: A misguided debate
Limits of the Indian political imagination
Using IT to combat plagiarism: 10 years of successes and failures
Towards an alternative way of verifying proxy objects in Jini
Enhancing security in Jini networking technology
Re: the archive, the image and the very dead sheep
Instead (dialogue with an absent friend)
Decreased pain tolerance and mood in recreational users of MDMA
The social construction of youthful masculinities: peer group subcultures
Forecasting the density of asset returns
Macular pigment and percentage of body fat
Copyright: moral rights, fair use, and the online environment
Planning world cities: globalization and urban politics
Londres: le maire et le partenariat dans une ville globale
Taraxer-14-en-3β-ol, an anti-inflammatory compound from Sterculia foetida L.
Understanding urban tourism: the regeneration and development of amenity in Birmingham, UK
Motivation-based selection of negotiation partners
Classroom design demonstrations for complex IIR filters
The limits of liberal pluralism: towards an agonistic multipolar order
Til varnar agreinings likani um lydraedi
Pluralism, dissensus and democratic citizenship
Le politique et la dynamique des passions
Cosmopolitan democracy or multipolar world order?
Holism and interprofessional learning: from the whole patient to the whole team
Deconstructing Paco Rabal: masculinity, myth and meaning
Neuropsychological studies of insight in psychosis
Perception of psychosis in patients
Validating indirect human costs MEFM Taxonomy: case studies from the banking sector
Role of hydrogen peroxide in the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease: implications for treatment
The physiological responses to running after cycling in elite junior and senior triathletes
Local authority fines: penny wise, pound foolish
Regulation of internet telephony in the United States and the European Union
Project coordinator and curator: Body Memory
Key-frame extraction algorithm using entropy difference
UV and light stress on the human eye: protection
Viewpoint: science and the future
EU chemicals policy - a foundation for environmental protection or a missed opportunity?
A Guide to the Childrens Act, 2001
Die einsamkeit eines systems. Vom kino in die galerie
Performance analysis of cluster based interactive 3D visualisation
The British lone parent cohort and their children 1991 to 2001
Practical experience: an architecture student's guide to internship and the year out
The impact of Radio Zimbabwe adult talk on a national audience
Distinctive places and the reconfiguration of London tourism
Lessons from the long term: tourism strategy in Cambridge UK, 1978-2003
Are VisitBritain's marketing activities effective? Analysis of stakeholder views
The colour shines: the factors influencing the purchase of cosmetics by young women in the UK
The ePerSpace service management architecture
What can systems theory do for you?
Shrinking to grow?: The urban regeneration challenge in Leipzig and Manchester
The intelligent street: responsive sound environments for social interaction
Agent-based software development
Environment and social justice: rapid research and evidence review
Delivering the connections: transport, social exclusion and accessibility planning
Prioritising local environmental concerns: where there's a will there's a way
Running on empty: transport, social exclusion and environmental justice
Normative agent reasoning in dynamic societies
Comparative analysis of data mining algorithms for predicting inpatient length of stay
Work-life balance: is e-learning the panacea?
An active, ontology-driven network service for internet collaboration
Nuclear receptor corepressor RIP140 regulates fat accumulation
CO2-Reduktion und Energieeffizienz im Straßengüterverkehr
CO2 reduction and efficiency in road freight traffic: measures, baseline and potential
CO2 reduction and energy efficiency in German road freight traffic
Designing an effective survey of air travellers
A missed opportunity? EU law and asylum in the 21st century
The EU Qualification Directive, the UK and international law
Melanocortin receptor type 3 as a potential target for anti-inflammatory therapy
No ARM in it? (reply to Kippert and Gerloff)
A migration framework for executing parallel programs in the grid
The effectiveness of educational CD-ROMs and web-based applications in the classroom
The effectiveness of educational CD-ROMs and Web-based applications in the classroom
Feature extraction techniques using adaptive wavelets for signal classification
Intelligent control of unmanned underwater vehicles
Multi network classification scheme for computer-aided diagnosis in clinical endoscopy
Computer-aided diagnosis in clinical endoscopy using neuro-fuzzy systems
Lokales wissen in stadt- und quartiersentwicklung
Evaluation of lone parent work focused interviews: final findings from administrative data analysis
Electronic marketplaces based on OSGI grid services
Deploying application on a GT3 Grid
The system architecture of the GOQL language
Implementation of the GOQL language
Design considerations of the GOQL interface
An ultrastructural study of hypnozygotes of Alexandrium species (Dinophyceae)
MDDQL-Stat: data querying and analysis through integration of intentional and extensional semantics
Research made easy in complementary and alternative medicine
The poetics of the ordinary: ambience in the moving transitional landscape
Grid solution for e-marketplaces integrated with logistics
High-level grid application environment to use legacy codes as OGSA grid services
A high-level grid application environment to grid-enable legacy code
Contextualising components when addressing database interoperability
Simulation education with web-based discrete event simulation models
A software architecture to support interoperability in multiple database systems
Welding and the British shipbuilding industry: a major constraint
Use of bioinformatics and PCR in the search for ABC transporter homology among various bacteria
Bearing witness: implications of the law of negligence for the acupuncture profession
Three things on teaching and the taught
New naturopathy degree wins GCRN approval
Naturopathy: current and future developments
Instilling an integrated healthcare paradigm
A CRH family peptide protects a human chondrocyte cell line against apoptosis
The value of an impoverished aesthetic: the iron ladies and its audiences
Neuropsychological profile of patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer's disease
E-learning in developing countries: suggesting a methodology for enabling computer-aided assessment
Maternity and paternity rights in Britain 2002: survey of parents
Tackling ethnic inequalities in private sector workplaces: progress and prospects
Developing an agent oriented emergency service system with AUML and gaia methodology
Efficiency measurement for UK airports: an application of data envelopment analysis
Memories of Arabia and empire: an oral history of the British in Aden
Review of 'Strategic marketing plan: the 12P model' by Ranjan Madenayeke
Devolution in the UK: a step towards federalisation
Capital punishment: the families of the homicide victim and the condemned
Capital punishment: meeting the needs of the families of the homicide victim and the condemned
Capital punishment: improve it or remove it?
Alternatives to the death penalty: the UK experience
Stillman, Cecil George (1894-1968)
Robert Morris, architecture and the scientific cast of mind in early eighteenth-century England
Morgan, Charles Langbridge (1894-1958)
Trust a Solicitor? You may not need to!
Hysterical Bodies. Contemporary Chinese art as cultural aftermath of the cultural revolution.
Goutong and Gemenr: communicating masculine culture in Chinese contemporary art
Exhibiting China. From scrap to monument. The work of Huang Yongping, 1989-1999
The idea of learning: young viewers of reality TV in the UK
Reality TV: audiences and popular factual television
Governance and new regionalism in the capital city regions of England and Germany
The role of business in the modern world: progress, pressures and prospects for the market economy
Globalisation, economic progress and new millennium collectivism
Social constructionism and international comparative housing research
Technologies and Utopias: the cyberflâneur and the experience of being online
West, Temple (bap. 1715, d. 1757)
Steevens, Charles (bap. 1705, d. 1761)
Seapower: the struggle for dominance, 1650-1815
Sea power: the struggle for dominance, 1650-1815
Ogle, Sir Chaloner (1680/81-1750)
Mitchell, Cornelius (fl. 1709-1748)
Knowles, Sir Charles, first baronet (d. 1777)
Haddock, Nicholas (bap. 1685?, d. 1746)
Blakeney, William, Baron Blakeney (1671/2-1761)
Barton, Matthew (1714/15-1795)
The incidence of youth unemployment in urban Ethiopia
Vegetable propagule dynamics and fluvial geomorphology
Post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety symptoms in children exposed to the 1999 Greek earthquake
Copyright law and power in the music industry
State crime: governments, violence and corruption
Reden ist silber, Handeln ist gold. Leitlinien für eine globale Energiewende
Alexander McQueen in Fashion at Belsay
Current issues in airport management: an international perspective
An approach to managing quality of services and performance in grid computing
A 3rd order ridge waveguide filter with parallel coupled resonators
Creating scalable traffic simulation on clusters
Analysis of continuous time models of the euro interbank rate
The UK from speculation to reality
Computational grid and web services: concepts, functionalities and comparisons
The trouble with media studies
Ten things wrong with the “effects model”
Madonna's daughters: girl power and the empowered girl-pop breakthrough
How relevant is transaction cost economics to inter-firm relationships in the music industry?
Second homes: a new framework for policy
Partners in crime: the UK cartel offence
Arts in embassies: challenges for the 21st century
Student support: Internet training from the perspective of the e-learning professional
Projection of learning objects in cultural awareness
Factors influencing learning behaviour of diverse distance students
Davies, Richard Llewelyn, Baron Llewelyn-Davies (1912-1981)
Report on costs of legal aid in other countries
Coalminers crossing national borders: Upper Silesia, the Ruhr, South Wales and Durham
A first revisionist replies to her revisionists
Present mirth: performing Shakespeare's comedies at the Globe
An introduction to applied cognitive psychology
Practical lessons for winning support for radical transport projects
Integrated accounting à la française
The definition and measurement of creativity: what do we know?
Waiting for Armageddon: the "mother of all empires" and its Middle East quagmire
On the state, democracy and pluralism
Islamic movements: establishment, significance and contextual realities
Green taxes and charges: reducing their impact on low-income households
Managerial perspectives on corporate environmental and social responsibilities in 22 countries
Recruitment and retention of planners: towards addressing the need for planners in London
The cognitive effects of reversible hormone therapy for prostate cancer
Values in healthcare: a spiritual approach
Harnessing changes in cellular glycosylation in new cancer treatment strategies.
Equality and diversity: women solicitors research study 48
Towards the design of an environmentally and socially conscious water metering tariff
The distributional impacts of economic instruments to limit greenhouse gas emissions from transport
Economic instruments for a socially neutral national home energy efficiency programme
Charging for domestic waste: combining environmental and equity considerations
The world on the box: international issues in news and factual programmes on UK television 1975-2003
A logic programming e-learning tool for teaching database dependency theory
Dependency theory e-learning tool
The new deal for young people: effect of the options on the labour market status of young men
A solution for providing pseudo dynamic discovery for XML Web services
A new computational approach to microwave heating of two-phase porous materials
Computational analysis of microwave heating patterns in resonant microwave cavities
Computational analysis of microwave heating in single and multi-mode resonant cavities
Evaluating the flexibility of a pedagogical framework for e-learning
Learning behaviour patterns in flexible distance higher education in Asia and North Africa
Learning behaviour patterns in flexible distance higher education in Asia and North Africa
Thorn in the side, or needle in a haystack? Acupuncture in the NHS
Verschleiern und Entschleiern: Moderne Tarnung und die Stadt als Kriegstheater
Between veiling and unveiling: modern camouflage and the city as a theatre of war
The future of long-haul air services from Europe
Running out of steam? The growth prospects for European low-cost airlines
Can the European low-cost airline boom continue? Implications for regional airports
Innovations: a course in natural English. Intermediate workbook
Innovations: a course in natural English. Intermediate coursebook
Innovations: pre-intermediate workbook
Innovations: pre-intermediate course book
Publishing and executing parallel legacy code using an OGSI grid service
Experiences with publishing and executing parallel legacy code using an OGSI grid service
Traffic simulation in P-Grade as a grid service
GEMLCA: grid execution management for legacy code architecture design
Riparian zones: where biogeochemistry meets biodiversity in management practice
The impact of social trends on the business tourism market
How can Europe capture Chinese MICE?
Educating children about sexual abuse and evaluating the Metropolitan police safer surfing programme
Organizational research: conflict and power within UK and Australian social housing organizations
Jurnalismul si cultura populara
Re-envisioning transboundary water disputes as development conflicts
Global commons: but where is the community
The handbook of work based learning
Novel microstrip resonators with embedded 3D curves
A home from home: empowering a community
Finding relevant web pages through equivalent hyperlinks
Improving quality of service in application clusters
Understanding the true cost of delay to airline operators
Evaluating the true cost to airlines of one minute of airborne or ground delay: final report
Nurture groups: theoretical background and research on their effectiveness
Using reflective practice in an interprofessional complementary therapies programme
Bringing IS ontologies closer to the real world
Knowledge creation and sharing mechanisms: from Heads (of Departments) to Hands (of staff)
The impact of psychological stress on immune function in the athletic population
Cortisol as a biomarker of stress
Evaluation of the National Parks Sustainable Development Fund
Russell Square: a lifelong resource for teaching and learning
Pioneers of conservation: the Selborne Society and the Royal SPB
Now you're in, now you're out: women's changing participation in the building trades in Britain
A social history of Milton Keynes: middle England / edge city
Topham , Mirabel Dorothy (1891–1980)
Sangster, Vernon Edmund (1899–1986)
Critchley, Alfred Cecil (1890–1963)
Statutes and conventions on private international law. 2nd edition
Letters of indemnity? Delivery of goods without bills of lading. Pacific Carriers Ltd v BNP Paribas
Jurisdiction and illegal strike action by shipping trade union
External community transit - remission of import duties. BAT BV v Hauptzollamt Krefeld
The EU’s plans to reduce air pollution for ships: progress and obstacles
Anti-competitive conduct of Greek ferry operators
Discrimination against educated women in the labour market: evidence from UK
On uncertainty and data-warehouse design
Temporality and intuitionistic fuzzy data warehouses
Temporality and intuitionistic fuzzy data warehouses
Representing and querying temporal workflow schemas
Development of a clinical data warehouse
Deriving structure from semi-structured data using functional grammar
cis-Eudesmane Sesquiterpene Glycosides from Liriope muscari and Ophiopogon japonicus
Constructing global civil society: morality and power in international relations
Building global civil society 'from below'?
Conquer pain the natural way: a practical guide
L'hospitalisation à domicile: quel(s) intérêt(s) et quelle(s) organisation(s)?
Adaptive self-calibrating image rejection receiver
The Corfu channel case: and the missing admiralty orders
Architecture for dynamically reconfigurable real-time lossless compression
Engineering maths: is problem-based learning enough?
Neighbourhood governance: capacity for social integration
ADAMTS13 gene mutations and polymorphisms in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients
Semi-lexical heads and clitic climbing
Dynamic matched filtering: animating the action
Edinburgh's integrated transport initiative, phase V: market research. Final report
A FPGA pipelined backward adaptive scalar quantizer
Investigation into low power of a 2D inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) in FPGAs
A transcontinental movement of citizens?: Strategic debates in the 1980s western peace movement
European Nuclear Disarmament: a study of transnational social movement strategy
A French ABC of corporate crime? Abus de biens sociaux and elf affair (Part 2)
A French ABC of corporate crime? Abus de biens sociaux and elf affair (Part 1)
LDMOS RF power amplifiers with improved IMD performance
Carbohydrates and carbohydrate active enzymes in Ganoderma applanatum
Job satisfaction and employer behaviour
Urban freight movements and public private partnerships
Developments in urban distribution in London
Report on freight transport data sources relating to London
Freight transport in London: a summary of current data and sources
The role and treatment of light goods vehicles in urban freight transport
Low emission zones: the likely effects on the freight transport sector
Les enjeux de la logistique urbain
Christie Brown, Heidi Morstang
Public perceptions of direct selling: an international perspective
Skin tight: the sensibility of the flesh
Thabo Mbeki: the geography of exile
Reframing township space: the Kliptown project
Bounded spaces: democratic anxieties in post-apartheid Johannesburg
Intangible assets and social, intellectual and cultural capital: origins, functions and value
Intelligent systems for computer-assisted clinical endoscopic image analysis
Cognitive aspects of web-based hypertext: an experimental approach
Cognitive aspects of web-based hypertext: an experimental approach
'Real-time' communication in e-learning: a pilot study using Blackboard
Cognitive model for web based hypertext comprehension
A clausal resolution method for branching-time logic ECTL+
Hampton Court: a definitive architectural history?
Aspect of image quality and the Internet
The application of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy to gene therapy
Joint claims for JSA age range extension: quantitative evaluation: survey report
Enculturation and student performance: a critical work in progress
Management development tracker: a handbook of materials for local authority middle managers
Leadership development: the use of self managed, work based, learning
A hybrid biometric-enhanced authentication system for Electronic and Mobile Commerce
The effects of financial innovations and the Internet on the banking industry
The effects of the Internet and financial innovation on the banking industry
Interest versus non-interest banking model
A research design and experiment for validating the alpha metric
Reading room: erosion and sedimentation in Sebald's Suffolk
Optimierte Disposition und Telematik steigern Effizienz im deutschen Straßengüterverkehr
Interprofessional education: a decade of developments in Oula and beyond
Which end of the telescope? From market to cultural value
Families and children in Britain: findings from the 2002 Families and Children Study (FACS)
Working after state pension age: qualitative research
Architecture and race: a study of black and ethnic minority students in the profession
An intelligent tutoring system for database transaction processing
A database transaction scheduling tool in Prolog
Protecting federated databases using a practical implementation of a formal RBAC policy
Practical RBAC policy implementation for SQL databases
Fantasy and the interpretation of fantasy in Harry Potter
Dark matter: the controversy surrounding Michael Frayn's Copenhagen
Internet-based psychological testing and assessment
International oil and gas dispute settlement and its application to Kazakhstan
Defences in international criminal law
Corporate social responsibility in international law
The 2003 investment law: its impact and compatibility with international foreign investment law
When do rights matter? A case study of the right to equal treatment in Sweden
The demand for public transport: a practical guide
Sue les origines africaines et europennes des devinettes mauriciennes de Baissac (1880, 1888)
Not just a good children's story: a tribute to adverse possession
A typology of relationships and goals for regulation and coordination
Corporate involvement in human rights: is it any of their business?
Evaluating statistical shape models for automatic landmark generation on a class of human hands
diARTgnosis: study of European religious painting
Work-based learning for adults: an evaluation of labour market effects
Bulk liquid and powder road tanker, rail tank wagon and tank container operations
A new international history of the Spanish Civil War. 2nd revised and expanded edition
London 1849: a Victorian murder story
Analysing the potential impacts of sustainable distribution measures in UK urban areas
Boys will be boys: constructing problem places from bad behaviour
Housing and welfare in Southern Europe
Project management: tools and techniques for today's ILS professional
Impaired phagocytic function of monocytes in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
An empirical analysis of the announcement and the effects of the UK Climate Change Levy
A survey of acceptance of e-government services in the UK
Missing the Point? Management education and entrepreneurship
A practical approach to conveyancing. 6th edition
Companion to property law and practice: a guide to assessment
Spatula: how drawing changed the world
Reading and writing ‘La Rupture’: essays in French studies II
Lives of Victorian literary figures, part II: the Brownings [volume one]
Dionysus since 69: Greek tragedy at the dawn of the third millennium
Cross-wired: communication, interface, locality
Capital punishment: strategies for abolition
British ships in China seas: 1700 to the present day
Measurements of the modulation transfer function of image displays
'Les fleurs du mal': an adaptive wavelet method of arbitrary lines I: convection-diffusion problems
Elicitor effects on reactive oxygen species in liquid cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum
Testing the homogeneity of SMEs: the impact of size on managerial and organisational processes
The characteristics of supermarket shoppers in Beijing
Neuropsychological profile of young adults with spina bifida with or without hydrocephalus
Trichomonas vaginalis: an irritating protozoan or an important viral co-factor
Nestor Perlongher and mysticism: towards a critical reappraisal
Book review: Human embryonic stem cells
Extending conceptual boundaries: work, voluntary work and employment
Tools for regularizing array designs
Distribution of adipose tissue in the newborn
So many managers, so little vision: registered social landlords and consortium schemes in the UK
Editorial: on remembering our roots
Renegotiating tradition on Radio Zimbabwe
Notes on Nuance: Rethinking a philosophy of modern music
Book review: Information and IT literacy: enabling learning in the 21st century
Cytotoxicity of lavender oil and its major components to human skin cells
Editorial: in praise of visionary scepticism
We are most aware of our place in the world when about to fall
A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb tori
A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb meshes
Editorial: neurophysiology, culture and the pensions crisis
CO2 efficiency in road freight transportation: status quo, measures and potential
Spectral analysis of randomly sampled signals: suppression of aliasing and sampler jitter
US economic development and the growth of government
What effect do unions have on wages now and would freeman and medoff be surprised?
Two combinatorial models with identical statics yet different dynamics
Globalization, nation, and television in Asia: the cases of India and China
Bad jobs in Britain: nonstandard employment and job quality
France and European integration: from the Schuman plan to economic and monetary union
The determinants of university dropout in Italy: a bivariate probability model with sample selection
Same-sex marriage revived: feminist critique and legal strategy
Combline filters using periodically loaded resonators
Peptides for use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Modulation of inflammation and response to dexamethasone by Annexin 1 in antigen-induced arthritis
On the double-vertex-cycle-connectivity of crossed cubes
Turf wars and market control: competition and complexity in the market for legal services
Outsourcing salesforces via self-employment: the case of direct selling in the UK
Re-addressing practice-based research: funding and recognition
The impact of management techniques on performances in technology-based firms
Combating domestic violence in China: contemporary strategies of the women's federation
The awakening cortisol response: methodological issues and significance
Book review: Against the Third Way
Beyond otonomy, or beyond the law of law's ear
What role for smart-card data from bus systems?
Mechanical functioning of peripheral nerves: linkage with the "mushrooming" effect
Research issues in complementary therapy
America, the War of 1739-48 and the development of British global power
Interactions of lactoferricin-derived peptides with LPS and antimicrobial activity
Il Grafologo: immagine sociale e collocazione professionale
Alternative dispute resolution: a mapping exercise on accreditation schemes
E-learners’ experiences of time
Back to the future: staying with the suburban ideal
Applying the reflective middleware approach in Grid computing
On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices
Viscosity of milk: influence of cluster formation
Finding the right complementary therapies course
Bioinformatics: a useful tool for the molecular microbiologist?
Standardised coding of diet records: experiences from INTERMAP UK
What patients expect from complementary therapy: a qualitative study
Exploring the evidence: the challenges of searching for research on acupuncture
Rigorous analysis of delta-sigma modulators for fractional-N PLL frequency synthesis
The chancellor-candidates and the campaign
Cost vs. production: disparities in social housing construction in Britain and Germany
Marxism and international law: perspectives for the American (twenty-first) century?
Diversité ethnique à la télévision française : l'exemple de Fatou la Malienne (Daniel Vigne, 2001)
Integrated waveguide bandpass filters using thick-film technology
Software architecture style for interoperable databases
Experiences of teaching UML within the information systems curriculum
A survey of acceptance of e-government services in the UK
Compact ridged-waveguide bandpass filters and diplexers
Are there distinctive methodologies for pedagogic research in higher education?
The anticardiolipin assay is required for sensitive screening for antiphospholipid antibodies
Wrenching the machine around: EastEnders, the BBC and institutional change
Soft and sticky development: some underlying reasons for microarchitectural pattern convergence
Sex dimorphisms in the neuroprotective effects of estrogen in an animal model of Parkinson's disease
The influence of small oligosaccharides on the immune system
Fault tolerance of Möbius cubes under two forbidden fault set models
The effect of dawn simulation on the cortisol response to awakening in healthy participants
Effects of low dose ADMA on gene expression in human coronary artery endothelial cells
Contrast enhancement of short T2 tissues using ultrashort TE (UTE) pulse sequences
Analysing the types of procurement used in the UK: a comparison of two data sets
Genetically modified food: good news but bad press
The democracy-development tension in dam projects: the long hand of the law
Aspects of literary Limehouse: Thomas Burke and the “glamorous shame” of Chinatown
The Unani system of medicine: does it have a scientific basis?
Building a digital cultural commons: the example of the BBC
Developing metropolitan tourism on the fringe of central London
Developing change management skills: a resource for health care professionals and managers
The new public management and the UK Police Service
Media ownership policies: pressure for change and implications
An analysis of the resurgence of anti-semitism in France
On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices (II)
Extended review of Derby Gateway, Architects Fluid
Building social capital in city politics: scope and limitations at the inter-organisational level
The health benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: a review of the evidence
Cortisol response and subjective sleep disturbance after low frequency noise exposure
Quality management and e-commerce: the role of codes of conduct governing the use of technology
Why do employees, particularly women, reject occupational pension schemes?
MC-3 receptor and the inflammatory mechanisms activated in acute myocardial infarct
Researching food habits: methods and problems
The problems of 'nation-building': imposing bureaucratic 'rule from above'
Generalized honeycomb torus is Hamiltonian
Foxes Fox and Freedom of the City 2005
Acute reduction in secretory immunoglobulin A following smoking cessation
Boredom, repetition, inertia: contemporary photography and the aesthetics of the banal
The principles and application of qualitative research
'Crisis' in British documentary television: the end of a genre?
Apprenticeship and applied theoretical knowledge
A clocking technique for FPGA pipelined designs
Bulk tanker operations in Great Britain
Global asymptotic stability in a rational recursive sequence
Global attractivity in a recursive sequence
Investigating mechanical behaviour at a core-sheath interface in peripheral nerve
Therapeutic approaches to raising plasma HDL-cholesterol levels
Franchising as a small business growth strategy: a resource-based view of organizational development
The Holocene Storegga Slide tsunami in the United Kingdom
Elicitor effects on Penicillium chrysogenum morphology in submerged cultures
Adjuvant synergy: the effects of nasal coadministration of adjuvants
Real-time digital modelling in design education and practice
Heat and mass transfer in two-phase porous materials under intensive microwave heating
Creating sustainable corporate value: a case study of stakeholder relationship management in China