Helpful and unhelpful factors associated with secular psychotherapy amongst Christians: a story-stem study
Spillover Effects of Geopolitical Risk on the Banking Sectors of Post-Soviet Countries
Using Predictive Analytics to Support Students and Reduce Attrition: A Rapid Evidence Assessment
Screen encounters with Britain. What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture? Final Report
Dietary intake in healthy older individuals is associated with lipopolysaccharide binding protein a biomarker of gut function: An exploratory cross-sectional study
Preprint: Changes in Abdominal Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Thickness Associate with Disease and Anthropometric Factors
“The Shakespeare Sessions”: a qualitative evaluation of an online intervention to prime studies with youth at risk of violence
Gastrointestinal Resilience: exercise, appetite and a full lot more!
Wilton Park as a Site of European Debate from the 1940s to the 1980s
Rising Rate of Hospitalizations in Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Spain
Towards an Education Through and For Social Justice: Humanizing a Life Sciences Curriculum Through Co-Creation, Critical Thinking and Anti-Racist Pedagogy
Dr Manal Mohammed for The Land on bovine colostrum wellness trend
Your Toothbrush Is Way Germier Than You Might Realize
A sociolinguistic model for electronically mediating language revitalization
Oxidative stress in a cellular model of alcohol-related liver disease: protection using curcumin nanoformulations
A Song for the Mind: A Literature Review on Singing and Cognitive Health in Aging Populations
Time series forecasting-based Kubernetes autoscaling using Facebook Prophet and Long Short-Term Memory
Blind Brother: Attribute-Based Selective Video Encryption
Children's Right to Identity, Selfhood and International Family Law
Relocation and International Child Abduction: The Impact on Children’s Identity
Unveiling the Connection between Child Identity and Family Law
Gendered Inequalities: A Comparative Analysis of Gendered Experiences of Inequality in Technology in Egypt and the United Kingdom
Ordinary Life within an Extraordinary Project: Demystifying the Third Front
Walking and biking as queer: deviations, care and resistance negotiating Barcelona’s streets
Application of Machine Learning for FOS/TAC Soft Sensing in Bio-Electrochemical Anaerobic Digestion
The ‘Archipelago’ as Model for the Post-Pandemic City (Translated from Chinese)
Introduction to the Special Issue on Big Data and the Internet of Things in Complex Information Systems
Fact-checking in China: normative and strategic transparency of Chinese journalists in fact-checking reports
The entombed lives - the experience of sibling abortion under China’s One-Child Policy
Decomposing the Law, Composting the Collectives: Indigenous Struggles for Lands and the Making of Life Beyond Rights
Optimizing circular economy practices in construction: a systematic review of material management strategies
Lost Memories: Subjectivity and Temporality in Narratives of Cognitive Decline
Understanding the Biology and Pathology of Mental Disorders
Lingering Shadows and New Horizons: The Complex Legacy of the COVID-19 Lockdown in Greece
Co-creating with Feral Landscapes: Delineating a useful definition and ontology of (re)wilding for the architectural fields
Sustainable & Regenerative Materials for Architecture: A Sourcebook
Noise-immune zeroing neural dynamics for dynamic signal source localization system and robotic applications in the presence of noise
Nonhuman Well-Being is a Part of Happiness and Well-Being Conceptions Among Central Indian Indigenous Communities
Result of reclamation of man-made dumps from phosphorite deposits in the semi-desert zone of Kazakhstan
Editorial: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome observed post-COVID-19: the role of natural products, medicinal plants and nutrients and the use of prediction tools supporting traditional forms of diagnosis.
Biomarkers, Omics and Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer
Boys are smart (and really dull and pretty average): Testing replication and validity of the Brilliance Stereotype
Synthesis and biological activities of 3-aminoimidazo[1,2-α]pyridine compounds
Combined Effect of Depressor Additive and Heat Treatment on the Rheological Properties of Highly Paraffinic Oils
Bricolentrepreneuring: A comparative phenomenological study of Ukrainian refugees’ entrepreneurial bricolage practices in the UK and Romania
Books: Gauloises Smoken Here
Public Service Journalism in Digital Markets
Challenges and Developments in Public Service Journalism
Strategies for enhancing bioelectrochemical remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons
Affected and Intrinsic Authenticity: Navigating Internalized Gay Ageism on LGBTQ+ Homestay Platforms
Fact, Fiction, and Fame: Mangal Pandey: The Rising
Genre and Cinematic Justice—Towards a “Rights-Based” Analysis
Planning for Nocturnal Cultural Encounters
Determining the Future: Pre-Creation Accessioning and the Documentation of Design Process
Drowsiness Detection of Construction Workers: Accident Prevention Leveraging Yolov8 Deep Learning and Computer Vision Techniques
BPS2025 - Pufa stabilizes a conductive state of the selectivity filter in IKs channels
The effect of morning or evening fasted cycling on gastrointestinal function and appetite and metabolic responses in healthy males with overweight
Determinants of Anxiety, Depression and Subjective Wellbeing Among Musicians in Denmark: Findings From the ‘When Music Speaks’ Project
‘We don’t talk about that around here’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of South Asian men’s experiences of sexual violence in the UK
Impact of Online Interactive Decision Tools on Women’s Decision-Making Regarding Breast Cancer Screening: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The complex social, cultural and psychological drivers of the ‘chemsex’ experiences of men who have sex with men: a systematic review and conceptual thematic synthesis of qualitative studies
Chatbot -assisted self-assessment (CASA): Co-designing an AI -powered behaviour change intervention for ethnic minorities
Image Generative AI to Design Public Spaces: a Reflection of How AI Could Improve Co-Design of Public Parks
Public Understanding and Expectations of Digital Health Evidence Generation: Focus Group Study.
Unlocking Synergies: The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation and Absorption within Higher Education Collaborations
Internal Market Orientation and Customer Orientation: Effects on Service Employees and Customer Experience
Near Real Time
Chatbots and the Initial Account Interview for Gathering Eyewitness Information: Development, Research and Efficacy of ‘ChatCharlie’
Novel Biomaterials for Applications in Cartilage Tissue Engineering
Vulnerability to Online Political Misinformation: The Role of Non-clinical Schizotypal Traits
Operational Readiness for High-Risk Professions
The impact of artificial intelligence on corporate green innovation: Can "increasing quantity" and "improving quality" go hand in hand?
Transdisciplinary Workshop, Bangalore: Liminal Listening: Whispers of Amphibious Worlds Ecologies, Temporalities, and Immersive Practices for Living with Others
The role of different pre-treatments in anaerobic biodegradation of plastics and upcycling to bioenergy using microbial fuel cells
Water desalination using 3D-printed biofilms in microbial desalination cells
Finite Impossibilities
Harmonizing Hospitality across Cultures: Unveiling the Role of Servant Leadership, and Strategy in Diverse Cultural Contexts
John Cunningham and Terry Dunne (eds), Spirit of Revolution: Ireland from Below, 1917–1923 (review)
A Systematic Review of Effective Measures to Resist Manipulative Information About Climate Change on Social Media
Sexual harassment in academia: victim-survivors speaking out, the politics of naming, and (lack of) institutional accountability
Prisoner Leadership through Education in Prison
Preprint: Fuzzy Fractal Brownian Motion: Extensions and Applications
Cyber Security Management and Strategic Intelligence
The Middle East: terrorism, international law, and the cosmopolitan Myth
Autoethnography of disability and active travel in Greater Manchester: Encountering (non)citizenship through access controls on traffic-free walking, wheeling and cycling paths
Conceptualising the Nepalese 'Gang'
How entrepreneurs absorb knowledge spillovers during innovative product development: Evidence from UK start-ups
New bounds for tail risk measures
Book review: The Political Economy of Egyptian Media: Business and Military Elite Power and Communication after 2011, by Maher Hamoud
African Media and Communication: Foundational Conversations
Impact of Online Interactive Decision Tools on Women’s Decision-Making Regarding Breast Cancer Screening: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Food for thought: decolonial dining and dreaming as anti-racist praxis
Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, Advisory Opinion
The Monetary Gold Principle and States’ Obligations Triggered by a Serious Risks of Atrocities Being Committed by Another State: The Cases of the Duty to Prevent Genocide and the Duty to Ensure Respect for IHL
Statistical analysis plan: Journey times and congestion on LTN boundary roads, including the use of this data for air pollution modelling.
ReOrientalism: Representing London's Muslim history through its adapted mosques
Organising for Freedom: Reflections on the Kashmiri and Kurdish Struggles
Past, Present, Provocation: The Radical Methodology of the Westminster Menswear Archive
Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Results of the Analysis of the UK DEFINE Database
Editorial: In Praise and Memory of Fleur Adcock
Localising and reimagining urban planning knowledge for effective Global South climate urbanism
Community Heritage Activism in the American South: Black Counter-reenactments as Mnemonic Restitution
Sofia Singler, The Religious Architecture of Alvar, Aino and Elissa Aalto
Contested Good City Stories from the North Chennai Littoral
Instigators of change: museums as inclusive, accessible, equitable, participatory hubs
Unpicking ableism and disablism in museums
The museum accessibility spectrum: recognising the multidimensional access needs of all museum audiences
Racism, (Neo)colonialism And International Law: A Field in Search of a Philosophy?
Sustainable and Regenerative Materials for Architecture: A Source Book
Annihilation by Michel Houellebecq
The liability of refugeeness: leveraging multiple identities to enact power in a context of displacement
Bridging Gaps in Black Music Research: A Conversation on Experimental Sound by the BMRU
Clinging to Certainty: Mental Health Anthropologies and Dualisms in Post-Pandemic Britain
The role of Biophotons in cellular senescence.
Mad or Magnificent? Mothers Who Cycle With Their Children in The UK
Quantitative evaluation and modelling of uncertainty factors impacting duration of building renovation projects
Rethinking urban governance in China's urban regeneration - case of art space development in Chengdu
Rainbow Diplomacy: LGBTQ+ Rights and Everyday Diplomatic Practice at Pride
Social Justice Work in the University: Understanding Student and Staff Perceptions and Aspirations for Decolonising the Curriculum from a University-Wide Survey
Interpreting Laboratory Diagnosis for the Cardiovascular System in Intensive Care
Enhanced CATBraTS for Brain Tumour Semantic Segmentation
“I haven’t seen any results yet”: On ethical collaborative research in linguistics and the need for a standard protocol
Latent tuberculosis prevalence in healthcare workers in Laos: a cross-sectional study
Seeking support and treatment: A thematic analysis of tweets about the experience of endometriosis
A Macroeconomic Analysis of Insolvency in the UK Construction Industry
Competing for Pixels: A Self-Play Algorithm for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Generative artificial intelligence in construction: A Delphi approach, framework, and case study
Alevileri Ehlîleştirmek -Aleviliği Evrenselleştirmek: Türkiye ve Birleşik Krallık’ta Eğitim Politikalarına Bakış
What the Bar can learn from the use of clinical supervison
How Technological Businesses Are Reducing Their Vulnerability During Natural Disasters: Focusing on Resilience and Opportunities
Anthropocentrism and climate change
Fashion Marketing and Communications: Theory and Practice Across the Fashion Industry. 2nd edition
Convergence of Kac-Moody Eisenstein series over a function field
Understanding Data, Culture and Society
Storage stability and solution binding affinity of an Fc-fusion mimetic
Bridging genomics’ greatest challenge: The diversity gap
Mini-publics and Party Ideology: Who Commissioned the Deliberative Wave in Europe?
The Music of the Gothic: 1789-1820
Bath Abbey and Authenticity: the role of the replica and the voicefulness of historic surfaces.
Indo-Aryan Influence in Mauritian Creole
How does innovation emerge in open platform ecosystems?
Nation, Nationalism and Indian Hindi Cinema
Nation, Family and Trauma: Techno-Nationalism and conflicts of loyalty in the Indian Hindi-language espionage thriller Mission Majnu
Estimated cumulative incidence of intervention by children’s social care services to age 18: a whole-of-England administrative data cohort study using the child in need census
Integrating plasmasphere, ionosphere and thermosphere observations and models into a standardised open access research environment: The PITHIA-NRF international project
Reflection By Design: Embedding Reflective Practice into the Student Learning Journey
Introduction: Education, society and knowledge: The global context for decolonization
Decolonizing knowledge Science, scientists and science education
Decolonizing Knowledge: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Murmurations of Dirichlet characters
Narratives in the politics of recognition of Alevis in the course of migration from Turkey to Western Europe since the 1960s
The Sunnification and Turkification of Alevi Kurds in Turkey: The Use of Education as a Colonising Practice
The Phantom Train: Deporting Prisoners from Occupied France. The Account of Francesco Fausto Nitti, 1944
Automated Generation of Deployment Descriptors for Managing Microservices-based Applications in the Cloud to Edge Continuum
Islamic and Conventional Financial Institutions: Emerging Market Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibilities
Disrupting the Heteropatriarchy in Temblores (Bustamante, 2019) and Clara Sola (Álvarez Mesén, 2021)
Language teaching needs language science: A manifesto for linguistics and language teaching in the United Kingdom
Gender, Human Rights and Water Governance in Indonesia
Where now for interactive sound and music?
Can we create an artefact of a piece of interactive audio?
Is interactive sound and music ever finished?
How can you make interaction a meaningful part of the work?
How do you compose for multiple possibilities?
How do audience expectations change in an interactive space?
Is it actually interactive and does it actually matter?
Who is (not) in the room? An epistemic justice perspective on low-carbon transport transitions
Psychic Distance and Inter-organizational Relationships: Theoretical Foundations, Methodological Approaches, and Future Research Directions
The role of Employability Development Opportunities in closing the social gap in the Finance sector: A Case Study of a post-1992 UK business school
A User-Driven Prioritisation Process implementation and optimisation for ATFM hotspot resolution
Lotta alla povertà in territorio occupato: potenzialità e limiti del diritto dell’occupazione bellica
How do institutional gender regimes affect formal reporting processes for sexual harassment? A qualitative study of UK higher education
Interview with Nina Danino and Sarah Pucill
The Photobook as Shape Shifter in the Expanded Realm of Contemporary Photography: Examples from South Korea
The Flood that Never Came: Court of Justice Case Law on Victims’ Rights Acquis
The North-West Manchester By-Election 1908
Fame, Embodiment and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Women's Poetry
Innovative Microencapsulation of Polymyxin B for Enhanced Antimicrobial Efficacy via Coated Spray Drying
‘Why is the chubby guy running?’: Trans pregnancy, fatness and cultural intelligibility
Access to Justice for Atrocities in the Comparison of Land-Mark Cases on State Immunity in Brazil and Italy
Introduction: Global Photographies and Questions of Cultural Translation
The Routledge Companion to Global Photographies
Il diritto internazionale umanitario si preoccupa di prevenire o ridurre la povertà?
The effects of identity (subordinate vs. superordinate) salience on intergroup attitudes, anxiety, and contact intentions in North Cyprus
A multi-Objective Optimisation Metaheuristic Hybrid technique for Forecasting the Electricity Consumption of the UAE: A Grey Wolf Approach
Sustainable mega event legacies
Creating A Feminist Gaze?: Motherhood and Identity in Recent Costa Rican Cinema
A Domestic Revolution: Feminist Awakening in the Home in Rosario Castellanos’s ‘Lección de cocina’ ['Cooking Lesson’] (1971) and Antonella Sudasassi’s El despertar de las hormigas [The Awakening of the Ants] (2019)
Symbolic Reparations, Buchonas, and Gore Capitalism in Mayra Martell’s Gore (2017) and Chulada (2018)
Grieving Democracy
The cortisol awakening response: regulation and functional significance
Treatment ‘cultures’, sexually transmitted infections and the rise of antimicrobial resistance
Counter-mapping, Counter-histories and Insurgencies of Subjugated Knowledges in the Fisher Struggle for Ennore Creek
Law 3.0: Technology and Law In Entertainment Industry – The Case of Ticket Touting / Recht 3.0: Technologie und Recht in der Unterhaltungsindustrie – der Fall illegaler Ticketverkäufe
Walter Benjamin, Antifascism and Mimetic Education
Protection of the Environment under International Law during Occupation International Humanitarian, Human Rights and Environmental Law
Analytic moments of TGARCH(1,1) models with polynomially adjusted densities
Beyond participants–researchers–research outsiders: food talk and the (co)construction of knowledge in multi-sited participatory ethnography
Intelligence Mindsets Trajectory Profiles among Chinese Elementary School Students: Associations with Changes in Academic Achievement from Grades 4 to 6
Making and selling Greek food in London: migrant hospitality professionals talk about food authenticity over dinner
Interactive Sound and Music: Beyond Pressing Play
Submentalising: Clarifying How Domain General Processes Explain Spontaneous Perspective-Taking
The W-ICAD model: Redefining museum access through the Workshop for Inclusive Co-created Audio Description
Fantasy or reality? Unveiling the power of realistic narratives in tourism social media advertising
Race as a Technology
Unlearning Development
Unsettling Peace
How Race Matters
Another Approach to Decoloniality is Possible
The Black Horizon in Context
Race in the Anthropocene: Coloniality, Disavowal and the Black Horizon
Does Options Trading Affect Audit Pricing?
Calibrating families: Data behaviourism and the new algorithmic logic
Gender justice in global tourism: exploring tourism transformation through the lens of feminist alternative economics
The Sweeney – Library Music Use, Re-use and Cultural Association in the British TV Police Procedural
The Museum Accessibility Spectrum: Re-imagining access and inclusion
Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in children and young people with psychiatric disorders: a systematic review.
Ensemble of ensembles for fine particulate matter pollution prediction using big data analytics and IoT emission sensors
Boruta-grid-search least square support vector machine for NO2 pollution prediction using big data analytics and IoT emission sensors
The City as Marginalized Space: A History of the Urban in Chinese Socialist Animation (1950s-80s)
περίττου σαν τους Έλληνες ‘more like the Greeks’: linguistic cleavages and authenticity in London’s Greek Cypriot diaspora
Case Study Research on Innovation Systems: Paradox, Dialectical Analysis and Resolution
Understanding how doctoral researchers perceive research supervision to impact their mental health and well-being
Influence of an integrated value-based asset condition assessment in built asset management
Geopolitical risk and energy prices
Orochi impact formula: An evidence-based approach for quantifying the societal harm of County Lines drug supply
The Speaker Is Being Impolite. How Is the Interpreter Interpreting That?
Gender based water violence: cross cultural evidence of severe harm associated with water insecurity for women and girls
Rural Entrepreneurship and the Formalisation of Rural Tourism in Marginal Destinations: Challenges and Perspectives
Self-surveillance practices of factory women migrant workers receiving SRH interventions in Malaysia: The effects of salience, gendered subjectivity and universalism
Sustainable Mega-event Legacies
Causal Inference
Mocking the Border: Strategies of Creative Resistance through the Digital
Identity is a matter of place: intersectional identities of Romanian women migrant entrepreneurs on the Eastern-Western European route.
“No no / He is dead.” A chapter in which a nine-minute video about Bertolt Brecht is not a nine-minute video about Bertolt Brecht
The Trouble with Community: Constructing, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Transnational “Community” Micro-archives
Multimodal metonymy
Health tourism and government supports
Right-wing populism and urban planning
Contemporary Colonialities: Kurds and Kashmiris
Investigating the ‘mission and profit’ paradox: Case study of an ecopreneurial organisation in India
Songwriting, Visuality and Technological Determinism – Exploring Artistic Responses to Perceived Negative Effects of Streaming on Songwriting and Production
The nexus of internal market orientation and international HR management
Language and national identity in Palestine: representation of power and resistance in Gaza
Human Security and International Law: the role of the United Nations
Students as co-creators project: Understanding Students' preferences for Blended Learning approaches at Westminster Business School
Towards a Sellarsian Theory of Architecture.
AI Talks: AI-Driven insights - challenges and examples when embedding AI in teaching and research
The USSR and the Palestine Question, 1950-1991