Performance evaluation of GNSS aided predictive multihomed NEMO configurations
Desktop grids opening up to UNICORE
Utilizing the power of desktop grid systems by web 2.0 communities
Promoting plurilingualism - Majority language in multilingual settings
Introduction: Exploring links between identity, motivation and autonomy
Mehrsprachigkeit fordern: Die Mehrheittssprache im vielsprachigen Umfeld
“Drums are not for Gentlemen”: Class and Race in Langston Hughes’ Haitian Encounter
‘Striking a Chord’; Music, Health and Wellbeing: Current Developments in Research and Practice
Research Ethics, Positive and Negative Impact and working in an Indigenous Australian Context
Brazil: The Cultural Contemporary
Memoranda: Maisie Broadhead, Stephen Dixon, Laura Potter and Elaine Wilson
Techniques for the Study of Apoptosis in Bone
Collaborative project to co-ordinate care for patients with dementia.
Blunting of adaptive responses to resistance exercise training in women over 75y
Guide to Receptors and Channels (GRAC), 5th edition
Artificial trans fatty acids in food supply: A global health threat
The Perception of Culture through Subtitles
Extracellular matrix and the neural stem cell niche
Discovery services: next generation of searching scholarly information
Firm Size and the Nature of International Relationships: The Case of Globally Integrated Small Firms
Delocalization of economic activity: Agents, places and industries
Graduate employability and the propensity to learn in employment: a new vocationalism
Graduate Employment: 333 tips for finding your first job as a graduate
Trekking poles reduce exercise-induced muscle injury during mountain walking
Commentary to part II: Dialogical methodologies in practice
How prosody marks shifts in footing in classroom discourse
The Role of the Fc Region in CD70-specific Antibody Effects on Cardiac Transplant Survival
Dispersal of time aspect of information stored on physical memory
Extraction of user information by pattern matching techniques in windows physical memory
Forensic extraction of user information in continuous block of evidence
On the extraction of forensically relevant information from physical memory
A Study of Application Level Information From The Volatile Memory of Windows Computer Systems
Effect of fossil-fuel electricity generators on Indoor Air Quality in Kaduna Nigeria
Artemisinins act through at least two targets in a yeast model
The families of Annaghgad townland in the parish of Creggan
Fan Fiction and Copyright: Outsider Works and Intellectual Property Protection
Pathogenicity of Misfolded and Dimeric HLA-B27 Molecules
The Oxidative Folding and Misfolding of Human Leukocyte Antigen-B27
How CLEVER-based clouds conceive horizontal and vertical federations
CLEVER: A cloud cross-computing platform leveraging GRID resources
AAA in a cloud-based virtual DIME network architecture (DNA)
Lightweight and transparent covers
Evolution of Covers in Architecture
Paisaje, arquitectura y turismo. El vino como excusa
From Function to Competence: Engaging with the New Politics of Family
Dravet syndrome as epileptic encephalopathy: Evidence from long-term course and neuropathology
Image analysis and statistical inference in neuroimaging with R
Special volume on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in R
Working with the DICOM and NIfTI data standards in R
European Retrofit Network: Retrofitting Evaluation Methodology Report
Il ruolo della politica nella pianificazione strategica: l'esperienza di Metropoli Terra di Bari
Full service vehicle manufacturing: Rise and fall
The ε-normalized sign regressor least mean square (NSRLMS) adaptive algorithm
Analysis of the sign regressor least mean fourth adaptive algorithm
A steady-state analysis of the ε-normalized sign-error least mean square (NSLMS) adaptive algorithm
Analysis of the complex sign regressor least mean fourth adaptive algorithm
Adaptive channel equalization using the sign regressor least mean fourth algorithm
From Postfiction to Protofiction: Conspiracy Theory, Social Networks, and Confabulation
Who can carry the Dalai Lama's legacy?
China fears the living Tibetans – not those who set fire to themselves
Revisiting the China-India Border Dispute: An Introduction’
Is Critical Realism a philosophy in search of a method?
''The Structure of Invention'': A Critical Analysis
Establishment and Development of IBS in Malaysia
The Anti-Cancer Drug Supply Chain: A Coupled Production-Distribution Problem
Bamako 2009 Conference on the Bioinformatics of Infectious Diseases
myKaryoView: a light-weight client for visualization of genomic data
The Watertower: Gaming for Heritage
Is there a reversal in the effect of obesity on mortality in old age?
Spina bifida and hydrocephalus
Full Service Vehicle Manufacturing: Rise and Fall
Ecoarchitecture: The Work of Ken Yeang
These Islands, We Sing: An Anthology of Scottish Islands Poetry
Probation and social work on trial: Violent offenders and child abusers
A Method Actor's Guide to Jekyll and Hyde
Dial ‘P’ for panties: Narrative photography in the 1990s
Investor Protection v. State Regulatory Discretion
An unsupervised method for active region extraction in sports videos
The benefits of an e-business performance measurement system
Perforin activity at membranes leads to invaginations and vesicle formation
Tourism and Water in Bali: a looming Crisis
Stress Management Training for Surgeons - a randomised controlled intervention study
Hunger, Resistance and Creativity
MC Kash: That Bayonet of a Voice
A disruptive ethnography of Tanzanian-Indians
Cultural Econo-Mixes of the Bazaar
How many zeroes are there in a trillion? On Economics, Neoliberalism and Economic Justice
Technologies of Culture: Digital Feature Filmmaking in New Zealand
The perils pitfalls and opportunities of using high sensitivity cardiac troponin
The influence of a half-marathon upon cardiac troponin T release in adolescent runners
Antioxidant supplementation does not attenuate exercise-induced cardiac troponin release
Influence of Population selection on the 99th percentile reference value for cardiac troponin assays
Central Asia and the Politics of Oil and Gas
Migrant Workers in China: Social Exclusion, Protection and Representation
Mouse models of myeloproliferative Neoplasms: JAK of all grades. (Review)
Osong Biovalley Masterplan, South Korea
Homeless Facilities: Spring Gardens and the Redbridge Welcome Centre
New media and Investigative Journalists in China
IL-2 Regulates Expression of C-MAF in Human CD4 T Cells
Developing your Leading Qualities
The Higher Education System: A Perspective from the UK
The Power of Authentic Communication
Responsible Entertainment: ‘greening’ festivals and entertainment events
The Autumn in Germany: A Dialogue on Fassbinder and Terrorism
From the Multitudo to the Multitude: The Place of Spinoza in the Political Philosophy of Toni Negri
Eastern Europe as Site of Monstrosity in Import-Export and La Vie Nouvelle
Translation as a Means of Ideological Struggle
Open Resources in Built Environment Education (ORBEE)
Three Films on Language/Poland/Belarus, Integration, Internationalism, Nationalism
Difficulties in Writing the Truth
Nou Relat per a L'habitage public com a Infraestructura Civica
The Futures of the City Region
The Big Society Concept in a Natural Environment Setting
The Role of the Internet in Current Global Activism
The Impartiality of BBC Output with regard to Immigration: Discussion Paper for the BBC Trust
Developing and Assessing the Communication Skills of MSc Applied Economics Students
Breaking the Silence: The role of gossip in organizational culture
The effectiveness of a disaster training programme for healthcare workers in Greece
Learning about leadership through critical reflection and practitioner-academic co-inquiry
Value Propositions in Higher Education: an S-D logic view
Consumer attitudes towards direct advertising of prescription drugs - a UK perspective
Near Miss Suicide of Offenders Doing Community Sentences
MARILLE – Promoting plurilingualism in the majority language classroom
Reconceptualising Intercultural Education: A Model from Language Education
Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning
Passenger-Oriented Enhanced Metrics
The emergence of a value structure at an early age: Cross-cultural evidence
Out of this World: Space Children: From Dr Funkenstein to the ArchAndroid
The neural basis of centre-surround interactions in visual motion processing
Case study IESE Business School. "Michel Saint-Laurent"
Two Peacocks: A Department Store
Conceptualising the influence of corporate image on country image
Common and shared services in the context of cloud computing
Rewarding performance in an international environment
The changing nature of international assignments
The changing nature of expatriate demographics
Emerging markets: tapping in to new talent
Are flexible policies the smart solution?
Low B12 and High Folate: Novel Mechanism of Higher Insulin Resistance in Human Adipocytes
Low B12 and high folate: a novel regulator of cholesterol biosynthesis in human adipocytes
Folate and vitamin B12 imbalance induces endoplasmic reticulum stress in human adipocytes
The Exotic Orient in Gender and Tourism
Phylum Dinophyta (Dinoflagellates)
Theoretical Perspectives on Expatriate Gender Diversity
What do we really know about corporate career women expatriates?
Networking: a valuable career intervention for women expatriates?
Rethinking determinants of ICT acceptance: Towards an integrated and comprehensive overview
Clorinda Matto de Turner's Herencia as the creation of an alternative social knowledge
Simulation of airborne ATFM delay and delay recovery by cruise speed reduction
Depart and approach procedures for UAS in a VFR environment
Open Innovation and Locally Responsible Design
The strategic role of design in cultural products and services
Museumfying Chinese diaspora: same heritage, different meanings?
Media amplification of brand crisis and its affect on brand trust
Towards an Archaeology of Media Ecologies: The Case of Italian Free Radios
Gub Neal: Cracking the Business of TV Drama Production
Evolution of lactase persistence: an example of human niche construction
Copyright Law and Technology: Challenging the Concept of Balance
Influence of chylomicron remnants on human monocyte activation in vitro
Youth and Community: Connections and Disconnections
Total synthesis of 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid and its derivatives
Departure and approach procedures for unmanned aircraft systems in a visual-flight-rule environment
Evaluation for Participation and Sustainability in Planning
Introduction in 'Climate change and construction labour'
On Olivier & Simmond’s 'Less is More: Energy Security after Oil’ (Review Essay)
Rise, fragmentation, infringement and fear: emerging urban issues in Chinese clustering in Italy
(Re)Creating Cultural Models of Motherhoods in Contemporary Advertising
Mitigate DoS and DDoS Attack in Ad Hoc Networks
Prince: The Making of a Pop Music Phenomenon
The Hidden World of Consumer ADR: Redress and Behaviour (report on ADR conference in Oxford 2011)
2010 Meltdown – Airport Closure Risk Communications in London and NYC
A new proposal for computing portfolio valueat-risk for semi-nonparametric distributions
Are the high-order moments of the assets returns distribution forecastable?
An exploratory analysis of supervisors' comments in performance appraisal: data from a call center
Ethics and Loss of Chance in Medical Causation
The (adverse) consequences of expanding higher education: evidence from Italy
Multivariate Semi-nonparametric Distributions with Dynamic Conditional Correlations
Impact: Linguistics in the real world
Protein deiminases: new players in the developmentally regulated loss of neural regenerative ability
The river solofrana bicycle network: a project of green mobility
Christian Schad; The Private Face behind the Public Mask (Facade)
Why do I need to learn this? Inspiring first year students
The immediate and short-term chemosensory impacts of coffee and caffeine on cardiovascular activity
Navigating a pathway to partnership through turbulent seas of adversity
Video and image processing with self-organizing neural networks
Intuitionistic fuzzy XML query matching
A generalized net with an ACO-algorithm optimization component
Student Numeracy Support Using Bespoke Reusable Learning Objects
Foreword to 'Distributed intelligence in design'
Subdivision surfaces for integrated design, analysis and optimisation
Towards non-linear representation
Geometry optimisation for adaptable lightweight structures in remote areas
Performance based interactive analysis
Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Edge Preservation
A study of Cappadocian Greek nominal morphology from a diachronic and dialectological perspective
Langford's advanced photography 8th Edition
Sensual geographies of tourism
Risk, excitement and emotional conflict in women's travel narratives
UK bio-pharma: innovation, re-invention and capital at risk
Book review: 'Interpreting Interviews' by Mats Alvesson
Systemic risk in financial services
Neuter heteroclisis in Asia Minor Greek: origin and development
(In)security, risk, Muslim communities, policing and the 'new terrorism'
How differentiated is Scottish beef? An analysis of supermarket data
Innovationen in der versicherungswirtschaft
Financing of long‐term care in Germany
Eco-cities - a global survey 2011: eco-city profiles
Review of 'What it means to be Palestinian: stories of Palestinian peoplehood' by Dina Matar
Review of 'The rise and fall of a Palestinian Dynasty: the Husaynis 1700-1948', by Ilan Pappe
Review of 'Tablet and pen: literary landscapes from the modern Middle East', by Reza Aslan
Identity in Mahmoud Darwish's poem 'The dice player'
Language as culture: the question of Arabic
Local cultural diversity: a U.S. perspective
Crusaders or pigs in raincoats?
Development of a Face-to-Face Meeting Capture and Indexing Process
Cultural and intercultural negotiation aspects: United Kingdom
Collaborative Learning in the Translation Classroom: Preliminary Survey Results
The effect of the L’Aquila earthquake on labour market outcomes
Wellbeing and a Capability Approach in Planning Evaluation and Regional Development
Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate), P(3HB) production and its biomedical applications
Evaluation for Sustainability and Participation in Planning
Psychology from the Standpoint of Ethnic Minority Students
Investigation of bacteriophage diversity associated with the human gastrointestinal microbiota
Isolation of a Klebsiella bacterium–bacteriophage combination from human caecum effluent
Pilot study investigating the Coriobacteriaceae population of the human gastrointestinal microbiota
Visual memory errors in Parkinson's disease patient with visual hallucinations
Caught between Islam and the West: secularism in the Kemalist discourse
China's environment and China's environment journalists: a study
The determinants of disparities in inward FDI flows to the three macro-regions of China
A synergistic reputation-policy based trust model for Grid resource selection
Combining M-FISH and Quantum Dot technology for fast chromosomal assignment of transgenic insertions
A different place in the making: the everyday practices of rural migrants in Chinese urban villages
Self-assembled liposomes from amphiphilic electrospun nanofibers
Reservoir operating rules to sustain environmental flows in regulated rivers
Web 2.0, grassroots journalism and social justice in China
A multi-agent-enabled evolutionary approach to supply chain strategy formulation
Greek immigrants playing ancient Greeks at Chicago’s Hull-House: whose antiquity?
Performing Greek drama in Oxford and on tour with the Balliol Players
Towards an optimal purchasing policy for nursing home placements in long-term care
CETL for work based learning: enhancing innovation and creativity in teaching and learning
Green and healthy jobs in transport: launching a new partnership under THE PEP
"Curious kisses": the Chinatown fantasies of Thomas Burke
Book review: Wilkie Collins: a literary life
Bedraggled ballerinas on a ’bus back to Bow: "the fairy business"
Vision, science and literature, 1870-1920: ocular horizons
Amity foundation: joining the grass roots and the local state in China's 'harmonious society'
Osteoarthritis: the role and mechanisms of the chondroprotective peptide Urocortin I
Chondrocyte CRF receptor expression and Urocortin I mediated chondroprotection
Cartoons on drink and drunkenness in the late Soviet period
Unnatural selection: variation, deviation and excess at the fin de siècle
A research oxymoron: objectifying human skills
Realising enactments of Chinese medicine
More like hairdressing than acupuncture
Building a community: construction workers in Stevenage, 1950-1970
Human rights in business context: perspectives and trends
Human rights and the normative ordering of global capitalism
Profitability in the airline vs airport business: a long-term perspective
Using simplified discrete-event simulation models for real world health care applications
Flexible New Deal evaluation: customer survey and qualitative research findings
Media industries: ownership, copyright and regulation
Justice for all in the dispute settlement system of the World Trade Organization?
The strategic economic impact of diversity on business performance
Self employment, small firms and enterprise
Access to the legal profession
A research agenda for social media surveillance
Mutual transparency or mundane transgressions? Institutional creeping on Facebook
Organizational learning and service management: a collectivist partnership approach
Daylighting: architecture and lighting design
Students' engagement with online learning
Infotainment Inc.: the ascent of a global ideology
Imaging internal features of whole, unfixed bacteria
Distant voices, magic knives: Lal-e-Yaman and the transition to sound in Bombay cinema
Pragmatic study of orlistat 60 mg on abdominal obesity
Rethinking Thai architecture and cultural identity
The development-security nexus and security sector reform
The effect of cyclostationarity on a DASP-based spectrum sensing method
D1.2 Passenger and traffic data input to model
In vitro selection and characterisation of human anti-HIV-1 antibody fragments
Towards a full implementation of collaborative care plan. OR Informing National Health Policy
The evolutionary psychology of human beauty
British men’s hair color preferences: An assessment of courtship solicitation and stimulus ratings
Love at first sight? Individual differences and the psychology of initial romantic attraction
Evolutionary perspectives on human appearance and body image
World Englishes on the Internet: some considerations for teaching
Team teaching English in Japan: an English as a lingua franca analysis
Global governance after the analog age: the world after media piracy
Little kids TV: downloading, sampling and school TV experiences of the digital era
British television in the American marketplace
Ekonomia społeczna, przedsiębiorstwospołeczne i teoria d emokracji stowarzyszeniowej
Putting democracy into welfare provision
The 2012 games: the regeneration legacy
Plastic modes of listening: affordance in constructed sound environments
Identification of Schistosoma mansoni microRNAs
By dint of a coarse inscription
Economic growth and regional integration in Mexico
The German Army on the Western Front: 1914 – 1918
Revisiting the capital tax ambiguity result
Is MDMA present in hair samples consistent with reported Ecstasy use?
Perfect your German: lower intermediate to advanced level
Influence of estrogens on GH-cell network dynamics in females: a live in situ imaging approach
Product innovation and the costs of energy-using product policies
Impact of energy-using product policies
Checkpointing of parallel applications in a Grid environment
Arab cultural studies: mapping the field
Arab cultural studies: between re-territorialization and deterritorialization
Semantic management of submissions of applications for marketing authorisation of medicines
Book review: 'Adolescence’, pregnancy and abortion: constructing a threat of degeneration
Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and their biomedical applications
Prospective memory: the influence of ecstasy, cannabis and nicotine use and the WWW
Units of observation for the measurement and analysis of energy consumption in freight transport
Theorising men and distress: What’s on the horizon for research and scholarship?
Scientific workflow makespan reduction through cloud augmented desktop grids
Provisioning OpenCL capable infrastructure with infiniband verbs
Data warehousing based architecture for the reporting of the NHS primary care prescribing
Lone parents work aspirations: a literature review
GPs make the NICE 2009 back pain guidelines work for patients in difficult financial times?
Polyhydroxyalkanoates: the emerging new green polymers of choice
High-linearity reconfigurable microstrip UWB bandpass filters
Simulation of reconfigurable WLAN notch for UWB filters
Near-infrared ink differentiation in medieval manuscripts
Exploring food attitudes and behaviours in the UK: findings from the Food and You Survey 2010
Exploring food attitudes and behaviours in the UK: findings from the Food and You Survey 2010
Paysages transitoires - La migrance dans les oeuvres de trois plasticiennes d'origine maghrébine
Family futures: childhood and poverty in urban neighbourhoods
The etymology of the OE hōre word-field and the lexico-cultural climate of eleventh-century England
England: accreditation of Prior Experimental learning (APEL) research in higher education
Developing transnational race theory: a place for CRT?
Understanding the strategic organization propensity through "Managerial Discussion and Analysis"
Where and how to find data on safety: what do systematic reviews of complementary therapies tell us?
Blackmail in Zimbabwe: troubling narratives of sexuality and rights
The sound of a breaking string: critical environmental law and ontological vulnerability
Towards a critical environmental law
Suspension of suspension: notes on the hybrid
Looking for the space between law and ecology
Giving guilt: the aneconomy of law and justice
Critical autopoiesis: the environment of the law
Whose bandwagon is it anyway? Empirical findings from Taiwanese (ROC) magistrates
Synthesis and anti-cancer evaluation of cyclotriphosphazene hydrazone derivatives
Brain-writing technique: application as an evaluative and revision tool
The impact of the economy on recruitment and retention in the armed forces: final report
REV5901 induces calcium dependant chondroprotective effects post in vitro mechanical loading
Mechanical loading and cartilage physiology
The impact of Italianate on consumers’ brand perceptions of luxury brands
A ‘post-partisan’ President in a partisan context
Financialisation, income distribution and aggregate demand in the USA
The crisis in Western and Eastern EU: does the policy reaction address its origins?
Globalisation, macroeconomic performance and distribution
Device-dependent scene-dependent quality predictions using effective pictorial information capacity
Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates
Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates
Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates
Multivariate distributions based on general moments expansions: evidence from exchange rates
On the stability of the CRRA utility under high degrees of uncertainty
Corporate governance: principles and issues
Corporate governance and the board
A critique of European Standard EN 15251: strengths, weaknesses and lessons for future standards
Business rights as human rights
The development of copyright and moral rights in the European legal systems
Planning world cities: globalization and urban politics. 2nd edition
Stewardship of the built environment in England: lessons for developing sustainable communities
Kennedy inquires into the meaning of Kokum (short story)
"By curious sovereignty of art”: Wyndham Lewis and nihilism
Synchronization of the sheep oestrous cycle
Measuring the action of CPP–siRNA conjugates in the lung
Iran ambitious for regional supremacy: the great powers, geopolitics and energy resources
An Australian approach to ethical warfare? Australia and the 'war on terror'
Electomagnetic modelling of dielectric-filled waveguide filters for diplexer applications
The influence of maternal body mass index on infant adiposity and hepatic lipid content
Explosive ordinance disposal: motion sensor simulator in Nintendo Wii
Fast image representation with GPU-based growing neural gas
Using electrophoretic deposition to identify protein charge in biological medium
Quantum linguistic patterning, Volume 1
O'Brennan abroad: an Irish editor in London and Chicago
A New Unintended Equilibrium of Functions
Thrilling at a distance: an exhibition of architectural imaginings for Croydon
Counterpoint: Less answers, more questions
The dilemma of intervention: human rights and the UN security council
Peripheral vs. central sex steroid hormones in experimental Parkinson's disease
Terrorism, conspiracy, and surveillance in Bombay's urban cinema
When we trust too much: on the implications of learning to trust in highly socialised environments
Strategic intent and inter-organisational conflict management in the Arve Valley industrial district
FCM: an architecture for integrating IaaS cloud systems
Fluorescent fusion polypeptides and methods of use
Expression of recombinant multi-coloured fluorescent antibodies in gor -/trxB - E. coli cytoplasm
Popular music as journalism in Africa: issues and contexts
Where to next? The shape of doctorates for now and the future
Near-miss suicides in offenders doing community sentences
The Macmillan diaries: vol II, Prime Minister and after 1957-1966
Assessing the impact of receiving Disability Living Allowance: secondary analysis of existing data
Men behaving well? Journeys towards constructive engagement with well-being through meditation
Men behaving well? Journeys towards constructive engagement with well-being through meditation
A history of BBC local radio in England: c1960 – 1980
Separation and characterization of different isoform populations of PSA in seminal fluid
The new generation of lifestyle magazine journalism in China: the professional approach
'My London’: exploring identities through audience participation and critical consumption
City logistics best practices in Europe: a handbook for authorities
A consolidation network model for urban freight transport
Véhicules électriques et réseau de plates-formes de fret à Londres
Urban Consolidation Centres typologies and good practice assessment
Assessing the impacts of goods distribution
Integrated partnership development: Japanese and Korean perspectives
Visionary behind the iron curtain: Cezary Berezowski on european integration
Treaty of Lisbon and EU’s absorption capacity
Half full, half empty glass: the application of EU law in Poland (2004-2010)
Is it in yet? Optimisation and screening of an RNAi delivery screen
Article 2 1951 Convention (general obligations)
Art and celebrity: a study of the celebritisation of artists in Taiwan 1987-2010
Interoperability of heterogeneous large-scale scientific workflows and data resources
Application of wavelet neural networks as a non-linear modelling technique in food microbiology
Power load forecasting using extended normalised radial basis function networks
Work and identity: historical and cultural contexts
Gridifying the TINKER conformer generator application for gLite grid
Multi-level brokering solution for interoperating service and desktop grids
The development of war and culture studies in the UK: from French studies, beyond and back again
How to live? One question and six or seven life lessons with Albert Memmi
Foundations of efficient virtual appliance based service deployments
Asylum law or criminal law: blame, deterrence and the criminalisation of the asylum
Sharing healthcare data by manipulating ontological individuals
Resolving semantic conflicts through ontological layering
Corporate rescue in the UK and the effect of the TUPE
Predicting the outcome of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) adult claims
Life meaning life: is there any hope of release for prisoners serving whole life orders?
Editing the field: video tales from globalised cityscapes
Synthesis and characterization of a theranostic vascular disrupting agent for in vivo MR imaging
How to make BOINC-based desktop grids even more popular?
Eco-city governance: a case study of Treasure Island and Sonoma Mountain Village
Eco-cities: the mainstreaming of urban sustainability; key characteristics and driving factors
Nudge nudge, think think: experimenting with ways to change civic behaviour
A decision support system for EEG signals based on adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks
Exploring the effect of temperature variations on unplanned asthma admissions
The impact of temperature disparity on emergency readmissions and patient flows
Urban explorations: methods and tools
Shanghai borderlands: The rise of a new urbanity?
Language choice and language shift in Port Harcourt
High-dose vitamin D supplements are not associated with linear growth in a large Finnish cohort
Employability programmes: a review of evidence of ‘what works’ for lone parents
Introduction: variations on the theme of war and culture
Antecedents of luxury brand purchase intention
An exploratory analysis of the links between human-pet relationship and consumer behaviour
Resource integration using self-service technology: the customer perspective
Helping customers to help themselves
The films of Kenneth Anger and the sixties politics of consciousness
European migrant workers’ understanding and experience of the tax credits system
The role of employer attitudes and behaviour, JRF programme paper: Poverty and ethnicity
Recession and cohesion in Bradford
'A world of movement': memory and reality for Palestinian women in the camps of Lebanon
Keeping the memory alive: Palestinian women in Lebanon narrate home, homeland and homelessness
'How happy are you ...?’ Subjective well-being in East Germany twenty years after unification
East Germans and the inner unity project: an everyday route to normality
The paradox of pluralisation: men, masculinities and power in contemporary China
The domination of men: masculinities, sexualities and power in contemporary China
White-collar men and symbolic violence against women in postsocialist China
Masculinities and androgyny in contemporary China
Anxious men and the recuperation of masculinity in contemporary China
Co-creation: resource integration and value realisation
Paranormal media: audiences, spirits and magic in popular culture
Big formats, small nations: does size matter?
The role of the regions: networks, scale, territory
Borders in post-socialist Europe: territory, scale, society
The responsibility to protect and international law
Zum vermeintlichen Zumsammenhang zwischen gescheiterten Staaten und glbalem Terrorismus
Security, discretion and international law
Conclusion: war, law and ethics
Clinical Simulation: Exploring its history and evolution
The practical challenges of evaluating a blanket emergency feeding programme in northern Kenya
A quest for an applicable model of growth for Directgov
Alterations to liver energy metabolism and cell death following alcohol exposure
Food and public health: contemporary issues and future directions
Hydrology and ecology of river systems
Basic fashion management 01: fashion merchandising
Sport and the law: considerations for sports managers
Improving DWP assessment of the relative costs and benefits of employment programmes
Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship: a bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2010
Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship research and theory: a bibliometric analysis
Airports as venues for business tourism
The role of airports in developing tourism
The impact of North Atlantic passenger services on airports
Leisure travel demand: implications for airlines and airports
The impact of the shifting pensions landscape on the psychological contract
The Olympics' employment and skills legacy: a literature review
The architecture of the extended mind: towards a critical urban ecology
Reclaiming space and identity: heritage-led regeneration in Palestine
Substrate integrated waveguide cross-coupled filters for wireless applications
Development of waveguide filter structures for wireless and satellite communications
From invisible grids to smart cloud computing
Component-oriented approaches for software development in the extreme-scale computing era
Granular security for a science gateway in structural bioinformatics
From hijab to sweatshops: segregated bodies and contested space in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane
Beyond the gaps: postmodernist representations of the metropolis
The tragedy of Islamism in Britain: a fetishism for politics
Development platforms for mobile applications: status and trends
Action-based visual and creative methods in social research
Six principles for media education
Media studies 2.0, and other battles around the future of media research
Making is connecting: the social meaning of creativity from DIY and knitting to YouTube and Web 2.0
Good and bad times for making and thinking
Fast Autonomous Growing Neural Gas
Foundations of critical media and information studies
Lectin microarray profiling of metastatic breast cancers
Abstract LB14 - Lectin microarray profilling of metastatic breast cancers
Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates and their medical applications
Use of time and value of unpaid family care work: a comparison between Italy and Poland
Reliability and comparability of psychosis patients' retrospective reports of childhood abuse
Unlocking potential: performance evaluation of Penrose
Implementing fair value accounting in the agricultural sector
Editorial: African accounting studies
The responsibility to protect and international law
Exploring the impact of sucking sweets on flavour imagery
Bioreactor control by genetic programming
Genetic evolution of controllers for challenging control problems
Bioreactor control based on evolutionary computing and neural dynamic programming
Total pituitary hormone content in wild type and MC3 null male and female mice
Diversity's contribution to the bottom line: assigning a monetary value to diversity initiatives
The experience of implementing a Psychology Work Placement year
Koolhaas: ‘Sono una macchina che produce critica'
The fundamental role of metonymy in conceptualization and communication
Analysing Larkin: complementary approaches to teaching texts
Investigation of quorum sensing process in Bacillus licheniformis
Exploring traditional and metropolitan Indian arts using the Muggu tradition as a case study
Modelling high dependency care in the local neonatal unit
When unreason masquerades as reason: can law regulate networked communication ethically?
Three actors, two geographies, one philosophy: the straightjacket of social movements
The architecture of money: Jameson, abstraction and form
Global art, global modernity, global metropolis
Capitalist and bourgeois epics
D4.1 The preliminary POEM network model
Blind multidimensional matched filtering for wireless channelswith multiple antennas
Systemness: towards a data aesthetics of climate change
D5.1 Design of the analysis plan
D1.1 Passenger and traffic data specification
Modelling the airline costs of delay propagation
European airline delay cost reference values
D1.2 High-level functional specification: model outputs
D1.1 High-level functional specification: model inputs
Bret Easton Ellis: underwriting the contemporary
Fanny Copeland and the geographical imagination
Establishing equivalence through zones of mutual trust
The forthcoming Olympics in London
What’s the point of industrial relations?
Building capitalism: historical change and the labour process in the production of built environment
Transitions in action? Exploring vocational learner progression into and out of higher education
Supporting vocational learners: a focus on transition from FE to HE
Student retention model - illustrative examples: 18 - University of Westminster
Making transitions? Researching vocational learner progression into the graduate labour market
Lifelong learning in action? Researching further to higher education transitions (and beyond...)
Employability skills in action? Evaluating the Career Development Centre Skills Award
Career development centre skills award (case study 6)
Career development centre skills award
Career development centre skills award
Off vertical axis rotation motion sickness and field dependence
Staging memories: the imagined city through the mise-en-scène of photography
Rumble in the jungle: city, place, and uncanny bass
Temporal conflict in workflow schemas
The pragmatics of the modal particles να, θα, ας and μη(ν)
The pragmatics of prohibitive and hortative in modern Greek
Identifying the user’s intentions: basic illocutions in modern Greek
Basic illocutions of the MG subjunctive
Diagnostics in Chinese medicine
Journeys in and beyond the city: cinema in Calcutta, 1897-1939
Understanding the gap between the promise and the reality of the responsibility to protect
“Hys surcote was ouert”: The “Open Surcoat” in late MedievalBritish texts
Notions of belonging: the student perspective
Democracy, cosmopolitanism and national identity in a ‘globalising’ world
Patterns of representation in SETA 2008
Analysis of the survey of employment tribunal applications
The impact on urban distribution operations of upstream supply chain constraints
London Consolidation Centres Scheme (LCCS) Demand analysis
Enhancing the sustainability of urban freight transport and logistics
Doing pedagogical research in engineering
Developing football regulation to encourage supporter community ownership in football
Developing public policy to encourage supporter community ownership in football
Introduction: cross-national equivalence of skills and qualifications across Europe?
Europäische qualifikationen und unterschiedliche kompetenzkonzepte
Higher education qualifications: convergence and divergence in software engineering and nursing
Book review: The resistance: the French fight against the Nazis by Matthew Cobb
Book review: Jan Karski, Story of a secret state
The renaissance of geopolitics in post-1989 Italy
Resisting Europe? The case of Italy’s foreign policy
Reconsidering disclosure and liability in the transatlantic capital markets
French studies and employability at home and abroad: the experience of Westminster
Simulation game for training new teachers in class management
"Cognitive theory of multimedia learning" and learning videos design: The "redundancy principle"
Characterization of a plant-derived monoclonal antibody cocktail for human rabies prophylaxis
Characterization of a monoclonal antibody cocktail for human rabies prophylaxis
Evaluation of mental health first aid training in North East England
Professionalism under the Legal Services Act 2007
Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont
Natural deduction in the setting of paraconsistent logic
Handling periodic properties: deductive verification for quantified temporal logic specifications
Transformations of photography in Japan (1990-1999)
Final year project: a test case for requirements engineering skills
Disney discourses of self and other: animality, primitivity, modernity, and postmodernity
Real world approaches to assessing the impact of environmental research on policy
The place of catastrophe: Clarence King, Mike Davis and the politics of contingency
Signs of the sky, signs of the times: photography as double agent
Concrete ambivalence: inside the bunker complex
Financial development and income inequality: evidence from African countries
Meta-analysis of sex difference in testosterone levels in umbilical cord blood
The rise and fall of television journalism: just wires and lights in a box?
Dark materials to create more worlds: considering His dark materials as science fiction
"Dark materials to create more worlds": considering his dark materials as science fiction
The sociology of law: from industrialisation to globalisation
Having ones cake and eating it: the paradox of contextualisation in socio-legal research
Basel III: dehybridisation of capital
The Man who Walked with God: Philip Pullman's Metatron, the Biblical Enoch, and the Apocrypha
Wandle Valley Regional Park: action plan for the governance and management of the Regional Park
Press coverage of the second intifada (September 2000 - April 2002): impressions of media bias
Book review: Law and religion, by Russell Sandberg
Spatial agency: other ways of doing architecture
Creative and visual methods in audience research
Forming a new political aesthetic: the enabling body in Pat Barker's life class
Employment relations in Chile and Argentina
The l-vocalisation trend in young London English speech: growing or declining?
The flipped lecture: a pre-vodcasting trial
Towards a metric for measuring the value of professional doctorates
Designing professional doctorate curricula: the case of Higher Education practitioners
Islamic money management: a western view
The Egyptian experience: sense and nonsense of the Internet revolution
Palestine online: transnationalism, the Internet and the construction of identity
Gender dynamics in Palestinian Internet cafés
A growing neural gas algorithm with applications in hand modelling and tracking
Object representation with self-organising networks
China, oil and global politics
Engineering of recombatinant antimalria antibodies for application in paratransgenesis
Hindu nationalism in India and the politics of fear
Load forecasting using fuzzy wavelet neural networks
Dynamic non-linear system modelling using wavelet-based soft computing techniques
An IFTr approach to approximate XML query matching
Improved sigma-delta ultrasound beamformers with adaptive low-pass decimation filters
Multi-ethnic London: an architectural study of religious buildings in a globalized urban culture
A novel Fourier transform estimation method using random sampling
The effect of missing samples on quality of spectral analysis
Equidistributed sampling sequences for spectral analysis
Sukuk structure and its regulatory environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
A SARS multiband spectrum sensing method in wideband communication systems using RSG
A DASP multiband spectrum sensing method based on total random sampling on Grid without replacement
A spectrum sensing method based on stratified sampling
Applications of nonuniform sampling in wideband multichannel communication systems
Nonproportional random effects modelling of a neonatal unit operational patient pathways
Dual-tracking multi-constellation GNSS front-end for high-performance receiver applications
Media consumption amid contestation: Northern Nigerians’ engagement with the BBC World Service
The business of human rights: an evolving agenda for corporate responsibility
Stabilising an unequal economy?: Public debt, financial regulation, and income distribution
Richard Rogers: Centre Pompidou
Radical post-modernism: architectural design
Political economy of crisis and development
Panorámica actual de la cultura ecuatoriana
Nuts and seeds in health and disease prevention
News online: transformations and continuities
Naval leadership and management 1650-1950
Law and ecology: new environmental foundations
Language contact and language shift: grammatical and sociolinguistic perspectives
Internet and surveillance: the challenges of web 2.0 and social media
International law, security and ethics: policy challenges in the post-911 world
Imagining a shared future: perspectives on law, conflict and economic development in the Middle East
Globalisation, religion and development
Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention
Evolutionary psychology: a critical introduction
Around and about Stock Orchard Street
A wartime radio Odyssey: Edward Sackville-West and Benjamin Britten's The Rescue (1943)
Beyond repression and resistance - Christian love and China's harmonious society
A cross-cultural investigation of men's judgements of female body weight in Britain and Indonesia
Oslo’s new Opera House: cultural flagship, regeneration tool or destination icon?
Combination forecasts of international tourism demand
Researching mental health in minority ethnic communities: reflections on recruitment
Case brief: Manchester City Council v Pinnock [2010] UKSC
Understanding how men experience, express and cope with mental distress: where next?
Race and racism after anti-racism
Asset protection trusts: a legal and economic analysis of competing regulatory frameworks
The problem of coordination in politics: what critics of neoliberalism might draw from its advocates
Sustainable innovation and right to market
Local sustainability initiatives in English National Parks: what role for adaptive governance?
A pyrophosphate-responsive gadolinium(III) MRI contrast agent
Receptor tyrosine phosphatase PTPγ is a regulator of spinal cord neurogenesis
Book review: Chinese male homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and golden boy. Travis S. K. Kong
Pandora's Box? Humanitarian intervention and international law
Interpreting multi-agency partnerships: ideology, discourse and domestic violence
Book review: Victorian vulgarity: taste in verbal and visual culture
Wideband spectrum sensing technique based on random sampling on grid: Achieving lower sampling rates
Book review: Revenge of the forbidden city. The crackdown on the Falungong in China, 1999-2005
An improved technique for chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPS cells.
Measuring and modelling occupancy time in NHS continuing healthcare
Book review: Civilising missions: international religious agencies in China, by Miwa Hirono
'Ecstasy use, by itself, does not result in residual neurotoxicity'- a powerful argument?
Controlled delivery of gentamicin using poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) microspheres
Evaluating the use of an urban consolidation centre and electric vehicles in central London
Book review: Intercultural Language Activities by John Corbett
Tweeting the Oslo massacre: collateral damage
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA): bacterial cellulose composites for biomedical applications
Robust estimation of nonlinear model coefficients for wireless power amplifiers
Cell surface glycan-lectin interactions in tumor metastasis
Using SenseCam with an amnesic patient: Accessing inaccessible everyday memories
(Guest Editors) Special Issue: leaving the academy
Compromised critique: a meta-critical analysis of American studies after 9/11
Framing scrappage in Germany and the UK: from climate discourse to recession talk?
The homopolymer poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) as a matrix material for soft tissue engineering
Novel waveguide filters using T-shaped resonators
London freight data report 2010
In vitro mesenchymal stem cell differentiation after mechanical stimulation
Who rules Iran? The June 2009 election and political turmoil
Module based antibody engineering: a novel synthetic REDantibody
Targeting the melanocortin receptor system for anti-stroke therapy
The economic cost of pathways to care in first episode psychosis
Cation-π interactions induce kinking of a molecular hinge in the RNA polymerase bridge-helix domain
Qualitative research in nutrition and dietetics: data collection issues
Does the stock market compensate banks for diversifying into the insurance business?
Transmit precoding for flat-fading MIMO multiuser systems with maximum ratio combining receivers
ADAMTS-13 deficiency: can it cause chronic renal failure?
Space partitioning strategies for indoor WLAN positioning with cascade-connected ANN structures
Obesity and low vision as a result of excessive internet use, and television viewing
Energy : scientific and artistic, utopian and critical visions
Highbury Group on housing delivery: submission to localism bill committee
The Arabs and South Sudan: negativity in neglect (in Arabic)
The effect of smoking nicotine tobacco versus smoking deprivation on motion sickness
Cycling policy in the UK: a historical and thematic overview
Technology helps achieve more with less, "Academic Insight‟ section of Thought leaders special issue
Navigating the cloud computing landscape: technologies, services, and adopters
Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and their medical applications
Generational differences in work values: a review of theory and evidence
Draft evaluation plan for NSPCC HomeBuilders Commission
An approach for virtual appliance distribution for service deployment
P-GRADE portal family for grid infrastructures
Special issue. Portals for life sciences: providing intuitive access to bioinformatic tools
The diurnal cortisol cycle and cognitive performance in the healthy old
Intuitive perception and the competitive advantage of small family businesses: an exploratory study
The notion of H-IFS: an approach for enhancing the OLAP capabilities in oracle10g
Materia Secunda, text as image
The 3 prime paradigm of the miR-200 family and other microRNAs
An investigation of container train service provision and load factors in Great Britain
Recipient screening in IVF: first data from women undergoing anonymous oocyte donation in Dublin
Impact of BIG funding of community enterprise overseas
Radical subjects after hegemony
Gaussian estimation of continuous time diffusions of UK interest rates
Creativity, imagination, values - why we need artistic research
Is a postural-structural-biomechanical model, within manual therapies, viable? A JBMT debate
An overflow loss network model for capacity planning of a perinatal network
Investigation of bacteriophage diversity associated with the human gastrointestinal microbiota
Accountability and responsibility
Medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates, promising new biomedical materials for the future
Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students. 2nd Edition
Measurement issues when assessing quality of life outcomes for different types of hernia mesh repair
Improving polymer nanofiber quality using a modified co-axial electrospinning process
Associations between the cortisol awakening response and heart rate variability
Performance and performativity: undoing fictions of women business owners
A review of the evaluation of consumer financial education body's redundancy handbook
A novel method to count the red blood cells in thin blood films
An efficient method for data exchange using network coding and narrowband multiuser detection
P-GRADE portal: a generic workflow system to support user communities
Capturing the readmission process: focus on time window
Mixture models of choice under risk
Stability analysis of bandpass sigma–delta modulators for single and dual tone sinusoidal inputs
A week in the life of … Nathalie Ticheler, London Metropolitan University
Legal ethics in the academic curriculum: correspondent’s report from the United Kingdom
CD180 functions in activation, survival and cycling of B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells
Law’s spatial turn: geography, justice and a certain fear of space
The ethics of shareholder value: duty, rights and football
Institutional logics in research supervision
Questions of authenticity: brickwork and ‘found space’
Using private desktop grid system for accelerating drug discovery
Towards a powerful European DCI based on desktop grids
Retirement saving choices: review of the literature and policy implications
State and territory employment and unemployment patterns in Australia
Understanding the Middle East peace process: a historical institutionalist approach
Maximising occupier value from business improvement districts
Modelling and tracking objects with a topology preserving self-organising neural network
Childhood trauma and cognitive function in first-episode affective and non-affective psychosis
Repetition, or the awnings of justice
Strategic focus and business model organization: the main field analysis approach
Dennis Severs' house: performance, psychogeography and the gothic
Aviation, tourism and dreaming in 1960s Bombay cinema
Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) is raised in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a pilot study
The public value of vacant urban land
Neurofibromatosis 2: a novel risk factor for hypertension?
Simulation: Knowledge transfer from classroom to patient care
Domain general mechanisms account for imagined transformations of whole body perspective
The re-landscaping of the legal profession: large law firms and professional re-regulation
Epigenetic mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease: progress but much to do
Cost effective estimation and equalization of frequency selective channels for transmit diversity
Home country heterogeneity in the determinants of China’s inward foreign direct investment
Examining mental health literacy and its correlates using the overclaiming technique
Preliminary examination of the psychometric properties of the Psychiatric Scepticism Scale
Age and sex differences in complications and convalescence after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
ICTY wartime sexual violence jurisprudence and the surrounding debate: a critical feminist analysis
Science and environmental law: collaboration across the double helix
Collective intelligence systems: classification and modeling
Mytilene e-guide: a multiplatform mobile application tourist guide exemplar
A low molecular weight folate receptor targeted contrast agent for magnetic resonance tumour imaging
The objectives and outcomes of airport privatisation
Key issues facing the airport industry
The enforcement approach to crime prevention
An assessment of positive illusions of the physical attractiveness of romantic partners
A practical approach to conveyancing (13th ed.)
Property law handbook 2011-2012 (4th ed.)
European retrofit network: retrofitting evaluation methodology report
The causes and consequences of neglect and self neglect amongst vulnerable older people
Rumination, inhibition and stress: the construction of a new scale for assessing emotional style
Too good to be true: the survival of English everyday PoMo
Ontology-based operational risk management
The poverty of tabloid journalism: ‘A post-mortem to the News of the World'
What is radical post-modernism? / post-modernism: an incomplete project
A field guide to radical post-modernism
Re-radicalising post-modernism
FAT projects: manifesting radical post-modernism
Virtual corpses, figural sections and resonant fields
Correlates of self-rated business competencies
The effect of the exchange rates on investment in Mexican manufacturing industry
Anxiety and depression in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Compact second-order highly linear varactor-tuned dual-mode filters with constant bandwidth
Confined offline, traversing online Palestinian mobility through the prism of the Internet
Isolation of a Klebsiella bacterium–bacteriophage combination from human caecum effluent
Governmentality or governance?
Modernism in Miniature: Points of View
Hexa-arm star shaped hydrazone derivatives from hexakis(4-formylphenoxy)-cyclotriphosphazene core
Picomolar nitric oxide signals from central neurons recorded using ultrasensitive detector cells
Legitimacy of the Commons debate on prisoner voting
Novel inline waveguide E-plane filters using dual-mode extracted pole section
Does family planning help the employment of women? The case of India
Planned leisure behaviour and pet attachment
Enhanced wireless transmitters using an inter-stage notch filter
Tourism entrepreneurs in Northumberland
Investigations of the human faecal Coriobacteriaceae population
Cell surface thiol isomerases may explain the platelet-selective action of S-nitrosoglutathione
1H NMR study of monocrotaline and its metabolites in human blood
A threepenny omnibus ticket to "Limey-housey-causey-way": fictional sojourns in Chinatown
Aspects of literary Limehouse: Thomas Burke and the “glamorous shame” of Chinatown
Potential impacts of teleworking on transport systems
Tuneable EBG phase shifters for antenna applications
Agonism and the reconception of European citizenship
Perceptions and meta-perceptions of self and partner physical attractiveness
Assessment of posttraumatic symptoms in patients with first-episode psychosis
Presentation on professional consultancy practice
Codesign for systems and applications: charting the path to exascale computing
Introduction: the sick body and the fractured self: (contemporary) Scottish gothic
Becoming Hyde: excess, pleasure and cloning
Target animacy influences gorilla handedness
China and global oil: vulnerability and opportunity
The politics of housing development in an age of austerity
Transitions: becoming a cyclist and cycle trainer in London
The impact of the localism agenda on strategic planning in London
Working memory without consciousness
AU-rich RNA binding proteins in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis
Mapping the epistemologicaldiversity of Chinese medicine;a Q methodology study
Respiratory vulnerability to vehicle buffeting
Survey article: Democratic innovations: bringing theory and practice into dialogue
The origins and development of community radio in Britain under New Labour (1997-2007)
Fraud on the European Union emissions trading scheme: effects, vulnerabilities and regulatory reform
Citizens into wolves? Carl Schmitt’s fictive account of security
The role of dispute settlement in the climate change regime
The Melanocortin receptor system as an anti-inflammatory therapeutic target for stroke
Exploiting the bulk-driven approach in CMOS analogue amplifier design
Backyard diplomacy: prospects for international cultural engagement by local arts agencies
Labour markets in developing countries
Compact high linearity switchable dual-mode microstrip bandpass filters
A SARS method for reliable spectrum sensing in multiband communication systems
Association of serum anti-Tn IgM with breast cancer recurrence