Language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe: An FIPLV perspective

Facing Nutrition Transition under the Double Burden: Challenges and Potential Intervention Programmes in Africa

Childhood Obesity Prevention in Emirates: A Conceptual Framework for an Anti-Obesogenic Pilot Intervention

CD Review: The Indigenous Music of Australia CD 1: Wurrurrumi Kun-Borrk: Songs from Western Arnhem Land by Kevin Djimarr

From 'The Uncanny Room' to 'The House of Words'

The House of Words

Repression of SHP-1 Expression by p53 leads to trkA Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Suppression of Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation

Development of stem cell carriers for bone regeneration

The role of estrogen in the repair of osteocytes following physical injury in vitro

TGF β 3 and loading increases osteocyte survival in human cancellous bone cultured ex vivo

The biology of osteocytes

Guide to Receptors and Channels (GRAC), 4th edition

Neuronal Potassium Channels

Activated Adult Neural Stem Cells Generate Distinct Laminin/Integrin Interactions During Regeneration of the Subependymal Zone Neurogenic Niche

The Extracellular Matrix Glycoprotein Tenascin-C Controls the Activity of Directly Neurogenic Progenitors in the Ventricular Zone of the Mouse Embryonic Forebrain

Translation Strategies in Subtitling

The subependymal zone neurogenic niche: a beating heart in the centre of the brain: how plastic is adult neurogenesis? Opportunities for therapy and questions to be addressed

SME strategy, embeddedness and performance in East Cleveland, North East England

Tread softly... making secure steps towards wider adoption of pedagogically-focused e-learning at Brighton Business School

Implementing blended self-managed action learning for digital entrepreneurs in higher education

Mathematics students' next steps after graduation

Effects of dynamic and static stretching on vertical jump performance and electromyographic activity.

Managing Intra-operative stress: What do surgeons want from a crisis training programme?

The Care Homes Use of Medicines Study: prevalence, causes and potential harm of medication errors in care homes for older people

Methodological variability in detecting prescribing errors when evaluating computerised physician order entry

Learning on work placement: The narrative development of social competence

Does our teaching ring true? Prosody in whole-class discussion

The prosody of pedagogy

Lean Body Mass is Reduced in Preterm Infants at Term Age

Immune evasion during varicella zoster virus infection of keratinocytes

The Trypanosoma brucei sphingolipid synthase, an essential enzyme and drug target

Assessing and managing risk among different victims of domestic abuse: limits of a generic model of risk assessment?

Effective responses to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) people experiencing domestic abuse

Application level evidence from volatile memory

Forensic live response and event reconstruction methods in Linux systems

Spatial design economies

The uzeste conversatory, Le conversatoire d'uzeste

Serum myeloperoxidase: a novel biomarker for evaluation of patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Increased serum concentrations of Soluble CD40 Ligand as a prognostic marker in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome.

The effect of age and the H1c MAPT haplotype on MAPT expression in human brain

Belgrade Designing Growth

The de/stabilization of identity in online fan communities

Trichinella and the Nurse Cell

Design and implementation of a secure XML-based grid file storage system with reliability features

Design and implementation of an XML-based grid file storage system with security features

Stat3 Activity Is Required for Gap Junctional Permeability in Normal Rat Liver Epithelial Cells

Searching for the Just City

Teaching and Learning Guide for: Childrearing, Class and the New Politics of Parenting

Quantitative analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR images based on bayesian P-splines

Quantifying spatial heterogeneity in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI parameter maps

A bayesian hierarchical model for the analysis of a longitudinal dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI oncology study

Anatomically-distinct genetic associations of APOE e{open}4 allele load with regional cortical atrophy in Alzheimer's disease

Variational Bayesian inference for a nonlinear forward model

Recursive least-squares adaptive channel estimation for spatial modulation systems

Off the wall thinking

China and Tibet: Tibet Matters

India's Congress needs coalition politics

China's borderlands: the need to rethink

Combinatorial color space models for skin detection in sub-continental human images

Agonist occupancy is essential for forward trafficking of AMPA receptors.

Dynamic visualization of membrane-inserted fraction of pHluorin-tagged channels using repetitive acidification technique.

Ethanol increases desensitization of recombinant GluR-D AMPA receptor and TARP combinations

Between Image and Word: Minority Discourses and Community Construction in Eduardo Coutinho’s Documentaries

A study of synthesizing artificial intelligence (AI) planning domain models by using object constraints

An Investigation into Using Object Constraints to Synthesize Planning Domain Models

DECIPHER: Shedding Light on Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype Interpretation

DECIPHER: Database of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans Using Ensembl Resources.

Celebrity come communism: 'On the Idea of Communism', Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London, 13-15 March 2009

The “e” Prefix: e-Science, e-Art & the New Creativity

In the Service of the State

The active audience: The network as a performance environment

Design as action: Jean cocteau and the ballets russes

Cognitive and psychological sequelae of hydrocephalus and spina bifida: correlating subjective data and objective neuropsychological data to establish insight and inform clinical intervention and guidelines

The Citizen’s Project: A global web-documentary ode to the city symphony

Mapping of partially overlapping de novo deletions across an autism susceptibility region (AUTS5) in two unrelated individuals affected by developmental delays with communication impairment.

HAC stability in murine cells is influenced by nuclear localization and chromatin organization.

Copy number variation and association analysis of SHANK3 as a candidate gene for autism in the IMGSAC collection.

Severe insulin resistance and intrauterine growth deficiency associated with haploin sufficiency for INSR and CHN2: new insights into synergistic pathways involved in growth and metabolism

Exploring the Disruptive Nature of Disruptive Technology

Good Office Design

Liverpool One: Remaking a City Centre

The conveyor belt of criminal justice: the Sonnex case, risk, and de-skilling in probation

Mentally disordered offenders and the parole process

The currency of practice: Reclaiming autonomy for the MFA

Promoting ‘Off the Grid’ School: Application of RET to Develop Educational Infrastructure in Bangladesh

Secreted Frizzled-related protein-1 is a negative regulator of androgen receptor activity in prostate cancer

The use of cardiovascular biomarkers for the assessment of heart disease in men

Alterations in left ventricular function and cardiac biomarkers as a consequence of repetitive endurance cycling

ICT use in SMEs a comparison between the North West of England and the province of Genoa

What the "broken escalator" phenomenon teaches us about balance.

Locomotor adaptation and aftereffects in patients with reduced somatosensory input due to peripheral neuropathy.

A Learning 2.0 Programme: raising library staff awareness of Web 2.0 at Imperial College London

Evaluating personal travel planning: If it is prohibitively expensive to get a robust answer then what should we do?

Congressional Acquiescence to Presidentialism in the US ‘War on Terror’

The old boys' club

The City and Im/Passivity

The Day That Came To Us

Who Carries Out Spectacular Acts of Terrorism and Why?

Letter (to my fictional characters in the city of Berlin)

The House I'll Soon Give Up

A view on the London Book Fair

Wine, Women, Valentine

Economics Turning People into Things

Elderly Single Women and Urban Property: When a Room of One’s Own Becomes a Curse

Democracy in the Non-West: Facts, Fictions and Frictions

Left ventricular wall segment motion after ultra-endurance exercise in humans assessed by myocardial speckle tracking

Cardiovascular Consequences of Completing a 160-km Ultramarathon

Cardiac troponin elevations in patients presenting with emergency orthopaedic trauma

The diagnostic and prognostic value of tissue Doppler imaging during dobutamine stress echocardiography in end-stage renal disease

Assay imprecision and 99th-percentile reference value of a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assay

Rosiglitazone reduces the development and rupture of experimental aortic aneurysms

Cardiac troponins in patients with renal failure. What are we measuring and when should we measure it?

Ischemia Modified Albumin: A Novel Biomarker for the Detection of Cardiac Ischemia

The prospects for corporate governance operating as a vehicle for social change in South Africa

The Legal Structuring of Women's Collective Voice in the South Korean Workplace

Corporate Governance in western (Anglo American) and Islamic communities: prospects for convergence?

Id1 promotes expansion and survival of primary erythroid cells and is a target of JAK2V617F-STAT5 signalling

The Dara Building (Grote Koppel), Amersfoort, Netherlands

The use of cardiac markers for the assessment of heart disease in men

How to Introduce Innovative Approaches in Business Schools

Leaderful Moments

Beyond Language

Beyond Language

Sustainable Urban Design in the Desert

The Development of Building Regulations and its Implications on Damascus City

Bruce Grove Transferred: The Role of Diverse Traditions in Historic Conservation

PPARalpha deficiency impacts the regulation ofadipocyte leptin synthesis and secretion

The molecular regulation of adipose-tissue gene expression by an early life intervention

“Unravelling HollyŁódż: The Industrial and Cinematic Imaginary of Łódż”

Subcultures and New Religious Movements in Russia and East-Central Europe

Raymond Bellour

Manifestation of Belief and Religious Symbols at School: Setting Boundaries in English Courts

Practice Nurses' views of their role in the management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalagic Encephalitis: a qualitative study

Chair, ‘Winning Strategies in Relocation’

School Buildings in Today's Crisis

Management of Higher Education in the UK

The Principles of Sustainability. 2nd Edition

Pathways to Work from incapacity benefits: A review of research findings on referral practices and liaison with service providers, DWP Workng Paper No 57

ESRC seminar report: Well-being and working life: towards an evidence-based policy agenda

Work Orientations of Older Employees: Change over the 90s and into the 00s, PSI Discussion Paper (new series); 2

Asylum Law or Criminal Law: the Criminalisation of the Asylum Seeker

Abrus Toxins: Study on a dangerous lectin duo present in the seeds of Indian licorice

Designing a new Masters in Applied Economics

A constraint-directed local search approach to nurse rostering problems

Hybridizing Integer Programming models with an adaptive decomposition approach for exam timetabling problems

Controlling learning: relationships between motivation and learner autonomy

Review of ‘Speculative Models; Air Grid & the Blossoming of Perspective

The analog switch-off in a cable dominated television landscape. Implications for the transition to digital television in Flanders

Union Black at the London College of Fashion

Dissociating vision and visual attention in the human pulvinar

Accurate Linear Model for SET Critical Charge Estimation

Case study IESE Business School. "Ignacio Valente"

Strengthening economic linkages between Leeds and Manchester: Feasibility and implications

Endoplasmic stress is induced by lipopolysaccharides and high glucose and is alleviated by salicylates in cultured primary human adipocytes

A novel role for p53 in the regulation of oxidative stress in vascular cells in response to glucose fluctuation

Acute and chronic saturated fatty acid treatment as a key instigator of the TLR mediated inflammatory response in human adipose tissue in vitro

Metabolic endotoxaemia as a mediator of mitochondrial dysfunction in human adipose tissue, alleviated by salicylate

Endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by hyperglycaemia and saturated fatty acids is alleviated by salicylates in cultured primary human adipocytes

Liraglutide down regulates endoplasmic reticulum stress in human endothelial cells exposed to hyperglycaemia

International dual careers: latest policy and practice

Mergers and acquisitions

Spouses partners and international assignments

International policy design and review

Winning strategies event showcases best practice

Cultural issues: dealing with subtle cultural differences

Alternative assignment types

Policy design in challenging times

What do we really know about corporate career women expatriates?

Gender diversity in expatriation: evaluating theoretical perspectives

IGF-independent effects of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5 (Igfbp5) in vivo

Gender diversity in expatriation: evaluating theoretical perspectives

Motivation and work satisfaction

Career management and development

User-centered E-Government in practice: A comprehensive model for measuring user satisfaction

Profiling the non-user: Rethinking policy initiatives stimulating ICT acceptance

Exploring the Knowledge Management Landscape: A Critical Review of Existing Knowledge Management Frameworks

PPARs and the orchestration of metabolic fuel selection

An assessment for UAS depart and approach operations

En-route speed reduction for the mangement of ATFM delays

Fuel consumption assessment for speed variation concepts during the cruise phase

Interminable Autonomy: Bifo's Smptomatologies of the Present

Optimal Capital Income Taxation in a Two-Sector Economy

Book review: Chinese transnational networks

Transformed border, repositioned place and contested identity: mainlander professionals in Hong Kong

Remapping the landscape of skilled expatriates in post-1997 Hong Kong

Re-evaluating the Archive in Stephen Poliakoff's Shooting the Past

Impact of selection and demography on the diffusion of lactase persistence

The Body in Contemporary Art

Voids/Vides. A Retrospective of Empty Exhibitions. Centre Pompidou, Kunsthalle Bern, Centre Pompidou-Metz

Modulation of CYP1A1 by PKC Inhibitors and TPA Pre-Treatments in MH1C1 Rat Hepatoma Cells Exposed to 3 -Methylcholanthrene

Suppression of nuclear factor-κB activity in macrophages by chylomicron remnants: modulation by the fatty acid composition of the particles

Queering Apartheid: The National Party’s 1987 ‘Gay Rights’ Election Campaign in Hillbrow

Magners Man: Irish Cider, Representations of Masculinity and the "Burning Celtic Soul"

Il progetto di territorio per la grande regione del Delta del Po

Dalla governance delle aree rurali alla costruzione di progetti di paesaggio

Il Temporal GIS di Bagnoli: uno strumento innovativo per la gestione delle aree dismesse

I piani settoriali a scala urbana

I piani settoriali a scala territoriale

Does Turkey belong to Europe? A comparative analysis of the public debate in the media in Germany, France and the UK concerning Turkey's accession to the EU, from 1999 to 2005

Forecasting the Unconditional and Conditional Kurtosis of the Asset Returns Distribution

Estimating the Dynamics of Interest Rates in the Japanese Economy

Gram-Charlier Densities: A Multivariate Approach

An exploratory analysis of supervisor narrative comments in performance appraisal

Climate change in the British press: The role of the visual

Changes in progenitor populations and ongoing neurogenesis in the regenerating chick spinal cord

The Metropolitan Transport Plan of MTB

Parking system and sustainable mobility: the Case of Bari

Sea transport services in Italy

The metropolitan rail system of Naples: land-use impacts


Early examples of the ionic capital. 7: Corner Capital – Delos Museum

Early examples of the ionic capital

Modelling the Ionic capital

Pictorial turn: saggi di cultura visuale

Lettere a colori: descrizioni di dipinti nella corrispondenza di Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Another one bites the dust

Telling tales: a feminist interpretation of women’s travel narratives

Culture as a dynamic capability: the case of 3M in the United Kingdom

The loss of grammatical gender in Cappadocian Greek

Cereal prices, bread consumption and health in Scotland

Use of supermarket panel data amongst small and medium sized business in the food industry

How differentiated is the Scottish beef? An analysis of supermarket data panel

Use of supermarket scanner data to measure bread consumption and nutrition choice in Scotland

Consumer reactions to food scares: a case study of Bernard Matthews and Avian Flu

Use of supermarket scanner data to measure bread consumption and nutrition choice in Scotland

Assessing the effect of the rise in food prices on the purchasing power of consumers in Scotland

An exploration of the use of a dataset of supermarket purchases for the analysis of red meat purchases in Scotland

Cereal prices, bread consumption and health in Scotland

Review of 'The strings of the lute' by Eileen Colucci

Review of 'Embers and ashes: memories of an Arab intellectual', by Hisham Sharabi

Gaza in suspension: review of 'Governing Gaza: bureaucracy, authority, and the work of rule, 1917–1967, by Ilana Feldman'

The poetry of Hamas

Support for U.S. international arts exchange: what the data tells us

Recovering the northern dialects in the early history of English

Bowling alone or bowling along?

WebDigital – a Web-based hybrid knowledge automation system for digital marketing planning


Regional Planning

Concepts of Participatory Decision-Making in Dutch Infrastructure Planning

New concepts of strategic spatial planning dilemmas in the Dutch Randstad region

Defining Trust as Action: An Example from Hungary

Mediated communication

Participatory Decision-Making for Sustainable Consumption

From the margins to the centre: Minority students in psychology

Defining Key Inventors: A Comparison of Fuel Cell and Nanotechnology Industries

In vitro examination of the effect of orlistat on the ability of the faecal microbiota to utilize dietary lipids

What do we mean when we refer to Bacteroidetes populations in the human gastrointestinal microbiota?

Internet sex offenders: risk, control and state survelliance

upside down / inside out

A space without discord

Very movable things: new work by Edmund de Waal

Signs and wonders

Kettle's Yard at Tate Britain

Image/craft: exploring the relationship between craft and photography

Better than grey: a serious consideration of colour

Alison Britton and Marit Tingleff

FMRI effective connectivity and TMS chronometry: complementary accounts of causality in the visuospatial judgment network

Investigative journalism

Agent-based modeling of stem cells

Adapted quality resource selection using the Grid reputation-policy trust management service

Post-transcriptional regulator protein ZFP36L1 targeting of Bcl-2 mRNA

Compact microstrip pseudo-interdigital stepped impedance bandpass filters with improved stopband performance

Compact microstrip dual-band pseudo-interdigital stepped impedance bandpass filters for wireless applications

An integrated antenna-filter with harmonic rejection

Preparation and characterization of medicated PAN/PVP composite fibers for better drug release profiles

Oral fast-dissolving drug delivery membranes prepared from electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone ultrafine fibers

Parallelisation of the decision based network optimisation algorithms

Acceleration of radio network optimisation algorithms


Tv against TV: video art on television

Louis MacNeice’s radio classics: “all so unimaginably different”?

Antigone and the “Theban Maidens” in Aberdeen, 1919

A robust lentiviral pseudotype neutralisation assay for rabies and lyssavirus serology

The implications for ‘in-field’ sero-surveillance and evaluation of vaccines targeting rabies using lacZ based lentiviral pseudotypes

Flexible benefits: shaping the way ahead?

Conversation Piece

Out of Order

The cowardly cyborg

Making the decision to outsource human resources

Supporting part-time teaching staff in higher education: perspectives from business and health

Blue and white – the early years: Tang China and Abbasid Iraq compared

A technological study of Iraqi imitations of Chinese Changsha wares and Chinese Sancai wares found at Samarra

Some implications of the use of wood ash in Chinese Yue ware glazes of the late Tang dynasty

Introduction: rising challenges and new frontiers of the population policies in China and India

Thomas Burke's dark chinoiserie: Limehose nights and the queer spell of Chinatown

Chinoiserie wonderlands of the fin de siècle: twinkletoes in Chinatown

The political activism of Beijing House Church Intellectuals

Protestant and online: the case of Aiyan

Love as a Political Concept in China's Harmonious Society

Generous and cultural inspirational: how the UK higher education sector can contribute to Britain's role as host of international events

Chinese Christian Thought and China's "Moral Reconstruction"

China's Harmonious Society - Towards a Politics of Love?

Bridging the Gap? An investigation of Beijing intellectual house church activities and their implications for China's democratization

All you need is Love? - Love as a Political Force in China's Harmonious Society

Transport and deregulation

Analysis of data from public transport smartcard systems for management and marketing

Factors behind recent patronage trends in Britain and their implications for future policy

Undesirable consequences? Resignifying discursive constructions of fatness in the 'obesity epidemic'

Integrating autonomic grid components and process-driven business applications

Complete Public Law: Test Cases and Materials

Legal writing. 2nd edition

Pro-life issues and the media

Art for Christ’s sake

"I felt really inspired by it, it was really interesting to interact with the pupils": Active citizenship in the British undergraduate social science curriculum

The noise of war, the silence of the photography

Between cultures: drinking patterns and attitudes to alcohol amongst women in Kazakhstan

Presentation of the beta-carboxamidophosphonate arrangement in substrate structures targeting HIV-1 PR

Chinese medicine practitioners perspectives on the use of biomedical information in their practice: a Q methodological study

Are the ‘silent participants’ silent?

Guiqiao: returnees as a policy subject in China

The pragmatics of corrections in first language acquisition: a relevance theoretic approach

(Un)settling the Irish emigrant identity: representation and construction of an Irish emigrant/exile identity in the travel narratives of Kathleen Nevin and William Bulfin

Relocating the self in Mary Morris's Nothing to declare: memoirs of a woman travelling alone

Evaluation of community level interventions to address social and structural determinants of health: a cluster randomised controlled trial

Sound science and environmental monitoring: a case study of pharmaceuticals in aquatic environments

Pharmaceuticals in water and regulatory concerns

Density-dependent effects on the weight of female Ascaris lumbricoides infections of humans and its impact on patterns of egg production

Human rights and the new corporate accountability: learning from recent developments in corporate criminal liability

From CSR for trade to CSR through trade: the chronicle of a European link foretold?

Assessing and managing the value of airports

Triathlon injury

Evaluating the use of judicial mediation in employment tribunals: processes, outcomes and costs

EDGeS: bridging EGEE to BOINC and XtremWeb

The effect of clock jitter on the performance of continuous-time delta-sigma ADC for GNSS signals


Empowerment in project teams: a multilevel examination of the job performance implications

Puppets in chaos: airlines, regulators and strings

An explanation of how case study research and simulation exercises can reinforce the theory building process

An explanation of how case study research and simulation can be used to teach negotiation exercises relating to international security

Negotiation oriented simulation exercises that incorporate business continuity and international security

Investigative journalism in China today

Consciousness, social theory and the concept of law

Bourdieu and the construction of the object in social theory

The selfless plan

Here, there and North of nowhere

Architecture is not architecture is not architecture is not architecture

Architecture depends

Afterword: please do not touch

Virtual learning, blended learning and modern foreign languages: let's listen to the students!

Why internationalize media studies and how?

Nollywood 2 doing it right

Several Interruptions: Web commission for the relaunch of The Arts Council of England website

Horizon & BEACON

Beacon; Horizon

Voices of change: 100 days of Barack Obama

Odyssey - viola concerto

Utilising mitochondrial DNA markers to identify insects for forensic applications: an investigation into how the preservation and storage of insect tissue can affect mtDNA yield

MY GOD! WHAT SPEED! Miss frontier mail and the race for box-office gold

Port Harcourt waterfront urban regeneration: scoping study. Project Report

Port Harcourt modern international market. Project report and brochure

Childhood obesity prevention in Emirates (COPE): a conceptual framework for pilot intervention

Nutritional quality of deep fried street-vended foods: a public health concern

Keystroke dynamic and graphical authentication systems

Using technology to overcome the password's contradiction

Retroviral pseudotypes

The practical limits of MASH Delta-Sigma Modulators designed to maintain very long controllable sequence lengths for structured tone mitigation

Structured tone mitigation in 3rd and 4th order MASH Delta-Sigma Modulators-comparative study

Global navigation satellite systems-overview

Computer vision for microscopy diagnosis of malaria

The modified Max-Log-MAP turbo decoding algorithm by extrinsic information scaling for wireless applications

Increasing the speed of parallel decoding of turbo codes

Securitisation law: EU and US disclosure regulations

Credit crisis solutions:  risk symmetric criteria for the re-construction of socially fair asset-backed securities

At the cross-road of the social Web and cross-lingual information retrieval

City, London

DVD 'Creating a movement'

Climate for change

AgitDisco.com - 2 hour broadcast

Case history taking and differential diagnosis [DVD/video presentation]

Role of human β-defensins in human burn wounds

Book review: Review of Noun Phrases in Creole Languages: a multi-faceted approach (eds) Marlyse Baptista and Jacqueline Gueron

All in a day's work

Evaluating the physical attractiveness of oneself and one's romantic partner

Are there ethnic differences in positive body image among female British undergraduates?

The effect of shape and color symmetry on the aesthetic value of Dayak masks from Borneo

Psychometric analysis of the Malay version of the UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-8) and a comparison of loneliness among sojourning and non-sojourning Malaysian students

Predictors of sociocultural adjustment among sojourning Malaysian students in Britain

Compact S-shaped resonator loaded waveguide bandpass filters

Making it mainstream: developing sustainable approaches to in-school support for young people with depression in secondary schools

An evolutionary approximation for the coefficients of decision functions within a support vector machine learning strategy

An evolutionary approximation for the coefficients of decision functions within a support vector machine learning strategy

Functional income distribution and aggregate demand in the Euro area

Changing academic identities in changing academic workplaces: what we can learn from academics' everyday professional writing practices

Image and attachment: migrants perceptions of London metropolis in flux: contemporary cultural migrations in London

Complexity theory and tourism policy research

The ebbs and flows of tourism: a case study of Leeds

London 2010: developing a cultural legacy for local communities in Hackney

Enhancing the student experience by embedding personal tutoring in the curriculum

Clinicians becoming active in research

The thin line between market and quality

Video case study: making tutorials with screen capture software

The employment of matter: pottery of the Omega workshop

Filmic performance: authenticity and the apple

Drawing out the interior

The application of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy to gene therapy

Visual culture studies: questions of history, theory, and practice

Review: On the Zapruder film: travelling images in our visual and media culture

Revitalising politics through democratic innovation?

Democratic innovations: designing institutions for citizen participation

Deliberativna demokracija i javnosti u malom (deliberative democracy and mini-publics)

Spreading the positive effects of major events to peripheral areas

Major events and sustainable regeneration

Effects of low cost airlines on efforts to develop cultural heritage tourism

Southern African development community

Small grants thematic evaluation (UK wide)

Older people inside and outside the labour market: a review

Semantic component selection

Maintaining consistency properties of grid workflows in collaborative editing systems

Usage of artificial intelligent technology in healthy food planning for people with disabilities

Rac inhibition reverses the phenotype of fibrotic fibroblasts

Is the time varying parameter model favourable for tourism demand forecasting: statistical evidence

Household and economy wide impacts of changing environmental behaviours: A report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Bridging research and policy through outcome evaluation (Defra research report WR0808)

Mind and body management strategies for chronic pain & rheumatoid arthritis: strategies in search of wellbeing

Supranational ideals and pragmatic choices: the high authority of the European coal and steel community, 1952-1955

“So ein mix von menschen“: gruppenbiographische studien zu beamten in der EWG kommission

Making Europe through the CAP: DG VI and its high officials

DG IV and the origins of a supranational competition policy: establishing an economic constitution for Europe

Actors and ideas: tracing continuities in European agricultural policy

It was the BBC wot won it: winning the Peacock Report for the Corporation, or how the BBC responded to the Peacock Committee

The BBC and metabolising Britishness: critical patriotism

Beyond discourse: notes on spatial agency

Keep your cool with ceramics

Willkommen: a first course in German. Coursebook, 2 cds and support book, including online activities. 2nd edition

German fara professor (Rumanian version of Teach yourself German)

Chinese herbal medicine: formulas & strategies. 2nd revised edition

Vocational students' experiences of in-service Initial Teacher Training

Enabling access to effective mentor support: evaluation of mentoring modules to inform blended learning design

Enabling access to effective mentor support: ITT mentoring support available across a range of work-based learning providers

Neo-orientalism? A critical appraisal of changing Western perspectives: Bernard Lewis, John Esposito and Gilles Kepel

Online documentation and preservation of cultural content in the "grico" speaking area of Magna Grecia (South Italy)

Trends in the competitiveness of selected industrial sectors in ETR countries

Study on Tax Reform in Europe over the next decades: implications for the environment, for eco-innovation and for household distribution

Machine learning techniques in electrocardiogram diagnosis

Le public et les 'questions de société' sur les chaînes arabes

Is the Arab TV viewer a king or a pawn? How Arab broadcasters deal with schedules and audience data

Fragmentation or consolidation? Factors in the Oprah-ization of social talk on multi-channel Arab TV

Media and cultural studies in the Arab world: making bridges to local discourses of modernity

Semantic management of submissions of applications for marketing authorisation of medicines

Hearing the student voice: involving students in curriculum design and development

Expression of the c-myc oncogene and the presence of HPV 18: possible surrogate markers for cervical cancer?

Class cultures and the meaning of young motherhood

Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthases-enzymes involved in biodegradable polymer synthesis

Microbial PHA biosynthesis and its biomedical applications

Child protection training in sport-related degrees and initial teacher training for physical education: an audit

Neighbourhood watch? The African Great Lakes Pact and ius ad bellum

ABO reverse grouping: effect of varying concentrations of the enzyme bromelain

Environmental risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials

Assisting the factually innocent: the contradictions and compatibility of Innocence Projects and the Criminal Cases Review Commission

Abstract thinking: a predictor of modelling ability?

Planning the night-time city

Product development within a clustered environment: the case of apparel design firms

Postcards from the edge: HIV positive narratives of sex and relationship breakdown among gay men

Mind and body strategies for chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis: strategies in search of wellbeing

Recovery from depression using the narrative approach: a guide for doctors, complementary therapists, and mental health professionals

Book review: Lifting the weight, Praeger, New York

A rule-based approach to processing SPECT imaging for the diagnosis of heart disease

Evaluation of the feature space of an erythematosquamous dataset using rough sets

Feature selection in Parkinson's disease: a rough sets approach

A machine learning approach to artefact extraction from independent components derived from EEG datasets

Machine learning in electrocardiogram diagnosis

Current trends in behavioral biometrics, keynote speech

Behavioral biometrics: a biosignal based approach

Poker playing with learning classifier systems

Rewarding responsibility? Long-term unemployed men and the welfare-to-work agenda



Dix jours au pays des crevettes

Book review: Performances of migration, by Nicky Hitchcott

Novel nutritional interventions in the manipulation of energy expenditure and blood glucose regulation in humans

Self-selection and rationality of return migration

The role of DEL1 in chondrocyte expansion and mechanotransduction: an investigative study

La pubblicità sociale cinese in bilico tra finalità opposte: il “Caso di zia Gong Li” (Chinese public service advertising hovering between opposing goals: the “Case of Auntie Gong Li”)

Fall in Frame

Unsupervised ink type recognition in ancient manuscripts

Diagonal-SPRITE and its applications for in vivo imaging at high field

North African modernities: myth stripped bare

Posh talk: language and identity in higher education

The governance of innovation in the film and television industry: a case study of London, UK

Empowering communities to influence local decision making: systematic review of the evidence

Parallel program execution support in the JGrid system

Loanwords as gender markers in the Viking diaspora

Fault detection, prevention and recovery in current grid workflow systems

The politics of multiculturalism: race and racism in contemporary Britain

The global politics of multiculturalism

The scope for sustainable distribution and servicing in the Regent Street area of Central London

Complementary and alternative therapies

Workshop - Navigating the web-based world of complementary and alternative information

Hume, Kant and Kelsen

Questions of friendship and degrees of transnationality among second-generation return migrants to Barbados

The successful failing of legal theory

The limits of ignorance

A class IV PHA synthase from Bacillus cereus SPV

The right to reproductive self-determination of indigenous peoples under human rights law

Are voters, consumers?: A qualitative exploration of the voter-consumer analogy in political marketing

A qualitative exploration of British first year psychology undergraduates' experience of the transition into higher education

Trust negotiation and service level agreements

An exploration and evaluation of the activities of early adopters in virtual worlds/metaverses

Oxford living grammar elementary

Narrative environments: how do they matter?

Tapping into talent: the age factor and generation issues

Imaging appetite regulating pathways in the central nervous system using manganese enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI)

The effects of REV5901 on chondrocyte viability following mechanical trauma

Feeling at home: some reactions on Muslims in Europe

Rivals only sometimes: Presidentialism, unilateralism and congressional acquiescence in the US "War on Terror"

Congressional responses to the incoming Obama administration: continuity and change

Bush and the Congress in the US "war on terror": rivals only sometimes

Strategic approaches for the management of environmental risk uncertainties posed by nanomaterials

Patterns of cortisol and DHEA secretion and relationships with attachment style and psychosocial variables in female adolescents: a developmental psychopathology approach

Back to the future – organic growth driving shareholder value

Successful strategic re-orientation: lessons from Cadbury's experience: an interview with Todd Stitzer, Chief Executive of Cadbury

Interview with Sir Mike Rake, Chairman of BT

Building a FTSE 100 company by hitting the sweet spot of strategy: an interview with Rod Aldridge OBE

Fat distribution in men of different waist girth, fitness level and exercise habit

Social cohesion in a diverse society: human rights, nationalism and multiculturalism

Media and migration in Germany

Do the different formats of the Lebanese media constitute a pan-Arab public opinion?

Defining the nation? Lebanese television and political elites, 1990-2005

Lifestyle-induced metabolic inflexibility and accelerated ageing syndrome: insulin resistance, friend or foe?

Some are more equal: the politics of shareholder activism

Return of the state? The G20, the financial crisis and power in the world economy

Knowledge creation

Fairness in assessing group projects

Britain's transnational constitution

Human rights and copyrights: a look at practical jurisprudence with reference to authors' rights

City users and the making of distinctive tourism areas in London

Understanding city-regional cooperation: what works where

Markets, experts and depoliticizing decisions on major infrastructure

Citizens go online: probing the political potential of the Internet Galaxy

Beppegrillo.it: one year in the life of an Italian blog

Evidence for involvement of ZFP36L1 protein downregulation in differentiation of the murine BCL1 leukaemia cell line

Speed up your Spanish: strategies to avoid common errors

The antrums of ovine ovarian preovulatory follicles are severely hypoxic

Modelling financial and trade liberalisation impact on emerging markets and application to Turkey

Attitudes and behaviours towards healthy eating and food safety: a scoping study

Transnational audiences and the reception of television news: a study of Mexicans in Los Angeles

Standards of education and training for acupuncture

Whole body magnetic resonance imaging of healthy newborn infants demonstrates increased central adiposity in Asian Indians

Tourism as a form of social intervention: the Holiday Participation Centre in Flanders

Physiological differences between cycling and running: lessons from triathletes

The gesture of writing

Object Rehearsal – Études on Lyndsay Mann’s Art

Interface: report 2

Interpreting news

British new media

designboom book report: quik build: adam kalkin’s abc of container architecture

Celebrate everything you normally do: Will Alsop’s Praxis

The Collection of Long-Distance Road Freight Data in Europe

Public perceptions of the short-term actions that Government should take to mitigate climate change

Public perceptions of the short-term actions that Government should take to mitigate climate change

Designing policy to influence consumers: consumer behaviour relating to the purchasing of environmentally preferable goods: A project under the Framework contract for economic analysis ENV.G.1/FRA/2006/0073 – 2nd

"I had to have this talk with you": Remediation in gothic music

Annexin A1 regulates hormone exocytosis through a mechanism involving actin reorganization

An exploration of the citizens insight system: a case study

The loss of work

Relationships at work

Attaining critical mass: the role of entrepreneurship in industrial clusters

Book review: A great and noble occupation!: the history of the Society of Legal Scholars. By F. Cownie and R. Cocks

Biography, education and civic action: teaching generations and social change

GenWrapper: A generic wrapper for running legacy applications on desktop grids

The obliteration of vision: Marvell and the authority of nature and the senses

From a 'society of fear' to a 'society of respect': the transformation of Hackney's Holly Street Estate

Only “civilians” count: the influence of GWOT discourses on governments’ humanitarian responses to terror-related conflicts

Three decades of public television and political power in Zimbabwe: 1980-2009

'Thank God it is Friday': responses to music scheduling on Radio Zimbabwe

Re-conceptualizing media studies in Africa

Self defence in an era of non state actor terrorism: is the paradigm shifting or twisting?

Humanitarian intervention is a pseudonym for aggressive unilateralism

Tourism and the aesthetics of the built environment

London: tourism moving East?

Developing world tourism cities

Conclusions for world tourism cities

"You want to see the people that live here": using everyday life to create a distinctive city destination

Tourists, the Creative Class and distinctive places: the roles of visitors and residents in developing sustainable city tourism

Tourism in national capitals: developing perspectives

Tourism and changing representation in Europe’s historic capitals

London: tourism moving East?

Everyday life as a creative experience in cities

Intermittent exercise decreases insulin resistance in the 48 hrs following exercise in individuals with type 2 diabetes

Exercise and acute hypoxia improve insulin sensitivity (SI2*) in individuals with type 2 diabetes


Design and implementation of a solar-powered air-conditioning system

Fleet mix in container shipping operations

Integrated service and desktop grids for scientific computing

An ink texture descriptor for NIR-imaged medieval documents

Revealing the visually unknown in ancient manuscripts with a similarity measure for IR-imaged inks

A Web-based hybrid system for international marketing planning

The role of aspiration levels in educational choices: an economic foundation

Impact de l’organisation du transport maritime

WM3: Data management and data collection techniques for sustainable distribution, data needs and data review for Green Logistics research

Interactive KPI scoping study of van use in London

Review and test of GPS use in urban freight data collection and analysis

Method for assessing the carbon footprint of maritime freight transport: European case study and results

Urban freight data collection in London: data needs, techniques and gaps

Office Depot Cargocycle trial. Before-after evaluation

Data and survey issues in freight and transit planning

Smoke, mirrors and the employment relationship

Open source software, information entrepreneurs and issues of national security

Strategic transformational management in the context of inter-organizational and intra-organizational partnership development

Lecturers' everyday writing as professional practice in the university as workplace: new insights into academic identities

The European arrest warrant and detention

With but without you... the Europeanisation of legal orders of the neighbouring countries

Towards the reform of the preliminary ruling procedure in JHA Area

Poland: implementation without transposition

From EU with trust: the potential and limits of the mutual recognition in the third pillar from the Polish perspective

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights: limits and potential

The elderly demographic time bomb - sharing the load with the active ageing: can eHealth technologies help defuse it?

The limits of transnational refugee law in the European Union

International refugee law: dominant and emerging approaches

EU asylum and immigration law: the role of national judges

The chaste wife : (La muz'er onesta) ; transliteration, translation, introduction and notes by Michael Alpert

Association between seropositivity for cytomegalovirus (CMV) and CD4+ cytotoxic T cells expansions in patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocyte Leukaemia (B-CLL) and healthy controls

Foreword from the editor

Selective deficits in semantic verbal fluency in patients with a first affective episode with psychotic symptoms and a positive history of mania

The effect of involvement on the relative size of the consideration set

Watercolour identification based on machine vision analysis

An Intelligent Decision Support System for bacterial clinical isolates in vitro utilising an electronic nose

The Acquisition of Long-Distance Freight Data: Synthesis of a Workshop

Ontological support for managing non-functional requirements in pervasive healthcare

Porting applications to a combined desktop Grid/service Grid platform using the EDGeS application development methodology

Grid interoperability by multiple broker utilization and meta-brokering

The use of RSS feeds in Blackboard to support student learning and academic interactions

The use of RSS feeds in Blackboard to support student learning and academic interactions

The student voice in biosciences

Listening to the student voices in biosciences modules

eReflect: enhancing student support through a reflective online process

eReflect: making assessment count

Making assessment count: integrating Web 2.0 to support student assessment and reflection

Making assessment count – integrating feedback and reflection through eReflect

University of westminster, Making assessment count: a JISC funded project

University of Westminster, Making assessment count: a JISC funded project

University of Westminster, Making assessment count: a JISC funded project

The Franco-British exhibition of 1908: legacies and memories one hundred years on

The witness and the text: text(ure)s of memory

The appeal to memory: Marguerite Duras and Assia Djebar, from the urgent narrative to the 'monumental' text

The life and death of democracy

Life after political death: the fate of leaders after leaving high office

Weak signal and multipath analysis using GNSScope: a toolbox for end-to-end modeling, simulation and analysis of GNSS

A low complexity cross-correlation interference mitigation technique for GNSS

The GNSScope toolbox and novel tracking techniques

GNSScope and the split chip compression technique

The Internet and decentralized architectures: email lists and the organizing process of the European Social Forum

Collective action and the social web: Comparing the architecture of Avaaz.org and Openesf.net

Developing as assay to screen inhibitors for various ATP-dependent ligases

A decade of change: a case for global morality, dialogue and transnational trust building

Sharing healthcare data by manipulating ontological individuals

Visualizing the underlying trends of component latencies affecting service operation performance

Service operation impedance and its role in projecting some key features in service contracts

Natural language and information systems: 13th international conference on applications of natural language to information systems, NLDB 2008, London, UK, June 24-27, 2008 proceedings

Melanocortin peptides modulate pro-inflammatory mediator release from TNF-a stimulated C-20/A4 cells

Construction of modern pleasure palace: Dreamland Cinema, Margate, 1935

Folate receptor targeted bimodal liposomes for tumor magnetic resonance imaging

SZTAKI desktop grid (SZDG): a flexible and scalable desktop grid system

A comparison of the anthropometric characteristics of amateur club level rowers

Making technology accountable: citizens' conferences in the era of public accountability

Eco-Cities: a preliminary survey and analysis of recent developments and initiatives

Understanding corporate governance structural changes: case study of the University of Botswana

Tequila effect

Lombard rate

Asian financial crisis

Nudge nudge, think think: two strategies for changing civic behaviour

An augmented social interactive learning approach through web2.0

Trends on interactive platforms for social media through Web2.0

Identification of a sub-population of pituitary lactotroph cells in mice required for the normal luteotrophic function of prolactin

Tickets, policy and social inclusion: can the European white paper on sport deliver?

Driving business values through semantic technologies: supporting dynamic enterprise business models

Virtual worlds: an overview and study of BBC Children’s Adventure Rock

Children in virtual worlds: Adventure Rock users and producers study

Participatory public service media: presenters and hosts in BBC New Media

What does University offer today’s student of naturopathy?

Negotiating livelihoods in a city of difference: narratives of gentrification in Shanghai

Blurring the joint line? urban life on the edge between old and new in Shanghai.

Revisiting the issue of language in educational policy and mother tongue medium of instruction in Nigeria

Final evaluation of St. Mungo’s Pathways to Employment Programme: a report for St. Mungo’s

Will international business always speak English?

Business strategy and EC competition law: two systems separated by a common language

People with mental health conditions and Pathways to Work

'Rubbing along with the neighbours': everyday interactions in a diverse neighbourhood in the North of England

Using Granular Computing theories for service-oriented systems analysis and design

Antecedents of trust in corporate bankingin the United Arab Emirates

Molecular characterization of the melanocortin 3 receptor in the testes of mice

A crisis of identity: Palestinian women, memory and dissent

Myths, rhetoric and hidden agandas: a history of failed peace processes between Palestinians and Israelis

An empirical study of green supply chain management practices amongst UK manufacturers

Institutionalising European cooperation on immigration control

Capital punishment: creating more victims?

Costs and funding of civil litigation: a comparative study

Factors leading to student success in a UK first year university cohort

The sexual ambiguities of white-collar masculinity

Xiaofei ziyou? Dangdai Zhongguo nanxing bailing de 'sexualities' (Consumer freedoms? White-collar male sexualities in contemporary China)

White-collar men's sexual lives in contemporary China

White-collar men and masculinities in contemporary urban China

White-collar men and masculinites in contemporary urban China

Sexualising the white-collar man

Model masculinites: from Mao's macho men to middle-class metrosexuals

Methodological minefields: theory, ethnography and white-collar masculinities in China

Discovering effective performance measurement for e-business

Discovering London's buildings


Psychological health in the workplace

Regionalisation, “virtual” spaces and “real” territories: a view from Europe and North America

Introduction to special issue 'Regions and Regionalisation through business clusters'

When institutionalized behaviours create obstacles to democratic debate: analyzing the silence in Brazilian environmental-education virtual communities

Virtual communities and democratic debates: a case study on institutional influences

Decision making in virtual communities: how conflictive institutions may influence the formation of parallel governance structures

Radio and modernity: time, space and communicative capacity

John Timpson

Grundlagen des Europaeischen privatrechts (Foundations of European private law)

Private law in Europe: the public/private law dichotomy revisited

Intervention, statebuilding and security: interview with Lord Robertson

The myth of the failed state and the war on terror

Feedstocks for BES conversions

Re-writing Taiwanese nationhood

Best practice paper: Deworming

Evolution of e-government: a quest for an applicable model of growth

Class-AB rail-to-rail CMOS buffer with bulk-driven super source followers

CMOS buffer using complementary pair of bulk-driven super source followers

Bulk-driven flipped voltage follower

Liver metabolism: biochemical and molecular regulations

The social aspects of food and nutrition

Generic colour image segmentation via multi-stage region merging

Evaluating business models for e-books through usage data analysis: a case study from the University of Westminster

Food security and fisheries governance

From market to non-market: an autonomous agent approach to central planning

Matlock - America's greatest lawyer? A transatlantic perspective

Judge John Deed! British TV lawyers in the 21st century

Solstorm: developing a semantic/syntactic approach to law films

The cost of services and incentives in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration: preliminary analysis

Trials and tribulations: is herbal practice effective in treating menopausal symptoms?

The impact of Indian air transport developments on UK-Indian tourism

International experience of regulating airports

Fundamentals for airport privatization and concession policies

Ethnic minorities, retirement planning and personal accounts

Employee evaluations of occupational pensions

Internationalization of the production process in the US film industry: the case of the United Kingdom

Economics, geography and colonialism in the writings of William Petty

How to use your reading in your essays

Substrate integrated folded-waveguide cross-coupled filter with negative coupling structure

Compact quasi-ridged resonator for 28 GHz integrated on LCP substrate

Compact CSRR-loaded substrate integrated waveguide resonators on LCP substrate

HD-PTP is a catalytically inactive tyrosine phosphatase due to a conserved divergence in its phosphatase domain

The Admissibility of Expert Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in England and Wales - a response

Intraovarian changes associated with hypoxia during the rat oestrous cycle

Images of empire and the mission to civilize

WapMetrics: a tool for computing UML design metrics for Web applications

Explaining the unintended consequences of public sector reform

Where do we fit in the swings and roundabouts of strategy?

An integrative framework for strategy process based on its theoretical roots

Red stiletto

Lost and found

Defining systematic creativity


Media studies 2.0: a response

Media studies 2.0

Clustering patient length of stay using mixtures of Gaussian models and phase type distributions

Abstract reasoning and Big Five personality correlates of creativity in a British occupational sample

Self and other estimates of multiple abilities in Britain and Turkey: a cross-cultural comparison of subjective ratings of intelligence

Assessing the causal effect of childbearing on household income in Albania

Straight there, no detours: direct access to barristers

Structuring transactions: the case of real estate finance

Clementi, crisis and careers

Gender differences in the association between childhood abuse and psychosis

Intelligent business process improvement

A blended-learning foundation degree in biomedical sciences

Performance analysis of ambulatory services using dicrete event simulation

Hepatic oxidative stress and apoptosis following acute alcohol


Lens on loss of a neighbourhood: a photographer's record of the transformation of 'old Beijing'

Introduction: discourses of sexuality since 1949

Importance of lifelong activity levels to longevity. Commentary in response to ‘Does occupational success influence longevity among England test cricketers?’ P J Boyle, British Journal of Sports Medicine 2009;43:851-855

Measuring the impact of subject specific mentoring on mentees' learning in the lifelong learning sector

"Drunk, fat and vulgar": the problem with hen parties

Bookkeeping and the probative value of accounting records: Savary’s legacy lingers on in the OHADA Treaty states

Length of stay-based clustering methods for patient grouping

The war of ideas as therapy: reflections on a eureka moment in the "war on terror"

The terror of belief and the belief in terror: on violently serving God and nation

The people on the edge: religious reform and the burden of the Western Muslim intellectual

Translation of: Hassan Turabi, the Islamic movement in Sudan: its development, approach and achievements

Islamic revivalism and the elusive ethical state: revisiting the "Damascus model"


(Co-author) Contextualising Islam in Britain: exploratory perspectives

Azmat Darfur: Nazra fi’l-Judhur wa’l-Hulul al-Mumkina [The Darfur Crisis: Roots and Possible Solutions]

Al-Ab’ad al-Gha’ibah fi Azmat Darfur [The Hidden Dimensions of the Darfur Crisis]

The case for green fiscal reform: final report of the UK Green Fiscal Commission

Learning from lectures

Mega-events as a place marketing strategy in entrepreneurial cities: stakeholder analysis of Izmir EXPO 2015 candidacy period

Engendering a culture of quality enhancement in teaching and learning: lessons learned

The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme in England and Northern Ireland

Cellular expression, trafficking, and function of two isoforms of human ULBP5/RAET1G

Flood tide

Flood tide

Flood tide

Using Webqual 4.0 in the evaluation of the Russian B2C Cosmetic websites

Contract labour mobilisation in Chile's copper mining and forestry sectors

The substitution of worksharing and short-time compensation in France: a difference-in-differences approach

Policy conclusions and implications for the EU Sustainable Development Strategy: Indicator-based evaluation of interlinkages between different sustainable development objectives (INDI-LINK)

Frequency switchable dual-band branch-line coupler

Varactor tuned dual-band Wilkinson power divider

Quad-band power dividers with generalized NRI metamaterial transmission lines

Optically reconfigurable negative refractive index transmission lines

Evolutionary learning

Web knowledge discovery trends: from semantic annotation to semantic APIs

Das pragmatische profil: analyse kommunikativer Fähigkeiten von Kindern

Military conscription and university enrolment: evidence from Italy

Case studies

Londra Orizzonte 2031

Eloquent bodies: conflict and ritual in northern Sri Lanka

Book review: Impotent warriors: Gulf war syndrome, vulnerability and masculinity, by Susie Kilshaw

The ham sandwich in the corner wants more coffee: the relevance of metonymy to language learning

Pure learning and the discourse of knowledge

Metonymy: a vital resource in communication and conceptualization

Airline trends in Europe: network consolidation and the mainstreaming of low-cost strategies

A Grid implementation for profiling hospitals based on patient readmissions

A systematic approach in defining readmission

Multivariate semi-nonparametric densities with dynamic conditional correlations


Evidence into recommendations: How expert groups formulate clinical guidelines

Globalization, urbanization & security

Diversity, innovation, and corporate strategy

A prevenção da criminalidade na Inglaterra e no País de Gales (Crime prevention in England and Wales)

Europe and the Middle East: attempting to bridge the divide

A comparative proteomic analysis of the simple aminoacid repeat distributions in Plasmodia reveals lineagespecific amino acid selection

SUGAR good practices analysis. SUGAR deliverable 3.3

The prison houses of knowledge: activist scholarship and revolution in the era of “globalisation”

The prison houses of knowledge: activist scholarship and revolution in the era of "globalisation"

Review of Ofcom policy investigation: "The future of children's television programming"

"Very abstract and terribly concrete": capitalism and the theory of the novel

Thinking the urban: on recent writings on philosophy and the city

El cuento de la modernidad: Poe, Benjamin y el relato de la metropoli

Stuart Cumberland, Comma 10

Stuart Cumberland


Enhanced large-scale production of laccases from Coriolopsis polyzona for use in dye bioremediation

A comparative study of selected classifiers with classification accuracy in user profiling

Extending the applications and improving the efficiency of positioning through the exploitation of new GNSS signals

Migration, remittances and development in West Africa: the case of Senegal

The EU migration regime and West African clandestine migrants

Intercultural skills in a multicultural context

Program slice metrics and their potential role in DSL design, position paper

A blind implementation of multi-dimensional matched filtering in a Maximum-Likelihood receiver for SIMO channels

Multi-dimensional matched filter identification technique for channel equalization deployed in spatial diversity receivers

The cost of delay to air transport in Europe: quantification and management

The challenge of managing airline delay costs

Managing and shaping innovation

A discussion of video capturing to assist in distance learning

Learning to be an architect: the office and the studio

Self-help and the London Mechanics’ Institution — Birkbeck after (George) Birkbeck

Mushrooms and fungi

Birkbeck places: landscapes of learning?

'A woman's place is where she wants to work': barriers to the entry and retention of women into the skilled building trades

FE to HE transitions: progress report

FE to HE transitions: understanding vocational learner experiences in HE

Building a talent bank: project update

The Routledge companion to Britain in the twentieth century

The third EU maritime safety package: objectives and challenges

The Rotterdam Rules: all change or no change for trading nations

Pirate's ransom - to pay or not to pay

Law of international trade: cross border commercial transactions. 4th revised edition

Book review: The future of payment systems

Book review: The carriage of dangerous goods by sea

The work of values: between local and global, national and post-national

The ear of the law and the voice of literature

Enhancing OLAP querying with the aid of H-IFS

The indicative in modern Greek

The record industry and competition law in the twenty-first century

Engagement of different Fc-gamma receptors in phagocytosis of immune complexes containing antibodies to mutated human chorionic gonadotropin β chain (hCG-beta) and native hCG molecule

The value chain in the Asian online gaming industry: a case study of Taiwan

Understanding retail supply chains to enable 'greener' logistics

Understanding retail supply chains to enable 'greener' logistics: a case study of 'delivery' and 'take-back' mechanisms in Winchester

Indicators for Green Public Procurement (GPP)

The limits of post-territorial political community: from the cosmopolitan politics of global civil society to the biopolitics of the mulititude

Unravelling the paradox of the 'responsibility to protect'

Radicalism and the demand for global politics

Iraq and the problematic discourse of defeat

Introduction: beyond managing contradictions

Ideological (mis)use of human rights

Hollow hegemony: rethinking global politics, power and resistance

Great power responsibility and "failed states": strengthening sovereignty?

Global civil society

EU statebuilding: securing the liberal peace through EU enlargement

Balkan statebuilding: governance but not government

Balkan Devlet Đnsasi: Yönetim Değil, Yönetisim’ (trans Ayse Merve Kamaci)

The effects of background auditory interference and extraversion on creative and cognitive task performance

The big five personality traits and uses of music: a replication in Malaysia using structural equation modelling

E-portfolios and personal construct theory: the case of computing students

Design of a power-aware digital image rejection receiver

The distinctiveness of British socialism? Religion and the Labour Party c.1900-1939

Heat acclimation improves intermittent sprint performance in the heat, but additional pre-cooling is not further ergogenic

Complementary medicine and health psychology

Yesterday's everyday and the depiction of work

Rinko Kawauchi

Quotations for an essay about editing

Motion pictures

Interview with David Campany

In the light of the lumieres

Historia de arte conceptualo un hogar para 'Homes for America'

Eugene Atget's intelligent documents

And yes, it's over, now the powerful have found me (or, LA through a high altitude daydream)

Phenotype-genotype correlation in congenital TTP

Eight novel ADAMTS13 missense mutations in childhood and adult onset congenital TTP

L'effet de l'artt sur le chômage partiel. Une analyse empirique entre 1995 et 2005

North Facing

A waveform-agile jamming duel demonstrator

Le regard de non-executive directors sur leur mission: synthese d'une enquete en Angleterre

Le dirigeant de Public Limited Company et de Private Limited Company en Angleterre

Contribution to la gouvernance dans les sociétés anonymes: un bouclier pour les dirigeants?

Waveguide structures and filters for millimetre-wave applications

Différentes méthodes de quantification du CO2 du transport de fret

Analysing the results of UK urban freight studies

Light goods vehicles in urban areas

Reflection in action: practice-based research in the UK

Fire and Brimstone

Ceramics from Great Britain

Competence and competency in the EQF and in European VET systems

Pace/Guerra: note per un lessico politico moderno (Peace/war: notes for a modern political lexicon)

Introducing pragmatism to international relations

Conclusions: on the obstacles and promises of pragmatism in international relations

Hedley Bull, the British committee, and international relations

Africains en exil: l’identité et l’appartenance au-delà des frontières dans Sexe, gombo et beurre salé (2008) de Mahamet-Saleh Haroun

Social diversity: the implications for graphology

Graphology and politics

Assessment and "concurrent learning": combining different learning goals in one task

Using learning videos in classroom: cognitive aspects and evaluation of software to create learning videos

Cascade-connected ANN structures for indoor WLAN positioning

Division G: "relationships with others"

Distortion components iterative injection technique for linearization of power amplifiers

Distortion improvement of power amplifiers with digital predistortion

Digital baseband predistortion of wideband power amplifiers with improved memory effects

Advanced digital predistortion of power amplifiers for mobile and wireless communications

Multi-agent systems as instrumentation tools for e-business and e-society

Natural deduction calculus for quantified propositional linear-time temporal logic (QPTL)

Natural deduction calculus for quantified propositional linear-time temporal logic

Combining computation tree logic and deontic logic in natural deduction style calculus

Deontic extension of deductive verification of component model: combining computation tree logic and deontic logic in natural deduction style calculus

On the "until induction" in natural deduction for PLTL

Accounting for intangibles: financial reporting and value creation in the knowledge economy

Why is there hierarchy? Democracy and the question of organisational form

The external dimension of the European Union immigration policy

Fault analysis in OSS based on program slicing metrics

The impact of Pathways to Work on work, earnings and self-reported health in the April 2006 expansion areas

Working the limits of method: the possibilities of critical reflexive practice in marketing and consumer research

Heterotopias of emerging same-sexuality: spaces and places of consumption among young female consumers “coming out of the closet

The present location of temporal embeddedness: the case of time linked consumption practices in dual career families


Et in Arizona ego: Baudrillard on the Planet of the Apes

Dirty wars: landscape, power, and waste in Western American literature

How can economic and political liberalisation improve financial development in African countries?

Thirty years of British photography

Photography: key concepts

Temporal specification and deductive verification of a distributed component model and its environment

State-based behavior specification for GCM systems

An anatomy of continuing interprofessional education

Large scale structural analysis of protein tyrosine phosphatases

Services marketing: text and cases. 3rd edition

An ageing workforce: the employer's perspective

Critical foreward: Beckett and Death

"A full moon risen and the sheep gathered round him": exploring Samuel Beckett's uncanny post-pastoral

Teaching, learning and the curricula of modernism. Online appendix to Steven Barfield, Philip Tew and Matthew Feldman eds. (2009) The modernism handbook (Literature & culture handbooks) ISBN: 9780826488435

TIS11 family proteins and their roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation

Law through sociology’s looking glass: conflict and competition in sociological studies of law

Learning, training and development

Perceptions and attitudes at work

Promoting empowerment through changing governance structures: policy and practice in England

The next generation of legal aid solicitors: the LSC’s Training Grants Scheme

Semantic management of privacy policies in social network sites

Thomas Hardy: the Mayor of Casterbridge, Jude the obscure: a reader's guide to essential criticism

Frequency tunable microstrip resonators and filters

Dual-mode closed-loop microstrip filters for wireless applications

Special roundtable discussion: 70 years electronic digital computing that changed the world

The London phonetics training of Masao Kanehiro (1883-1978)

Developing the coach: using work based learning masters and doctorate programmes to facilitate coaches learning

Developing work based learning at doctoral level

A Dialogue on international interventions: when are they a right or an obligation?

Monitoring the EDGeS project infrastructure

Modelling the interior: opening up the dolls house

(British) anthropological tourism in Slovenia 1932-2007

Existentially self deceptive storytelling: a new genre

Tibet: a victim of geopolitics


Predictive modeling in food mycology using adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems

A GUI driven Σ-Δ modulator design, evaluation and measurement tool with a view to practical implementation

Spain and the Jews in the Second World War

Assessment of shelf-life of irradiated frozen chicken

The uses and misuses of uneven and combined development: an anatomy of a concept

Environmental zones in European towns and cities and the implications for freight movement

Cultural genealogies of anovulation: revisiting abortion, the pill and feminist sexual politics

Time, individual learning careers and lifelong learning

Supporting research students

Supporting first line managers

Study skills for business and management students

Communities of practice

Discovering requirements: how to specify products and services

Takeovers of newly public targets

P(3HB) production by Bacillus cereus SPV using sucrose as a carbon source

Spectrum sensing in multichannel communication systems using randomized sampling schemes

The analyses of individual patient pathways: investigating regional variation in COPD readmissions

Models for extracting information on patient pathways

Disconnections in management theory and practice: poetry, numbers and postmodernism

RF front-end design for full constellation SDR based GNSS receivers

Design of planar inverted-F antennas (PIFA) for multiband wireless applications

Compact planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) for WiMAX application

Reconfigurable wideband patch antenna for cognitive radio

A practical approach to conveyancing. 11th edition

A Practical approach to commercial conveyancing and property. 4th edition

World tourism cities: developing tourism off the beaten track

Work psychology: an introduction to human behaviour in the workplace

Understanding the costs of environmental regulation in Europe

Statebuilding and intervention: policies, practices and paradigms

Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, Lyon, France, October 27 - 30, 2009

Proceedings of the 9th European conference on e-government (ECEG 2009)

Proceedings of IEEE COMPSAC 2009

Pragmatism in international relations

Population policies and development in China and India : comparative perspectives

Internationalizing media studies

Intelligent patient management

ISEA 2009: 15th symposium on electronic art (catalogue)

Guidance on inventory and documentation of the cultural heritage (2nd edition)

Future opportunities for local bus services in Britain following the Local Transport Act 2008

Current developments in English for academic and specific purposes in developing, emerging and least-developed countries

Critical Engagements: a Journal of Criticism and Theory 3.1

Beckett and death

Oblique subjects in contact languages and the nature of emergent grammars

Big beautiful women: the body size preferences of male fat admirers

Soft-linking energy systems and GIS models to investigate spatial hydrogen infrastructure development in a low-carbon UK energy system

Requirement of transforming growth factor β–activated kinase 1 for transforming growth factor β–induced -smooth muscle actin expression and extracellular matrix contraction in fibroblasts

Application of neural networks as a non-linear modelling technique in food mycology

Using mineral magnetism to characterise ironworking and to detect its evidence in peat bogs

McLean's nuggets

McLean's nuggets

McLean's nuggets

McLean's nuggets

McLean's nuggets

McLean's nuggets

Introduction to architectural technology, publications review

Reforming the national statistical system of Kenya: policy implications for the development of building construction statistics

Independence, intervention and great power patronage: Kosovo, Georgia and the contemporary self-determination penumbra

The ‘wolves’ and ‘lambs’ of the creative city: the sustainability of film and television producers in London

Inducible lineage-specific deletion of TβRII in fibroblasts defines a pivotal regulatory role during adult skin wound healing

More than 'just coping': the antecedents and dynamics of resilience in a qualitative longitudinal study

Dynamic cost indexing: managing airline delay costs

A meta-analysis of the direction and state of sociotechnical research in a range of disciplines: for practitioners and academics

The new Mayor's housing strategy

Gender, health inequalities and welfare state regimes: a cross-national study of 13 European countries

Identification of image attributes that are most affected with changes in displayed image size

Large-scale structural analysis of the classical human protein tyrosine phosphatome

A review of tourism policy for the 2012 Olympics

Book review: Philosophy and the city: classic to contemporary writings

Information and communication technologies and society: a contribution to the critique of the political economy of the Internet

Propaganda architecture: interview with Rem Koolhaas and Reinier de Graaf

The costs and cost-effectiveness of mass treatment for intestinal nematode worm infections using different treatment thresholds

An analytic network process-mixed integer multi-objective programming model for partner selection in agile supply chains

Cognitive and mood effects of 8 weeks' supplementation with 400 mg or 1000 mg of the omega-3 essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in healthy children aged 10-12 years

Book Review: Michael Naughton Re-Thinking Miscarriages of Justice: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007. 248 pp. £45.00 (hbk). ISBN 0230019064

On becoming a 'recovery ally' for people with depression (editorial)

Editorial: Integrated medicine: putting people first

Democracy in a multipolar world

Illness perceptions, coping and quality of life in patients with alopecia

Problems of painting and building in architecture introduction

Pictorial grids: reading the buildings of Mies van der Rohe through the paintings of Agnes Martin

The evolution of the intellectual structure of operations management - 1980–2006: a citation/co-citation analysis

Quik Build: Adam Kalkin's ABC of Container Architecture, book review.

Integrating Open Grid Services Architecture Data Access and Integration with computational Grid workflows

Intervention and statebuilding in Kosovo

Exploring new operational research opportunities within the Home Care context: the chemotherapy at home

A model for continuous improvement in supplier selection in agile supply chains

Editorial: Integrated self-care: developing individual and communal wellbeing

Myocyte stress 1 plays an important role in cellular hypertrophy and protection against apoptosis

Achieving interoperation of grid data resources via workflow level integration

Broadcasting policy in Italy’s 'Second Republic': national politics and European influences

Editorial: Applying mathematics to problems in health care: a call to pencils

Modelling risk of readmission with phase-type distribution and transition models

(Guest Editors) Special issues on the theme 'Purposes, knowledge and identities'

Editorial: Eco-psychology: re-enchanting the mind and the world

A note on traders Sharpe ratio

Book review: Modernity and reinvention: the architecture of James Gowan by Ellis Woodman

Incidental findings in healthy control research subjects using whole-body MRI

Supplier selection in agile supply chains: An information-processing model and an illustration

Melanocortin peptide therapy for the treatment of arthritic pathologies

Research report 43: Older workers: employment preferences, barriers and solutions

Functional MRI/Event-related potential study of sensory consonance and dissonance in musicians and nonmusicians

Perceptual image attribute scales derived from overall image quality assessments

S-Nitrosoglutathione inactivation of the mitochondrial and cytosolic BCAT proteins: S-Nitrosation and S-Thiolation

Acceptance of cosmetic surgery: personality and individual difference predictors.

Hazard warning: finance sector bonuses ahead

From citizenship to human rights: the stakes for democracy

The truth is out there: the structure of beliefs about extraterrestrial life among Austrian and British respondents

A bioinformatics based approach to user authentication via keystroke dynamics

The germination characteristics of Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae), a toxic dinoflagellate from the Fal estuary (UK)

Is there an optimistic bias on betting markets?

Cycle of abuse

An innovative mobile electronic tourist guide application

Workplace job satisfaction in Britain: Evidence from linked employer-employee data, IZA Discussion Paper No. 4101

National survey of SMEs' use of IT in four sectors

A reduced-size branch-line coupler for improved LDMOS balanced power amplifiers

Dietary starch intake of individuals and their blood pressure: the international study of macronutrients and micronutrients and blood pressure

In vitro biocompatibility of 45S5 Bioglass®-derived glass-ceramic scaffolds coated with poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)

GCM: a grid extension to Fractal for autonomous distributed components

Strategic hypocrisy: the British imperial scripting of Tibet's geopolitical identity

Differential patterns of neuronal activation in the brainstem and hypothalamus following peripheral injection of GLP-1, oxyntomodulin and lithium chloride in mice detected by manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI)

Archive on 4, BBC Radio 4, 14th February 2009: 'Island dreams': interview for programme about Britain's identity as an island nation

Growth management and decentralisation: An assessment of urban containment policies in Beijing in the 1990s

Comprehensive two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography system with immobilized liposome chromatography column and reversed-phase column for separation of complex traditional Chinese medicine Longdan Xiegan Decoction

Gatekeepers and the gateway: a mixed-methods inquiry into practitioners’ referral behaviour to the Gateway Clinic

Cosmopolitanism or agonism? Alternative visions of world order

An examination of the love-is-blind bias among gay men and lesbians

An examination of the factor structure of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 in Malaysia

Issues in designing a random assignment evaluation for the 2010 Drugs Pilot programme

Ethnicity, social disadvantage and psychotic-like experiences in a healthy population based sample

Physiological differences between cycle and run training: lessons from triathletes

Quantile regression analysis of hedge fund strategies

Consigning Badiou to the past: the encyclopaedia and philosophy's gendered thought of the endless archive

Influence of hypohydration on intermittent sprint performance in the heat

Emotions, attitudes and memorability associated with TV commercials

Grid interoperability solutions in grid resource management

Unhappy working with men? Workplace gender diversity and employee job-related well-being in Britain: a WERS2004 based analysis. IZA Discussion Paper No. 4077 Labour Economics

Patient preferences for dentists

The perils of regionalism: regional integration as a source of instability in the Horn of Africa?

Critiquing liberal cosmopolitanism? The limits of the biopolitical approach

Difficulties in recognising vocational skills and qualifications across Europe

Power, culture and method in comparative law: a review essay of Comparative Law: a Handbook, Esin Orucu & David Nelken, eds., Hart Publishing, 2007

GFC briefing paper 1: Lessons from two green tax shifts in the UK

Characterisation of cystathionine gamma-lyase/hydrogen sulphide pathway in ischaemia/reperfusion injury of the mouse kidney: an in vivo study

Something to show for it: the place of mementoes in women’s oral histories of work

The cortisol awakening response, seasonality, stress and arousal: a study of trait and state influences

Parallel decoding of turbo codes using multi-point trellis termination and collision-free interleavers

Big and beautiful: attractiveness and health ratings of the female body by male "fat admirers"

Navigating the Web-based world of complementary and alternative medicine information: North American Research Conference on Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Blackmail in Zimbabwe: troubling narratives of sexuality and human rights

Diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol across the adolescent period in healthy females

Show of force: a cinema-séance of power and violence in Sumatra's plantation belt

Democracy, supremacy and the intergovernmental pillars of the European Union

Design options for the evaluation of the Progression to Work Pathfinders

Tourism and social policy: the value of social tourism

Current concepts in Alzheimer's disease: a multidisciplinary review

Hybridising human judgment, AHP, simulation and a fuzzy expert system for strategy formulation under uncertainty

Book review - Exploring ‘unseen’ social capital in community participation: everyday lives of poor mainland Chinese migrants in Hong Kong by Sam Wong (Amsterdam: Amsterdam university press, 2007, pp. 219,)

Obesity, diabetes and longevity in the Gulf: is there a Gulf metabolic syndrome?

Agile product lifecycle management for service delivery frameworks: history, architecture and tools

Blind correlation-based DFE receiver for the equalization of single input multi output communication channels

Ligaments and positional release techniques?

The credit crunch and housing in London

Evidently a good way to coach

GFC briefing paper 2: How effective are green taxes?

Incorporation of vitamin E in poly(3hydroxybutyrate)/Bioglass composite films: effect on surface properties and cell attachment

Effect of impeller speed and pH on the production of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) using Bacillus cereus SPV

Different scenarios for achieving radical reduction in carbon emissions: a decomposition analysis

This title is false: comparing gene networks to Greek philosophy

A comparison of FDI determinants in China and India

Men's preferences for women's profile waist-to-hip ratio, breast size, and ethnic group in Britain and South Africa

Psychometric evaluation of the Malay satisfaction with life scale

Use of a single case study design to examine state variation in the cortisol awakening response: relationship with time of awakening

Theorising the relationship between major sport events and social sustainability

The Gonyaulax spinifera (Dinophyceae) "complex": perpetuating the paradox?

Quality of life issues and second-generation migration: the case of 'Bajan-Brit returnees'

Moment of stasis: the successful failure of a constitution for Europe

Integration, long term disease and creating a sustainable NHS

HR flexibility and firm performance: analysis of a multi-level causal model

Iraq: a never-ending nightmare?

Impact of vertigo and spatial disorientation on concurrent cognitive tasks

How important are commercial revenues to today's airports?

Expansion of systematic reviews to improve clinical practice and research

Nation vs peoples: inter-state water disputes in India's Supreme Court

Celebrity come Communism

The impact of political interests upon the formulation of performance measurements: the NHS star rating system

Chris Killip

Assessing the impact of research on policy: a literature review

Involvement of Tis11b, an AU-rich binding protein, in induction of apoptosis by rituximab in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells

In vitro investigations into the effect of orlistat, an anti-obesity therapy, on the human fecal microbiota

Cromoglycate drugs suppress eicosanoid generation in U937 cells by promoting the release of Anx-A1

High Doses of intravenously administered titanium dioxide nanoparticles accumulate in the kidneys of rainbow trout but with no observable impairment of renal function

Interoperation of world-wide production e-science infrastructures

Introduction: the impact of the 'War on Terror' on executive–legislative relations: a global perspective

The e-challenge to democracy

Coaching the narcissist: how difficult can it be?

Intellectuals and war

Pro-inflammatory mediator release from TNF-α stimulated C-20/A4 cells results in Col II degradation

Sharing information and data across heterogeneous e-health systems

Measuring and modelling the spatial contrast sensitivity of the chicken (Gallus g. domesticus)

Low wages and high unemployment rates: the role of social interactions in hiring discrimination

Off-vertical axis rotation of the visual field and nauseogenicity

"How to spot a psychopath": lay theories of psychopathy

The evolution of the three Rs

Infinite horizons: Le Corbusier, the Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau dioramas and the science of visual distance

Chinese medicine in the West 2009

Enabling and disabling: disability in the British and Dutch construction sectors

War without end(s): grounding the discourse of 'global war'

Soil erosion and risk-assessment for on- and off-farm impacts: a test case using the Midhurst area, West Sussex, UK

Demonstrating public service responsiveness

Rattling the cages of learning: the development of a university flexible degree framework

GFC briefing paper 3: Public opinion on a green tax shift

Water management and spatial planning: Dutch approaches to furthering linkages between water and land-use

Characterization of Bacillus and related species isolated from human faeces

Mapping the Big Green Challenge: an analysis of 355 community proposals for low carbon innovation

Politics: An Interview with W. J. T. Mitchell

In the name of the child

Ancient copper and lead pollution records from a raised bog complex in Central Wales, UK

The pari passu principle in insolvency law: an analysis of the judicial construct and its suitability for modern needs

Assessing the 'value' of new transport initiatives in deprived neighbourhoods in the UK

A multi-agent based hybrid intelligent framework for international marketing planning under uncertainty

Turning night into day: transgression and Americanisation at the English inter-war roadhouse

Transnational judicial dialogue harmonization and the Common European Asylum System

NATO's "humanitarian intervention" in Kosovo: legal precedent or aberration?

Scales of knowledge: North Sea fisheries governance, the local fisherman & the European scientist

The art of engagement: U.S. public and cultural diplomacy timeline, October 1999-2009

Education and civic outcomes in Italy

State-of-the-art review of sustainability policy assessment

The impact of the market downturn on housing policy in England - a London case study

A digital predistorter for wireless transmitters

Small farm dams: a ticking time bomb?

Neither in vivo MRI nor behavioural assessment indicate therapeutic efficacy for a novel 5HT1A agonist in rat models of ischaemic stroke

Cerebral activation by fasting induces lactate accumulation in the hypothalamus

When does politics happen?

Support vector machine learning with an evolutionary engine

Questionnaire on Barack Obama

An integrated lake-catchment approach for determining sediment source changes at Aqualate Mere, Central England

Self care and CAM: defining the differences, recognising the similarities

CAM: doing more good than harm

Rex Bergstrom's contributions to continuous time macroeconometric modelling

Acquisitions of bankrupt assets

Can illusory deviant stimuli be used as attentional distractors to record vMMN in a passive three stimulus oddball paradigm?

Assessing intonation

Evaluating the dynamic employment effects of training programs in East Germany using conditional difference-in-differences

Moving beyond the blame game: China-India border relations

Interactive documentaries: a golden age

The return of the red bourgeoisie: an interview with Nada Prlja

A comparison of actual-ideal weight discrepancy, body appreciation, and media influence between street-dancers and non-dancers

Psychometric evaluation of the Tagalog and German subjective happiness scales and a cross-cultural comparison

Men's ratings of physical attractiveness, health, and partner suitability simultaneously versus separately: Does it matter whether within- or between-subjects designs are used?

Lay perceptions of current and future health, the causes of illness, and the nature of recovery: explaining health and illness in Malaysia

Body appreciation, media influence, and weight status predict consideration of cosmetic surgery among female undergraduates

National and sectoral influences on wage determination in central and eastern Europe

The social support needs of the 80 plus

Individualised and complex experiences of integrative cancer support care: combining qualitative and quantitative data

Grid interoperability for e-Research

Beyond regulation: risk pricing and responsible innovation

Closing the evidence gap in integrative medicine

E-mail lists and the construction of an open and multifaceted identity: the case of the London 2004 European Social Forum

Private cord blood banking: current use and clinical future

Out from the margins: towards more inclusive university teaching and learning practices for lesbian, gay and bisexual psychology students

Regionalisation and marginalisation: bridging old and new divisions in regional governance: report on the 7th International Symposium of ICRPol.Net on ‘Regionalisation in Metropolitan Areas’, and First Meeting of the RSA Research Network, Malmö/Øresund, 23rd–25th April 2009

L.A.W.u.N. Project #21: Cybucolia

Mechanisms of activity-dependent plasticity in cellular nitric oxide-cGMP signaling

Understanding what drives the purchase decision in pension and investment products

The role of the arts in inspiring the 21st century global community

Emerging technologies for the detection of rabies virus: challenges and hopes in the 21st century

GFC briefing paper 4: Doing what it takes to reduce carbon emissions: the case for green fiscal reform

Identification of most synergistic sets of integrated policy instruments

Capacity development in international criminal justice: a mapping exercise of existing practice

The employer's duty to make reasonable adjustments: when is a reasonable adjustment, not reasonable?

Where should the London plan go now?

Government and property market failure: the political and ideological origins of the property market downturn

Formal versus agile: survival of the fittest

'Eternal London haunts us still': thirteen contemporary poets reflect on London as muse

Diasporic subjectivity as an ethical position

"A potential fifth column”: conflicts and struggles for control in the context of local NHS privatisation

Towards an eGovernment: the case of the Emirate of Dubai

Consequences of governance restructuring for quality of urban living in the transformation era in Beijing: A view of job accessibility

Conflicts in urban fringe in the transformation era: An examination of performance of the metropolitan growth management in Beijing

Faking it: personality and individual difference predictors of willingness to buy counterfeit goods

Microbial quorum sensing: a tool or a target for antimicrobial therapy?

What are the consequences of the 'spatial turn' for how we understand politics today? A proposed research agenda

Instream flow science for sustainable river management

A new era of responsible innovation

Characterization of immunoglobulin G antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite surface antigen MB2 in malaria exposed individuals

Quantitative PCR study on the mode of action of oligosaccharide elicitors on penicillin G production by Penicillium chrysogenum

A new method for digital encoder adaptive velocity/acceleration evaluation using a TDC with picosecond accuracy

Neuropsychological functioning in first-episode schizophrenia

A CSP model with flexible parallel termination semantics

Space standards and the Mayor's housing design guide

Fasting biases brain reward systems towards high-calorie foods

Model-driven development of pervasive applications using context and ontologies: an m-commerce case study

FiBRE report(2): Internal housing space standards in Italy and England

FiBRE report(1): Internal housing space standards in Italy and England

The art of engagement: trends in U.S. cultural exchange and international programming

Meeting the potential for mentoring in initial teacher education: mentors’ perspectives from the Lifelong Learning sector

Recommendations for implementation of the EU SDS

Uniting formal and informal descriptive power: reconciling ontologies with folksonomies

Training women to win: women and enterprise development in the UK

Intestinal metaplasia in liver of rats after partial hepatectomy and treatment with acetylaminofluorene

Chinese treasures

Untangling tensions: a consideration of the epidermal-growth-control and developmental-hydraulic interpretations of tissue tension

Commentary on "my embarrassment at not knowing Heinich". Untangling tensions: a consideration of epidermal-growth-control and developmental-hydraulic interpretations of tissue tension.

A comparison of body size ideals, body dissatisfaction, and media influence between female track athletes, martial artists, and non-athletes

Estimates of self, parental, and partner multiple intelligence and their relationship with personality, values, and demographic variables: a study in Britain and France

Are individuals with a family history of mood disorders more vulnerable to MDMA depression following ecstasy use?

Planning, urban design and the night-time city: still at the margins?

Methods for analyzing policy tools: the case of new planning instruments in the UK

Extreme-scale computing–where 'just more of the same' does not work

City regions, polycentricity and the construction of peripheralities through governance

Stimulus luminance and the spatial acuity of domestic fowl (Gallus g. domesticus)

Cancer prognostication using a recombinant form of the lectin from Helix pomatia agglutinin

UEA-1 enables discrimination between prostate specific antigen from patients with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia

Fairness in retail banking and lending

William Klein's Tokyo

Enhanced waveguide bandpass filters using S-shaped resonators

Compact dual-mode open loop microstrip resonators and filters

Dominant role of the p110β isoform of PI3K over p110α in energy homeostasis regulation by POMC and AgRP neurons

A robust lentiviral pseudotype neutralisation assay for in-field serosurveillance of rabies and lyssaviruses in Africa

Xinhua News Agency in Africa

Looking for love in so many places: characteristics of online daters and speed daters

Performance consequences of psychological empowerment

Building an online learning community for doctoral research students

Acceptance of cosmetic surgery and celebrity worship: evidence of associations among female undergraduates

Effect of seasonality treatment on the forecasting performance of tourism demand models

An uneasy alliance? The relationship between feminist legal studies and gender, sexuality and law

Stakes and motivation in tournaments: playing when there is nothing to play for but pride

Polymorphism of amyloid-ß fibrils and its effects on human erythrocyte catalase binding

Large emergency-response exercises: qualitative characteristics: a survey

Direct fermentation of fodder maize, chicory fructans and perennial ryegrass to hydrogen using mixed microflora

Claiming the streets: feminist implications of psychogeography as a business research method

Organic growth and shareholder value: a case study of the insurance industry

Images of the East and French fin-de-siècle spiritual pursuits

A fair day's wage? Perceptions of public sector pay

Demographic correlates of just world and unjust beliefs in an Austian sample

The Dr Hadwen Trust for humane research: 39 years of replacement science

Combining dimensional and categorical representation of psychosis: the way forward for DSM-V and ICD-11?

The global ideology: rethinking the politics of the 'global turn' in IR

Lab and framed lab versus natural experiments: evidence from a risky choice experiment

Suicides by foreign national prisoners in England and Wales 2007: mental health and cultural issues

Students who self-harm: coping style, rumination and alexithymia

To be a better leader, give up authority

Effect of temporal relationship between respiration and body motion on motion sickness

Electrospun nanofibrous biodegradable polyester coatings on Bioglass®-based glass-ceramics for tissue engineering

Identification of metabolites of adonifoline, a hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid, by liquid chromatography/tandem and high-resolution mass spectrometry

Visual culture studies: questions of history, theory, and practice

In vitro examination of the effect of orlistat on the ability of the faecal microbiota to utilize dietary lipids