Towards checkpointing Grid architecture
Learner independence in language teaching: A concept of change
‘Samuel L. Jackson: Beyond the Post-Soul Male’
Stem cells and orthopaedic disease
Health habits and risk of obesity among 6–13 year old school children and adolescents
Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies: A Comparative Sacrifice Ratio Analysis
The Differences in Subtitling Between Public and Private Television
Neuronal migration and ventral subtype identity in the telencephalon depend on SOX1
Neuronal Migration and Ventral Subtype Identity in the Telencephalon Depend on SOX1
Phenotypic analysis of Der P 1-peptide specific T cells in individuals with severe atopic dermatitis
p53-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in individuals with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Combined Oligonucleotide and Protein Microarray Temporal Analysis of p53-mediated Apoptosis
Human antibody responses to the Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding protein in Sri Lanka
Combining inheritance and parametric polymorphism in a functional database language
A molecular map of mesenchymal tumors
Meeting parents’ needs? Discourses of ‘support’ and ‘inclusion’ in family policy
Time-varying spectral analysis in neurophysiological time series using Hilbert wavelet pairs
Multiple hypothesis mapping of functional MRI data in orthogonal and complex wavelet domains
Themes, Concepts and Relationships in Innovation Research
Open Publishing, Open Technologies
COPASAAR--a database for proteomic analysis of single amino acid repeats.
Predicting the phosphorylation sites using hidden Markov models and machine learning methods.
Scientists & societies: Community outreach
Book Review: Understanding Risk in Criminal Justice
E-OASys: A Helpful Assessment Tool for the Mentally Vulnerable Offender
Neuronal characteristics of small-cell lung cancer
Automation adoption and adaptation: Case study of user request evaluation tool
Controller-pilot radio channel utilization and cognitive issues
Towards a framework for evaluating the business process performance of e-business investments
Enhancing customer service operations in e-business: The emotional dimension
Action ethnography: using participant observation
Action Anthropology: Methodological Innovations in Tourism Research
Community Tourism Education: case study from Ngadha, Flores, Indonesia
Explaining Party Cohesion and Discipline in Democratic Legislatures: Purposiveness and Contexts
A Cross-cultural study of the role of religion in consumers’ ethical positions
Impact of marathon running on cardiac structure and function in recreational runners
Cardiac troponin in intensive care
The efficacy of ice massage in the treatment of exercise-induced muscle damage
Measuring consumers’ ethical position in Austria, Britain, Brunei, Hong Kong, and USA
The effect of weightlifting upon left ventricular function and markers of cardiomyocyte damage
Cardiac troponins as biomarkers of drug and toxin induced cardiac toxicity and cardioprotection
The investigation and analysis of critical incidents and adverse events in healthcare
Protecting the rights and interests of minority shareholders in China: challenges for the future
The 5th Korea Software Company Award - Analysis report
Information strategic planning for u-business in distribution industry
Trust and Creativity: Implications for Management Education
A Bizalom, a kreativitas es a menedzsment-oktatas kapcsolata
Mi Hianyzik az Uzleti Kepzesbol? Part 2
Mi hianyzik az uzleti kepzesbol? Part 1
Risk, young women and sexual decision-making
Confronting New Challenges of Work Today: New Horizons and Perspectives
Unemployed couples: the labour market effects of making both partners search for work
Investment for Innovation: a Briefing Document for Policymakers
The role of political uncertainty in the Danish renewable energy market
Opportunism and competition in the non-fossil fuel obligation
Why So Unhappy? The Effects of Unionisation on Job Satisfaction
Incapacity Benefit Reforms Pilot: Findings from a longitudinal panel of clients
Incapacity Benefit reforms - the Personal Adviser role and practices: Stage Two
Letter to editor on Neonatal Survival Series
Gossip and emotion in nursing and healthcare organizations
Program evaluation: A facet-theoretic approach
The virtues of “Blue-Sky” projects: How Lunar Design taps into the power of creative imagination
Cultural awareness: an essential, not an add-on
Employer of choice: the relocation dimension
Women and international mobility: alien invader or superior assignee?
The impact of expatriation on spouses' career paths
Work-life balance: the impact of policy and practice on the human resource function
Think cross-cultural for international success
The role of peer observation in Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Neo-colonialism and 'Otherness': Representational issues in Field Exchange
The Role of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Proteins in Development
Global Role of the Protein Kinase Gcn2 in the Human Pathogen Candida albicans
A Reference Model for Human Supply Chain Integration: an Interdisciplinary Approach
The Surface, the Fold and the Subversion of Form: Towards a Deleuzian Aesthetic of Sobriety
68-77-99 and Beyond: Bifo's Futural Thought
Diagram for a Transversal, Molecular Feminism?
Masculinitiy,Citizenship and Objection to Military Service in the South African Defence Force
Exploring the Shopping Imaginary: The Dreamworld of Women's Magazines
Postmodern Paralysis: The Critical Impasse in Feminist Perspectives on Consumers
The Commodification of Romance? Developing Relationships Online
Antioxidant status in J774A.1 macrophage cell line during chronic exposure to glycated serum
Diameter of parallelogramic honeycomb torus
Urban transformations and rail stations system - the study case of Naples
Nonlinear Dynamic Lettuce Growth Model: Parameter Selection and Estimation for N-Limited Experiments
An interferon gamma-gp120 fusion delivered as a DNA vaccine induces enhanced priming
Complement C2 receptor inhibitor trispanning: a novel human complement inhibitory receptor
The Complement Systems of Two Teleost Species with Emphasis on Ontogeny
Ontogeny of humoral immune parameters in fish
Child development and communication issues
Combining linear content and spatial design in Mindstage
Mindstage: towards a functional virtual architecture
La danza nel Novecento: un’esperienza di contaminazione dionisiaca
Managing change across boundaries: boundary-shaking practices
The language of business email: An opportunity to bridge theory and practice
Unpacking business emails: message embeddedness in international business email communication
The ethno-fiction films of Jean Rouchin
Very like a whale: the sculpture of Richard Deacon
The cultures of collecting and display
Mapping 18th century porcelain
Curating ceramics: challenging our history, challenging our future
Arcanum: mapping 18th century porcelain
Introduction: journalism and the new cultural paradigm
Agent-based modelling of stem cell self-organisation in a niche
Multidisciplinary Investigation into adult stem cell behavior
Grid services interoperability within the context of a workflow
Deployment and interoperability of legacy code services
On the path-connectivity, vertex-pancyclicity, and edge-pancyclicity of crossed cubes
A software tool to aid budget planning for long-term care at local authority level
Linear hashtable method predicted hexagonal search algorithm with spatial related criterion
Two-pass hexagonal algorithm with parallel implementation for video coding
Two-pass hexagonal algorithm with improved hashtable structure for motion estimation
Paralleled two-pass hexagonal algorithm for motion estimation
Linear predicted two-pass hexagonal search algorithm for motion estimation
Linear predicted two-pass hexagonal algorithm with parallel implementation for motion estimation
Linear predicted hexagonal search algorithm with moments
Linear hashtable method and predicted hexagonal search algorithm with moments invariant
Linear algorithm and hexagonal search based two-pass algorithm for motion estimation
Enhanced linear hashtable method predicted hexagonal search algorithm with moments
Appendix: Agamemnons on the APGRD Database (a detailed listing of c. 750 productions)
Aeschylus' Agamemnon on BBC radio, 1946–1976
New build (red brick architecture)
Urban freight consolidation centres
Beyond 'best practice' in human resource development
Some aspects of Yue ware production at Shanglinhu in the late Tang dynasty
"Thomas Burke, the 'Laureate of Limehouse": a new biographical outline
Memory and the politics of forgetting: Paris, the Commune, and the 1878 Exposition Universelle
Florent/Flourens: du nouveau sur la dimension politique du Ventre de Paris
Design patterns for automation of marketing authorisations in pharmaceutical industry
A rough set-based magnetic resonance imaging partial volume detection system
A hybrid approach to MR imaging segmentation using unsupervised clustering and approximate reducts
Experience of privatisation and deregulation of the bus and coach industry in Britain
John Killeen commemorative lecture 2004: in pursuit of a culture of evaluation
Careers in Britain: recovering the future
Early molecular regulation of adipogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells
HRD in France: the corporate perspective
Criminal records and organised crime in England and Wales
Mies van der Rohe: drawing in space
Alcohol policy and politics in Kazakhstan
A matter of life and death: Soviet posters in the Second World War
Safety concerns involving Chinese herbal medicine
Using visual sources: a methodical appraisal
E-procurement in the aviation industry: value creation potential of B2B e-marketplaces
A comparison of alternative airport performance techniques: a Eurpoean case study
Childcare for child development or childcare for mothers' work?
A meta strategy for electronic commerce: a twin level framework
Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthases: the enzymes involved in biodegradable polymer synthesis
Large scale production of P(3HB) from newly isolated Bacillus sp.
Effect of various carbon sources on the production of PHAs from the newly isolated Bacillus sp.
How do voice regimes influence conflict in the workplace?
Identifying the returns to networking and social capital accumulation
Flexible housing: the means to the end
What is architectural research? Architectural research: three myths and one model
Selling neo-imporialism, television and US public democracy
From MacBride to Murdoch: the marketisation of global communication
Zimbo and son meet the girl with a gun
Not Quite (Pearl) White: Fearless Nadia, queen of the stunts
Towards building a generic grid services platform: a components-oriented approach
Scandal in a scandalous age: the impeachment and trial of Warren Hastings 1788-95
Mathematical modelling of stem cells
The rough guide to community asset management
Service management architecture in ePerSpace
Automatic grid service deployment
Security mechanisms for legacy code applications in GT3 environment
Password secured sites: stepping forward with keystroke dynamics
Evaluation of several random sampling schemes for DASP applications
Optimal random sampling for spectrum estimation in DASP applications
Optimal periodic sampling sequences for nearly-alias-free digital signal processing
Sarbanes-Oxley: employee liability and protection
Sarbanes-Oxley litigation: employee liability and protection
Basel II: principles of avoiding regulatory failure
Low-tide elevations in international law of the sea: selected issues
Cognate peptide-receptor ligand mapping by directed phage display
1st interim report on the updated UK MARKAL energy systems model
Issues on future technology cost estimation: an (incomplete) overview
Reflective writing in higher education: a case study
Balancing culture and commerce on the global stage: BBC worldwide
Teaching the Alexander Technique to People with Parkinson's
Evaluation of Lone Parents Work Focused Interviews and New Deal for Lone Parents
Media and the (global) public sphere: an evaluative approach
Civil society as contested concept: media and political transformation in Eastern and Central Europe
Competition and regulation: substitutes of complements?
Green citizenship and the social economy
Democratic deliberation and environmental policy: opportunities and barriers in Britain
Beyond the ballot: 57 democratic innovations from around the world
Developing a database for automating regulatory affairs in the pharmaceutical industry
Developing a database for automating regulatory affairs in the pharmaceutical industry
Supporting quality indicators in the UK national health service
Executing workflow-based grid applications with the collaborative P-GRADE portal
Workflow-oriented collaborative grid portals
Collaborative workflow editing in the P-Grade portal
Striate cortex (V1) activity gates awareness of motion
The Baghdad Stock Exchange: a dismal first decade - a growth path ahead?
Risk management and securitization of assets: the case of Iraq
Feel it, don't think: the significance of affect in the study of digital games
Corporealis ergo sum: affective response in digital games
Novel combline resonator structures
Coupling coefficients of combline resonators
Novel compact EBG waveguide resonators in planar form
Novel bandpass filters in planar form for microwave communication systems
Left handed rectangular waveguide resonator structures
Text based dialogical systems: gimmick or query?
Bringing the World to the UK: factual international programming on UK public service TV, 2005
Gestalten statt verwalten: der beitrag von europabeamten zur europäischen integration
Carnage and the media: the making and breaking of news about violence
CIPD guide to human resource outsourcing
Quantification of urban freight transport effects I, deliverable D5.1
The opportunities for flexible housing
Double-skin facades: Improving performance and reducing costs
Teach yourself German conversation. Goal: two-way communication
Stem cells, tissue engineering and the mechanical environment
The final gift: motives and barriers to giving
Marketing bequest club membership: an expolratory study of legacy pledgers
Women, development and Al Jazeera: a balance sheet
Media policy in the Middle East: a reappraisal
Asymptotic analysis of piezoelectric shallow shells
Trichomonas vaginalis: paradigm of a successful sexually transmitted organism
Italy: Law reform needed to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
I compiti delle Forze di pace dell'Unione Europea' (The tasks of the EU peace-keeping forces)
A practical approach to housing law
Salt intake and cardiovascular health in adults: analysis of INTERMAP study and NDNS
Post-market surveillance of novel foods
Assessing learning in an undergraduate database administration module using student demonstrations
Transformations in the night-time economy in English town centres: challenges to management
Hybrid organizations as a strategy for supporting new product development
Complementary and alternative medicine evidence online for cancer
DataMining a keystroke dynamics biometrics database using rough sets
A rough sets based breast cancer decision support system
SOM based image pathology detection system
Enhancing login security using keystroke hardening and keyboard gridding
Classifying heart disease datasets using rough sets
Attribute extraction and classification using rough sets on a lymphoma dataset
A rough sets based classifier for primary biliary cirrhosis
A computational model of stroke-in-progression
A computational model of acute and delayed tissue damage resulting from ischemic stroke
Developing a keystroke dynamics based agent using rough sets
Apoptosis as a mediator of delayed tissue damage in progressive stroke: a computational study
Monitoring clinical performance: the role of software architecture
Architects today: the hundred greatest living architects
Developing an understanding of credit-risk processes in selected UK sectors
Probablistic image-based characterisation of manuscript inks
Towards a hypertext reading/comprehension model
The logic of correctness in software engineering
British Asian undergraduate students in London
An etymological note on of līfe forrǣdan
The Norse origin of OE afol / ME afell: is evidence strong enough?
Archbishop Wulfstan's lexical choices: lagu vs ǣ
The long and winding road: tracking down the evidence on CAM in cancer
"No language restrictions" in database searches: what does this really mean?
Television sitcom production at the BBC 1973-1984: an integrated approach
Distinguishing between learning, growth and evolution
User controlled filtering in WEB usage mining
Intuitionistic fuzzy generalised nets in modelling web usage patterns indentification
Forecasting heavy-tailed densities with positive Edgeworth-Sargan and Gram-Charlier expansion
Crossing heterogeneous information sources for better analysis in long term care for elderly people
Rossi in retrospect: fame and familiarity
Developing agent Web service agreements
A formal framework for agent interaction semantics
Exploring the selection of technology for enabling communities
Local government: how to attract, recruit and retain young people and prospective graduates
Changing priorities, transformed opportunities?
Farmers, farm workers and work related stress
Des inégalités sociales aux inégalités scolaires: choix éducatifs et prospect theory
What the billboard saw / la ville mode d'emploi
Excerpts from 'time and again'
Forecasting the density of asset returns
Forecasting heavy-tailed densities with positive Edgeworth and Gram-Charlier expansions
Estimating the dynamics of interest rates in the Japanese economy
Methodological issues in researching ethnic entrepreneurship: African entrepreneurship in London
Econometric modelling of the Euro using two factor continuous time dynamic interest rate models
Derivative prices from interest rate models: results for Canada, Hong Kong, and United States
Continuous time dynamic modelling of interest rates in emerging markets
Continuous time interest rate models in Japanese fixed income markets
Beyond the Arab disease: new perspectives in politics and culture
Synen pa icke-fiktion i TV: resultatredovisning
Original intent and the European Convention on Human Rights
London: the mayor, partnership and world city business
Torture: a legitimate interrogation technique or a gross violation of human rights
Recent developments in English criminal law and procedure
Case note: Drawing inferences from positive suggestions put to witnesses: R v Webber
Potential therapeutic benefit of novel DDAH inhibitors for the treatment of endotoxemia
Protecting and promoting good nutrition in crisis and recovery: resource guide
Schmitt's vision of a multipolar world order
The "end of politics" and the challenge of right-wing populism
Convertibility law and its ramifications
A day in the life of a reflective teacher: a reflective approach to research in education
Reducing the costs of doing business: human costs and social issues of IS/IT strategies
All the nuts in one basket: participatory research and unexpected ethics
Phosphorylated amyloid-ß: the toxic intermediate in Alzheimer's disease neurodegeneration
Using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to enhance the museum visit experience
Art in the making: aesthetics, historicity and practice
'EastEnders' and the manufacture of celebrity
E-Care co-ordination: an inclusive community-wide holistic approach
"Joining up" e-Health and e-Care sevices: meeting the demographic challenge
Viewpoint: science education and the public interest
Science education and the public interest
Towards a multi-criteria sustainability appraisal of competing hydrogen futures
Report of the September 2005 UKSHEC Hydrogen Transitions Workshop
Markov model-based clustering for efficient patient care
Ansel Adams: the gender politics of literary-philosophical and photographic archives
The phantom of surrealism: photography, cultural identity and the reception of surrealism in England
Disability discrimination and higher education in England and Wales and Australia compared
When managers derail: coaching can help managers get back on track and deal with their problems
A semi-autonomous generic network for seamless personalised services at home and elsewhere
ePerSpace: a distributed platform for personalised services at home and elsewhere
Going, going, gone: regulating the market in illicit antiquities
How do we produce rounded thinking?: A case study
Providing transport for social inclusion within a framework for environmental justice in the UK
UK energy policy frameworks (panel debate)
A normative framework for agent-based systems
An architecture for a portable grid-enabled engine
Computer modeling for urban partnership and participation
A feature selection procedure and its application in health care
An analysis of missing data treatment methods and their application to health care dataset
Virtual learning communities: a guide for practitioners
Semantic-based policy engineering for autonomic systems
Decoupling GDP and performance growth from energy use in German road freight traffic
CO2-Minderung und -Effizienz im Straßengüterverkehr. Baseline, Massnahmen und Potenzial
The European Convention on Human Rights and the protection of refugees: limits and opportunities
E-Commerce as an alternative distribution technology: the readiness of Chinese consumers
Distortion correction of LDMOS RF power amplifiers using digital predistortion
The effectiveness of educational technology on children's learning in a school environment
An application of intuitionistic fuzzy relational databases in football match result predictions
Computational modelling of the gene expression profile from acute ischaemic brain injury
Probabilistic image-based characterization of manuscript inks
Identification of urinary tract infections using soft computing techniques
Detecting abnormalities in capsule endoscopic images by textural description and neural networks
The use of gas-sensor arrays to diagnose urinary tract infections
Classification of capsule endoscopic images based on texture and neuro-fuzzy systems
A neurofuzzy methodology for the diagnosis of wireless-capsule endoscopic images
An intelligent system for diagnosis of capsule endoscopic images
Intelligent systems for the diagnosis of wireless-capsule endoscopic images
Improved neural network-based interpretation of capsule endoscopic images
Neural network-based approach for the classification of wireless-capsule endoscopic images
Intelligent gas-sensing systems for bacterial clinical isolates in vitro classification
Intelligent classification of bacterial clinical isolates in vitro, using an array of gas sensors
Financing strategies of women small business owners
"Torn between the two": work/life balance of women small business owners
"In the eye of the beholder": women entrepreneurs' measures and sources of success
Legacy code support for production grids
User friendly legacy code support for different grid environments and middleware
Integration of GEMLCA and the P-GRADE portal
Data mining a hepatitis dataset using rough sets
Production of biopharmaceuticals through microbial cell immobilization
Online, interactive technologies to support e-learning
An embodied conversational agent for interactive videogame environments
Automatic deployment and interoperability of grid services
Automatic deployment of interoperable legacy code services
Journalism and democracy across borders
Multi-lingual database querying and the atoms of language
On the relativity of ontological domains and their specifications
The impact of change on the performance of a high profile finance company
The metabolic role of methymalonyl CoA mutase in Escherichia coli
Experiences of generating COTS components when automating medicinal product evaluations
Software support in automation of medicinal product evaluations
COTS components and DB interoperability
Outsourcing network management
Lost in translation? Challenges for participatory governance of science and technology
Project B: option generation: literature review
Scott Lithgow: deja vu all over again!: the rise and fall of a shipbuilding company
The First Fleet Victory since Trafalgar: The Battle of Cape Matapan and Signals Intelligence
Review of: And the journey begins
An automated anomaly EEG detection algorithm using discrete wavelet transforms
Detecting clinically relevant EEG anomalies using discrete wavelet transforms
Automatic detection Of EEG abnormalities using wavelet transformations
A review of security threats on smart phones
Book review on 'Why, mister, why?'
Naturopathy as a profession: current and future prospects
A lightweight platform for integration of mobile devices into pervasive grids
Integrating mobile devices into the grid: design considerations and evaluation
European television industries
Tackling the white-ethnic minority employment gap: Jobcentres and ethnic minority outreach
Using product and design tools to improve services
The new standard on service design management
BS7373-3: Guide to identifying criteria for specifying a service offering
The asymmetric institutions and politics of devolution
Young women, sexual behaviour and sexual decision-making
Neoliberalism, the new right and sexual politics
Replacing capital punishment: an effective penal policy approach
Peer e-mentoring: enhancement of the first year experience
Services marketing curriculum development: mainstream or specialist study?
Audiences and factual and reality television in Sweden
Reality TV: performance, authenticity, and television audiences
Women health care provider projects: joint findings from Ghana and Uganda
Global competition and city regional governance in Europe
Urban quality, competitiveness and governance: a North American-European perspective
The uneasy trend to economic freedom
Economics, climate change issues, and global salvationism
Characterization of expressed sequence tags from a gallus gallus pineal gland cDNA library
Benchmarking report in the Italian hospitality industry
The nature of self-employment in urban Ethiopia
Re-employment hazard of displaced German workers: evidence from the GSOEP
Safety net? Trust and e-government
The road to academia: a different experience. FP6 project REKS
Tony Blair won't eat our dinner, why do we?
Effects of deposited wood on biocomplexity of river corridors
Go with the flow or seize control? Interaction principles that make games enjoyable
Retrieval-induced forgetting is inversely related to everyday cognitive failures
The double meaning of law: does it matter if film lawyers are unethical?
Notes from the Institute of Electrical Anthropology
Transport and transit: air, sea and land
Have the major forces driving leisure airline traffic changed?
Experiences with deploying legacy code applications as grid services using GEMLCA
Pensions and retirement savings: cluster analysis of consumer behaviour and attitudes
A heuristic approach in hepatic cancer diagnosis using a probabilistic neural network-based model
A hybrid approach to cancer classification: rough sets and probabilistic neural networks
Child development and communication issues
United Kingdom: never mind the policy, feel the growth
Low conspiracy? Government intervention in the BBC
Fame and the changing role of the drawing
On surrealism and architecture
New creative visual research in action
Moving experiences: media effects and beyond. 2nd edition
Beyond "effects": new visual methods in media audience research
Sample surveys of public perceptions and opinions
The information society debate revisited
Best practices and community asset management projects as vehicles for communicating development
Second homes: European perspectives and UK policies
Differential glycosylation of gelatinase B from neutrophils and breast cancer cells
Support mechanisms for web-enhanced learning in diverse cultural contexts
East meets West: a web-based training needs analysis of e-learning professionals across cultures
Evaluating interprofessional education: a self-help guide
Alternative models for the regulation of global sport
Internal case assignment in England
Employment effects of the provision of specific professional skills and techniques in Germany
Eduard Bernstein, the first Marx reviser and his relevance for social democracy today
Signal processing techniques for aeronautical communications via satellite
The cabinet of horribly violent glove puppets
Lactoferrin: the conductor of the immunological system?
(Co-author) The Arab human development report 2004: towards freedom in the Arab world
A sectoral sustainable development methodology for the UK offshore oil and gas sector
A comparative assessment of options for produced water management in the North Sea
Dilemmas of public participation
Trade, environment and development: issues, linkages, challenges and opportunities
Thinking through the economics
Pre-Budget 2004 and Budget 2005: tax, appraisal, and the environment. Memo and evidence
Inquiry into economic aspects of climate change
Improving delivery of national SD strategies
How important is recycling to sustainable development?
Eco-efficiency: motives, drivers and economic implications
Towards a user-centred method for studying CVEs for learning
Towards a multi-criteria sustainability appraisal of competing hydrogen futures
Structure/function of N-glycans
Climate change and fuel poverty
An evaluation of participatory methods for research with hard-to-reach groups
Food choice, influencing factors
Supervising and examining practice-based PhDs in the moving image
British documentary television and docusoaps
An e-learning tool for database administration
Knowledge capture, sharing and maintenance in the semantic Web age: a framework proposal
From end-users to bots: the balancing act of web-based knowledge search and sharing
Religion, community relations and constructive unionism: the Arlow disturbances of 1890-1892
A software system for clinical monitoring
On migration and unemployment: evidence from Italian graduates
Sustainability and ethnic minority businesses: an examination of the Asian business sector in the UK
Book review: Masking terror: how women contain violence in southern Sri Lanka
Synthesis of reconfigurable multiplier blocks: part II: algorithm
Synthesis of reconfigurable multiplier blocks: part I: fundamentals
Efficient implementation of digital filters using novel reconfiguaration multiplier blocks (REMB)
Teaching lexically [Online training course]
Innovations: elementary workbook
Innovations: elementary teacher's book
Innovations: elementary coursebook
GEMLCA: running legacy code applications as grid services
Statistical mechanics of combinatorial optimization problems with site disorder
We Have Met the Enemy & He Is Us
Protecting children from sex offenders online: when strangers become 'virtual friends'
Changing patterns of HRM in the Romanian organisation: a study in management in Eastern Europe
An exploratory study for effective COTS and OSS product marketing
The phenomenology of non-dwelling: Massimo Cacciari, modernism and the philosophy of the metropolis
The Futures of Surrealism: Hegelianism, Romanticism, and the Avant-Garde
Photography and the literary conditions of the surrealist image
Asceticism against colour, or modernism, abstraction and the lateness of Beckett
Semantic-based matching and personalization in FWEB, a publish/subscribe-based web infrastructure
Automatic hyperlink creation using P2P and publish/subscribe
Hannah Arendt and the "right to have rights"
System poetics and software refuseniks
Attitudes t societal demands in ATM operations: introduction of a B-CDA trial at Manchester Airport
Problems with equality: is equality the proper basis for discrimination law?
From slavery to ageism: finding a common ground for anti-discrimination law
Discrimination law and the quota fear in Britain and the United States
Marcosandmarjan: interfaces / intrafaces
Archigram: Experimental architecture, 1961-1974
Improve your German: an advanced course in German
Grammar spectrum for Italian students
A comparison of uk health regulators guidance on professional boundaries
Sociotechnical concepts applied to information systems
The concept of communities of practice
A risky business retirement (for higher education)
What is the value of intellectual capital?
Knowledge management practices in some UK service organisations
Communities of practice and technology support
A comparison of the features of some CoP software
SMS communication and announcement classification in managed learning environments
Informal adult education between the wars: the curious case of the Selbourne Lecture Bureau
The charter of fundamental rights: what guarantee of the social equity of reforms?
Ethnically segregated sectors: forces of exclusion and inclusion
Divergent divisions of construction labour
Approaches to skills and training
A European skills framework? - but what are skills? Anglo-Saxon versus German concepts
State aid for maritime transport: Case C-400/99 Italy v Commission
Standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries
Siebe Gorman overruled: retrospective effect of the overrule applied by the House of Lords
Ship master's right to be paid for short breaks
Performance bonds: Tradigrain v State Trading Corp of India
Performance bonds given by a foreign government
Liner conferences in the EU and the proposed review of EC Regulation 4056/86
Extension of liner shipping consortia block exemption
Conflicts of law and letters of credit
Representation of factual and temporal unawareness in electronic patient records
On probability, null values, intuitionistic fuzzy, and value imperfection
Polysaccharides and polysaccharide-modifying enzymes in Ganoderma species
Polysaccharide-modifying enzymes from Ganoderma species and their applications
Cranial manipulation: theory and practice: osseous and soft tissue approaches. 2nd edition
International comparisons of GDP
A theory of distributed objects: asynchrony, mobility, groups, components
Labour market transitions among the over-50s
What is childcare: the need for the voice of the child
Glass camouflage: photography, objects and objectivity
A novel mutation in the ADAMTS13 gene of patients with adult onset TTP
A genetic basis for adult onset TTP?
Higher and further education students' income, expenditure and debt in Scotland
Output-energy filters in non-coherent pulse-event detection
Optimal signal selection for FIR matched filtering in pole-only noise
Compromises in FIR matched filter design
A new organization for a perceptron-based branch predictor and its FPGA implementation
Implementation of a block based neural branch predictor
FPGA organization for the fast path-based neural branch predictor
How can you be sure of Shell? Is corporate governance better served by unitary or two-tier boards?
Catching a wave: the adoption of voice and high commitment workplace practices in Britain: 1984-1998
Why so unhappy?: The effects of unionisation on job satisfaction
Job satisfaction and employer behaviour
Working with dinosaurs?: Union effectiveness in Britain
Assessing energy consumption in the jeans supply chain
Direct selling: an academic perspective
Le film de fiction historique: support dans l'acquisition de compétences langagières et culturelles
Research methods for business students: an online course
Robert Saudek's contribution to graphology
Graphologues: image sociale et statut professionnel. La graphologie
Codes of conduct for graphology in Europe
Codes of conduct and graphology
Knowledge management, learning and trust in e-business operations
The formalisation of research ethics
Normative agents: formal analysis and applications
Proof-searching algorithm in first order classical natural deduction calculus
Automated first order natural deduction
Nestor Perlongher and the avant-garde: privileged interlocutors and inherited techniques
Connecting the P-GRADE portal with the MDS-2 Grid Information System
Measuring ripple effect for the object oriented paradigm
Women in computing: a European and international perspective
Using program slicing to identify faults in software: an exploratory study
Using the ripple effect to measure software quality
Animal toxins: what features differentiate pore blockers from gate modifiers
Joint claims for JSA evaluation: synthesis of findings
Joint claims for JSA evaluation: synthesis of findings
Living with ambivalence: a case study of a critical management education encounter
Every individual is the exception to the rule
Novel compact resonators with multiple 2-D Hilbert fractal curves
Understanding the rules of financial innovations
Financial liberalisation: lessons from the literature on transitional economies
Physiological role of carnosine in contracting muscle
Zapruder, Warhol, and the accident of images
A hybrid message logging-CIC protocol for constrained checkpointability
Search strategies for resolution in CTL-type logics: extension and complexity
Behavioural models for hierarchical components
Multiprofessional/interprofessional education
Interprofessional education: today, yesterday and tomorrow: a review. Revised edition June 2005
Opportunity or threat? The BBC, investigative journalism and the Hutton Report
Family life in Britain: findings from the 2003 Families and Children Study (FACS)
The Young Men's Initiative: an evaluation
Ethnic minority outreach: an evaluation
Energy-economy-engineering environment: an E4 representation of the UK energy system
An intelligent tutoring system for program semantics
An introduction to postcolonial literature
Of young magicians and growing up: J. K. Rowling, her critics, and the "cultural infantilism" debate
Towards integration of legacy code deployment approaches
Developing a framework to improve the quality of grounded theory research
Supporting a wireless network using OSS
People, personnel and performance
Discovering phonetics: learning through fieldwork
Spelling aloud: a preliminary study in idiomatic intonation
Phonetics in pedagogy: where do we draw the line?
Outsourcing repair and maintenance in local authority housing in the UK: directions for research
Intracorporeal videoprobe (IVP)
Automatic landmarking of 2D medical shapes using the growing neural gas network
Automatic landmark extraction from a class of hands using growing neural gas
A study of van activity in two London Boroughs
Dr Angel Pulido and philo-Sephardism in Spain
Affordability targets: implications for housing supply
Direct digital recovery of modulated signals from nonuniformly distributed samples
Women into social enterprise (WISE) project: an analysis of the project and its outcomes.
Book review: Developing academic library staff for future success
Back to work: supporting professional women’s return to the workplace after a career break
Promoting requirement identification quality: enhancing the human interaction dimension
Verification of data in staging schema, mapping between source tables and materialized views
Promising niches: a survey of early markets for hydrogen technologies
The UK Climate Change Levy: an empirical analysis of the price and announcement effect
The role of market risk in the performance of tradable quota systems and feed-in laws
Factors influencing the likelihood of a regulatory change in renewable electricity policies
Is there really a value in entrepreneurship education?
Insatiable demand or academic supply: the intellectual context of entrepreneurship education
A practical approach to conveyancing. 7th edition
The law and legal system of Uzbekistan
Theory and method in socio-legal research
The Royal Navy, 1930-1990: innovation and defence
Risk management in emerging markets
Proceedings of International Workshop on E-learning Online Communities: ELOC 2005
Photography and Literature in the Twentieth Century
Network art: practices and positions
Network art: practices and positions
Making journalists: diverse models, global issues
Governance and risk in emerging and global markets
Encyclopedia of communities of practice in information and knowledge management
Dynamic models and their applications in emerging markets
China and Britain: the potential impact of China's development
Capital flows and foreign direct investments in emerging markets
British admirals of the Napoleonic Wars: contemporaries of Nelson
Architecture and participation
Differences in turnover predictors between multilevel and single level direct selling organizations
Retail franchising: an intellectual capital perspective
Reimaging the city: the value of sport initiatives
Feminist activism, third party interventions and the courts
Friends and relatives in need of an explanation: Gr. anagkaîos, L necessarius and PGmc *nauð-
Leptin expression in the fetus and placenta during mouse pregnancy
Evaluation of UK car insurance brokers' web sites: some preliminary findings
The end of the amphibious option?: The cancellation of Operation Chopper, Sicily, July 1943
Labour reform in a neo-liberal 'protected' democracy: Chile 1990-2001
Obituary Symposium: Jacques Derrida, 1930-2004
The critical instance 'after' the critique of the subject
The Iraqi Special Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity
Altered adiposity after extremely preterm birth
Correspondence: beyond deworming
Book review: When food kills: BSE, E coli and disaster science
Editorial: bio-medicine in crisis: cost, cure, compassion and commitment
Work, life and time in the new economy: an introduction
Gated communities as club goods: segregation or social cohesion?
Urban logistics: how can it meet policy makers' sustainability objectives?
Targeting and contemporary aerial bombardment
Women's paid work and moral economies of care
Exploring the African view of the global
Editorial: squaring the circle: nursing and the future of holism
GEMLCA: running legacy code applications as grid services
Implementing a five-factor personality inventory for use on the Internet
Book review: Love and communication
Selective substrate-based inhibitors of mammalian dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase
Making sense of illness: the experiences of users of complementary medicine
Editorial: spirituality and healthcare practice
Personality, gender and self-perceived intelligence
Book review: Nation, Civil Society and Social Movements: Essays in Political Sociology
Fact and fiction in housing research: utilizing the creative imagination
Editorial: holism, mental health and mental wealth
Editorial: ‘Hybrid Identities in Digital Media’
Perceptions of lawyers: a transnational study of student views on the image of law and lawyers
Emerging themes of cancer stem cells: editorial overview
The statistical mechanics of travelling salesman type problems
The film business in the United States and Britain during the 1930s
The final gift: targeting the potential charity legator
Emigration as popular culture: the case of Morocco
Incidence of bipolar affective disorder in three UK cities: results from the ÆSOP Study
Veganism and its relationship with insulin resistance and intramyocellular lipid
The brain-sex theory of occupational choice: a counterexample
The Iraq invasion as a recent United Kingdom 'contribution to international law'
Sustainable disposal of domestic sanitary waste
Phosphorylated Amyloid-ß 1-43 protein and its use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Simultaneous determination of six isoflavonoids in commercial Radix Astragali by HPLC-UV
Between light and darkness: Earthsea and the name of utopia
Why we need a new model for 21st century healthcare
Is it good to talk?: Information disclosure and organizational performance in the UK
Protocol engineering for web services conversations
Inside: interview with Charlotte Cotton, Head of Programming at the Photographers' Gallery
Why clients need, rather than want, lawyers
Using creative visual research methods to understand media audiences
From cultural to creative industries
Child Health Assessment at School Entry (CHASE) project: evaluation in 10 London primary schools
Unemployed couples: the labour market effects of making both partners search for work
Why have workers stopped joining unions?: The rise in never-membership in Britain
Cause lawyers and the alternative ethical paradigm: ideology and transgression
From SMART to agent systems development
Trends in the use of hospital beds by older people in Australia: 1993-2002
Graffiti composition: screenplay
What is 'global' about Arab media?
Pathways to care and ethnicity. 2: source of referral and help-seeking: report from the AESOP study
Developmental indices of nutritionally induced placental growth restriction in the adolescent sheep
Airport benchmarking: a review of the current situation
Perspectives on aesthetic computing
Colonial law and the Tungabhadra disputes: lifting the veil over the agreement of 1892
Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation outside the workplace: is it actionable?
The role of insulin receptor substrate 2 in hypothalamic and β cell function
Compact ridge waveguide filter with parallel and series-coupled resonators
Suspended particulate matter (SPM) in rivers: empirical data and models
Bi-bicyclic and bi-tricyclic compounds from Dendrobium thyrsiflorum
No longer 'the best in the world': the challenge of exporting British television drama
Doing the groundwork? Transferring a UK environmental planning approach to Japan
Dig a bit deeper: law, regulation and the illicit antiquities market
Eleven theses on markets and civil society 1
A standard to stop a potential financial disaster for UK's sporting ambitions
Beyond media history: the challenge of visual style
Vaccination against cervical cancer
Proteomics: more than just biochemistry
Investigating the mechanical shear-plane between core and sheath elements of peripheral nerves
Graphological researchers required
Natural resource revenue sharing schemes (trust funds) in international law
A comparison-based diagnosis algorithm tailored for crossed cube multiprocessor systems
Pavilion and Auditorium / Cafe, 75th Lisbon Book Fair
Adapting research activity AHRC review of practice-led research
Female physical attractiveness in Britain and Malaysia: a cross-cultural study
Adiposity induced by adenovirus 5 inoculation
Flexible housing: opportunities and limits
The impact of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on human health
Conflicts of liveability in the 24-hour city: learning from 48 hours in the life of London's Soho
Mesenchymal stem cells: lineage, plasticity, and skeletal therapeutic potential
The limits of John Rawls's pluralism
Megakaryocyte apoptosis: sorting out the signals
The cultural context of critical architecture
Investment in education versus early entry in the labour market in developing countries
The neuropsychology of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH)
Devolution, change and European union policy-making in the UK
Degradation of nitrocellulose by fungi
Legacy code support for production grids
Maximum induced subgraph of a recursive circulant
Dynamics of river-aquifer interactions along a chalk stream: the River Lambourn, UK
Modelling nationwide hospital length of stay: opening the black box
The structure of the Australian growth process: a Bayesian model selection view of Markov switching
Generic method for imaging transgene expression
Homeopathy for depression: a systematic review of the research evidence
A brief introduction to the relationship between sexuality and rights
SRES, IPCC and the treatment of economic issues: what has emerged?
Disaster by design: corruption, construction and catastrophe
Independent financial advisers: why they remain the strongest distribution route for pensions
Industry consolidation and future airline network structures in Europe
The European construction social partners: gender equality in theory and practice
Corporate involvement in human rights: is it any of their business?
Modeling of switched-capacitor delta-sigma Modulators in SIMULINK
Cell proliferation rates in an artificial tissue-engineered environment
Length of stay-based patient flow models: recent developments and future directions
Scheduling for rural and urban listeners on bilingual Radio Zimbabwe
Gas fired combined cycle plant in Singapore: energy use, GWP and cost - a life cycle approach
Novel 3D Hilbert microstrip resonators
Cooperative unionism and employee welfare
Energy use in offshore oil and gas production: trends and drivers for efficiency from 1975 to 2025
Flexible housing: the means to the end
How do cell walls regulate plant growth?
The influence of environmental temperature on duathlon performance
Conceptualizing city image change: the 're-imaging' of Barcelona
The labour market under "New Labour": the first two terms
Aloe vera for preventing radiation-induced skin reactions: a systematic literature review
Ethnic and gender differences in intergenerational mobility: a study of 26-year-olds in the USA
Online music markets in China: the broader picture and the role of copyright and DRM
Multi-grid, multi-user workflows in the P-GRADE grid portal
Income tax and elections in Britain, 1950-2001
Errors due to quantization in MTF determination using sinusoidal targets
Complementary therapies in the alleviation of musculoskeletal disorders
Review essay: elusive suburbs, endless variation
The conquest of Muslim hearts and minds: perspectives on U.S. reform and public diplomacy strategies
Alternating automata and temporal logic normal forms
Union effects on employee relations in Britain
Il contributo di Robert Saudek alla grafologia
Postmodern professions? The fragmentation of legal education and the legal profession
The potential of public transport smart card data
On a non-autonomous difference equation
Waveguide bandpass filters for MMIC applications
Women doctors and their careers: what now?
Mulini Valley Water Power Project
Multiflorane triterpene esters from the seeds of Trichosanthes kirilowii
A compilation of energy costs of physical activities
The impact of research and teaching quality inputs on the employment outcomes of postgraduates
Attainment of precision in implementation of 24 h dietary recalls: INTERMAP UK
Dams and geomorphology: research progress and future directions
Simplifying syntactic and semantic parsing of NL-based queries in advanced application domains
Public understanding of food risks in four European countries: a qualitative study
Motion sickness susceptibility fluctuates through the menstrual cycle
Can tamoxifen relieve motion sickness?
Synchronous design of business processes and information systems using dynamic process modelling
Sediment delivery from agricultural land to rivers via subsurface drainage
Responsive and generative music for public installations
Between cosmopolitanism and the locals: mobility as a resource in the transition to adulthood
UK student banking revisited: influences and the decision-making process
Mindfulness-based stress reduction as supportive therapy in cancer care: systematic review
Structure/function overview of proteins involved in iron storage and transport
Protein adduct species in muscle and liver of rats following acute ethanol administration
Groundless metaphors and living maps in the writing of Mary Shelley
Press freedom, professionalism and proprietorship: behind the Zimbabwean media divide
Optimism, positive affectivity, and salivary cortisol
Users' experiences of heroin and methadone treatment
From craft to qualified building labour in Britain: a comparative approach
Recent suburbanisation in Britain: implications
Life cycle assessment in the supply chain: a review and case study
Urban freight consolidation centres: final report
Twenty-five years of promoting free markets: a history of Economic Affairs
Organophosphorus chemistry: therapeutic intervention in mechanisms of viral and cellular replication
B2B e-marketplaces in the airline industry: process drivers and performance indicators
Comparing two methods of scheduling outpatient clinic appointments using simulation experiments
Societas, universitas and the third order of the political
Male physical attractiveness in Britain and Malaysia: a cross-cultural study
Achieving health or achieving wellbeing?
Yoga for depression: the research evidence
Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review of the research evidence
e-Government in Greece: bridging the gap between need and reality
Lex Sportiva and Lex Ludica: the Court of Arbitration for Sport's Jurisprudence
The 'third world' and socio-legal studies: neo-liberalism and lessons from India's legal innovations
Video games: issues in research and learning, part 1
Video game play in British and Japanese adolescents
The new public management and managerial roles: the case of the police sergeant
Low emission zones: the likely effects on the freight transport sector
Physiological responses during submaximal interval swimming training: effects of interval duration