Genotypic characterization of Brochothrix spp. isolated from meat, poultry and fish

Really Zero? Stakeholder Perspectives on Policy in England for the 2016 Zero Carbon Homes Target

Conclusion: Tourism, inequalities and prospects

Introduction: Tourism and inequalities

Applied Ethnomusicology, Music Therapy and Ethnographically Informed Choral Education: The Merging of Disciplines during a Case Study in Hopevale, Northern Queensland

Ceramic Narratives

A novel method for the directed osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem/precursor cells

Generic skills for sustainable communities: Design principles for a learning support environment

Ion channels as novel therapeutic targets in the treatment of pain

Dominant negative effects of a non-conducting TREK1 splice variant expressed in brain

Trafficking of neuronal two pore domain potassium channels

Symposium Review: Gating of two pore domain potassium channels

Human Intestinal Epithelial Response(s) to Clostridium difficile

The subtitling profession in Croatia

Adhesion molecules in the stem cell niche - More than just staying in shape?

Quiescence and activation of stem and precursor cell populations in the subependymal zone of the mammalian brain are associated with distinct cellular and extracellular matrix signals

In-migration, entrepreneurship and rural-urban interdependencies: The case of East Cleveland, North East England

Globalization processes in the clothing industry of Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine

The nature of international relationships and performance: Policy implications from the case of globally integrated small firms

Human Rights in Turkey: A Comparative Perpsective on Violation and Resolution

Factors compromising safety in surgery: stressful events in the operating room

The Imperial Stress Assessment Tool (ISAT): A feasible, reliable and valid approach to measuring stress in the Operating Room

Liminality in Language Use: Some Thoughts on Interactional Analysis from a Dialogical Perspective

How prosody marks shifts in footing in classroom discourse

'The cup of humanity’: Art of Silence and liminality through Chado, the way of tea” (the organised syposium 'Rethinking ‘dialogicality’: Art of silence and inner dialogue

Impact of Maternal Body Mass Index on Offspring Liver Lipid Depends on Mode of Delivery

Fatty acid oxidation rate is higher in obese women than obese men

Natural killer cells during primary varicella zoster virus infection

Functional analyses of differentially expressed isoforms of the Arabidopsis Inositol phosphorylceramide synthase

Application Level Evidence and Event Reconstruction

Interleukin-8 levels with Clinical and Biochemical Parameters of Indian Children and Adolescents

Lipid profile and non-enzymic antioxidant status in patients with acute coronary syndrome in South India.

Clinical and biochemical parameters in relation to serum leptin levels in South Indian children and adolescents

Heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) as a diagnostic biomarker in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

The impact of stress on surgical performance: A systematic review of the literature

Reflective analysis of safety research in the hospital accident & emergency departments

Signal transduction pathways that function in both development and innate immunity.

Control and Contingency: Maintaining Ethical Stances in Research

Security and cloud computing: Intercloud identity management infrastructure

CLEVER: A cloud-enabled virtual environment

Mitigating security threats to large-scale cross border virtualization infrastructures

Crisis, Value at Risk, and Conditional Extreme Value Theory via Garch-Jump Model

Improving virtual machine migration in federated cloud environments

Credential management enforcement and secure data storage in gLite

Three-phase Cross-Cloud federation model: The Cloud SSO authentication

How to enhance cloud architectures to enable cross-federation

Managing emotions in research with challenging pupils

Including and excluding: exploring gendered and racialised constructions of risk and vulnerability in the classroom

Immunolabeling recovery in archival, post-mortem, human brain tissue using modified antigen retrieval and the catalyzed signal amplification system

Asymmetry of information flow between volatilities across time scales

A Multi-Center Randomized Proof-of-Concept Clinical Trial Applying [18F]FDG-PET for Evaluation of Metabolic Therapy with Rosiglitazone XR in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease

Longitudinal changes in white matter disease and cognition in the first year of the Alzheimer disease neuroimaging initiative.

Criteria for the assessment of student work

The signed regressor least mean fourth (SRLMF) adaptive algorithm

Employment Incentives for Sole Parents: Labour Market Effects of Changes to Financial Incentives and Support

The Violent Vocabulary of Policing

The Next Dalai Lama: China has a choice

Comparative study of statistical skin detection algorithms for sub-continental human images

Analysis of the potential role of GluA4 carboxyl-terminus in PDZ interactions.

Ligand-binding domain determines endoplasmic reticulum exit of AMPA receptors.

Natural selection and the audition process: Dance science in context. Monaco Dance Forum/Association Danse Médecine Recherche Colloquium, Monaco, 1-4 April 2010

Creative identity theft: issues for artists in collaborative online environments

Accessing autobiographical memories

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for genomic investigations in rat

A novel three-dimensional culture system allows prolonged culture of functional human granulosa cells and mimics the ovarian environment.

Expression profiling in progressive stages of fumarate-hydratase deficiency: the contribution of metabolic changes to tumorigenesis.

New Architecture Japan

Editorial: Multicultural perspectives in customer behavior

Risk Assessments for Mental Health Service Users

Risikoträger oder verletzliche Individuen: über die präemptive Kriminalisierung von Menschen mit psychischen Problemen

Police, Probation and the Bifurcation of Community

A risky business: An examination of Irish probation officers’ attitudes towards risk assessment

Reasons to be Fearful: Dealing with Risk in The Probation Service

Sustainable Approaches to Ensure Construction Safety: An Assessment on the Scopes of Health and Environmental Safety (HES) Management in Context of Dhaka City

Daylight Inclusion to Save Energy: An Observation on Luminous Environment of Residential Apartment Building in Context of Dhaka

Herbal treatment of the menopause: refelecting on tools strategies and outcomes

How is Convergence Best Achieved in International Project Finance?

Regulation and the Role of Law in Economic Crisis

Neoliberalism and the law in post communist transition: The evolving role of law in Russia's transition to capitalism

Transition or development? Reassessing priorities for law reform

The Future of GI in the 3rd Sector, part of AGI Foresight Report 2020

Etty Hillesum. Le pratiche di scrittura come trasformazione

AD+ McLean's Nuggets

AD+ McLean's Nuggets

McLean's Nuggets

What does autonomic arousal tell us about locomotor learning?

The Hollow Legal Shell of European Race Discrimination Policy: The EC Race Directive

Tourism and Inequality: Problems and Prospects

Tourism and human rights

Congressional Acquiescence to Presidentialism in the US ‘War on Terror’: From Bush to Obama

Why can’t we hear women talking about politics?

Four women in the cabinet? You cannot be serious

An academic question

The effect of stress and coping on surgical performance during simulations

Every Life is a Sentence: An Introduction

India's big guns bazaar

From Process to Product: Intercultural Collaboration in the Making of Whale Rider

Cardiac Troponin I is released following high intensity short-duration exercise in healthy humans

Effect of Prolonged Walking on Cardiac Troponin Levels

Age-dependent values of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide are superior to a single cut-point for ruling out suspected systolic dysfunction in primary care

Exercise-induced cardiac troponin elevation: Evidence mechanisms and implications

High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin: Seeing the Wood from the Trees

Sensitive Cardiac Troponin Assays: Myth and Magic or a Practical Way Forward?

The Political Economy of Aid in Palestine: Relief from Conflict or Development Delayed?

Comparative Politics of Energy and Minerals: Concepts, Debates and Gaps

The Legacy of the ‘Coloured Revolutions’: The Case of Kazakhstan

Corporate Governance Reform in Malaysia: An Institutional Theoretical Approach

Corporate Governance and Employees in South Africa

Chinese Migrant Worker Representation and Institutional Change: Social or Centralist Corporatism?

Two routes to leukemic transformation following a JAK2 mutation-positive myeloproliferative neoplasm

JAK2 V617F impairs hematopoietic stem cell function in a conditional knock-in mouse model of JAK2 V617F-positive essential thrombocythemia

Distinct clinical phenotypes associated with JAK2V617F reflect differential STAT1 signaling

Africa: Media Systems

Milazzo Harbour Project: Pier Regeneration Plan and Cable Car Scheme

The Archigram Archive

Key Concepts in Creative Writing

Socio-political Constraints in the Production and Reception of the Communist Manifesto

Municipal Administration Modernization (MAM) Project in Syria, Proposals and Implementations

To Conserve a Sacred Place: An Investigation on Moha Tirtha Langalbandh

Changes in adipocyte circadian clock function via SRT1 and AMPK in programmed obesity

‘Our Theatre of Cruelty’: Reading Terror and Political Violence in the 1970s as Aesthetic Strategies

Introduction: 'Messing up the Paintwork'

Escapando al Realismo Socialista: El Ruiz 'Pudico' de los Anos 60 Y 70

Transport and Communications Cities

When I Sit Down To Write

Managing the Brief for Better Design

The Imaginative Institution: Planning and Governance in Madrid

Evaluation of the Six Month Offer: A report on quantitative research findings, DWP Research Report No 699

Politics and Oil in Kazakhstan

International Refugee Law and Legal Theory: Developing a New Global Ethic for the Contemporary Protection of Refugees

Inside or Outside? Asylum Seekers on the Periphery of Borders

The Fourth Generation of Human Rights

Leadership and organisational decision-making: The nurse's role in policy and practice

Collaborating and working with the multidisciplinary team and agencies

Gossip in organisations: Contexts, consequences and controversies

Organizational gossip, sense-making and the spook fish: A reflexive account

Internalising the brand

Key Issues in Marketing Education: the marketing educators' view

Archigram Archival Project

La formazione dei docenti per lo sviluppo dell’autonomia dell’apprendente e del docente/Teacher education for the development of learner and teacher autonomy

Assessment of autonomy or assessment for autonomy? Evaluating learner autonomy for formative purposes

Measuring for Knowledge: A Data-Driven Research Approach for eGovernment

Children’s values: Empirical findings and future directions

Assessing children’s values: an exploratory study

Assessing values at an early age: the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children

Struktura wartosci w późnym dzieciństwie [Value structure in late childhood]

High-Performance Robust Latches

Managing Creatives: Paradoxical Approaches to Identity Regulation

Journalism: A Beginner's Guide

A Survey of Social Media Use in Software Systems Development

Salicylate induces insulin sensitivity by alleviating endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in cultured primary human adipocytes

The impact of saturated fatty acids and glucose on Toll-like receptor activated inflammatory pathways in human adipose tissue, in vitro

Effect of Lipopolysaccharide and Salicylate on Mitochondrial Gene Expression in Primary Human Adipocytes

Human GLP-1 Analogue Liraglutide Alleviates Oxidative Stress Induced by Oscillating High Glucose in Human Umbilical Vascular Endothelial Cells

The Effects of Nutrients on Toll Like Receptor Activated Inflammatory Pathways in Human Adipose Tissue, In Vitro

Effect of Salicylate, Lipopolysaccharide and High Glucose on Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress in Cultured Primary Human Adipocytes

Relocation policy development and review: trends and tips

Recent trends in international assignments

Managing relocation: the role of change and communications management

In the wake of the volcano

Latest trends in international relocation unpacked

Spousal employment: the impact on international relocation

The changing nature of assignees and assignment types

New government: all change for relocation?

An insight into the future of relocation

Categorizing Speech

Women’s expatriate participation in oil and gas exploration and production

Networking: a valuable career intervention for women expatriates?

Book Review: Charles Krinsky (ed.), Moral Panics over Contemporary Children and Youth. Surrey: Ashgate, 2008

Book Review: Louise North, The Gendered Newsroom: How Journalists Experience the Changing World of Media, Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2009

Book Review: Marissa Sandler and Deborah Coles, Dying on the Inside: Examining Women’s Deaths in Prison, Inquest, 2008; 192pp

The Reading of Landscape Narratives by means of Allegory and Elizabethan Vision

Elevated endotoxin levels in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Adiposity and insulin resistance correlate with telomere length in middle-aged Arabs: the influence of circulating adiponectin

Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-5 Induces a Gender-Related Decrease in Bone Mineral Density in Transgenic Mice

Identification of Nesfatin-1 in Human and Murine Adipose Tissue: A Novel Depot-Specific Adipokine with Increased Levels in Obesity

Lipopolysaccharide, high glucose and saturated fatty acids induce endoplasmic reticulum stress in cultured primary human adipocytes: Salicylate alleviates this stress

Feedback within peer observation: continuing professional development and unexpected consequences

Balancing Public and Private Value for the Digital Television Era

Managing the Risk of Knowledge Transfer in Outsourcing Organizations

Exploring the Knowledge Management Landscape: A Critical Review of Existing Knowledge Management Frameworks

An assesment for UAS traffic awareness operations

An optimisation framework for aircraft operators dealing with capacity-demand imbalances in SESAR

UAS pilot support for departure, approach and airfield operations

Outsourcing Strategies of Full-Service Airlines: An Application of Two Theoretical Perspectives

Dancing on the edge of disciplines: law and the interdisciplinary turn

Mobile heritage, transnational nationalism: the construction of a national Overseas Chinese museum in Beijing

Mark E. Smith and The Fall: Art, Music and Politics

Gombrowicz, Polish Modernism and the Subverison of Form

Fieldworks from the Museum of the Void: Experiments in the Event of an Archive

Dark Places Catalogue (First ed.)

Copyright, Technology and Processes of De-materialisation

Copyright Law and Intangibility: Ideas, creativity and technology

Suppression of nuclear factor-kappaB activity in macrophages by chylomicron

P221 lipid droplets in human macrophages recruit cytosolic phospholipase A2 and promote secretion of inflammatory mediators

KTP Final Report, Parallel Algorithms for Radio Air Interfaces

Intersecting Whiteness: Interdisciplinary Debates

Cohousing di pianura. Ripensare l’abitare in chiave solidale e a zero consumo di suolo

Uso del suolo e accessi in stazione: un’analisi di regressione multipla per la rete metropolitana di Napoli

Knowledge Management, Strategy, and Technology: A Global Snapshot

Circadian rhythm development related to sleeping patterns in human infants

Different sleep trajectories in childhood: from typical development to ADHD, autism and obesity

An experimental validation of NICOLET B3 mathematical model for lettuce growth in the southeast region of Coahuila México by dynamic simulation

Identification of a nonlinear dynamic biological model using the dominant parameter selection method

Implications of the Risk Communication Guidelines for the European Union

Automobility and the Expanding Metropolis: Motoring Culture and the Growth of London 1925 -1939

Supervisors' comments in performance appraisal: what do they reflect?

Can parallelingualism save Norwegian from extinction?

An analysis of bias in supervisor narrative comments in performance appraisal

Voices from above—voices from below. Who’s talking and who’s listening in Norwegian language politics?

Full length HIV-1 Gag determines protease inhibitor susceptibility within in vitro assays

Lack of Minority K65RResistant Viral Populations Detected After Repeated Treatment Interruptions of Tenofovir/Zidovudine and Lamivudine in a Resource-Limited Setting

Viral Rebound and Emergence of Drug Resistance in the Absence of Viral Load Testing: A Randomized Comparison between Zidovudine-Lamivudine plus Nevirapine and Zidovudine-Lamivudine plus Abacavir

Post-translational regulation of CRMP in developing and regenerating chick spinal cord

Human plasma membrane-derived vesicles inhibit the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells: possible role in SLE

Human plasma membrane-derived vesicles halt proliferation and induce differentiation of THP-1 acute monocytic leukemia cells

Red cell PMVs, plasma membrane-derived vesicles calling out for standards

Spinal cord regeneration: A role for peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) in secondary injury response

Spinal cord regeneration: peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) and epigentic regulation of injury response

Imaginative mislocation Hiroshima's Genbaku Dome, ground zero of the twentieth century

Utopia and its Discontents: Dreams of Catastrophe and the End of 'the End of History'

Politiche della mobilità ed aree urbane

Grandi eventi e soluzioni innovative per la mobilità urbana: un secolo di Expo

Plagiarism – a hanging offence or poor referencing

Low calcium intake is related to increased risk of tooth loss in men

Linking definition of childhood and adolescent obesity to current health outcomes

Relationships between prenatal smoking cessation, gestational weight gain and maternal lifestyle characteristics

Subdivision surface modelling for architecture

A reprogrammable computing platform for JPEG 2000 and H.264 SHD video coding

Book review: 'Transnational feminism in film and media' eds. K.Marciniak, A.Imre and A.O'Healy (2007)

Narrare passaggi: intervista a Cristina Ali-Farah

Lettere in cornice: traduzioni artistico-letterarie di Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Sprinting in UK Airfields

'France's children' at home in London? Contemporary lives and experiences of the London French

Book review: Putting the personal back into the political: 'Why feminism matters: feminism lost and found' by Kath and Sophie Woodward

The product life cycle: six decades of controversy

Hand gesture modelling and tracking using a self-organising network

An exploratory study of an early stage R&D-intensive firm under financialization

Bio-pharma: a financialized business model

HRM strategies and academic engagement

The 'responsible' woman: the BBC and women's radio 1945-1955

Unsicherheit – versicherung – sicherheit?! Wie risiken kalkulierbar gemacht werden können (Uncertainty-insurance-certainty?! How risks can be made calculable)

Impact of the introduction of the social long-term care insurance in Germany on financial security assessment in case of long-term care need

Review of 'From coexistence to conquest: international law and the origins of the Israeli Arab Conflict, 1891-1949', by Victor Kattan

Cultural policy

Building bridges: diversity through diplomacy

Projects for the network: a case study: a model UNESCO case study

Legal Risks in Islamic Finance Transactions

Re-Reading EBB: Trends in Elizabeth Barrett Browning Criticism

Inter-local government collaboration and perceived transaction costs in Indonesian metropolitan transport planning

Workplace design strategies within business organisations:Perception, power and the bottom line.

Beyond Language

El grupo de discusión como técnica de investigación en la formación de traductores: dos casos de su aplicabilidad

El trabajo colaborativo en el aula de traducción: un caso práctico

Planning by opportunity: an analysis of periurban environmental conflicts in Indonesia

Gastrointestinal tract: intestinal fatty acid metabolism and implications for health

Gastrointestinal Tract: Fat Metabolism in the Colon

Academic literacies and graduate employability

Narrative analysis in linguistic research

Academic writing in the disciplines: practices in nursing, midwifery and social work

Effects of a novel galactooligosaccharide on the faecal microbiota of healthy and inflammatory bowel disease cats during a randomized, double-blind, cross-over feeding study

The Architecture of Looking

Investigation of bacteriophage diversity associated with the human gastrointestinal microbiota

Gastrointestinal tract: intestinal fatty acid metabolism and implications for health

Evaluation of the inclusion of a mixture of organic acids or lactulose in the feed of pigs experimentally challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium

Prebiotic effects: metabolic and health benefits

The hare with amber eyes: a hidden inheritance

The artists' house: a group design show: Richard Hamilton, Ebmund de Waal, Matthew Hilton, Kate Blee, Chien-Wei Chang, Marthe Armitage, Persephone Books

Water-shed: new work by Edmund de Waal

Het knoopjeskabinet; translated by Willeke Lempens

From zero

Five ways of standing up

Integrated microstrip antenna diplexers

Dual-band microstrip antenna filter for wireless communications

Microstrip antenna diplexers for wireless communications

Development of planar filters and diplexers for wireless transceiver front ends

Developing stochastic models for spatial inference: bacterial chemotaxis

Distributed acceleration of mobile radio network optimisation algorithms

Anti-allergic drugs and the Annexin-A1 system

Public diplomacy games: a comparative study of American and Japanese responses to the interplay of nationalism, ideology and Chinese soft power strategies around the 2008 Beijing Olympics

The impact of "citizen journalism" on Chinese media and society

Xinhua News Agency in the context of the 'crisis' of news agencies

Art of faith


Greek drama in the first six decades of the twentieth century: tradition, identity, migration

From Ancient Rome to Chicago: Mussolini’s gift of the Balbo column

The efficacy of current vaccines and novel Nanobody-based antivirals against highly pathogenic rabies and lyssaviruses

The efficacy of current rabies vaccines and novel Nanobody®-based antivirals against highly pathogenic phylogroup -1 and -2 members of the Lyssavirus genus

Cover story

Alter Ego

After Image

Transferring freight to 'greener' transport roads

International road and rail freight transport: the impact of globalisation on activity levels

On the(re)emergence of cultural revolution imagery in China, Hong Kong and Singapore in the 21st century

'A fatal freshness': mid-Victorian suburbophobia



Asynchrobatic logic for low-power VLSI design

What's in a screen name? Attractiveness of different types of screen names used by online daters

Impacts of teleworking on sustainability and travel

The conflict between competition policy and the wider role of the local bus industry in Britain

Mechanisms of Urocortin family peptide mediated chondroprotection

A generic framework for process execution and secure multi-party transaction authorization

Qualitative approaches to empirical legal research

Gate-keeper, supervisor or mentor? The role of professional bodies in the regulation and professional development of solicitors and family mediators undertaking divorce matters in England and Wales

Diversity in the legal profession: a business or an ethical rationale?: correspondent's report from the United Kingdom

Adversarialism and consensus? The professions’ construction of solicitor and family mediator identity and role

A study of the experiential service design process at a luxury hotel

Reduction of total lung capacity in obese men: comparison of total intrathoracic and gas volumes

Using laughter as a method of cultural and language integration

Soviet satire on drinking and drunkeness: an evidence based humour?

Measuring and describing Russian drinking patterns

Negotiating contradictory information in Chinese medicine practice

Young Chinese students’ teamwork experiences in a UK business school – from a cultural perspective

A method for the preliminary geometric design of gear tooth profiles with small sliding coefficients

中国四个城市吸引海外回流人才比较研究:一个政策的视角 (Returned highly skilled migrants in four Chinese cities: a policy perspective)

Some issues in interpreting: politeness and professionalism

The bigger picture: preschool television in its critical and aesthetic contexts

Novel ETHE1 mutation in a carrier couple having prior offspring affected with ethylmalonic encephalopathy: genetic analysis, clinical management and reproductive outcome

Bioinformatics: a potential tool for ecotoxicity testing of pharmaceuticals

Assembly and biochemical properties of a human chaperone/co-chaperone protein complex

Can we make money in the aviation industry? Profitability in the airline vs. airport business

Support for Newly Unemployed and Six Month Offer evaluations: a report on qualitative research findings

Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal evaluation: a report on qualitative research findings

50+ back to work evidence review and indicative guide for secondary data analysis

The current legal foundation and prospective legal framework of the PCA

Self-employment: ladder of opportunity or employment ghetto?

A comparative analysis of agenda-setting and political communication: a case study of the 2004 Cyprus Referendum

The physiological response of the white-rot fungus, Schizophyllum commune to Trichoderma Viride, during interspecific mycelial combat

A dark day in paradise

Clare Twomey: forever

What empowers individuals and teams in project settings? A critical incident analysis

Grid application meta-repository system

Issues and complexities associated with cyber security

Urban weaving

Modern foreign languages, higher education and mobile learning

The business of 'Bollywoodized' journalism

Television news in the era of global infotainment

The 'Bollywoodization' of Indian TV news

Short Film about War

London Wall

Still magic: an Aladdin’s cave of 1950s B-movie fantasy

Estimation of abdominal fat compartments by bioelectrical impedance: the validity of the ViScan measurement system in comparison with MRI

Is Africa facing a nutrition transition under the double burden of disease?

Text segments as constrained formal concepts

Trajectory planning: where next?

Credit crisis solutions: risk symmetric criteria for the reconstruction of socially fair asset-backed securities

Human rights, or citizenship?

Bloggers and the Blogosphere in Lebanon & Syria: meanings and activities

Manual d`anglès medieval tardà

Spoke on panel at 'Moving Images from The Attic Archive'

Annotated photographic diary of the Edwardian commuter suburb Thornton Heath. 241 reportage photos

The roles of reader construal and lexicographic authority in the interpretation of Middle English texts

Modelling the semantics of smart learning environments through ontological mappings

Psychology in outerspace: personality, individual difference, and demographic predictors of beliefs about extraterrestrial life

Electromagnetic modelling of ridged waveguide resonator loaded bandpass filters

Pirate modernity: Delhi's media urbanism

Imaging urban breakdown: Delhi in the 1990s

Prospects for citizenship

Political history of the Serbian media in transition (2000-2006)

Chatting the news: the democratic discourse qualities of non-market and market political talk television

Seeing the sites: perceptions of London

London 2012: developing and delivering a cultural legacy

Events and cultural regeneration: creating a cultural legacy from the 2012 Games

Discovery as invention: a constructivist alternative to the classic science documentary

Creating preschool television: a story of commerce, creativity and curriculum

Texts – Filmmaker Sarah Pucill in conversation with Dr Margherita Sprio

Sarah Pucill: an historical overview of her films (1990-2010). (DVD essay)

Migrant translations: Matarazzo remembered

Coverage of China in the UK national press

Diversity in the legal profession in England and Wales: A qualitative study of barriers and individual choices

Sudanese literature in English translation: an analytical study of the translation with a historical introduction to the literature

Efficient and rapid labelling of transplanted cell populations with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles using cell surface chemical biotinylation for in vivo monitoring by MRI

Assessing for success: an evidence-based approach that promotes learning in diverse, non-specialist student groups

The vulnerable articulate: prosthetics, aesthetics, and erotics in James Gillingham, Aimee Mullins, and Matthew Barney

On Katja Tukiainen: Research | Pleasure | Work

How we became metadata

The role of national identity and tourism in city planning: the case of Valletta

The relationship between major events, the urban fabric and social sustainability

The relationship between capital city monumentality and tourism in Valletta

The development of "sports-city" zones and their potential value as tourism resources for urban areas

TRIPs and human rights: access to cheaper AIDS medicines

Unassertive interregionalism in the Great Lakes Region

The EHRC Triennial Review: developing the employment evidence base

Development work for wave 2 of the food and you survey

Semantic distance acquisition in SemaCS

Efficient partitioning of graphs in collaborative workflow editor systems

Efficient graph partitioning algorithms for collaborative grid workflow developer environments

Human blastocyst culture in IVF: current laboratory applications in reproductive medicine practice

A descriptive study of selected oocyte, blood and organ/tissue donation features among fertility patients in Ireland

The incredible simultaneity console

Without residue

‘| |'

Experiences of building assisted self care systems within smart home environment

Towards balanced distribution of computations through automated reasoning

Producing the province: colonial governance and spatial cultures in district headquarter towns of Eastern India 1786 - c.1900

Policy reforms and incentives in rice production in Bangladesh

Optimal taxation in a two sector economy with heterogeneous agents

Editorial: The common agricultural policy: historical and interdisciplinary perspectives

The process of politics in Europe: the rise of European elites and supranational institutions

Taking Farmers off Welfare. The EEC Commission’s Memorandum “Agriculture 1980” of 1968

From pioneer work to refinement: publication trends

Mobile-mentory mobile documentaries in the mediascape

Complete German

Speak German with confidence: an audio course for beginners

The effect of liberalisation of foreign direct investment on the economic development of Thailand: an empirical and political economy approach

Women, culture and human rights: feminist interventions in human rights law?

Commentary on Roberts v Hopwood

Corporate hospitality: benefit, challenges and approach in financial services

A common analytical framework for assessing the life cyclegreenhouse gas emissions and the economic value of product systems

Material flow analysis and value chain analysis for the UK plastics sector

Enriching or impoverishing discourse on human rights? Talk about freedom of expression on Arab television

Cultural encounters in the Arab world: on media, the modern and the everyday

Book review: Lesbian motherhood: gender, families and sexual citizenship

Stakeholder management through relationship management

Stakeholder management in the Hong Kong construction industry

World wide warfare: Jus ad bellum and the use of cyber force

The United Nations Security Council and the enforcement of international humanitarian law

Treatment of imprecision in data repositories with the aid of KNOLAP

Central London: intensity, excess and success in the context of a world city

GHG emissions of supply chains from different retail systems in Europe

Emissions de gaz à effet de serre des chaînes logistiques

CO2 emissions of European supply chains: impacts of logistics choices

Opening up male subjectivity: where are we heading?

Men, distress and performativity

Exploring the role of glycosylated hemoglobin as a marker for type 2 diabetes mellitus using rough sets

Introduction to behavioral biometrics

Bioinformatics and Biometrics

Downstream gene activation of the receptor ALX by the agonist Annexin A1

Better off working? Work, poverty and benefit cycling

Can altering the structure of financial support payments aid work retention amongst lone parents? Qualitative evaluation of the In Work Retention Pilot

Tradition et modernité dans la production culturelle camerounaise (1954-2002): opposition ou syncrétisme?

Book review : Gaston Kelman, Je suis noir mais je n'aime pas le manioc

Breast cancer invasion is mediated by beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (beta-NAG) and associated with a dysregulation in the secretory pathway of cancer cells

Polyhydroxyalkanoates, the emerging new green polymers of choice

Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates and its medical applications

A13/BACII, a novel bovine chondrocytic cell line with differentiation potential

Il volto “nascosto” di Pechino: immagini e slogan dalla metropolitana (The “hidden” face of Beijing: images and slogans from the tube)

Cities, biodiversity and governance: perspectives and challenges of the implementation of the convention of biological diversity at the city level

Phantom Rhapsody

Norse-derived vocabulary in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle

Arabic sources of Scandinavian history

Improving the degree attainment of Black and minority ethnic students: investigating practice

Look who’s here: engagement and attendance initiatives

Exploring the 'myths' of enhanced learning through group work assessment

White no longer

Business Angel and risk capital: the impact on innovation

Sistemi di valutazione dei progetti di outsourcing. Un caso nell‟ambito delle tecnologie dell'informazione

Enterprise clusters triggered by radical innovation: a modelistic approach

Evaluating and internalising the environmental costs of logistics

Spatial justice: law and the geography of withdrawal

Niklas Luhmann: law, justice, society

Corporate social responsibility: a new approach to promoting integrity and  responsibility

Grey area

Safety and liveness of component-oriented protocols: a feasibility study

HRM teaching and research at Westminster Business School

Cartilage and macrophages: evidence for a paracrine loop. Poster no. 278

Tamoxifen: chondroprotective effects post-mechanical trauma

REV5901: chondroprotective effects post mechanical trauma

The effects of REV5901 on chondrocyte viability following mechanical trauma

Diurnal inflammatory cytokine changes post-exercise. Poster no. 319

Knee forces and inflammation: the effects of foot strike patterns and footwear

Chondroitin and glucosamine supplementation results in increased chondrocyte viability post mechanical trauma in vitro

Exploring urban creativity: visitor experiences of Spitalfields, London

Tourism and the development of 'creative' urban areas: evidence from four non-central areas in London

De King’s Cross à St Pancras, le nouveau quartier de l’Eurostar : géopolitique de 30 ans de conflits

The impact of Italianate on consumers’ brand perceptions of luxury brands

Bush's Congressional legacy and Congress's Bush legacy

Identification of histone modification and associated histone deacetylase sensitivity in conserved cis-regulatory domains of the Abra gene

The short and the long of it

Remnants of the future

A study of activation antigens involved in the pathologicalmechanisms and pathways of cutaneous malignant disease withparticular emphasis on cutaneous T cell lymphoma andmalignant melanoma

Scene classification with respect to image quality measurements

Design toolkit for green vernacular buildings


'Going Local' as a strategy to enter Arab national television markets: examples from Lebanon and Jordan

Forecasting the unconditional and conditional kurtosis of the asset returns distribution

Inflammatory modulation of exercise salience: using hormesis to return to a healthy lifestyle

The politics of shareholder activism

Unfettered agents? The role of ethics in corporate governance

Institutional change and corporate governance

Compromised adrenal and thyroid function

The constitutional protection of capitalism

The human right to medicines in sub-Saharan Africa

Not another study of great leaders: entrepreneurial leadership in a mid-sized family firm for its further growth and development

The evolution of sovereign wealth funds: Singapore's Temasek Holdings

Politiche culturali e città creative in ‘hard times’

Residential intensification, family housing and educational provision

REV5901: the protective effect on bovine articular chondrocytes following single impact trauma

REV5901: an investigation on the chondroprotective effect in bovine chondrocytes following single impact trauma

Politics vs. Antipolitics in Italy in the age of monitory democracy: the complex case of beppegrillo.it

Circulating melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) concentrations in the menstrual cycle

Preliminary characterisation of the neuropeptide melanin concentrating hormone in humans

A modern adventure (short story)

La Rochelle

Criteria for successful MSc research projects in computer forensics

Expression of endogenous and exogenous hypoxic markers in sheep preovulatory antral follicles

Monolithic beam to external column joints in reinforced concrete

The role of miRNA in diagnostics

Awareness is not the same as acceptance: exploring the thinking behind insight and compliance

The rise of the casino resort

Iran: Islamic republic or God's kingdom? The election, protest, and prospects for change

River sediment sampling and analysis for selected heavy metals: establishing a practical protocol

Hierarchical structures: conducive or barrier to knowledge management?

Potential role of time savings through teleworking

Paradigms in Caribbean trade diplomacy: negotiating the CARIFORUM–EC Free Trade Agreement

Is the public interest under threat? Public service broadcasting, market failure and new technologies: the view from the European Union

EU broadcasting governance and public service broadcasting: between a rock and a hard place

The politics of ethnic minority radio in South Africa

It takes two to tango. Artistic research and impact assessment under the new Research Excellence Framework (REF) UK

Afterword: in/ter/ceptions and in/tensions – situating Suzanne Lacy's practice

AES+F – more than just a matter of (bad) taste

It’s like talking to a wall

Intercreativity: mapping online activism

The waves of the hills: community and radio in the everyday life of a Brazilian favela

Development of greener vehicles, aircraft and ships

West End ghosts and Southwark horrors: London's gothic tourism

Science and environmental regulation in a period of financial constraint

L’eau: reguler une ressource naturelle dans un climat economique changeant

Environmental law

Human security and international law: much ado about nothing?

Annexin A1: a central player in the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective role of microglia

Friction, collision, and the grotesque: the dystopic fragments of Bombay cinema

From floor to sky


Gift-giving and the creation of trust

Planning obligations and social sustainability

Using collective intelligence to fine-tune public health policy

Sandboxing for desktop grids using virtualization

SZTAKI desktop grid: adapting clusters for desktop grids

Understanding social sustainability: key concepts and developments in theory and practice

Creating sustainable neighbourhoods? The development and management of mixed-income communities

Protecting refugees and governing spaces: the case of the reconstruction of the Nahr el-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon

Gender at the margins: Bedouin women's perceptions of Lebanese health provision

Debating Zimbabweanness in diasporic Internet forums: technologies of freedom?

Communication: an African perspective

Everyday life as a creative experience in cities

Gay targeted advertising in mass media: an examination of the interpretations and attitudes of target and non-target consumers

The influence of the hijab (Islamic head-cover) on perceptions of women's attractiveness and intelligence

Engendering familial citizens: Serial-viewing among middle-class women in urban India

Importance of the loading factor in transport CO2 emissions

The innovation dilemma of the Ghanaian textile industry

Acute hypoxia improves insulin sensitivity (SI2*) and β cell function in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes

Manual on international courts and tribunals. 2nd edition

Selecting international judges: principle, process, and politics

Monitoring and assessment of biodiversity under the Convention on Biological Diversity and other international agreements

Transport planning for sustainable communities

The effect of indentor shape on the creep curves of collagen gel

The built environment professions in disaster risk reduction and response. RICS, ICE, RIBA, RTPI

Weighting common syntactic structures for natural language based information retrieval

Neural components underlying subjective preferential decision making

A Web-enabled intelligent approach towards digital marketing planning: the integrated system and its effectiveness

Impact de la mondialisation sur le niveau d'activité du transport international de marchandises par route et par chemin de fer

A carbon footprint calculation method for green logistics and maritime supply chains

Case studies on van use in London

Allocation and calculation rules for GHG emissions in complex logistics and freight transport services

Office Depot and Gnewt Cargo trial of the use of electrically assisted tricycles for customer deliveries in central London

Micro-consolidation network model for freight transport in the clear zone

A comparison of Japanese and South Korean mindset: similar but different management approaches

The public and the popular media in China

Learning the hard way: Bulgaria and EU law

Poland: constitutional drama and business as usual

It works! The European Union in the wake of fifth and sixth enlargements

The Swedish computing infrastructure

Classification of stabilometric time-series using an adaptive fuzzy inference neural network system

Opinion: Microdosing: safer clinical trials

Transnational refugee law in the French courts: deliberate or compelled change in judicial attitudes?

The British judiciary and the search for reciprocal relations with its continental partners

The changing character of armed conflict and the implications for refugee protection jurisprudence

Transnational law, judges and refugees in the European Union


Food and climate change: a review of the effects of climate change on food within the remit of the Food Standards Agency

The influence of social class salience on self-assessed intelligence

Watercolour identification based on machine vision analysis

Reasoning in pervasive computational spaces

Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal, the Six Month Offer and Support for the Newly Unemployed evaluations: An early process study

Molecular docking simulations on a combined desktop and service grid infrastructure

Parameter sweep workflows for modelling carbohydrate recognition

A desktop grid based solution for the optimisation of X-ray diffraction profiles

Drivers and barriers to business intelligence adoption: a case of Pakistan

Introduction: Performance and war

Lived experience past/reading experience present: figures of memory in French life-writing narratives of the occupation

Introduction: variations on a theme

From cultural amnesia to 'anamnesia' in reading life-writing narratives of the French occupation: the lost manuscript, the 'handwritingness' of history and the broken narrative

Chapter updates

Virtual appliances: a way to provide automatic service deployment

Epilogue: does democracy have a violent heart?

The Global Navigation System Scope (GNSScope): a toolbox for the end-to-end modelling simulation and analysis of GNSS

Between individuality and collectiveness: email lists and face-to-face contact in the global justice movement

Activism transforms digital: the social movement perspective

Social contract theory and the international normative order: a new global ethic

Legal realism

Constructing human freedom: the refugee convention and networks of power

Sharing e-Health information through ontological layering

Creating semantics from user inputs through ontological reasoning

Automated reasoning in resolving semantic conflicts across heterogeneous repositories

On the notion of collective intelligence: opportunity or challenge?

α-MSH and dTRP8-γ-MSH inhibit TNF-α induced MMP 1 and 13 expression in human C20/A4 chondrocytes

Melanocortin peptides modulate pro-inflammatory mediator release from TNF-a stimulated C-20/A4 cells

The MC3 agonist dTRP8-γ-MSH inhibits IL-6 and IL-8 release from TNF-α stimulated C-20/A4 chondrocytes, an effect blocked by the MC3R antagonist SHU9119

Notation timelines and the aesthetics of disappearance

Chemistry of tumour targeted T1 based MRI contrast agents

A novel bimodal lipidic contrast agent for cellular labelling and tumour MRI

Extending service grids with desktop grids

The enabling environment for artisanal dimension stone in Nairobi, Kenya

Eco-cities: a global survey 2009

Accountable governance, accountable sustainability? A case study of accountability in the governance for sustainability

Shanghai, Dubai, Mumbai or Goodbye?

The wealth effects of investing in information technology: the case of Sarbanes-Oxley section 404 compliance

Social virtual worlds for technology enhanced learning on an augmented learning platform

An integrated VLE to enhance social interaction for user-centred active learning

Altered intra-nuclear organisation of heterochromatin and genes in ICF syndrome.

Adaptive fuzzy inference neural network system for EEG signal classification

An assessment of project based learning (PBL) environment based on the perceptions of students: a short course case study on circuit design for VLSI

Is masters degree naturopathy the next step?

WP/39 identity and space on the borderland between old and new in Shanghai: a case study

Unlocking human resource management

Blissfully whose? Jungle pleasures, ultra-modernist cinema and the cosmopolitan Thai auteur

A comparative analysis of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in authentic texts in English

Code-switching practices in Port Harcourt: code-switching as a linguistic resource

Dynamic load balancing of parallel road traffic simulation

An evaluation design for the Calorie Labelling Initiative

An evaluation design for food hygiene rating schemes

Gender matters in golf tourism

Developing a resource integration model for self-service technology

Co-Production and the role of self-service technology in resource integration

The influence of outcome-based contracting on Provider-ledPathways to Work

Applying granular computing theories to system modelling with optimised development process

Unexamined lives: a methodology of women, violence and war in Lebanon

Challenging preconceptions: women and Islamic resistance

Queerying Freud: on using psychoanalysis with sexual minority clients

A chronology of male beauties: imagined histories of metrosexuality in China

Contesting norms of white-collar masculinity: gay metrosexuals and homosocial yingchou in contemporary China

ICT and sustainable development

Managing customer perceptions of the business environment for competitive advantage

Adopting self service technology to do more with less

The impact of voluntary adoption of ISO 14001 among firms in Asia

Report of the RSA research network, on bridging old and new divisions in regional governance between core and periphery in Europe's east and west

Cities, suburbs and metropolitan areas: governing the regionalised city

Theorising development through institutional lenses: a case study on the legal boundaries of Internet interactions in Iran

A study on how public policies affect legitimacy in virtual communities

Green ICT: KM tools for fostering behavior change

'A year of anniversaries on Radio 4', BBC Radio 4 Blog, BBC, 6th October 2010.

Nick Clarke

Extending the value chain: a conceptual framework for managing the governance of co-created brand equity

Brand governance: the new agenda in brand management

ProSim: development of a user-friendly molecular modelling package

Microcosm, guinea pig or sui generis? Assessing international engagement with Kosovo

Introduction: Kosovo and the international community

Interview with Dr Fatmir Sejdiu, President of the Republic of Kosovo

Humanitarian intervention: an introduction

Extending the EGEE grid with XtremWeb-HEP desktop grids

Cholesterol in Alzheimer's disease and other amyloidogenic disorders

The emergence of Britain's global naval supremacy: the war of 1739-1748

The Iraq crisis of 2003 and press-state relations :an analysis of press coverage in Finland, Ireland and the UK

Institutionalizing idealism: the adoption of CSR practices

Apoptosis in alcoholic liver disease

The effect of alcohol exposure on liver energy metabolism and cell death

Where is power in governance?

Fishing for the public interest: making and representing publics in North Sea fisheries governance reform

Cytoplasmic hybrid clones (cybrids) for stem cell production: ground-breaking research or a technology too far?

Film and the law. 2nd edition

Regulating sport: finding a role for the law?

Law and regulation

Herbal treatment in the menopause: reflecting on tools, strategies and outcomes

Flow cytometric identification of cell types in digested mouse lung

An overview of environmental charging practices at airports

Managing airports: an international perspective. 3rd edition (Japanese version)

Airport strategies to gain competitive advantage

A job response time prediction method forproduction Grid computing environments

Patient grouping optimization using a hybrid self-organizing map and Gaussian mixture model for length of stay-based clustering system

Technological progress and economic analysis from Petty to Smith

Limited liability and the wealth of ‘uncivilised nations’: Adam Smith and the limits to the European enlightenment

Colonialism, displacement and cannibalism in early modern economic thought

Electromagnetic analysis of SRR and S-shaped resonator laded filters

Compact inline substrate integrated waveguide filter with transmission zeros

Multilayer substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filters

Compact E-plane doublet structures for modular filter design

Perceptions of Colonial North Africa during the Tunisia Campaign (1942-3)

A novel model for improving the maintainability of web-based systems

Scottish women's gothic and fantastic writing: fiction since 1978

Defining systematic creativity in the digital realm

Social creativity is the heart of a strong and happy society

GNG based surveillance system

Women's social networks and their importance in promoting sustainable communities

Labor in informational capitalism and on the Internet

Palestinian filmmaking in Israel: negotiating conflicting discourses

Understanding the worklessness and financial exclusion of Riverside tenants

Women and unpaid family work in the EU

Mothers’ employment and their children’s schooling: a joint multilevel analysis for India

The relation between child work and the employment of mothers in India

Lakes and reservoirs in the sediment cascade

Marseille mix

Evaluating alternative surgery plans with discrete-event simulation model

Characterisation of STRO-1 expression on human mesenchymal stem cells and identification of putative cancer stem cells in osteosarcoma: prevention by micronutrients

Networking among rural tourism entrepreneurs

Job scheduling in hierarchical desktop grids

The effect of acute alcohol exposure on hepatic oxidative stress and function: prevention by micronutrients

Articulations of memory in Northern Cyprus:between Turkishness, Europeanness and Cypriotness

Free to trade? Commission autonomy in the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations

The urban renaissance and the night-time economy: who belongs in the city at night?

Competence-based training and assessment by portfolio: the health psychology model

Auditing, product certification, and corporate social responsibility

The shortest route between heaven and earth: ethnocentrism and the roots of Sudanese identity in Wad Daifallah and Haj al-Mahi (in Arabic)

The modern debate(s) on Islam and Democracy

A clash of xenophobic narratives: the symbiotic relationship between Islamophobia and extremism

Umma, state and movement: events that shaped the modern debate

Political culture and the crisis of democracy in the Arab world

Peace-making and state-building in Africa: lessons from Sudan's 'hybrid' case

The Napoleon-Saddam syndrome and the crisis of Arab democracy: beyond political culture and the politics of culture

Liman Taqum al-Dawla al-Islamiyya (Translation of 'Who needs an Islamic state? 2nd edition')

Islam’s future imperfect: fighting over camels at the end of history

The Islamism debate revisited: in search of 'Islamist democrats'

Islam and democracy: the Malasian context

Esperando a Luteroy a las bombas: la 'reforma islamica' como una estrategia de guerra "Waiting for Luther and the Bombs: The 'Islamic Reformation' as a War Strategy"

Democracy and Islam

Beyond the conundrum of 'democrats without democracy': mutual reassurance as a path to democratic transition in Sudann [in Arabic]

Making reform happen in environmental policy

AMEE Guide 48: Effective Small Group Learning

Spina bifida and hydrocephalus

A user-centered approach for building design guidelines for the use of virtual actors in CVEs for learning

The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme in England and Northern Ireland: a review

Leadership and communications in NHS management: lessons for higher education

Hour angle

Hour angle

Flood tide

Noticing the unnoticed

Revealing real-time cell surface interaction analysis: a focus on lectin - cell glycan interactions

Revealing real-time cell surface interaction analysis: a focus on lectin - cell glycan interactions

GalNAc-recognition by lectins for cancer prognostication

Briefing on aviation taxation

Charging for domestic waste: combining environmental and equity considerations

Optically reconfigurable RF circuits

Adjusting for non-ignorable sample attrition using survey substitutes identified by propensity score matching: an empirical investigation using labour market data

Models of labour services and estimates of total factor productivity

Diabetic foot: microbiology, pathogenesis and glycan studies

Help or hindrance? South Asian women in the family firm

Training women to win: a practical perspective on the training needs of women entrepreneurs

Architectural drawing

Modelling the linguistic mind

Metonymic processing: a cognitive ability relevant to translators, editors and language teachers

Old conflicts, new rivals? Airline competition in the European market

Essays on the impact of education on misclassified civic outcomes: studies of Italy and the UK

The SNP-DCC model: a new methodology for risk management and forecasting

The SNP-DCC model: a new methodology for risk management and forecasting

English for specific purposes: an introduction

Utilizing mass media in the political empowerment of Egyptian women

Russian discourses and approaches to Islam and Islamism

Energy security

Leadership and management development: a view from social science

Evaluation of virtual world tools

The 'rights' conundrum: poverty of philosophy amongst poverty

Law and 'development' discourses about water: understanding agency in regime changes

Editorial: introduction to the special issue: postcolonialism, realism, and critical realism

Public service media and children: serving the digital citizens of the future

Serving children in public service media

Shaping tomorrow's television: digital television policies in Italy 1996-2006

Policy interventions, funding and the crisis in advertising

Power without responsibility: press, broadcasting and the internet in Britain (7th edition)

Kraftwerk and the image of modernity



Blind matched filtering for multiple input multiple output transceivers

Quantifying airline delay costs - the balance between strategic and tactical costs

Delay cost management and key challenges

Exuberance: new virtuosity in contemporary architecture

Unfamiliar crossings: a review of Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson’s transatlantic women’s literature

Exploring meaning: the implications of a hyphen for socio-technical theory and practice

The cortisol awakening response in context

Adult education between the wars: the curious case of the Selborne Lecture Bureau

Skilled versus qualified labour: the exclusion of women from the construction industry

Destinations fellowship: final report to Centre for Career Management Skills (University of Reading)

Building a talent bank: final report to Higher Education Careers Services Unit

Building a talent bank: enhancing student employability at the University of Westminster

Building a talent bank

FE to HE transitions: understanding vocational learner experiences in HE – final report to Linking London Lifelong Learning Network

FE to HE transitions: project outcomes

FE to HE transitions: bridging the gap?

Introduction: suburbanization and global society


Impact of the Rotterdam Rules on the Himalaya Clause: the port terminal operators' case

Book review: Banking regulation of UK & US financial markets

Expressing hierarchical preferences in OLAP queries

RNAi inhibition of the circadian factor ROR alpha renders primary ventricular cardiomyocytes pro-arrhythmogenic

Melatonin protects isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes from high glucose induced arrhythmias

The pragmatics of the modern Greek grammatical system

Antibodies against hCG in patients with gynecological tumors

The psychosocial well-being of parents of children with cerebral palsy: a comparison study

The impacts of delivery and service vehicle activity in urban centres

HPLC fingerprints combined with principal component analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and linear discriminant analysis for the classification and differentiation of Peganum sp. indigenous to China

Peripheral encounters: early cinema advertising and attractions in Calcutta

Liberal war and Foucaultian metaphysics

International statebuilding: the rise of post-liberal governance

The EU and Southeastern Europe: the rise of post-liberal governance

Book review essay: The Paradox of the 'Responsibility to Protect'

The dynamics of migrant employment in construction: can supply of skilled labour ever match demand?

Lexicological confusion and medieval clothing culture: redressing medieval dress with the Lexis of Cloth and Clothing in Britain Project

From apareil to warderobe: some observations on Anglo-French in the Middle English

The art of function

The 'sinister' photograph: Manuel Alvarez Bravo's Parabola optica, 1931

Two reflections and a meditation

Page after page

Moving with the times: Eadweard Muybridge

Jeff Wall speaks with David Campany

Clare Strand: the spot marks the X


Optimal signal and jamming dynamics embracing digital filter structures

An evaluation of the use of electronic submission and marking of students assignments

How effective is feedback in the teaching environment?

Book review: The French Atlantic: travels in culture and history, by Bill Marshall

Book review: Pierre-Jean Balzan, Bruno Guichard and Alain Léger, François Maspero et les paysages humains

Book review: Charles Tshimanga, Didier Gondola and Peter J. Bloom, Frenchness and the African diaspora

Statistical research into measuring adult educational attainment using the Labour Force Survey

The Eastern European Revolutions of 1989

Communism and peace movements

Ethical issues in psychological research on the Internet

Developments in Western European logistics

Analysing the results of UK urban freight studies

An investigation of freight quality partnerships in the UK

Internalising the external costs of light and heavy goods vehicles in London

Light goods vehicles in urban areas

The human animal hybrid

The Taiwan Ceramic Biennale 2010

In the playroom: a work in progress

Hybrid toys



Constructing public service media at the BBC

The distinct nature of work-based VET in England: a reflection of employer interests?

There is nothing wrong with my uncle by Dul Johnson

‘Love it or loath it’: a cross-national comparison of tabloid reading experiences in the UK and Germany

The Sans Souci project

Writing the city into being: essays on Johannesburg, 1998–2008

Book review: Taming the disorderly city: the spatial landscape of Johannesburg after apartheid

An analysis of the correlation among fashion newspaper coverage and public relations in the United Kingdom

L’exil des Pieds-Noirs en 1962 dans la comédie musicale Les enfants du soleil (2004)

'Que faire si nos traditions sont en conflit avec la bonne santé de nos familles?' Réflexions sur l’utilité du cinéma pour la compréhension du monde dans la contribution du cinéaste Mahamat-Saleh Haroun au programme cinématographique Scénarios d’Afrique

Marketing research: tools & techniques. 2nd ed.

Measuring housing design and value

Politics, planning and homes in a world city

Mental health first aid training: evaluation by private sector participants

Cross-system localization in PLMN using neural networks

Space-partitioning with cascade-connected ANN structures for positioning in mobile communication systems

The legal professions as stakeholders in the academy in England and Wales

Will there be blood? Students as stakeholders in the legal academy

Linearization of high-efficiency power amplifiers using digital baseband predistortion with iterative injection

A new digital predistortion for linearity improvement and suppression of memory effects

Towards symbolic reasoning from subsymbolic sensory information

Invariant-free deduction for CTL*: the tableau method

Review article: Palladio exhibition

Environmental stress and landscape recovery in a semi-arid area, the Karoo, South Africa

How power corrupts: cognition and democracy in organisations

An evaluation of breast cancer cell line sialyltransferase expression levels and assessment of possible correlation with HPA lectin binding profiles

Ventajas en la incorporación de estrategias de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de idiomas. Estudio cualitativo

Performativity and belonging: negotiating the ethnographer and her field in virtual worlds

The (post-human) consumer, the (post-avian) chicken and the (post-object) Eglu: towards a material-semiotics of anti-consumption

Performing local community through co-housing: a discourse analysis of the value and values of sharing the home

What kind of information society? Introduction to the HCC9 conference proceedings

Olfact – on a pedagogy of curiosity©

Causal relationships between financial markets: the case of Turkey

The real effect of the recent financial crisis on the UK housing price indicators

A partially connected neural network-based approach with application to breast cancer detection and recurrence

The endless school

Testing the weak-form market efficiency and the day of the week effects of some African countries

The trade specialization of SANE: evidence from manufacturing industries

The real aesthetic

Australian Picnic

Integrating formal reasoning into component-based approach to reconfigurable distributed systems

Microbial production of biodegradable polymers and their role in cardiac stent development

Biodegradable polymers and their role in coronary stent development

Uutisjournalismin kehitys USA: ssa ja Britanniassa [changing trends in television news in the US and Britain]

Periodismo, democracia e interés público [Media, democracy and the public interest]

Pre-empting terrorism? Two case studies of the UK's anti-terrorism legislation

Law, rights and justice in late modern society: a tentative theoretical framework

Introduction: snapshots of the rights discourse

In search of Heimat: a note on Franz Kafka's concept of law

Hydrogen system modelling

Governing through community? A comparative study of changing management practices in mixed tenure housing development

Building sustainable communities from the grassroots: how community land trusts can create social sustainability


Firm-level responses to monetary union and exchange rate regime: evidence from Cote D’Ivoire and Ghana

Optically reconfigurable microstrip UWB bandpass filters

Design of open-loop dual-mode microstrip filters

Design of open-loop dual-mode microstrip filters

Compact high linearity tunable dual-mode microstrip filters

Lavorare con gli utenti musulmani: manual per gli operatori dei servizi sociali e sanitari

Development of a novel serological assay for the detection of rabies virus neutralising antibodies using lentiviral pseudotypes

What economists should know about public policymaking?

'Doing time after time’: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of reformed ex-prisoners experiences of self-change, identity and career opportunities

Entity appearance model generation for multimedia events in surveillance videos

Discovery of events with negative behavior against given sequential patterns

Tracking gestures using a probabilistic self-organising network

Generating Islamophobia in India

Challenging “Tibetan exceptionalism”: Exotica Tibet as an orientalist construct

Beyond Tibet

Modeling the Listeria monocytogenes survival/death curves using wavelet neural networks

Enhancing DWH models with the utilisation of multiple hierarchical schemata

External auditors and clients: an investigation ofperceptions of value for money (VfM) audit practices inthe UK public sector

A describing function based method for predicting the stability of higher-order high-pass sigma-delta modulators

Stability predictions for higher-order band-pass sigma-delta modulators for dual sinusoidal inputs

The uneven and combined development of the Meiji restoration: a passive revolutionary road to capitalist modernity

Integrated transport policy in freight transport

Freight Quality Partnerships in the UK: an analysis of their work and achievements

Vans and the economy

Sustainability strategies for city logistics

Road freight transport and sustainability in London 2005-2007

Road freight transport and sustainability in Britain: 1984-2007

Reviewing the TRAVL survey forms and approach

Greenhouse gas emission factors for freight transport in London

The Covent Garden, Regent Street and Oxford Street East freight studies: comparison of survey techniques and findings

Considering the relationship between freight transport and urban form

Neighbourhood asset management: life cycles and learning for social sustainability

Pays du Sud: au risqué de la propriété

Time and e-mentoring

A.S. Byatt: critical storytelling

Music as first-order and second-order conditioning in TV commercials

‘On the outside’: constructing cycling citizenship

Testicular LH-stimulated testosterone production is inhibited by activation of melanocortin 3 receptors (MC3)

A DASP approach to wideband multichannel spectrum sensing

Mediated encounters in diasporic space:exploring processes of transculturation syncretism and identity redefinition in the Ghanaian diaspora in London

Analysis of variability in neonatal care units: a retrospective analysis

A compact printed antenna for multiband wireless applications

A reconfigurable H-shape antenna for wireless applications

Widely tunable multiband reconfigurable patch antenna for wireless applications

Wide-band planar inverted-F antenna for cognitive radio

Redshift: entropic properties of printing with ice

The limits of transnational law: refugee law, policy harmonization and judicial dialogue in the European Union

The architecture and engineering of downdraught cooling: a design source book

The application of EU law in the new member states: brave new world

What kind of information society? Governance, virtuality, surveillance, sustainability, resilience. 9th IFIP TC 9 International Conference, HCC9 2010 and 1st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, CIP 2010, Held as part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010, proceedings

Suburbanization in global society

Structure and agency

Social sustainability in urban areas: communities, connectivity, and the urban fabric

Sixties radicalism and social movement activism: retreat or resurgence?

Selected poems of Mary Coleridge

Russia and Islam: state, society and radicalism

Rights in context: law and justice in late modern society

Proceedings of the automated reasoning workshop 2010: bridging the gap between theory and practice. ARW 2010

Mona Caird, The wing of azrael

London gothic: place, space and the gothic imagination

Kosovo, intervention and statebuilding: the international community and the transition to independence

International refugee law

International communication: a reader

Il Mediterraneo nelle relazioni internazionali (The international relations of the Mediterranean)

Hydrogen energy: economic and social challenges

Hannah Collins: time will explain it all

Grids, P2P, and services computing

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH): protocols and applications

Critical perspectives on human security: discourses of emancipation and regimes of power

Commercial and consumer law

City tourism: national capital perspectives

China everyday

Case studies in infectious diseases

Bricklaying is more than Flemish bond: bricklaying qualifications in Europe

Accountability for human rights violations by international organizations

About Muhammad: the other Western perspective on the Prophet of Islam

The 'War on Terror' and the growth of executive power? A comparative analysis

Specific and generalized neuropsychological deficits: a comparison of patients with various first-episode psychosis presentations

Airport valuation: an alternative driver-based approach

A vision for screen studies in South Asia

Editorial: BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies

Parasite detection and identification for automated thin blood film malaria diagnosis

The correspondence of public perceptions of graduates’ life chances and university departmental funding

Sociocultural adjustment among sojourning Malaysian students in Britain: a replication and path analytic extension

A new food frequency questionnaire designed to measure the intake of fatty acids and antioxidants in children

The BBC's role in the changing production ecology of preschool television in Britain

Cord blood: the future of regenerative medicine?

Hollywood’s foreign earnings during the 1930s

Metropolitan governance in a global city region: the London experiment

The Progression to Work Pathfinders development phase: impact evaluation designs and measuring progression to work

Promoting responsibility, shaping behaviour: housing management, mixed communities and the construction of citizenship

Multidimensional image selection and classification system based on visual feature extraction and scaling

Guest editorial: Special issue on collective intelligence

The market environment for artisanal dimension stone in Nairobi, Kenya

Privacy, trust, and self-disclosure online

Market segmentation in behavioural perspective

Book review: Network communities: strategies for digital collaboration

Retrieval-induced forgetting and clinical depression

Markets, large projects and sustainable development: traditional and new planning in the Thames Gateway

Independent influences of sex steroids of systemic and central origin in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: a contribution to sex-specific neuroprotection by estrogens

The influence of leg-to-body ratio (LBR) on judgments of female physical attractiveness: assessments of computer-generated images varying in LBR

Substitutability and independence: matching analyses of brands and products

Levels and patterns of physical activity in children and adolescents with Type 1 diabetes and associated metabolic and physiologic health outcomes

Frequency reconfigurable RF circuits using photoconducting switches

Islamic radicalization in Russia: an assessment

ECJ clarifies the issue of proof of insider dealing

Prescription for a better London?

Planning in an age of austerity

What's wrong with media monopolies? A lesson from history and a new approach to media ownership policy

Impacts of free concessionary travel: case study of an English rural region

The poetry of rock: song lyrics are not poems but the words still matter; another look at Richard Goldstein’s collection of rock lyrics

London freight data report 2009

A new reflection of cultural vitality

News, transparency and the effectiveness of reporting from inside Arab dictatorships

Book review: Wrongful convictions: international perspectives on miscarriages of justice, edited by C. Ronald Huff and Martin Killias

Guest editorial: Special Issue – 13th International Conference on Natural Language and Information Systems (NLDB 2008)

The responsibility to protect: interview with Dr Francis Deng

Using the prevalence of individual species of intestinal nematode worms to estimate the combined prevalence of any species

Book review: Robert M Grant: Contemporary strategic analysis: Text & cases. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and ultrasound for hepatic fat quantification

Resistant starch improves insulin sensitivity in metabolic syndrome

Book review: Handbook of research on socio-technical design and social networking systems

Returns of the modern: on Nicolas Bourriaud's altermodern

Public panics: Problematic bodies in social space

Italian television in the multichannel age: assessing change and continuity in industry structure, programming and consumption

Formulating partner selection criteria for agile supply chains: A Dempster-Shafer belief acceptability optimisation approach

Fabrication of a novel poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) / nanoscale bioactive glass composite film with potential as a multifunctional wound dressing

The Responsibility to Protect: 'sound and fury signifying nothing'?

Book review: Daniel H. Joyner, International law and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)

Book review: Growth and innovation of competitive regions: the role of internal and external connections

The influence of tetracycline loading on the surface morphology and biocompatibility of films made from P(3HB) microspheres

CD148 enhances platelet responsiveness to collagen by maintaining a pool of active Src family kinases

Towards effective capacity planning in a perinatal network centre

Book review: The SAGE handbook of e-learning research

Reliable wideband multichannel spectrum sensing using randomized sampling schemes

Treatment with qing'e, a kidney-invigorating chinese herbal formula, antagonizes the estrogen decline in ovariectomized mice

A short self-report measure of problems with executive function suitable for administration via the Internet

Book review: Managing Henry Mintzberg. Harlow, Essex: FT Prentice Hall, 2009. 304 pp. £19.99, $26.95 (hbk). IBSN 9780273709035

Book review: Teaching innovation and entrepreneurship: building on the Singapore experiment, Charles Hampden-Turner

Capitalist epics: Abstraction, totality and the theory of the novel

Editorial - The iceberg of social disadvantage and chronic stress: implications for public health

Effect of auricular acupuncture on appetite: a pilot study

The Memory of Photography

On digital filtering of band-limited signals using lower sampling rates

A method for assessing the carbon footprint of maritime freight transport: European case study and results

Protein tyrosine phosphatases as drug targets: strategies and challenges of inhibitor development

A subsampling delta-sigma modulator for global navigation satellite systems

Hair MDMA samples are consistent with reported ecstasy use: Findings from a study investigating effects of ecstasy on mood and memory

Editorial: Eyes over London: re-imagining the metropolis in the age of aerial vision

Editorial: Governance innovation for sustainability:exploring the tensions and dilemmas

From influence to confluence: positioning the history of pre-modern korean medicine in East Asia

Ethnic identity, perceptions of disadvantage, and psychosis: findings from the ÆSOP study

An investigation into assessment centre validity, fairness, and selection drivers

Anti-inflammatory and antiosteoclastogenesis propertiesof endogenous melanocortin receptor type 3 inexperimental arthritis

Introduction: whither the public interest in the new political economy?

An analysis of perspectives on the Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide

The varying impact of type, timing and frequency of exposure to childhood adversity on its association with adult psychotic disorder

Identifying key factors affecting transnational knowledge transfer

Exquisite sensitivity to subsecond, picomolar nitric oxide transients conferred on cells by guanylyl cyclase-coupled receptors

A sensitive assay to measure biomarker glycosylation demonstrates increased fucosylation of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in patients with prostate cancer compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia

Virus neutralising activity of African fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) sera against emerging lyssaviruses

Parliamentary party discipline

Paloma Faith - Upside Down

Somatosensory discrimination: an intracranial event-related potential study of children with refractory epilepsy


Patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia have an expanded population of CD4(+) perforin expressing T cells enriched for human cytomegalovirus specificity and an effector-memory phenotype

Self-assessed intelligence: inter-ethnic, rural–urban, and sex differences in Malaysia

Associations between psychosocial state variables and the cortisol awakening response in a single case study

Rosiglitazone alleviates the persistent fibrotic phenotype of lesional skin scleroderma fibroblasts

Consumers as risk takers: evidence from the film industry during the 1930s

Lesbian teachers' identity, power and the public/private boundary

Children's experiences of their participation in a training and support programme involving massage

Profitability trends in Hollywood, 1929 to 1999: somebody must know something

Last shall be first: A field study of biases in sequential performance evaluation on the Idol series

UKDA Study No. 6358 - EuroPTax. Who pays for the state? The evolution of personal taxation in postwar Europe, 1958-2007

Redefining risk research priorities for nanomaterials


A quantitative real-time PCR assay for the identification and enumeration of Alexandrium cysts in marine sediments

A two-tube combined TaqMan/SYBR green assay to identify Mycob acteria and detect single global lineage-defining polymorphisms in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

R2P or not R2P? More statebuilding, less responsibility

Outbreeding lethality between toxic Group I and nontoxic Group III Alexandrium tamarense spp. isolates: predominance of heterotypic encystment and implications for mating interactions and biogeography

The social impact of dizziness in London and Siena

Key performance indicators for IS/IT indirect human costs in the service sector

Review: Modern painters: the Camden Town Group, Tate Britain 13 February - 5 May 2008

O-phosphotyrosine analogues: aynthesis and therapeutic role in modulation of signal transduction

The attractive female body weight and female body dissatisfaction in 26 countries across 10 world regions: results of the International Body Project I

A preliminary evaluation of a massage program for children who have been sexually abused and their non-abusing mothers

Complexity, cues and relationships: Student perceptions of feedback

Special Section: DAPSYS, workshop on distributed and parallel systems

Characterization of carbon nanotube (MWCNT) containing P(3HB)/bioactive glass composites for tissue engineering applications

Effect of nanoparticulate bioactive glass particles on bioactivity and cytocompatibility of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) composites

‘Stopping to dream’: the beautification and vandalism of London’s interwar arterial roads

Application and middleware transparent checkpointing with TCKPT on clustergrids

Examining evidence for neighbourhood variation in the duration of untreated psychosis

From grid islands to a world wide grid

Case-control analysis of the health and nutrition of orphan schoolchildren in Ethiopia

The limits to good governance and the state of exception: a case study of North Sea fisheries

Saliva: physiology and diagnostic potential in health and disease

The modern debate(s) on Islam and democracy: a literature review

GFC briefing paper 5: A major green fiscal reform for the UK: results for the economy, employment and the environment

GFC briefing paper 7: competitiveness and environmental tax reform

GFC briefing paper 6: reducing carbon emissions through transport taxation

GFC briefing paper 8: Achieving fairness in carbon emissions reduction: the distributional effects of green fiscal reform

Drink the wine, discard the bottle, drink something else

The Apprenticeship Framework in England: a new beginning or a continuing sham?

Identity and apprenticeship: the case of English motor vehicle maintenance apprentices

Measuring the returns to lifelong learning

Moving beyond binary opposition: exploring the tapestry of gender in consumer research and marketing

Minding the regional news gap

Special section: London and the Camden Town Group

Activation of testicular melanocortin 3 receptors (MC3-R) inhibits LH-stimulated testosterone production

AgentsInternational: integration of multiple agents, simulation, knowledge bases and fuzzy logic for international marketing decision making

Egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric environmental concerns: a path analytic investigation of their determinants.

Associations between femininity ideology and body appreciation among British female undergraduates

Alone against the crowd: Individual differences in referees’ ability to cope under pressure

Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) multifunctional composite scaffolds for tissue engineering applications

Pilot study of the utility and acceptability of tampon sampling for the diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infections by duplex realtime polymerase chain reaction in United Kingdom sex workers

GMBS: a new middleware service for making grids interoperable

Review of L.W. Conolly, 'Bernard Shaw and the BBC'

The numbers, educational status and health of enrolled and non-enrolled school-age children in the Allai Valley, Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan

S-nitrosothiols as selective antithrombotic agents - possible mechanisms

Globalising Foucault: turning critique into apologia — a response to Kiersey and Rosenow

Modifying the effects of cerebral palsy: the Gregg Mozgala story

Investment and implementation: keys to a national framework

Implementing a strategy awareness raising programme: strategy changes and feedback

Random effects models for operational patient pathways

PM, BBC Radio 4, 6th April 2010: interview on 40 years of the 'PM' programme

Of purest blue/De purísimo azul: poems by Francisco Brines

Culture and compensation: unpicking the intricate relationship between reward and organisational culture

Pragmatism rules legal foundation of China and European Union relations

Networked learning ten years on: the rise of the virtual graduate school

Supporting the learning and networking experiences of doctoral students

The disinterested play of thought: Individual differences and preference for surrealist motion pictures

How to evaluate the impact of research on environmental policy: literature review

How to evaluate the impact of research on environmental policy: guidelines and supporting information

How to evaluate the impact of research on environmental policy: final report

How to evaluate the impact of research on environmental policy: case studies

How to evaluate the impact of research on environmental policy: a seven step guide

Conference report: Community media at ECREA's ECC08

Neighbourhood management in Westminster

The art and science of wellbeing: creating the new politics of health

Human islet amyloid polypeptide fibril binding to catalase: a transmission electron microscopy and microplate study

Illicit substance use and its correlates in first episode psychosis

The melanocortin MC1 receptor agonist BMS-470539 inhibits leucocyte trafficking in the inflamed vasculature

SME attitudes towards mediation: some survey evidence

Humor attenuates the cortisol awakening response in healthy older men

Semantic management of nonfunctional requirements in an e-health system

Email lists and participatory democracy in the European Social Forum

Community media in the context of European media policies

Listening in the dark: night-time radio and a "deep history" of the media

Digital broadcasting: challenges and opportunities for European community radio broadcasters

The impact of low-cost airline operations to Malta

Exploring the relationship between UML design metrics for Web applications and maintainability

Two unannounced environmental tax reforms in the UK: the fuel duty escalator and income tax in the 1990s

Wellbeing: conceptual issues and implications for interdisciplinary work

Blind multidimensional matched filtering techniques for single input multiple output communications

The HLF Landscape Partnerships programme: report to the Heritage Lottery Fund

Entrepreneurial orientation of insurance agents in Sabah

Review article: Risk and the biopolitics of global insecurity

Introduction: Community media’s long march

The scene of photography and the future of its illusion

Double U-slots patch antenna for tri-band wireless systems

Peripherally injected cholecystokinin-induced neuronal activation is modified by dietary composition in mice

The combined effects on neuronal activation and blood–brain barrier permeability of time and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in mice, as measured in vivo using MEMRI

Tokyo, Japan: my kind of town

God of small things

Women's mid-life health experiences in urban UK: an international comparison

A security framework for protecting business, government and society from cyber attacks

Voice-over on Graham Harwood's 'Steam powered computer' video

An investigation of weight bias against women and its associations with individual difference factors

Prevalence and acceptance of tattoos and piercings: a survey of adults from the Southern German-speaking area of Central Europe

Seasonal, ethnic and gender variations in serum vitamin D3 levels in the local population of Peterborough

Environmental retrofit: Building integrated passive cooling in housing

The treatment of menopausal symptoms by traditional East Asian medicines: review and perspectives

Knowledge sharing through face-to-face communication and labour productivity: evidence from British workplaces

Equalities Act 2010

Stimulation of regulatory volume increase (RVI) in avian articular chondrocytes by gadolinium chloride

Evaluating the impact of front of pack labelling: a preliminary review of the issues

Setting core standards: privacy, identity & interoperability

Cargocycle trial evaluation

Environmental dynamism, human resource flexibility and firm performance: analysis of a multi-level causal model

Polyhydroxyalkanoates: bioplastics with a green agenda

Challenges facing CAM education providers in the new decade

Moving from silence into speech: Palestinian refugee women in Lebanon speak about their lives

The determinants of retail productivity: a critical review of the evidence

Nitric oxide: a one trick pony?

Estrogen actions in the brain and the basis for differential action in men and women: a case for sex-specific medicines

Hand dominance influences the processing of observed bodies

A new basis for aviation taxation: a briefing on the introduction of an aviation tax based on a per-plane duty

Forget Foucault, forget Foucault, forget Foucault...

State dependence and unobserved heterogeneity in the employment transitions of the over-50s

Understanding community empowerment in urban regeneration and planning in England: putting policy and practice in context

Miniaturized band-pass filters using closed-loop microstrip ring resonator with parallel-coupled feed

Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates: the future green materials of choice

In vitro production of polyhydroxyalkanoates: achievements and applications

'Rewiring the mind': episode 1 ('The ethereal mind'), The essay, BBC Radio 3, 23.00 14th June 2010

'Rewiring the mind': episode 2 ('The cultivated mind'), The essay, BBC Radio 3, 23.00 15th June 2010

'Rewiring the mind': episode 3 ('The anxious mind'), The essay, BBC Radio 3, 23.00 16th June 2010

'Rewiring the mind': episode 4 ('The fallible mind'), The essay, BBC Radio 3, 23.00 17th June 2010

'Rewiring the mind': episode 5 ('The superficial mind'), The essay, BBC Radio 3, 23.00 18th June 2010

Examination of faecal Bifidobacterium populations in breast- and formula-fed infants during the first 18 months of life

In vitro investigations into the effect of orlistat, an anti-obesity therapy, on the human fecal microbiota

British discretion in Dutch planning: Establishing a comparative perspective for regional planning and local development in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

Robert Bridges' Masque Demeter and Oxford's Persephones

On edge: an interview with Alexa Wright

The truth is out there: belief in conspiracy theories

The "canary in the coalmine": the recession and the crisis in the production of British children's television programming

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptors VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 are localised primarily to vasculature in human primary solid cancers

The defence and security review we need

Equality act 2010: fundamental rights defences to possession proceedings

Continuous time short rate models: evidence for the US

Mob journalism in Web 2.0 forums: ZimDaily’s FairDeal campaign and the Zimbabwe crisis

Chinese medicine in action: on the postcoloniality of medical practice in China

Accounting for privatisation in Africa? Reflections from a critical interdisciplinary perspective

The long-run performance of firms emerging from chapter 11 bankruptcy

A statistical framework for evaluating neural networks to predict recurrent events in breast cancer

Higher education quality and work-based learning: two concepts not yet fully integrated

Software development productivity: challenges and future trends

Creatively re-imagining a new Sudanese nation: towards achieving conditional unity

From fiasco to carnival: the end of philosophy at Middlesex?

American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): an ancient remedy for today’s anxiety?

The politics of housing development in an age of austerity

Umbilical vein testosterone in female infants born to mothers with polycystic ovary syndrome is elevated to male levels

Why the BBC matters: memo to the new parliament about a unique British institution

A loss network model with overflow for capacity planning of a neonatal unit

Kontrollverzicht stärkt manager

Multi-functional P(3HB) microsphere/45S5 Bioglass((R))-based composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Differing patterns of brain structural abnormalities between black and white patients with their first episode of psychosis

Ethnography and Action Research

Mull of Kintyre Performance

Quorum sensing as a method for improving sclerotiorin production in Penicillium sclerotiorum

Between two worlds: 90-minute play about the life of Sir Oliver Lodge, radio pioneer, late-Victorian physicist and spiritualist, for BBC Radio 3, 20:45, 25th July 2010

Comparing TCM textbook descriptions of menopausal syndrome with the lived experience of London women at midlife and the implications for Chinese medicine research

Endocannabinoids, FOXO and the metabolic syndrome: redox, function and tipping point – the view from two systems

Insight, grey matter and cognitive function in first-onset psychosis

The Finometer can function as a standalone instrument in blood pressure variability studies and does not require support equipment to determine breathing frequency

Men behaving well? Journeys towards constructive engagement with well-being through meditation

Influence of catholyte pH and temperature on hydrogen production from acetate using a two chamber concentric tubular microbial electrolysis cell

Resilience and loss in work identities: a narrative analysis of some retired teachers' work-life histories

Imaging of gadolinium spatial distribution in tumor tissue by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Pioneering new courses in CAM at the University of Westminster

Slalom walking with prism disorientation: impact on verbal and spatial tasks

Trypanosoma cruzi: Synergistic cytotoxicity of multiple amphipathic anti-microbial peptides to T. cruzi and potential bacterial hosts

Semantic APIs: scaling up towards the Semantic Web

Race, culture and civil society: peacebuilding discourse and the understanding of difference

The wage impact of trade unions in the UK public and private sectors

Sleep patterns in Parkinson's disease patients with visual hallucinations

Separation and identification of three epimeric pairs of new C-glucosyl anthrones from Rumex dentatus by on-line high performance liquid chromatography–circular dichroism analysis

A familiar assault on the BBC: a response to David Graham's report for the Adam Smith Institute

Antiallergic cromones inhibit neutrophil recruitment onto vascular endothelium via Annexin-A1 mobilization

Post-transcriptional regulation of alpha-smooth muscle actin determines the contractile phenotype of Dupuytren's nodular cells

Public knowledge and beliefs about depression among urban and rural Malays in Malaysia

Oppressive beliefs at play: associations among beauty ideals and practices and individual differences in sexism, objectification of others, and media exposure

Unanswered questions: A preliminary investigation of personality and individual difference predictors of 9/11 conspiracist beliefs

Translation and validation of the Malay Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale

State associations with the cortisol awakening response in healthy females

Impact of linoleic acid supplementation on lovastatin production in Aspergillus terreus cultures

Production of SCL and MCL polyhydroxyalkanoates and their applications

A value chain analysis of the organic cotton industry: the case of UK retailers and Indian suppliers

Transferrin receptor 2 is crucial for iron sensing in human hepatocytes

Review essay: Disagreeing about the climate

Book review: Carl Schmitt's international thought: order and orientation. By William Hooker

Between vigilante and citizen journalism: ZimDaily's FairDeal campaing and the Zimbabwe crisis

Time, space and structure in an e-learning and e-mentoring project

Retrofitting sustainability to historic city core areas

Agents of defiance and despair: the impact of Islamic resistance on Palestinian women in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Mesohabitat use by bullhead (Cottus gobio)

Multifunctional P(3HB) microsphere/45S Bioglass ®-based composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Effective small group learning: AMEE Guide No. 48

Chasing the dragon: developing indicators for the assessment of community participation in health programmes

The cortisol awakening response: more than a measure of HPA axis function

Coping using positive reinterpretation in parents of children with cerebral palsy

In vitro mutagenesis of the type IV polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase from bacillus cereus SPV

Enhanced and economical production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), a biodegradable polymer and its applications

Characterization of new metabolites from in vivo biotransformation of norisoboldine by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy

Comparable measuring of freight output across transport modes and European freight statistics: discussions and questions

Class transformation and work-life balance in urban Britain: the case of Manchester

Trickle or clumped infection process? An analysis of aggregation in the weights of the parasitic roundworm of humans, Ascaris lumbricoides

Trickle or clumped infection process? A stochastic model for the infection process of the parasitic roundworm of humans, Ascaris lumbricoides

Implementing a discrete event software selection methodology for supporting decision making at Accenture

Associations between trait emotional intelligence, actual–ideal weight discrepancy, and positive body image

Web 3.0: metadata r us

Transvaginal ultrasound imaging for assessment of early pregnancy

Human rights defences to possession proceedings

Obama and the politics of blackness: antiracism in the "post-black" conjuncture

Soft skills and added value

The Level-Effect in the Fed Funds Rate: 1954-2010

Luxury redesigned: how the Ritz-Carlton uses experiential service design to position abundance in times of scarcity

The paradox of the political: Carl Schmitt's autonomous account of politics

WebInternational: combining web-based knowledge automation, fuzzy rules and online databases for international marketing planning

Manganese enhancement in non-CNS organs

Facing complexity: democracy, expertise and the discovery process

Less Cambridge, more York: Leavis's later ideas about the university

The uncritical critique of 'liberal peace'

The relationship between dimensions of love, personality, and relationship length

Structure elucidation of some highly unusual tricyclic cis-caryophyllane sesquiterpenes from Marasmiellus troyanus

Peace-making and state-building in Africa: lessons from Sudan's 'hybrid' case

Wavelet neural networks for modelling high pressure inactivation kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes in UHT whole milk

More daylight, better health: why we shouldn't be putting the clocks back this weekend

Anxiety, depression and acupuncture: a review of the clinical research

Academic Liaison Librarianship: Curatorial Pedagogy or Pedagogical Curation?

Policy networking as capacity building: An analysis of regional road development conflict in Indonesia

Multi-method personality assessment of butchers and hunters: beliefs and reality

More than just skin deep? Personality information influences men's ratings of the attractiveness of women's body sizes

The role of coaching and positive psychology in achieving an enhanced performance

Generation and utopia: using Mannheim's concepts to understand 1960s radicalism

Faith and fatherland: cultural nationalism and the Irish press in mid-Victorian England

Mapping futures for news: trends, challenges and opportunities for Scotland

Expression of integrin β1 by fibroblasts is required for tissue repair in vivo

Differential suppression of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells by regulatory T cells

Aerial photography and the postwar urban planner in London

Truth, values and the value of truth in critical international relations theory

Maternal haemoglobin during pregnancy and offspring's educational achievement: a prospective cohort study over 30 years

Capital views: interwar London in the photographs of Aerofilms Ltd

What men really want: a qualitative investigation of men's health needs from the Halton and St Helens Primary Care Trust men's health promotion project

Personality predictors of artistic preferences as a function of the emotional valence and perceived complexity of paintings

Capital housing questions for the Mayor

Bird's-eye views: from Hollar to the London Eye

Design of compact dual-mode microstrip filters

Integrating regional and urban freight distribution. The sugar project: aims, objectives and expected results

BBC World Service programme on microwaves

Investigation of bacteriophage diversity associated with the human gastrointestinal microbiota

Local authority good practice in street design

Chindia’s challenge to global communication: a perspective from China

From engagement to outcomes: measuring the impact of researcher training using the rugby team impact framework

Transforming medicine by integrating – what?

Reviews: Ordinary Works: Jonathan Woolf Architects Exhibition. Jonathan Woolf: Architects. Tony Fretton: Architects

Modelling the UK and Euro yield curves using the Generalized Vasicek model: Empirical results from panel data for one and two factor models

Growing beyond smallness: how do small, closely-controlled firms survive?

Collectively intelligent information and knowledge management

Religious beliefs, coping skills and responsibility to family as factors protecting against deliberate self-harm

The unlikely terrorist: women and Islamic resistance in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories

Regionalisation, marginalisation and the role of governance in Europe and North America (Part 2)

Gregory Bateson’s ecological aesthetics - an addendum to urban political ecology

The gender of communication: changing expectations of mothers and daughters in urban China

Media ownership policy in a recession: redefining the public interest

Freight quality partnerships in the UK

The big read: revitalizing the role of literature in America