Extension of the ITS station architecture to low-power pervasive sensor networks
Review of advanced mobility solutions for multimedia networking in IPv6
Interacting advanced ITS communications with low-power sensor networks
L’occupazione israeliana della Cisgiordania e in particolare della zona C
Methods of Measuring Overweight and Obesity, Among 6-9 Years School Children in ALAIN CITY, UAE
Computer vision applications of self-organizing neural networks
The impact of structural and macroeconomic factors on regional growth
Mariam at Burford: Youth and Young Girlhood
Copyright law and power in the music industry
‘We are Lutherans from Germany': music, language, social history and change in Hopevale
Transcription and Analysis as Translation: Perspectives from Ethnomusicology
Christian Choral Singing in Aboriginal Australia: Gendered Absence, Emotion and Place
Developmental programming in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty pancreas disease in mice
Changing Lives, Changing Priorities: Teaching People to Use Less Energy
Beyond Performance - Companion Report: A Cultural Enquiry into major events and culture
God in Proof: The Story of a Search, from the Ancients to the Internet
Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse
Reforming the Greek health system: A role for non-medical, clinical bioscientists
Neurogenesis in the Adult Mammalian Brain: How Much Do We Need, How Much Do We Have?
The fully-functioning university and its higher education
Human Rights violation in Turkey: Rethinking Sociological Perspectives
Serum ferritin levels in adults with sickle cell disease in Lagos, Nigeria
Prevalence of priapism and its awareness amongst male homozygous sickle cell patients in Lagos
Hematological profile of normal pregnant women in Lagos, Nigeria
Full blood count pattern of pre-chemotherapy breast cancer patients in Lagos, Nigeria
Sphingolipid synthases of Toxoplasma gondii and other organisms
Guiqiao as political subjects in the making of the People's Republic of China 1949-1979
FALI: Time Memory Information of Windows Computer Systems
On the Analysis of Information Found on Windows Application Memory
Compositional and urban form effects on residential property value patterns in Greater London
Measuring the influence of spatial configuration on the housing market in metropolitan London
Role of IRAK-M in Alcohol Induced Liver Injury
Variation in tau isoform expression in different brain regions and disease states
Citrate synthase from the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica
Differential expression of liver fluke β-tubulin isotypes at selected life cycle stages
O'Neills in the dossiers of the personnel section of the General Military Archive of Segovia
The relationship between NC and OC: the case of Iranian private sector organisation
Rnd3 induces stress fibres in endothelial cells through RhoB.
How to exploit grid infrastructures for federated cloud purposes with CLEVER
Data Reliability in Multi-provider Cloud Storage Service with RRNS
Combination of interdisciplinary teaching and discipline based teaching as a key to success
Study of movable and deployable structures using ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) air cushions
Development and Remodeling of the Vertebrate Blood-Gas Barrier
Imagining the Internet: Communication, Innovation, and Governance
Troubling normalities and normal family troubles: diversities, experiences and tensions
Personalising Poverty: Parental Determinism and the Big Society Agenda
P-glycoprotein expression and function in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A case-control study
Convergence and tracking analysis of the ε-NSRLMF algorithm
The Effect of Making a Voluntary Labour Market Programme Compulsory: Evidence from a UK Experiment
The effect of the Troubles on GDP in Northern Ireland
When Innovation Does Not Pay Off: Introducing the “European Regional Paradox”
When innovation does not pay-off: A tale of competitiveness in seven European regions
A Fundamental Review on Mobile Information System for Sustainable Project Management
Cloud Computing for Green Construction Management
Construction Collaboration Tools for Precast Supply Chain Management
A Review of Project and Programme Management Reference Models for the Construction Industry
The Impact of Cloud Computing Technology to Precast Supply Chain Management
The Potential of Augmented Reality Technology for Pre-Construction
Framing Landscapes: The Return Journey in Suely in the Sky
Towards application of automated planning in urban traffic control
Knowledge engineering tools in planning: State-of-the-art and future challenges
Design of dimensional model for clinical data storage and analysis
SN algorithm: analysis of temporal clinical data for mining periodic patterns and impending augury
Bioinformatics workflows and web services in systems biology made easy for experimentalists
BioJS: an open source JavaScript framework for biological data visualization
iAnn: an event sharing platform for the life sciences
Why Art Photography? 1st edition
Gazing Outwards and Looking Back: Configuring Caribbean Visual Culture
Early childhood cognitive disorders: Spina bifida and hydrocephalus
Boys with Broken Ears/ Iran's Sporting Dreamers
Comparative study of artificial chromosome centromeres in human and murine cells
Robotic injection of zebrafish embryos for high-throughput screening in disease models
Ashes thrown to the wind; the elusive nature of transgression
The Role of the Family in Facilitating Gang Membership, Criminality and Exit. Catch 22 Publication
Supervising rioters: The role of probation
Riots and probation: governing the precariat
COST Action IS1106: Offender Supervision in Europe
Reviews: Eugene Onegin, Playing Cards 1, In the Beginning was the End
Auditing Practice and Education in the Information Age: Challenges & Opportunities
Fully Streched Single DNA Molecules in a Nanofluidic Chip Show Large-Scale Structural Variation
Preferential lectin binding of cancer cells upon sialic acid treatment under nutrient deprivation.
“Race”, Space and Social Action: The UK Riots 2011
The new mobilities paradigm and sustainable transport: : finding synergies and creating new methods
Selective effects of baclofen on use-dependent modulation of GABAB inhibition after tetraplegia
Aberrant crossed corticospinal facilitation in muscles distant from a spinal cord injury.
The Digital Condition of Photography: Cameras, Computers and Display
“Pynchon’s Nineteen Eighty-Four: Vineland, Film, and Social Control”
“Deleuze, Bergson, and the Metaphysics of Film”
Everything I cannot tell you About the Women of Kashmir
Kashmir: a place of blood and memory
A Metonymic Theory of Translation
Writing from the Body: Kinesthetics and Entrainment in Collaborative Screenwriting
Advanced age influences the dynamic changes in circulating C-reactive protein following injury
A gripping problem: cardiac biomarkers in patients with intermittent claudication
Clot Disruption: the role of the D-dimer in testing for deep vein thrombosis
A sticky situation: fibrinogen and coronary artery disease
Rethinking Brutalist Buildings: their soul is in their making
Conclusion: Reconceptualizing the Dynamics of Conflict and Cooperation
The Political Economy of Global Resources
Can Better Working Conditions Improve the Performance of SMEs: An International Literature Review
Gramsci, Counter-hegemony and Labour Union–Civil Society Organisation Coalitions in Malaysia
Corporate Governance in Asian Countries: Has Confucianism Anything to Offer?
Creative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms
IZA DP No. 7647: Regional Variations in Attitudes Towards Refugees: Evidence from Great Britain
Committed Rootlessness: The Anglo-Jewish Perspective and Rhetoric of Jon Silkin
Biomarkers of Cardiac Ischemia
Introduction to Ischemic Heart Disease
Fluorescence Characterization of Clinically-Important Bacteria
Client project capabilities and information systems change in the public sector
Law Express Questions and Answers: Employment Law
SEKE, the KKE and the language question
Macronutrient regulation of PYY and DPPIV in human intestinal epithelial cells
Preparation and Characterisation of Solid Lipid Particles for Oral Iron Delivery
Hepcidin transcription and peptide secretion are governed by different regulatory mechanisms
Comparison Study of Oral Iron Preparations Using a Human Intestinal Model
The Curse of Online Friends: The Detrimental Effects of Online Social Network Usage on Well-Being
Detecting insider threats through language change
Drawing to Remember: External Support of Older Adults’ Eyewitness Performance
On - track: A Change Academy project investigating student attendance and engagement
The Business Case for Equality and Diversity: a survey of the academic literature
All That Stuff! Organising records of Creative Processes
Educating Mind, Body and Spirit: The legacy of Quintin Hogg and the Polytechnic, 1864-1992
Breaking Down the Barriers in Built Environment Education
Editorial Note: It was a good year....wasn’t it?
Programme Procurement in Construction: Learning From London 2012
Perspectives on the school spaces of the future (Perspectives pour les futurs espaces scolaires)
Decay as 'Aesthetic' and Alternative Negotiations
Professional Studies in Architecture: a Primer
Your Tour: Interactive Spatial Navigation of the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
Risk, welfare and the treatment of young drug users in England and Wales
Provider-led Pathways to Work: Net impacts on employment and benefits, Working Paper No 113
Designing Carbon Taxation to Protect Low-Income Households
Dealing with critical challenges in African innovation platforms: Lessons for facilitation
The Effectiveness of Peer Coaching in Higher Education: Reflections of Business Studies Students
The Greek Crisis in the Media: Stereotyping in the International Press, by George Tzogopoulos
Raising Awareness In Distributed Agile Development - A Case Study Perspective
Understanding Collaborative Practices in Distributed Agile Development: Research Proposal
Negotiating Common Ground in Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study Perspective
Black Sun Alchemy, Diaspora and Heterotopia
Dynamic spillovers between oil and stock markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
Arc-Based Soft XML Pattern Matching
Using qualitative diary research to understand emotion at work
Student Choices of Topic Areas: What Can We Learn?
Bandwidth Efficient Techniques for Helicopter Links via Satellite
Surname typology and the problem of inconsistent classification
Flight prioritisation, delay costs and the passenger – where next?
4D trajectories - assessing the cost of time
CASSIOPEIA D4.3 - case study 3 report: hub connectivity-driven variable aircraft speeds
Grounded Theory: Help or Hindrance for Consumer Behaviour?
Using Survivor Accounts to Understand Suicidal Behaviour by Offenders in Community Settings
Harriet Monroe, Amy Lowell and Witter Bynner: the scramble for Chinese poetry
Review of Modernism and the Orient edited by Zhaoming Qian (University of New Orleans Press, 2012)
Governance at Crossroads: Insights from Bangladesh
New perspectives for air transport performance
Towards superior air transport performance metrics – imperatives and methods
Action research: Promoting teacher/learner autonomy and improving praxis
Catalogue of the 6th Bangkok Experimental Film Festival: Raiding the Archives
Green Fiscal Commissions in Europe
Service Evaluation of 'Living Well with the Impact of Cancer' Courses
Imagining Her(story): Engendering archives
Integrating Social Media in Education
'It's the services, stupid': identifying killer applications for next-generation networks
Victor Burgin A Sense of Place
Werteforschung im Kindesalter [values research in childhood]
Value change: Empirical evidence on predictable dynamics
Structural validity of the Polish adaptation of the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C)
Measuring Schwartz’s values in childhood: Multidimensional scaling across instruments and cultures
Assessment of children’s value structures and value preferences: Testing and expanding the limits
Never Odd or Even: Thomson & Craighead
Black Women of Soul, Rock & Pop
Introducing use cases in a small organization: An experience and lessons learned
Human development of the ability to learn from bad news
Polynomial Based Key Distribution Scheme for WPAN
Low Cost NBTI Degradation Detection and Masking Approaches
Internal marketing and organizational commitment
Exploratory study of the factors with impact on internal marketing strategies in hotel sector
Internal market orientation and internal reputation as prerequisites for external reputation
Case study IESE Business School. "Olivia Baker"
El compromiso organizacional: un valor personal y empresarial en el marketing interno
Gamificacion con estrategia de marketing interno
Agglomeration and labour markets: The impact of transport investments on labour market outcomes
Business Support for Micro Businesses in Nigeria
Empirical analysis of the US swap curve
Social Enterprises as knowledge-based organisations: UK experiences
The organisation of Social Enterprises from a knowledge-based perspective
Fuzzy Cognitive Driver-Mapping Model of Indirect Human Information System Costs
Exploring the potential impact of colonialism on national patterns of entrepreneurial networking
Transformations in Egyptian Journalism
Trends in international relocation assignment types and remuneration strategies
Long-term assignments: the full package
Localisation policy and practice
Repatriation: managing career paths in uncertain times
Genetic programming as a solver to challenging reinforcement learning problems
The Notion of Exchange and Redefining the Idea of ‘Polyport’
Collaborative KM for SMEs: a framework evaluation study
Field testing for toxic algae with a microarray: initial results from the MIDTAL project
MIDTAL (Microarrays for the Detection of Toxic Algae)
Evaluation of the MIDTAL microarray chip for monitoring toxic microalgae in the Orkney Islands, U.K.
Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates
Altered mitochondrial dynamics in obesity: redressing the balance through bariatric surgery?
Maternal B12 insufficiency predicts neonate's metabolic risk factors
The impact of high fat meal frequency on metabolic profile and energy expenditure in obese subjects
Pictures from the Real World, Colour Photographs 1987-88
The Triple Articulation of Media Technologies in Audiovisual Media Consumption
Managing Operating Procedures in Distributed Collaborative Projects
Putting the Lab in the Lab Book: Supporting Coordination in Large, Multi-site Research
Attenuation of plasma annexin A1 in human obesity
Cultural Programmes for Sporting Mega Events: London 2012 – A Case Study
No Wave Film and the Music Documentary: From "Documents" to Retrospective Documentaries
Noise from Nowhere: Exploring 'Noisyland's' Darker, Experimental and Industrial Music
Cinema, Insatiability and Impure Form: Witkacy on Film
Impossible Cartographies: Approaching Raúl Ruiz's Cinema
Accessing the creative ecosystem: a study of the approaches taken by UK apparel designers
An examination of strategic decision-making practices in music industry micro-firms
Design In Strategy: the case of cultural organisations
Strategic flexibility and networks co-evolution: 3D-printing technology’s accelerator effect
Business Network Dynamics and Diffusion of Innovation
The 3-D-technology: a new competitive arena
How Strategic Orientation Affects Inter-Organizational Networks in Uncertain Environments
The Punk-Rock King: Musical Anachronism in Period Film
Fan Filmmaker and Star-struck Celebrity: An Interview with Michael Winner
Cracking the USA? Interpreting UK-to-US TV Drama Translations
Resonances: Noise and Contemporary Music
The Death of the Lady: Haunted Garments and (Re-)Possession in Sarah Waters’s The Little Stranger’
‘The Uncanny can happen’: Desire and Belief in Ali Smith’s The Seer’
Contemporary Critical Perspectives: Ali Smith
The Cinema of Raul Ruiz: Impossible Cartographies
The onset of lactase persistence in Europe
Modern British Sculpture Catalogue
Experiments and Archives in the Expanded Field
Return migration and cultural heritage in China
An ethnographic investigation into gender and language in the Northern Ireland Assembly
Gender and politics in the devolved assemblies
‘I am not an Honourable Lady’: Gender and language in the National Assembly for Wales
How long have adult humans been consuming milk?
Modeling Recent Human Evolution in Mice by Expression of a Selected EDAR Variant
Edge of a barrel: Gun violence and the politics of gun control in Brazil
Beyond ‘infernos’ or ‘paradises’: the politics of precariousness
Welcoming International Visitors - Communication and Culture
Parallel pipelined histogram architecture via C-slow retiming
Asynchronous distributed parallelization of mobile network optimization algorithms
Distributed parallelization of greedy Mobile Network Optimization algorithms
Bit-index sort: A fast non-comparison integer sorting algorithm for permutations
Enabling Leg-Based Guidance on Top of Waypoint-Based Autopilots for UAS
Effect of wind on operating-cost-based cruise speed reduction for delay absorption
The design studio as liminal space
Postmodern Paralysis: The Critical Impasse in Feminist Perspectives on Consumers
Reconstruction Constraints: Political and Economic Realities
Strategic and organisational perspectives
Assessing residual reasoning ability in overtly non-communicative patients using fMRI
Class and gender: the formation of white-collar masculinities in contemporary China
Success or failure in knowledge management systems: a universal issue
Uddering the Other: Androcentrism, Ecofeminism and the Dark Side of Anthropomorphic Marketing
Media Professionalism and Training
Efficient Coefficient Store in Decomposed DFT/FFT Architectures for On-Board Processors
Ideology, ST Choices and Translation Strategies: a study of Nicky Harman translating Chinese fiction
Discrimination: when you must and when you mustn't
Implementing the consumer ADR directive (policy brief 2013 ADR conference in Oxford)
The origins and evolution of consumer dispute resolution systems in Europe
Online Radio: A Social Media Business?
Cars, Driving, Landscape, and the Architectural Gaze
The surprising effect of larger class sizes: evidence using two identification strategies
Religion and returns in Europe
American evangelicals and global warming
Climategate, Public Opinion, and the Loss of Trust
Prescription before careful diagnosis?
UK Air Travel Demand: Issues for the Future
The Traffic and Financial Performance of UK Regional Airports 2003-2013
A Method for Developing a Consumer Preference Centric Airline Schedule Quality Metric
Vernaculars and the idea of a standard language
How the public engages in climate change: A social representations approach
Cyborg Subjects: Discourses on Digital Culture
Muscle-Damaging Exercise Increases Heat Strain during Subsequent Exercise Heat Stress
The Role of Deimination as a Response to Trauma and Hypoxic Injury in the Developing CNS
Blood/plasma secretome and microvesicles
Interplay of host–pathogen microvesicles and their role in infectious disease
Walter Benjamin and the Inhumanities: Towards a Pedagogical Anti-Nietzscheanism
NFC RF Analog Challenge and Enhanced High Speed Transmitter Design
An accessibility planning tool for network transit oriented development : SNAP
Design and Evaluation of Time-Interleaved Variable Center-Frequency Sigma-Delta Modulators
Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults
How to prevent 804,000 children under five dying
Technoself Enhanced Blended Learning via Social Interaction
Employment Law Questions and Answers
Halfband IIR Filter Alternatives for On-Board Digital Channelisation
Unlocking Evidence. 2nd Edition
Researching the professional identities of female law students: ethical issues
An unending affair: culture, language & identity in Northern Ireland
Cloud Computing with Intelligent Agents to Support Service Oriented System Control and Management
Teachers in a tide of change: technology’s influence on professional practice
New localism, old retrenchment: the Big Society, housing policy and the politics of housing reform
Comment: The Instagram Lawscape
Intakes of calcium, vitamin D, and dairy servings and dental plaque in older Danish adults
Model probability in self-organising maps
3D hand pose estimation with neural networks
Football video annotation based on player motion recognition using enhanced entropy
Diet or exercise, or both, for weight reduction in women after childbirth
Nature for rehabilitating offenders and facilitating therapeutic outcomes for youth at risk
The great outdoors: how a green exercise environment can benefit all
A repeated measures experiment of green exercise to improve self-esteem in UK school children
Editorial: International Socety for River Science
A Multifaceted Approach to Numeracy Support for Life Sciences Students.
Beckford’s ride: the reconstruction of historic landscapes
Performing post-migration cinema in Italy: 'Corazones de Mujer' by K Kosoof
Heritage North N8/AHRC Consortium report
Natural User Interfaces in Volume Visualisation using Microsoft Kinect
Tribute run to Father Graham Hullett and the roots of British two-wheel revivalism
SUMAT: an online service for subtitling by machine translation
Parallel subtitle corpora and their applications in machine translation and translatology
Embracing the threat: machine translation as a solution
Hitting home: the multifaceted impact of the London French Project
From the 16eme to South Ken? A contemporary study of the French population in London
Semantic Recommendation of Information Sources for Lifelong Learning
Transformations of the backpacking food tourist: emotions and conflicts
Market orientation and organisational performance in Nigeria
Community-based tourism in Bali: on the road towards empowerment? An interview with Djinaldi Gosana
Understanding diachronic change in Cappadocian Greek
Empirical customer orientation in fragmented markets: a study on Greek feta purchases
How does involvement in decision making affect individual participation in knowledge management?
Multi-party trust computation in decentralized environments in the presence of malicious adversaries
Analysing the demand for supply chain jobs through job advertisements
Marketing intelligence in SMEs: implications for the industry and policy makers
Women on boards: companies need to be looking internally
Women on boards: quotas are a quick fix and only short-term
Syria: the weeping child of our conscience
Review of 'Sketches of Spain, with illustrations by Julian Bell' by Federico Garcia Lorca
Review of 'The power and the people: paths of resistance in the Middle East' by Charles Tripp
Islam in the narrative of Fatah and Hamas
Humanism, nationalism and violence in Mahmoud Darwish’s poetry
Adaptive learning in motion analysis with self-organising maps
Cultural diplomacy: a learning journey (Beyond cultural diplomacy: keynote response)
Should journalists be regulated?
Leveson past, present and future: the politics of press regulation
What is a normal patient pathway?
Plurality, Leveson and the threat to the BBC
The Demand for Consistent Web-Based Workflow Editors
A semi-parametric approach for football video annotation
Examining consumers’ intentions to purchase luxury goods and counterfeits
High Speed 2: identifying opportunities for freight at Euston and Old Oak Common
A review of rail freight initiatives in the urban supply chain
The basis for a Labour Party policy on planning for housing
Tackling squalor: the pivotal role of social housing
Garden cities, garden suburbs and urban extensions
Innovative options for building and refurbishing council homes
Developing Knowledge Management Capabilities in Social Enterprises: UK experience
The Power of Information: A Journey into the Faultlines of Globalization, Art, and Media
Privacy and Security in Europe
Constraint 鬱 as a Window on Approaches to Emotion-Related Disorders in East Asian Medicine
Distinct H3F3A and H3F3B driver mutations define chondroblastoma and giant cell tumor of bone
Ulster PD Scheme: Using e-portfolios and professional conversations to evidence recognition claims
Strategic tensions within the smartphones industry: the case of BlackBerry
Industrial land development and manufacturing deconcentration in Greater Jakarta
Employment relations on major construction projects: the London 2012 Olympic construction site
Understanding alexithymia in female adolescents: the role of attachment style
Modelling Citation Diffusion: Innovation Management Literature
Continuous and discrete time modelling of spillovers in equity and bond markets
Coriobacteriaceae: could gut bacteria be implicated in lipid metabolism?
The microbial–mammalian metabolic and signalling axis in cardiometabolic diseases
Microbiota and metabolome associated with the human caecum
Restrictions to movement rights imposed by the Member States on their own citizens
Editorial Note: It was a good year....wasn’t it?
Children of the Lesser Law: A Commentary on Joined Cases Ziółkowski and Szeja
Biodiversity of lactococcal bacteriophages isolated from 3 Gouda-type cheese producing plants
Colonic bacterial metabolites and host health
Evaluating the Business Impact of Social Science: a report to the ESRC
Behavioural coping patterns in Parkinson's patients with visual hallucinations
Illuminating the Dilemmas of Assisted Dying - The Clarity Afforded by Orthodox Systems Theory
Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (1/4)
Locative media in the city: drawing maps and telling stories
Dual drug release nanocomposites prepared using a combination of electrospraying and electrospinning
Aristophanes at the BBC, 1940s-1960s
Monstrosity: the human monster in visual culture
Get the digital edge: a digital literacy and employability skills day for students
Melatonin in cancer treatment (protocol)
Thomas Burke, Limehouse nights: tales of Chinatown (1916)
There the facts are: Andrew Lang, facts and fantasy
Modernism and magic: experiments with spiritualism, theosophy and the occult
"Miraculous constellations in real material”: spiritualist phenomena, dada photomontage and magic
Multidirectional memory and exile in Jacques Hassoun’s polyphonic novel 'Alexandries'
Imaginary investments: illness narratives beyond the gaze
The politics of the transcendental
Researching Chinese Christianity: (mis)conceptions and revelations
Missionaries and China’s modernization
Christian values in Communist China
Chinese Christians and the party-state: the perfect complementarian relationship?
Chinese Christian values online: harmony in diversity
Yoga treatment for chronic non-specific low-back pain (protocol)
‘We’re kind of devolving’: visual tropes of evolution in obesity discourse
No Fat Future? The Uses of Anti-Social Queer Theory for Fat Activism
Uzbek youth fashion in local and global perspective
Subjugated scientific knowledges : detecting the Victorian female scientist
How Facebook impacts on young consumers' decisions on e-retailers
Guiqiao as political subjects in the making of the People's Republic of China 1949-1979
An architecture of parts: architects, building workers and industrialisation in Britain 1940-1970
Constructing London’s satellite towns: building workers in Stevenage new town 1950–70
Chromosomes and nuclear organisation in ICF syndrome
"Etiquette and magic": between embedding and embedded corporate social responsibility
CD180/RP105 Toll-like Receptor (TLR) mediated signalling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
A healthcare space planning simulation model for Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Acceptable bit-rates for human face identification from CCTV imagery
Social media and the 2011 Vancouver riot
Defining human contrast sensitivity and discrimination from complex imagery
Contrast sensitivity and discrimination of complex scenes
Affordances, young people, parks and alcohol consumption
De-Americanizing media studies and the rise of ‘Chindia’
Communicating India's soft power: Buddha to Bollywood
Thieves of the Orient: the Arabian Nights in early Indian cinema
Metabolic syndrome, overweight and fatty liver
HREBS and cohesion chains as similar tools for semantic text properties research
Resource security impacts men’s female breast size preferences
Body image concerns in professional fashion models: are they really an at-risk group?
Weight bias against women in a university acceptance scenario
Analysis of pollen samples using DNA barcoding
Out of sight: surrealism and photography in 1930s Japan
The complexities of tourism and regeneration: the case of the 2012 Olympic Games
Connecting the peripheries: networks, place and scale in the World Social Forum process
Factive plasticity: the abstract pottery of William Staite Murray
Sombra Dolorosa (Guy Maddin, 2004): a queer archival performance
Migrant memories: cultural history, cinema and the Italian post-war diaspora in Britain
Love Meetings, Pasolini (1964)
Diaspora in the field of vision
What is the "digital divide" and why is it important?
Islam in Europe: public spaces and civic networks
The erotic doll: a modern fetish
Designing democratic innovations at the European level: lessons from the experiments
“De-risking” East London: olympic regeneration planning 2000–2012
The effect of leverage mimicking portfolios in explaining stock returns variations
Post-communist capital city tourism representation:a case-study on Bucharest
Introduction to architectural technology (2nd edition)
Towards formalisation of situation-specific computationsin pervasive computing environments
Fashion's digital body: seeing and feeling in fashion interactives
Children's independent mobility: a comparative study in England and Germany (1971-2010)
3D gesture recognition with growing neural gas
The drafting and the role of regulation 17: a hard-fought compromise
Democracy promotion in a post-political world
Keep talking German: an audio course for advanced beginners
Maternal nutrition: building foundations of long term good health
‘We cannot let it loose’: geopolitics, security and reform in Jordanian broadcasting
Transformations in Egyptian journalism
Aspergillosis: interactions of Aspergillus fumigatus andHuman Airway Cells
Towards a vertical hermeneutics of the modern: on modernness
Contrast and strength of visual memory and imagery differentially affect visual perception
Towards the validation of a measure of challenge and threat in sport
British and Chinese television news: a comparative textual study
The Management Standards Indicator Tool and evaluation of burnout
Le complexe vestimentaire au Cameroun et au Congo: entre fripe, sape and habit traditionnel
Interlinking diet, nutrition, menopause and recommended resources
Supplier selection: literature review, practical issues and some empirical findings from Malaysia
Miniaturised sharp rejection bandpass filter with reconfigurable bandwidth for UWB applications
Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza on antioxidant enzymes in diabetic patients
Psychology: yesterday and today
Online diasporic political spheres: inside the emerging spaces for Zimbabweans
Portfolios and meaning-making in the assessment of prior learning
Complementary and alternative therapies
The normativity of animal atmosphere
The autopoietic fold: critical autopoiesis between Luhmann and Deleuze
Spatial justice in the lawscape
Actors or spectators? Vulnerability and critical environmental law
Examining consumers’ intention to purchase luxury goods and counterfeits
Goal-orientation theory and elderly consumers’ intentions to use mobile applications
Exceptional tunings: controlling urban events
Utilising the tools of coaching psychology as a method of enhancing competencies at work
Talent management practices in organisations: a financial industry review
Identifying sub-optimal diets among athletes
Polyhydroxyalkanoates: the natural polymers produced by bacterial fermentation
The onward march of (asymmetric) partisan polarisation in the contemporary congress
Guilty by association: Olympic law and the IP effect
Forced displacement in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, international law and transitional justice
Making the news: the media and the movement against the Iraq war
System evolution for unknown context through multi-action evaluation
The case for regulating nanotechnologies: international, European and national perspectives
Simulated impact trauma and osteoarthritis: the role of cell volume and mechanotransduction
Music as image: an analytical-psychology approach to music in film
Oestrogen and immunomodulation: new mechanisms that impact on peripheral and central immunity
MicroRNA biotherapeutics: key challenges from a drug development perspective
Who gets to play? Investigating equity in musical instrument instruction in Scottish primary schools
Gambling with regeneration: seaside resort regeneration and casino development
Optically reconfigurable E-plane waveguide resonators and filters
Compact E-plane varactor–tuned bandpass filters
Thirty years of private television in Europe: trends and key moments
Hepcidin transcription and peptide secretion are governed by different regulatory mechanisms
Application of presuppositions in motivating change
Programme procurement in construction: learning from London 2012
Aunty and her little villains: the BBC and the Unions, 1969-1984
Structural Engineering for Architects
The migrant in contemporary Irish literature and film:representations and perspectives
Battles on the Barbican: the struggle for trade unionism in the British building industry, 1965-7
Food Loop: a technical research report for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Technologies, spiritualisms, and modernities
Literary digital humanities and the politics of the infinite
From the premodern to the postmodern: mnemotechnics and the ghost of "the folk"
The very model of a modern travel agency? : the Polytechnic Touring Association 1888-1962
From philanthropy to commerce: the Polytechnic Touring Association
Doing the continental: Quintin Hogg's polytechnic at home and abroad, 1887-1911
The invisible decision: strategic decision making and organisational ambiguity
Integrated view of genome structure and sequence of a single DNA molecule in a nanofluidic device.
Dead life: George Herbert versus modern self-surrender
Gender, wellbeing, and civil society
Traps and tools: a contextual critique of the right to development in international law
Consumers’ perceptions of pseudo-science in anti-aging advertising
The effects of media exposure on the levels of body dissatisfaction and muscle dysmorphia in men
Conjugation of quantum dots on carbon nanotubes for medical diagnosis and treatment
The Haig-Shoup mission to France in the 1920s
Increase urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan: status, methods and UK cases
Tools for urban freight transport modelling
Benefits of using electric vehicles in urban freight
Introduction: European refugee law and transnational emulation
Conclusion: Europe’s normative power in refugee law
Exploring workflow interoperability for neuroimage analysis on the SHIWA platform
The effect of involvement on the stability of the consideration set across time
School essentials for 21st century learning: connect, collaborate, create, contextualise
21st century learning: exploring the classroom experience
Towards simplifying learning systems: a critical review
Examining the conditions under which educational technology mediates learning
Modeling of survival curves in food microbiology using fuzzy wavelet neural networks
The weakest link: Leveson report and media ownership
The crystal world: executing a new media materialism
Conclusion: a temporal and spatial mapping of the French in London
"Silent transformations": ageing and the work of writing in Robert Pinget’s Théo ou le temps neuf
Pierre Albert-Birot and SIC: the avant-garde review as collective adventure and personal poetics
Mapping free French London: spaces, places, traces
Grabinoulor has fun with language and makes new friends: the first book of Grabinoulor and beyond
Guide for responsible corporate engagement in climate policy
Natural language processing: semantic aspects
The greater stigma? Family visits to the condemned
Factor analysis of the market environment for artisanal dimension stone in Nairobi, Kenya
The eco-city as urban technology: perspectives on Caofeidian International Eco-City (China)
Dynamic capabilities in a sixth-generation family firm: Entrepreneurship and the Bibby Line
Frank Lloyd Wright beyond America
The impact of transport infrastructure on the development of urban communities
The role of cancer stem cells in osteosarcoma
Electromagnetic modelling of dielectric-filled waveguide antenna filter arrays
Cell-walls of growing plant cells
"We will remain idle no more": the shortcomings of Canada’s ‘Duty to Consult’ indigenous peoples
Animism and the performative realist cinema of Apichatpong Weerasethakul
The effects of consuming a medium-high protein diet on weight loss, body composition and satiety
Successful termination in timed CSP
Specifying and analysing networks of processes in CSPt (or in search of associativity)
Women and conflict in the Middle East: Palestinian refugees and the response to violence
Topic 2: performance prediction and evaluation
Selective memory: channelling the past in post-GDR society
Class and gender: the formation of white-collar masculinities in contemporary China
Adopting self-service technology to do more with less
Ideology, critique and surveillance
The responsibility to protect as the apotheosis of liberal teleology
The permanence of inconsistency: Libya, the Security Council, and the Responsibility to Protect
Libya and the responsibility to protect
International law, justice and world politics
Humanitarian intervention: an introduction (2nd edition)
Thriving on sustainable development: sustainable autopoietic organisations
Public and private surveillance
Damaging effect of free fatty acids and alcohol on hepatic mitochondrial function
The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and UK construction industry output 1990 to 2008
Good governance, scale and power: a case study of North Sea fisheries
State executioner Pierrepoint: a cinematic portrayal of moral disengagement?
Managing airports: an international perspective, 4th edition
Aviation, tourism and the impact on travel medicine
Olympic volunteering for the unemployed: who benefits and how?
Architecture of Abadan and Khormashahr oil cities of Persian Gulf
Motion sickness and disorientation in vehicles
Cloud adoption issues: interoperability and security
Madness and the city: the collapse of reason and sanity in Alan Moore’s From Hell
Tennyson’s Maud (1855) and the “unmeaning of names”: geology, language theory and dialogics
Shelley’s “cancelled cycles”: Huttonian geomorphology and catastrophism in Prometheus Unbound (1819)
Creativity and digital innovation
Informal prison dynamics in Africa and Latin America
The internet as surveilled workplayplace and factory
Why and How to Read Marx’s “Capital”?
Political economy and surveillance theory
Class and exploitation on the internet
The right hand man: manual laterality and language
An exploration of pre-attentive visual discrimination using event-related potentials
What do lawyers do? An ethnography of a large law firm
BGAN radio interface enhancements for SatCom-on-the-Move
The (unintended) benefits of green exercise
Re-populating the nighttime city: Hospitality and gender
Gatekeeping and drinking cultures: How do we talk about drinking?
Sudan: the insecurity of power and the "revenge of the state"
Islamists in Sudan: the insecurity of power and the "revenge of the states
Islamism in Sudan: before, after, in between
Islamism and the state After Darfur: soft state, failed state or 'black hole state'?
Environmental management systems and the third sector: exploring weak adoption in the UK
Time- and task-dependent non-neural effects of real and sham TMS
Leader-followers joint optimization of product family configuration and supply chain design
Leader-followers joint optimization of product family configuration and supply chain design
Genetic programming as a solver to challenging reinforcement learning problems
Regional dimensions of the Australian business cycle
Exhibition design: reflections
Elevating Mallarmé’s Shipwreck
Picturing Modern Ankara: “New Turkey” in Western imagination
International security: the contemporary agenda (2nd edition)
Geopolitics and international relations of resources
British science fiction and the Cold War, 1945-1969
Review essay: Justice and governance in dystopia
Listening to the elders as keepers of the water
Children’s television: markets and regulation
Afterword: Communism, modernity and memories of the everyday
Migrants, borders and global capitalism: West African labour mobility and EU borders
Labour and underdevelopment? Migration, dispossession and accumulation in West Africa and Europe
Globalisation du marché du travail, frontières et migrations à partir du Sénégal
Vestibular perception following acute unilateral vestibular lesions
Introduction: towards a history of the French in London
Feminism and body image: a qualitative investigation
Landscape conservation action plan guidance
Book review: Gender, masculinities and lifelong learning
Introduction: the plan for Milton Keynes and its legacy
Destruction and dispersal: the Blitz and the 'break-up' of working-class London
Schmitt in South Africa: appropriation and the law of the (post)colony
Reading Arendt ‘reading’ Schmitt: reading nomos otherwise?
DJs and the aesthetic of acceleration in drum 'n' bass
The circadian timing system and cardiac function: ticking clocks in beating hearts
Melatonin and prevention of cardiac arrhythmias
Sensitized terbium(III) macrocyclic-phthalimide complexes as luminescent pH switches
Taking dogs to tourism activities: testing a pet-related constraint–negotiation model
Statelessness and tribal identity on Lebanon's eastern borders
Assessing students' entrepreneurial skills development in live projects
Resilience ethics: responsibility and the globally embedded subject
Promoting democratic norms? Social constructivism and the "subjective" limits to liberalism
Peacebuilding and the politics of non-linearity: rethinking ‘hidden’ agency and ‘resistance’
Human security: the dog that didn't bark
Contemporary critiques of human rights
Born posthumously: rethinking the shared characteristics of the ICC and R2P
Towards a software tool for preventing diabetic foot in diabetic patients
Linearity evaluation of optically reconfigurable UWB microstrip bandpass filter
Nonlinear distortion evaluation of reconfigurable RF circuits in wireless communication systems
Nonconformity and the labour movement
Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer (1924–9) and the return to the gold standard
A comparison study of children's independent mobility in England and Australia
Embodiment and the senses in travelogue filmmaking
2-D nonlinearity compensation technique for concurrent dual-band wireless transmitters
Chinese herbal medicine and depression: the research evidence
Book review: Perceiving pain in African literature, by Zoe Norridge
Reconfigurable matching networks for wireless transmitters
The potential for rail to make a significant contribution to urban freight operations
London freight data report 2013
Marking the line: ceramics and architecture
Social media, aggregation and the refashioning of media business models
Public service content provision: new models, new partnership, new skills
Grounds for benefit: developing and protecting community benefit in football stadia
Implementing the EQF: English as distinct from continental bricklaying qualifications
Book review: The Routledge history of the Holocaust, ed. Jonathan C. Friedman
Foreign policy, domestic politics and international relations: the case of Italy
Book review: A cracking read. Review of J. Stoner: Toward a minor architecture
Towards a minor global architecture at Lamu, Kenya
Featured graphic: Taxi hand signals in Johannesburg
Cinéma, mythe et modernité: Darratt, Saison Sèche de Mahamet-Saleh Haroun
Characterization of a monoclonal antibody cocktail for human rabies prophylaxis
Monoclonal antibodies for prophylactic and therapeutic use against viral infections
Single domain antibody multimers confer protection against rabies infection
The disciplinary processes of the legal profession
Walter Sickert and the image of Camden Town
The regime for asylum in Mexico: historical perspective and current challenges
Strangers to the stars: abstraction, aereality, aspect perception
Beyond the darkness of the just lived moment
Between the castle and the village
The digital condition of photography: cameras, computers and display
The liquidity of knowledge: learning across disciplinary divides
Impact evaluation framework of three clean vehicle trials
Regeneration: the inner city in context
Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates for cardiac tissue engineering applications
The ‘IPA Exam’: certificate of proficiency in the phonetics of…
Between Cybercide and Cyber Intifada: Technologic (dis-)empowerment of Palestinian activism
Mutations in the GABRB1 gene promote alcohol consumption through increased tonic inhibition
Construction studies in higher education and the use of digital technology
Night, Space and Urban design: case study of Mashhad, Iran
Intuitionistic fuzzy XML query matching and rewriting
Incompetent or too competent? Negotiating everyday cycling identities in a motor dominated society
Non-compressive wideband spectrum sensing with sub-nyquist sampling rates
Multidimensional random sampling for Fourier transform estimation
A critique of litigation and abolition strategies: a glass half empty
Compressive and non-compressive reliable wideband spectrum sensing at sub-nyquist rates
The effect of labour earnings on post retirement income
The return of the native: Thomas Hardy
The rationalist reader: architecture and rationalism in Western Europe 1920-1940 and 1960-1990
The machine and the ghost: technology and spiritualism in 19th to 21st century art and culture
The international library of essays on capital punishment: 3-volume set
A history of the French in London: liberty, equality, opportunity
The global reach of European refugee law
The art of Nick Cave: new critical essays
To flip or not to flip? Phonetics and phonology in the flipped classroom
Social tourism: perspectives and potential
The Routledge handbook of international statebuilding
No limits: media studies from India
My new green dress had a dinosaur on the front wearing pink plastic glasses
Luhmann observed: radical theoretical encounters
Louis MacNeice: the classical radio plays
Libya, the responsibility to protect and the future of humanitarian intervention
Language contact: a multidimensional perspective
Handbook of nutrition, diet and sleep
Handbook of cheese in health: production, nutrition and medical sciences
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH): production, structure and function
Global resources: conflict and cooperation
Fair shared cities: the impact of gender planning in Europe
Darfur: Hasad al-Azma ba’d ‘Aqd min al-Zaman (Darfur: a decade in crisis)
Comprehensive guide to autism: volumes 1 to 5
Capital punishment: new perspectives
The Blitz and its legacy: wartime destruction to postwar reconstruction
Architecture and globalisation in the Persian Gulf region
Ali Smith: contemporary critical perspectives
Does meditation improve emotional intelligence of senior managers? Findings from a study in London
Revolutions in the age of ‘globalization’: between the trans-temporal and the trans-subjective
Integration of biohydrogen, biomethane and bioelectrochemical systems
Fibril formation and toxicity of the non-amyloidogenic rat amylin peptide
Saving for retirement: a review of ethnic minorities in the UK
Mothers’ employment and their children’s schooling: a joint multilevel analysis for India
Exam scheduling and student performance
Partial heat acclimation of athletes with spinal cord lesion
Water consumption, not expectancies about water consumption, affects cognitive performance in adults
Comprehensive cytogenomic profile of the in vitro neuronal model SH-SY5Y
Structure, agency and the career strategies of women and BME individuals in the legal profession
Active foreground region extraction and tracking for sports video annotation
Book review: Tough choices: risk, security and the criminalization of drug policy
Overcoming the barriers: a qualitative study of simulation adoption in the NHS
Assessing multiple prior models of behaviour under ambiguity
Floating on the same plane: metropolis, money and the culture of abstraction
Annexin-A1 protein and its relationship to cortisol in human saliva
Cycling’s sensory strategies: how cyclists mediate their exposure to the urban environment
Resilience and the autotelic subject: toward a critique of the societalization of security
Structures of ABCB10, a human ATP-binding cassette transporter in apo- and nucleotide-bound states
Social media, television talk shows, and political change in Egypt
Urocortin protects chondrocytes from NO-induced apoptosis: a future therapy for osteoarthritis?
Here comes the new: Deadwood and the historiography of capitalism
Whole body fat: content and distribution
Forecasting daily UK interest rates using continuous time and ARIMA, ARFIMA models
Unnoticed apocalypse: the science fiction politics of urban crisis
Aspirin-loaded P(3HO)/P(3HB) blend films: potential materials for biodegradable drug-eluting stents
Principle of proportionality as principle of economic efficiency
A clustering-based fuzzy-wavelet neural network model for short-term load forecasting
Novel Poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate)/Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) blends for medical applications
Chicken IFITM3 restricts influenza viruses and lyssaviruses in vitro
Capitalism or information society? The fundamental question of the present structure of society
Editorial: Building the evidence for CAM—30 years on
Exploring what formal learning involves in the digital era
Rethinking research supervision: some reflections from the field of employment relations
Policing the crisis, or, why we love The Wire
Human handedness: an inherited evolutionary trait
The business of conversations: market social media surveillance and visibility
Semantic remote patient monitoring system
High linearity microstrip bandpass filter with electronically tunable notch
Knowledge acquisition in supply chain partnerships: the role of power
Spatial development of hydrogen economy in a low-carbon UK energy system
Remote living: exploring online (and offline) experiences of young people living in rural areas
Witnessing the archive: art, capitalism and memory
Unpacking the mechanism by which corporate responsibility impacts stakeholder relationships
Who encounters what here? Comment on Kevin Cox ‘Marxism and critical realism: a brief encounter'
Psychometric properties of the QuickPIPER: a shortened version of the PIPER Fatigue scale
Third world and international law (interview)
Preterm births in countries with a very high human development index
Feminizing human rights adjudication: feminist method and the proportionality principle
No emancipatory alternative, no critical security studies
The use of gross fixed capital formation as a measure of construction output
Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge trials in 2012: a year in review
Military conscription and university enrolment: evidence from Italy
Imperialism and self determination: revisiting the nexus in Lenin
Bedouin in Lebanon: social discrimination, political exclusion, and compromised health care
Sustaining heritage in South-East Europe: working with the Council of Europe, 2003-10
Societal and ideological impacts of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) internet surveillance
A method for analysing operational complexity in supply chains
A chip scale atomic clock driven receiver for multi-constellation GNSS
Starting from the Amazon: communication, knowledge and politics of place in the World Social Forum
How short-term memory maintenance modulates subsequent visual after effects
Compact UWB bandpass filter with reconfigurable notched band
Atmospheres of law: senses, affects, lawscapes
A web-based hybrid system for evaluating marketing and e-commerce web site performance
Investigating the impact of nicotine on executive functions using a novel virtual reality assessment
Advances in the valorization of lignocellulosic materials by biotechnology: an overview
Men, masculinities and the world of romance in China’. Panel on ‘From dating to divorce’
Entangled staff-inmate relations
Resisting resilience? Reply to Mark Neocleous
C-slow retimed parallel histogram architectures for consumer imaging devices
Young people’s uses and understandings of online social networks in their everyday lives
The microbial–mammalian metabolic and signalling axis in cardiometabolic diseases
Sleep disturbance as part of the neurofibromatosis type 1 phenotype in adults
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)
Front-of-pack nutrition labelling: are multiple formats a problem for consumers?
The symbolist interior and crystal imagination
Foreword: History, law, space and time
The world of attachment? The post-humanist challenge to freedom and necessity
The cultural politics of being a knob
Devising airport groupings for financial benchmarking
A parallel quantum histogram architecture
Exploring the impact of silos in achieving brand orientation
Subjective thirst moderates changes in speed of responding associated with water consumption
Inmate governance in Brazilian prisons
Mapping the environmental third sector in England: a distinctive field of activity?
Microbiota and metabolome associated with the human caecum
International relations as juridical life: rethinking ‘the international’ in international theory
Ultra compact inline E-plane waveguide extracted pole bandpass filters
Current progress with serological assays for exotic emerging/re-emerging viruses
Towards a volunteer cloud system
Competitiveness and sustainability: can ‘smart city regionalism’ square the circle?
Drawing and the material conditions of space
Active design of tooth profiles using parabolic curve as the line of action
Salivary cortisol as a biomarker in social science research
Weight discrepancy and body appreciation among women in Poland and Britain
Social dominance orientation predicts drive for muscularity among British men
State variation in the cortisol awakening response
The value of dedicated cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure on rural roads
Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates?
Men’s oppressive beliefs predict their breast size preferences in women
Cataloguing architecture: the library of the architect
Composite polymer-bioceramic scaffolds with drug delivery capability for bone tissue engineering
The creation of trust: the interplay of rationality, institutions and exchange
‘The car indispensable’: the hidden influence of the car in inter-war suburban London
The architecture of pleasure: British amusement parks 1900-1939
Searching for common ground: urban borderlands in a world of borders and boundaries
Reconstructing Europe: the need for guidelines
The development of smart homes market in the UK
Metalheads: the influence of personality and individual differences on preference for heavy metal
Acupuncture therapy for psychiatric illness
A novel approach to oral iron delivery using ferrous sulphate loaded solid lipid nanoparticles
Meta-analysis of European heat pump field trial efficiencies
The Anonymous movement in the context of liberalism and socialism
The no-nonsense guide to training in libraries
Place of desire: skilled migration from mainland China to post-colonial Hong Kong
Taking political engagement online: an experimental analysis of asynchronous discussion forums
Young adults and the decline of the urban English pub: issues for planning
Between Pandora and Diogenes: Fox Talbot and the gender of archives
Exploring the experiences of ex-offender mentors
Men and masculinities in contemporary China
Computing laws: origins, standing, and impact
Trade-based skills versus occupational capacity: the example of bricklaying in Europe
International statebuilding and the ideology of resilience
A generalized 2-D linearity enhancement architecture for concurrent dual-band wireless transmitters
The political life of rising acid mine water
Social barriers to the adoption of smart homes
Backstage behaviour in the global city: tourists and the search for the ‘real London’