Manifestations of autonomy in the school curriculum
Learner and teacher autonomy: Synthesizing an agenda
Interrogating the notion of autonomy in education: Tensions and possibilities
The role of the osteocyte in bone turnover
Bone tissue formation from human embryonic stem cells in vivo
Creating Sustainable Communities: Conceptualising an Interactive Toolkit for Skills Enhancement
Guide to Receptors and Channels (GRAC), 3rd edition
The M1P1 loop of TASK3 K2P channels apposes the selectivity filter and influences channel function
Research Student Supervision: Developing Reflective Practice in Higher Education
The neural stem cell microenvironment
The impact of internationalization on the clothing industry
Patterns of enterprise strategies in labour-intensive industries: The case of five EU countries
Forty Years on: Long-Term Change in the First Destinations of Graduates
Educational technology: an ecumenical stance
Strategic learners at a distance
Reduction in Total Lung Capacity in Obese Men: Role of Trunk Fat
Viral loads in primary varicella zoster virus infection
Phenotypic analysis of human cd4+ t cells specific for ie63 protein of vzv
Renew or repair existing window units? A best value approach
{+αθρ(0)ίσεις / synathr(0)isis}
Caenorhabditis elegans meets microsporidia: the nematode killers from Paris.
Homesick for Silent Hill: Modalities of nostalgia in fan responses to Silent Hill 4: The Room
Engaging with the research methods curriculum
Learning at the Cutting Edge? Help-seeking and Status in Online Videogame Fan Sites
Value at Risk and Conditional Extreme Value Theory via Markov Regime Switching Models
Reproducibility of fMRI in the clinical setting: Implications for trial designs
A statistical framework to characterise microstructure in high angular resolution diffusion imaging
A multi-resolution census algorithm for calculating vortex statistics in turbulent flows
Tibet, China, and the west: empires of the mind
India's peaceful illusion has been shattered
Docking-MM-GB/SA and ADME screening of HIV-1 NNRTI inhibitor: Nevirapine and its analogues
ENFIN - An integrative structure for systems biology
Ten simple rules for organizing a scientific meeting.
The Ballet Called ‘Siegfried’: the Enigmatic Prince of Swan Lake
FISH glossary: an overview of the fluorescence in situ hybridization technique.
The unravelling of manufacturing best-practice strategies
Modelling the diffusion of innovation management theory using S-curves
Engineering management or management of technology? A bibliometric study of ieee tem
Space Craft: developments in architectural computing
Deconstructing probation: Risk and developments in practice
Fit for purpose? OASys assessments and parole decisions
Tied up like a kipper: mentally disordered offenders and the parole process
Recent Developments in Probation Practice: the impact of risk analysis
Emerging communities, emerging media: the case of a Zimbabwean nurse in the British Big Brother show
Neoliberal Law: unintended consequences of market-friendly law reforms
National survey of SMEs' use of IT in four sectors
Performance measurement and performance management: The operations management perspective
ICT in small firms: Factors affecting the adoption and use of ICT in southeast England SMEs
Visuo-vestibular influences on the moving platform locomotor aftereffect.
Living in Hope: Tourism and Poverty Alleviation in Flores
Sustaining Communities: Understanding the Socio-cultural and Socio-economic Impacts of Tourism
Assessment of children’s values: The development of a picture-based instrument
Die jüngste Demokratie der Welt
Bhutan is neither authoritarian nor stuck in a time warp
Bearing Better Witness in Bhutan
Cross-Cultural Filmmaking in New Zealand National Cinema
Cardiac troponin I measurement using the ACS:180 to predict four-year cardiac event rate
Cardiac biomarkers in chronic renal disease
Multiple molecular forms of circulating cardiac troponin: Analytical and clinical significance
Changes in vascular and cardiac function after prolonged strenuous exercise in humans
Ischaemia-modified albumin: Clinical utility and pitfalls in measurement
Cardiac troponin T release is stimulated by endurance exercise in healthy humans
Mechanisms of orthostatic intolerance following very prolonged exercise
Cardiac troponin in cerebral injury: understanding your laboratory reports
Role of SRC-Family Kinases in Hypoxic Vasoconstriction of Rat Pulmonary Artery
Constriction of Pulmonary Artery by Peroxide: Role of Ca2+ Release and PKC
Victims and witnesses of crime: Police officers' perceptions of interviewing practices
The significance of cultural norms in the evolution of Korean HRM practices
Transferring the Anglo American system to Korea: at what cost, and are there alternatives?
Forty years: a tradition of investigative journalism
Journalism with Attitude: The Daily Mail
Finding Room for Personal Integrity in Post-graduate Research
Personal Integrity in Post-Graduate Research in Business
Introducing Innovative Approaches in Business Schools
Teaching as a Form of Intercultural Dialogie
Teaching as a Form of Intercultural Dialogue
The Importance of Trust in Management Education
Promoting and assessing Integrity in the Research Degree
International Conventions and Heritage; Tunis v.s. Lubeck
Case Study: The Big Chill Festival, England
Eurotrash Between Trash Culture and the Avant-Garde: The Strange Case of Walerian Borowczyk
Kontrol, Apparitions and Taxidermia: New Corporeal Cartographies in Hungarian Cinema
Pathways to work for new and repeat incapacity benefits claimants: evaluation synthesis report
Chair, ‘Best Practice in Relocation’
Construction Markets in a Changing World Economy
Louis Albrechts towers over the urban planning academy
Rise of High Involvement Management in Britain, NIESR Discussion Paper No. 321
The Changing Use of Contingent Pay at the Modern Workplace, NIESR Discussion Paper No. 319
Trading Places: Employers, Unions and the Manufacture of Voice, CEP Discussion Paper No. 884
Organizational Commitment: Do Workplace Practices Matter?, CEP Discussion Paper No. 0881
Union Decline in Britain, CEP Discussion Paper No. 864
Competition and the Retreat from Collective Bargaining, NIESR Discussion Paper No. 318
Union Decline in Britain, IZA Discussion Paper No. 3436
How Does Shared Capitalism Affect Economic Performance in the UK? NBER Working Paper No. 14235
Economic and Monetary Union and Its Housing Consequences
Mind the Gap: Socio-Legal Scholarship for a Runaway World
Post Second World War Existential Crisis of States
Human Rights and Education: Furthering Global Citizenship
Judicial Guidelines On Procedures With Respect To Vulnerable Persons
Language learner autonomy in an English context
A neutralizing antibody to the a chain of abrin inhibits abrin toxicity both in vitro and in vivo
Production of paclitaxel by Fusarium solani isolated from Taxus celebica
Becoming a Government Economist: Who Passes, Who Fails?
Continuities in caring? Emotion work in a NHS Direct call centre
ShapeShifting TV: interactive screen media narratives
A hybrid Constraint Programming approach for nurse rostering problems
Pedagogy for Autonomy in Modern Languages Education: Theory, practice, and teacher education
Learner and teacher autonomy: concepts, realities and responses
Assessment of children’s values: The development of a picture-based instrument
Simultaneous Switching Noise: The Relation Between Bus Layout and Coding
Power Consumption of Fault Tolerant Busses
Checkers' No-Harm Alarms and Design Approaches to Tolerate Them
Analysis of the environment in Marketing
Corporate Re-branding: Is Cultural Alignment the Weakest Link?
Expatriates and work-life balance
Change in the international arena
Making sense of international experiences
Talent management: implications for relocation professionals
Culture and Identity in Sociology
Migrant Autobiographical Writing: A Search for the 'Self' and Political Expression
Trafficking of women for Sexual Exploitation
Women and international assignments: Taking stock-a 25-year review
Mega Events and innovative mobility system: the Expo transport lessons
Book review: Chinese business in the making of a Malay state, 1882-1941: Kedah and Penang
Border, place and identity: mainlander professional migrants in Hong Kong
Re-defining return in Asian migration: the case of China
Chinese mainland professionals in Hong Kong: profile, prospect and problems
Narratives of organizational crises in the mass media: the VIOXX case
Too polite to fight? What happens when women enter the House?
Characterization of three human sec14p-like proteins: a-Tocopherol
New Principles in Planning Evaluation
Contesting the Masculine State: White Male War Resisters in Apartheid South Africa
The Masculine State in Crisis: War Resistance in Apartheid South Africa
Thinking Through Theory: Materialising the Oppositional Imagination
Strategic marketing decision-making in Japanese and South Korean companies
Mother-baby sleep interactions
Volatility and VaR Forecasting in the Madrid Stock Exchange
Development and validation of a measure of dysfunctional behaviour
Reducing job-irrelevant bias in performance and appraisals: compliance and beyond
Quantification of reverse transcriptase in ALS and elimination of a novel retroviral candidate
Voluntary resistance running wheel activity pattern and skeletal muscle growth in rats
Can maternal leptin level at early gestation be used as a predictor of postpartum weight retention?
Accuracy and correlates of maternal recall of birthweight and gestational age
Assessment of weight changes during and after pregnancy: practical approaches
Book review: 'Europe (in theory)' by Roberto M. Dainotto (2007)
Rossetti’s letters: intimate desires and 'sister arts'
La danza del Novecento: un'esperienza di contaminazione dionisiaca
Afterword: segmentation, reorientation and new exclusions
Languages and international events: are we ready to talk to the world in 2012?
Student views of diversity in two faculties at MMU
Old and new timings in a high-tech firm
Enterprising selves: how governmentality meets agency
A case study of financialization and EVA©
Aspekte strategischen und operativen controllings (Aspects of strategic and operative controlling)
Review of 'A novel: The year of the revolutionary: the bread making machine', by Hassan Daoud
Review of 'The last resistance', by Jacqueline Rose
Trends in private foundation support for U.S. cultural diplomacy
Mainstreaming the participatory approach in water resource governance: the 2002 water law in Kenya
International business communication: helping advanced learners of English cope with the demands
Academic writing in nursing: genres, marking criteria and course design
New principles in planning and evaluation
Beyond the academic essay: discipline-specific writing in nursing and midwifery
Student use of blogs and wikis on psy413: Basic IT Skills module
Tomatoes: origin, cultivation techniques, and germplasm resources
Changing behaviour towards a more substainable transport system: COST Action 355 final report
Quantitative analysis by HPLC-MS2 of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid adonifoline in Senecio scandens
Reputation-policy trust model for grid resource selection
Melanocortin 3 receptor in the testes of mice
Research into Chinese media organisations. The case of Xinhua Shanghai bureau
Spider in the city: la machine in Liverpool
A novel serological assay for the detection of rabies virus and lyssavirus neutralising antibodies
Through a glass darkly: problems and issues in reward
Gender, equality and pay: someday, will my pay be equal?
Melanocortin 3 receptor in the testes of mice
Cars, corporations, and commodities: Consequences for the social determinants of health
The challenge of high cube ISO containers for British rail freight operations
Container train operations between ports and their hinterlands: a UK case study
An investigation of container train service provision and load factors in Great Britain
Technological parallels between Chinese Yue wares and Korean celadons
Bloomsbury, Limehouse and Piccadilly: a Chinese sojourn in London
The well-travelled lens: studies in photography and cultural encounter, memory and identity
Le Fanu’s “Carmilla”, Ireland, and diseased vision
A system for calculating the greatest common denominator implemented using asynchrobatic logic
An asynchrobatic, radix-four, carry look-ahead adder
Using positive feedback adiabatic logic to implement reversible Toffoli gates
Transport for London: success despite Westminster?
The biology of human mesenchymal stem cells
Advanced Grid programming with components: a biometric identification case study
The European criminal record in England and Wales
Evaluation of the Legal Service Commission's Training Contract Grant Scheme
Encouraging the next generation of legal aid solicitors: the LSC’s Training Grants Scheme
Costs of complaining and claiming
Hero or villain, but always a celebrity: John Paul II
Air grid: the city of unimaginable subjects
Kazakhstan: habits and human impact
The historical context of Victorian literature
Cultural perspectives: Chinese perceptions of UK hotel service quality
Sulfated beta-glucan derived from oat bran with potent anti-HIV activity
(Un)settling the emigrant identity: an analysis of William Bulfin's travel narratives
Integrating the visual: work identities in teaching, banking and railways
Influence of performance on oxygen uptake kinetics in heavy intensity swimming
A stakeholder identification and salience theory for non-traditional operating modes
Generic strategies and performance
Evaluating the use of wikis in student group work within Blackboard VLE
The role of brands in UK economy and society
Valuing brands in the UK economy
Small businesses in the UK: new perspectives on evidence and policy
Diversity league table 2008 - Ethnicity and gender in the legal profession
GNSScope: overview of a toolbox for end-to-end modelling, simulation and analysis of GNSS systems
A reconfigurable SDR receiver for multi-mode GNSS applications
A low complexity DSP driven analog impairment mitigation scheme for low-IF GNSS receivers
Digital filtering of band-limited signals using Periodic Nonuniform Sampling
Dietary and supplemental iron, red meat, and blood pressure: INTERMAP study
Marketing relationships in financial services business markets: the global hedge fund industry
Narrating the diaspora: diasporic audiences and the construction of diasporic experience
A strategic approach to sustainable partnership development
A multi-organizational resilience value system enhanced by an intelligence culture
Journalists and society: a critical study of media and power in China
Why multiculturalists should seek to abolish the freedom of religion
Universalism, multiculturalism and the rule of law
The separation of law and morals - part 2: sources and interpretations
The return of the knowing subject in legal theory
A happy age (before the days of architects)
Virtual learning environments and world languages: the way forward
Globalization and Bollywood: the hype and the hope
My contacts; Signals; Flat Earth
Domain-specific metadata for model validation and performance optimisation
Childhood obesity prevention (CHOP) programme: a conceptual framework for nutrition intervention
A component-based integrated toolkit
Some principles of disclosure for asset backed securities under the EU Prospectus Regulation 2004
Islamic finance structures and regulations
What does disagreement do for politics?
Law, politics and human rights
Creating a movement: the struggle for inclusive education in the UK 1990 - 2006
Agitpop 1968 - 2008: activist graphics, images, pop culture
'Agit disco' a collection of annotated playlists of 'political 'musics'
'Romance', 'Dream Vision', 'Sir Amadace', ,Sir Cleges', 'Sir Degaré', 'Sir Launfal', 'Sir Tristrem'
Medieval romance and the construction of heterosexuality
Methodological and conceptual issues in the science of physical attraction
Novel folded SRR-loaded waveguide bandpass filters
Compact waveguide bandpass filters with enhanced stopband performance
Writing as professional practice in the university as workplace: new insights into academic identity
HE lecturers researching HE issues: issues and dilemmas for academic developers
An analysis of "hybrid" scholarly journals: new spaces for developing distinctive ways of knowing?
The ebbs and flows of tourism: a case study of Leeds
Developing and delivering the vision: culture, growth and regeneration in Colchester
Asymmetric dimethylarginine negatively influences osteoblast differentiation in vitro
Reflections 2: Television fiction exchange: methodological issues
Screen capture software for feedback in language education
New direction in providing feedback to students
Social exclusion: what can public transport offer?
Media systems in transition: Poland, Russia, China
After transition: a comparative study of Poland, Russia and China
Annexin A1 in the brain: undiscovered roles?
Law and the employment relationship
Performance, disability, humour, and being in the world: an interview with Aaron Williamson
Teaching citizenship in higher education
Using major events to promote peripheral urban areas: Deptford and the 2007 Tour de France
Ethiopia and the right to secession in international and comparative law
De internationale bescheming van inheemse volkeren
Union organising: taking the first steps
Implementation of the ABC quantum mechanical reactive scattering program on the EGEE grid platform
Introduction to architectural technology
State dependency in brain stimulation studies of perception and cognition
Inducing conscious perception of colour in blindsight
Cost of capital of Islamic banking institutions: an empirical study of a special case
Editorial: Women and the mosaic of Mid-east management
Editorial: Shifting sands of Islamic finance
Editorial: London cements leadership slot in Islamic finance
Book review: the politics of Islamic finance
Book review: Understanding Islamic banking: the value proposition that transcends cultures
Book review: Theoretical studies in Islamic banking and finance
Book review: Handbook of Islamic banking
Book review: Globalisation and the politics of development in the Middle East
Another building stone in bridging the "great divide" of our time
Managing internationally mobile personnel
Generation of ontologies from relational databases: an experience
Tandoori and tagliatelle: 2nd generation ethnic entrepreneurs in the B2B cultural hotpot
Journeys to truth: the BBC as a pragmatic ethical engineer at home and abroad
Cooling without air-conditioning
Gaps in the market: insights from scholarly work on Arab media economics
Egyptian TV in the grip of government: politics before profit in a fluid Pan-Arab market
A checkpointing mechanism for the Grid environment
Checkpointing of parallel applications in a grid environment
'Digital discovery; strategies and solution', IATUL Conference 2008
The discursive construction of national identity by the newspapers in North Cyprus
Arab media and cultural studies: rehearsing new questions
Microbial biosynthesis of PHAs and its applications
Microbial PHA biosynthesis and its applications
Polyhydroxyalkanoates: a new generation of biotechnologically produced biodegradable polymers
Protection of natural environment in time of armed conflict
The notion of H-IFS in data modelling
Criteria for assessing object-relational quality
Unfinished business: an evaluation of the Licensing Act 2003
Modélisation de l’énergie consommée en transport de fret
Chaînes logistiques et consommation d’énergie: Cas des meubles et des fruits & légumes
David Rokeby: plotting against time
A survey of user authentication based on mouse dynamics
User dynamics in graphical authentication systems
An automated predictor of hydrogen gas production from a sucrose based bioreactor system
A machine learning investigation of a beta-carotenoid dataset
Diagnostic feature analysis of a dobutamine stress echocardiography dataset using rough sets
Behavioral biometrics: a remote access approach
Validity of a respiratory snorkel for determination of oxygen kinetics in swimming
Production of medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates using Pseudomonas species
Post-conflict statebuilding: governance without government
Gender patterns in hypertext reading
Gender and information processing in electronic age
Does gender matter in hypertext reading?
Strategic human resource management
What is human resource management?
Loanwords and gender in the Viking diaspora
The materiality of race theory
Female sex tourism In Barbados: a postcolonial perspective
When 'no' means 'yes': a constitution for Europe and the limits of ignorance
On absence: society’s return to barbarians
Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase in Bacillus cereus SPV, a class IV PHA synthase
Efficient periodicity mining of sequential patterns in a post-mining environment
Complementary therapies in the NHS: some thoughts and three cases
Accumulation, storage and obtainment of generalized net tokens characteristics history
Joint conversation specification and compliance
An auctioning protocol for Facilitating VOs
Exploring the selection of technology for enabling communities
Social networking/social media in a business context: consequences, concerns, benefits?
A new politics of identity: political principles for an interdependent world
Prospective des transports : un état des lieux en Europe
Prospective des transports : un état des lieux en Europe
“Introduction: America's 'war on terrorrsm': new dimensions in US Government and national security
Explaining congressional acquiescence in the US "war on terror"
Validating A knowledge transfer framework in health services
Validating A knowledge transfer framework in health services
An embarrassment of riches: how to choose, use and present learning materials to students
Formal and informal applications for learning
The use of social networking by students and staff in higher education
Consumer-based brand equity and brand performance
Outsourcing: enhancing organisational performance
Outsourcing: enhancing organisational performance
Does R&D really drive competitive advantage and performance?
Back to the future: a fresh look at Pearce and Robinson grand strategies
Treating Islam as a monolithic bloc
The general moments expansion and its applications for financial risk
The ethics of corporate governance
Waste makes haste: Sarbanes-Oxley, competitiveness and the subprime crisis
Politics in corporate governance: how power shapes the board's agenda
Designing business curricula: building relevance into higher education
Nutritional approaches to the management of eating disorders and eating distress
Population ageing and public pension reforms in a small open economy
Metropolitan governance in a global city region: the London experiment
Four perspectives on European world cities
The role of the actin cytoskeleton in chondrocyte protection following single impact
A new technology of control: e-government
Political anomalies and web-based civil antibodies in Silvio Berlusconi’s Bel Paese
Managing diverse expectations on a new MSc in computer forensics
Metabolic Syndrome and its components among Qatari population
On-line assessment in e-learning: the elephant in the room?
A thematic analysis of childrens' experiences of living with thalassemia major in Pakistan
Democratic politics and the dynamics of passions
Cultural workers as organic intellectuals
Art as an agonistic intervention in public space
Targeting the lung using siRNA and antisense based oligonucleotides
Public relations for the new Europe
Key performance indicators for IS/IT indirect human costs in the service sector
Corporate hospitality in times of an economic downturn
Homocysteine inhibits hydrogen peroxide breakdown by catalase
Equality and diversity in employment
A life in the file of … or “Data Protection”
Reading the place of others: Brazilian bodies in Portuguese public spaces
Whacking Bush: tactical media as play
Electronic civil disobedience and symbolic power
Non-invasive means of measuring hepatic fat content
Investigation of Mobile IPv6 and SIP integrated architectures for IMS and VoIP applications
Resource paper: The collection of long distance freight data in Europe
The responsibility to protect: the role of international human rights law
Human security as a critique of international law
Human security and the dilemma of intervention
Developing a UN human security framework
Building bridges: the role of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in development and security
Souvenirs of the architectural tourist: Ahmedabad framed
Coaching and mentoring for professional development
Trust, institutions and information in industrial clusters
National identity and the 'melancholy of ruins': Cecil Beaton's photographs of the London Blitz
Amazing stories from the future that never was: Neo Rauch and the haunted spaces of science fiction
Legal profession, social background, entry and training
The use of multiple choice tests in law
The reasonable adjustments duty for higher education in England and Wales
SZTAKI desktop grid: building a scalable, secure platform for desktop grid computing
Enabling Java applications for BOINC with DC-API
The dark side of management: the consequences for organisations
Interpersonal communication at work
Active ageing: independence through technology assisted health optimisation
The safe implementation of research into healthcare practice.
Visitor-host relationships: conviviality between visitors and host communities
We’re all tourists now: but what does that mean for cities?
Dissolution of a person-brand relationship: an understanding of brand-detachment
Ontology based access control derived from dynamic RBAC and its context constraints
Research issues in access control for pervasive healthcare
Why didn't I get a better mark? Student perceptions and use of feedback
Setting student expectations: do contracts work?
Reflective practice and learning styles with international students
Reflective practice and international students
Terrain-based navigation for underwater vehicles using an ultrasonic scanning system
The value of new transport in deprived areas: who benefits and why?
Unsupervised classification for ancient manuscript analysis
EDGeS: integrating EGEE with desktop grids
Combining AHP, simulation and a fuzzy expert system for strategic marketing planning
Tonic inhibitory control of the mesenteric microcirculation by the melanocortin type 3 receptor
Inhibitory role of endogenous melanocortin type 3 receptor in the inflamed microcirculation
Impact analysis and evaluation of Lyon traffic, noise and emission reductions tests
Impact analysis and evaluation of Barcelona noise and emission reductions tests
Job quality & work organisation in the UK and Europe: a literature review for the HSE
Placing the Japanese retail sector in context: issues for marketers in overseas companies
Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne [Public International Law]
Poland: implementation without transposition
Box of chocolates integration: the European Economic area and Swiss model revisited
Expert submission on family reunification in UK law (2008) to the Israeli Supreme Court
Comparative perspectives of constitutional asylum in France, Italy and Germany: requiescat in pace?
Transnational law in national asylum cases
A transnational legal order and European refugee law
A European protection jurisprudence: is it achievable, is it desirable?
GSEEM: a European master program on global software engineering
A general and scalable solution for heterogeneous workflow invocation and nesting
Teacher and trainer training via videoconferencing in ESP, EAP and EFL
Transaction-oriented simulation in ad hoc grids: design and experience
Involvement and consumer selectivity within and outside the consideration set
Representation of value imperfection with the aid of background knowledge: H-IFS
Intelligent classification using adaptive fuzzy logic systems
An intelligent decision support system in wireless-capsule endoscopy
Neuro-fuzzy classification system for wireless-capsule endoscopic images
The strolling study: psychogeography for organisational researchers
My colleagues and my filing cabinet: insider research access for part-time post-graduate students
Utilizing heterogeneous data sources in computational grid workflows
Towards Grid data interoperation: OGSA-DAI data resources in computational Grid workflows
High-level user interface for accessing database resources on the Grid
Workflow level interoperation of grid data resources
The Southern African Development Community
Podcasting in the School of Biosciences
Evaluation of mobile tourist guides
Deploying thick mobile clients using thin client architecture: a case in mobile tourist guides
A tribe called Chris: pop music analysis as idioethnomusicology
Performance management and appraisal
Languages and international events
Crises of memory: victimisation and forgiveness
Increasing school choice: sustainability paradox
Automatic service deployment using virtualisation
Virtual appliances: a way to provide automatic service deployment
Delay analysis in construction contracts
Decision-making online and offline: the case of the ‘movement for alternative globalization’
Ontology for supporting context aware applications for the intelligent hospital ward
Ontology for supporting context aware applications for the intelligent hospital ward
Ontology for interoperability and data sharing in healthcare
Implementation of ontology for intelligent hospital ward
An analysis of the pre-pack technique and recent developments in the area
Configurative design: a house is a city is a house
Studies on Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase from Escherichia coli
Bimodal paramagnetic and fluorescent liposomes for cellular and tumor magnetic resonance imaging
Can we connect existing production grids into a world wide grid?
WS-PGRADE: supporting parameter sweep applications in workflows
Towards making BOINC and EGEE interoperable
Webs of accountability: the challenge of 'new governance'
Outsourcing as liberation: the case of hotel services in the NHS
An analysis of sovereign wealth funds' recent venture in developed capital markets
Equity offerings by firms that emerged from bankruptcy
A cost-effective approach to cultural heritage representation using game engines
A rule based approach to classification of EEG datasets: a comparison between ANFIS and rough sets
Classification using adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks
Intelligent decision support system for classification of EEG signals using wavelet coefficients
Complementary therapies education for the 21st century
Dynamic service-based integration Of mobile clusters in Grids
Evaluation of dynamic clustering architecture for utilising mobile resources
The wider landscape of learner support. A report for the Learning and Skills Council
Final evaluation of the ESF funded TNG: Quality Care Matters training programme
Directors' personal liability for cartel activity under UK and EC law - a tangled web
What is success and failure in product and service design?
British Standards: a personal view
BS7000-10:2008. Design management systems. Vocabulary of terms used in design management
The European Union and the securitisation of immigration: implications for regional governance
Lone parents and the challenge to make work pay
London student pledge evaluation
Capital punishment: a review and critique of abolition strategies
Queer dilemmas: the problem of power in psychotherapeutic and counselling practice
Leveraging operant resources of consumers: improving customer experiences or productivity?
Documentary modes of engagement
Big projects, big project ideas
Governmental policies for ICT diffusion and leadership legitimacy in grassroots movements
A political economy of radio in the digital age
Reality radio: the documentary
Case study: The mobile phone industry
Case study: De Beers: are strategic resources forever?
Legal theory and the reform of international commercial contract law and arbitration
The changing conception of self-defence
Humanitarian intervention after Kosovo: Iraq, Darfur and the record of global civil society
A simulation study on impact of competition on performance in a supply chain network
Introductory certificate in marketing
The disreputable projects of David Greene
The ideology and organisation of maritime war: an expedition to Canada in 1746
The ideology and organisation of maritime war: an expedition to Canada in 1746
Operaciones anfibias británicas, 1700-1815
Workplace diversity and employee wellbeing in Britain: a WERS2004 based analysis
Rail-to-rail CMOS op-amp input stage using level-shift multiplexing technique
Achieving rail-to-rail input operation using level-shift multiplexing technique for all CMOS op-amps
Strategic management: theory and application
Retrieval-induced forgetting in schizophrenia and depression
Retrieval-induced forgetting and intrusive thoughts
Retrieval-induced forgetting and anxiety
Learning (and staying) together beyond the classroom: experiences of action learning sets
Contradictions within the criminalisation of ticket touting: what should be the role of the law?
The impact of low cost airline operations to Malta
Overcoming future challenges for airports in the Middle East and Africa
Managing airports: an international perspective. 3rd edition
How important are commercial revenues to today's airports?
Airport planning and regulation in the United Kingdom
An international study on the adequacy of retirement income
A statistical evaluation of neural computing approaches to predict recurrent events in breast cancer
Novel compact substrate integrated waveguide resonators at 60 GHz for LCP
Compact substrate integrated waveguide resonators on LCP substrate for mm-wave wireless systems
Compact multilayer SRR-loaded integrated waveguide filters on liquid crystal polymer substrate
Building services and the code for sustainable homes
Problématique de l’identité dans l’oeuvre de Mahamat-Saleh Haroun: des héros en devenir?
An industrial study using UML design metrics for Web applications
An industrial study using UML design metrics for Web applications
Design metrics for web application maintainability measurement
Empirical validation of UML class diagram metrics through an industrial case study
Ownership and the strategic behaviour of small and medium size manufacturing firms
Formal strategic planning, operating environment, size, sector and performance
Drivers of strategic direction in high technology small firms
The middle ground – a dangerous place to be
A role for melanocortin peptides in modulating oxidative stress induced inflammation in A549 cells
Integrated framework for development and execution of component-based Grid applications
In and outside post-devolution Scotland: Scottish national identity and women writers
Media, gender and identity: an introduction. 2nd edition
Creative brainwork: building metaphors of identity for social science research
Digital/web-based technology in purchasing and supply management: a UK study
Visualization of scientific arts and some examples of applications
Internet and society: social theory in the information age
Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthasis using Bacillus cereus SPV
Final evaluation of the TNG: Pathways to Progression training programme
Straight there no detours: direct access to barristers
Lawyers, law firms, and the stabilization of transnational business
Lawyers, law firms and the stabilization of transnational business
Globalisation and large law firms
Future directions in the UK legal profession: life after the Legal Services Act 2007
From space immaterial: the invisibility of the lawscape
Advanced satellite technologies for air traffic management
EDGeS: a bridge between desktop grids and service grids
Utilizing the EGEE infrastructure for desktop grids
Gender in modern Chinese culture
Conflicted times, conflicted places: an oral history of social change in 'old Beijing'
"Bitter Labour": demolition and development in 'south Beijing'
Who needs an Islamic state? 2nd edition
Race, memory, religion and politics in Frances Deng’s Cry of the owl
Popular fiction television production in Nigeria: global models, local responses
The contribution of virtual actors in collaborative virtual reality environments in education
The news media and democracy in Ghana (1992-2000)
Synchronization protocols for reliable communication in fully distributed agent systems
An optically reconfigurable dual-band branch-line coupler with artificial transmission lines
Optically reconfigurable input matching network
Reconciling Web information classification approaches: the methods, the facts and the hype
Changes in the returns to education in Argentina
Making a fortune: learning from the Asian phenomenon
Enriching learning through pedagogic problem solving
Development of new services from regional airports
Multivariate Gram-Charlier densities
Juridische verwijzingen en afkortingen
Siobhan Davies and Edmund de Waal in conversation
Associative behaviour and conference attendance preferences of Generations X and Y
The use of spas by meetings participants: the case of the United States
The impacts of Generation Y on the meetings industry
Trends in the global meetings industry
Outlook for the business tourism industry
Generation Y as conference delegates: challenges and issues
Generation Y and what they want from incentive travel
Protecting children online: towards a safer Internet
Child sexual abuse: media representation and government reactions
European neighbourhood policy - Selling the brand strategically
Organisational development,organisational learning and the learning organisation
Management behaviour and management development
Water resources development and water conflicts in two Indian Ocean states
Liberal theory, human rights and water-justice: back to square one?
Children's television: the soft underbelly of public service broadcasting
EDGeS: bridging desktop and service grids
'We have our being in justice'
A comparative study of selected classification accuracy in user profiling
Understanding and managing the costs of delay to airlines
Understanding and managing the costs of delay to airlines
Dynamic cost indexing: cost estimations and building the prototype
Managing the Acceptance of Change in ATM
Knowledge management in a project climate
Apprenticeship in England: scope for expansion?
Customer care in PHT: evaluation of an educational intervention
Lifelong learning project group @ University of Westminster
Embedding MyCareer: online career development in a learning and teaching context
Working with schools: active citizenship for undergraduate students
The principle of autonomy and new uses for letters of credit
Understanding the commercial matrix of international trade
Proposal to extend statutory civil liability regime under the FSMA Act 2000
Legal issues in letters of credit
International commercial litigation
Implications of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007
EU - Advocate General's opinion on the EU Ship-Source Pollution Directive
Conflict of laws and forum shopping in maritime disputes
Application of the Hague Visby rules – by force of law or contract
Writing on: Robert Creeley's the death of venus
The notion of H-IFS -an approach for enhancing query capabilities in Oracle10g
The EU’s promotion of democracy in the Balkans
Avrupa Birliği Ulus Đnsaasi: Liberal Barisi Ab Genislemesiyle Güven Altina Alma
Naturopathic physical medicine approaches to general health enhancement and specific conditions
Couplage production – distribution des médicaments anti-cancéreux
Design and low-power implementation of an adaptive image rejection receiver
Human resources in the business events industry
A conversation with Edgar Martins
The aesthetics of the pixel: Thomas Ruff's JPEGs
Strangely simple and simply strange: the photobook for children
From ecstacy to agony: cinema and the fashion shoot
Three interesting cases demonstrating the continued heterogeneity of ADAMTS13 abnormalities
Reducing pulse compression sidelobes by inversion-amenable code selection
Justice and peace? The role of law in resolving Colombia’s civil conflict
A survey of the alternative methods for the resolution of consumer disputes in England and Wales
Tesla's multi-frequency wireless radio controlled vessel
Miniaturised microstrip dipexers for WiMAX applications
The theory and practice of pay setting
Analysing energy use in supply chains: the case of fruits & vegetables and furniture
The potential use of urban consolidation centres in the hotel industry in London
City access restrictions and the implications for goods deliveries
The average total daylight factor
Länderübergreifende gleichwertigkeit beruflicher fertigkeiten und qualifikationen
Can performance-related learning outcomes have standards?
Abouna de Mahamat-Saleh Haroun: classicisme ou Nouvelle Vague dans le cinéma africain francophone?
Failure of promise? Planning for housing under the Mayor of London (2000-2008)
Management accounting - business strategy
Review of suicides by foreign national prisoners
Self-harm, rumination and coping style
Utilizing artificial neural networks for WLAN positioning
The ethics and conduct of lawyers in England and Wales. 2nd edition
A new approach for non-linear analysis of power amplifiers
Spectrum regrowth reduction in power amplifiers using digital baseband signal injection
Minimizing memory effects in OFDM transmitters using adaptive baseband equalization
Linearization of power amplifiers by baseband digital predistortion for OFDM transmitters
Automating natural deduction for temporal logic
Natural deduction system for linear time temporal logic
Tackling ”until induction” in natural deduction for PLTL
Tackling "until induction" in natural deduction for PLTL
The Ljubljana Process: funding heritage rehabilitation in South-East Europe
Built heritage of the Balkans: a rehabilitation project
Direct accountability at the end
Business improvement districts in England: the UK government's proposals, enactment, and guidance
Employee relations and managing the employment relationship
The impact of Pathways on benefit receipt in the expansion areas
Evidence on the effect of Pathways to Work on existing claimants
Learning how to discover requirements
The doctor-manager relationship: a behavioural barrier to effective health care?
Empowering proactive and personal health care: no option no choice
Islamic banking: the case of Algeria
Employee and employer responses to engaging in work based learning: a qualitative study
Quality in cancer nursing care
Design and implementation of a hybrid P2P-based Grid resource discovery system
Methodology for component-based development of grid applications
Behavioural model of component-based Grid environments
Automata-based formal specification of stateful systems
Automata based formal specification of stateful systems
Towards GCM re-configuration – extending specification by norm
Social work in collaboration with other professions
Can the public service broadcaster survive? Renewal and compromise in the new BBC Charter
Executive functions are impaired in patients with Parkinson's disease with visual hallucinations
Whose experience is the measure of justice?
The politics of legal cultures
Poetic injustice: a case study of the UK's anti-terrorism legislation
SZTAKI desktop grid: distributed computing in Hungary
EDGeS: the common boundary between service and desktop grids
A comparative study of recruitment websites in India and the United Kingdom
Impacts of free concessionary travel in English rural regions from April 2006
Playing Paul: an interview with Adam Godley
Managing the metropolis: economic change, institutional reform and spatial planning in London
School uniforms, religious, symbols and the Human Rights Act 1998: the 'purity ring' case
Islam and social work: debating values, transforming practice
Modelling and performance measure of a perinatal network centre in the United Kingdom
Active-GNG: model acquisition and tracking in cluttered backgrounds
Porno-nationalism and the male subject: an ethnography of Hindu nationalist imagination in India
Dangers of management speak: politics of crisis management and erasures of histories
Use of mobile texting technology to enhance students experience in higher education
Secret judaism and the Spanish inquisition. Revised and expanded edition
La guerra civil española en el mar. 2nd ed.
Internalising the external costs of light goods vehicle transport in Britain
Sustainable freight distribution progress measures: progress report
Community asset management: life cycles and learning
Gobernanza de la política estrategica de vivienda en el sector de alquiler en Londres
Transport: challenging disabling environments
NHS LIFT and the new shape of neoliberal welfare
Flexible regulation: the birth of a qualitative audit society?
Evaluation of several reconstruction methods of bandlimited signals
A random effects sensitivity analysis for patient pathways model
Pension reforms and saving for retirement: comparing the United Kingdom and Italy
A cost-benefit analysis of Pathways to Work for new and repeat incapacity benefits claimants
A fully CNN based fingerprint recognition system
Establishing the finite word-length parameters for a CNN based fingerprint recognition system
Length of stay based grouping and classification methodology for modelling patient flow
A Gaussian mixture model approach to grouping patients according to their hospital length of stay
A practical approach to conveyancing. 10th edition
Writers talk: interviews with contemporary British novelists
Writers talk: conversations with contemporary British novelists
What is research in the visual arts? Obsession, archive, encounter
Visual culture studies: interviews with key thinkers
The Victorian literature handbook
Section editor - Thieme almanac 2008: acupuncture and Chinese medicine
Recent developments in the communities and local government affordability model
Prawo Unii Europejskiej, testy, kazusy, tablice [EU law, tests, cases and tables]
Politika i strah (Politics and fear)
Managing global business strategies: a 21st century perspective
KIOSK 02: a magazine of art, design and architecture
Fashion as photograph: viewing and reviewing images of fashion
Exploring human resource management
Distributed and parallel systems: in focus, desktop grid computing
Current developments in English for academic, specific and occupational purposes
Critical Engagements: a Journal of Criticism and Theory 2.2
Critical Engagements: a Journal of Criticism and Theory 2.1
Creative transformations: conversations on determination, risk, failure and unquantifiable success
Aviation and tourism: implications for leisure travel
America's "war on terrorism": new dimensions in U.S. government and national security
A great and glorious victory: the Battle of Trafalgar conference papers
Data mining techniques for HIV/AIDS data management in Thailand
Colour analysis and verification of CCTV images under different lighting conditions
Intermittent renewable generation and the cost of maintaining power system reliability
Predicting image quality using a modular image difference model
HEFCE strategic review of sustainable development in higher education
Conviviality and everyday life: the appeal of new areas of London for visitors
Applying data mining algorithms to inpatient dataset with missing values
Computational models for pigment analysis
The application of post-market monitoring to novel foods
Comment & response: the implications of changing environments for business education
Sudanese futures: one country or many?
Changes in the extent of inequality in access to university education in Italy
Perception and reality changes following the Fascia Congress
Altered glycosylation of proteins in cancer: what is the potential for new anti-tumour strategies
Factors influencing the likelihood of regulatory changes in renewable electricity policies
Book review: Recalling London: literature and history in the work of Peter Ackroyd and Iain Sinclair
Regulation of chondrocyte Regulatory Volume Decrease (RVD)by [Ca2+]i and cell shape
School uniforms, religious, symbols and the Human Rights Act 1998: the 'purity ring' case
Balancing the NHS balanced scorecard!
Book review: Psychosomatics: the uses of psychotherapy, by Shoenberg, Peter.
Oil, arms and media: how US interventionalism shapes Arab TV
Editorial: Racism in the closet: interrogating postcolonial sexuality
Book review: Jiří Přibáň, legal symbolism: on law, time and European identity
NATO's role in statebuliding: interview with Jamie Shea
Hen parties: Bonding or brawling?
Tourism policy making: the policymakers' perspectives
Solving the grid interoperability problem by P-GRADE portal at workflow level
Improving computerized routing and scheduling and vehicle telematics: a qualitative survey
Neonatal intrahepatocellular lipid
Measuring self-disclosure online: Blurring and non-response to sensitive items in web-based surveys
Humanitarian intervention: past, present and future
A comfortable night out? Alcohol, drunkenness and inclusive town centres
Five-factor personality correlates of perceptions of women's body sizes
Women and media in Saudi Arabia: rhetoric, reductionism and realities
Diversity and diaspora: Arab communities and satellite communication in Europe
Structural Change journalism practice: Xinhua News Agency in the early 2000s
Looking good: factors affecting the likelihood of having cosmetic surgery
Climate change and chronic disease: public health writ large
Moneo, Libeskind and a question of influence
Women and Islamic resistance in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories
Cognitive impairment by spatial disorientation
Co-operative work practices and knowledge sharing issues: a comparison of viewpoints
Optimisation of β-glucuronidase production from a newly isolated Ganoderma applanatum
Union free-riding in Britain and New Zealand
Evaluation of the Legal Service Commission's Training Contract Grant Scheme
Dynamic service-based integration of mobile clusters in grids
German translation and psychometric evaluation of the Body Appreciation Scale
Beliefs about schizophrenia and its treatment in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
The cyclical dynamics and volatility of Australian output and employment
The social construction of gender and its influence on suicide: a review of the literature
Acute normobaric hypoxia stimulates erythropoietin release
Nonlinear-stability analysis of higher order ∆ –Σ modulators for DC and sinusoidal inputs
Coping strategies for low frequency noise
DISTILLATE: A KonSULT-based strategy option generator
The concept of advising: from theory to practice-the United Kingdom context
Feedback, BBC Radio 4, March 2008: interview on broadcasting coverage of the 1968 student revolts
Self-harm in first-episode psychosis
Determinants of academic attainment in the US: a quantile regression analysis of test scores
The North Sea fisheries crisis and good governance
The film and television industry in London's suburbs: lifestyle of the rich or losers' retreat?
The four-capital method of sustainable development evaluation
Jinn, psychiatry and contested notions of misfortune among East London Bangladeshis
Perceptions of disadvantage, ethnicity and psychosis
Risk attitude in real decision problems
Legal education and training in England and Wales: back to the future
Factors affecting the decline in bus use in metropolitan areas
Work memorabilia and affect in oral histories of work
Managing money in new heterosexual forms of intimate relationships
Weight-based discrimination in occupational hiring and helping behavior
Breaking the boundaries: transformative innovation for the global good
Relativity, rank and the utility of income
Biomarkers and environmental risk assessment: Guiding principles from the human health field
Implementing diversity employment policies: examples from large London companies
Variable structure TITO fuzzy-logic controller implementation for a solar air-conditioning system
Spiritual advisors and old age psychiatry in the United Kingdom
The interaction of arginine- and tryptophan-rich cyclic hexapeptides with Escherichia coli membranes
A review and meta-analysis of the impact of intestinal worms on child growth and nutrition
Office review: managing successful change in an overwork culture
Quantity and quality: who are we building for?
Does prolonged breastfeeding reduce the risk for childhood leukemia and lymphomas?
Internationalisation: integrating student
Like a prayer: the role of spirituality and religion for people living with HIV in the UK
HLA component based environment for distributed multiscale simulations
Developmentally acquired PKA localisation in mouse oocytes and embryos
Hedge fund pricing and model uncertainty
An exploration of the indecisiveness scale in multiethnic Malaysia
Governing Paris - Planning and political conflict in Ile-de-France
Video feedback using Screen Recorder Software
Have alternative fuel cars reached a 'tipping point' or are they just a fad?
Social interactions in economic models of migration: a review and appraisal
Associations between positive emotion and recovery of functional status following stroke
The ecotoxicology and chemistry of manufactured nanoparticles
Caregiving is associated with low secretion rates of immunoglobulin A in saliva
School attendance of children and the work of mothers: a joint multilevel model for India.
What does Generation Y want from conferences and incentive programmes?
Isolation of lactoferrin from milk of different species: calorimetric and antimicrobial studies
That obscure object of photography
Motion pictures: the films of Mark Lewis
Figuring companion-species consumption: a multi-site ethnography of the post-canine Afghan hound
What can we learn from recent trends in London and the PTEs?
The archive hour, BBC Radio 4, 24th & 31st May 2008: interview on history of the Reith Lectures
Random assignment and informed consent: a case study of multiple perspectives
The influence of feminist ascription on judgements of women's physical attractiveness
Attitudes toward the use and role of mobile telephony: a comparison of East and West Malaysia
Free the animals? Investigating attitudes toward animal testing in Britain and the United States
Introduction: Alternate currents
Calculating luminous flux and lighting levels for domesticated mammals and birds
Look who's talking: sources of variation in information disclosure in the UK
GNSScope: a toolbox for end-to-end modeling, simulation and analysis of GNSS
The effects of global warming on food security
Container stowage: a matter of cooperation or liability
Review article: Theorising the shift from security to insecurity: Kaldor, Duffield and Furedi
Deriving an approximation algorithm for automatic computation of ripple effect measures
Subjective and objective measures of colour hard copy images
EMPATHY net-works: impact of an e-mentoring project on e-mentors’ learning careers
Sense-Think-Act: an occultural open archive
Isolation of Bacillus clausii, Bacillus licheniformis and other bacilli from human faecal samples
Dialogue, RTE 1, Ireland, 24th June 2008: 30-minute interview about my book, Life on air
Still life, still lives: Michael Geertsen
Structural remedies in Article 82 energy cases
Pacing during an elite Olympic distance triathlon: comparison between male and female competitors
ShapeShifting TV: interactive screen media narratives
Running out of time: a qualitative investigation of homeless men's access to health services
Context-dependent preferences for facial dimorphism in a rural Malaysian population
Hybrid cars: part two of an article exploring alternative fuel cars
Social networking: connect-ing students and staff
A parametric linguistics based approach for cross-lingual web querying
Special Section: Grid-enabling legacy applications and supporting end users
Retrieval-induced forgetting and unwanted thought intrusions
Cognitive ability, learning approaches and personality correlates of general knowledge
Sexed bodies, sexualised identities, and the limits of gender
Ecotoxicity test methods and environmental hazard assessment for engineered nanoparticles
What can we learn from the Fascia Congress?
Housing delivery and sustainable communities
Badland and gully erosion in the Karoo, South Africa
Nauseogenicity of off-vertical axis rotation vs. equivalent visual motion
Intelligent techniques and tools for novel system architectures
Intermodal rail freight in Britain: a terminal problem?
Reforming the Soviet model: alcohol treatment services in Kazakhstan
Observing the implementation of a social experiment
Dye decolorisation by laccase entrapped in copper alginate
Does financial security influence judgements of female physical attractiveness?
Foreign acquisition and firm productivity: evidence from Slovenia
Dynamic premotor-to-parietal interactions during spatial imagery
Promoting pro-environmental behaviour: existing evidence and policy implications
Cytotoxic sesquiterpenes from Ligularia platyglossa
Identification of an iron-hepcidin complex
The revival of Carl Schmitt in international relations: the last refuge of critical theorists?
Review essay: Human security: the dog that didn't bark
Human security II: waiting for the tail to wag the dog - a rejoinder to Ambrosetti, Owen and Wibben
Housing and the credit crunch: government and market failure
Just noticeable gamma differences and acceptability of sRGB images displayed on a CRT monitor
A sequential analytic approach to code-switching in the Ikwerre community of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
The impact of structural pension reforms on the macroeconomic performance: an empirical analysis
Personality and individual difference correlates of positive body image
Translation and validation of the Malay subjective happiness scale
Outsourcing for competitive advantage: an examination of seven legacy airlines
If you want to sell the solution, sell the problem first
Adaptive high-performance velocity evaluation based on a high resolution time-to-digital converter
A mechanistic inter-species comparison of spatial contrast sensitivity
Live recording: an interview with Asa Briggs
Preferences for body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio do not vary with observer age
Wood as a driver of past landscape change along river corridors
Who studies abroad? Evidence from France and Italy
Emergency readmission criterion: a technique for determining emergency readmission time window
Neurological abnormalities and cognitive ability in first-episode psychosis
Density, housing mix and space standards of new housing development in London
The politics of legal cultures
EDGeS, the common boundary between service and desktop grids
Developing and sustaining mixed tenure housing developments
How water flows in spatial planning: The strategic role of water in Dutch regional planning projects
Annexin 1 mediates the rapid anti-inflammatory effects of neutrophil-derived microparticles
FMRI/ERP of musical syntax: comparison of melodies and unstructured note sequences
Dynamic reconfiguration of GCM components
Miniaturised microstrip filters and diplexers for wireless communication systems
A beauty-map of London: ratings of the physical attractiveness of women and men in London’s boroughs
Factors influencing preferences for height: a replication and extension
Lonelier, lazier, and teased: the stigmatizing effect of body size
Dalry Primary School: an innovative Scottish case study
Healing with water: naturopathic hydrotherapy in a university setting
Norse-derived terms and structures in the Battle of Maldon
ADM1 can be applied to continuous bio-hydrogen production using a variable stoichiometry approach
Group projects: more learning? Less fair? A conundrum in assessing postgraduate business education
Mineral magnetic signatures in a long core from Lake Qarun, Middle Egypt
Market analysis for potential inspectors
Degree flexibility and university drop-out: the Italian experience
Above Paris: the aerial survey of Roger Henrard / Shot from above: aerial aspects of London
Landscapes of feeling arenas of action: information visualisation as art practice
Obstacles to diversity in construction: the example of Heathrow Terminal 5
Normative power and the liberal peace: a rejoinder to John O'Brennan
Ethical and political issues in contemporary research relationships
Improved batch fuzzy learning vector quantization for image compression
Immunization and treatment methods for anthrax
Mediating extremes: a journey of rediscovery in Chile
An assessment of combining tourism demand forecasts over different time horizons
Public officials and community involvement in local services
Computing several eigenpairs of Hermitian problems by conjugate gradient iterations
Strategic spatial planning: collective action and moments of opportunity
Non-market coordination: towards an ecological response to Austrian economics
e-Science: the added value for modern discovery
Forum: A historical context for theories underpinning the production of the built environment
Trade union education: some thoughts from the past
Bolineol, a novel co-metabolite of strobilurins A, F and G from Bolinea lutea
Developing and sustaining mixed housing developments: reviewing the evidence
Everyday resistance on the internet: the Palestinian context
Internalising the external costs of light goods vehicle transport in Britain
Review of UK urban freight studies
Using official data sources to analyse the light goods vehicle fleet and operations in Britain
Survey forms used in urban freight studies
Review of survey techniques used in urban freight studies
Reply to Bridge (2008) Discussion of articles in "Sedimentary features of tsunami deposits"
Largest connected component of a star graph with faulty vertices
Role of miRNA-146a in the regulation of the innate immune response and cancer
Factor structure of the Body Appreciation Scale among Malaysian women
Globalising Chinese medical understandings of menopause
Mortality and immortality: the Nobel Prize as an experiment into the effect of status upon longevity
‘Energy medicine’, and the gulf between body and spirit
Euro and FIBOR interest rates: a continuous time modelling analysis
Which world order: cosmopolitan or multipolar?
Cumulative social disadvantage, ethnicity and first-episode psychosis: a case-control study
Corporate hospitality in the economic downturn
Developing research strategies in complementary and alternative medicine
The generation principle and mathematical models of a novel cosine gear drive
National survey of the health and nutrition of schoolchildren in Ethiopia
Adaptation of ventilation to 'buffeting' in vehicles
A role for MC3R in modulating lung inflammation
Patient preferences for psychological counsellors: evidence of a similarity effect
Mixed communities: good practice guidance for management and service provision
Anti-urban or pro-town? The continuing popularity of suburban living in twentieth century England
TV review: The story of India with Michael Wood: BBC television series (BBC/PBS: 2007)
Ricoeur's hermeneutic phenomenology: an implication for nursing research
Textual and critical approaches to reading Schmitt: rejoinder to Odysseos and Petito
A quarter century of workplace employment relations surveys
Putting the patient first? An analysis of what drives doctors and managers in NHS hospitals
An analysis of foreign banks financial performance in the UK
TV news and the echo of Murrow
Internalising the external costs of light and heavy goods vehicle transport in London
Airport valuation: an alternative driver-based approach
Obstacles to diversity in construction: the example of Heathrow Terminal 5
Air grid: five houses and some curious ideas - an interpretation of the fold
Lawyers, law firms and the stabilization of transnational business