Further examination of the psychometric properties of the Malay Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

The relationship between retrieval-induced forgetting, anxiety, and personality

Supporting web 2.0 communities by volunteer desktop grids

Application repository based evaluation of the EDGI infrastructure

Monitoring UNICORE jobs executed on Desktop Grid resources

Transparent execution of ARC jobs on Desktop Grid resources

The development, implementation and evaluation of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) materials for a London University

Special issue: The European Centre for Modern Languages: Empowering language professionals

Scrutinising the Rainbow: Fantastic Space in The Wizard of Oz

Tradition & Innovation: Five Decades of Harrow Ceramics

Tradition & Innovation: Five Decades of Harrow Ceramics

When it comes to women and the media the glass is half-full

Value chains of herbal medicines: Research needs and key challenges in the context of ethnopharmacology

Assessment of a preclinical model for studying the survival and engraftment of human stem cell derived osteogenic cell populations following orthotopic implantation

The Prison Problem

El Problema Penitenciario

GuideToPharmacology.org - An update

Tailored food recipes-TFR: employing the European perspective

Croatian and subtitling: the past, communication and EU

Can adult neural stem cells create new brains? Plasticity in the adult mammalian neurogenic niches: realities and expectations in the era of regenerative biology

Entrepreneurship and institutional change: A research agenda

Fashion Resource Book

Culture in Action: A Discursive Approach

Discursive Psychology of Remembering and Reconciliation

Time for Memory: Beyond Spatial Metaphors?

Claiming our own space: Polyphony in teacher-student dialogue

History as a dynamic process: reanalysisng a case of Anglo-Japanese reconciliation

Individuals with moderately raised liver fat show a greater increase in liver fat in response to a high sugar diet

Immunogenicity of a universal HIV-1 vaccine vectored by DNA, MVA and CHADV-63 in a Phase I/IIA clinical trial

Prevalence and type of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance in an apparently healthy Nigerian population: a cross sectional study

CD4 Count Pattern and Demographic Distribution of Treatment-Naïve HIV Patients in Lagos, Nigeria

Antibody combination therapy targeting CD25, CD70 and CD8 reduces islet inflammation and improves glycaemia in diabetic mice

Age-stratified seroprevalence of vaccine-preventable infectious disease in Saravan, Southern Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Recombinant DNA/MVA/ChAdV-63-elicited T cells specific for conserved regions of the HIV-1 proteome recognize HIV-1 infected cells and suppress HIV-1

Sphingolipid synthesis and scavenging in the intracellular apicomplexan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii

On the Identification of Information Extracted from Windows Physical Memory

Extracting Forensically Relevant Information From Windows Applications

Extracting forensically relevant information from windows application

Forensic memory evidence of windows application

Digital forensic research—The analysis of user input on volatile memory of Windows application

Compositional and urban form effects on centres in Greater London

Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) as an early marker for the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome.

Awareness of risk to indoor air pollutants among computers and photocopiers business operators in Nigerian tertiary institutions

Teams under pressure in the emergency department: an interview study

Identifying Nontechnical Skills Associated With Safety in the Emergency Department: A Scoping Review of the Literature

Development and Validation of a Tool to Assess Emergency Physicians' Nontechnical Skills

A novel calmodulin-like protein from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica

A plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica

Aspects of cell growth control illustrated by the Schwann cell

Loss of Rb Cooperates with Ras to Drive Oncogenic Growth in Mammalian Cells

'Brand Ireland' should be rethought and replaced

A new model for assessing the value of social media activity

Media as an Identity Negotiator Among “Swedish” Children in Athens and “Japanese” in London

Reclaiming Copyright from the Outside In: What the Downfall Hitler Meme Means for Transformative Works, Fair Use, and Parody

Affiliation in the construction of fan identity: a comparison of face-to-face and virtual settings

Measuring Synthesis and Degradation of MHC Class I Molecules

The MHC Class I Heavy Chain Structurally Conserved Cysteines 101 and 164 Participate in HLA-B27 Dimer Formation

Antigen Processing and Presentation by MHC Class I, II, and Nonclassical Molecules

Introduction to helminth infections

Introduction to protozoan infections

Undoing Ethics: Rethinking Practice in Online Research

How the Dataweb can support cloud federation: Service representation and secure data exchange

Estimating value-at-risk under a Heath––Jarrow––Morton framework with jump

Earnings management and accrual anomaly across market states and business cycles

Expected Stock Returns and Option-Implied Rate of Return

Crisis, Value at Risk and Conditional Extreme Value Theory via the NIG + Jump Model

How to federate VISION clouds through SAML/Shibboleth authentication

Integration of CLEVER clouds with third party software systems through a REST web service interface

How a structured testbed enables the rapid development and deployment of cloud services: The VISION Cloud use case

Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures: Theory and Practice

Toward cloud federation: Concepts and challenges

CLEVER: A cloud middleware beyond the federation

Intercloud: The future of cloud computing. Concepts and advantages

Combination of interdisciplinary teaching and discipline based teaching as a key to success

Using a mixed methodology with a matrix iterative system for creating new structures

Enhancing interdisciplinary teaching through the radar assessment cycle

Combination of interdisciplinary teaching and discipline based teaching as a key to success

Using a mixed methodology with a matrix iterative system for creating new structures

Lightweight and Transparent Domes

Experiencing sport tourism

‘Inclusion’ Through Exclusion: A Critical Account of New Behaviour Management Practices in Schools

‘Including’ while excluding: race, class and behaviour support units

Farewell to family? A reply

Farewell to family? Notes on an argument for retaining the concept

Eliciting Research Accounts: Re/Producing Modern Subjects?

Family Policy and the Politics of Parenting: From Function to Competence

Neuropathology of 16p13.11 deletion in epilepsy

Neuropathology of the blood-brain barrier and pharmaco-resistance in human epilepsy

Investigation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in hippocampal sclerosis: A postmortem study

Variability of sclerosis along the longitudinal hippocampal axis in epilepsy: A post mortem study

BEaST: brain extraction based on nonlocal segmentation technique.

Individual subject classification for Alzheimer's disease based on incremental learning using a spatial frequency representation of cortical thickness data.

Detecting global and local hippocampal shape changes in Alzheimer's disease using statistical shape models.

Localized hippocampus measures are associated with Alzheimer pathology and cognition independent of total hippocampal volume.

Imaging vascular function for early stage clinical trials using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

A Comparison of Gray Matter Density in Restless Legs Syndrome Patients and Matched Controls Using Voxel-Based Morphometry

Verbal working memory and functional large-scale networks in schizophrenia

Using CSF biomarkers to replicate genetic associations in Alzheimer's disease.

The 𝜖-normalized sign regressor least mean fourth (NSRLMF) adaptive algorithm

Tracking analysis of the ε-NSRLMMN algorithm

Convergence analysis of the epsilon NSRLMMN algorithm

Post-Synapse Model Cell for Synaptic Glutamate Receptor (GluR)-Based Biosensing: Strategy and Engineering to Maximize Ligand-Gated Ion-Flux Achieving High Signal-to-Noise Ratio

A Detour Around Infermental

Policy evaluation in a time of austerity: Introduction

Indian fantasies about Gujarat and Narendra Modi

Hindu nationalism 'bigger threat than Islam'

India's Tibet Problem

An empirical investigation of cost-resource optimization for running real-life applications in open source cloud

Reflections on social capital and economic performance

Autoinactivation of the stargazin-AMPA receptor complex: subunit-dependency and independence from physical dissociation.

Construction Industry Experience of Industrialised Building System in Malaysia

Cloud Computing Technology for Collaborative Information System in Construction Industry

Mobile Application for Sustainable Construction Management

Critical Review of Industrialised Building System in Malaysian Construction Industry

Context-Aware Cloud Computing for Construction Collaboration

Mobile Information System for Sustainable Project Management

The Potential of Cloud Computing Technology for Construction Collaboration

A new linear programming approach and genetic algorithm for solving airline boarding problem

OCL Plus: Processes and Events in Object-Centred Planning

Modelling road traffic incident management problems for automated planning

TpPred: A Tool for Hierarchical Prediction of Transport Proteins Using Cluster of Neural Networks and Sequence Derived Features

A genome blogger manifesto

A family experience of personal genomics

How not to be a bioinformatician

DECIPHER: web-based, community resource for clinical interpretation of rare variants in developmental disorders.

Interpretation of genomic copy number variants using DECIPHER

Spanish cuts: more economic damage.

The conservative revolution: the Bolshoi archives

Sleep Duration, Nap Habits, and Mortality in Older Persons

The cortisol awakening response is related to executive function in older age

Recovery from adolescent anorexia nervosa and associations with diurnal patterns of salivary stress hormones: a case report

Gilad and all that Jazz

Structures of lysenin reveal a shared evolutionary origin for pore-forming proteins and its mode of sphingomyelin recognition

Ultra-small graphene oxide functionalized with polyethylenimine (PEI) for very efficient gene delivery in cell and zebrafish embryos

Towards a Transformative Paradigm in the UK Response to Forced Marriage


Emerging Burden of Frail Young and Elderly Persons in Oman: For whom the bell tolls?

London: (re)generation

Heritage at the Periphery; the York Street vaults, the Roman baths, Bath

Genetic variation in GOLM1 and prefrontal cortical volume in Alzheimer's disease

In the eye of the storm: The implications of the Munro Child Protection Review for the future of probation

Dhaka's Invisible Inhabitants

Innovation adoption and adaptation in air traffic control: Interaction of organizations

'You are on my property': Economic, legal and moral objections to regulation from a banker's perspective

Impaired crossed facilitation of the corticospinal pathway after cervical spinal cord injury

Motor recovery after spinal cord injury enhanced by strengthening corticospinal synaptic transmission.

The social network game

Mercantile multilingualism: two examples of Anglo-Norman and Italian contact in the fourteenth century

Railway Station Mega Projects as Public Controversies. The Case of Stuttgart 21

Can participatory emissions budgeting help local authorities to tackle climate change?

Water Equity in Tourism: A Human Right, A Global Responsibility

A political ecology of water equity and tourism: A Case Study From Bali

The resilience of democratic institutions in Britain, Australia and the United States under conditions of total war

Who are You?

The last hope

Strangers of Sofia

Recalling Morocco

Once upon a time in Copenhagen

Recalling Saigaon

In Hanoi

Regulations and Requirements

Metaphor, metonymy, language learning and translation

Writing from the body: kinesthetic empathy and screenwriting

The ABC of Handover: Impact on shift handover in the Emergency Department

The ABC of handover: a qualitative study to develop a new tool for handover in the emergency department.

Elevation of plasma high-density lipoproteins inhibits development of experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms

Post-exercise cardiac troponin release is related to exercise traning history

Obesity, inflammation and brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation: Therapeutic targets in patients with microvascular angina (Cardiac Syndrome X)

An Improved in Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Model: Rat Brain Endothelial Cells Co-Cultured With Astrocytes

Predictors of Poor Perinatal Outcome following Maternal Perception of Reduced Fetal Movements: A Prospective Cohort Study

Novel biomarkers of cardiac ischemia: where are we at?

The endurance athletes heart: acute stress and chronic adaptation

Very early diagnosis of chest pain by point-of-care testing: comparison of the diagnostic efficiency of a panel of cardiac biomarkers compared with troponin measurement alone in the RATPAC

Lessons and Reflections Regarding a Policy Framework

Criteria: Introduction and Political Principles

The Politics of Co-Operation in an Emerging Regime: Change and Continuity

State Capitalism: An Emerging Regime

The Legacy of the ‘Coloured Revolutions’: The Case of Kazakhstan

Rentierism, Dependency and Sovereignty in Central Asia

A Rawlsian basis for core labour rights

JAK2V617F homozygosity arises commonly and recurrently in PV and ET, but PV is characterized by expansion of a dominant homozygous subclone

Janus kinase deregulation in leukemia and lymphoma (Review)

Messina Waterfront Masterplan and Polycentre

Portfolio of Interactive Installations

The Museum of Copying, Venice Architecture Biennale

Montpelier Community Nursery

House of Flags, Parliament Square, London

Social Housing: Chatsworth Gardens, Ashchurch Place, Fleet Street Hill, Baden Powell Close, Hannibal Road Gardens

Getting to the heart of the matter: Cardiac troponin as a cardiovascular biomarker

Cardiovascular Biomarkers for the Detection of Cardiovascular Disease

Coronary Artery Disease: Current concepts in Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics and Treatment

The Cardiovascular system

Fluorescent analysis of photosynthetic microbes and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons linked to optical remote sensing

Motivation in Journalism

应对西方媒体:新闻发言人及新闻官国际工作 Western Correspondents in China: system and policy

Differential effects of two fermentable carbohydrates on central appetite regulation and body composition

Improved Glycaemia correlates with liver fat reduction in obese, type 2 diabetes, patients given glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists

Leadership Development as a Way of Life: Unleashing the repressed creativity in ourselves and others

Connecting Rationality and Spirituality in Business Education

Against the Grain: A New Direction for the Old First Ward

Increased transferrin-bound iron uptake in HepG2 cells is followed by an increase in expression of the iron hormone hepcidin pre-and post-translationally

Comparison of iron absorption from iron supplement preparations using an in vitro Caco-2 model

DPPIV and macronutrients regulate the expression of PYY3–36 in human gut epithelial cells

Ac 2-26, an annexin A1-derived peptide, reduces inflammation in human SGBS adipocytes after hypoxia treatment

Annexin A1, an anti-inflammatory regulator, is expressed in human adipocytes

Mercantile multilingualism: two examples of Anglo-Norman and Italian contact in the fourteenth century

Virtually unhappy: How probability neglect in social comparison biases judgments of satisfaction with life

Knowledge of lung cancer symptoms and risk factors in the UK: development of a measure and results from a population-based survey

If the cap fits? Challenging the image of women in masculine industries

Implementing BIM in Built Environment Education: A challenge or an opportunity?

Enhancing Social Learning in Construction Higher Education through Web-based Technologies

Upgrading School Buildings in Mexico with Social Participation: The Better Schools Programme

The Managerial Gap and how coaching can help

Perceptions of the policing and crime mapping ‘Trailblazers’, Home Office Research Report 67

Book Review: Rising Anthills: African and African American Writing on Female Genital Excision

Pamphlet for the Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative ‘All-Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees Open Debate on Refugee Integration’ (including foreword)

Panel Member at All-Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees ‘Open Debate on Refugee Integration’ chaired by Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament, in conjunction with Refugee Council and Refugee Law Initiative

Chaired Panel on ‘Refugee and Asylum Law’ at Queen Mary Postgraduate Law Conference 2012: Taking Risks and Challenging Legal Thought

Uncodified Prerogative Powers and Prerogative Powers

World Film Locations: Istanbul

A work placement year for psychology undergraduates: Challenges and how students change

Approximate XML query matching and rewriting using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Trees

Influencing others

Dallas Bower: a producer for television's early years, 1936-39

Apprendre les uns des autres: Manuel pour les associations de professeurs de langues

Voneinander Lernen: Ein Handbuch für Sprachlehrerverbände

Marketing Education through the lens of S-D Logic

Tourism Management - an introduction

On Atheism and Character

State of Cities: Urban Governance in Dhaka City Report

The Politics of Recognition and Redistribution: Development, Tribal Identity Politics and Distributive Justice in India's Jharkhand

Passenger-Oriented Enhanced Metrics

Language associations and collaborative support: language teacher associations as empowering spaces for professional networks

Learning from each other: A handbook for language teacher associations

De digitale kloof en/in elektronische dienstverlening: een catch-22?

E-deliberation 2.0 for smart cities: a critical assessment of two 'idea generation' cases

Dynamic aspects of the values concept: Studying Schwartz’s theory in applied settings

Kriminalprävention (Crime Prevention, Editorial for the Special Issue)

Review Essay: Recovering Thirties Fiction

A View From Inside

Developing a sense of belonging: Findings from a three institution study with implications for BME students and staff engagement

Telecommuting in Schneider Electric Spain

Simultaneous co-metabolic azo dye decolourisation and bio-electricity generation in microbial fuel cells

Phenanthrene degradation and concomitant electricity generation using a bioelectrochemical process

Survival of inoculated Salmonella on the shell of hens' eggs and its potential significance

Employment volatility and the great moderation: Evidence from the Australian states and territories

WebMarP: A Web-enabled hybrid intelligent system for evaluating marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing and e-commence performance

Shaping the research agenda for corporate branding: Avenues for future research

Understanding, explaining and counteracting inappropriate user behaviour

Partner work visas: a global change agenda?

Developing a global mindset

Top spots, hotspots and policy implications

Trends in international relocation policies

Dual careers: the impact of work-permit restrictions on international business

Flexpatriate assignments: trends and policy implications

Cost control versus support: striking the right balance

An application of univariate and multivariate approaches in FMRI to quantifying the hemispheric lateralization of acoustic and linguistic processes

Post-prandial high fat intake leads to acute exposure to circulating endotoxin in type 2 diabetes mellitus subjects

The effects of bariatric surgery on the endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway in human adipose tissue

The adipocyte as an active source of PLA2 isoforms influenced by adiposity, depot specificity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Expression of genes regulating mitochondrial fusion and fission in human adipose tissue are influenced by adiposity and bariatric surgery

Chronic or intermittent exposure to Oleic acid (MUFA) induces a greater NFκB activated inflammatory response than Eicosapentaenoic acid (PUFA) in differentiated human adipocytes

The role of performance management and development reviews in female expatriate participation in the oil and gas industry

Gender diversity in expatriation: relocation policy implications

Beyond expatriation: women’s creation of place in oil and gas gendered geographies

Women’s expatriate careers: a challenge to traditional career path models?

MIDTAL (Microarrays for the Detection of Toxic Algae): A Protocol for a Successful Microarray Hybridisation and Analysis

A Critical Analysis of the Print Media Representation of Children and Young People during Transition from Conflict in Northern Ireland

Evidence for a shift to anaerobic metabolism in adipose tissue in efavirenz-containing regimens for HIV with different nucleoside backbones

Telomere Length Attrition, a Marker of Biological Senescence, Is Inversely Correlated with Triglycerides and Cholesterol in South Asian Males with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

High Fat Intake Leads to Acute Postprandial Exposure to Circulating Endotoxin in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects

GLP-1 analogue, Liraglutide protects human umbilical vein endothelial cells against high glucose induced endoplasmic reticulum stress

Does endotoxaemia contribute to osteoarthritis in obese patients?

Commercial corporate governance ratings: an alternative view of their use and impact

Noise as Cultural Subversion: The Return of Postpunk

Adipocyte pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 expression is associated with augmented PPARγ upregulation in early-life programming of later obesity

On the inside: Insider perspectives on prison reform

ATFM airborne delays without extra fuel consumption in wind conditions

The European Court of Human Rights, Secular Education and Public Schooling

Strategies and Techniques to Future-Proof the Energy Performance of Housing Developments

The Impossible Polish New Wave and its Accursed Auteurs

"Snujecie sie jak Maszyny": Muzyka Cyberpunkowa zespolu The Gordons/Bailter Space jako krytyczny neofuturyzm

Antecedents of Trust in Corporate Banking: Emirati and Non-Emirati Cross-National Perspectives

From conceptualizing to ready-to-sell designing: creative networks and design entrepreneurship in a digital manufacturing era

Approaches to innovation for sustainability in the Malaysian palm oil industry: the case of small and medium enterprises in Sabah

Craft, factory or profession? Institutional logics in research supervision

Business Network Dynamics and Diffusion of Innovation

Gossip and Organizations

Introducing Corporate Reputation Continuity to Support Organizational Resilience Against Crises

Filming the Post-Fordist Worker: From Industrial Hollywood to Digital Biopolitics

Cinematic and Aesthetic Cartographies of Subjective Mutation

Reverberations: The Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics of Noise

Supply Chain Resilience? Definition of concept and its formative elements.

A Knowledge Management Process-Based Approach to Support Corporate Crisis Management

Evaluating demographic models for goat domestication using mtDNA sequences

Domestication and migrations: Using mitochondrial DNA to infer domestication processes of goats and horses

Inferring processes of Neolithic gene-culture co-evolution using genetic and archaeological data: The case of lactase persistence and dairying

The evolution of lactase persistence in Europe. A synthesis of archaeological and genetic evidence

Riotous connections?

Quantum linguistic patterning, Volume 2

Requirements, issues, and challenges for sense and avoid in unmanned aircraft systems

En route speed reduction concept for absorbing air traffic flow management delays

Regaining the Initiative for Public Service Media

Regaining the Initiative for Public Service Media

Gendered Bodies - Representations of Femininity and Masculinity in Advertising Practices

The Carnal Feminine: Consuming Representations of Womanhood in a Contemporary Media Text

Compulsive Buying: Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research

Feeling Bodies in Marketing: Aesthetics, Emotions and Gender

Bollywood's Global Reach: Consuming the Diasporic Consciousness

Multi-Party Trust Computation in Decentralized Environments

Secure & Trusted Communication in Emergency Situations

Fractionating Human Intelligence

A Comparative Study of a Low Doppler Shift in a Carrier Tracking Loop for GPS

Activity location and mobility costs

Accessibility Instrument Survey

Intellectual property (IP) governance in ICT firms: strategic value seeking through proprietary and non-proprietary IP transactions

Envisioning Journalism Practice as Research

Distinct expression and activity of GSK-3α and GSK-3β in prostate cancer

A Constraint Programming based column generation approach to nurse rostering problems

Consumer-to-Business ADR Structures: Harnessing the Power of CADR for Dispute Resolution and Regulating Market Behaviour (policy brief 2012 consumer ADR conference in Oxford)

Consumer-to-business dispute resolution: The power of CADR

Verbraucher-ADR in Europa wird gestärkt

Consumer ADR in Europe

Managing a multicultural workforce: a conceptual framework

You Should Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Forecasting Heavy-Tailed Densities with Positive Edgeworth and Gram-Charlier Expansions

On the stability of the constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility under high degrees of uncertainty

Native and non-native English teachers in the classroom: a re-examination

Gothic Music

Matthew Lewis

International and intranational cultures in organizations: overlapping or contested terrain?

New Business Strategies of Airports

Airport Typologies for Performance Assessment

Airport Management in Japan - Lessons learnt from the UK

Flavonoid metabolism: the synthesis of phenolic glucuronides and sulfates as candidate metabolites for bioactivity studies of dietary flavonoids

The rise of global warming scepticism: exploring affective image associations over time

Subjects in Labour. A New Self in ‘My Strange Addiction’

Microvesicles in Health and Disease

TNF gene deletion prevents lipopolysaccharide-mediated sensitisation of the neonatal mouse brain to hypoxic-ischaemic insult

Characterisation of microvesicles released from cells constitutively and upon stimulation

Isolation of microvesicles and exosomes by filtration and estimation of normal reference range in blood plasma

The intracellular parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, utilizes microvesicle release to invade host cells

Intermittent exercise with and without hypoxia improves insulin sensitivity in individuals with type 2 diabetes

The central role of myostatin in skeletal muscle and whole body homeostasis

Automated Malaria Parasite Detection in Thin Blood Films:- A Hybrid, Illumination and Colour Constancy Insensitive Morphological Approach

Lines in class: The ongoing attack on mass education in England

Biography and the Educative

Biography as a Looking Glass: Revealing the Hidden Influences in the Life of Christian Schad

The genus Caligus Müller, 1785 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida): two new species from reef associated fishes in New Caledonia, and some nomenclatural problems resolved

Respiratory and non-respiratory sinus arrhythmia: implications for heart rate variability

Complementary Medicine and Science: Uncomfortable Bedfellows?

Diet or exercise, or both, for weight reduction in women carrying excess weight after childbirth

Short-term pre-pregnancy health education may improve maternal nutrition behavior, but not nutrition self-efficacy

Intake of dairy products in relation to periodontitis in older Danish adults

Influence of parental overweight on the association of birth weight and fat distribution later in childhood

Intake of dairy calcium and tooth loss among adult Danish men and women

Foundation degrees in biomedical science: the student experience

Intuitive interactive form finding of optimised fabric-cast concrete

The case for subdivision surfaces in building design

An optimal method for searching UEP profiles in wireless JPEG 2000 video transmission

A reduced-reference perceptual image and video quality metric based on edge preservation

Image quality assessment based on edge preservation

Beyond Italian borders: Amara Lakhous and the Mediterranean alternative

July’s reunion day at Brooklands

Marketing strategies across the product life cycle

Market orientation and organisational performance in Nigeria

Marketing strategies across the product life cycle

'The ground beneath my feet': projects, project management and the intensified control of R&D engineers

Basel III: is the cure worse than the disease?

Masculinities, Militarisation and the End Conscription Campaign: War Resistance in Apartheid South Africa

Empirical evidence of a relationship between business growth and use of formalised marketing information amongst food and drink SMEs

Formalised marketing information as a catalyst for SME growth

The relevance of market orientation for supporting small firms’ marketing: how firm characteristics affect information utilisation amongst food and drink SMEs

SecGOD - Google Docs: Now I Feel Safer!

Vulnerabilities of decentralized additive reputation systems regarding the privacy of individual votes

Destination Haverhill: Shopper Survey and Focus Group Report

Dog-legged project: investigation of current methodologies for educational tools innovation amongst school teachers teaching to pupils with cognitive and learning disabilities

SME characteristics and formalised information use: a canonical correlation analysis

Marketing information as a catalyst of SME growth: empirical evidence of the moderating role of owner-managers’ gender, age and targeting strategy

A study of small business owners’ personal characteristics and the use of marketing information in the food and drink industry: a resource-based perspective

Chancen und herausforderungen der rückversicherung in der gesetzlichen krankenversicherung (Chances and challenges of reinsurance in the social health scheme)

The poetry of Hizbullah

The prison of politics: Palestine beyond Fatah and Hamas

Review of 'The Cambridge introduction to Edward Said', by Conor McCarthy and 'Edward Said: A legacy of emancipation and representation', by Adel Iskandar and Hakem Rustom

Hamas broadcasting: Al-Aqsa channel in Gaza

Hebrew elements in Palestinian Arabic political discourse

Backyard diplomacy: local arts agencies and international cultural engagement

Modern evolutions in UK soft power

Trends in UK soft power: the British Council perspective

Why the press must learn from the history and reputation of British television

Public interest: the public decides

From Callaghan to credit crunch: changing trends in British television news 1975-2009

Broadcast journalism and impartiality in the digital age: six fallacies and a counter-factual

Science Gateways for the Broader Take-up of Distributed Computing Infrastructures

Taking dogs to tourism activities: examining a pet-related constraints negotiation model

Does order matter? a study of Aldred’s multiple glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels

Aldred's multiple glosses: a study of ordering preferences

An Investigation into the Potential Use of Social Media Technologies to improve the Product Development Functions within the Aerospace and Defence Industry

An Investigation into Collaboration and Knowledge Management during Product Development in the Aerospace and Defence Industry

A Dynamic Knowledge Management Framework for the High Value Manufacturing Industry

Submission to the Growth and Infrastructure Bill Committee (on behalf of the Highbury Group on Housing Delivery)

The future of London

The Brontes and Politics

What is Critique in the 21st century? A conversation about Terra Critica, the Interdisciplinary Network for Critical Humanities

Facing Our New Monster: On Critique in the Era of Affirmation

Die stille Revolution. Wie Algorithmen Wissen, Arbeit, Öffentlichkeit und Politik verändern, ohne dabei viel Lärm zu machen

Societal Impact Report. Deliverable D1.4 of the EU FP7 project “PACT – Public Perception of Security and Privacy: Assessing Knowledge, Collecting Evidence, Translating Research into Action” (grant agreement number: 285635)

Report on Theoretical Frameworks and Previous Empirical Research. Deliverable D1.1 of the EU FP7 project “PACT – Public Perception of Security and Privacy: Assessing Knowledge, Collecting Evidence, Translating Research into Action” (grant agreement number: 285635).

Implications of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Internet Surveillance for Society.

Laccase bio-grafting a versatile modification tool from green chemistry technologies

Complete Public Law: Text, Cases and Materials (2nd Edition)

The Legal Education Training Review: Correspondent’s Report from the United Kingdom

Legal Ethics and the Legal Education Training Review: Correspondent’s Report from the United Kingdom

Gender, Hierarchy, Power and Inequality: What Sociological Theory Adds to our Understanding of Sex-Discrimination

WebMarP – a Web-based hybrid system for traditional, digital and social media marketing, and EC site performance evaluation

Genus IV. Mobiluncus

Collaborative writing in engineering: perspectives from research and implications for undergraduate education

Research in electronically-mediated communication in professional contexts: revisiting the past, preparing for the future

Disciplinary epistemologies, generic attributes and undergraduate academic writing in nursing and midwifery

Conceptualisations of criticality, evidence and impersonality and academic writing in nursing and midwifery

Exploring the experiences of black and minority ethnic students studying psychology

Transferring HR concepts and practices within multi-national corporations in Romania: the management experience

Reward Management in Construction

The Online Romance Scam: A Serious Cybercrime

Isolation of Actinomyces hyovaginalis from sheep and comparison with isolates obtained from pigs

Recognition of greater diversity of Bacillus species and related bacteria in human faeces

Is the UK a safe country for asylum seekers under the Dublin system? An international law perspective

‘Getting on with life’: the experiences of older people using complementary health care

The Role of Urban Consolidation Centres in Sustainable Freight Transport

Re-enactment, history of violence and documentary film

Leveson and China. Inquiry as reference in China’s debates over media regulation

How the market is changing China's news: the case of Xinhua news agency

Screen play: theatre plays on British television

A dynamic feedback model for partner selection in agile supply chains

Classics on TV: Greek tragedy on the small screen

A legal framework for clean technology transfer and finance

A view from inside: portraying the experience of psychosis

Forecasting long-term care demand under incomplete information: a grey modelling approach

Development of a hybrid grey-fuzzy methodology to forecast future demand for long-term care

Sax Rohmer

Lao She in London

The cross-correspondences, the nature of evidence and the matter of writing

The word on the street: remembering the Paris commune in the twenty-first century

The photobook as object of memory and nostalgia: Alexandrie l'Egyptienne (1998) by Carlos Freire and Robert Sole

Victorian realism and the gothic: objects of terror transformed

On wonder: situating the spectacle in spiritualism and performance magic

Objects of terror transformed: Victorian realism and the gothic

γ-Heptalactone is an endogenously produced quorum-sensing molecule regulating growth and secondary metabolite production by Aspergillus nidulans

Love, faith and the CCP

Christian love, faith and the CCP

Process-driven biometric identification by means of autonomic grid components

The demonstrators - six colour forms & their antiforms: Marilyn & Antim / Polia & Antip / Olivia & Antio / Chrystophene & Antichry / Vectorah & Antiv / Cobra & Antico

Propaganda on the socialist periphery: power, reform and identity in Soviet Uzbek posters, 1950s – 1970s

Gender, alcohol and modernity in contemporary Kazakhstan

The dreams of archaeology

Impact of cultural exposure on young Chinese students’ adaptation in a UK business school

Mainland Chinese students’ group work adaptation in a UK business school

Nostalgia as a postscript: building workers’ memories of large construction sites in 1960s Britain

The art of concrete: building the South Bank arts centre

Building the M1 motorway

Building the Barbican 1962-1982

Something to show for it: the place of mementoes in women’s oral histories of work

It was a new world: building Sizewell a nuclear power station

Concrete constructors: oral history accounts of building work on a large, complex site in 1960s Britain

Environmental risk assessment and human pharmaceuticals: limitations and future improvements

Healthcare planning: the simulation perspective

Parental involvement within the school

Quantitative evidence in the evaluation of ADR: the case of judicial mediation in UK employment tribunals

Quantitative proteomic analysis of the response of the wood-rot fungus, Schizophyllum commune to the biocontrol fungus, Trichoderma viride

Transcriptome analysis shows activation of circulating CD8+ T cells in patients with severe asthma

European Muslim audiences and the negotiation of belonging

The 2011 Vancouver riot and the role of Facebook in crowd-sourced policing

Key features of a social media surveillance

Social media as surveillance: rethinking visibility in a converging world

Interpersonal surveillance on social media

A million media now! The rise of India on the global scene

South Asia and the frontline of the 'War on terror'

India and a new cartography of global communication

Joy, it's Nina



Mandela tales

Application repository and science gateway for running molecular docking and dynamics simulations

Intelligent analysis of acute bed overflow in a tertiary hospital in Singapore

Legislating for a big society? The case of the public services (social enterprise and social value) bill in England

Investigating volunteer computing for Simul8, a feasibility study

Validation of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry measures of abdominal fat by comparison with magnetic resonance imaging in an Indian population

D6.1 POEM stakeholder feedback on design.

Exchange traded funds: EU and US analysis and recommendations for market development based on information symmetry and arbitrage

Using data mining and simulation for health system understanding and capacity planning: an application to urgent care


Oral history video

Agit disco

Multilingualism in the vocabulary of dress and textiles in late medieval Britain: some issues for historical lexicology

Mining for gold: investigating a semantic classification in the lexis of cloth and clothing

Middle English: semantics and the lexicon

The impact of psychological stress on men's judgements of female body size

The influence of facial piercings and observer personality on perceptions of physical attractiveness and intelligence

Further investigation of the validity and reliability of the photographic figure rating scale for body image assessment

How not to feel good naked? The effects of television programmes that use 'real women' on female viewers' body image and mood

Associations between consideration of cosmetic surgery, perfectionism dimensions, appearance schemas, relationship satisfaction, excessive reassurance-seeking, and love styles

The effects of striped clothing on perceptions of body size

Dancing toward positive body image? Examining body-related constructs with ballet and contemporary dancers at different levels

The effects of symmetry and personality on aesthetic preferences

Examining conspiracist beliefs about the disappearance of Amelia Earhart

Perceptions of the physical attractiveness of the self, current romantic partners, and former partners

An examination of the temporal stability of self-assessed intelligence

Physical attractiveness and personality

Further examination of the psychometric properties of a Malay version of the Rosenberg self-esteem scale

Evolutionary perspectives on physical appearance

Body art: tattooing and piercing

'Real English' in Japan: team teachers' views on nativeness in language teaching

Danger, media, and the urban experience in Delhi

The cultural legacy of the 2012 games

Using complexity theory to develop understanding of tourism and the environment

Culture and the 2012 games: creating a tourism legacy?

Retrieval induced forgetting in depression and schizophrenia: role of mood and the cholinergic system

Evaluating and regulating the role of public broadcasters in the children’s media ecology: the case of home-grown television content

Quietus: the vessel, death and the human body

Smooth operators: architectural Deleuzism in societies of control

Drawing out the censors’ room

Distinct causal mechanisms of attentional guidance by working memory and repetition priming in early visual cortex

Metabolic profiling of the rat liver after chronic ingestion of alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate using in vivo and ex vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Back to the drawing board: rethinking multiculturalism

Machiavellian democratic innovations: McCormick’s people’s tribunate

The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI): a new institution for empowering Europe’s citizens?

Deliberative democracy and mini-publics

Events and urban regeneration: the strategic use of events to revitalise cities


Videogames and the digital sublime

Uneasy bodies: affect, embodies perception, and contemporary fashion photography

Labour productivity and rice production in Bangladesh: a stochastic frontier approach

Children in military custody


Children’s theatre in the UK: representing cultural diversity on stage through the practices of interculturalism, multiculturalism and internationalism

Post-occupancy evaluation of non-domestic buildings using passive downdraught evaporative cooling in south-west USA

Willkommen: a German course for adult beginners. Coursebook, 2 cds and support book, including online activities and language lab app. Revised 2nd edition

Complete German: beginner to intermediate course, including learning apps

Willkommen: activity book

Talk German grammar: a clear new approach


Fei Shengfu 費繩甫 (1851-1914): resolving the exterior to treat fever with loss of consciousness

Defining best practice or cultivating best practitioners

Contemporary China (chapter 8)

Constellations, significations, methods: case histories in late imperial China

Chinese medicine in the treatment of menopausal symptoms

Case histories in Chinese medicine

Towards the ethnography of filmic places: video-based research and found footage filmmaking in the anthropological investigation of Mexican migrant event video

Do public health messages impact on knowledge, diet and lifestyle choices of women during pregnancy?

Public service initiatives in Arab media today

From satellite to screen: how Arab TV is shaped in space

Governance of relocation: an examination of residential relocation processes in housing market renewal pathfinder areas in England

Withdrawal from and termination of non-proliferation treaties



Television News and the Limits of Globalisation: BBC World and Phoenix Television today

Antecedents of doctors’ purchase intention for innovative professional services: differences between commercial and educational services

The impact of promotion background colour on attitude and behavior

Craft, factory, profession: institutional logics in research supervision

Understanding depression through a 'coming out' framework

The narrative of technology: understanding the effect of New Media artwork in the museum

Putting it together: examining new media arts and creative practice



A risk analysis method for assessing risks based on interval-valued fuzzy number

Predicting hospital resource utilization: a fuzzy regression approach

La production litteraire camerounaise: theatre, roman, cinema


Book review: Postnationalist African cinemas, by Alexie Tcheuyap, Manchester University Press

The lectin Helix pomatia agglutinin recognises O-GlcNAc containing glycoproteins in human breast cancer

Return migration: the experience of Eastern Europe

In pubblicità la ripetizione è tutto? Il tormentone degli spot “olimpici” di Hengyuanxiang (Is repetition in advertising everything? The torment of Hengyuanxiang’s “Olympic” commercials)

The reliability of retrieval-induced forgetting

The principle of subsidiarity as a principle of economic efficiency

The metamorphosis of authority: a case study of the Aga Khan Development Network and the Ismaili Imamate

The financial and economic risks of film production

Assessing prior experiential learning: issues of authority, authorship and identity

Community empowerment or a strategy of containment? Evaluating neighbourhood governance in the city of Westminster

Ozone therapy

Noni (Morinda citrifolia)

Echinacea spp

Evaluating and internalising the environmental costs of logistics

The Triveneto transhumance: law, land, movement

Mapping the lawscape: spatial law and the body

Law, space, bodies: the emergence of spatial justice

Donner la culpabilité

The placebo response in migraine treatment

International and EU climate change law

The regionalization of criminal law: the example of European criminal law

The exploration and exploitation of energy resources in international law

Environmental regulation, business competitiveness and corporate responsibility

Compliance and enforcement in international, European and national environmental law

A cluster analysis examination of pet owners’ consumption values and behavior: segmenting owners strategically

Taking dogs to tourism activities: examining a pet-related constraints negotiation model

Henipavirus neutralising antibodies in an isolated island population of African fruit bats

The psychometrics forum event review: Using the emotional intelligence tool EQI in global team coaching. Dr. Steve Langhorn & Geetu Bharwaney

Evaluation of perceived image sharpness with changes in the displayed image size

Cultural Olympiads & the creative industries: local engagement in Torino and London

Application of expert systems in food mycology

Parties in democratic national assemblies: comparative assessment of parliaments note

The lexis of cloth and clothing in Britain c.700-1450: origins. identification, contexts and change

Cardiac expression of STARS, a novel gene involved in cardiac development and disease, is regulated by GATA4

Diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol and DHEA in adolescent anorexia nervosa

Differences between the diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol and DHEA in healthy female adolescents

The poacher turned gamekeeper: James Ferman and the increasing intervention of the law

The Olympics, the law and the contradictions of olympism

The Olympic laws and the tensions and contradictions of promoting and preserving the Olympic ideal

The Reconnaissance

The act of killing

Alpha thalassaemia and the severity of Plasmodium falciparum infection in microcytic children from the Ashanti region of Ghana

Store atmosphere: conceptual issues and its impact on shopping behavior

Investigating factors affecting material selection: the impacts on green vernacular building materials in the design-decision making process

Metabolomics of four TCM herbal products: application of HPTLC analysis

An analysis of the decision for plunging using log-SNP distributed asset returns

Creating better boards through codification: possibilities and limitations in UK corporate governance, 1992-2010

Return of the state? The G20, the financial crisis and power in the world economy

The regulation of nanotechnologies

Planning for world cities: shifting agendas and differing politics

London strategic planning

Les universités de Londres: concurrence, attractivité et gouvernance régionale

The limits of contestation: towards a radical democratic theory of emergency politics

e-petitioning and representative democracy: a doomed marriage?

British story

Transforming identities in Europe: Bulgaria and Macedonia between nationalism and Europeanization

Entrepreneurship, managerialism and professionalism in action: the case of the legal profession in England and Wales

Intervention in the emerging multipolar system: why R2P will miss the unipolar moment

Using firm level leverage as an investment strategy

PR today: the authoritative guide to public relations

A comparison of novel NG, NG-disubstituted arginines on recombinant dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 activity and nitrite production in RAW264.7 macrophages

Islamists and democracy in Sudan: the role of Hasan Turabi, 1989-2001

Russian small businesses: entrepreneurship in transition. Exploratory investigation of the factors that pushed and pulled individuals to open their own business in the Krasnodar region of Russia

Kisspeptin prevention of Amyloid-β Peptide neurotoxicity in vitro

Kissorphin, a hexapeptide derivative of Kisspeptin, acts via Neuropeptide FF receptors to inhibit cyclic adenosine monophosphate release but has no Gonadotrophin-Releasing-Hormone releasing activity

In vitro activities of Kissorphin, a novel hexapeptide KiSS-1 derivative, in neuronal cells


Media convergence: networked digital media in everyday life

“Find out exactly what to think—next!”: Chris Morris, Brass Eye, and journalistic authority

Continuity and transformation in convergent news: the case of WikiLeaks

Caffeine in hot drinks elicits cephalic phase responses involving cardiac activity

Development of greener vehicles, aircraft and ships

"'Boo!’ to taboo”: Gothic Performance at British Festivals

Building institutions to address miscarriages of justice in England and Wales: "mission accomplished"?

Film stardom after liveness

Adding value through coaching in Westminster Business School

Fear of reflections: the photoworks of Paul McCarthy

The utter misery of the human mind: apotropaic and theotropic in De Man’s Rousseau

Book review: War and memory in Lebanon

Why radio is Africa's medium of choice in the global age

UK climate change law and policy

Functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes and their binding to cancer cells.

Decisions, disagreement and responsibility: towards an agonistic green citizenship

Synthesis of novel tri-arm star shaped 1,3,5-triazine hydrazones from 2,4,6-tris(4-acetylphenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine core

International courts and tribunals: chambers

Biological diversity

A lifetime’s search for a theory of historical change

Cells, tissues and organs of the immune system

A comparison of self-reported analgesic use and detection of urinary ibuprofen and acetaminophen metabolites by means of metabonomics

Global gamers, transnational play, imaginary battlefield: encountering the gameplay experience in the war-themed first-person-shooter, Call of Duty

Diamond Street: the hidden world of Hatton Garden

A web-based hybrid system for blended electronic, mobile and social media marketing planning

A hybrid self-surviving, self-organising and adaptive foraging multi-agent approach towards advising and optimising combined strategies for marketing and competing in China

Editorial: Hybrid systems and adaptive foraging multi-agent approaches towards strategic marketing decision-making

Benefits and costs of switching to alternative fuels

Before-after assessment of a logistics trial with clean urban freight vehicles: a case study in London

How organizational learning enhances the strategic marketing decision-making process: a collectivist organizational perspective

Withdrawal from the European Union and alternatives to membership

European Union do not worry, Croatia is behind you: a commentary on the seventh accession treaty

Advocates General and Grand Chamber Cases: Assistance with the Touch of Substitution

The relationship between retrieval-induced forgetting, anxiety, and personality

Are you experienced? SME use of and attitudes towards workplace mediation

"Safe third  country" in the European Union: an evolving concept in international law and implications for the UK

Current developments in English for work and the workplace: approaches, curricula and materials

Antecedents of online services’ perceived usefulness: an empirical research

Shifts in the relationship between the state and civil society in Brazil’s recent democracy

Power load forecasting using adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks

Modelling of survival curves in food microbiology using adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks

The revolt and the role of the politicised youth in the Middle East

Children's influence strategies in practice: exploring the co-constructed nature of the child influence process in family consumption

Living war, reading war: emotions and responses in life-writing narratives of the French occupation

Lived experience past/reading experiences present: figures of memory in French life-writing narratives of the occupation

Ecrire au passé, au présent et au futur: Pierre Albert-Birot et les temps de la création

Engagement, bonding, and identity across multiple platforms: Avaaz on Facebook, YouTube, and MySpace

Automated P.falciparum detection system for post-treatment malaria diagnosis using modified annular ring ratio method

Novel Polyhydroxyalkanoate blends: their characterisation and possible applications

Edwardian amusement parks: the pleasure garden reborn?

Eco-city indicators: governance challenges

A new trend in education

Space, place and spatial loss in North African and Canadian writing in French

What shapes participation in a community-based intervention? Evidence from a qualitative evaluation of the well London project

The temporal dynamics of early visual cortex involvement in behavioral priming

Behavior in oblivion: the neurobiology of subliminal priming

Nonparametric smoothing of the impact of climate change for some selected diseases: a case study for Greater London

Place and identity on the borderland between old and new in Shanghai: A case study

N-Heterocyclic dronic acids: applications and synthesis

The NFTI-QOL: a disease-specific quality of life questionnaire for neurofibromatosis 2

The business of tourism. 9th edition

Political (re)learning and consumer culture in post-GDR society

Mapping exclusion in undergraduate psychology: towards a common architecture of the minority student experience

The paradox of pluralisation: masculinities, androgyny and male anxiety in contemporary China

Men, masculinities and intimate partner violence in China

Book review: Giovanni Vitiello. The libertine's friend: homosexuality and masculinity in late imperial China

Regionalisation and marginalisation: bridging old and new divisions in regional governance

Network regionalism, development agencies and peripheralisation through ‘loss of voice’

Die Governance von Metropolregionen: Manchester als Beispiel für Governance auf mehreren Ebenen (The governance of metropolitan regions: Manchester as example of multi-level governance)

The responsibility to protect: rhetoric, reality and the future of humanitarian intervention

Challenging the incompatibility paradigm: a democratic audit of Jordan, 1990-2010

Introduction and technical survey: protein aggregation and fibrillogenesis

Increased energy expenditure in gastric bypass rats is not caused by activated brown adipose tissue

Child labour and child schooling in rural Ethiopia: nature and trade-off

Chinese herbal products in the prevention and treatment of liver disease

Visual scene busyness measures through a region growing spatial segmentation

Region analysis through close contour transformation using growing neural gas

Image segmentation based on semi-greedy region merging

Empathic and non-empathic routes to visuospatial perspective-taking

The challenge of policy coordination for sustainable sociotechnical transitions: the case of the zero-carbon homes agenda in England

Are inter-airport performance comparisons worthwhile?

ACRP report 66: considering and evaluating airport privatization (member of consultancy team)

Soviet film-making under the 'producership' of the party state (1955-1985)

Hign noon: the BBC meets the West's most daring government

Classical political economy

Cognitive cues and visually induced motion sickness

Compact filters using metal-dielectric inserts

The law-science chasm: bridging law's disaffection with science as evidence

Security as a service in smart clouds: opportunities and concerns

Plenary panel description: challenges towards the global adoption of cloud computing

Characterizing application-architecture co-design by suitability functions

Contemporary fiction

Being human? Twenty-first century monsters

Leukocyte recruitment in the brain in sepsis: involvement of the annexin 1-FPR2/ALX anti-inflammatory system

The future of learning

Building visual surveillance systems with neural networks.

Management of the brain drain and its relationship withdemocratisation and human development in Libya

Cross-cultural differences in self-assessed intelligence: a comparison of British and Chinese undergraduates

Occupational and economic consequences of physical attractiveness

The influence of person traits on lawyer selection among British adults

Estimates of self, parental and partner multiple intelligences in Iran: a replication and extension

Introduction: Marx is back: the importance of Marxist theory and research for critical communication studies today

Introduction to the special section “Critical theory and political economy of the Internet (Nordmedia 2011)"

Introduction: Internet and surveillance

The political economy of privacy on Facebook

With or without Marx? With or without capitalism? A rejoinder to Adam Arvidsson and Eleanor Colleoni

Web 2.0 surveillance and art

Some reflections on Manuel Castells’ book “Networks of outrage and hope. Social movements in the Internet age“

New Marxian times! Reflections on the 4th ICTs and society conference "Critique, democracy and philosophy in 21st century information society. Towards critical theories of social media"

Media, war and information technology

La politica economica dei social media [The political economy of social media, in Italian]

Google capitalism

Dallas Smythe today: the audience commodity, the digital labour debate, Marxist political economy and critical theory. Prolegomena to a digital labour theory of value

Critique of the political economy of web 2.0 surveillance

Conference report: The 4th ICTs and society conference: critique, democracy and philosophy in 21st century information society

Lectin array based strategies for identifying metastasis-associated changes in glycosylation

Adult health and health equity in times of fast economic growth in Albania(2002–2005)

Unpaid work in Europe: gender and country differences

Constructing the placebo effect in the placebo wars: What is the way ahead?

Constructing an evidence base for East Asian medicines

Becoming a cosmopolitan lawyer

Transnational lawyering: clients, ethics and regulation

Central - regional budget allocation process in Iran: a critical analysis

Slow spaces

Enhanced production of the polyhydroxyalkanoate, P(3HB), from cacillus cereus SPV and its applications in cartilage regeneration

Investigating antigenic epitopes on the lyssavirus glycoprotein

The intimate individual: perspectives from the mother-daughter relationship in urban China

Guo Yuhua: narratives of the "sufferer" as historical testimony

Coordinated multipoint power consumption modelling for energy efficiency assessment in LTE/LTE-advanced cellular networks

Tada’iyat al-Thawrah fi’l-Sudan (The consequences of the revolution in Sudan)

Revolutionary anatomy: the lessons of the Sudanese revolutions of October 1964 and April 1985

Review article: the Arab Spring and the crisis of interpretation

Neocon orientalism

Narrating religious insecurity: Islamic-Western conceptions of mutual threat

Democracy after the alternatives: overcoming the "fear of democracy" in the Sudanese context

Al-Arab wa Janub al-Sudan: Bay al-Salbiyya wa’l-Ghiyab (Arabs and South Sudan: absence and negative presence)

Doing qualitative research in dentistry and dental education

The out for good resettlement project

WMIN-MOBILE: a mobile learning platform for information and service provision

A study of the development of critical thinking skills using an innovative web 2.0 tool

Impact of a novel training experience on the development of a customer service culture in a large hospital trust

The other side of Waiting

Inscription as a collective practice: taking place and "the other side of waiting"

2DE- based proteomics for the analysis of metastasis associated proteins

Building a logic model for a complex intervention: a worked example from the Well London CRCT

Semantic technologies:from niche to the mainstream of Web 3? A comprehensive framework for web Information modelling and semantic annotation

The differential effect of illicit drug use on cognitive function in first-episode psychosis and healthy controls

In defence of pictorial space: stereoscopic photography and architecture in the nineteenth century

Case study: Bushra Ahmed: the legendary Joe Bloggs

Case studies

Critical perspectives on landscape: introduction

The architectural model in the age of its mechanical reproducibility

Transforming ideas into pictures: model photography and modern architecture

Complaints about dog faeces as a symbolic representation of incivility in London, UK: a qualitative study

What are the specific pathways and project components that have a positive impact on the well-being of participants in a ‘well London’ project?

Metonymic processing: a cognitive ability relevant to translators, editors and language teachers

Profiling hospitals based on emergency readmission: a multilevel transition modelling approach

A decision support tool for health service re-design

Navigating the perfect storm: research stategies for socialecological systems in a rapidly evolving world

Piercing brightness

New dream machine project

Administrando o cotidiano da prisao no Brasil (Managing everyday prison life in Brazil)

CoreGRID/ERCIM workshop on grids, clouds and P2P computing: CGWS2011

How to predict high dependency cot demand in upcoming days

Annexin A1 N-terminal derived Peptide ac2-26 exerts chemokinetic effects on human neutrophils

Analysis of gene expression data from non-small celllung carcinoma cell lines reveals distinct sub-classesfrom those identified at the phenotype level

A fleeting moment in times of cognitive dissonance: foreword and introductory essay

Rights, action, change: organize for what?

Imperial agendas, global solidarities, and third world socio-legal studies: methodological reflections

Localisation strategies of US-owned children's television networks in five European markets

The spectres of abstraction and the place of photography

Weighted instance based learner (WIBL) for user profiling

Multi-dimensional clustering in user profiling

Relevance of systems pharmacology in drug discovery

Migrants, borders and labour regimes in Mauritania: between militarisation and mobility

Organizing deliberation: the perspectives of professional participation practitioners in Britain and Germany

Accessing public transport, a comparative study of Berlin and London

D3.1 The design of propagation- and passenger-oriented metrics

A quantitative exploration of flight prioritisation principles, using new delay costs

A test of the rational expectations hypothesis using data from a natural experiment

Assessing multiple prior models of behaviour under ambiguity

Politics and the environment: from theory to practice. 3rd edition

The reappropriation of classical mythology to represent pain: falling silent in the work of Kathy Acker and Robert Mapplethorpe

Repressive desublimation and the great refusal in Bret Easton Ellis's fiction

Radical interiors: Cindy Sherman's ‘Sex pictures’ and Kathy Acker's 'My mother: demonology'

'Contemporary artists and the camera’, ‘Performance and participation’, ‘Bodies politic’, ‘Erotica’ and ‘Advertising'

The development of building labour in Britain in the twentieth century: is it distinct from elsewhere in Europe?

Cross-national equivalence of skills and qualifications across Europe: EQF LC impact case study

The career development centre skills award: evaluating a retention and employability initiative in higher education

The career development centre skills award: evaluating a retention and employability initiative - University of Westminster

Mapping learner transitions in the new higher education

It's about more than getting a job

Evaluating a retention and employability initiative in higher education

An education in sport: competition, communities and identities at the University of Westminster since 1864

Working-class suburb: social change on an English council estate, 1930 - 2010

Anglo-American crossroads: urban research and planning in Britain, 1940-2010

Strategic and organisational perspectives

STARS (striated muscle activator of rho signalling) is essential to maintain cardiac development and function in vivo via a SRF pathway

The Abra gene: a crucial factor for cardiac development and disease

Basic illocutions of the MG indicative

Evaluation of the experience led commissioning in end of life care project

Imagining a city never visited: a case study of destination images of London held by Czech non-visitors

Quantification of norisoboldine in Linderae Radix by ultra-performance liquid chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection

A chemically unlocked binary molecular switch

Cinema in the colonial city: early film audiences in Calcutta

Faust on film: Walter Benjamin and the cinematic ontology of Goethe's Faust 2

The limits of post-territorial political community

Le point de vue de David Chandler

Development as freedom?: from colonialism to countering climate change

Comment le state-building affaiblit les Etats

Individual differences in music consumption are predicted by uses of music and age rather than emotional intelligence, neuroticism, extraversion or openness

Third international fascia research congress 2012

Slums and salvation

At the end of the day: Macmillan's account of the Cuban missile crisis

The anti-inflammatory effects of melanocortin peptides in lipopolysaccharide activated chondrocytes

Walker Evans' Pages

Re/cut archive and print project

The black tower

Pulsed interference mitigation employing periodic nonuniform decimation

Fast median calculation method

Process orientated guided inquiry learning: first year of implementation

Reclaiming the image. Béla Tarr's world of 'inhuman' becoming: an artistic and philosophical inquiry

Le Monde s’effondre? Translating anglophone African literature in the world republic of letters

Representations in UK employment tribunals: analysis of the 2003 and 2008 survey of employment tribunal applications (SETA)

What’s the point of a national law society? A case study from Colombia

Black holes at the heart of European contract law? Exclusion clauses in international supply contracts under sections 26 and 27 unfair contract terms act 1977

London 2012: the potential to change delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Olympic Games on traffic flows

Reducing social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport: a review of some major cities

Tradition and innovation: five decades of Harrow ceramics


Anxiety of endeavour: personal recollections of Harrow

Another room

Book review: Jean-Pierre Renouard, My stripes were earned in hell

Book review: Jean-Marc Dreyfus and Sarah Gensburger, Nazi labour camps in Paris: Austerlitz, Lévitan, Bassano, July 1943–August 1944

Geopolitics in the “Land of the Prince”: a passe-partout to global power politics?

Implementation and behaviour

Security, society and the Games

On the move

Mobile Johannesburg

Book review: Forensic architecture. Review of Weizman, E. The least of all possible evils. Humanitarian violence from Arendt to Gaza

6 ways of being a stranger

Evaluation of nonlinear distortion in MIMO transmitters

The Mayor's housing strategy and the London plan amendments

Using qualitative methods to explore non-disclosure: the example of self-injury

Intersections or misdirections? Problematising crossroads of memory in the commemoration of 9/11

The later history of Greenwich: a river landscape and architectural statement

Review article: Paul Drury, Hill Hall

Localizando el compromiso público (locating public engagement)

Exploring the listening process to inform the development of strategy awareness-raising materials

D2.1 Design of the model scenarios

D2.1A Logical architecture

Imaginary landscapes

Revisiting the ‘double production industry’: advertising, consumption and ‘technoporn’ surrounding the music technology press

Information and communication technologies and skill upgrading: the role of internal vs external labour markets

‘Et tu, Peter?’ Some kinds of real–(or not so) politik at the Festival of Britain

Predictors of job satisfaction among general practitioners of South Asian descent in Britain

In and out of the box: Bashir Makhoul’s Forbidden City

The causal relationship between private and public investment in Zimbabwe

Photography after postmodernism: Barthes, Stieglitz and the art of memory

Localizing the media, locating ourselves: a critical comparative analysis of socio-spatial sorting in locative media platforms (Google AND Flickr 2009-2011)

It's ownership, stupid: why plurality lies at the heart of media policy reform - and how to achieve it

Imposition or empowerment? Freedom of speech, broadcasting and impartiality

The Physarum Experiments

Reconceptualising e-business performance measurement using an innovation adoption framework

Web 2.0 and micro-businesses: An exploratory investigation

Comparative performance analysis of a streamlined iteration cancellation technique for MIMO-OFDM systems with memoryless nonlinearity

Driving dangerously: law, culture and driving habits in Iran

Politics of Iran-West relations within the contextof Iranian occidentalism; image of the west in theIranian press during reformism (1997-2001) and conservatism (2005-2009)

“To inflict impossible pain”: the binding of Isaac, divinity, and Kierkegaard in Howard Barker’s Rome

Turning around the poorest neighbourhoods: learning the lessons from twenty years of neighbourhood-based regeneration strategies in England

Religious freedom in a secular society: an analysis of the French approach to manifestation of beliefs in the public sphere

Molecular intervention in Pierce's Disease

Open-loop tunable resonators and filters with constant bandwidth

Miniaturised bandpass filters for wireless communications

The psychology of people in organisations

International law and international relations. 2nd edition

The accreditation of prior learning in professional doctorate curricula

Accreditation of experiential learning at doctoral level

Developing a convict criminology group in the UK

Tweeting like a pigeon: the Internet in the Arab

Social media, mediation and the Arab revolutions

Framing the Internet in the Arab revolutions: myth meets modernity

Mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage

China and India: postcolonial informal empires in the emerging global order

Dietary sugars: TLC screening of sugars in urine and blood samples

The role of urban consolidation centres in sustainable freight transport

London freight data report 2012

Survey techniques in urban freight transport studies

Sustainability strategies for city logistics

Does e-mentoring offer new opportunities for management and leadership development?

The Role of Advocacy and Activism

Cycling cultures: summary of key findings and recommendations

Efficient multidimensional sampling scheme for Fourier transform estimation

The clean development mechanism: legal and contractual framework in CDM renewable energy projects

Do women prefer “nice guys”? The effect of male dominance behavior on women’s ratings of sexual attractiveness

Semi-shared storage subsystem for OpenNebula

Enhancing democratic communication? Television and partisan politics in Palestine

The photobook: from Talbot to Ruscha and beyond

Time for change: developing English language teaching at tertiary level in Sudan

Socieda compleja: justicia y desarrollo. (Complex society: justice and development)

Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems and applications

Media and terrorism: global perspectives

Marx is back: the importance of Marxist theory and research for critical communication studies today

Killer images: documentary film, memory and the performance of violence

Intelligent and knowledge-based computing for business and organizational advancements

Integrating East Asian medicines into contemporary healthcare

In cold blood

Glimpses of freedom: independent cinema in Southeast Asia

Europeanisation au XX siecle: un regard historique/ Europeanisation in the 20th century: the historical lens

Environmental and energy law

Critical theory and political economy of the Internet @ Nordmedia 2011

Biosensors and environmental health

Biosensors and cancer

Bernard Tschumi: Parc de la Villette

Alan S. Milward and a century of European change

Topographic contribution of early visual cortex to short-term memory consolidation: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study

Not all lies are spontaneous: An examination of deception across different modes of communication

Utopian Adventure: The Corviale Void

Relation between trunk fat volume and reduction of total lung capacity in obese men

The missing risk: MRI and MRS phenotyping of abdominal adiposity and ectopic fat

Ovarian dysgenesis associated with an unbalanced X;6 translocation: first characterisation of reproductive anatomy and cytogenetic evaluation in partial trisomy 6 with breakpoints at Xq22 and 6p23

Consumer perspectives of cultural branding: the case of Burberry in Taiwan

Urinary 1H-NMR metabonomics study on intervention effects of soya milk in Africans

Sustainable development for the logistics industry in the UK

The effect of hypoxia and work intensity on insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes

Visual awareness suppression by pre-stimulus brain stimulation: a neural effect

The constraints for taking pets to leisure activities

Simulation modelling software approaches to manufacturing problems

The effects of glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists on mouse hypothalamic and hippocampal neuronal activity shown through manganese enhanced MRI

Meetings facilities at airports

Welfare systems and adequacy of pension benefits in Europe

Credit rating migration risk and business cycles

Periostin modulates myofibroblast differentiation during full-thickness cutaneous wound repair

A trans-Islamic revolution? Reflections on the fate of Islamism in the era of Arab mass revolutions

Estacao Carandiru

Debrisoquine metabolism and CYP2D expression in marmoset liver microsomes

Satisfaction with inpatient treatment for first-episode psychosis among different ethnic groups: A report from the UK ÆSOP study

The role, organisation and contribution of community enterprise to urban regeneration policy in the UK

Identification of the Listeria monocytogenes survival curves in UHT whole milk utilising local linear wavelet neural networks

How managers succeed by letting employees lead

Spectral analysis of stratified sampling: a means to perform efficient multiband spectrum sensing

A reconfigurable wideband and multiband antenna using dual-patch elements for compact wireless devices

Picturing the World's news: news photography, culturalproduction, Thomson Reuters and the international processof news making

Subtopia: photography, architecture and the new towns programme

Fat, Queer, Dead: ‘Obesity’ and the Death Drive

Women’s participation in expatriation: the contribution oforganisational policy & practice. A case study of the oil & gasexploration & production sector

Book review: Supervision in coaching: supervision, ethics and continuous professional development

Assessing the British Public Value Test: benefits, limitations and challenges ahead

The art school in ruins

The creative underclass in the production of place: example of Camden Town in London

Fermentable carbohydrate alters hypothalamic neuronal activity and protects against the obesogenic environment

A novel approach to determining the affinity of protein-carbohydrate interactions employing adherent cancer cells grown on a biosensor surface

Excess body fat in obese and normal weight subjects

Assessing carbon footprint and energy efficiency in competing supply chains: Review – Case studies and benchmarking

Intrahepatic insulin exposure, intrahepatocellular lipid and regional body fat in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Recasting Terracotta

Hepatic steatosis, GH deficiency and the effects of GH replacement: a Liverpool magnetic resonance spectroscopy study

Novel biodegradable and biocompatible poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate)/bacterial cellulose composites

Featural and holistic processing in facial composite construction: the role of cognitive style and processing sets

Gender differences in VLDL1 and VLDL2 triglyceride kinetics and fatty acid kinetics in obese postmenopausal women and obese men

Physiological response of bacillus licheniformis NCIMB 8874to oligosaccharide elicitors

Optically reconfigurable CPW filters for UWB applications

SPSS for psychologists. 5th edition

Editorial: Healthy ageing: a question of sustainability

Forecasting Overseas Visitors to the UK Using Continuous Time and Autoregressive Fractional Integrated Moving Average Models with Discrete Data

Beyond the genome and proteome: targeting protein modifications in cancer

Visual region understanding: unsupervised extraction and abstraction

Autonomous Growing Neural Gas for applications with time constraint: Optimal parameter estimation

Enhanced bio-decolourisation of acid orange 7 by Shewanella oneidensis through co-metabolism in a microbial fuel cell

British convict criminology: developing critical insider perspectives on prison

Safe, long-term hepatic expression of anti-HCV shRNA in a nonhuman primate model

The British army of the Rhine and the Germans (1948-1957): from enemies to partners

Chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory role of melanocortin peptides in TNF-α activated human C-20/A4 chondrocytes

Information systems as a discipline in the making: comparing EJIS and MISQ between 1995 and 2008

Fatty acid flux and oxidation are increased by rimonabant in obese women

Governing transport from welfare state to hollow state: the case of cycling in the UK

Non-Proliferation law as a special regime

'Its origin and purpose still a total mystery': Leavis and Kubrick on creativity

Law and economics of the European multilingualism

How does globalization affect the tax burden on labour income, capital income and consumption in different welfare regimes? The case of Western and Eastern EU Member States

Polycystic ovary syndrome with hyperandrogenism is characterized by an increased risk of hepatic steatosis compared to nonhyperandrogenic PCOS phenotypes and healthy controls, independent of obesity and insulin resistance

Evaluation of Fourier transform estimation schemes of multidimensional signals using random sampling

Environment correspondents in China in their own words: their perceptions of their role and the possible consequences of their journalism

Mental health literacy of depression: gender differences and attitudinal antecedents in a representative British sample

Film consumer decision-making: the Philadelphia story, 1935–36

Balancing public and private interests in online media: the case of BBC Digital Curriculum

ZFP36L1 negatively regulates plasmacytoid differentiation of BCL1 cells by targeting BLIMP1 mRNA

High-resolution fish on DNA fibers for low-copy repeats genome architecture studies.

Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new breast cancer susceptibility loci

Infra red spectroscopy, flash pyrolysis, thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM) in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) of cultured and sediment-derived Lingulodinium polyedrum (Dinoflagellata) cyst walls

The mycelial response of the white-rot fungus, Schizophyllum commune to the biocontrol agent, Trichoderma viride

Beautiful as the chance meeting on a dissecting table of a sewing machine and an umbrella! Individual differences and preference for surrealist literature

Factor structure and correlates of the acceptance of cosmetic surgery scale among South Korean university students

Complementary medicine and safety: a systematic investigation of design and reporting of systematic reviews

The N-glycans of Trichomonas vaginalis contain variable core and antennal modifications

Beyond totalitarian nostalgia: a critical urban reception study of historical drama on contemporary Chinese television

The short-term effectiveness of a remedial mathematics course: evidence from a UK university

Posttraining transcranial magnetic stimulation of striate cortex disrupts consolidation early in visual skill learning

Urocortin is a novel regulator of osteoclast differentiation and function through inhibition of a canonical transient receptor potential 1-like cation channel

Multi-system-multi-operator localization in PLMN using neural networks

Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont

Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production by Bacillus cereus SPV using sugarcane molasses as the main carbon source

Race and capitalism redux

Coaxial electrospinning with sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate solution for high quality polyacrylonitrile nanofibers

Social media optimism vs pessimism

‘My’ self on camera: first person DV documentary filmmaking in twentyfirst century China

The transfer of iron between ceruloplasmin and transferrins

From beyond the grave: the legal regulation of mediumship

Global change and tourism in national capitals

Capitalness is contingent: tourism and national capitals in a globalised world

Accurate stability prediction of one-bit higher-order delta-sigma (Δ-Σ) modulators for multiple-sinusoidal inputs

Dynamics of knowledge sharing in a cross-cultural environment

Meso-habitat use by brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a small groundwater-dominated stream

The next generation of the web: an organisational perspective

Materia Prima, text-as-image

Mining anomalous events against frequent sequences in surveillance videos from commercial environments

Reconfigurable penta-band PIFA for small and slim mobile handsets

Review of Mayoral planning decisions

Synthesis, characterization and anticancer evaluation of novel tri-arm star shaped 1,3,5-triazine hydrazones

Transformative innovation policy to meet the challenge of climate change: sociotechnical networks aligned with consumtion and end-use as a new public arena for the transition to a low carbon society or green economy

19p13.1 is a triple negative-specific breast cancer susceptibility locus

An investigation of the protective effect of alpha+-thalassaemia against severe Plasmodium falciparum amongst children in Kumasi, Ghana

In vivo pharmacology: reaping the benefits of analysis at the cell type level

Romantic relationships in organisational settings: attitudes on workplace romance in the UK and USA

The dark side of leadership: what happens when leaders 'derail'

Journeys towards well-being: men, meditation and mental health

Brief: Cultural diversity and its significance for international cultural engagement

Youth justice reform: redressing age discrimination against children?

Hop Rayuela Backstein

Genetic programming for generalised helicopter hovering control

The sociocultural adjustment trajectory of international university students and the role of university structures: a qualitative investigation

American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora L):a study of its effects on mood in healthy volunteers

Money market funds in the US and the EU: a legal and comparative analysis

Ribosome display of combinatorial antibody libraries derived from mice immunised with heat-killed Xylella fastidiosa and the selection of MopB-specific single-chain antibodies

Plasticity, recycling and procrastination: the dialectic between resistance and change

Hybrid cloud adoption issues are a case in point for the need for industry regulation of cloud computing

Building platforms for creativity: eight principles

Harnessing the power of web-based technologies in construction education

Simultaneous determination of six alkaloids and one monoterpene in rat plasma by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry and pharmacokinetic study after oral administration of a Chinese medicine Wuji Pill

Selection of single blastocysts for fresh transfer via standard morphology assessment alone and with array CGH for good prognosis IVF patients: results from a randomized pilot study

A continuous-time delta-sigma modulator for RF subsampling receivers

Does physical activity reduce risk for Alzheimer’s disease through interaction with the stress neuroendocrine system?

Associative democracy and the social economy: exploring the regulatory challenge

Is quorum sensing involved in lovastatin production in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus terreus?

Critical evaluation of different research paradigms

Evodiamine, a dual catalytic inhibitor of type I and II topoisomerases, exhibits enhanced inhibition against camptothecin resistant cells

Can justice dethrone democracy in the European Union? A reply to Jürgen Neyer

Individualized prediction of illness course at the first psychotic episode: a support vector machine MRI study

Molecular and cellular insights into iron regulation

Uneven encounters and paradoxical rights: embodiment and difference in sexual orientation rights and activism

Mechanistic modeling of vertebrate spatial contrast sensitivity and acuity at low luminance

Sex differences in components of imagined perspective transformation

Russia and the Middle East: a Cold War paradigm?

The hidden cost of airline unpunctuality

Compact filter configurations using concentric microstrip open-loop resonators

Is there a link between childhood trauma, cognition, and amygdala and hippocampus volume in first-episode psychosis?

Bioactivity-guided fractionation of the volatile oil of Angelica sinensis radix designed to preserve the synergistic effects of the mixture followed by identification of the active principles

Investigations of the human faecal Coriobacteriaceae population

Digital transformations means open access… and a whole new way of doing things

A tale of two books: an experiment in cutting out the middlepeople with Kindle self-publishing

Classified: University of Westminster celebrates 100 years of the BBFC

Chinese television 'internationalization' and the search for creativity

The effect of preterm birth on adiposity and metabolic pathways and the implications for later life

Impact of meditation on emotional intelligence and self-perception of leadership skills

Using more than 10% of our brains: examining belief in science-related myths from an individual differences perspective

Capital structure and abnormal returns

On the thermal performance of low income housing during heat waves

Elemental imaging of MRI contrast agents: benchmarking of LA-ICP-MS to MRI

Rules of the game: whose value is served when the board fires the owners?

Aircraft noise, overheating and poor air quality in classrooms in London primary schools

Array comparative genomic hybridization screening in IVF significantly reduces number of embryos available for cryopreservation

Surveying emissions trading through a multi-level governance lens

Construction purchasing power parities: potential roles and limitations

Evaluation of hierarchical desktop grid scheduling algorithms

Concurrent resistance and aerobic exercise stimulates both myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis in sedentary middle-aged men

Computing in Asia: a sampling of recent success stories

Resilience and human security: the post-interventionist paradigm

The effect of employment while in high school on educational attainment: a conditional difference-in-differences approach

Financial expectations and the ‘left–right’ political value scale: testing for the POUM hypothesis

The use of Scutellaria lateriflora: a pilot survey amongst herbal medicine practitioners

Constructing mobile places between ‘leisure’ and ‘transport’: a case study of two group cycle rides

Julius Caesar

Programming applications for desktop grids

Leadership Development as a Way of Life: Unleashing the Repressed Creativity in Ourselves and Others

Optimizing environmental flows between dams

The DietCompLyf study: a prospective longitudinal study of breast cancer survival

Systemic diagramming: an approach to decoding urban ecologies

The validity of the primary and secondary appraisal scale (PASA) for use with athletes

Use of patient narratives in promoting recovery from depression

Novel methods for the quantification of changes in actin organization in chondrocytes using fluorescent imaging and linear profiling

DietCompLyf study: a multi-centre UK study on breast cancer. What are the dietary and lifestyle changes following diagnosis?

Identification of metastasis-associated glycoproteins in colorectal cancer

Institutional logics, translated, in corporate governance

Compact dielectric-filled waveguide filters and diplexers

How mutuality reinforces partnership development: Japanese and Korean marketing perspectives

Making distributed computing infrastructures interoperable and accessible for e-scientists at the level of computational workflows

Mother India in six voices: melodrama, voice performance, and Indian films in Siam

A collaborative agent system architecture for cloud-based community care services control and management

Introduction: themes of scarcity

A planar ultrawideband antenna with photonically controlled notched bands

Expression of melanocortin 3 receptors (MC3) in the reproductive axes of both male and female mice

Compensation of undesired effects in MIMO wireless transceivers

Scarcity: architecture in the age of depleting resources

The career development centre skills award

Towards “publish, then filter” for academic research

Investigation of the impact of feeding Lactobacillus plantarum CRL 1815 encapsulated in microbially derived polymers on the rat faecal microbiota

Chemotaxonomically significant roburic acid from section cruciata of gentiana

The role of small businesses in employment and enterprise

Personality differences between tattooed and non-tattooed individuals

An investigation of self-rated cues believed to influence the judgment of intelligence in a zero-acquaintance context

Balancing selected medication costs with total number of daily injections: a preference analysis of GnRH-agonist and antagonist protocols by IVF patients

Local variations in youth drinking cultures

The phenotypic characterization of A13/BACii, a novel bovine chondrocytic cell line with differentiation potential

Speed and blood on the bypass: the new automobilities of inter-war London

Quality circles and human rights: tackling the universalism and cultural relativism divide

Smart computational grids: infrastructure for tackling global integration challenges

Patient experience of acupuncture provision in a GP practice

The Bologna process and widening participation in university education: new evidence from Italy

Measuring the earnings returns to lifelong learning in the UK

Social psychological origins of conspiracy theories: the case of the Jewish conspiracy theory in Malaysia

Metabolic pathways of the psychotropic-carboline alkaloids, harmaline and harmine, by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy

Long-term development of express coach services in Britain

Are SKOS concept schemas ready for multilingual applications?

Personality and individual difference correlates of attitudes toward human rights and civil liberties

Weight discrepancy and body appreciation of Zimbabwean women in Zimbabwe and Britain

Factor structure of the body appreciation scale among Indonesian women and men: further evidence of a two-factor solution in a non-Western population

Social connectedness and generalized trust: a longitudinal perspective

Comprehensive genetic assessment of the human embryo: can empiric application of microarray comparative genomic hybridization reduce multiple gestation rate by single fresh blastocyst transfer?

L’eredità intellettuale di Alan S. Milward (The intellectual legacy of Alan S. Milward)

Linear and non-linear associations of symptom dimensions and cognitive function in first-onset psychosis

Deviant disabilities: the exclusion of drug and alcohol addiction from the Equality Act 2010

Performance, emotion work, and transition: challenging experiences of complementary therapy student practitioners commencing clinical practice

The souls of Muslim folk: the "Obama Phenomenon" and the paradoxes of paranoid anti-multiculturalism

Ritual and recovery in post-conflict Sri Lanka

You Should Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth: One-Size-Fits-All Compensation in Wrongful Conception

Understanding urban freight activity: key issues for freight planning

Ethnic Chinese smallholders in the Malaysian palm oil industry: factors governing their business choices

A phenotype–genotype correlation of ADAMTS13 mutations in congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients treated in the United Kingdom

Experiencing meanings in Spark's 'The prime of Miss Jean Brodie’

Demolition figures: the appearance and expression of the topman and mattockman in LCC contracts, 1941–1951

A detailed investigation into yoga interventions used in clinical trials

Investigating relationships between road freight transport, facility location, logistics management and urban form

Governing the corporation and the news: Murdoch, Foucault and governmentality

A dark side of positive illusions? Associations between the love-is-blind bias and the experience of jealousy

The lexical effects of Anglo-Scandinavian linguistic contact on old English

Genomic biomarkers for patient selection and stratification: the cancer paradigm

Virtual appliance size optimization with active fault injection

Adiposity in children and adolescents: correlates and clinical consequences of fat stored in specific body depots

Selecting your boss: sex, age, IQ and EQ factors

Behind the news: social media, riots, and revolutions

All-adaptive blind matched filtering for the equalization and identification of multipath channels: a practical approach

Green hotel knowledge and tourists’ staying behavior

Effect of lactobacillus acidophilus NCDC 13 supplementation on the progression of obesity in diet-induced obese mice

Remembering 1962 Sino-Indian border war: politics of memory

McQ Autumn/Winter Show 2012

Processes and tasks in collaborative writing in engineering: research-informed views and pedagogical applications

Responding to an activist public: Hangzhou Press Office rethinks its role

Bridging borders in the global city: negotiating sameness and difference in Hong Kong’s skilled immigrants from mainland China

Policing social media

Positive body image: inter-ethnic and rural-urban differences among an indigenous sample from Malaysian Borneo

Can testing immunize memories against interference?

Climate change and food security: health impacts in developed countries

The Caribbean

Corporate responsibility, supply chain partnership and performance: an empirical examination

Target animacy influences chimpanzee handedness

The raising of the school leaving age: returns in later life

Endless analogue: situating vintage technologies in the contemporary recording & production workplace

Physiological evidence consistent with reduced neuroplasticity in human adolescents born preterm

Intermodal rail freight activity in Britain: where has the growth come from?

Human rights, corporate social responsibility and international economic law: strong answers to strong questions?

Towards a comparative analysis of democratic innovations: lessons from a small-n fsQCA of participatory budgeting

Endocannabinoids in neuroendopsychology: multiphasic control of mitochondrial function

Differential relationship between neurological and cognitive dysfunction in first episode psychosis patients and in healthy individuals

Advancing project management: authenticating the shift from process to "nuanced" project-based management in the ambidextrous organisation

Hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction induced by fatty acids and ethanol

Lavender and sleep: a systematic review of the evidence

Swing up and balance control of the acrobot solved by genetic programming

Does studying abroad cause international labor mobility? Evidence from Italy

Icarus falls: the coal health scandal

A hybrid intelligent approach for the prediction of electricity consumption

Is the UK a safe country for asylum seekers under the Dublin system? An international law perspective