Bundling Governance: Finance Versus Institutions in Private Investment Promotion
Activity theory based analysis of mobile Language Learning among School Leavers of Sri Lanka
Desktop grid in the era of cloud computing
Boosting gLite with cloud augmented volunteer computing
Occupying Power: Strategies for Change in Occupy London
Sottrazione di dati informatici, spionaggio e diritto internazionale umanitario
The Nicaragua Grand Canal – Economic Miracle or Folie de Grandeur?
Bond is not enough: Elektra King and the desiring Bond girl
Ethnomusicology, Anthropology and Ethics: A practical, applied and philosophical perspective
The role of religiosity in self-concept and ethical consumption
The Development of an Energy Index to Assess Energy Reduction
The Effect of Suspended Ceilings on Thermal Mass to Reduce Overheating
Energy Performance and Improvement Potentials for Selected Heritage Building Adaptation in England
Using lighting to enhance positive inmate’s behaviour
The Impact of Lighting on Outcomes In Prison
Two-pore domain potassium channels: Potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of pain
Post awakening cortisol and melatonin secretion are not related
Dietary Patterns of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Study Based in Egypt
Determinants of the WTI/Brent Oil Futures Differential
The Pros and Cons of Using Templates in Subtitling
Book Review: Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age
Book Review: Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age
Metonym in Culture and Recreation
Lesion-induced accumulation of platelets promotes survival of adult neural stem / progenitor cells.
Beyond Clotting: A Role of Platelets in CNS Repair?
Leading Issues in Social Media Research
Peer to peer learning--showcasing social media research
Communication Futures: DRHA2014 Proceedings/Full Papers
A diet low in sugar reduces the production of atherogenic lipoproteins in men with high liver fat
Exercise training alters VLDL TG and apoB metabolism in men with non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD)
Diphtheria in Lao PDR: insufficient coverage or ineffective vaccine?
Hemoglobin and ferritin concentrations in subjects with metabolic syndrome
A Rare Case of Nonsecretory Multiple Myeloma in Lagos, Nigeria: A Case Report and Literature Review
Serosurveillance of vaccine preventable diseases and hepatitis C in healthcare workers from Lao PDR
Doubled Up: the Art of the Body
Forensic Live Response: Why an Object May be Evidence in the Court of Law?
On some suggested applications of sudoku in information systems security
A Configurational Accessibility Study of Road and Metro Network in Shanghai, China
Impact of donation mode on the proportion and function of T lymphocytes in the liver
The Vital Role of Metonymy in Conceptualization and Communication
The O'Neills of the Fews: their origin, descendants and DNA profile I
Relationships in the context of suicide risk
Dynamic Constructs and Static Gender: Constructing Higher Education by Deconstructing Well-Being
Cross-Section Stock Return and Implied Covariance between Jump and Diffusive Volatility
Correlated implied volatility with jump and cross section of stock returns
Chemerin Regulates Crosstalk Between Adipocytes and Vascular Cells Through Nox
Single-dose serotonergic stimulation shows widespread effects on functional brain connectivity
The cortical thickness phenotype of individuals with DISC1 translocation resembles schizophrenia
Tracking MSE performance analysis of the ∈-NSLMS algorithm
Insights into the convergence and steady-state behaviors of the SLMF and its variants
Engineering education for a resilient society: A case study of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
On the convergence, steady-state, and tracking analysis of the SRLMMN algorithm
A note on NSRLMS, NSRLMF, and NSRLMMN adaptive algorithms
As Sushma meets Xi, a question lingers: where exactly is the India-China border
Approximating social ties based on call logs: Whom should we prioritize?
Two Decades of Research on Innovation Paradoxes: A Review and Directions for Future Research
Management Implication of Stereotype or Qualification Towards Female Progression
Betaine: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects (Food and Nutritional Components in Focus)
Molecular effects of alcohol on iron metabolism
Alcohol Metabolism: General Aspects
Cloud Computing Information System Architecture for Precast Supply Chain Management
Hierarchical clustering based on the information bottleneck method using a control process
The measurement of physical activity behaviours of young people
New Media, New Politics? Revolutions in Theory and Practice
GEVACT: Genomic Variant Classifier Tool
CliniPhenome: Clinical and Phenotypic Annotation Database
GeVaCT: Genomic Variant Classifier Tool
CliniPhenome: Clinical and Phenotypic Annotation Database
Cutting Edge: Lessons from fraxinus, a crowd-sourced citizen science game in genomics
GOBLET: The Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training
Crowdsourced direct-to-consumer genomic analysis of a family quartet
Ten Simple Rules for Organizing an Unconference
Anatomy of BioJS, an open source community for the life sciences
A quick guide for building a successful bioinformatics community
Book Review: Advertising Menswear: Masculinity and Fashion in the British Media since 1945
Interventions for Alleviating Loneliness Among Older Persons: A Critical Review
Seaming Hands: The Meaning and Value of the Handmade in Contemporary Fashion
The Ambiguity of Seamlessness: The Skin Ego and the materiality of fashion
Beyond the obvious: A framework for exploiting the impact of 3D printing
The man who was tested for HIV 100 times
Book review: Delivering Rehabilitation: The Politics and Governance and Control of Probation
Struileag - Shore to Shore: Cladach gu Cladach
Reframing safety: An analysis of perceptions of cycle safety clothing
Geographies of citizenship and everyday (im)mobility
Book Review: The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and their Consequences
Obesity: Subclinical cardiac damage and heart failure
Introduction to Image Quality and System Performance XII Proceedings
“Childhood as Memory and Desire in Gaspar Noe’s Enter the Void”
Les contrats à zéro heure et l'exception anglaise
Towards a Gendered Political Economy of Tourism and Water
For the Worry of Water: Water, Women and Tourism in Labuan Bajo
Nerve tissue engineering using blends of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) for peripheral nerve regeneration
Sexual healthcare professionals’ views on HPV vaccination for men in the UK
Operational Risk: Emerging Markets, Sectors and Measurement
Why the New Film About the Gang Rape and Murder of Jyoti Singh Is Required Viewing
Stormy Days Ahead for the BJP-PDP alliance of Opposites
On Hindutva hate politics: A few things I wasn't able to discuss with Ram Madhav on Al Jazeera
Consumer xenocentrism in China: an exploratory study
Figuration, Translation and Linguistic Processing: Metonymy as a Metaphor for Translation
Developing Search Engine Law: It Is Not just about the Right to Be Forgotten
Roundtable Discussion: The Women of the London Filmmaker’s Co-op
Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (3/4)
Media Policy and Independent Journalism in Greece
The ‘integrative approach’ and labour regulation and Indonesia: Prospects and challenges
Genetic variation at MECOM, TERT, JAK2 and HBS1L-MYB predisposes to myeloproliferative neoplasms
RECQL5 suppresses oncogenic JAK2-induced replication stress and genomic instability
Microfinance and Household Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidence from Rural Pakistan
No More Softly, Softly: Women in the Construction Workforce
Gender comparison of young people charged with murder in England and Wales
Effects of seated and standing cold water immersion on recovery from repeated sprinting
Humdrum Tasks of the Salaried Men: Edwin Williams a LCC architect at war
Silencing Nociceptor Neurons Reduces Allergic Airway Inflammation
Locomotor adaptation is modulated by observing the actions of others
Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2014-2015
Ionization of the Venusian atmosphere from solar and galactic cosmic rays
Constraints on a potential aerial biosphere on Venus: I. Cosmic rays
The Cases Against the Nuclear Weapons States
Chinese investigative journalism in the twenty-first century
The harmonic centroid as predictor of single sound spectral clarity
Interview: Wilkinson, Camilla interview by Kew, David, Dazzle Ship London
Rethinking Censorship in China: The Case of "Snail House (Woju)"
Traumatic brain injury: the challenge of post-acute management within trauma networks
Spiritually Inspired Creativity in Business
Lighting and the Visual Environment in Architectural Fabric Structures
On rarity premium and ownership yield in art
China's outward foreign direct investment and domestic investment: An industrial level analysis
Designing and Delivering Pluralistic Management Learning for the Digital Era
Comparative study of bioavailability of different iron supplements to bacteria
A preliminary study of the link between iron increase in dopaminergic cells and Parkinson's disease
Novel beta-casein nanocarriers for oral iron delivery
Media Policy Framework for Zimbabwe: a model by MISA-Zimbabwe
Multi-criteria evaluation method for freight logistics innovations
Parental Child Abduction: The long-term effects: a research summary
Designing for Natural Ventilation: An Early Stage Design Tool
Illustrations of the IPA: Lyonnais (Francoprovençal)
Book review: Inside the Brotherhood
Digital Creativity: Something From Nothing
It’s the Economy Stupid: Economics for Voters
The Impact Of Skills And Training Interventions On The Unemployed: Phase II Report
'The Archive' as Theory & Reality: Engaging with Students in Cultural and Critical Studies
Enhancing electricity production in microbial fuel cells using defined co-cultures
A Businessman's Arrest and the Decline of a Regime
The Magic Screen: A History of Regent Street Cinema
Promoting staff engagement and innovation in learning and teaching through communities of practice
Blended learning: feared or misunderstood
The Psychology of Work: Insights into Successful Working Practices
The Implementation Of Sponsorship In Corporate Branding: A Case Study Of Turkish Airlines
Offshoring and Backshoring in the British Fashion and Apparel Industry: a Literature Review
Macroeconomic Volatility, Institutional Instability and the Incentive to Innovate
Ecological Urbanism: The Nature of the City
Via Architecture: Post-Conflict Infrastructure and its Discursive Curve
Digital Fabrication Workshop 2015
Digital Fabrication in the Westminster Fabrication Lab
CASSIOPEIA II D2.1 - Platform extension report v1
CASSIOPEIA II D1.1 - Dataset Management and Case Study Design
ComplexityCosts D3.1 - Scenario Definition
ComplexityCosts D2.2 - Model Implementation
ComplexityCosts D2.1 - Theoretical Stochastic Layered Network Model
The cost of passenger delay to airlines in Europe - consultation document
The Progress of HRM in the Public Sector – 1998 to 2011
Tailored: A Very British Fashion
Antecedents, processes and Outcomes of Sexual and Romantic Relationships in the Workplace.
Facilitating independent learning through reciprocal peer coaching
Analysis of Thin Blood Images for Automated Malaria Diagnosis
Vesta House: A Case Study for an Open Approach to Housing Design in London
Body Agents: Deploying a New Figure for Design
Adventures in Angelic Material Imagination: The Baroque and the Digital as Recounted by Putto_1435
The Determinants of Zero Leverage: Evidence from Multinational Firms
The Determinants of Zero Leverage: Evidence from Multinational Firms
Psychotic experiences, working memory, and the developing brain: a multimodal neuroimaging study
The value effects of changes in leverage: Evidence from the Travel and Leisure sector
Evaluating methodological issues in the tourism literature: UK outgoing tourism and trade links
Intervention: Critical Perspectives on Labour Rights and Business Duties
Social Media as Conversation: A Manifesto
'A Collection of Small Choices'
Women, Islam and War in Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories
Stories of Identity and Resistance: Palestinian Women outside the Homeland
Resistance narratives: Palestinian women, Islam and insecurity
An 'Invented People': Palestinian Refugee Women and Meanings of Home
State Capitalism and the Politics of Resources
Learning Futures: Designing a module to increase student participation
Revital Cohen & Tuur Van Balen: assemble | standard | minimal
The space between: Defining the place for community radio
Generalized Net Model of an Expert System Dealing with Temporal Hypothesis
The Digital Repository of Ireland
Modelling the Demand for Long-term Care to Optimise Local Level Planning
Kinetics: Fronts and Frontiers
Racism, Ethnicity and the Media in Africa
Psychogeography for Student Researchers: a case for the dérive
The longer and heavier vehicle debate: A review of empirical evidence from Germany
Myriad mediations: Henry Moore and his works on screen, 1937-1983
A Hierarchical Task Analysis of Commercial Distribution Driving in the UK
The filmic fugue of Ken Russell’s Pop Goes the Easel
Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling: A Systematic Literature Mapping and Review
The Mitigative Potential of Urban Environments and Their Microclimates
Empirical research on youth transitions to and within the labour market
Development of a digital tool to overcome the challenges of rural food SMEs
Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics. 3rd edition
The politics of movie memories in Fowler, N.M. (ed.) Measuring Elvis
Feminisms, mirrors: Claude Cahun and Sarah Pucill - a dialogue
Social Representations of Threatening Phenomena: The Self-Other Thema and Identity Protection
Value for Money and Audit Practice in the UK Public Sector
Business Models in a New Digital Culture: The Open Long Tail Model
Scent Trails: The challenge of Countering Terrorism Through Intelligent Surveillance
SATURN D4.2 - Pure Pricing Mechanisms
SATURN D1.2 - Data Management (update report)
Modulation of en-route charges to redistribute traffic in the European airspace
Cultural heritage in crisis and post-crisis situations
The fourteenth-century poll tax returns and the study of English surname distribution
The Promise of Global Transparency
‘POEM’ Outstanding Project Award
New insights into delay propagation?
Tourism and development in South-East Asia
Within the Cimeras: Spaces of Imagination
The ‘Old Cinema’ a dissolving view’
Team creativity in ad agencies: an organising framework
Reigniting Creativity in Advertising: beyond creative teams in the brave new world of digital
Establishing the Cultural Quarter: Cultural Regeneration through Art and Architecture
When is a Brut no longer a Brut?
Why engaging the employee is great for the customer
Viewpoint: Creating a broader motivation strategy
Engaging teams in smaller businesses
Why Paying More can Reduce Tour Cost Base
Humans aren’t resources – so let’s stop treating them that way
A six-shooter for better business
Let's rebrand HR: Human resonance
Leading for purpose and profit
Reinventing ‘Many Voices’: MacBride and a Digital New World Information and Communication Order
Effects of Practicing Meditation in the East and the West: Leaders in the West Benefit More
Implementing new leadership paradigm using the 6 Box Leadership diagnostics: some data patterns
Digital BRICS: Building a NWICO 2.0?
Introduction: Contextualizing the BRICS Media
'Beautiful, baleful absurdity': Chinoiserie and Modernist Ballet
Controlling Agent: Artist and Spectator in the Film Actions of Gill Eatherley and Annabel Nicolson
"Non-institution": finding expanded cinema in the terrains vagues of 1960s London
From Wim Wenders' Lisbon to Fatih Akin's Istanbul: Producing the Cool City in Film
European airline delay cost reference values
Delay propagation – new metrics, new insights
Towards a plurilingual habitus: engendering interlinguality in urban spaces
ZFP36 proteins and mRNA targets in B cell malignancies
Comfort: How much is too much? The Challenge for Environmental Policy
Spatially uneven development and low carbon transitions: Insights from urban and regional planning
Reflections on the impact of social technologies on lecturers in a pathway institution
A collective response: Feminism, film, performance and Greenham Common
De impact van ouderschapsstijlen op de ontwikkeling van sociale mediageletterdheid bij adolescenten
Peripatetic Making: a borrowed space, time continuum
Book review: Seeing Things: Collected Writing on Art, Craft and Design, Alison Britton
Laura Potter: Fictional Final Goal
Digital transformations of transnational feminism in theory and practice
Violence, techno-transcendence and feminism: thinking about agency in the digital age
Photography as Rehearsal / Rehearsal as Photography
Between the Snapshot and Staged Photography
Spectral Presence: Expanded cinema from Britain and beyond
An Infant with four Breasts? Intermedial Uses of the Slide Projector in Japanese Post-war Art
Geologic Time, the Anthropocene, and Earthquake Sensitives: Interview with Kodwo Eshun
Agent-Based Models as “Interested Amateurs”
Factors affecting public engagement by researchers
Factors affecting public engagement by researchers: literature review
What is energy know-how and how can it be shared and acquired by householders?
Art in the age of asymmetrical ... warfare
Future Music Formats: evaluating the ‘album app’
Data as Culture 3: Data Anthropologies
Potential role of railway stations as urban freight hubs
The Influence of Dumping Bias on Timbral Clarity Ratings
Sustainable Freight: Impacts of the London Congestion Charge and Low Emissions Zone
Information product: how information consumers' perception of 'fitness for use' can be affected
Exploring the industry-level social media practices: toward a theory of association affordance
Performing accountability: Making environmental credentials visible in housing design
Maternal postnatal depression predicts altered offspring biological stress reactivity in adulthood
Female Self-gifts Buying Behavior: Impulse Purchase and Product Involvement
Religious Symbols and the Making of Contemporary Religious Identities
Insecure attachment during infancy predicts greater amygdala volumes in early adulthood
Human Frontal–Subcortical Circuit and Asymmetric Belief Updating
The Tail Wagging the Dog: To What Extent is Marketing Strategy Sacrificed for Creativity?
Cryptanalysis of Simplified-AES Encrypted Communication
Low-Cost On-Chip Clock Jitter Measurement Scheme
Modeling and Detection of Hotspot in Shaded Photovoltaic Cells
Impact of Bias Temperature Instability on Soft Error Susceptibility
Servitization and Co-opetition in pharmaceutical industry
Business leadership and virtue ethics. A case study 'St.Albans Family Business Enterprises'
Enhancing student’s engagement through Case method with Guest Speakers (CMGS)
Servitization in the pharmaceutical industry
Gamification and Entrepreneurial intentions: A Theoretical and Methodological Approach
Strategic factors of servitization in the pharmaceutical industry and the impact on performance
Citizenship services and support in Malaga City Council (Video case study)
Keeping promises: Interview with Professor Christian Grönroos
Liderazgo basado en el 'management concern' como factor de la orientacion al marketing interno
DFT Architecture with Power-Distribution-Network Consideration for Delay-based Power Gating Test
Analysis of corporate volunteering in internal market orientation and its effect on job satisfaction
The moderating role of gender on entrepreneurial intentions: a TPB perspective
Attitudinal Determinants of Diet and Lifestyle among Ethnic Minority Women
Causal inference for ex-post evaluation of transport interventions
Practice Based Curriculum for Effective Entrepreneurship Education in HE
Practice based Learning: Enterprise Creation
Anglo-French Attacks on the Coast of Northern Spain, 1719
Attitudes towards mental illness and psychological help seeking in Syria: an exploratory study
Issues that managers need to consider when undertaking research relating to the cyber environment
Cyber security issues, challenges and the way forward
Graham Stevens: Atmospheric Industries
Musicians and non-musicians are equally adept at perceiving masked speech
Platelets: the few, the young and the active
Educating global citizens: exploring UK universities
Education for refugees can help save Syria's lost generation
Expatriate dual career strategies: making a contribution to theory and practice
The Russian connection: knowledge, know-how and networking
al-Nnaz'a al-Naqdiyya 'nda al-Ibrahimi (The Critical Thinking of al-Ibrahimi)
Time Interleaved Delta Sigma Modulator
Reading Architecture and Elizabethan Allegory in Portraiture
Anticipating the Unexpected - 50:50, Looking Forward, Looking Back
Chinese Medicine: Contentions and Global Complexities
PWE-254 Is the macroscopically normal mucosa (MNM) around colorectal cancer really ‘normal’?
The librarian 2.0: Identifying a typology of librarians’ social media literacy
Productivity growth and convergence: a stochastic frontier analysis
The Effect of the L'Aquila Earthquake on Labour Market Outcomes
Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates?
Field cancerisation in colorectal cancer: A new frontier or pastures past?
Platform delivery technologies for nutraceutical applications
Novel whey protein isolate nanocarriers for oral micronutrient delivery
A structured review of long-term care demand modelling
Drug Delivery Approaches for Apigenin: A Review
Development of Managers’ Emotional Competencies: Mind-Body Training Implications
Transition to Retirement for Expatriates in the UAE: A Psychological Perspective
The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on daily cortisol secretion
Genocide, Obligations Erga Omnes and Responsibility to Protect
Biomarkers in Health and Disease: Further Knowledge
General Methods in Biomarker Research and their Applications, volume 2
General Methods in Biomarker Research and their Applications, volume 1
New insights into the role of the branched-chain aminotransferase proteins in the human brain
Characterisation of hepcidin response to holotransferrin treatment in CHO TRVb-1 cells
Resilience: what is it, why do we need it, and can it help us?
Electrocortical therapy for motion sickness
Ghosts: Keith Piper/Roshini Kempadoo
Timings, Canon, and Art History
A matter of utility? Rationalising cycling, cycling rationalities
Improving the NHS demands more than just extra money [Letter]
2nd generation family business owners in China
Theoretical context: What is design thinking?
Long Walk to Life: the Films of Lav Diaz
Social wellbeing and democracy
Early intervention and evidence-based policy and practice: framing and taming
Brain science and early years policy: Hopeful ethos or ‘cruel optimism’?
Comparison of different hand drying methods: the potential for microbe dispersal
Intelligence Interviewing: Synthetic Environments, Cognition and Cognitive Styles
The role of the state in re/constructing the 1973 war discourse in Egypt
Home under siege: Bab al-Hara, televising morality and everyday life in the Levant
Atlas Men’s Well-being Programme: Evaluation Report
Contesting postliberalism: governmentality or emancipation?
Rethinking the Conflict-Poverty Nexus: From Securitising Intervention to Resilience
A World without Causation: Big Data and the Coming of Age of Posthumanism
An empirical study of the variability in the composition of British freight trains
Sites of Excavation and Construction
Breaking Open the Black Boxes: media archaeology, anarchaeology and media materiality
Polish Cinema in a Transnational Context
The Coming of Age of Graphic Narratives
Exploring Auditors’ Perceptions of the Usage and Importance of Audit Information Technology
No more softly, softly: review of women in the construction workforce
Have Anglo-Saxon concepts really influenced the development of European qualifications policy?
Forward-in-Time, Spatially Explicit Modeling Software to Simulate Genetic Lineages Under Selection
Greenlandic Inuit show genetic signatures of diet and climate adaptation
Heritage theatre: diasporic heritage, city-branding and place-making in South China
“物质文化:华人研究的新视角”(Material culture: a new perspective to the study of Chinese diaspora)
Agonism and the Crisis of Representation
European Citizenship, Freedom, Security, Justice and Equality
Complete Public Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 3rd edition
Widespread exploitation of the honeybee by early Neolithic farmers
The Conversation: Why leaving the euro is back on the agenda in the Greek election
US Asset-Backed Securities – Regulatory Reform, Dodd-Frank and Final Rules
The EU Risk Retention Regulation
Servicing Disclosures for ABS Transactions Under US and EU Law
Disclosures Of ABS Transaction Structure Under EU And US Law
Summary and Risks of ABS Transactions Under EU and US Law
US Asset Backed Securities – Risk Symmetric Disclosures
EU Asset Backed Securities, Compliance Checklist
Introduction to EU Asset Backed Securities Disclosures
Introduction to the US Definition of Asset-Backed Securities
Default Invariance: Naïve Category of Law and Finance
The Spaces of Medieval Mystery Plays on British Television
Television and the Anti-Realist Theatricality of "not Shakespeare"
Screening the RSC stage: the 2014 Live from Stratford-upon-Avon cinema broadcasts
Language Teaching Methodologies, Intercultural Awareness and Autonomous Learning
Introducing Intercultural Communication into the Teaching of Translation
The UK Islamic finance taxation framework and the substance v form debate in Islamic finance
An Empirical Evaluation of Preconditioning Data for Accelerating Convex Hull Computations
IF-MANET: Interoperable framework for heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks
A novel framework for predicting patients at risk of readmission
European route choice determinants: Examining fuel and route charge trade-offs
Controller time and delay costs - a trade-off analysis
Delay Assignment Optimization Strategies at Pre- Tactical and Tactical Levels
Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management
Decentralization and Governance for Sustainable Society in Indonesia
From Underground to Elite: Egyptian Bloggers before and after the 2011 Uprising
Place-Based Evaluation for Infrastructure and Spatial Projects: An Introduction
On the energy [R]evolution: a sustainable world energy outlook 2015
Responding to Challenges of London's Growth
Breaking down barriers to a circular economy
England's Yellow Peril: Sinophobia and the Great War
Active energy - London: capital / climate / culture
Reconfigurable Matching Networks for RF Amplifiers
Magnetically Biased Graphene Based Switches for Microwave Applications
Managing Vietnamese newsrooms: the role of internal communication
Guiding public protest: assessing the propaganda model of China’s hybrid newspaper industry
The role of acute ambient hypoxia in the regulation of myostatin
Spaces of Visibility for the Migrants of Lampedusa: The Counter Narrative of the Aesthetic Discourse
Talent Management in Financial Organisations - Professional Doctorate research
Applying complexity science to air traffic management
Revisiting E-topia: A Dialogical Grounded Theory of Postidenties in Digital Democratic Innovations
Assessing local food systems in China for building healthy mega-cities
Clichy-Batignolles, Paris: a case of successful inner-city regeneration
Citylab - City Logistics in Living Laboratories
Is there any room for the doctrine of fundamental rights of states in today's international law?
Dynamic Network Mechanisms of Relational Integration
Non-Invasive Human Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience: A Primer
Macroeconomic information, structural change, and the prediction of fiscal aggregates
Landscapes of the invisible: sounds, cosmologies and poetics of space
The artist biopic: a historical analysis of narrative cinema, 1934-2010
Book review: Crime, Desire and Law's Unconscious: Law, Literature and Culture by David Gurnham
Curriculum and beyond: Mathematics support for first year life science students
Exploring humanistic leadership practices within organizational settings
Spatial, mobility and energy planning: a cross-sectorial and actor-relational approach
The Mass Flight of Syrian Refugees: What are the Legal Obligations of States?
Chinese men in London: narratives of masculinity in a transnational world
Flexible masculinities: professional men from China in the UK
Improving innovation and performance of Social Enterprises: Knowing what they know
What's Missing in the National-level Managerial Discretion Dimension
The Politics of Data Visualisation
The Future of Knowledge Generation
Visual Representations of Violent Women
Nigellissima: A Study of Glamour, Performativity and Embodiment
‘Reality talent shows: children as performers, contestants and audiences in Got to Dance’
Knowing what Social Enterprises know
French Railway Workers and the Question of Rescue During the Holocaust
Charabancs and Social Class in 1930s Britain
Introduction: Geographies of War and Culture Studies
From Human Security to the Responsibility to Protect: The Co-option of Dissent?
Ten Years After The World Summit What Has R2P Achieved?
Global nation product equity depending on a level of cultural diffusion
An exploratory study of how a Korean chaebol’s learning culture facilitates customer service
Contemporary Screen-Based Curatorial Practice
Attitudes towards English in Europe
Recognising and Accrediting Prior and Experiential Learning
Reconceptualising the standard of care in sport: The case of youth rugby in England and South Africa
Then and Now: The Ontological Dehumanisation of the Refugee
Low Complexity All-Pass Based Polyphase Decimation Filters for ECG Monitoring
From the high ground to the swamp: A model for immersive journalism research
Russell Brand: the compassionate humorist
A Meta-Heuristic Load Balancer for Cloud Computing Systems
Assessment of the cortisol awakening response: expert consensus guidelines
Using micro-blogging to dismantle knowledge hierarchies in product development teams
Adoption of e-Procurement Systems in Developing Countries: A Nigerian Public Sector Perspective
Detailed time course of the cortisol awakening response in healthy participants
Anxious attachment style predicts an enhanced cortisol response to group psychosocial stress
Lessons from digital puppetry - Updating a design framework for a perceptual user interface
Understanding the language of performance appraisal
Managing your performance and development review: how you can make a difference
The Multivariate Moments Expansion Density: An Application of the Dynamic Equicorrelation Model
Book review: New perspectives on the Irish abroad: the silent people?
Urocortin – From Parkinson’s disease to the skeleton
Strengthening PACs in small Parliaments: perspectives from the Caribbean
Median Filter Architecture by Accumulative Parallel Counters
Independent Ombudsmen and ADR providers: building bridges in the energy market was prepared for NEON
Magna Charta and Parliament 1900-1914
“An Absurdly Quiet Spot”: The Spatial Justice of WW1 Fraternizations
Vulnerable Bodies, Vulnerable Systems
Critical Socio-legal Engagements with Systems Thinking
Conclusions: A Sociolegal Metatheory
Milieu, Territory, Atmosphere: New Spaces of Knowledge
Actors or spectators? Vulnerability and critical environmental law
Metonymy and language: a new theory of linguistic processing
1930s London - The Modern City
Knowledge-creating Milieus in Europe: Firms, Cities, Territories
Rationality, Autonomy, Reproduction
You Can't Always Get What You Want: A Gewirthian Model of Rational Autonomy in Abortion
What are the causes of educational inequality and their evolution over time? Evidence from PISA
Fostering household formation: evidence from a Spanish rental subsidy
Should cash transfer be conditional? Condition, preventive care, and health outcomes
The Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons
Impact of the financial crisis on banking acquisitions: a look at shareholder wealth
Higher-Order Risk Preferences, Constant Relative Risk Aversion and the Optimal Portfolio Allocation
The Oriental and the Music Hall: Sound and Space in Thomas Burke’s Limehouse Chinatown
Nordic migration to the New World
English in Europe: rethinking international English
Limits to Air Travel Growth: The Non-Recent Flyers
Airport Management Responses to Evolving Airline Models
Between Big City and Authentic Village: Branding the Small Chinese City
An individualised yoga programme for multiple sclerosis: a case study
Robber Barons: Pioneers Work Best on the Frontier
Smart City-Regional Governance: A 'Dual Transition'
Migration and Urban Governance - Challenges for Democratic Legitimacy?
Darkcore: Dub’s Dark Legacy in Drum ‘n’ Bass Culture
An Investment Strategy Based on Leverage: Evidence from BSE 500
Repeated muscle damage blunts the increase in heat strain during subsequent exercise heat stress
Collectors, Producers, and Circulators of Tibetan and Chinese Medicines in Sichuan Province
Data-driven Hippocampus CA1 Modeling in the Human Brain Project
Wearable technology in academia: the use of Google Glass in the life sciences
Into the wild? How a film can change adolescents' values
Cross-cultural evidence of value structures and priorities in childhood
Reading contemporary European history: a Milwardian perspective
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Entry on Walter Benjamin
Lessons from Flanders: drivers & pitfalls of cooperation on a business park
Smart mobility: Opportunity or threat to innovate places and cities
Development of bio-composites with novel characteristics through enzymatic grafting
Wind resource mapping using landscape roughness and spatial interpolation methods
Politics of education, conflict and conflict resolution in Balochistan, Pakistan
Mobility Governance in Smart Cities of the Future
Molecular Aspects of Alcohol and Nutrition
Correlation between the expression of CD32 and CD180 receptors on CLL cells and MEC1 cell line
Rewiring of sIgM-mediated intracellular signaling through theCD180 Toll-like receptor
What works for Nutrition? Stories of success from Vietnam, Uganda and Kenya
Students' Deep and Surface Approach: Links to Interaction in Learning Environments
Towards an Application-Specific Thermal Energy Model of Current Processors
Starting antidepressant use: a qualitative synthesis of UK and Australian data
Workload Schedulers - Genesis, Algorithms and Comparisons
Scientific Grand Challenges: Toward Exascale Supercomputing and Beyond
Dual biopolymer production and separation from cultures of Bacillus spp.
Environmental flows for English rivers: a focus on modified catchments
Evidence for targeting of CD38 mRNA by the post-transcriptional regulator protein ZFP36L1
The Notch target Hes1, is a STAT5 target gene with implications in cancer
Acute hypoxia reduces plasma myostatin independent of hypoxic dose
An Expert Review of REVERIE and its potential for game-based learning
Using Serious Games in Higher Education: Reclaiming the Learning Time
Treasure hunt pervasive games in cultural organisations
Using Mobile Learning Games for Delivery Purposes in Humanities
Edu-simulation: a serious games platform designed to engage and motivate students
A Hybrid Paradigm for Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Brand Virality in Social Media
Flying Circus 014: Hatching - Piranesi & Tafuri
Vertigo in the city: conversations between the sciences, arts & humanities
Aggressive priming online: Facebook adverts can prime aggressive cognitions
Developing a Technoself System to Improve Lifelong Learning Engagement
Realizing the power of social media in the 21st century
Academic reflections: disciplinary acculturation and the first-year pathway experience in Australia
Distributed Agent-Based Load Balancer for Cloud Computing
The politics of movie memories
Application of RT-Bst to enhance detection of pathogenic viruses of the respiratory tract
Comparison of virus dispersal and aerosolization by different hand-drying devices
The politics of drugs and conflict: the challenges of insurgency and state-building in Afghanistan
Cinema Komunisto: cinema as a memory site
Collaborative visual ethnography and breast cancer
Gd(III) complexes intercalated into hydroxy double salts as potential MRI contrast agents
The Politics of Multiculturalism: Race and Racism in Contemporary Britain (second edition)
Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons using microbial fuel cells
Community Collaborations 1978-2015
The effect of alcohol consumption on periodontitis in older Danes
Translator trainers' perceptions of assessment: an empirical study
Social research methods in translator training: the focus group and the survey
Tourist Photographers and the Promotion of Travel: the Polytechnic Touring Association, 1888–1939
Ecofriendly river management under ever-increasing environmental pressures
The Workplace Simulation Project
Retroviral Pseudotypes – From Scientific Tools to Clinical Utility
A case-control study of the health and wellbeing benefits of allotment gardening
Tokamak City - Hello, Kepler 62f
Multi-objective optimisation of building geometry for energy consumption and view quality
Applying dynamic relaxation techniques to form-find and manufacture curve-crease folded panels
Distributed citizenship and social media
Things Are Not to Blame: Technical Agency and Thing Theory in the Age of Internet of Things
The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, volume 2
The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: volume 1
Modernism and Magic: Experiments with Spiritualism, Philosophy and the Occult, paperback
Syntactic Structures of the World’s Languages – Greek (Cappadocian)
You Can't Always Get What You Want: A Gewirthian Model of Rational Autonomy in Abortion
The Finnish Team Academy model: implications for management education
Look before you cook: 1450-1950
Jeff Noon and the contemporary aesthetics of uncreativity
Erasing in the algorithmic extreme: Mimi Cabell and Jason Huff’s 'American Psycho'
The Importance of Being Earnest: Spelling of Names, EU Citizenship and Fundamental Rights
IF-MANET: Interoperable Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
'My dirty little habit': patient constructions of antidepressant use and the ‘crisis’ of legitimacy
‘Being’ Alone: The Confluence of Asylum Law and Existential Literature
Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education
Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education (‘AQRba’)
Debate Chair: ‘You, Robot! What Does it take to Regulate Artificial Intelligence?’ 8 October 2015
Panel discussion: SocialHuman lawyer in the robotic age
Engagement Strategies for Crowdsourcing the Humanities: are they Ethical?
Tokamak City - Microstructure, House Block
(un)childhood: performing the voices and times of childhood through relational video-making
Wot! No bike? The Clash's Paul Simonon paints
Rationality, Autonomy, Reproduction
A Marxist heresy?: Accelerationism and its discontents
Logics of generalization: Derrida, grammatology and transdisciplinarity
e-Government initiatives: analysing success
Social media use by the UK political parties
Children and computers: collected works (1995–2014)
Searching for home in the Historic Web: an ethnosemiotic study of London-French Blogger Habitus
Big Web data, small focus: an ethnosemiotic approach to culturally themed selective Web archiving
Miniaturised waveguide filters for wireless and satellite transceiver front ends
Hardware Interfaces for VR Applications: Evaluation on Prototypes
Occupying streets: street design in station areas, London and Frankfurt
Dans le Noir? Eating in the dark: sensation and conviviality in a lightless place
‘Seedy bars and grotty pints’: close encounters in 'Queer' leisure spaces
Engaging older people in creative thinking: the active energy project
Editorial: Neural Processing Letters Special Issue on “Neural Networks for Vision and Robotics”
Book review: 'Moral encounters in tourism' by Mary Mostafanezhad and Kevin Hannam
ABCD to CBT: asset-based community development's potential for community-based tourism
Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia
Troubled waters: an institutional analysis of ageing Dutch and American waterway infrastructure
'Raising the bar’ for the representation of women in the construction workforce
Modular men: architects, labour and standardisation in mid 20th century Britain
A regime switching approach for hedging tanker shipping freight rates
Power in the Age of Social Media
The digital labour theory of value in the age of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Weibo
Introduction: Value and labour in the digital age
Affective Computing to Enhance E-Learning in Segregated Societies
Should Organisations Compete or Collaborate when Absorbing New External Knowledge?
A Rapid Detection of Meat Spoilage using FTIR and Neuro-fuzzy systems
An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Model for the Detection of Meat Spoilage using Multispectral Images
Predistortion and Postdistortion of Wireless Power Amplifiers for 4G and B4G Wireless Systems
Context-Aware Framework for Performance Tuning via Multi-action Evaluation
Fat Gay Men: Girth, Mirth and the Politics of Stigma [Book Review]
Temporary Research Space - The Industrial Road Project - Guangzhou
Accessibility and Transit-Oriented Development in European metropolitan areas
Surveillance and critical theory
Media and Politics in Contemporary Italy: From Berlusconi to Grillo
Good Practice in EU Public Service Media and Contemporary Practice in Jordan: A Comparative Analysis
Guest Editor's Introduction: Massively Multiplayer Online Games Technologies and Applications
Frames of memory after 9/11: culture, criticism, politics, and law
Nanofibers fabricated using triaxial electrospinning as zero order drug delivery systems
PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services
Reconfigurable UWB Filtennas with Sharp WLAN Dual Bandnotch
Identifying and explaining framing strategies of low carbon lifestyle movement organisations
'"Look @ this fukken doge": Internet Memes and Remix Cultures'
Developing Prognostic Models Using Duality Principles for DC-to-DC Converters
Making way for change at the Bar: The practical implications of the new Bar Standards Board Handbook
Lobbying by Trade Associations on EU Climate Policy
Children’s Independent Mobility: an international comparison and recommendations for action
Reflections in the pool of Narcissus: Some thoughts on Cyberpsychology
The viability of the responsibility to prevent
Investigating healthcare IT innovations: a ‘conceptual blending’ approach
Entrepreneurial marketing for SMEs
Introducing EbolaCheck: potential for point-of-need infectious disease diagnosis
Intercultural competence and translation training
Established and less-established languages in the EU
Analysing the role of the translator's internalized culture in translation
Intercultural communication training for translators
Christian Fuchs (Interview conducted by Michelle Amazeen)
The Third EAHN Meeting in Turin: a roundup
Naguib Sawiris: global capitalist, Egyptian media investor
How does a firm's capital structure affect stock performance?
Supporting diversity: which battles do you fight?
Five elements of success for women in the corporate world: a view from across the pond
Theorizing media production: the poverty of political economy
The imperative of Palestinian Liberation
Assessing the situation: closing the gap in translation assessment
Living with contradictions: re-reading the representation of hybridity in visual art
Olympic brandscapes: London 2012 and the seeping commercialisation of public space
The legal history of the Old Cinema: from 'disorderly house' to high-class cinematograph
Dallas Smythe and digital labor
Quantifying diet-induced metabolic changes of the human gut microbiome
Tackling the terrorists: the experience of internment without trial in Northern Ireland
Co-producing content for pan-Arab children's TV: state, business, and the workplace
Broadcasting is dead. Long live television: perspectives from Europe
European media in crisis: values, risks and policies
Partial dissociation in the neural bases of VSTM and imagery in the early visual cortex.
Challenges and confusion in media and communication regulation: a four country comparison
Identifying and dating Norse-derived terms in Medieval English: approaches and problems
Technologies of uncertainty in the search for MH370
Success, satisfaction and scrutiny: the business benefits of involving residents
EdCCDroid: An Education Pilot Prototype for Introducing Code-Combat using LUA
Changing narratives? Shifting discursive conceptualisations of post-conflict peace-building
3D reconstruction of medical images from slices automatically landmarked with growing neural models
Inkjet Printed Bandpass Filters and Filtennas using Silver Nanoparticle Ink on Flexible Substrate
Dual-band WLAN Antenna Array with Integrated Bandpass Filters for Harmonic Suppression
A case study in identifying acceptable bitrates for human face recognition tasks
A model for information retrieval driven by conceptual spaces
Toward simulating the english neonatal unit
Plurality, policy and the local: can hyperlocals fill the gap?
Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations
Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations
The CloudSME One-stop-shop – European Marketplace for HPC supported Simulation
Extending Scientific Workflow Systems to Support MapReduce Based Applications in the Cloud
A Definition and Analysis of the Role of Metaworkflows in Workflow Interoperability
Four reasons why a partisan press helped win it for the Tories
Plurality and public sector broadcasting: why and how PSBs deserve protection
Media power and plurality: from hyperlocal to high-level policy
Science gateway workshops 2013 special issue conference publications
AutoDock gateway for user friendly execution of molecular docking simulations in cloud systems
John Whittingdale should realise a strong BBC is in the national interest
What would a world without the BBC look like?
Pinkoes and traitors: the BBC and the nation 1974-1987
Examining tourists’ loyalty toward cultural quarters
Investigation on quorum sensing molecule of Bacillus licheniformis and its antifungal property
Investigating the rates and impacts of near misses and related incidents among UK cyclists
Slip of the tongue: Implications for evolution and language development
What is universal and what differs in language development?
Production, chemistry and properties of biopolymers in food science
Novel cardiac patch development using biopolymers and biocomposites
Airport route development: a survey of current practice
Tourist experiences of urban historic areas: Valletta as a case study
Media representations of uncertainty about climate change
The political economy of capitalist and alternative social media
Energy security and shifting modes of governance
The risk of viral dispersal and aerosolization by different hand-drying methods
F. necrophorum Ecotin Inhibits Human Plasma Kallikrein and Human Neutrophil Elastase
Etude de faisabilite d'un centre de distribution inter urbain Luxembourgeois
Alternative fuels and freight vehicles: status, costs and benefits, and growth
Electrospun medicated shellac nanofibers for colon-targeted drug delivery
What’s in a surname? Physique, aptitude, and sports type comparisons between Tailors and Smiths
Integrating Social Knowledge and Collaboration Tools into Dispersed Product Development
Russia and the Arab Spring: supporting the counter-revolution
Tomorrow’s City Today: Prospects for Standardising Sustainable Urban Development
The challenge to the compact city approach
Election 2015: what's at stake for housing
The challenge to the compact city approach
City villages: the wrong solution to London's housing crisis
The London Plan Review and the future of London
Prediction of breast cancer risk based on profiling with common genetic variants
Sustainable freight: impacts of the London congestion charge and low emissions zone
Urban railway hub freight expansion feasability study: final report to Cross River Partnership
Evaluating and internalising the environmental costs of logistics
Development of greener vehicles, aircraft and ships
London 2012: changing delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Games on traffic flows
Sustainability strategies for city logisitics
Personality and performance on digit span tests in online and offline settings.
Dual production of biopolymers from bacteria
The Relationship between Self-Harm and Alexithymia
How newspapers respond to technological change: a comparison between the UK and China
Nigerian filmmakers and their construction of a political past (1967-1998)
Flying Circus 015: Haunting - Whitehead & Mies
IMP: Imperial Metagenomics Pipeline for high-throughput sequence data
Finance, Development, and Remittances: Extending the Scale of Accumulation in Migrant Labour Regimes
Divisive democracy and popular struggle in Africa
New vernaculars and feminine ecriture; twenty-first century avant-garde film
Towards a Theoretical Model of Social Media Surveillance in Contemporary Society.
The Internet, Freedom, and Ideology in the Age of Mass Surveillance.
Digital labour: A comment on César Bolaño’s tripleC reflection
Krise, Kommunikation, Kapitalismus. Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie sozialer Medien.
Internet, Kapitalismus und periphere Entwicklung im Waldviertel
Internet, capitalism, and peripheral development in the Waldviertel
Reflections on Todd Wolfson’s book 'Digital Rebellion: The Birth of the Cyber Left'
Patterns of flow variability: consideration for river regulation and salmon management
Open prisons: An ex-prisoner perspective
Book Review: The globalization of supermax prisons
Silas Marner, Catalepsy, and Mid-Victorian Medicine: Eliot’s Ethics of Care
Presence and characterisation of ecotin in F. necrophorum
Comparison of virulence genes found in draft genomes of F. necrophorum
Eco-cities and Sustainable Urbanism
Circulating pancreatic polypeptide concentrations predict visceral and liver fat content
When is a Family Lawyer, a Lawyer?
Probation staff experiences of managing suicidal and self-harming service users
Pathophysiology and treatment of motion sickness
The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks under Measurement Error: A Proxy SVAR approach
Does more cycling mean more diversity in cycling?
RT-Bst: an integrated approach for reverse transcription and enrichment of cDNA from viral RNA
A Challenge to the West: British Views of Republican Ankara
The Development of Accounting in the Franc Zone Countries in Africa
Fluid Ontologies in the Search for MH370
Norse-Derived Terms in Orm’s Lexico-Semantic Field of EMOTION
Theory of Fraud in French Law - Fraus omnia corrumpit - old law, new opportunities?
A framework for usable pedagogy: case studies towards criticality, accessibility and visibility
Culture and economy in the age of social media
Behavioural Patterns in Social Networks
Getting rhythm: how do babies do it?
A strategy-based framework for assessing the flood resilience of cities – the Hamburg case study
Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management
Sustainable Cities: Governing for Urban Innovation
The Breast Size Rating Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation
The utility of genotypic tropism testing in clinical practice
Diagnostic value of H3F3A mutations in giant cell tumour of bone compared to osteoclast-rich mimics
Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 are not present in sporadic ovarian sex cord-stromal tumours
An NRAS mutation in a case of Erdheim-Chester disease
Aggressive priming online: Facebook adverts can prime aggressive cognitions
When Caveats Turn into Locks: Opinion 2/13 on Accession of the European Union to the ECHR
Biological Stress Regulation in Female Adolescents: A Key Role for Confiding
Remembering, imagining, false memories & personal meanings
The role of spirituality in business education
Reflections on Peter Pruzan’s “Spiritual-Based Leadership”
Survey Article: Deliberation, Democracy, and the Systemic Turn
The Psychology of Work: Insights into Successful Working Practices
The European Court of Justice blocks the EU's accession to the ECHR
"Darling you are not going anywhere": the right to exit in EU Law
Motion sickness in migraine and vestibular disorders
Social connectedness and generalized trust: a longitudinal perspective
Sigmund Freud’s desk: An Anecdoted Guide
Reversing the order: towards a philosophically informed debate on ICT for transport
Surveillance and/of nature: monitoring beyond the human
Reconceptualising heritage: museums, development and shifting dynamics of power
Identifying suicide risk in a metropolitan probation trust: risk factors and staff decision-making
Law for social workers (13th edition)
Time to let go? No automatic aesthetic preference for the golden ratio
Cultural influences on body size ideals: unpacking the impact of westernisation and modernisation
Exploring attitudes to edgy urban destinations: the case of Deptford, London
Spatial justice: body, lawscape, atmosphere
Diners’ loyalty toward luxury restaurants: the moderating role of product knowledge
Pakistani children’s experiences of growing up with Beta-Thalassemia Major
Constructing a digital storycircle: digital infrastructure and mutual recognition
Digital platforms and narrative exchange: hidden constraints, emerging agency
The rise and fall of Monica Felton, British town planner and peace activist, 1930s to 1950s
Francophone African Literary Prizes and the ‘Empire of the French Language’
Increasing inter-generational social mobility: is educational expansion the answer?
An alternative vision of politics and violence: Introducing mimetic theory in international studies
Glutamine in Clinical Nutrition (Nutrition and Health)
A qualitative analysis of experiential challenges associated with meditation practice
Greece on Air: Engagements With Ancient Greece on BBC Radio, 1920s-1960s
Cyber operations as a use of force
An intelligent based decision support system for the detection of meat spoilage
Making media studies: the creativity turn in media and communications studies
Prison Life, Sociology of: Recent Perspectives from the United Kingdom
Prime Minister and President: Harold Macmillan’s accounts of the Cuban missile crisis
Generative grammar and stylistics
The mimetic politics of lone-wolf terrorism
Tramonto e rinascita del pensiero geopolitico in Italia durante la Guerra Fredda
The impact of liberalisation policies on poverty and inequality in African countries
The role of telecommunications infrastructure in the regional economic growth of Africa
Monetary policy, exchange rates and stock prices in the Middle East region
British Modernism and Chinoiserie
Genocidal nightmares: narratives of insecurity and the logic of mass atrocities
Diet and nutrition in critical care
The 2000s: a decade of contemporary British fiction
The 1990s: a decade of contemporary British fiction
Comparative Perspectives on Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality and Refugee Status
'A new kind of rays': gothic fears, cultural anxieties and the discovery of X-rays in the 1890s
Heart of the Matter - Crafting Anatomies
The European Court of Justice blocks the EU's accession to the ECHR
Leadership, Trust and Communication: Building Trust in Companies through Effective Communication
Alchemy Moving Image Art Festival, Official Selection
Red Planet by Daisy and The Dark
A Feminist Chorus at Wysing Arts Centre
From The Deep by From The Deep
Environmental criminal liability and enforcement in European and international law
'Looking back' - on the young unemployed
A Feminist Chorus for Feminist Revolt