Double Ghosts

The Art Schools of North West England

Genomewide copy number alteration screening of circulating plasma DNA: potential for the detection of incipient tumors

Monsoon Assemblages: Design Studio 18 Log

Monsoon Assemblages: Drawing Inventory

Monsoon Assemblages: Myanmar Fieldwork Log, November 2018 & September 2019

Monsoon Assemblages: Myanmar Fieldwork Log, April 2018 & November 2018 & September 2019

Monsoon Assemblages: Dhaka Fieldwork Log, February, June & July 2018 and September - October 2019

Monsoon Assemblages: Dhaka Fieldwork Log, November 2017 & October 2019

Monsoon Assemblages: Yangon Field Trip Report, September 2019

Supporting Programmable Autoscaling Rules for Containers and Virtual Machines on Clouds

Document 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice

FRAMED at Dong Gallery Taipei

superconductr: artistic interventions in digital platform labour

Thirty laughs in search of a joke: towards a theory of auto-affective labour

Is that a sweatshop in your pocket?

The Curious Case of the Duty to Prevent Genocide as an Obligation of Conduct

The Interplay Between Responsibility for Human Rights Protection in the OPT and Palestinian Statehood after 2012

State Immunity, Judicial Countermeasures and the Evolution of the Relevant Customary International Rules

The Principle of Precautions in Attack and Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Missions

Reimagining our pedagogic relationships: Toward a queer feminist pedagogy of questioning

Competitiveness and managerial discretion: an empirical investigation at the national-level

Should Zimbabwe Adopt the South African Rand?

Challenges Facing Zimbabwean Pension Funds

Determinants of Smallholder Farmers’ Access to Formal Credit: The Case of Chivi District

Determinants of Academic Staff Retention in Zimbabwean Universities: A Case Study of Selected Universities in Matabeleland Region

Book Review of ‘Urban Mobilities in the Global South’, by Tanu Priya Uteng and Karen Lucas, 2018, Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (£105.00 (hardback). 9781138291713)

Punk Graffiti Archives: Madrid

Finding the way out of the netnography maze–basic steps of conducting netnography: The tale of new researchers in the field

Punk graffiti archives: The Netherlands. 2nd edition

Agustín Victor Casasola’s engagement with positivism and spectacle in his imagining of Mexico City during the Late Porfiriato, 1900-1910

Exploring assumptions behind ‘voluntary’ returns from North Africa

European attempts to govern African youths by raising awareness of the risks of migration: ethnography of an encounter

A Systematic Literature Review of Building Information Modelling in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry - The Case of Nigeria

Adoption of building information modelling in small and medium-sized adoption of building information modelling in small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries: A system dynamics approach

Avoidance of conflicts and trade‐offs: A challenge for the policy integration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

What makes a good coordinator for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals?

Balancing Institutions for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals Through ‘Network Within Hierarchy’

The' good' and 'bad' forests of modern fantasy cinema

High fantasy Disney: recontextualising The Black Cauldron

Crafted wonder: the puppet’s place within popular special effects reception

Coming back to the water: hydrofeminist animation in Disney's Moana (2016)

The Capability and Support of Structure Capital on BIM Innovation in SME

Post-contract Material Management and Waste Minimization: An Analysis of the Roles of Quantity Surveyors

A global taxonomic review and analysis of the development of BIM research between 2006 and 2017

A Scientometric Review and Metasynthesis of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Research in Africa

Profound barriers to building information modelling (BIM) adoption in construction small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): An interpretive structural modelling approach

Principles of gaming sound in interactive and immersive theatre

Ornamental Futures

To write or not to write? That is the question: Practice as research, Indigenous methodologies, conciliation and the hegemony of academic authorship

Ethical Scholarly Publishing Practices, Copyright and Open Access: A View from Ethnomusicology and Anthropology

Chair of panel: Future of Craft & Clay

Member of panel: History & Persistence of Clay

Chair of panel: I Am an Artist: Listen Louder

Clay + Culture + Society

International Women’s Day 2019: In Conversation with Harriet Wistrich

The role of HEI brands as key drivers for students and recruiters' choices in a competitive marketplace.

Yoga-therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: Marked improvement in patient-reported outcome measures

Exploring meanings and the self of ethical entrepreneurs: a case of corporate community engagement within the SMEs in UK

Application of Discrete-Event Simulation for Planning and Operations Issues in Mental Healthcare

Teaching Practical Research Data Management Skills through Online Training and Data Management Plan Creation

Evaluation of Health Related Quality of Life of HIV/AIDS Patients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in State House Medical Center Abuja, Nigeria

Non-formal physical education influence on health related physical fitness of children

Using 3D modelling and game engine technologies for interactive exploration of cultural heritage: An evaluation of four game engines in relation to roman archaeological heritage

Evaluating the impact of Ventilation strategy and Window Opening Area on Overheating Issues

Implementing User Behaviour on Dynamic Building Simulations for Energy Consumption

Addressing health and well-being in prison design

How do designers consider health and well-being?



THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: G protein‐coupled receptors

THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Introduction and Other Protein Targets

THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Nuclear hormone receptors

THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Catalytic receptors

The Concise Guide to Pharmacology 2019/20: Ion channels

Pranlukast is a novel small molecule activator of the two-pore domain potassium channel TREK2

Editorial: Infection in pulmonary vascular diseases: Would another consortium really be the way to go?

Pharmacologically reversible, loss of function mutations in the TM2 and TM4 inner pore helices of TREK-1 K2P channels

Enhanced flow-motion complexity of skin microvascular perfusion in Sherpas and lowlanders during ascent to high altitude

Attractor Reconstruction Analysis for Blood Flow Signals

Multi-domain analysis of microvascular flow motion dynamics in NAFLD

Integrative assessment of genomic instability and anthropometric inflammatory and micro nutritional biomarkers in childhood obesity

A perspective on nanomedicine: focus on cardiovascular medicine

Supplementation of Optimum Nutrient-Dense Formula to Modulate HIV Infection in Resource Limited Settings

Vitamin D and elevated serum uric acid as novel predictors and prognostic markers for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Innovative Nutritional approach to attenuate the progression of HIV to AIDS among People Living with HIV (PLWH): A study based in Abuja, Nigeria

Existing Literature and Pedagogic Practice on the Directionality of Simultaneous Interpreting from the Cognitive Perspective

Effect of Environment on the Evolutionary Trajectories and Growth Characteristics of Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli Mutants

Decentralization: an incomplete ambition

"Truly, Much Can Be Done!": Cooperative Economics from the Book of Acts to Pope Francis

A Wantless, Workless World: How the Origins of the University Can Inform Its Future

Oil price shocks and EMU sovereign yield spreads

Oil price shocks and EMU sovereign yield spreads

Cellular senescence in populations of postnatal brain Neural Stem Cells

Muslim women and (in)security: a Palestinian paradox

The Language of Interlingual Subtitles: Studying the f Word in Skins

Translating Recipes

Translating Financial Reports

Genetic studies of MRI liver fat content identify susceptibility variants with variable metabolic effects

PTU-028 Genome-wide association study of MRI liver iron content in UK biobank identifies 3 susceptibility variants

Genome-wide association study of MRI liver iron content in 9,800 individuals yields new insights into its link with hepatic and extrahepatic diseases

Subcutaneous Abdominal Fat Has a Stronger Association with Prediabetes than Visceral Fat in Young Indians

Genome-wide association studies of abdominal MRI scans identifies loci associated with liver fat and liver iron in the UK Biobank

Seeing Like a Cyborg? The Innocence of Posthuman Knowledge

Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction

Cogito Ergo Habo: Philosophy, Money and Method

Book Review: Review Essay: Beneath the Opulent Surface: Adorno and Popular Music Reconsidered

'Melodies Wander Around as Ghosts': On Playlist as Cultural Form

Migration, meaning(s) of place and implications for rural innovation policy

Organizational-Social-Capital, Time and International Family SMEs: An Empirical Study from the East of England

Towards Architectural Design Method for Rich Web-based Applications

Fashion Marketing and Communication: Theory and Practice across the Fashion Industry

A Graduate’s Guide to Finding Employment. 2nd edition

Researcher development in universities: Origins and historical context

The Digital Marketing Power of Transmedia

Learning about learning: how demonstrating a willingness and ability to learn may be key

The role of social media as a learning environment in the fully functioning university: preparing for Generation Z

Origins of the ethos of action learning

Preprint: Ratios of Artin L-functions

Minimal gestures: Displacement, affect and urban experience in A hora da estrela/The Hour of the Star (Amaral, 1985)

Diversity and Inclusivity in the Age of Wearables: A Buzzword, a Myth, an Uncertain Reality

The art of dialogic silence in the way of tea

A Qualitative Research Method to Explore Meaning-Making Processes in Cultural Psychology

Ethos of theorising

Adventuresses, Recreating Daring Voyages into the Unknown. 2nd edition

Non-Binary Genders in Higher Education Survey, 2019

Knowledge and Attitude Towards Liver Cancer and Liver Cancer Screening Among HBV and HCV Patients in Vientiane, Lao PDR: a cross Sectional Study

Seroprotection at different levels of the healthcare system after routine vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis whole cell--hepatitis B--haemophilus influenzae type B in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Varicella zoster and fever rash surveillance in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Livestock diseases threatening smallholder farmers in Lao people's Democratic Republic

Effects of selenium supplementation on pregnancy outcome and disease progression in HIV-infected pregnant women in Lagos, Nigeria: Study protocol for a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding vaccination among healthcare workers in Lao PDR

Goal measures for psychotherapy: A systematic review of self‐report, idiographic instruments.

High prevalence of helminth infections in mother-child pairs from three central provinces of Lao People's Democratic Republic

Cross-species transmission of poultry pathogens in backyard farms: ducks as carriers of chicken viruses

How can Digital Technology Improve Productivity in Retrofitting Works within the UK Social Housing Sector?

The WTI/Brent oil futures price differential and the globalisation-regionalisation hypothesis

As “a hedge, as a convenience, a good thing”: Elizabeth Petipher Cash’s continued fashioning of a Plain appearance

Symposium Review: Reframing 19th-century Fashion and Dress Symposium

Response to the Letter from Garcia-Montojo and colleagues concerning our paper entitled, Quantitative analysis of human endogenous retrovirus-K transcripts in postmortem premotor cortex fails to confirm elevated expression of HERV-K RNA in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Simplifying access to human genomic data: community platform Repositive.io

The Growth Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Theory and Evidence

Three Essays on the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Productivity

The impact of different question types on confidence and subsequent memory report

Exploring the impact of question type and question order on witness confidence

On objectivity and staying ‘native’: Researching LGBTQI+ lawyers as a queer lawyer

Exploring process of information systems and information technology for enterprise agility

From axial to pedestrian path-centre line: The case of 3D pedestrian network in Hong Kong, Central

Translators’ Mediation in Practice

Normothermic Machine Perfusion (NMP) Inhibits Proinflammatory Responses in the Liver and Promotes Regeneration

Convergent Evolution of Copy Number Alterations in Multi-Centric Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Evolutionary history of human colitis-associated colorectal cancer

Preprint: Niche engineering drives early passage through an immune bottleneck in progression to colorectal cancer

Preprint: Model-based tumor subclonal reconstruction

Preprint: Evolutionary dynamics of neoantigens in growing tumours

Characterization and regulation of wild‐type and mutant TASK‐1 two pore domain potassium channels indicated in pulmonary arterial hypertension

Dynamics and performance of decentralized portfolios with size-induced fund flows

Ensemble Models in Forecasting Financial Markets

Big Data And PAC Learning In The Presence Of Noise: Implications For Financial Risk Management

Risk lovers, mixed risk loving and the preference to combine good with good

Post Global Financial Crisis Modelling: Credit Risk For Firms That Are Too Big To Fail

Political Risk Modelling and Measurement From Stochastic Volatility Models

Regression Based Scenario Generation: Applications For Performance Management

Translating Mann, Müller and mind-style

A framework to predict energy related key performance indicators of manufacturing systems at early design phase

A Framework for Pilot Line Scale-up using Digital Manufacturing

Places of worship in a changing faith landscape

Review of Thomas Coomans, Life Inside the Cloister: Understanding Monastic Architecture

Secular Retreat Embodies the Blurring of Modern Faith

D-commerce Business Models’ Adoption by Emerging Fashion Designers in London

The effect of brisk walking in the fasted versus fed state on metabolic responses, gastrointestinal function, and appetite in healthy men

Diurnal influences of fasted and non-fasted brisk walking on gastric emptying rate, metabolic responses, and appetite in healthy males

Crypto Architecture: Notes on Machine Learning and Design

Burnout Syndrome Among Primary Care Physicians in Oman

Challenging the Conventional Wisdom vis-à-vis Teacher Characteristics: Evidence from Linear Mixed Effects Analysis of Secondary School Survey in India

Effects of Decentralisation in School Management on Student Learning: Empirical Analysis of Young Lives Survey Data Using Multi-Level Modelling

An Unequal Playing Field: Extra-Curricular Activities, Soft Skills and Social Mobility

What if they're bastards?: Ethics and the imagining of the other in the study of online fan cultures

C. elegans expressing D76N β2-microglobulin: a model for in vivo screening of drug candidates targeting amyloidosis

Prelamin A mediates myocardial inflammation in dilated and HIV-associated cardiomyopathies

Dynamic heart rate response to multi-day unsupported ultra-endurance cycle racing: a case report

‘Female expatriates’ motivations and challenges: the important case of oil and gas

Pay practice selection in the UK private sector: the role of human capital based employment groups

Multi-PoP Network Slice Deployment: A Feasibility Study

Dynamic monitoring of data center slices

Engage D5.3 Postgraduate research and events database (initial version)

Engage D5.1 University programme database (initial version)

Engage D2.5 Annual combined thematic workshops progress report (priming wave 1)

Engage D3.5 Opportunities for innovative ATM research (interim report)

Engage D2.8 8th SESAR Innovation Days report

Hierarchical service providers on sliced infrastructure

Vascular Biology of Superoxide-Generating NADPH Oxidase 5—Implications in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease

NOX5: Molecular biology and pathophysiology

A place for linguistics in Key Stage 5 Modern Foreign Languages

Analysis of the SSLMS algorithm for complex-valued data

Street children, gender dynamics and organised crime; reflections from Bangladesh and China

Ian White: Conversation between Ian White and George Clark

Kashmir is a dress rehearsal for Hindu nationalist fantasies

Special Issue: Peptidylarginine Deiminases and Protein Deimination in Health and Disease

ATOM: Model-driven autoscaling for microservices

Critical Realism in Economics: Methodologically Weak or Untapped

Do Innovation Systems Induce Inequality?

Conceptualizing gendered vulnerability to climate change in the Hindu Kush Himalaya:

A benign paterfamilias: John Dando Sedding, his family and followers

Women in Law Literature Review

FFMRA: A Fully Fair Multi-Resource Allocation Algorithm in Cloud Environments

A New Approach to Calculate Resource Limits with Fairness in Kubernetes

MLF-DRS: A Multi-level Fair Resource Allocation Algorithm in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Systems

Measurement of 4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) Protein Adducts by ELISA

Unprintable Forms

Making and Shaping a Moroccan Left: Political Ecology and Activist Rituals

A comparison of two widely used physical activity monitoring methods to determine physical activity rates of University employees

The importance of engaging in regular physical activity on health and wellbeing

Physical activity, health and well-being interventions in the university workplace

Promoting Physical Activity Amongst University Employees

An evaluation of physical activity levels amongst university employees

The researcher on a mission to get staff exercising in the office

Blog post: Ramadan: Fitness Survival Guide

How to fast responsibly during the Muslim holy month

The Conversation: Ramadan: four tips to help you eat right and stay healthy

Review of Sandra Ott, Living with the Enemy: German Occupation, Collaboration, and Justice in the Western Pyrenees, 1940–1948 (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

Obstacles to Rapprochement

Exploring knowledge creation and absorption in higher education partnerships

‘White privilege’ and shortcuts to anti-racism

Multiple Selves, Marginalised Voices: Exploring Black Female Psychology Students’ Experiences of Constructing Identity in UK Higher Education

Blockchain applications for SME transformation: a pilot framework

Culture and Diversity in the Teaching of Portuguese as Additional Language

Museums for all: towards engaging, memorable museum experiences through inclusive audio description

Socioeconomic Innovation Strategy from the S&T Perspective to Solve National Wicked Problems

Others’ within the ‘Others’: An Intersectional Analysis of Gender Violence in India

Diversity Management that Works: An evidence-based view

Assessing Factors that Affect the Labour Market Decisions of Young People aged 16 to 24: Research Informing LPC Review of Youth Rates

The psychological wellbeing outcomes of nonpharmacological interventions for older persons with insomnia symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Can Creativity Beat Death? A Review and Evidence on the Existential Anxiety Buffering Functions of Creative Achievement

Associations between Conflict Management Styles and Wellbeing

Sustaining Instability

Shigella sonnei O-Antigen Inhibits Internalization, Vacuole Escape, and Inflammasome Activation

Shigella sonnei infection of zebrafish reveals that O-antigen mediates neutrophil tolerance and dysentery incidence

RNAseq Profiling of Leukocyte Populations in Zebrafish Larvae Reveals a cxcl11 Chemokine Gene as a Marker of Macrophage Polarization During Mycobacterial Infection

CXCR4 signaling regulates metastatic onset by controlling neutrophil motility and response to malignant cells

Macrophages target Salmonella by Lc3-associated phagocytosis in a systemic infection model

Meeting report: Zebrafish Infection and Immunity 2019

Creating Interior Atmosphere: mise-en-scène and interior design

Trait Emotional Intelligence and Its Correlates in Oman Medical Specialty Board Residents

Level and determinants of patient satisfaction with psychiatric out-patient services, Muscat, Oman

Risk factors underlying depressive symptoms among parents/primary care providers of kids with autism spectrum disorder: A study from Muscat, Oman

Predictors of Burden of Care Among Caregivers of Drug-Naive Children and Adolescents With ADHD: A Cross-Sectional Correlative Study From Muscat, Oman

Prevalence and determinants of Burnout Syndrome and Depression among medical students at Sultan Qaboos University: A cross-sectional analytical study from Oman

Prevalence and predictors of depressive symptoms among caregivers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder attending a tertiary care facility: a cross-sectional analytical study from Muscat, Oman

Authentic reconstruction: authenticity, architecture and the built Heritage

Urban design, place and integration: A study of Liverpool one

Signalling - at the molecular level

Evaluation of different recruitment methods: Longitudinal, web-based, pan-european physical activity through sustainable transport approaches (PASTA) project

Automobile peripheries: travel to school in suburban London through the lens of social practice

Unpacking the Politics of C40: ‘Critical Friendship’ for a Second Decade

Socio-spatial and temporal dimensions of transport equity for London's night time economy

Design Studio 18 Myanmar Broadsheet, 2019

Lives and spaces: Photovoice and offender supervision in Ireland and England

The Role of Journey Purpose in Road Traffic Injuries: A Bayesian Network Approach

Cradle to Cradle and Whole-Life Carbon assessment - Barriers and opportunities towards a circular economic building sector

Calorie Attentiveness; Price Framing, Self-Regulation and Bundle Choice

Refocusing Media Development in Africa

Investigating Collaborative Interdisciplinary Practice to Develop a New Planning Undergraduate Course

Genome-wide association study of germline variants and breast cancer-specific mortality.

The 2016 Morocco–Nigeria Bilateral Investment Treaty: More Practical Reality in Providing a Balanced Investment Treaty?

Relative Effect of Location Alternatives on Urban Hydrology. The Case of Greater Port-Harcourt Watershed, Niger Delta

Grounding for an Enterprise Computing Nomenclature Ontology

Ken Foster and the Development of UK Sports Law: A Reflective Interview

'Reader, i married him/her': Ali Smith, Ovid, and queer translation

Sylvia Plath and the Classics

Introducing the VIMSSQ: Measuring susceptibility to visually induced motion sickness

Socio-legal theory and methods: Introduction


"Realism and (Final) Fantasy: On HD Remakes of Early 3D Console Titles"

The changing electoral geography of England and Wales: Varieties of “left-behindedness”

Public engagement and consultation: decide, announce and defend?

Building a repository in collaboration with our research community to support practice-research

Donor Family and Recipient Anonymity: Time for Change

Unpacking Empowerment in ICT4D Research

Women Artists, Feminism and the Moving Image: Contexts and Practices

Introduction: Raising voices


Le salarié-actionnaire en droit anglais : l’histoire d’un échec législatif

Make it new! The redeeming Modernism of law and the collapsing of its polarities

Vers une « constitution sociale » européenne ? La constitutionnalisation du droit du travail et le droit de l’Union européenne

Le particularisme anglais et le juge Common Law : la déjudiciarisation et le rejudiciarisation du droit du travail

Le barème des indemnités de licenciement en droit anglais : entre les contraintes législatives et la créativité de la Common Law

Idealism, Empiricism, Pluralism, Law: Legal truth after modernity

On working and being: The legal metaphysics of labour and the constitutional errors of Social Europe

Labouring under inauthentic conceptions: Some caveats to the predominant visions of artistic and contractual freedom

Towards a periodic table of EAP teacher knowledge

Bursting the bubble and bringing the real world into our classrooms to increase student engagement

You can’t change your basic ability, but you work at things, and that’s how we get hard things done: Testing the role of growth mindset on response to setbacks, educational attainment, and cognitive ability

No sustainability for tourism without gender equality

Subjective Documentary Photography in ‘‘Normalised’’ Czechoslovakia (1968-89). Decoding Vladimír Birgus’ Work

Toward an Emancipation of Photographic Vision: “Visualism” Under Czechoslovakian “Normalization” (1968–89)

Huang Zunxian, Qing China’s Pioneer Modernist Poet

Introduction: Kosovo’s Symbolic Importance

Continuity or Change? Intervention and Statebuilding after Kosovo

Kosovo 1999: The False Dawn of Humanitarian Intervention

Digital Preservation at the University of Westminster: A Case Study

Comunidade na Cidade: Mídias Comunitárias como Infraestruturas Comunicacionais Urbanas

Connective Politics, Videos, and Algorithms: YouTube’s Mediation of Audiovisual Political Communication

Community, Media, and the City

Working With Marginalised Communities: Let’s talk about ethics

Activism, Art-ivism and Digital Media to Reduce Marginalisation: Sharing Experiences and Lessons from Brazil, Kenya, Syria, and Costa Rica

Towards a 5c theory of communication for scrum-based distributed projects

Beyond social chit chat? Analysing the social practice of a mobile messaging service on a higher education teacher development course

Heritage on the side: Post-conflict cities and violence against architecture as an ‘organic’ place brand

Value Development in childhood and adolescence: Insights into an emerging field

Evaluation of the Westminster REFRAME Workshop for Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Staff and Junior Doctors: 2018/19

Evaluation of the Westminster REFRAME Workshop for North Kensington General Practitioners: 2019

Ghosts, monsters and spirits, 1840-1900

Blog: Anglo-Irish relations and European integration: then and now

How would university students prefer their classes to be timetabled?

CIA Torture Unredacted

Access to Improved Sanitation Facilities and Female School Attendance: A study of Savelugu Municipality of Ghana

Developing resilient supply chains: Lessons from High-Reliability Organisations

Current impacts of planning policy related to flood resilience on historic urban morphological development in North Jakarta

Planning Policy, Institutions and Flood Resilience in Jakarta: Impacts on the Urban Morphology of Kampungs

Decolonial Epistemologies for Energy Planning in Brazil

Phenotyping Ethnic Differences in Body Fat Depots

Is resilience planning’s holy grail?

Working role preferences in UK advertising: a comparative study in the post-Brexit landscape

Landscape of Time and Immobility

Mechanisms into the development of fatty liver disease: role of bile acids, Betaine and MHY908

A value based approach to modern architectural heritage in Cyprus: Schools in Larnaka, 1945-1963

Home away from Home: Research Report

Firm Value And The Impact of Operational Management

Stock-ADR Arbitrage: Microstructure Risk

Studying Cherrypicking: Substantive and Methodological Reflections

L’impatto della morfologia urbana e della vegetazione sulla qualità dell’aria

The Current and Retrospective Intentional Nature Exposure Scales: Development and Factorial Validity

Extending Fairness Expressibility of ECTL+: A Tree-Style One-Pass Tableau Approach

Domino D3.3 - Adaptive case studies description

Finding the Ways Forward on Kashmir

Media, money and majoritarianism: The Indian elections 2019

Kashmir Is Under the Heel of India’s Colonialism

Written Testimony of Dr Nitasha Kaul

Does board composition affect the gender pay gap?

The politics of rurality (editorial)

The politics of rurality

Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience

Accessing the inaccessible: e-sampling via Facebook (867)

Ethnic marketing to the global millennial consumers: Challenges and opportunities

Domino D5.3 Final tool and model description, and case studies results

New alcohol-related genes suggest shared genetic mechanisms with neuropsychiatric disorders

Attitudes of pregnant women and healthcare professionals towards clinical trials and routine implementation of antenatal vaccination against respiratory syncytial virus: a multi-centre questionnaire study

The effect of Fashions e-Blogs on Women’s Intention to Use

Whispering experience: configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to Travellers’ Satisfaction and Passion

The association between accruals and stock return following IFRS3

Finding the right management approach in independent hotels

Griseofulvin solvate solid dispersions with synergistic effect against fungal biofilms

As I sit down to write a monsoon story without cloud bands – some mucus, confrontation and sadness

Museums for all: towards engaging, memorable museum experiences through inclusive audio description

The Francis Effect? Investigating the Impact of Laudato Si’ on Catholic Climate Change Engagement

Infrared Spectroscopic Detection of Biosignatures at Lake Tírez, Spain: Implications for Mars

Disturbing Scenes in Amir Valle's Detective Series El descenso a los infiernos

Crime Scenes: Latin American Crime Fiction from the 1960s to the 2010s

Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning Workshop (ARW 2019)

Alternative Urbanism in the Historic City Centre: A Transnational Perspective on Theory and Practice

Understanding the role of different strain types of Fusobacterium necrophorum: biofilms, glycans and metabolic pathways

A transcriptomic and molecular approach uncovering ASCL2 as a novel tumourigenic gene in breast cancer

Cognitive polyphasia, cultural legitimacy and behaviour change: The case of the illicit alcohol market in Kenya

Transnormativity in the psy disciplines: Constructing pathology in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and Standards of Care

A Reflective Analysis of Image Processing Operations on Kato-Katz Images for the Pathological Diagnosis of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Disgust, a borderline feeling

Black Skin, Red Masks: Racism, Communism and the Quest of Subjectivity in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man

When Meteors Vanish in Political Philosophies -Thinking with Michel Serres in Times of New Climate Regime

Central counterparty auction design

ILAUD in Suzhou, China, 2012-15

Stroke recovery in rats after 24h-delayed intramuscular neurotrophin-3 infusion

Managing creativity in magazine publishing: the 4Ps of creativity

Subject to Change: Democracy, Disidentification, and the Digital

Reporting Violence and Naming Migrants in Assam The Coverage of Anti‐“Bengali Muslim” Violence in Assam by The Assam Tribune Newspaper

Investigations of Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella species and associated clinical considerations

Modeling Asset returns under Transformed Gram-Charlier

Improving SMEs competitiveness with the use of Instagram Influencer Advertising and eWOM

Impact of the lipid-based nutrient supplements on prevention and treatment of childhood moderate undernutrition

Tributes to Prof David Sanders

Yoga4Health on social prescription: a mixed methods evaluation

Microbial Proteomics

Standardization and the Production of Justice in Summary Criminal Courts: A Post-Human Analysis

Mnemonic legality: militarism, masculinity, and the elasticity of belonging

Prediction of ligands to universally conserved binding sites of the influenza A virus nuclear export protein

I am an ordinary man: Getting and wearing suits in Britain 1945-1980

Fashion parades - for men only: Multiple tailor Hepworths, designer Hardy Amies and the marketing of men's suits in Britain in the 1960s

Is the Duty to Prevent Genocide an Obligation of Result or an Obligation of Conduct according to the ICJ? (blogpost)

Creating an Intelligent System for Bankruptcy Detection: Semantic data Analysis Integrating Graph Database and Financial Ontology

Developing the first Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan in Valletta, Malta

Als Frau aus Südasien Öcalan Lesen

Reading Öcalan as a South Asian Woman (Turkish)

Teaching research methods: Introducing a psychogeographical approach

Crisis as a plague on organisation: Defoe and A Journal of the Plague Year

An Energy Aware and Secure MAC Protocol for Tackling Denial of Sleep Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

LGBT-friendliness & the Promise of Inclusion: A Queering Ethnography of Inclusion in the ‘Diversity World’ of Business and the Social World of ‘Queer Activism’ in London

Antibiotic-free antibacterial hydrogels for wound healing applications

The Local Governance of the 2014 Ebola Epidemic: A Comparative Case Study of Liberia and Sierra Leone

BBC Arabic TV Service and the Lebanese Audience(s): Can They Engage with Each Other?

Multiple Selves, Marginalised Voices: Exploring Black Female Psychology Students' Experiences of Constructing Identity in UK Higher Education

Delivering the goods: How technology can assist in last mile logistics operations

Last-mile urban freight in the UK: how and why is it changing?

Prostate Cancer: The role of inflammation and chemokines

Notes from the Field: 'Home away from Home: Ethnography of an EU Erasmus+ Programme'

Park and Parcel: an Agent-Based Exploration of Last-Mile Freight Delivery Behavior as it Relates to Parking

Applications of Computational Intelligence to Power Systems

Governance, rational choice and new public management (npm): a general view (and some critics)

Elucidating the Relationship between Chinese Medicine and Systems Biology: A Multi-Sited Ethnography

Reflections on the theory and practice of democratic innovations

Picosecond Laser Ablation of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs): Comparative Study of Neat and Blended Material Response

Do analysts understand accruals’ persistence? Evidence revisited

Political organisation, leadership and communication in authoritarian settings: Digital activism in Belarus and Russia

A Process Modelling Framework Based on Point Interval Temporal Logic with an Application to Modelling Patient Flows

Investigating the protective role of the natural hormone Melatonin, in reducing drug-induced cardiotoxicity in the therapy of chronic diseases

Strategy Paper: SDG#5 Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Violence against Women services by Migrant Workers in Malaysia

A Toolkit for Women Migrant Workers' Empowerment in Malaysia: Meeting Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs

Collaborating with users to create a repository fit for practice-based research: a case study from the University of Westminster

“It Was a Totally Different Approach to Building!”: Constructing Architectural Concrete in 1960s London

Advocacy for women migrant workers in Malaysia through an intersectionality lens

Legal Sanction, International Organisations and the Bangladesh Accord

Regulating factory safety in the Bangladeshi garment industry

Irbesartan in Marfan syndrome (AIMS): a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial

Bond Girls: Body, Fashion and Gender

Wave 5 Secondary Analysis: Trust in Food and the UK Food System

The Blurred Line between Physical Ageing and Mental Health in Older Adults: Implications for the Measurement of Depression

Automated vehicles: exploring possible consequences of government (non)intervention for congestion and accessibility

Review of Franck Billé and Sören Urbansky, Yellow Perils: China Narratives in a Contemporary World (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2018) in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (University of Ohio Press, August 2019)

Dancing Modern China

What Process is Due – Sanctions Regimes of Multilateral Development Banks

Gazing at the family: archives, performance and Portuguese photography (1940-1975)

Design Matters : CBNRM and Democratic Innovation

Mechanism of completion of peptidyltransferase centre assembly in eukaryotes

How advertising through the ages has shaped Christmas

Willkommen! 2 - German Intermediate Course, Activity book


Neuroconductor: an R platform for medical imaging analysis

BBC Radio: Manal Mohammed for BBC Radio London on getting the flu at Christmas (17 December 2019).

Rereading Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism

Barriers to recruiting and retaining psychosis carers: a case study on the lessons learned from the Caring for Caregivers (C4C) trial

The Formyl Peptide Receptor 2 Regulates Microglial Phenotype Through Immunometabolism: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease

Narratives of brain injury and self-management after hospital discharge

Reflecting on Fifty Years of Democratic Theory: Carole Pateman in Conversation with Graham Smith

The Liminality of Decolonization, De-Cold War and Deimperialization: Boal’s Newspaper Theater and East Asian Popular Culture as Method in Drama Box’s Community Commedia Dell’Arte News Busters!

Visuality and the haptic qualities of the line in generative art

Challenging Social Injustice in Superdiverse Contexts Through Activist Languages Education

Animistic Apparatus

Lexical pragmatics in the context of structural parallelism

Linguistic style in the Johnson Vs Corbyn televised debates of the 2019 General Election campaign

The Oulipo and Modernism: Literature, Craft and Mathematical Form

The expression and signalling patterns of CD180 toll like receptor in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)

The Conversation: Kombucha, kimchi and yogurt: how fermented foods could be harmful to your health.

Business-to-Business Marketing: History, Current Practices and Emerging Trends

Airports in the mobility chain – challenging business models

Airport economic value – informing business models

Modelling the coupling of ATM systems

Assessing ATM impacts and interactions

Behavioural economics – finding a place in ATM

SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network (Engage)

Built Environment Interventions to Increase Active Travel: a Critical Review and Discussion

Network-wide assessment of 4D trajectory adjustments using an agent-based model

D4.1: Gaps, bottlenecks and results: the methodology

CAMERA – Mobility Report 1

The Impact of Cultural Familiarity on Students’ Social Media Usage in Higher Education

Collective Interview on the History of Town Meetings

From Employment to Employability: Uzbekistan and the Higher Education Skills Agenda

Observations on the Utility of Square Waves and Their Applicability in Generative Melodic Applications

Improvising Songwriting and Composition Within A Hybrid Modular Synthesis System

It Was a Totally Different Approach to Building! Constructing architectural concrete in 1960s

The EU, Hamas and the 2006 Palestinian Elections: a Performance in Politics

Diplomacy in drag and queer IR art: Reflections on the performance, ‘Sipping Toffee with Hamas in Brussels’

Ritualised securitisation: The European Union’s failed response to Hamas’s success

Making Sense of My Creativity: Reflecting on Digital Autoethnography

An Alternative Press? New Forms of News Reporting in Brazil

Performing cultural identities and transnational ‘imaginaries’: fashion and beauty practices as diasporic spaces among young London Congolese

Coordinate Systems: Level Ascending Ontological Options

The Media and Communications Study Skills Student Guide

Wnt-11 expression promotes invasiveness and correlates with survival in human pancreatic ductal adeno carcinoma

Design Management Capability in Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Xiaomi

off screen

Cypriot Greek as a heritage and community language in London: (Socio)Linguistic aspects of a non-standardised variety in a diasporic context

Moving Image Review Journal

Domino D6.3 - Workshop results summary

Domino D2.2 - Database structure

Domino D5.2 - Investigative case studies results

Domino D5.1 - Metrics and analysis approach

The Impact of the Camera on Wheels: The Moving Gaze in the Modern Subject

Bevezetés az üzleti informatikába

Sweet Harmony: Rave|Today (Exhibition Review)

Improving Working Memory

Estimating the impact of Traineeships

Feature Extraction Techniques for Human Emotion Identification from Face Images

Iris Image Recognition using Optimized Kohonen Self Organizing Neural Network

A Framework for Automatic Morphological Feature Extraction and Analysis of Abdominal Organs in MRI Volumes

An Empirical Analysis of the Performance of Sponsored versus Non-Sponsored IPOs:Evidence from India

Streaming intersectionality: Queer and trans television aesthetics in post-medium transformation

Tuning the Filter Responses with Graphene Based Resonators

The War between Bacteria and Bacteriophages

Interview with Chloe Dewe Mathews

Unplanned Expansions: Renting Private Homes to Tourists

Accessibility of Legal Services in the United States: Lawyer Regulation by Whom, to What End?

Differential Outcomes: causes and pedagogical responses

Reviews: Bolshoi 'Bright Stream', ENB 'Giselle', Review of 'Agency: A Partial History of Live Art'.

Intermediate German: a grammar and workbook (2nd edition)

When do peers influence adolescent males’ risk-taking? Examining decision-making under conditions of risk and ambiguity

How do our values guide us in life?

Transforming musical performance: the audience as performer

LONDON SOUNDINGS- London Creative Communities Towards Sustainability

Embodying the Fat/Trans Intersection

The Conversation: Can surgical masks protect you from getting the flu?

Attitudes towards asylum seekers: Understanding differences between rural and urban areas

Becoming Indigenous: Governing Imaginaries in the Anthropocene

Newcastle Poetry Prize 2019

The Impact of the Shari’ah on Foreign Direct Investment and Arbitration: The Case of Saudi Arabia and its Vision 2030

The Voice Of The Child in International Child Abduction Proceedings Under the 1980 Hague Convention

Post-Translational Deimination of Immunological and Metabolic Protein Markers in Plasma and Extracellular Vesicles of Naked Mole-Rat (Heterocephalus glaber)

The production and governance of race in licensing decisions: the initial findings of an ethnographic researcher exploring race at night in ‘Greenshire’

Airline philanthropy - investment or expense?

Review: Geoffrey Hill, The Book of Baruch by the Gnostic Justin, edited by Kenneth Haynes (OUP, 2019)

Does the traditional medicinal use of Leonurus cardiaca L. as specified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) monographs reflect documented historical use and current research? A content analysis.

Using Different Approaches to Evaluate Individual Social Equity in Transport

The case study of the module 'Applying the Tools of Positive Psychology for Personal and Professional Development' at Westminster Business School

The global politics of ugly feelings: pessimism and resentment in a mimetic world

Sentiments of Resentment: Desiring Others, Desiring Justice

‘Charlie Hebdo’ and the two sides of imitation

Beyond Repression: A response to Phoebe Moore

“Priming” as a novel strategy to enhance chemotherapeutic efficacy

Intellectual Commons: The Normative Perspective

Spreading Disinformation on Facebook: Do Trust in Message Source, Risk Propensity, or Personality Affect the Organic Reach of “Fake News”?

Does Managerial ability matter for the choice of Seasoned Equity offerings?

“Art is Energy, Art is Power”: An Interview with Józef Robakowski

Airports and ageing passengers: A study of the UK

Curcumin: novel treatment in neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury

Acceptability of artificial intelligence (AI)-led chatbot services in healthcare: A mixed-methods study

Rethinking the Political Economy of Immigration Control: A Comparative Analysis

What is Critical Digital Social Research? Five Reflections on the Study of Digital Society

M. N. Roy and the Frankfurt School: Socialist Humanism and the Critical Analysis of Communication, Culture, Technology, Fascism and Nationalism

Enhanced Demand and Capacity Balancing based on Alternative Trajectory Options and Traffic Volume Hotspot Detection

Train tweets: Engaging and supporting customers through Twitter

Breaking the wall of Salmonella outbreaks investigation (1/10/2019)

BBC Radio London: Dr Manal Mohammed discusses children’s personal hygiene as children go back to school (2 September 2019)

Trade (dis)integration: The sudden death of NAFTA

Exploring Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, London, to Improve Health and Nutrition Outcomes in Children Under 2 Years of Age

Engaging students to engage

Preface for the Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (IMMS 2019) (ACM). 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Management Science, 23-25 Aug 2019 Chengdu China

Invisible Men: An Anthology from the Westminster Menswear Archive

Aranyosi and Caldararu through the Eyes of National Judges

Advancing Pancreas Segmentation in Multi-protocol MRI Volumes using Hausdorff-Sine Loss Function

Scene-and-Process-Dependent Spatial Image Quality Metrics

Validation of Modulation Transfer Functions and Noise Power Spectra from Natural Scenes

Invisible Men Conference

Pathways to delinquency for street children in China: Institutional anomie, resilience and crime

Conceptual similarities; distinct difference: Exploring ‘the gang’ in Mainland China

The Gangs of Bangladesh; Mastaans, Street Gangs and ‘Illicit Child Labourers’ in Dhaka

Leveraging employee networks for global mobility success

Flexible & remote working in global mobility

Provocative engagement: Documentary audiences and performances in The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence

The Bosniak Community and the Kosovo Education System

Lessons Learned? The Kosovo Specialist Chambers’ Lack of Local Legitimacy and Its Implications

Honorary Doctorate of Arts

Representing Childhood and Forced Migration: Narratives of Borders and Belonging in European Screen Content for Children

A Study of 597 Logos Shows Which Kind Is Most Effective

The Occupation of Maritime Territory under International Humanitarian Law

Cardiac Troponin in Endurance Exercise—Fragments of the Imagination or Clinical Significance?

Reform of the administrative justice system: a plea for change and a research agenda

Evaluation Report of the Social Prescribing Demonstrator Site in Shropshire – Final Report

Remediating industrial wastewater containing azo dyes. Are microbial fuel cells the answer?

Vocational Education and Training for Low Energy Construction in Europe

A field lens onto Architectural Practice: the grand and the mundane

Inclusive Vocational Education and Training for Low Energy Construction: VET4LEC Final Report and Country Summaries

Understanding travel and differential capabilities and functionings in Beijing

Banning diesel vehicles in London: Is 2040 too Late?

Women slowly taking off: An investigation on female underrepresentation in commercial aviation

Environmental heterogeneity of Staphylococcus species from alkaline fermented foods and associated toxins and antimicrobial resistance genetic elements

Narrative in Keywords for Today

Degradation of azo dye (Acid orange 7) in a microbial fuel cell: comparison between anodic microbial-mediated reduction and cathodic laccase-mediated oxidation

The presence of Y674/Y675 phosphorylated NTRK1 via TP53 repression of PTPN6 expression as a potential prognostic marker in neuroblastoma

Do accelerated, work-based programmes enhance student learning? An action research study

The pineal hormone melatonin inhibits doxorubicin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes

The pineal hormone melatonin inhibits doxorubicin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes

Sign and speech share partially overlapping conceptual representations

Tumor microenvironment defines the invasive phenotype of AIP-mutation-positive pituitary tumors

Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Interacting Protein Maintains Germinal Center B Cells through Suppression of BCL6 Degradation

Cold water immersion improves recovery of sprint speed following a simulated tournament

Not Like Home: American visitors to Britain in the 1950s

Taming Vertigo: Philippe Petit and the Subject of High-Wire Walking

A Taxonomy of Knowledge Spillovers for High-Tech Start-ups Development

From High Visibility to High Vulnerability: Feminist, Postcolonial and Anti-Gentrification Activism at Risk

Cannabidiol is a Novel Modulator of Bacterial Membrane Vesicles

Kosovo: Statebuilding Utopia and Reality

Heparan sulfates are critical regulators of the inhibitory megakaryocyte-platelet receptor G6b-B

Platformization of Technology dominance: the case study of developing cryptocurrencies on GitHub

Customer Orientation in Family Businesses

Charlotte O'Brien: Unity in Adversity: Eu Citizenship, Social Justice and the Cautionary Tale of the UK

Rethinking the Role of the Armed Forces in Statebuilding: From Annihilation to Acceptance

ITV News: Dr Manal Mohammed discusses bacteria that are resistant to drugs

Towards Certified Model Checking for PLTL using One-pass Tableaux

In Focus: Microbial Fuel Cells, some considerations

The Digital Turn in Indian Film Sound: Ontologies and Aesthetics

Song is the Secret of of Existence: Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora in London and Doha

Effects of aberrant visuo-vestibular information on higher cognition

Human Trafficking: A Problem With a Past

Understanding and Creating Compassionate Institutional Cultures and Practices

Peter Benenson

Cognitive Change in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses in the Decade Following the First Episode

Europe’s power to influence the laws and practice of international protection worldwide

Rethinking Temporary Use Coordinators for the Regeneration of Underused Urban Spaces in Seoul

Digital capitalism: Defining the crisis and exploring the alternatives

Origins: How The Earth Made Us

What do project owners do? The case of UK government

Prioritising project management competences across the software project life cycle

‘Skanky stories’: Breaking boundaries of sexual taboo in women’s travel narratives

Proportionality in Cyber Targeting

Cyber sicurezza nello spazio: aspetti giuridici

Comprehensive HPTLC fingerprinting as a tool for a simplified analysis of purity of ginkgo products

Exploring Infant & young child feeding practices and perceptions in Tower Hamlets, London and the role of Early Years’ service providers in supporting healthy feeding practices

The Unpopularity of Property Law Modules: Popular Culture offers Solutions

The foundational paradox of Gunter Teubner

Law is a stage: from legal aesthetics to affective aestheses

Writing Beyond Distinctions

The Inconclusive Spatial Justice

The Immanent World: Responsibility and Spatial Justice

Machine Learning Classification of Females Susceptibility to Visceral Fat Associated Diseases

‘Sometimes there’s racism towards the French here’: xenophobic microaggressions in pre-2016 London as articulations of symbolic violence

Unidirectional Neuronal Cell growth and Differentiation on Aligned Polyhydroxyalkanoate Blend Microfibres with Varying Diameters

Esterase Cleavable 2D Assemblies of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanocubes: Exploiting Enzymatic Polymer Disassembling to Improve Magnetic Hyperthermia Heat Losses

Fostering Creativity via Technoself Enhanced Learning with Emerging Technologies

Compassionate Followership: The Emotional Side of Leadership

Beyond the pregnant man: representing trans pregnancy in A Deal With The Universe

Rosa Luxemburg on the Dialectic of Spontaneous and Party Politics

Subjects, Contexts and Modes of Critique. A Response to Jodi Dean

Populism and the use of tropes

Interview with Lukas Marxt

(Reopening) the Open Frame

America, America, America: Japanese artists in the United States in the Sixties and Seventies

A Cosmopolitan response to the 'war on terror'

A Map of Absence: An Anthology of Palestinian Writing on the Nakba

I IS ANOTHER: The fabulative filmic collaboration with someone recovering from addiction

Airport Management: a perspective article

Reflections on Time in Arabic Poetry

New Mobile Experiences of Vision and Modern Subjectivities in Late Victorian Britain

"On pourrait devenir londonien sans s'en rendre compte": Habitus and the Affective Creep of Settlement

Cyber security: Communication and risk management

Reproduction and Transformation: Preserving the London-French 'non-community' in the UK Web Archive

Transport Economics Matters: Applying Economic Principles to Transportation in Great Britain

Urban transport and social inequities in neighbourhoods near underground stations in Greater London

The association between urban public transport infrastructure and social equity and spatial accessibility within the urban environment: An investigation of Tramlink in London

Public transport accessibility and housing value uplift: Evidence from the Docklands light railway in London

Modern Family: A Revocable Hybrid Encryption Scheme Based on Attribute-Based Encryption, Symmetric Searchable Encryption and SGX

Rethinking the Ambiguities of Abstraction in the Anthropocene

The Lord of the Shares: Combining Attribute-Based Encryption and Searchable Encryption for Flexible Data Sharing

Co-responsibility and the multiplicities of co-

Constituent relations across the city: Three perspectives from practice

A Fully Adaptive Lattice-based Notch Filter for Mitigation of Interference in GPS

On board Processor and Processing Strategies for Next Generation Reconfigurable Satellite Payloads

Solidarity, Social Media, and the “Refugee Crisis”: Engagement Beyond Affect

Appraising digital records, or Swimming in treacherous shoals

Hollow Norms and the Responsibility to Protect

Complement component C4-like protein in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) - Detection in ontogeny and identification of post-translational deimination in serum and extracellular vesicles

Interfunctional coordination: the role of digitalization

Biodiversity and Taxonomy of the Parasitic Crustacea

JoVE Methods Collection Highlights: Protein-Protein Interactions

Controlling Understaffing with Conditional Value-at-Risk Constraint for an Integrated Nurse Scheduling Problem under Patient Demand Uncertainty

Nationalism on the Internet: Critical Theory and Ideology in the Age of Social Media and Fake News

"Malhar." Theorizing the Contemporary

Reading Dingo Stories

Real Time Hand Movement Trajectory Tracking for Enhancing Dementia Screening in Ageing Deaf Signers of British Sign Language

Screen Media for Arab and European Children: Policy and Production Encounters in the Multiplatform Era

Energy harvesting from Microbial Fuel Cells – Wastewater to Electricity

Tourism and the night: towards a broader understanding of nocturnal city destinations

A performative view on boundary spanning in platforms: the case study of cryptocurrencies on GitHub

Tailoring international assignments to working mothers

International Refugee Law and the Protection of Stateless Persons

Citizen Media and Practice: currents, connections, challenges

Practice what you preach? Currents, connections and challenges in theorizing citizen media and practice

Serious Games for Mathematics Support in Higher Education

How Mexican advertising featuring rich white people perpetuates racism and classism

Towards a Deadline-Based Simulation Experimentation Framework Using Micro-Services Auto-Scaling Approach

Jerusalem in Palestinian Poetry

Effects of upper-body, lower-body, or combined resistance training on the ratio of follistatin and myostatin in middle-aged men.

Teaching Reproducible Research: Brief report on a DART-P workshop

Validation of non-participation bias methodology based on record-linked Finnish register-based health survey data: a protocol paper

A Sustainable Approach for the Downstream Processing of Bacterial Polyhydroxyalkanoates: State-of-the-art and latest developments

Fiction and the Reaction to Photography: Literalism, the Law and the Conditions and the Control of Reading from the Invention of Photography to the 1920s

Development of a biocathode system in microbial fuel cells for improved treatment of azo dyes

Persuasion in Context: Understanding the Impact of Communication Modality, Gender, Ethnicity, Cognitive, and Linguistic Style Volume One Claire L.

The Reception of International News Channels in Hispanic Latin America: a Study on Audience Response to the Soft Power Endeavours of China, Russia and Iran

Conceptual Framework and Methodology for Analysing Previous Molecular Docking Results

Harry Partch: A Catalyst for Queer Compositionism

Design and Implementation of Complexity Reduced Digital Signal Processors for Low Power Biomedical Applications

Social Determinants of International Students’ Mobility: Enhancing the Capabilities of PhD Students from Turkey

The Art of Un-belonging

Conflict and Dispute in Nigeria Between the IFE and the Modakeke: Prospects for Prevention and Resolution by State. Protected Self-Determination

L’obbligo di prevenzione del genocidio e la distinzione fra obblighi di condotta e obblighi di risultato

Implementing transit oriented development in Greater London

Factors influencing the spectral clarity of vocals in music mixes

Enhancing creativity through automatic mixing research: testing spectral clarity predictors in the mix process

Optimizing vocal clarity in the mix

Penetration of French-origin lexis in Middle English occupational domains

The Repository is the CRIS, and the CRIS is the Repository

Practice-based arts research in repositories: how do we better engage with researchers to capture, manage and enable discoverability of this research?

Bringing your user community with you...a story of successful engagement

Building a single repository to meet all use cases: a collaboration between institution, researchers and supplier

Brain-Inspired Intelligent Systems for Daily Assistance

Comedy of Entanglement: The Karrabing Film Collective

Division as Distribution as Formation

Genetic studies of abdominal MRI data identify genes regulating hepcidin as major determinants of liver iron concentration

LEAP2 changes with body mass and food intake in humans and mice

Endocrine Resistance in Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer–From Mechanism to Therapy

Plasma non-termal: teknologi baru yang dapat membunuh 99,9% kuman mematikan di udara

Endurance exercise reduces cortisol in Parkinson's disease with mild cognitive impairment

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in hospital and hospital-at-home settings: a mixed-methods study

Customer Orientation in Highly Relational Services

Complex Methods Applied to Data Analysis, Processing, and Visualisation

Beyond survival? People management strategies for development and growth of PSBs in a fragmented digital media landscape

Deiminated Proteins in Extracellular Vesicles and Plasma of Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) - Novel Insights into Shark Immunity

An overview of benefits and challenges of building information modelling (BIM) adoption in UK residential projects

Peptidylarginine Deiminase Inhibitors Reduce Bacterial Membrane Vesicle Release and Sensitise Bacteria to Antibiotic Treatment

The Criminalisation of Intra-Party Offences in Light of Some Recent ICC Decisions on Children in Armed Conflict

Training and Education of Armed Forces in the Age of High-Tech Hostilities

Turning Gender Inside-Out: Delivering higher education in women's carceral spaces

The Open Academy: An Exploration of a Prison-Based Learning Culture

Bottlenecks Blocking Use of Accessibility Instuments: Exploring Usability, Usefullness and Institutional Barriers

The Learning Process of Accessibility Instrument Developers

Accessibility: Operationalizing a Concept with Revelance for Planners

Bumped Redundancy and the Range of Reasonable Responses: To what Extent, if any, should Employers Consider Bumping? Life after Mirab v Mentor Graphics Limited UKEAT/0172/17DA

Eliciting Best Evidence from a Child Witness: A Comparative Study of the United Kingdom and India

An In Vitro 3D Model to Evaluate Behaviour of Breast Cancer Cells and Response to Treatment

Piano Ombre - Album App

User-Influenced/Machine-Controlled Playback: The variPlay Music App Format for Interactive Recorded Music

How would university students prefer their classes to be timetabled?

'I Want to Make Queer Films, But Not LGBT films’: An Interview with He Xiaopei

The So-Called Groups of Militant Insanity Against the Video Police: Anti-Psychiatry and Autonomia in 1970s Italian Audiovisual Media


Global Connections: Chinese Feminism, Tibet and Xinjiang

Truth, Good and Beauty: The Politics of Celebrity in China

Ethical awareness and socio-legal research in the UK


A Structural Break Approach to Analysing the Impact of the QE Portfolio Balance Channel on the US Stock Market

Biosynthesis of spathulenol and camphor stand as a competitive route to artemisinin production as revealed by a new chemometric convergence approach based on nine locations’ field-grown Artemesia annua L.

Computational Modelling for Bankruptcy Prediction: Semantic data Analysis Integrating Graph Database and Financial Ontology

Molecular Diagnostics

Modelling the Home Health Care Nurse Scheduling Problem for Patients with Long-Term Conditions in the UK

Adult Learning Sign Language by combining video, interactivity and play in a 3D game platform

Immersive Learning Research Network, 5th International Conference, iLRN 2019, London, UK, June 23–27, 2019, Proceedings

Adaptive hypermedia driven serious game design and cognitive style in school settings: an exploratory study

Using Cognitive Walkthrough and Hybrid Prototyping to Gather User Requirements in Early Design Virtual Reality Prototypes

Aerotropolis: London's Airports as Experiences and Destinations

Destination London: The Expansion of the Visitor Economy

Design and implementation of a deep recurrent model for prediction of readmission in urgent care using electronic health records

A deep learning approach for length of stay prediction in clinical settings from medical records

MAPEANDO CENAS DA MÚSICA POP Materialidade, Redes e Arquivos Volume II

Psicogeografia, Cenas de Música Popular e Métodos de Mapeamento Móvel: Experimentos Pedagógicos Transdisciplinares no Mapeamento de Cenas Urbanas na Cidade Baixa, 2014-2015

Edge Detection Techniques for Quantifying Spatial Imaging System Performance and Image Quality

A Cloud-agnostic Queuing System to Support the Implementation of Deadline-based Application Execution Policies

The role of B2B marketers in increasing cyber security awareness and influencing behavioural change

How Business Relational Attributes contribute to marketing strategy development

How organizational learning reinforces interactive communication and sustainable B2B customer centred business relationships

Combining Clustering and Classification Ensembles: A Novel Pipeline to Identify Breast Cancer Profiles

'Talent Management Practices in Organisations' - Personal Perspective

High Speed Simulation Analytics

Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court and Conduct that Constitutes, Instigates or Facilitates International Crimes

Learner autonomy: A cultural perspective from Libya

Morphological and multi-level geometrical descriptor analysis in CT and MRI volumes for automatic pancreas segmentation

The Psychology of the Paranormal

Investigating microbial communication for enhanced production of biodegradable plastics

Extracellular Vesicles from Cod (Gadus morhua L.) Mucus contain Innate Immune Factors and Deiminated Protein Cargo

The Dinner Book of the London Drapers' Company, 1564-1602

Beyond obsolescence: A twenty-first century research agenda for the langues régionales

Advertising Industry Evolution: Agency creativity, fluid teams and diversity. An exploratory investigation

Ethnic differences in intrahepatic lipid and its association with hepatic insulin sensitivity and insulin clearance between men of Black and White ethnicity with early type 2 diabetes

Sub‐phenotyping Metabolic Disorders Using Body Composition: An Individualized, Nonparametric Approach Utilizing Large Data Sets

The Conversation: Non-thermal plasma: new technology could kill 99.9% of the deadly germs in the air.

The Lilliput Complex: Model Photographs and the Aerial Imagination

'Slowness of the Gaze': On Gabriele Basilico’s city portraits

A Secure Cloud-based Platform to Host Healthcare Applications

A Cloud/HPC Platform and Marketplace for Manufacturing SMEs

Enabling modular design of an application-level auto-scaling and orchestration framework using tosca-based application description templates

Documenting interim spaces as 21st century heritage

Racism and Brexit: notes towards an antiracist populism

Ofenbach variPlay - Rock It

How to go from A to B

Sexuality Among Adults with Congenital Deafblindness: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study Among Primary Carers

Fuzzy Integral Driven Ensemble Classification using A Priori Fuzzy Measures

Thermal comfort guidelines for production spaces within multi-storey garment factories located in Bangladesh

Optimization of water extract of Cinnamomum burmannii bark to ascertain its in vitro antidiabetic and antioxidant activities

Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) products: What quality differences exist?

Low-Cost Hybrid Manufactured Waveguide Bandpass Filters with 3D Printed Insert Dielectric

Impact of 5G Waveforms on Energy Harvesting Rectifier Performance

Evaluation of Waveform Candidates for 5G Wireless Communications

The Market Orientation and Customer Orientation Continuum: A Literature Review for Service Marketing

University study abroad and graduates’ employability - Update

Building in the Anthropocene

Voicelessness: A Call to Action

Culture, Time and Publics in the Arab World: Media, Public Space and Temporality

Children and Screen Media in Changing Arab Contexts: An Ethnographic Perspective

Internet Memes and Society: Social, Cultural, and Political Contexts

How Russian Rap on YouTube Advances Alternative Political Deliberation: Hegemony, Counter- Hegemony, and Emerging Resistant Publics

The Effect of Block Ownership on Future Firm Value and Performance

Design methodology for graphene tunable filters at the sub–millimeter–wave frequencies

Who caused that congestion? Narrating driving and cycling in a changing policy context

Achieving Good Dividends Through Brand Leadership

Spirituality in Management Development

Soil Affinities

Evaluating the benefits of virtual training for bioscience students

Neighbourhood Planning in London: devolution enabled, or devolution denied

Review of The Ceramics Reader, Andrew Livingstone and Kevin Petrie (eds). London & New York: Bloomsbury, 2017

Employer and work-based student perceptions of virtual laboratory teaching and assessment resources

Plants with antimalarial properties: A systematic review of the current clinical evidence

City Building (Glasgow): Inspirational model low energy construction and direct labour

Trade unions and the green transition in construction: challenges and opportunities

Supporting self-management after traumatic brain injury: Codesign and evaluation of a new intervention across a trauma pathway

The Prohibition against Torture: Why the UK Government is Falling Short and the Risks that Remain

Towards a New Normal: The Blurred Landscape of Architectural Research in China

The WHAT IF IT Process, Moving from Story-telling to Story-experiencing

Digitally Enhanced Advanced Services: Manufacturing Theme Research Agenda

Industry 4.0: Exploring Collaborative Supply Networks from the Pespective of Servitization of a Mature Public Transport System

BUG: Interactive and Immersive Narratives

Tackling global challenges through cause-related marketing: How brands should promote their support to social causes

Digital Health Psychology

Preferences for HIV testing services among men who have sex with men in the UK: A discrete choice experiment

Effect of age and pregnancy on the murine melanocortin system in the female reproductive system

Constructing Narcoterrorism as Danger: Afghanistan and the Politics of Security and Representation

The Issue of Blogging: Using Visual Network Analysis to go Beyond Self-reporting Studies of Blogging

Trends and perspectives in business psychology. What are the outcomes of the fifth International scientific-practical conference “Business psychology: theory and practice”?

Rail network resilience and operational responsiveness during unplanned disruption: A rail freight case study

Psychological and psychosocial interventions offered to forensic mental health inpatients: a systematic review

Talent Management – Professional Doctoral research conducted at the University of East London

The cognitive interview: a tiered approach in the real world

Performing new identities: the community language of post-crisis Italian migrants in London

Corporate social responsibility: a critical role for global mobility professionals

Repatriation: can social media make a difference?

Repeatability and reproducibility of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the liver

Modernism Between Benjamin and Goethe

Discovery of biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration before and after the onset of type 2 diabetes: descriptive characteristics of the epidemiological studies within the IMI DIRECT Consortium

Rethinking the Anthropocene as Carnivalocene

Assembly: catalogue of research findings

Sutured Selves, Remapping the Boundaries between our bodies, our selves and our kin

Emergent sociolinguistic variation in severe language endangerment

Integrated Filters and Couplers for Next Generation Wireless Tranceivers

Forum 2: The migrant climate: resilience, adaptation and the ontopolitics of mobility in the Anthropocene

Characterization of the Mobilome of Invasive Non-typhoidal Salmonella Dublin

Characterisation of Prophages in Salmonella Typhimurium DT8

Novel Approaches for Treatment and Prevention of Invasive Non-typhoidal Salmonella

The Lisa and John Slideshow [Script]

A Hand that Holds a Machete: Race and the Representation of the Displaced in Jacques Audiard’s Dheepan

An exploratory analysis of the effects of ownership change on airport competition

Mixed-methods study in England and Northern Ireland to understand young men who have sex with men’s knowledge and attitudes towards human papillomavirus vaccination

Evaluation of different chrominance models in the detection and reconstruction of faces and hands using the growing neural gas network

Let the Logo Do the Talking: The Influence of Logo Descriptiveness on Brand Equity

Resilience and the End(s) of the Politics of Adaptation

Using Documentaries in Teaching Arabic Poetry

Enhancing Rural-Urban Linkages Through the Historic Urban Landscape Approach: The Case of Shuang Wan Cun in the Jiangsu Province

Intraperitoneal delivery of acetate-encapsulated liposomal nanoparticles for neuroprotection of the penumbra in a rat model of ischemic stroke

Capitalism, Form and the Philosophy of the Urban

Invisible Men: an Anthology from the Westminster Menswear Archive

Unblocking high-value botanical value chains: Is there a role for blockchain systems?

Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes

Enrichment of microbial biocathodes to replace platinum catalyst in microbial fuel cells

Pierre Albert-Birot n'ira pas à la guerre:expériences et imaginaires en temps de guerre

‘L’homosexualité? ça n’existe pas en banlieue’: the indigènes de la république and gay marriage, between intersectionality and homophobia

Games People Play: The Collapse of “Masculinities” and the Rise of Masculinity as Spectacle


Vocational Education and Training for Low Energy Construction

Can Computer-assisted Interpreting Tools Assist Interpreting?

Urban Candy: Screens, Selfies and Imaginings

A social history of a so-­‐called "Golden Age" of music industrialization: production in Colombian recording and sound technology industries, 1949-­‐1963

Intact Sample Analysis

Molecular evidence for resurrection of Plesiochorus elongatus (Digenea: Gorgoderidae): an urinary bladder parasite of sea turtles

Cellulose-based hydrogels for wound healing

Substance misuse and parenting: Making drugs and gender in the Family Court

Techniques for the study of apoptosis in bone

Routledge handbook of socio-legal theory and methods

Quantitative analysis of Human Endogenous Retrovirus-K transcripts in postmortem premotor cortex fails to confirm elevated expression of HERV-K RNA in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Excessive iron accumulation induces beta cell cellular oxidative stress and insulin secretory dysfunction in MIN6 cells

Chantal Akerman in London

Revisiting the Althusser/E. P. Thompson-Controversy: Towards a Marxist theory of communication

Russia, China and the Middle East

Visitor Routes in Old City of Damascus with Implications and Strategies for Improvements

Monsoon [+ other] Waters

Genome-wide association and transcriptome studies identify target genes and risk loci for breast cancer.

Polygenic Risk Scores for Prediction of Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Subtypes.

Unconscious bias and the medical model: How the social model may hold the key to transformative thinking about disability discrimination

Inefficiencies caused by Governments’ interventions in airlines’ markets

Post-Editing in Practice: Process, Product and Networks

Testing the retranslation hypothesis for audiovisual translation: the films of Volker Schlöndorff subtitled into English

All the ACEs: A Chaotic Concept for Family Policy and Decision-Making?

Preface for IEEE Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2019) Cambridge UK

Preface for the ACM proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Computers in Management and Business (ICCMB 2019) Cambridge UK

Traditions of studying the social and the legal: A short introduction to the institutional and intellectual development of socio-legal studies

Temporal Comorbidity-Adjusted Risk of Emergency Readmission (T-CARER): A Tool for Comorbidity Risk Assessment

Daily Mail: The perils of sharing popcorn (and earphones, lip salve and even the sofa)! How bacteria, fungi and viruses can give you a very nasty surprise

Attenuated cortisol reactivity to psychosocial stress is associated with greater visual dependency in postural control

Extending Molecular Docking Desktop Applications with Cloud Computing Support and Analysis of Results

Making Line and Medium

Intelligent Load Balancing in Cloud Computer Systems

Mesenchymal Stromal Cell derived Extracellular Vesicles reduce Hypoxia-Ischaemia Induced Perinatal Brain Injury

Revisiting Sigmund Freud’s Diagrams of the Mind

Sensible Signs: Pictures and Not Painting After Conceptual Art

Patient Perceptions of Effectiveness in Treatments for Menière's Disease: a National Survey in Italy

Whole genome sequences of two Salmonella Dublin strains harbour viaA, viaB and ompB loci of the Vi antigen

Factors deterring and prompting the decision to attempt suicide on the railway networks: findings from 353 online surveys and 34 semi-structured interviews

The Political Project of Postcolonial Neoliberal Nationalism

Information Technology in the British and Irish Undergraduate Accounting Degrees

The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Acquiring Banks’ Contribution to Systemic Risk

The co-movement between oil and clean energy stocks: A wavelet-based analysis of horizon associations

The connectedness and hedging between gold and Islamic securities in the short, medium and long term

Haunted Landscapes: Ghosts of Chennai Past, Present and Future Yet-to-Come

Herbert Marcuse: Einige gesellschaftliche Folgen moderner Technologie

Learning from Los Curries

The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Bank Risks

The Contemporary Tourist

Scenarios of cycling to school in England, and associated health and carbon impacts: Application of the ‘Propensity to Cycle Tool’

The logistics of parcel delivery: current operations and challenges facing the UK market

Festive Space and Dream Worlds: Christmas in London

Strangers in the night: nightlife studies and new urban tourism

Salience versus magnitude in the measurement of the cortisol awakening response

The impact of changes in stakeholder salience on CSR activities in Russian energy firms: a contribution to the divergence / convergence debate

Analytical Framework for Case Study Collection

PSM in Italy: Troubled RAI in a Troubled Country

Art as Energy: Józef Robakowski from the Workshop of Film Form to Video Performance and Energy Recordings

Refining brand strategy: Insights into how the "informed-poseur" legitimizes purchasing counterfeits

Events management for the end of life: mortality, mourning and marginalisation

Limits to Growth

Air Transport: A Tourism Perspective

Developing cultural understanding through story-telling

A contemporary reading of the Accession Day Tilts in relation to festival and the Elizabethan notion of ‘lost sense of sight’

Empirische Forschung zur Verbraucherschlichtung Zwischenbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben „Funktionsweise der Allgemeinen Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle“ im Auftrag des BMJV

Religious Symbols and the Intervention of the Law: Symbolic Functionality in Pluralist States

Dude Looks Like a Lady: Gender Deception, Consent and Ethics

Training the Trainers in Embedding Assessment Literacy into Module Design: A Case Study of a Collaborative Transcreation Project

Lawyer Disciplinary Processes: An Empirical Study of Solicitors’ Misconduct Cases in England and Wales in 2015

Gamification in marketing: reality or fiction?

Liability for Environmental Harm from Deep Seabed Mining Activities: Defining Environmental Damage

"Bad business": capitalism and criminality in Agatha Christie's novels

Intrusion Detection and Classification with Autoencoded Deep Neural Network

Employing cognitive metonymy theory in the analysis of semantic relations between source and target text in translation

BBC News: Victoria Derbyshire: Dr Manal Mohammed Comments on Superbugs and Antibiotic Resistance

The asymmetry in firms’ mechanisms of cash holdings adjustments: evidence from the G-5 economies

A Single Open Source Repository For Every Use Case

Building an All Haplo repository: A partnership between institution and supplier, in collaboration with researchers and the user community

Urban tourism as a source of contention and social mobilisations: a critical review

Positivity bias in past and future episodic thinking: Relationship with anxiety, depression, and retrieval- induced forgetting

Silent cerebral infarction and cognitive function following TAVI: an observational two-centre UK comparison of the first-generation CoreValve and second-generation Lotus valve

Visitor (im)mobility, leisure consumption and mega-event impact: the territorialisation of Greenwich and small business exclusion at the London 2012 Olympics

The Surveillance State: A Composition in Four Movements

Affective Communication between ECAs and users in Collaborative Virtual Environments: The REVERIE European Parliament use case

Towards an inclusive workplace: Fostering a culture of authenticity, inclusiveness and well-being

Assessing risk and the role of trust: managing in a world of global uncertainty

Mental health in the new economy

Can I Get a Witness? The significance on contracts in an age of musical abundance

Molecular insights into the identification and phylogenetics of the cosmopolitan marine fish blood parasite, Haemogregarina bigemina (Adeleorina: Haemogregarinidae)

Targeted advertisement of chlamydia screening on social media: A mixed-methods analysis

Moving from linear to digital interactive stories : a shifting world that demands several mind shifts

Social Media, Big Data, and Critical Marketing

Modelling, Simulation and Verification of 4-phase Adiabatic Logic Design: A VHDL-Based Approach

Appropriation of Digital Machines and Appropriation of Fixed Capital as the Real Appropriation of Social Being: Reflections on Toni Negri’s Chapter

Karl Marx in the Age of Big Data Capitalism

Beyond Big Data Capitalism, Towards Dialectical Digital Modernity: Reflections on David Chandler’s Chapter

Introduction: Big Data Capitalism – Politics, Activism, and Theory

Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data

Comparison Between Uniform and Nonuniform Interpolation Techniques for Digital Alias-free FIR Filtering

Datafying the Globe: Critical Insights into the Global Politics of Big Data Governance

The effects of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on cycling performance and acid base balance recovery in acute normobaric hypoxia

Miniaturized Quadrature Hybrid Couplers based on Novel U-shaped Transmission Lines

Muslim women and (in)security: a Palestinian paradox

Multilingual Annotations in Ælfric’s Glossary in London, British Library, Cotton Faustina A. x: A commented edition

Evaluating active travel and health economic impacts of small streetscape schemes: An exploratory study in London

Museum visitors’ heterogeneity and experience processing

The paradoxes of the theory of imprévision in the new French law of contract: a judicial deterrent?

A novel ingestion strategy for sodium bicarbonate supplementation in a delayed-release form: a randomised crossover study in trained males

The combined expression of solute carriers is associated with a poor prognosis in highly proliferative ER+ breast cancer

The Chinese in Southern Europe: Has urban regeneration addressed their new form of clustering?

Great expectations? Female expatriates’ perceptions of organisational performance and development reviews in supporting access to international assignments

A theory of media production

Biosynthesis of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate and its Application in Controlled Drug Delivery

Flexibility, Innovation, and Precarity in the Television Industry

Short-Term Exercise Training Inconsistently Influences Basel Testosterone in Older Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

The Bilingual Thesaurus of Everyday Life in Medieval England

New Speakers and Language Revitalisation: Arpitan and Community (Re)formation

Farmers as experts: interpreting the "hidden" messages of participatory video across African contexts

British Encounters with the 'Islamic World' 1921-1989

Abnormal Visuo-vestibular Interactions in Vestibular Migraine: a Cross Sectional Study

Are retailers “bagging” the carrier bag levy in England? An exploratory enquiry

Assessing bus rapid transit in Great Britain

Transforming the University of Westminster Repository

‘To be, or not to be’: Hamlet Q1, Q2 and Montaigne

Monetary Policy Rules with PID Control Features: Evidence from the UK, USA and EU

Elite Discourse Coalitions and the Governance of 'Smart Spaces':Politics, Power and Privilege in India's Smart Cities Mission

Citizens’ attitudes towards mega-events: a new framework

Evaluating white noise degradation on Sonic Quick Response Code (SQRC) decode efficacy

Quantitative analysis of streaming protocols for enabling Internet of Things (IoT) audio hardware

Innovation in Music: Performance, Production, Technology, and Business

Acoustic transmission of metadata in audio files using Sonic Quick Response Codes (SQRC)

Evaluating analog reconstruction performance of transient digital audio workstation signals at high- and standard- resolution sample frequencies

Editors: Special edition of Journal of Prisoners on Prisons: Twenty years of Convict Criminology

Biocatalytic electrode improvement strategies in microbial fuel cell systems

Trace: Design Project and Critical Reflection

Peptidylarginine Deiminases Post-translationally deiminate Prohibitin and modulate Extracellular Vesicle Release and microRNAs in Glioblastoma Multiforme

A novel ladder-like lectin relates to sites of mucosal immunity in Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)

Cannabidiol Affects Extracellular Vesicle Release, miR21 and miR126, and Reduces Prohibitin Protein in Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells

Repressors exhibit lower cortisol reactivity to group psychosocial stress

Crowdsourced Mapping in Crisis Zones: Collaboration, Organisation and Impact

Book Review: Postcolonial France: race, Islam, and the future of the republic

Buffering agents: Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Phosphate

Exchanging knowledge to improve organic arable farming: an evaluation of knowledge exchange tools with farmer groups across Europe

Suicide Prevention From the Perspectives of Gay, Bisexual, and Two-Spirit Men

Shared heritability and functional enrichment across six solid cancers.

Current trends on MA translation courses in the UK: changing assessment practices on core translation modules

New Perspectives on Assessment in Translator Education

Probing the mechanism of simultaneous bioenergy production and biodegradation process of Congo red in microbial fuel cells

Size and diversity in VC syndicates and their impact on IPO performance

Long-term follow-up of intratympanic methylprednisolone versus gentamicin in patients with unilateral Menière’s disease

Imminence in Refugee and Human Rights Law: A Misplaced Notion for International Protection

Draft Genome Sequences of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Dublin Strains from St. Nectaire and Morbier Cheeses Characterized by Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis Profiles Associated with Two Fatal Outbreaks in France

Decentralized Implementation of Flood Resilience Measures – A Blessing or a Curse? Lessons from the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan and the Royal Docks Regeneration

Identifying Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Styles in the United Kingdom

Flexible distribution functions, higher-order preferences and optimal portfolio allocation

Mapping and Politics in the Digital Age

Gamification and Entrepreneurial Intentions

Rethinking Radical Democracy

Ageing with HIV

Determinants of influenza and pertussis vaccination uptake in pregnancy: a multi-centre questionnaire study of pregnant women and healthcare professionals

Domestic thermal upgrades, community action and energy saving: a three-year experimental study of prosperous households

Racism and Classism in Mexican advertising

Intercriteria Analysis and Arithmetic Functions

’Does country-of-origin matter in the era of globalisation? Evidence from cross sectional data in Uzbekistan

Colonial Subjects and Citizens in the French Internal Resistance, 1940-1944

Peptidylarginine deiminase and deiminated proteins are detected throughout early halibut ontogeny - Complement components C3 and C4 are post-translationally deiminated in halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)

Carbon emissions of cities from a consumption perspective

Social Conformity in Autism

Propaganda 2.0: Herman and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model in the Age of the Internet, Big Data and Social Media

Ethnography and Modern Languages

The roles of social media, clean eating and self-esteem in the risk of disordered eating: A pilot study of self-reported healthy eaters

Genome-wide and abdominal MRI-imaging data provides evidence that a genetically determined favourable adiposity phenotype is characterized by lower ectopic liver fat and lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and hypertension

The ‘Summer of Discontent’: Exclusion and Communal Resistance at the London 2012 Olympics

Examining consumers’ luxury hotel stay repurchase intentions-incorporating a luxury hotel brand attachment variable into a luxury consumption value model

Colonization with Chinese Characteristics: Politics of (In)Security in Xinjiang and Tibet

Associations of obesity and circulating insulin and glucose with breast cancer risk: a Mendelian randomization analysis

Information is Power? Transparency and fetishism in International Relations

Spatiotemporal dynamics of PDGFRβ expression in pericytes and glial scar formation in penetrating brain injuries in adults

The use of bio-electrochemical systems in environmental remediation of xenobiotics: a review

Supporting Ghanaian micro-entrepreneurships: The role of mobile technology

Is the Landscape of Talent Management a Vague Rhetoric?

Water Governance in Decentralising Indonesia

Civil society contributions to local level flood resilience

Conceptualising the role of knowledge in ‘acting on media’

What’s in a Logo? The Impact of Complex Visual Cues in Equity Crowdfunding

Optimising Parcel Deliveries in London Using Dual-Mode Routing

20th Century Avant-garde and Architecture: Mies van der Rohe's unbuilt design for the City of London

The Death of Hope? Affirmation in the Anthropocene

A Resilient Multi-factor Framework for Low Carbon Cities: An International Perspective

The impact of multimodal Collaborative Virtual Environments on learning: A gamified online debate

‘Roving Vultures’. Television News and the Outbreak of the Troubles in Northern Ireland

Henri Lefebvre’s Theory of the Production of Space and the Critical Theory of Communication

Governors and directors: Competing models of corporate governance

Do citizens hold mayors accountable for local conditions? Evidence from Italian municipalities

About ‘terms and conditions’: The Aadhar biometric identification programme as a mapping analytic

The Transvaluation of Critique in the Anthropocene

The SmartTarget BIOPSY trial: A prospective, within-person randomised, blinded trial comparing the accuracy of visual-registration and MRI/ultrasound image-fusion targeted biopsies for prostate cancer risk stratification

Collective Culpability in Costa Rica: The Case of Quince Duncan’s Kimbo

Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture: Audiences, Social Media, and Big Data

Mediennutzung und Psychoanalyse: Theoretische und Empirische Perspektiven

Other Bodies within Us: Shock, Affect and Reality Television Audiences

The “Duty to Cooperate” in English and French Contract Law: One Channel, Two Distinct Views

Dangerous drugs, dangerous mothers: Gender, responsibility and the problematisation of parental substance use

A Note on the Modelling and Interpretation of a Public Goods Game Experiment

Conceptualizing a distributed, multi-scalar global public sphere through activist communication practices in the World Social Forum

An End-to-End Deep Learning Histochemical Scoring System for Breast Cancer TMA

Pliant Bodies: Generic event laws and the normalisation of the exceptional

An Inquiry into Exchanges Rate Misalignments as a Cause of the Major Global Trade Imbalances

The effects of economic crises on participatory democracy

The effects of dietary supplementation with inulin and inulin-propionate ester on hepatic steatosis in adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Reference range of liver corrected T1 values in a population at low risk for fatty liver disease-a UK Biobank sub-study, with an appendix of interesting cases

Intergenerational and interethnic mental health: an analysis for the United Kingdom

Do firms still need to be social? Firm Generated Content in social media

Shades of communitas: a study of soft skills programs

Diasporas, Media and Culture: Exploring Dimensions of Human Mobility and Connectivity in the Era of Global Interdependency

Development of Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing for informal caregivers of people with cancer – a multicentred study

Enabling Cloud-based Computational Fluid Dynamics with a Platform-as-a-Service Solution

Impacts of an active travel intervention with a cycling focus in a suburban context: One-year findings from an evaluation of London’s in-progress mini-Hollands programme

Understanding taxi travel demand patterns through Floating Car Data

A Strategic Approach to the UK Construction Industry

Urban tourism as a bone of contention. Four explanatory hypotheses and a caveat

The Sounds of Social Space: Branding, Built Environment, and Leisure in Urban China

Marginalised youth, violence and policing: a qualitative study in Recife, Brazil

Understanding Russia's return to the Middle East

Making drug harms: Punishments for drugs offenders who pose risks to children

Motor traffic on urban minor and major roads: impacts on pedestrian and cyclist injuries

New Perspective on Customer Orientation of Service Employees: A Conceptual Framework

Live Reality Television: care structures within the production and reception of talent shows

Museum Audio Description: The Problem of Textual Fidelity

The physiological effects of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation do not apply to parameters commonly used in studies of Cognitive Neuromodulation

Constitutional Reasoning in the European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: In Search of Public Justification

Post-millennial Literature

Barriers to investing in cycling: Stakeholder views from England

Contextualising Safety in Numbers: a longitudinal investigation into change in cycling safety in Britain, 1991–2001 and 2001–2011

Planning and Leadership

The Lessons for Democratic Innovations

Sortition, Rotation and Mandate: Conditions for Political Equality and Deliberative Reasoning

BBC Experiments in local radio broadcasting 1961-62

Identifying networks in social media: The case of #Grexit

Justifying and resisting public park commercialisation: The battle for Battersea Park

‘“Adults decided our fate”: Children and young people navigating space, territory and conflicting identities in the “new” Northern Ireland

Quality Assurance and Assessment Practices in Translation and Interpreting

Preface: Quality Assurance and Assessment Practices in Translation and Interpreting

Constructing Standards in Communities: Tutors’ and Students’ Perceptions of Assessment Practices on an MA Translation Course

Servitization strategies from customers’ perspective: the moderating role of co-creation

Sentiments like Water: Unsettling Pathologies of Homosexual and Sadomasochistic Desire

The Common Fisheries Policy: The struggle for a sustainable policy

The Common Agricultural Policy: 'In order to preserve the CAP, we need to change it'

Impact of macro-structural reforms on the productivity growth of regions: distance to the frontier matters

“I Am Burning, I Am Burning”: Affect, acid attacks and British tabloid newspapers

On the “blindness” of blindsight: What is the evidence for phenomenal awareness in the absence of primary visual cortex (V1)?

Segmenting international assignments: theorising expatriate reward

International assignment reward policies: the importance of compensation and benefits to women’s expatriate participation

Thinking Through Feminist Theorizing: Poststructuralist Feminism, Ecofeminism and Intersectionality

Gender, Marketing, and Emotions: A Critical, Feminist Exploration of the Ideological Helix that Defines our Working Worlds

Screening the Royal Shakespeare Company: a Critical History

Reading Experimental Writing

Italian Post-War Migration to Britain: Cinema and The Second Generation

Beyond the concept of diaspora? Re-evaluating our theoretical toolkit through the study of Muslim transnationalism

The handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture

Surveying the Creative Use of Vacant Space in London, c.1945-95

MiCADO -Microservice-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator

London’s 'Unseen Tours': slumming or social tourism?

Being in the field in Bali: A reflection on fieldwork challenges in community-based tourism research

Within the Cimeras: Spaces of Imagination

Masculinities in China

The Afterlife of the Architecture Journal


Modernism and the Professional Architecture Journal: Reporting, editing and reconstructing in postwar Europe 

Cyclists in shared bus lanes: could there be unrecognised impacts on bus journey times?

Contested Identities in Costa Rica: Constructions of the Tico in Literature and Film

Book review of The 1916 Irish Rebellion by Bríona Nic Dhiarmada with foreword by Mary McAleese

In one’s own time: Contesting the temporality and linearity of bereavement

Healing past wounds with more than an elastic bandage– A small scale evaluation of attitudes and aspirations of contemporary Northern Irish Catholics

Aesthetics of Potentiality: Nguyen Trinh Thi's Essay Films

Stakeholder interactions and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices: Evidence from the Zambian copper mining sector

Health Public Relations

Review of "Journal of Second Language Pronunciation (Editor: John M. Levis ), Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. ISSN: 2215-1931; E-ISSN: 2215-194X"

From civilising foods for nourishing life to a global TCM dietetics: Changing perceptions of foods in Chinese medicine

Quality Control of Hypericum perforatum L. Analytical challenges and recent progress

The Role of Technical Vocabulary in the Construction of the Medieval Romance Text Type

The Blitz Companion: Aerial Warfare, Civilians and the City since 1911

The morphology of Silliot Greek: paradigmatic defectiveness, paradigmatic levelling, and affix pleonasm

The Reach of a Skirt in Southern Africa: Claims to Law and Custom in Protecting and Patrolling Relations of Gender and Sexuality

To ISDS or not to ISDS: A question of legitimacy in dispute resolution

Léopold Survage dans les espaces des revues artistiques et littéraires: rythmes, interactions, innovations

Reframing Migration: Lampedusa, Border Spectacle and the Aesthetics of Subversion

Interrupting the courtroom organism: screaming bodies, material affects and the theatre of cruelty

Serum IgA1 shows increased levels of α 2,6-linked sialic acid in breast cancer

Conversation with Susan Schuppli and Matthew C. Wilson

The IF Lab Field Guide to interactive storytelling ideation


Genetic Automata by Larry Achiampong and David Blandy

Cauleen Smith: Calling Planet Earth


Freud's Lost Lecture

'Emergent and Erratic: Monsoonal Transmogrification of Land, Air and Sea

'Emergent and Erratic: Monsoonal Transmogrification of Land, Air and Sea.

Encroachments (Premiered at Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving the Echo Chamber)


Like Gold Dust (2019)

Letter from the soils we have designed with

Emergent meadow watercolours

Design for Learning: Camden Schools, Architecture in the Age of Austerity

Still Live

A Feminist Chorus for Glasgow School of Art


Monument - The golden thread 2019

LFA 2019: AIR Grid - Four Aristippian Structures

Dortmund / Cologne Women's International Film Festival Official Selection: Confessions to the Mirror

Women of the Windrush Tell Their Stories

Animistic Apparatus: Screening

On Air, Aerocene Symposium: BEHIND THE SUN

Master and Emissary

Bass Culture film

Radiant Eye

Expressions of Ideal Relations

Animistic Apparatus screening programmes: Mud, Drones and Spirits; Between the Living and the Dead

Deciphering Deep Time Machine Learning

A Pocketful of Posies by Mediaeval Baebes

The Deep Field Trilogy. Part One: Initial Conditions

An Ugly Aside


Dog with Four Rifles

Landscape Gestures

Hybrid Minds, Hybrid Bodies

Ornamental Chronology

Cultural Icons: Remaking a Popular Pottery Tradition

Garden Self Portraits after Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore

Animistic Apparatus @ Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival

Animistic Apparatus screening programme: Landscape of Spirits

Bring the Break-Beat Back! Authenticity and the Politics of Rhythm in Jungle/Drum ‘n’ Bass

The North West Art School Record Machine

Artemisia in Katanga (Learning from artemisia)

Malaria, Congo and the Belgians (Learning from artemisia)

Learning from Artemisia

Invisible Men: An Anthology from the Westminster Menswear Archive

Kessels Kramer London

New Models of Social Housing: Mount Pleasant, Holmes Road, McGrath Road, 100 Mile City

The Vein, the Fingerprint Machine and the Automatic Speed Detector

Ottawa Art Gallery Screening: Confessions to the Mirror

Structural Innovation Through Digital Means: Wooden Waves, Galaxia, Conifera, Sandwaves, Polibot, Silkworm

Declarations - the Human Rights Podcast: Season 4 Episode 3 – The Politics of Exhaustion at the British Border

Bringing AIR Grid to the London Metropolitan Area