'A Collection of Small Choices'

Whole-genome fetal and maternal DNA methylation analysis using MeDIP-NGS for the identification of differentially methylated regions

Cell-free DNA analysis of targeted genomic regions in maternal plasma for non-invasive prenatal testing of trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, and fetal sex

Monsoon Assemblages: Chennai Field Trip Report, December 2016

Dynamic execution of scientific workflows in cloud

Infrastructure Aware Scientific Workflows and Infrastructure Aware Workflow Managers in Science Gateways

L’obbligo per gli Stati di assumere tutte le informazioni necessarie prima di un attacco ai sensi del diritto internazionale umanitario fra nuove e vecchie forme di intelligence

State Responsibility for International Humanitarian Law Violations by Private Actors in Occupied Territory: The Case of the Exploitation of Natural Resources

International Humanitarian Law as the Basis of the Law of International Responsibility regarding Obligations Erga Omnes and Erga Omnes Partes

Robust Peacekeeping Mandates: An Assessment in Light of Jus Post Bellum

A Case Study of Well-Known Trademarks in the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges for Foreign Mark Holders

Low and zero carbon homes – where next?

What next for energy efficient homes?

Editorial: special issue on computational intelligence for vision and robotics

Dialogic Pedagogy: An Introduction

The future of policy and standards for low and zero carbon homes

Making fantasy matter: The Lord of the Rings and the legitimisation of fantasy cinema

A Testimony and a Silence

Lives, loves and loss: Traces at Fenton House

Bespoke: Tailoring the Mass-Produced Prefabricated Interior

Forensic investigation and analysis of user input information in business application

Method is Impact is Outputs: Non-Linear Impact Generation in Practice Research

Journal Review: The World of Music (new series) Vol.4 (2015) 1: Sound Futures: Exploring Contexts for Music Sustainability.

The Welfare Effects of Trade in Phytomedicines: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Turmeric Production

The authenticity and quality of Rhodiola rosea products

Treasures of pharmacognosy: 2nd Forum on Pharmaceutical History in Switzerland,Kostbarkeiten der pharmakognosie

Genotoxic potential of chemotherapeutic agents in an in-vitro bystander model


La strategia della Commissione europea per il mercato unico digitale nelle prossime iniziative legislative

Is elite sport a driver for medical advance? ; Ar didelio meistriškumo sportas skatina medicinos pažangą?

A Domestic Monitoring Methodology to Measure Energy Consumption and Target Energy Reduction

Performance evaluation of operational energy use in refurbishment, reuse, and conservation of heritage buildings for optimum sustainability

Evaluating the Benefits of Exposing the Thermal Mass in Future Climate Scenarios to Reduce Overheating

The Challenges of Monitoring Energy Consumption to Assess Behavioural Changes in Occupants during Renovation Projects from a Low Budget Point of View

Health and well-being in prison design

Poster presentation on health and well-being in prison design

Aristolochic acid, a plant extract used in the treatment of pain and linked to Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, is a regulator of K2P channels

Nucleophosmin leukemogenic mutant activates Wnt signaling during zebrafish development

AML1/ETO accelerates cell migration and impairs cell-to-cell adhesion and homing of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells

Fad Diets: Lifestyle Promises and Health Challenges

Palliative Nutritional Care for Cancer Patients

Clostridium difficile-mediated effects on human intestinal epithelia: Modelling host-pathogen interactions in a vertical diffusion chamber

Ours to Hack and to Own: The Rise of Platform Cooperativism, A New Vision for the Future of Work and a Fairer Internet

Determinants of the WTI/Brent Oil Futures Differential

Investigating the lipodystrophy genetic score associations with insulin sensitivity, ectopic and visceral fat in people at risk or with diabetes: a DIRECT study

Book review: Post-Tv: Piracy, Cord-Cutting and the Future of Television, Michael Strangelove (2015) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 347 pp., ISBN: 978-1442614529, p/bk, £18.99

Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells: the ever mitotic cells of the CNS

How Necessary is the Vasculature in the Life of Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells? Evidence from Evolution, Development and the Adult Nervous System.

The Question and the Problem

From Political Topographies to Political Logics: Post-Marxism and Historicity

The sovereignty of sovereignty and the restricted object of critical IR

A Critique of New Materialism: Ethics and Ontology

Innovation processes in adverse institutional settings: Connectedness and disconnectedness in three regions of Ukraine

Textile challenge: Catering to the human body in flight

The fully-functioning university and its contribution to the advancement of knowledge

Universities’ engagement with vocationalism: historical perspective

Teaching in the second machine age

Learning from each other

Advanced Personal Training: science to practice

Dialogic pedagogy: the importance of dialogue in teaching and learning

Claiming our own space: Polyphony in teacher-student dialogue

Prosodic Chopping: A Pedagogic Tool to Signal Shifts in Academic Task Structure

How prosody marks shifts in footing in classroom discourse

Dialogic Pedagogy: The Importance of Dialogue in Teaching and Learning

Discursively managing sensitivity

Dialogism and Education

Intense human-animal interaction and limited capacity for the surveillance of zoonoses as drivers for Hepatitis E virus infections among animals and humans in Lao PDR

Electrocardiographic Study in Adult Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Lagos, Nigeria

Impact of HIV infection and zidovudine therapy on RBC parameters and urine methylmalonic acid levels

Negotiating Simplicity and Extravagance in Nineteenth Century Quaker Dress: Restraint and Excess in the Clothing Worn by Eleanor Stephens Clark and Helen Bright Clark of Street

The Composition of Landscapes

History and Photography

Photography and Art

Photography Theory

The Object of Still-Life

Global Photography

Documentary and Storytelling

Snapshots and Institutions

The Scopic Drive

Seeing Portraits

Visibility and Invisibility

Correction: Evidence for Reduced Drug Susceptibility without Emergence of Major Protease Mutations following Protease Inhibitor Monotherapy Failure in the SARA Trial.

How do emigrants adapt themselves to the local culture?

Special Issue: ‘The Material Turn’ in Migration Studies

Zeta integrals on arithmetic surfaces

Network forensics tools in a mixed-network environment and the adoption of e-voting system in developing countries

On the investigation of social network analysis for E-commerce transaction in south-west region of Nigeria

Towards the investigation of using social network analysis for counter terrorism in West Africa: case study of Boko Haram in Nigeria

Developing a state of the art methodology & toolkit for ICS SCADA forensics

Realtime fraud detection in the banking sector using data mining techniques/algorithm

Sequences of numbers obtained by digit and iterative digit sums of Sophie Germain primes and its variants

Implementation of the enhanced fingerprint authentication in the ATM system using ATmega128

Future trends in geospatial information management: the five to ten year vision (2nd Edition)

New paradigms in clonal evolution: punctuated equilibrium in cancer

Differential clonal evolution in oesophageal cancers in response to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy

The O'Neills of the Fews: their origin, descendants and DNA profile II

Impact of organisational culture and leadership style on organisational effectiveness

Attitude of Medical Students at Sultan Qaboos University toward Psychiatry

Perception of Stigma among Attendees of Tertiary Care Psychiatric Clinic in Oman

Role of Socio-Economic Inequality in Learning Outcomes of Youth

Education Outcomes & Child’s Work: A Case Study of Children in Slum

Envisioning a Road to Social Justice: Addressing Gender Inequality in Science & Technology through Capability Approach

Unsettling Relations: Disrupting the Ethical Subject in Fan Studies Research

Expatriate dual career strategies: making a contribution to theory and practice

A qualitative exploratory investigation of the purchase intention of consumers affected by long-Term negative referral: A case from the Chinese milk sector

Asset liquidity and stock returns

Air-actuated Deployable Cushion Structures

The Serotonin Transporter Promotes a Pathological Estrogen Metabolic Pathway in Pulmonary Hypertension via Cytochrome P450 1B1

Adipocyte-Specific Mineralocorticoid Receptor Overexpression in Mice Is Associated With Metabolic Syndrome and Vascular Dysfunction: Role of Redox-Sensitive PKG-1 and Rho Kinase

Novel Biosensors Reveal a Shift in the Redox Paradigm From Oxidative to Reductive Stress in Heart Disease

Public service media in the late 2010s: Values, governance and policy

Efficient Collaboration between Government, Citizens and Enterprises in Commons Telecommunication Infrastructures

Family policy: the Mods and Rockers

Dynamics of disadvantage: race, gender and class

“Ain’t doing tramp’s work”: educational marginalisation and imagined futures

Disciplining pupils: from exclusion to ‘inclusion’

The politics of exclusion

Damaged boys, needy girls

‘Yo momma …’: foregrounding families

Contextualising challenging behaviour

PAX6, brain structure and function in human adults: Advanced MRI in aniridia

Combined Ex Vivo 9.4T MRI and Quantitative Histopathological Study in Normal and Pathological Neocortical Resections in Focal Epilepsy

Balanced translocation linked to psychiatric disorder, glutamate, and cortical structure/function.

Moving Towards The Sun

On Correct Colour: On Margaret Honda's films

To Pour Milk Into a Glass: Film, Video and Conceptual Art in Britain 1964–1979

Street Children and ‘Illicit Labour’: Considering New Ways to Prevent Young People’s Involvement in Organised Crime’ - Beijing, China

Seaming, Writing and Making Strange: Between material and text

Zee Media Took Down My Article On Kashmir Without Offering Any Explanation

Achieving better requirements to code traceability: which refactoring should be done first?

Innovation and Inequality: An Outline of an Alternative Perspective

Investigating the role of Knowledge Management and its transfer in the context of British Educational Consortium

A critical case study review of knowledge management and knowledge transfer frameworks in FE/HE consortium - From an International business development perspective

Integrated Collaborative Tools for Precast Supply Chain Management

Adi Kuntsman and Rebecca L. Stein, Digital Militarism: Israel's Occupation in the Social Media Age (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2015). Pp. 192. $65.00 cloth, $21.95 paper. ISBNs: 9780804785679, 9780804794909

Digital Marketing Strategy for Affinity Marketing: Utilising the New Marketing Arena

2D-3D Registration Accuracy Estimation for Optimised Planning of Image-Guided Pancreatobiliary Interventions

Assessment of Electromagnetic Tracking Accuracy for Endoscopic Ultrasound

Measuring Complex Brain Networks Structure

Physical activity location and intensity across the school year: a mixed methods study

The use of technology in measuring children’s physical activity

Gender differences in physical activity behaviour according to location

The psychological reasons for losing the winning game of cricket

Les cheminots, Vichy et la Shoah: Des travailleurs ordinaires

The British Army of the Rhine: Turning Nazi Enemies into Cold War Partners

Applying curricula design principles to enhance students learning experience via in-class formative assessments

Investigating knowledge management in emerging markets: an Albanian case example

Genomic Variant Classifier Tool

GeVaCT - Genomic Variant Classifier Tool

Grey-Box Model: An ensemble approach for addressing semi-supervised classification problems

Systematic identification of phenotypically enriched loci using a patient network of genomic disorders

Progress on the genome characterisation of D. alata

A brief exploration of the effects of ICTs and social media on the gender activism in India post-December 16, 2012.

Gender and Class Intersectionality in India: an Analysis of the Nirbhaya Case, December 16th, 2012

Online Gender Activism in India and the participation of Indian Diaspora, 2012-2015

Insights into an Artistic Practice through Self-Reflection

The Authentic Surface: Making Garments, Selves and Others

Seaming, Writing and Making Strange: Between material and text

Seamlessness: Making and (Un)Knowing in Fashion Practice

Music and Cognition

Septins and Bacterial Infection

Research in information systems: A study of diversity and inter-disciplinary discourse in the AIS basket journals between 1995 and 2011

Gender dysphoria in an Omani female

The living and the dead; an investigation into the status of erasure within the floor of Bath Abbey

Monsoon Assemblages

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid of … the Environmental Activist? Ideological War, Coercive Justice, and Orwellian Dystopia

Punishment, Youth Justice and Cultural Contingency: Towards a Balanced Approach

Innovation and privatisation in the probation service in England and Wales

Probation, privatisation and perceptions of risk

The Brilliant & Forever

Stakeholders, politics, and media

The National Propensity to Cycle Tool

Review: Dark Circus, Stereoptik

Ethereal queer: Television, historicity, desire, Amy Villarejo

Book Review: Reality TV, June Deery, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2015, £15.99, 200pp.

Transport And Health: A Marriage Of Convenience Or An Absolute Necessity

Transport poverty and its adverse social consequences

The health impacts of traffic-related exposures in urban areas: Understanding real effects, underlying driving forces and co-producing future directions

Daguerre’s Abstraction

Pynchon’s Nineteen Eighty-Four: Vineland, Film, and the Tragedy of the American Activism of the Nineteen-Sixties

Mapping the Metaphysics of the Multiverse in Pynchon's Against the Day

“Redeeming Kracauer’s Theory of Film: An Examination of the Importance of Material Aesthetics”

"Race in the Age of Tribeless Youth Culture: Rick Famuyiwa’s Dope (2015) and Post-Racial Ideology"

“On Deleuze and Guattari’s Italian Wedding Fake Book: Pynchon, Improvisation, Social Organisation, and Assemblage”

Is a meaningful dialogue possible between research practices in the arts and in science and technology?

A Gendered Political Ecology of Tourism and Water

Assessing the Effects of Personal Characteristics and Context on U.S. House Speakers’ Leadership Styles, 1789-2006

Special Section: Value development from middle childhood to early adulthood – New insights from longitudinal and genetically informed research

Chilcot Report: Introduction

Brexit and the Media

Communicating Product User Reviews and Ratings in Interfaces for e-Commerce: A Multimodal Approach

Historic institutionalism and urban morphology in Jakarta: Building flood resiliency into the formal planning system

Whither London's Skyline

Stock Market Prediction Using Evolutionary Support Vector Machines: An Application To The ASE20 Index

Death and the Contemporary (Special double issue of New Formations journal)

Photography and Abstraction [Special Issue of Photographies journal]

Being Human


Kashmiri Pandits are a Pawn in the Games of Hindutva Forces

From Gandhi and Mandela to Modi in South Africa

From funerals to freedom for Kashmir: undoing the Great Indian Democracy

The impacts of economic importance difference of a joint venture (JV) held by partners and partners' size difference on the extraction of rivalrous and non-rivalrous private benefits in a JV.

Narrative abilities in early successive bilingual Slovak–English children: a cross-language comparison

Heat shock protein–based therapy as a potential candidate for treating the sphingolipidoses

Work conditions, mental workload, and patient care quality: a multisource study in the emergency department.

Recent discoveries of influenza A drug target sites to combat virus replication

Evaluation of a novel virtual screening strategy using receptor decoy binding sites

Lest we forget (matter) posthumanism, memory, and exclusion

Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (4/4)

Explaining diverging VET systems and approaches in the post-war construction sector: the examples of Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany

On Site

Lessons from abroad: the need for employee involvement, regulation and education for broad occupational profiles – the case of construction’ in Where next for apprenticeships?

Economic and Trade Policies in the Arab World: Employment, Poverty Reduction and Integration

Islamic Banking Regulation and the Role of the Sharia Board: The UK Case Study

The Power of Disruptive Protest in Driving Reform: Explaining the Failed case of Labour in Malaysia

The Social Relations Approach, empowerment and women factory workers in Malaysia

STAT1 activation in association with JAK2 exon 12 mutations

Rps14 haploinsufficiency causes a block in erythroid differentiation mediated by S100A8 and S100A9

JAK2V617F mediates resistance to DNA damage-induced apoptosis by modulating FOXO3A localization and Bcl-xL deamidation

Mutant Calreticulin Requires Both Its Mutant C-terminus and the Thrombopoietin Receptor for Oncogenic Transformation

Ambiguities of address: Cultural Revolution posters and their post-Mao appeal

A imagem moderna como produtora e produto da arquitetura moderna: as imagens fotográficas de Mario Fontenelle e Marcel Gautherot na construção da nova Capital do Brasil nas revistas Brasília e Módulo = Image as producer and product of modern architecture in Brazil: the photographs of Mario Fontenelle and Marcel Gautherot in the magazines brasília and Módulo

The modern image as a producer and product of modern architecture: Marcel Gautherot’s and Mario Fontenelle’s documentary photographs of the construction of Brasilia

Basic German: a Grammar and Workbook

Reviews: Swan Lake, Swan Lake, Trinity

The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience, Adaptation and Vulnerability

Ageing increases reliance on sensorimotor prediction through structural and functional differences in frontostriatal circuits

Representations of Female Eroticism in Zakariyyā Tāmir: The Women’s Revolution from Object to Subject

Urban Change in a Northern Nigeria City - Kaduna 1965-2015

The Universal Foreground: Ordinary Landscapes and Boring Photographs

The Gangs of Bangladesh: Exploring Organised Crime, Street Gangs and ‘Illicit Child Labourers’ in Dhaka

The experiences of victims of online Islamophobia

Offender and offence characteristics of school shooting incidents

Reverse left ventricular remodeling: Effect of cardiac rehabilitation exercise training in myocardial infarction patients with preserved ejection fraction

Perioperative kinetics of endocan in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with and without cardiopulmonary bypass

The interaction between systemic inflammation and psychosocial stress in the association with cardiac troponin elevation: A new approach to risk assessment and disease prevention

Rapid Cardiovascular Diagnostics

A systematic review and meta- analysis of low intensity CBT for psychosis

Guided self-help cognitive behavioural intervention for VoicEs (GiVE): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial

No Significant Evidence of Cognitive Biases for Emotional Stimuli in Children At-Risk of Developing Anxiety Disorders.

A Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein-Thrombospondin-2 Axis and the Risk of Relapse in Neuroblastoma

Hyperphosphorylated tau in patients with refractory epilepsy correlates with cognitive decline: a study of temporal lobe resections

Bioavailability and metabolism of ccompounds from wholegrain wheat and aleurone‐rich wheat bread

Early lipofuscin accumulation in Frontal Lobe Epilepsy

Proresolving and cartilage-protective actions of resolvin D1 in inflammatory arthritis

Grasp-specific motor resonance is influenced by the visibility of the observed actor.

A Causal Role for Primary Motor Cortex in Perception of Observed Actions.

Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2015-2016

Producing benefits from information systems outsourcing in the public sector: Towards a better understanding of owner dynamic capabilities

A Renegotiations of Status? Neo-tribal Sociality in the Barristers' Profession in England

How our mainstream media failed democracy

Media management: a critical discipline

Design for Diversity: Intercultural Outdoor Places

International Law and World Politics

Bahrain: An R2P Blindspot?

Humanitarian Intervention

Global Communications and National Policies: The View from the EU

New Networks, Old Markets Structures? The Race to Next Generation Networks in the EU and Calls for a new Regulatory Paradigm

Confessions to the Mirror (16mm, col, 68min, 2016)

The harmonic centroid as predictor of single sound spectral clarity

Why singing may help people with dementia

Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia

Values and Leadership Development

Unlocking Evidence. 3rd edition

Marxism rewritten

Emerging Scholars in Tourism Research

Multi-level Governance and England’s Management of Tourism Policy and Planning

Decentralization and England’s Governance of Tourism. Case study: Greater Manchester

A Framework for Neighbourhood Landscape Planning and Design in High-density, High-rise Residential Estates, Singapore

Exploring Participatory Design for Sustainable Landscape for Public Housing Neighborhoods in Singapore

Improving Thermal Performance of Workspaces: Ventilation design strategies for existing garment factories in Bangladesh

Cognition and Belief

Biological Cycles and Cognition

Memory Improvement

The Planning System in Syria

Understanding Light in Lightweight Fabric (ETFE Foil) Structures through Field Studies

Thermal and optical analysis of a passive heat recovery and storage system for greenhouse skin

Ownership Yield and Prime Real Estate in Alpha Cities

Whole Genome Sequencing Provides Insights into the Genetic Determinants of Invasiveness in Salmonella Dublin

Whole genome sequencing provides an unambiguous link between Salmonella Dublin outbreak strain and a historical isolate

The selling (out) of Berlin and the de- and re-politicization of urban tourism in Europe’s ‘Capital of Cool’

Urban tourism and its discontents. An introduction

Protest and Resistance in the Tourist City

The Differential Impact of Public and Private Governance Institutions on the Different Modes of Foreign Investment

Impact of Social Media on Economic Growth - Evidence from Social Media

AFTER CHANTAL: An International Conference

Art/Sci Nexus, 9 Evenings Revisited

A Call for Radical Time

Visual Narratives of Embodied Experience at RPsych Conference

Pictures Out of Painting

Showing and Telling: Narrative Photography from Pictures to Parafictions

Compte rendu de: Raymund Wilhelm (ed.), De diz comandemenz en la lei. Le décalogue anglo-normand selon le manuscrit BL Cotton Nero A. III: texte, langue et traditions, Heidelberg, Winter (Romanische Texte des Mittelalters), 2015, 258 pages

Parental Child Abduction: The Long-Term Effects

Let's Talk About Sex: Gender Trouble in the Music Industry

Les variétés régionales non-méridionales de France: Nivellement; dédialectalisation; supralocalisation

Assembly: performing the materiality of Muslim prayer spaces

Human activity recognition with inertial sensors using a deep learning approach

Nutritional considerations during prolonged exposure to a confined, hyperbaric, hyperoxic environment: Recommendations for saturation divers

Brief communication: Self-reported health and activity habits and attitudes in saturation divers

Recent Developments in the Use of Sodium Bicarbonate as an Ergogenic Aid

Mind the gap: Reality and expectations of the global mobility function

Adoption or Rejection of Digital Wearable Devices

The intersection of mobility and talent – the role of gender diversity

Returns to Maths and English Learning (at level 2 and below) in Further Education

Estimating the Economic Impact of Acas Services

Estimating the Value of Discounted Rental Accommodation for London’s ‘Squeezed’ Key Workers

Enhancing electricity production from wastewater using microbial fuel cells

Strategic brand alliances: Research advances and practical applications

Why do dictators need women?

Belarus. The two hidden mechanisms of media censorship

Information and Communication Technologies and New Possibilities of Political Participation in Belarus

Political participation and internet platforms: How new communication technologies help Belarusian civic activists

Academic staff attitudes to staff-student partnerships: a social practice theory approach

Digital Construction MOOC

A Step into the Unknown: Designing and Running a MOOC

Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Disease (Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications)

L-Arginine in Clinical Nutrition (Nutrition and Health)

Home and Away: Home, Migrancy, and Belonging Through Landscape Photographic Practice

Silence, Exile and Coming Second

Influence of electrolytes in mediating Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm composition and virulence factors

What works to improve the quality of student learning in developing countries?

Digital Media, Psychoanalysis and the Subject (Special Issue)

The formyl peptide receptor 2 (Fpr2) agonist, Compound 43 (Cpd43), attenuates and promotes the release of pro-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory cytokines, respectively

Digital Fabrication Workshop 2016

FAB FEST '16 - International Fabrication Festival

Introduction to Making Online through eLearning


Drawing as Research

The Thing Itself

Relational Knowledge and Creative Practice

Conditions for Creativity/Creative Practice


ADAPTr Exhibition

Walking Cities: London

CASSIOPEIA II D3.2 - Final technical report

CASSIOPEIA II D2.2 - Platform extension report v2

ComplexityCosts D4.5 - Final Technical Report

ComplexityCosts D3.2 - Investment trade-offs

Teaching Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Service-based Urban Design and Planning Studios

Mainstreaming Gender in the City

Moscow Vertigo

Not so dissatisfied after all? The impact of union coverage on job satisfaction

Managing Heat System Decarbonisation: Comparing the impacts and costs of transitions in heat infrastructure

Energy Options for Transport

Baker Street Wonderpass: evaluation of improvement works

Managing frame diversity in environmental participatory processes: Example from Fogera woreda, Ethiopia

Well Dressed Men: From Montague Burton to Topman

Fashion for the High Street: The Design and Making of Menswear in Leeds 1945-1980

Sex, Secret Messaging and Social Support in the Workplace: The buffering effect of intimacy at work

From Body Agents to Agent Bodies: Drawing Posthuman Embodiment from the Inside Out

Where Mega meets Modest: community events and the making of Canadian national identity

Pagan Tourism and the Management of Ancient Sites in Cornwall

The Correlation Between Personality And Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Recommendation For Entrepreneurial Education

Volumetric, relaxometric and diffusometric correlates of psychotic experiences in a non-clinical sample of young adults

Mediation of Developmental Risk Factors for Psychosis by White Matter Microstructure in Young Adults With Psychotic Experiences

US and Canadian term structures of interest rates: A forecasting comparison

Reassessing the Numerous Proposed and Existing U-values for Lebanon

UWB Filtennas with Dual Bandnotch for WiMAX and WLAN Bands using Circular and Square Resonators

BESTFACT Best Practice Handbook 3

Hybrid Agile for Global Teams (Workshop)

Business and Human Rights on a Networked Governance Platform: Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Governance in a System Perspective

Business & Human Rights: Implications for Management, Knowledge Needs and Teaching

Reflections on the EPSRC Principles of Robotics for a Social Responsibility Perspective

From Transnational Regulatory Capacity to Governance Opacity: Winners and Losers of the Neo-Liberal Agenda

Book Review: Moving Health Sovereignty in Africa: Disease, Governance, and Climate Change

Social Media Battles: their Impact during the 2014 Greek Municipal Elections

Social Movements and Political Agency in the Digital Age: A Communication Approach

Representing the Bektashis - Exploring Epistemologies in Visual Anthropology

The Tentmakers of Islamic Cairo

The Contribution of Festivals to City Branding

Dances with Cryptids


Can Music Make You Sick Part 1? A Study Into The Incidence of Musicians' Mental Health

Lecturer and student perceptions of employability skills at a transnational university

Children’s media engagement in the U.K: a case of Got to Dance audiences and performers

Critical Art and Outer Space: a curatorial inquiry into space as a global commons

Graveyard of Lost Species - Critical Art Ensemble / YoHa

Notes from the Field: Commoning Practices in Art and Science

Transmissions from the Noosphere: Contemporary art and outer space

Intercriteria analysis over normalized data

A model for information and action flows connecting science gateways to distributed computing infrastructures

Data-driven model of the hippocampus using the HBP Brain Simulation Platform

Older employees' declining attitudes over 20 years and across classes

The Growing Discontents of Older British Employees: Extended Working Life at Risk from Quality of Working Life

Lo Inconmensurable, Una Idea de Europa

Psychogeography in a Time of Calamity: Dériving with Defoe

Menopause and the Market: understanding the transitions to post-menopause through the lives of professional women

The State and Public Broadcasting: Continuity and Change in Zimbabwe

Pig farmers attitudes towards sick/injured pigs in relation to care and rehabilitation, the use of medication and euthanasia

Legal Cultures and the Regulation of Coaching Practice: Different Jurisdictions, Different Approaches?

Citizen Journalism and the Ebola Outbreak in Africa

Towards alternative media as critical media in Africa

Engaging with China’s Soft Power in Zimbabwe: Harare Citizens’ Perceptions of China-Zimbabwe Relations

China's Media and Soft Power in Africa Promotion and Perceptions

Tobias Beecher: Law as a Refuge from Uncertainty?

The effect of lifelong learning on men's wages

Realism and Geopolitics in Italy during the Cold War: Decline and Revival

Foreign Policy and the Ideology of Post-ideology: The Case of Matteo Renzi’s Partito Democratico

The Globalisation of Resentment: Failure, Denial, and Violence in World Politics

Mercenaries Unleashed: The Brave New World of Private Military and Security Companies

Arming Repression: The New British Imperialism in the Persian Gulf

Reproduction of Gender Ideology through Russian consumer culture: Iconography of Russian ‘Mother’

Theory, 'truthers', and transparency: Reflecting on knowledge in the twenty-first century

Towards a common measure of greenhouse gas related logistics activity using data envelopment analysis

Reproduction of Gender Ideology Through Russian Consumer Culture: The Case of Iconography of the ‘Mother’ in Russia

Adaptive Gray World-Based Color Normalization of Thin Blood Film Images

Hybridising local search with Branch-and-Bound for constrained portfolio selection problems

BORO as a Foundation to Enterprise Ontology

Reproduction of Gender Ideology Through Russian Consumer Culture: The Case of Iconography of the ‘Mother’ in Russia

Corporate social responsibility in the Russian energy industry

The Work Programme: factors associated with differences in the relative effectiveness of prime providers

The Artek Manifesto in Practice - Baker House Senior Dormitory; Säynätsalo Town Hall; Rautatalo; National Pensions Institute; Hansaviertel Apartment Block, Interbau

Artek and the Aalto Atelier in Postwar Finland

Energy efficiency of 2- Step power-clocks for adiabatic logic

Retailing Aalto in London

Investigation of Stepwise Charging Circuits for Power-Clock Generation in Adiabatic Logic

4-phase resettable quasi-adiabatic flip-flops and sequential circuit design

Mud and Modernity

Symposium: The Vanishing Art of Camouflage

21st Century Trucking: A Trajectory for Ergonomics and Road Freight

Efficient Digital Signal Processing Techniques and Architectures for On-Board Processors

Enabling Sustainable Economies in Marginal Areas: the Problem of Measuring Culture and Creativity

Performing history: girlhood and the apple (Samira Makhmalbaf, 1998)

‘You don’t know what nights are like?’ – public art project

Expanded Photography: Persistence of the Photographic

Expanding Photography circa 1970: Photographic Objects and Conceptual Art

Catholics and Climate Change Skepticism

The Mimetic Origins of the Cold War Washington-Moscow: still two rival powers?

The connectedness between crude oil and financial markets: Evidence from implied volatility indices

Dynamic transmissions between Sukuk and bond markets

Corporate debt maturity in the MENA region: Does institutional quality matter?

The directional volatility connectedness between crude oil and equity markets: New evidence from implied volatility indexes

Institutions and corporate capital structure in the MENA region

DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile

DATASET2050 D3.1 - Current Passenger Demand Profile

DATASET2050 D2.2 - Data-driven Model

DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data Requirements and Acquisition

Crude oil prices and sectoral stock returns in Jordan around the Arab uprisings of 2010

DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile

Islamic finance, Sharia non-compliance and the standardisation of Sharia governance

The Politics of Heritage Regeneration in South-East Europe

Family Names

Complexity challenges in ATM

Assessing European mobility

The cost of delay

The challenge of ATM performance measurement

Network modelling – performance, metrics, challenges

SATURN D6.5 - Final Report

UDPP Credits concept description – White Paper

Study on the Modelling of Airport Economic Value

DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future supply profile

DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data requirements and acquisition

MUAC Stakeholder Survey - MCG briefing

‘Revisiting Sigmund Freud’s Diagrams of the Mind’

Supervising Creative Practice PhDs/ Supervisor&Candidate Toolkit

‘Through Trade Unionism you felt a belonging – you belonged’: Collectivism and the Self-Representation of Building Workers in Stevenage New Town

The use of food hygiene rating schemes

Food affordability and safety

Vulnerable groups and food safety

Wellbeing and food safety

A typology of food safety activities

Sexual Violence Against Women and Credibility

HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016


The Anglo-Norman Prose Chronicle of Early British Kings or the Abbreviated Prose Brut: Text and Translation

L’édition de texte et l’Anglo-Norman Dictionary

Trevet’s Les Cronicles: Manuscripts, Owners and Readers

Makespace Architects

Building and Becoming: The Shahporan Mosque and the Unfolding of Muslim Visual Identity in London

Shifting to a Higher Level of Individual and Organizational Consciousness

Mindset: the big shift

The future. Humans won’t be beaten by machines

Power as a catalyst for humanising organisations

The problem with leadership development

HR technology: It's not about people versus machines

Anchoring the shift in mindset

Corporate Blending Machine

Leadership for knowledge organizations

Performance Measurement and Management

The soft power of popular cinema: the case of India

La voix des pays du Sud? Les informations televisees en Inde (The Voice of the Global South? TV News From India)

Trust: it is all about leadership

Where Infotainment Rules: TV News from India

The Scramble for Asian Soft Power in Africa

Communicating India’s Soft Power: Buddha to Bollywood

Understanding academic language using the science that makes the news

Review of Lynn Pan When True Love Came to China

Review of Michelle J. Smith and Rebecca-Anne C. Do Rozario, “Race, Species, and the Other: Beauty and the Beast in Victorian Pantomime and Children’s Literature”

Aesthetics of Displacement: Turkey and its Minorities on Screen

Decarbonising Urban Freight Transport: Experimentations in European Research Projects

An investigation into the approaches used by western medical herbalists for the therapeutic management of osteoarthritis

Data Science

Complex Network Theory

Complexity Science in Air Traffic Management

The Vanishing Art of Camouflage

TRIESTE: In-between states

Joshua Oppenheimer Early Works

Assessment for autonomy, assessment for learning, and learner motivation: Fostering learner identities

Requiem for a Dreamworld

Material and Rational Feminisms

Immediate Affect: Architecture, Neoliberalism and the Patterning of Experience

Gender, Agency and the Veil: Analysing the Role of Representations in Identity Construction by Muslim Women

Veil as Stigma: Exploring the Role of Representations in Muslim Women's Management of Threatened Social Identity

Feminist Dilemmas and the Agency of Veiled Muslim Women: Analysing Identities and Social Representations

Junzi masculinity and the making of contemporary Chinese middle-class men

"Positive energy” (zheng nengliang 正能量) public service adverts in Beijing’s public transport system

Sex, Time and Place: Queer Histories of London from 1850 to the Present

Queer Temporalities, Queer Londons

Northern Polar Studies

Improved flexibility and equity for airspace users during demand-capacity imbalance - an introduction to the user-driven prioritisation process

From Brazil to Britain: the vicissitudes of participatory budgeting: the importance of context

PLP Architecture Accessing the Future

Diversity in Classical Music Composition

The Franklin Effect - CD

Life Sequences: Machinery of Replication and Random Sequences

Native or Novice?: An Exploratory Study of the Access to and Use of Digital Technologies among Pathway Students

Tailoring graduate attributes to meet the needs of international students in a pathway program

An Intimate and Intermedial Form: Early Television Shakespeare from the BBC, 1937-39

‘A profound commentary on kingship’: the monarchy and Shakespeare’s Histories on television 1957-65

Securing the Internet of Things Devices Using Pre-Distributed Keys

On the Performance of Key Pre-distribution for RPL-based IoT Networks

Affordable housing targets, housing zones and viability

Strategic planning in the London Metropolitan Region

Contemporary Clay and Museum Culture

Anatomical Fragments: Magritte, trauma and 'La Gâcheuse' [Fragments anatomiques : Magritte, le traumatisme et la gâcheuse]

Cinema of the Body

Geraniums Are Never Red

The Fairest Heritage

The Memory of Trees

What Plants Were Called Before They Had A Name

The Crown against Mafavuke

Werte in der Schule (Values in schools)

Assessing the fit of each item of the ’Picture-Based Value Survey for Children’ into the theoretical structure of values

Theatrum Botanicum

Ballet Black

Circulating myostatin is reduced with aging in humans but not altered by short-term, high intensity training

Political Economy of Broadcasting: The Legacy of the Peacock Report on Financing the BBC

Antediluvean Swag

Collected Activity: Making in the Museum

Desert Islands: Magic and Modernity in the work of Ithell Colquhoun

Text for Christie Brown: Rara Avis exhibition leaflet

Guest curator of Anthony Shaw Collection

Internet of Place: innovation in the data-rich experiential economy

Monsters Of the Machine

A Question of Finish: thoughts on the work of Jeff Cowen

The Given Image

Doomed to See

'Fiona Tan's Ascent'

Mark Neville: Fancy Pictures

Walker Evans: Anonymous and Ingognito

Light and Dark Chambers

Safe and Sound Drive: Design of Interactive Sounds Supporting Energy Efficient Behaviour

Adventures in the Lea Valley

Walker Evans

Game Play: Artists playing video games

Cosmos - Takashi Makino

Fluorescent Chrysanthemum

STILL MOVING – Een expositie van diafilms

Throwing Shadows: Japanese Expanded Cinema in the Time of Pop

Ethics of the Landscape Shot: AKA Serial Killer and James Benning's Portrait of Criminals

Pafōmansu to shite no ekusupande'do cinema

Curating Problems for Expanded Cinema

Phantom Limb

Hybrid Bodies at KKW

Seeing Things As They Are : Visual Narratives of Embodied Experience

Sonic Necessity and Compositional Invention in #Blues-Hop: Composing the Blues for Sample-Based Hip-Hop

Synth Sonics as Stylistic Signifiers in Sample-Based Hip-Hop: Synthetic Aesthetics from ‘Old-Skool’ to Trap

Sound Absorbing Material, A Method For Production Of The Same And Device For Cutting Apertures In The Sound Absorbing Material

The Story

The Imaginary Archive; Third Campaign


Perpetual Uncertainty

Nuclear Material Culture

Hybrid Bodies

Piecing it Together

There's So Much More I Want To Tell You

Big Bang Data

Real Time: Art en temps real

Sonic Quick Response Codes (SQRC) for embedding inaudible metadata in sound files

Party Booby Trap

Electronic Superhighway (2016 – 1966)

Tecnologies de la violència

Combining Science with Art to Educate and Motivate Patients prior to Colorectal Cancer Screening

Music Making >= Computer Programming

Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design: Applying the ARM mbed. 2nd edition

Flat Time

Cultures of the Anthropocene

Super Scale Psycho Data

Neal White realises a Skoob. Henry Moore Institute

Constructions of Home for the French Community in London: An Ethnosemiotic Prism

The Painting Show

Handmade Colour Pictures

Success factors of past initiatives and the role of public-private cooperation, Deliverable 2.3

Analysis of the parcels market and parcel carriers’ operations in the UK

Analysis of road freight in London and Britain: traffic, activity and sustainability

Householder engagement with energy consumption feedback: the role of community action and communications

From Schmitt to Foucault: Inquiring the Relationship between Exception and Democracy

The harmonic centroid as a predictor of string instrument timbral clarity

Estuary: Out from London to the Sea

"In the blank of mere possibility": liminal transformations in the poetry of Christina Rossetti

A palimpsest-image: place, space and film geographies

Bombay before Bollywood: the history and significance of fantasy and stunt film genres in Bombay cinema of the pre-Bollywood era

MiCADO – Towards a Microservice-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator

Migrants what does home mean to you?

Engaging nuns: Exiled english convents and the politics of exclusion, 1590-1829

Film matters: Historical and material considerations of colour, movement and sound in film

Africa through Chinese eyes: new frames or the same old lens?

Mixed messages, partial pictures? Discourses under construction in CCTV’s Africa Live compared with the BBC

Ceramic Art in Social Contexts

Confessions To The Mirror

Cognitive behaviour analysis based on facial information using depth sensors

Photometric Stereo for 3D Face Reconstruction Using Non Linear Illumination Models

Emergent practices of an environmental standard

Anti-Racist Activism and the Memory of Colonialism: Race as Republican Critique after 2005

Complete analysis of the H5 hemagglutinin and N8 neuraminidase phylogenetic trees reveals that the H5N8 subtype has been produced by multiple reassortment events

Falstaff para la plebe

Sink Street: the Sapphic world of pre-Chinatown Soho

Strategic Perspectives. 2nd edition

Interference Resilient Sigma Delta-Based Pulse Oximeter

Merchants of the City: Situating the London Estate of the Drapers’ Company, c. 1540-1640

Business-to-Business (B2B) Media in UK: A mixed methods study using product variables to assess the impacts of social media on product strategies

Keynote: Hybrid intelligent models and systems for problem solving and decision making

The effect of mental intangibility on the size of the consideration set: the moderating role of knowledge.

Enhancing the Performance of Service Providers in Emerging Markets: An Empirical, Cross-Cultural, Multi-Group Investigation of Customer Loyalty in the UAE Mobile Telecommunication Sector

Hub operations delay recovery based on cost optimisation - Dynamic cost indexing and waiting for passengers strategies

Quantifying resilience in ATM - contrasting the impacts of four mechanisms during disturbance

Non-Religious Views in the RE School Curriculum: What Can We Learn from R (Fox and Others) v Secretary of State for Education? [2016]

CODEX (Terra Incognita)

Computation Approaches for Continuous Reinforcement Learning Problems

Enhancement of transport safety through Cross Modal Switching

Altered engagement of autobiographical memory networks in adult offspring of postnatally depressed mothers

Cortical idiosyncrasies predict the perception of object size

Preface for the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management (ICIM2016)

Fewer but better: proportionate size of the group affects evaluation of transgressive leaders

Protecting the Herd: An Analysis of Public Relations Responses to the 2015 Measles Outbreak Originating at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Park

REFRAME: Resilience training for GPs

Take the lead from students

Preface for the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM2016)

Servitization strategies and Co-creation

Supply chain quality management dimensions and their impact on quality performance

Developing entrepreneurial intentions through gamification using online Business challenges

Assessing the impact of gamification on students’ engagement and motivation

Gamification in Higher Education: an experiment to assess student’s engagement and motivation

Decision-making and customer orientation in the private banking service

Work-family balance and internal market orientation

The effect of Supply Chain collaboration on the servitization strategies in the pharmaceutical industry

The logistic of distribution

Sales promotion and personal selling

Internal Market Orientation and strategy implementation

Servitization and co-creation: customers’ perspective

Predictors of review sites usage in hotels

Twitter Account with students: Strategic Marketing

Academic Blog: Strategic Marketing

Low-Cost and High-Reduction Approaches for Power Droop during Launch-On-Shift Scan-Based Logic BIST

Impact of Aging Phenomena on Latches’ Robustness

Reliable Power Gating with NBTI Aging Benefits

Internal Market Orientation: a solution to strategy implementation in organisations

Servitization and co-opetition in the pharmaceutical distribution: Back to Basics?

Internal market orientation and work-family balance

Alien Sex Club: Educating audiences about continuing rates of HIV transmission using art and design

An evaluation of Paralytic Shellfish Toxin occurrence and magnitude around the UK coast since 2008; using chemotaxonomy to maximise routine monitoring data

Living in the shadow: Britain and the USSR’s nuclear weapon delivery systems 1949-62

Formatted entertainment in China: change in television production practices

University Provisions in Supporting Entrepreneurship Education Policy with Effectual Logic

A multi-agent-based simulation system for allowance allocation management of carbon dioxide emissions in China

SMEs and global supply chains in the French agricultural machinery sector

Human resources, ethics and corporate social responsibility: what makes ‘people’ count within the organisation’s corporate social responsibility platform?

The role of social media in cultural relations: an analysis of whether the British Council's social media strategy coheres with the organisation’s core purpose

The impact of transistor aging on the reliability of level shifters in nano-scale CMOS technology

Kiš’s vigilance: ethics as aesthetics in the prose of Danilo Kiš

A multi-agent-based simulation software system for enterprise carbon asset management

A multi-agent-based prototype software system for simulating and analysing deshopping behaviour and how companies respond

The Pneumatically Powered Construction Systems of Dante Bini

Getting the Cocktail Party Started: Masking Effects in Speech Perception

Visual Speech Perception in Children With Language Learning Impairments

Distinct neural systems recruited when speech production is modulated by different masking sounds

Migration and Segregated Living in London

EU Migrant Deal

Relocation policy design and review

Reality and expectations of the global mobility function

Managing talent: current issues

Migration and Diversity

"Isn’t it just all hard hats and remote rigs?" Women pursuing oil and gas exploration expatriate careers via rotational assignments

Employee pay preferences: transnational investigations drawing on postgraduate student data

Enhancing student outcomes through staff peer review of learning technologies

Interacting with Phonetics: A Synopsis

European Nuclear Disarmament: Transnational Peace Campaigning in the 1980s

The Enchantment of Western Herbal Medicine

(Un)welcome Visitors: Why Aliens Might Visit Us

The Astrobiology Primer v2.0

Collectors of Rhodiola species on the Sichuan-Tibetan and Sichuan-Shaanxi borders

Handbook of Formulas in Chinese Medicine

Knowledge Visualization in Environmental Communication

Risk regulation in Islamic banking: Does Saudi Arabia need to adopt the risk regulation practices of Basel?

How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles

How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles

Journalists needs to stop exploiting children’s social media profiles: Children’s rights are being breached in the race for content

How children feel when journalists exploit their social media profiles

‘Five Tips for Early Career Researchers who want to Engage with Government’, Health and Human Rights Blog, School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast

Comment: When words can do damage

Understanding public concerns about food risks and food safety: role and usefulness of Twitter

Views on the food supply chain

Comparison of different Rhodiola species using NMR- metabolomics, HPTLC and DNA barcoding techniques

Vitamin B12 deficiency induces cholesterol biosynthesis by limiting S-adenosyl methionine and altering the methylation of Srebf1 and Ldlr genes

Contribution of gut-derived bacterial LPS to mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and inflammation in human adipocytes

Superfood ‘Freeze Dried Broccoli Extract’ to the rescue of mitochondrial inefficiency in human mature adipocytes

Freeze dried broccoli extract relieves ER stress and mitochondrial inefficiency in differentiated human pre-adipocyte cells

Vitamin B12 deficiency impairs insulin signalling in human adipocytes by down regulating Akt via PTEN/Trb3

ER stress mediates mitochondrial dysfunction in human adipocytes which is exacerbated in obesity

Tunicamycin-induced ER stress mediates mitochondrial dysfunction in human adipocytes

Political Memes as Tools of Dissent and Alternative Digital Activism in the Russian-language Twitter

Thinking Architecture with an Indian Ocean Aquapelago

National-level antecedents and consequences of managerial discretion: A study CEOs’ discretion across 18 countries

Managerial discretion in emerging markets: What’s new and what’s different

Developing Mindfulness in the Workplace

Dialogical Designs

The accidental global professional: A series of conflicts in teaching academic skills in higher education

The Relationship between Self-employment and Unemployment in the Long-Run: A Panel Cointegration Approach Allowing For Breaks

Validation of a quantifier-based fuzzy classification system for breast cancer patients on external independent cohorts

Book review: International Classification of Financial Reporting, 3rd ed., Christopher W. Nobes. Routledge, Abington, UK (2014), (160 pages, £95), ISBN: 0415736935

Transforming Books: Paper, Metamedia and Digitisation - Book Review of White Magic: The Age of Paper*, Lothar Müller and Metamedia: American Book Fictions and Literary Print Culture after Digitization

Photography: The Key Concepts

@THEVIEWER: Analyzing the offline and online impact of a dedicated conversation manager in the newsroom of a public broadcaster

With a little help from my friends: An analysis of the role of social support in digital inequalities

Lively Agency: Life and Law in the Anthropocene

The Spatial Justice of Dispossession: Four Lessons

Translator trainers' perceptions of assessment: an empirical study

Contextualising diversity management: challenging the effectiveness of the business case

The Sethi merchants' havelis in Peshawar, 1800-1910: form, identity and status

Revamping journalism in the midst of a conflict? Mapping the world of local war journalists

Effects of multiple-dose ponesimod, a selective SIP1 receptor modulator, on lymphocyte subsets in healthy humans

Introduction: Twin Peaks’ persistent cultural resonance

Chef Image’s Influence on Tourists’ Dining Experiences

Leadership and Trust - How to Build a Trustworthy Company

Qu’apporte l’étude des town meetings à la quête d’une démocratie plus participative et délibérative?

Patriarchal theory reconsidered: torture and gender based violence in Turkey

Implementation of molecular techniques in the diagnosis of legionnaires’ disease and in the investigation of legionella outbreaks

Novel splicing variants of recepteur d'origine nantais (RON) tyrosine kinase involving exons 15–19 in lung cancer

Surface Charge Visualization at Viable Living Cells

Short-chain Fatty Acid Acetate Stimulates Adipogenesis and Mitochondrial Biogenesis via GPR43 in Brown Adipocytes

Ethics beyond immanence: rupturing law’s method through sex research

The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine promotes insulin secretion and maintains functional β-cell mass

Comparative study of the bioavailability of different iron supplements to bacteria

Fabrication and characterisation of novel protein-polysaccharide biopolymer based nanoparticles for iron delivery

Beef protein isolate: a novel bio-matrix for formulating ferrous iron for nutritional applications

Novel potato protein-polysaccharide nano-formulations for oral nutrient delivery

A New Era of Pulmonary Delivery of Nano-antimicrobial Therapeutics to Treat Chronic Pulmonary Infections

A Novel Pressure Sensing Circuit for Non-invasive RF/Microwave Blood Glucose Sensors

Spiritual-Based Entrepreneurship: Hindu and Christian Examples

Nottingham Prognostic Index Plus: Validation of a clinical decision making tool in breast cancer in an independent series

Brexit and Article 50 TEU: A Constitutionalist Reading

Towards Generalised Proof Search for Natural Deduction Systems for logics I⟨a;b⟩

Discovering of System’s Invariants by Temporal Reasoning

Subverting the narrative of the Lampedusa borderscape

The Secret World of The Brain

Factors Relevant for the Assessment of Sufficient Gravity in the ICC Proceedings and the Elements of International Crimes

State Responsibility for International Humanitarian Law Violations by Private Actors in Occupied Territories and the Exploitation of Natural Resources

Everything Is Relative, Even Gravity: Remarks on the Assessment of Gravity in ICC Preliminary Examinations, and the Mavi Marmara affaire

Some Developments in the Prosecution of International Crimes Committed in Palestine: Any Real News?

The Palestinian Right to Exploit the Dead Sea Coastline for Tourism

Using Agent Solutions and Visualization Techniques to Manage Cloud-based Education System

Distribution, occurrence and biotoxin composition of the main shellfish toxin producing microalgae within European waters: A comparison of methods of analysis

Testing and Analysis of Activities of Daily Living Data with Machine Learning Algorithms

Biomarkers in Kidney Disease (Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications)

Iron enhances hepatic fibrogenesis through TGF-β activation

Comprehensive Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

Illness Beliefs Predict Mortality in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Nottingham prognostic index plus (NPI+) predicts risk of distant metastases in primary breast cancer

KI67 and DLX2 predict increased risk of metastasis formation in prostate cancer–a targeted molecular approach

Cancer subtype identification pipeline: A classifusion approach

Effect of age and pregnancy on the expression of melanocortin receptors 4 and 5 in the mouse female reproductive axis

Assessment of ordinary consumer representation in liberalised mobile telecommunications markets: a case study of Nigeria

Evolving usage and access to ICTs in the Nigerian health care sector: challenges and prospects

Putting the stress on conspiracy theories: examing associations between psychosocial stress, anxiety, and belief in conspiracy theories

Planning for the unexpected: Ebola virus, Zika virus, what's next?

The Day After Tomorrows Doctors: UK Undergraduate Medical Student Resilience, Reports on the Symposium 2016

The neurobiology of resilience

Art Science Collaboration: Life in a New Light

Breathlessness and inflammation: relationship and implications

The role of peer physical activity champions in the workplace: a qualitative study

Book review: Punishment in Europe: A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems by Ruggiero, V. & Ryan, M. (eds.)

Stability and change of basic personal values in early adulthood: An 8-year longitudinal study

Spectres in the Postcolonies: Reimagining Violence and Resistance

Creole in the Archive: Imagery, Presence and Location of the Caribbean Figure

F. R. Leavis and Pedagogy: the ‘Critical Exchange’

Stern review should start a debate on impact assessment

Ebolavirus pseudotypes as antigen surrogates for serological studies

Exploiting viral pseudotypes for emerging virus research

Corpus delicti

Zur künstlerischen Forschung und ihrer gesellschaftlichen Wirksamkeit

Interviewing Adult Witnesses and Victims

Applied Cyberpsychology: Military and Defence Applications

Art Practices & The Housing Crisis

Promising Home

The War at Home

Picturing Change: Photographic Discourses and Urban Transformation

Active Energy

An Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Perceptually Controlled Immersive Environment for Learning Acupuncture

Green Exercise: Linking Nature, Health and Wellbeing

Compact Inline E plane Waveguide Resonators and Bandpass Filters with I-shaped Resonant Insets

Inkjet-Printed Bandstop Filters for Interference Suppression in Multi-Standard Wireless Systems

Compact UWB MIMO Filtennas with Dual Bandnotch, High Isolation and High Diversity

Inkjet-Printed Antennas for 28 GHz 5G Applications

Book review: Aid, growth and poverty

Book review: Managing global health security: the World Health Organization and Disease outbreak control

Critical Theory

Radio Spectrum Battles: Television Broadcast vs Wireless Broadband and the Future of PSB

Trends in local newspaper reporting of London cyclist fatalities 1992-2012: the role of the media in shaping the systems dynamics of cycling

Cycling near misses: their frequency, impact, and prevention

Culture and the 2012 Games: creating a tourism legacy?

Automatic Selection of Molecular Descriptors using Random Forest: Application to Drug Discovery

Designing New Tourism Areas in London

Introduction: memory on the move

Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies

Less than Enough: A Critique of Aureli

Out of the Loop: Architecture, Automation and Cognitive Disinvestment

Infrastrutture di trasporto su ferro come elementi di riqualificazione delle periferie: due casi a confronto

The Limits of Limits: Schmitt, Aureli, and the Geopolitical Ontology of the Island

The Architecture of Neoliberalism: How Architecture Became an Instrument of Control and Compliance

Infrastructures of empire: towards a critical geopolitics of media and information studies

Hasbara 2.0: Israel’s Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age

Online politics and grassroots activism in Lebanon: negotiating sectarian gloom and revolutionary hope

Engaging immersive video consumers: Challenges regarding 360-degree gamified video applications

'Normal' Informal living spaces in low-income human settlements in South Africa

Association of Vitamin B12 with Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Biochemical Markers Related to Cardiometabolic Risk in Saudi Subjects

Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing

Consensus or Relativity? The Approach of the European Union to Humanitarian Aid.

Value Chains of Botanical and Herbal Medicinal Products: A European Perspective

Food journeys and the public

Blog: The role of listening to people’s stories in supporting self-management

From ‘cocoon to the real world’ after traumatic brain injury: A narrative case study

Narratives of traumatic brain injury and self-management following hospital discharge

‘I knew it wasn’t me but I was told it was’ - the broken self after brain injury and unbroken counter-stories

Minimal In Vivo Efficacy of Iminosugars in a Lethal Ebola Virus Guinea Pig Model

Ektashif - Art through the Senses: Families shaping museum programming in Qatar

Distributed power and alignment in a digital design studio

Determinants of CSR regulatory mechanisms. The role of emotions and contagion in socially irresponsible behavior

An Examination of Strategic Decision-Making Practices in Music Industry Micro-Firms: A Bourdieu Practice Perspective

Constructing the identities of second generation business family members in the People’s Republic of China

Travels in Architectural History

The Purpose of Expatriation: Why Women Undertake International Assignments

Extreme Expatriation: The Effect of Location Factors and Masculine Environments on Women’s International Assignment Participation in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

Long-term assignment reward (dis)satisfaction outcomes: hearing women’s voices

Working with people affected by cancer –mixed methods exploration of practitioner perspectives in nutritional therapy

Una Finestra su: Berlino

Una finestra su: Amsterdam

Igbo-English intrasentential codeswitching and the Matrix Language Frame model

The economic value of adding capacity at airports – a data-driven model

Editorial: Special Issue: 5th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology

Investigation of a quorum sensing peptide in bacillus licheniformis and its novel antifungal property

Exosomes and miRNAs in disease pathogenesis and opportunities for molecular targeting

Dancing on the Edge of Disciplines: Law and the Interdisciplinary Turn

Intratympanic methylprednisolone versus gentamicin in patients with unilateral Ménière's disease: a randomised, double-blind, comparative effectiveness trial

The microbiology of diabetic foot infections: a Ghanaian perspective

Suicide & Supervision: Issues for Probation Practice

Capturing and Sharing Product Development Knowledge using Storytelling and Video Sharing

Four-view analysis of the perceived organisational changes required to implement micro-blogging during product conceptualisation for capturing consumer conversations

Extraction of Principle Knowledge from Process Patents for Manufacturing Process Innovation

What does Angela Merkel need to do to save the EU?

Interacting with Phonetics

Written Intonation

Sound Foundations. What's 'General' in Applied Phonetics?

President Donald Trump and Europe: suddenly, security has been thrust back up the agenda

Quiz Cube:an AR mobile learning application

Brexit: the view from Germany

Inside the EU: a beginner’s guide to Brussels

Post-Brexit power plays put Germany firmly in charge of Europe

Saving Project Europe: a to-do list for Angela Merkel

How Germany’s troubled history adds a twist to Angela Merkel’s migration woes

Four men who will shape the way the EU negotiates Brexit

The EU’s Ides of March? Article 50 timing could spell disaster for European unity

Effect of energy restriction and physical exercise intervention on phenotypic flexibility as examined by transcriptomics analyses of mRNA from adipose tissue and whole body magnetic resonance imaging

The relationship between human beings and nature in an urban context: Tehran and the natural structures of seven river-valleys: a design and planning case study

Joint compensation of I/Q impairments and PA nonlinearity in mobile broadband wireless transmitters

Multi-level Meta-workflows: New Concept for Regularly Occurring Tasks in Quantum Chemistry

Perceptions of Psychological Coercion and Human Trafficking in the West Midlands of England: Beginning to Know the Unknown

Empathy in the field: Towards a taxonomy of empathic communication in information gathering interviews with suspected sex offenders

Female self-gifts buying behaviour: impulse purchase and product involvement

Applying synthetic biology as a tool to understand simultaneous bioenergy production and biodegradation process

Improving the performance of microbial fuel cells using laccase-based biocathodes

Enhancing electricity production from wastewater using microbial fuel cells

The interaction of Wnt-11 and signalling cascades in prostate cancer

Wind Resource Mapping Using Landscape Roughness and Spatial Interpolation Methods

London finally gets its night tube – but is there a dark side to 24/7 transport?

How can London's housing crisis be solved?

Parallelizing the Chambolle Algorithm for Performance-Optimized Mapping on FPGA Devices

Efficient Hardware Design Of Iterative Stencil Loops

The political economy of co-ordination challenges in the National Health Service: a postpositivist evaluation of diabetes policy and governance

Capital 2.0 capital formation and legal risk in a new global economic order from fiat to exit: including case studies of the proposed transatlantic trade and investment partnership between the United States and the European Union and the financing relation between the United States and the People’s Republic of China

Organisational and systems factors impacting on patient safety in acute care organisations: lessons from four multi-site research studies

New university presses in the UK: accessing a mission

Paradox and the Concept of Proportionality

Towards an Asynchronous Cinema: how can the asynchronous use of sound in artists' moving image underpin the creation of dialectic tension between the audio, the visual and the audience?

Genomics and virulence factors of Fusobacterium necrophorum

Construction of China and India's national interests: the Tibet question

Brave new brains: sociology, family and the politics of knowledge

Occupied childhoods: discourses and politics of childhood and their place in Palestinian and Pan-­Arab screen content for children

‘State failure’ and the extraterritorial use of force in self-defence against non-state actors

International Perspectives on Business Innovation and Disruption in Design

The changing role of the designer in new business models based around 3D printing technologies

A Formal Approach to Support Interoperability in Scientific Meta-workflows

Mem Tri: Memory Forensics Triage Tool

Que(e)rying the Closet in Diversity Management: "Coming-Out" as an Authentic (and Successful) LGBT Employee

Risk Factors for Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency within the United Arab Emirates

Switchable Filtennas with Sharp Dual Bandnotch using Looped Resonators

Compact Inkjet-Printed Broadband Filtennas with Triple Bandnotch

Methods, Models & Systems for Dealing with Some Business, Management & Engineering Problems

Culture as a tool for harmonious territorial development

What a night czar can do to help nightlife survive

Viewpoint: Urban Design Pedagogy

Final Evaluation of the Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership

The Crisis in the UK's High Streets: can the evening and night-time economy help?

Performance Evaluation of a Statistical and a Neural Network Model for Nonrigid Shape-Based Registration

The Remembering-Imagining System

The ASEAN community-based tourism standards: looking beyond certification

Post-Political Ontologies and the Problems of Anti-Anthropocentrism: Reply to Tsouvalis

How the World Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Failure: Big Data, Resilience and Emergent Causality

New Narratives of International Security Governance: The Shift from Global Interventionism to Global Self-Policing

A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia

The new Architecture of Communications


Pushed to the Edge: Inclusion and Behaviour Support in Schools

Facilitating Inclusion: Austrian Wisdom Councils as Democratic Innovation between Consensus and Diversity

Editorial: African women's struggles in a gender perspective

The Business of Museums and the Engagement of 21st Century Audiences

The Business of Tourism. 10th edition

ICT for rail freight management

Children’s access to beneficial information in Arab states: Implementation of Article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Egypt, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates

The Visual Representation of a Systematic Metaphor in a UK Media Text

Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet

All in the Family? Parental Roles in the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity

The Roles of ‘Conventional’ and Demand-Responsive Bus Services

Simulating Business Processes of Manufacturing SMEs on the Cloud

Red Scare 2.0: User-Generated Ideology in the Age of Jeremy Corbyn and Social Media

From science gateways to commercial solutions

‘Don’t look down!’: A short history of rooftopping photography

Prevalence, Predictors & Prevention of Motion Sickness in Zero-G Parabolic Flights

EU-Russia Energy Relations in Context

Information-Based Approaches of Noninvasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation

Assessment of the cortisol awakening response: Real-time analysis and curvilinear effects of sample timing inaccuracy

Who’s Word is it Anyway? Powers and Ethics in the Refugee Determination Process

Consumer protection in Turkey: law, informality and the role of the media. Monash University, Workplace and Corporate Law Research Group, Working Paper No. 21

9 Events - Royal College of Art

Understanding Consumer Preferences with Airline Scheduling

An Assessment of the Prospects for Small UK Airports

Airport Finance and Investment in the Global Economy

Overt Research: Fieldwork and Transparency

Interpreters = Cultural Mediators?

David Bowie, brinquedos adultos e outras dimensões estranhas do universo de Twin Peaks

Take a Look at the Lawman: Interrogating Critical Responses to the US Version of Life on Mars

Telephones, Voice Recorders, Microphones, Phonographs: A Media Archaeology of Sonic Technologies in Twin Peaks

Community Spirit? Haunting Secrets and Displaced Selves in Contemporary Scottish Fiction

Racism, nationalism and right-wing extremism online: The Austrian Presidential Election 2016 on Facebook

The restorative role of annexin A1 at the blood–brain barrier

A Mixed Blessing: Market-Mediated Religious Authority in Neopaganism

LocLess: Do You Really Care Where Your Cloud Files Are?

Statistically robust representation and comparison of mortality profiles in archaeozoology

Competition for Cooperation: variability, benefits and heritability of relational wealth in hunter-gatherers

New Frontiers in Energy-Efficient Computing

The Material Dynamics of a London-French Blog: A Multimodal Reading of Migrant Habitus

Feasibility of MR-Based Body Composition Analysis in Large Scale Population Studies

Repatriation of cultural relics as site for identity negotiation

The 'material turn' in migration studies

Invited discussant for session 6: How do emigrants adapt themselves to local culture?

Ambivalent heritage: the im/possibility of using diasporic heritage in South China

The Art of the State

“My people seem to be falling to bits”: impotence, memory, and the co-possibility of body and mind in Samuel Beckett’s works

“Considering there’s supposedly nothing wrong with me, it’s not a life”: Women’s Narratives of Distress, Visiting Herbalists, and Being Well in the 21st Century

Law, Rights and Reproduction: Reproductive Autonomy in Ethical Rationalism

Citizenship and Inclusion: Rethinking the Analytical Category of Noncitizenship

Stumbling Blocks in Empirical Legal Research: Case Study Research

Interception of communications and legal professional privilege and the rule of law

Diversity and Inclusion As the Key to Innovating Talent Management in Law Firms?

Legal Writing (4th edition)

Chinese football fans’ intentions to visit Europe

The impacts of telecommuting in Dublin

Rules for the governance of coastal and marine ecosystem services: An evaluative framework based on the IAD framework

Returning to an old question: What do television actors do when they act?

Equitable representation in councils: theory and an application to the United Nations Security Council

Motion Sickness

Interaction and 'the floor' in the televised debates of the EU referendum campaign

Celebrity Capital in the Political Field: Russell Brand’s migration from stand-up comedy to Newsnight

Gender, Power and Political Speech: Women and Language in the 2015 UK General Election

Virtual reality helps students to master criminal law

Sounding Out

Copyright Law and its Times

Teaching Intercultural Competence in Translator Training

Operationalising Intercultural Competence for Translation Pedagogy

The Impact of Tourism on Residents' Quality of Life: The Case of Van, Turkey

The Role of Stakeholders in Sustainable Tourism Development in Safranbolu, Turkey

An analysis of beginning mentors’ critical incidents in English post-compulsory education: navigating stormy waters

Introductory Editorial: Evolutionary Genomics

Understanding media production: a rejoinder to Murdock and Golding

Identification of independent association signals and putative functional variants for breast cancer risk through fine-scale mapping of the 12p11 locus

物质文化:华侨华人研究的新视角 (Material culture: a new perspective to the study of Chinese diaspora)

The Mitigative Potential of Urban Environments and their Microclimates

Sharing in the Rain: Secure and Efficient Data Sharing for the Cloud

Publication of children’s images, privacy and Article 8: judgment in the matter of An Application by JR38 for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) [2015] UKSC 42

The Conversation: Why TTIP will live on – but not for the EU

AR-based Technoself Enhanced Learning Approach to Improving Student Engagement

Development of a knowledge sharing framework for improving the testing processes in global product development

Smart-Eco Cities in the UK 2016

I Stood Up: Social Design in Practice

Television history: archives, excavation and the future. A discussion

Counteractive effects of antenatal glucocorticoid treatment on D1 receptor modulation of spatial working memory

To assess the effectiveness of tailored food recipe in attenuating the progression of cancer cachexia to refractory cachexia in adult female patients undergoing palliative care in India

The Subject in the Crowd: A Critical Discussion of Jodi Dean’s “Crowds and Party”

A ‘right to have rights’ in the EU public sphere? An Arendtian justification for the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Information ethics in the age of digital labour and the surveillance-industrial complex


Queering Fat Embodiment [Book Review]

Fucking failures: The future of fat sex

Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics

Overt Research

The Future: RAND, Brand and Dangerous to Know

Introduction: The Long Cold War

Introduction: Photography and Abstraction

High Formalism: The aerial view and the colour field

A Military Definition of Reality: Researching Literature and Militarization

The Quantum Mitochondrion and Optimal Health

Access to a Career in the Legal Profession in England and Wales: Race, Class, and the Role of Educational Background

Pure higher-order effects in the portfolio choice model

The Use of Almost Linear Phase IIR filters In DFT Modulated Filter Banks for Communication Systems

Moral Masculinities: Ethical Self-fashionings of Professional Chinese Men in London

Secure and Scalable Statistical Computation of Questionnaire Data in R

Heatwave planning: the role of the community in co-producing resilience

Examining guest chefs’ influences on luxury restaurants’ images

Islamic Infrastructure Finance and Sustainable Development Goals

Islamic Commercial Law and Legal Borrowing: Proposals for Islamic Finance Reform

Link between increased gut hormones signaling satiety and reduced food reward following gastric bypass surgery for obesity

Synergy between histone deacetylase inhibitors and DNA- damaging agents is mediated by histone deacetylase 2 in colorectal cancer

Exercise Training Reduces Liver Fat and Increases Rates of VLDL Clearance, but not VLDL Production in NAFLD

Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabivarin on Glycemic and Lipid Parameters in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Pilot Study

Beyond formalism: the quiescent art of formal analysis in architecture

Partner selection for reverse logistics centres in green supply chains: a fuzzy artificial immune optimisation approach

On the multi-dimensionality and sampling of air transport networks

Influence of LAR and VAR on Para-Aminopyridine Antimalarials Targetting Haematin in Chloroquine-Resistance

Reading Matter

From traditional resource to global commodities: a comparison of Rhodiola species using NMR spectroscopy - metabolomics and HPTLC

The Iterative Turn

Interactive Learning in Library Inductions at University for the Creative Arts

Bodies in Nature: Associations between Exposure to Nature, Connectedness to Nature, and Body Image

Enhancing Knowledge Acquisition in Pharmaceutical Organisations based in Pakistan

Urban Regeneration

The Co-Creation of Urban Tourism Experiences

Introduction: The Past, the Present and the Future of War and Culture Studies

Novel P(3HB) Composite Films Containing Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles for Wound Healing Applications

Small-City Music, China

Ethnic Music, China

Kahvehane Kongresspark

Kahvehane (Coffeehouse) Kongresspark

A Social Networking Strategy for Improving Knowledge Management and Communication in the Travel Industry

Social Media Strategies in the Retail Sector: Analysis and Recommendations for Three Multi-National Retailers

Exploring the relationship between women’s empowerment and the internet in China: potentials and constraints

Design and implementation of generalized topologies of time-interleaved variable bandpass Σ−Δ modulators

Comprehensive metabolite profiling of Plantaginis Semen using ultra high performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry coupled with elevated energy technique

Power, Arab media Moguldum & gender rights as entertainment in the Middle East

Theranostic Fibers for Simultaneous Imaging and Drug Delivery

Design, analysis and evaluation of sigma-delta based beamformers for medical ultrasound imaging applications

Empowering development: capabilities and Latin American critical traditions

Re-modelling clay: ceramic practice and the museum in Britain (1970-2014)

Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates by Pseudomonas mendocina using vegetable oils and their characterisation

City dweller aspirations for cities of the future: How do environmental and personal wellbeing feature?

A voice for change? Trust relationships between ombudsmen, individuals and public service providers

Measuring the cost of resilience

Investigating English in Europe: Contexts and Agendas

Africa through Chinese eyes: new frames or the same old lens? African news in English from China Central Television, compared with the BBC

designing + (dis)assembling disputes: an ethnography of disputes & lawyers in the construction industry

Climate change adaptation planning under uncertainty in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a case study on institutional vulnerability, adaptive capacity and climate change governance

Beyond maternal death: improving the quality of maternal care through national studies of ‘near-miss’ maternal morbidity

Image usefulness of compressed surveillance footage with different scene contents

The institutional design of intra-party democracy through legal instruments: Turkish case

Nagaland: Borders, Boundaries, Belonging: Contested spaces and disputed narratives

An overview of top-down vs. bottom-up models for informal settlement upgrading in South Africa

The effects of conflict in driving forward innovation in shared leadership management consultant teams

Metropolitan Governance and Institutional Design: Transportation in the Jakarta Metropolitan Region

How coastal strategic planning reflects interrelationships between ecosystem services: a four-step method

Invited lectures from a spatial orientation symposium in honor of Frederick Guedry, Day 2

Modernidad en Miniatura: Puntos de Vista / Modernity in Miniature: Points of View

Euphoria in financial markets: how Indian companies generate value in their cross-border acquisitions

Community-led upgrading for self-reliance in informal settlements in South Africa: a review

Building Information Modelling in UK Construction Projects: A State of the Art Review

Graphene-based waveguide resonators for submillimeter-wave applications

Highly Linear Reconfigurable UWB Filters with Independently Controlled Dual Bandnotch

Stepped-bend Substrate Integrated Waveguide to Rectangular Waveguide Transition

Inkjet-Printed Filtennas with Triple Bandnotch

Reconfigurable UWB Filtennas with Dual Bandnotch for Unwanted Bands using Graphene based Switches

Design as Symbolic Violence. Design for Social Justice.

Regulation and Social Media: Speed Bumps or the Code 2.0

The impact of time limitation: insights from a queueing experiment

Immersive Learning Research Network

Picturing Gentrification: Representation of Urban Change, Pendleton Salford

The role of paradigm analysis in the development of policies for a resource efficient economy

An integrated psychology virtual research ethics committee

Further Studies in the History of Construction: the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Construction History Society

Site parade

Learning Environments in Design Studio Culture

A monovalent chimpanzee adenovirus Ebola vaccine boosted with MVA

Architecture, Energy, Matter

Filter | Funnel

Thinking Architecture with an Indian Ocean Aquapelago

PF7.09 Non-phagocytic epithelial cells take up microvesicles by micropinocytosis

PW1.04. Inhibitors of microvesicle release with the potential to enhance effectivity of cancer chemotherapy

Transformative realism: reflections of reality in political avant-garde and contemporary fine art film - Spanish Labyrinth, south from Granada

Policy Solutions and International Perspectives on the Funding of Public Service Media Content for Children: A Report for Stakeholders

Transcribing The Journal of Architecture: research, production and publication 2004–2013

The paradox of competition for airline passengers with reduced mobility (PRM)

Global Media and National Policies: The Return of the State

Blurred Lines: Public Service Media and the State

Global Media and National Policies: The Return of the State

Characterization of hepcidin response to holotransferrin in novel recombinant TfR1 HepG2 cells

Africa and the drugs trade revisited

The paradox of competition for airline passengers with reduced mobility (PRM)

Politics vs economics: unintended consequences of Governments’ interventions in airlines’ markets

Looking Beyond ‘White Slavery’: Trafficking, the Jewish Association’s representation of ‘the potential victim’, and the dangerous politics of migration control in England, 1890-1910

Third-mission policy goals and incentives from performance-based funding: Are they aligned?

ADR and Justice in consumer disputes in the EU

Westminster Serious Games Platform (wmin-SGP) a tool for real-time authoring of roleplay simulations for learning

Exchange-Trade Funds Evaluation using Performance Measures Distribution

Crowdsourcing User-Contributed Solutions to Aerospace Product Development Issues through Micro-Blogging

Statelessness as a Human Rights Issue: A Concept Whose Time Has Come?

Untangling a Web of Lies: Exploring Automated Detection of Deception in Computer-Mediated Communication

Urban China's Rural Fringe: Actors, dimensions and management challenges

Preserving the historic landscape of a Chinese village: the case of Wujiang, Suzhou, China, in, The HUL Guidebook: Managing heritage in dynamic and constantly changing urban environments

The rural fringe in China: existing conflicts and prospective urban-rural synergies

100 years of graphic communication by women at CSM

Speaking with different voices: the problems with English law and psychiatric injury

Beyond the Compact City

Response to Government Consultation on proposed planning policy changes

Highbury Group Statement on Housing and Planning Bill

London: Still a Labour City

The Radical and Socialist Tradition in British Planning: From Puritan Colonies to Garden Cities

Revisiting the Land Issue

Housing and Planning in London under the Conservative Government: Spatial impacts, social polarisation, sustainable development and social justice

The War at Home

Kathy Acker: Writing the Impossible

Margaret Thatcher, Dress and the Politics of Fashion

Dispute Resolution Outside of Courts: Procedural Justice and Decision Acceptance Among Users of Ombuds Services in the UK

What do we expect from an ombudsman? Narratives of everyday engagement with the informal justice system in Germany and the UK

Introduction: Exploring the Comparative in Socio-Legal Studies

Development of DYNAMIX Policy Mixes - Deliverable 4.2, revised version, of the DYNAMIX project

Policy mixes for resource efficiency – conceptual issues, design and assessment challenges

Designing Policy Mixes for Resource Efficiency: The Role of Public Acceptability

Trusting the middle-man: Impact and legitimacy of ombudsmen in Europe

English Cathedrals: Events and Spiritual Capital

Age and Life Course Location as Interpretive Resources for Decisions Regarding Disclosure of HIV to Parents and Children: Findings from the HIV and Later Life Study

Validating Scanned Foot Images and Designing Customized Insoles on the Cloud

Extending Science Gateway Frameworks to Support Big Data Applications in the Cloud

Democracy Matters: Lessons from the 2015 Citizens' Assemblies on English Devolution

Renouncing the Single Image: Photography and the Realism of Abstraction

Complete and Voluntary Starvation of 50 days

Tracing the impact of proposals from participatory processes: methodological challenges and substantive lessons

Graded Exercise Therapy Guided Self-Help Trial for Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (GETSET): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial and Interview Study

Bred and Born - a reflection

Collaborative art activism – a UK perspective

Conceptualism/feminism/cultural activism

Active Energy: Three Mills - open workshop

A comparative study: long and short term effect of a nutrition sensitive approach to delay the progression of HIV to AIDS among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Nigeria

Internet Surveillance after Snowden: A Critical Empirical Study of Computer Experts' Attitudes on Commercial and State Surveillance of the Internet and Social Media post-Edward Snowden

Disability Discrimination: Obesity and the Court of Justice of the European Union’s decision in Karsten Kaltoft v Billund Kommune Case C-354/13 ECJ

The PTA: Promoting Swiss Tours, 1888-1939

Is conscious awareness needed for all working memory processes?

Critical theory of communication as critical sociology of critique in the age of digital capitalism: A response to Jan Løhmann Stephensen's review essay on Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media

The hardware impairments impact on fixed-gain AF relaying performance in Nakagami-m fading

Dual-band Filtenna Array for WLAN Applications

Ultra Compact Inline E-Plane Waveguide Bandpass Filters Using Cross Coupling

Sensor Intelligence for Tackling Energy-Drain Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks

To what extent has research conducted by the GaWC Research Network aided our understanding of large EU law firm geography?

Skycourts and skygardens: towards a vertical urban theory

Studies of the role of nf-κb in controlling osteoclast differentiation and bone loss

Scenes of provincial life: an online video sequence and commentary

Allocentric spatial performance higher in early-blind and sighted adults than in retinopathy-of-prematurity adults

Redefining Access: Embracing multimodality, memorability and shared experience in Museums

Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of airports in the UK

International Sales of UK Television Content: Change and Continuity in ‘the space in between’ Production and Consumption

Film as an archive for colonial photographs: activating the past in the present

Contribution of direct electron transfer mechanisms to overall electron transfer in microbial fuel cells utilising Shewanella oneidensis as biocatalyst

Machine translation quality in an audiovisual context

AGOCS – Accurate Google Cloud Simulator Framework


Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance

Observed bodies generate object-based spatial codes

The Causal Links between FDI and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: A Case Study of the Republic of Rwanda

Next generation e-learning platform: virtual laboratory simulations

History of Chinese medicine, 1890 - 2010

Review of Benjamin A. Elman (ed.), Antiquarianism, Language and Medical Philology: From Early Modern to Modern Sino-Japanese Medical Discourses (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015), pp. viii, 232, $135.00, hardback, ISBN: 978-90-04-28544-6

Holism, Chinese medicine and systems ideologies: rewriting the past to imagine the future

Desires: Capitalism, The Pope and Chinese Medicine

Connecting prisons and universities through higher education

Blacklisting and its legacy in the UK construction industry: employment relations in the aftermath of exposure of the Consulting Association

Defining ‘Community’ for Community Translation

Special Issue Editorial: ‘Community Voices: Perspectives in public service translation’

Detailed analysis of data from heat pumps installed via the Renewable Heat Premium Payment Scheme

Labour and Low Energy Buildings: the energy performance gap as Social Practice

Residential heat pump installations: the role of vocational education and training

Race, Debt and the Welfare State

A general framework for Business Process Modelling (BPM) based on Formal Temporal Theory with an application to Hospital Patient flows

Business Process Modelling based on formal temporal theory with an application to hospital patient flows

Agent-Based Simulation of the Evolution of Enterprise Carbon Assets

Is effective city-regional governance viable in the next urbanisation campaign of China?

Can a Common Currency Foster a Shared Social Identity across Different Nations? The Case of the Euro


The rural fringe in China: existing conflicts and prospective urban-rural synergies

Task Competency in the Rights Analytic: Mental Health and the Justification for Rights and Duties

Up-skilling through e-collaboration

Are Deep Learning Approaches Suitable for Natural Language Processing?

Betty Sinclair

Understanding the Effect of Television Advertising on Women's Attitudes and Purchase Intentions Towards Beer: A Study of Three Major Brands.

Risk Modelling Framework for Emergency Hospital Readmission, Using Hospital Episode Statistics Inpatient Data

Predictive Risk Modelling for Integrated Care: a Structured Review

Cross-National Differences in Managerial Discretion: Insights from the Middle East

Managerial Discretion in the Arab World: New National-Level Antecedents

‘Really useful’ knowledge and 19th century adult worker education – what lessons for today?

On the 'inherent' character of the right of states to self-defence

Perceptual user interface framework for immersive information retrieval environments (An experimental framework for testing and rapid iteration)

Digital evidence as a means of proof before the International Court of Justice

Structuring and Interpreting Queer Spaces of London

Sex, Time and Place: Queer Histories of London, c.1850 to the Present

Politics, Legal Concerns, and Reforms

Development of broad-spectrum human monoclonal antibodies for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis

Network mechanisms of intentional learning

Production systems and supplier selection: a multi-phase process model

Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of a Standard Chinese Version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2

Strategies of newsroom convergence: comparing UK and Chinese newspaper groups

Eco-cities: technological showcases or public spaces?

A Framework to Capture and Share Knowledge Using Storytelling and Video Sharing in Global Product Development

Book review: Children Behind Bars: Why the Abuse of Child Imprisonment Must End, by Carolyne Willow

Effect of Short-Chain Fatty Acid Acetate on Colon Cancer

Local festivals, social capital and sustainable destination development: experiences in East London

Neuro-Fuzzy based Identification of Meat Spoilage using an Electronic Nose

Nutritional Evaluation and Optimisation in Neonates: a randomized, double-blind controlled trial of amino acid regimen and intravenous lipid composition in preterm parenteral nutrition

Adulteration and Poor Quality of Ginkgo biloba Supplements

The Link between Statelessness and Refugee Status

Making class and gender: White-collar men in postsocialist China

Community politics of the GLC (Greater London Council)

Towards a Critique of Educative Violence: Walter Benjamin and ‘Second Education’

The Impact of Cultural Practices on CEOs’ Discretion: New National-Level Antecedents.

Data Visualisation Does Political Things

Bacterial Cellulose: A sustainable source to develop value-added products - A review

The stamp of identities: negotiating diasporic Chinese subjectivity in philatelic spaces

Introduction: The ‘material turn’ in migration studies

Durkheim, ethnography and suicide: researching young male suicide in the transnational London Alevi-Kurdish community

Partner selection in green supply chains using PSO – a practical approach

When Will Greece Get its Money back from Germany? Reflections on Yanis Varoufakis’ New Book

Stakeholders and the Design of Doctoral Curricula for Practicing Professionals.

Insider Research and Impact on an Institution (University).

Work-related and professional learning in the curriculum

Rethinking gossip and scandal in healthcare organizations

Employment Relations: Fairness and Trust in the Workplace

Henryk Grossmann 2.0: A Critique of Paul Mason’s Book “PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future“

Children’s media engagement in the U.K.: a case of Got to Dance audiences and performers

The Bridge fans in the UK: case of older generation’s media engagement

Classic fandom? The Bridge fans in the UK.

Eco city development in China: addressing the policy implementation challenge

Developing Frontiers: Photographies as borderwork in the case of Xian urban village, Guangzhou

Withdrawing from atmosphere: An ontology of air partitioning and affective engineering

Investigating the causal role of rightOFA in holistic detection of Mooney faces and objects: an fMRI-guided TMS study

Book Review 'Nos meilleurs ennemis. L'entente cordiale culturelle franco-britannique revisitee

Introduction: Effects and Affects of Conflict in the Heat of Battle and the Cold War of Words

A Migrant Culture on Display: The French Migrant and French Gastronomy in London (19th – 21st centuries)

From garden city to new town: social change, politics and town planners at Welwyn, 1920-1948

The socio-materiality of parental style: negotiating the multiple affordances of parenting and child welfare within the new child surveillance technology market

A Stackelberg game theoretic model for optimizing product family architecting with supply chain consideration

Machiavelli’s Walls: The Legacy of Realism in International Relations Theory

Finance, Development, and Remittances: Extending the Scale of Accumulation in Migrant Labour Regimes

Practicing convict criminology: lessons learned from British academic activism

Assessing the influence of the Responsibility to Protect on the UN Security Council during the Arab Spring

Introduction: The Responsibility to Protect after the Arab Spring

The Impact of the Security Council on the Efficacy of the International Criminal Court and the Responsibility to Protect

La mobilità alla scala metropolitana

Regional Adoption of Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce in China: Role of E-Readiness

The compassion gap in UK universities

Twelve Cosmological Leaps - series 02

Psychometric properties of the Drive for Muscularity Scale in Malay men

Calcium, vitamin D, casein and whey protein intakes and periodontitis among Danish adults

A sociolegal approach to the refugee crisis, public partnerships and making use of human capital

Can we Prosecute a Robot?

Who controls whom? Interaction dynamics and success of university-industry initiatives

What indicators to assess universities' knowledge transfer performance? Problems in the transition from theory to practice

Relationship between post-awakening salivary cortisol and melatonin secretion in healthy participants

Cadherin-5: a biomarker for metastatic breast cancer with optimum efficacy in oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancers with vascular invasion

Book review: Carceral geography: spaces and practices of incarceration (by Dominique Moran)

Prince: For You

Use of Salivary Diurnal Cortisol as an Outcome Measure in Randomised Controlled Trials: a Systematic Review

“Nanostandardization” in action: implementing standardization processes in a multidisciplinary nanoparticle-based research and development project

Neoliberalism in Britain

Aggregation Limits Surface Expression of Homomeric GluA3 Receptors

Rights, Rationality and Reproduction: Balancing Interests in the Abortion Debate

Avoiding Reproduction: Law, Rights and Morality

Nutritional Evaluation and Optimisation in Neonates (NEON) trial of amino acid regimen and intravenous lipid composition in preterm parenteral nutrition: a randomised double-blind controlled trial

Twelve Cosmological Leaps - series 01

A Fuzzy-Wavelet Neural Network Model for the Detection of Meat Spoilage using an Electronic Nose

Nineteen Cosmological Leaps

Genre without genre: Romanticism, the novel and the new

Revisiting the relationship between marketing capabilities and firm performance: The moderating role of market orientation, marketing strategy and organisational power

HES1 in immunity and cancer

Hair cortisol concentrations in relation to ill-being and well-being in healthy young and old females

The Language of Dress and Textiles in Wills of the Old English Period

LUTI models, freight transport and freight facility location

Context-aware Approach for Determining the Threshold Price in Name-Your-Own-Price Channels

Media Research and Psychoanalysis: A Suggestion

Repeat-measures longitudinal study evaluating behavioural and gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism before, during and after visceral osteopathic technique (VOT)

Critical theory

Localism as restorative politics; social capital and anti-politics in the London Borough of Burgundia

The Turtle Garden: Tan Kah Kee’s last spiritual world

M & CO

Financial media, globalisation, and China’s economic integration: comparing narrative construction of the Economist and Caijing

Style and mimesis in the name of Walter Benjamin

The enchantment of Western Herbal Medicine

Reprogramming of hepatic fat accumulation and 'browning' of adipose tissue by the short-chain fatty acid acetate

Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education

Electrospun pH-sensitive core–shell polymer nanocomposites fabricated using a tri-axial process

Electrospun Contrast Agent-Loaded Fibers for Colon-Targeted MRI

How To Speak the Truth on Social media: An Inquiry into Post-Dialectical Information Environments



Medicated Janus fibers fabricated using a Teflon-coated side-by-side spinneret

Hydroxy double salts intercalated with Mn(II) complexes as potential contrast agents

Preconditioning 2D Integer Data for Fast Convex Hull Computations

Evidential Challenges Posed by the Panoply of Biometrics: Is Biometric Voice Identification made any more reliable by Cell Site Analysis?

Towards a Systematic Framework for the Modelling of the Allocation of Carbon Dioxide Emission Quotas in China

Herbert Marcuse and social media

Strategies moving forward: Social movements and progressive governments: A round table discussion

ESRC Project Reports: Trusting the Middle-Man: Impact and Legitimacy of Ombudsmen in Europe

Parallel tracks in mass litigation: public and private responses to the Buncefield explosion in England

Transformations in Public and Private Enforcement

Ombudsman Schemes: Energy Sector in Germany, France, and the UK

An Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for Consumers in Europe

Book review: Regulating Dispute Resolution. ADR and Access to Justice at the Crossroads. Felix Steffek and Hannes Unberath (eds) in coop. with Hazel Genn, Reinhard Greger and Carrie Menkel-Meadow. Oxford & Portland, Ore: Hart 2013

Implementation of the Consumer ADR Directive

Vertrauen in aussergerichtliche Streitbeilegung

ADR in aviation: European and national perspectives

Flesh of the Law: Material Metaphors

Lively Agency: Life and Law in the Anthropocene

The New Instantaneity: How Social Media are Helping us Privilege the (Politically) Correct over the True

Estimation of Fourier Transform Using Alias-free Hybrid-Stratified Sampling

Epilogue: Dreams of Autonomy and Owning a State

Being Taught by Biesta

Architecture, Capitalism and the "Autonomy" of the Political

Time, Modernism and the Contemporaneity of Realism

Architecture, the Built and the Idea of Socialism

Do financial distress and liquidity crises affect value and size premiums?

Should I stay or should I go? Sibling effects in household formation

From Freight Partnerships to City Logistics Living Labs – Giving Meaning to the Elusive Concept of Living Labs

Business Improvement Districts in Urban Freight Sustainability Initiatives: A Case Study Approach

Revisiting the host city: an empirical examination of sport involvement, place attachment, event satisfaction and spectator intentions at the London Olympics

Reflections Upon the Experience of Longitudinal Research into Cultural Event Production in a Developing Destination

Belonging to a different landscape: repurposing nationalist affects

The Data of Things: Strategies, Patterns and Practice of Cloud-based Participatory Sensing

Treatment of colour industry wastewaters with concomitant bioelectricity production in a sequential stacked mono-chamber microbial fuel cells–aerobic system

The new suburban history, New Urbanism and the spaces in between

Long-term performance of mergers and acquisitions in ASEAN countries

Impact of the financial crisis on cross-border mergers and acquisitions and concentration in the global banking industry

A Beginner's Guide to Discourse Analysis

Engaged Disengagement: Reframing as Feminist Critique in Vanessa Place’s Tragodí a

Multivariate moments expansion density: application of the dynamic equicorrelation model

Multivariate Moments Expansion Density: Application of the Dynamic Equicorrelation Model

Evaluating monthly volatility forecasts using proxies at different frequencies

Board attributes that increase firm risk - evidence from the UK

Understanding citizen media as practice: agents, processes, publics

The frontiers of participatory public engagement

Using a whole person approach to support people with cancer: a longitudinal, mixed methods service evaluation

Liver fat in adults with GH deficiency: comparison to matched controls and the effect of GH replacement

Efficacy of DOPE/DC-cholesterol liposomes and GCPQ micelles as AZD6244 nanocarriers in a 3D colorectal cancer in vitro model

Aviation Economics

A framework for evaluating the European airline costs of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility

The relation between content providers and distributors: Lessons from the regulation of television distribution in the United Kingdom

An Airport Experience Framework from a Tourism Perspective

Social Media: Communication, Sharing and Visibility

Peptidylarginine deiminases as drug targets in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

Visual Approaches to Property Law Pedagogy

Survival or Sustainability? Contributions of Innovatively-Managed News Ventures to the Future of Egyptian Journalism

Activation of melanocortin receptors MC1 and MC5 attenuates retinal damage in experimental diabetic retinopathy

Germany, Austria, Switzerland 德国、奥地利、瑞士

Air transport liberalisation and airport dependency: developing a composite index

Is the NHS in England too big to fail?

Muslims in Public and Media Discourse in Western Europe: The Reproduction of Aporia and Exclusion

European Muslim Diasporic Geographies: Media Use and the Production of Translocality

Pathologies of Power and Cognition

Transparency and Public Involvement in Animal Research

Democracy: A Reader. 2nd Edition

Biodynamic Hypothesis for the Frequency Tuning of Motion Sickness

Technical Vocabulary and Medieval Text Types: A Semantic Field Approach

An investigation into the impact of peer- and self-marking in a first year biochemistry module

Common Phenolic Metabolites of Flavonoids, but Not Their Unmetabolized Precursors, Reduce the Secretion of Vascular Cellular Adhesion Molecules by Human Endothelial Cells

Marking definiteness multiply: evidence from two varieties of Greek

From syntagmatic to paradigmatic spatial zeroes: the loss of the preposition se in inner Asia Minor Greek

The Asia Minor Greek adpositional cycle: a tale of multiple causation

Convergence in word structure: Revisiting agglutinative noun inflection in Cappadocian Greek

Did We Fail? (Counter-)Transference in a Qualitative Media Research Interview

Codeswitching in Igbo-English Bilingualism

In Support of the Matrix Language Frame Model: Evidence from Igbo-English Intrasentential Codeswitching

A partnership approach to developing student capacity to engage and staff capacity to be engaging: opportunities for academic developers

Serum estradiol: oocyte ratio as a predictor of reproductive outcome: an analysis of data from >9000 IVF cycles in the Republic of Ireland

Effects of Fluconazole on the Metabolomic Profile of Candida albicans

The Wilderness Expedition: An effective life course intervention to improve young peoples well-being and connectedness to nature

Agent-Based Modeling of Deshopping Behaviour: A Single Shop Model with Multiple Deshoppers

Portable prehospital methods to treat near-hypothermic shivering cold casualties

A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: development of a beverage hydration index

How do we improve men’s mental health via primary care? An evaluation of the Atlas Men’s Well-being Pilot Programme for stressed/distressed men

Reciprocal relations across time between basic values and value-expressive behaviors: A longitudinal study among children

Introduction to the Special Section Value Development from Middle Childhood to Early Adulthood: New Insights from Longitudinal and Genetically Informed Research

Values in middle childhood: Social and genetic contributions

Kroppenstedtia pulmonis sp. nov. and Kroppenstedtia sanguinis sp. nov., isolated from human patients

A Novel Sub-Nyquist Fourier Transform Estimator Based on Alias-free Hybrid Stratified Sampling

Low-income housing provision in Mauritius: improving social justice and place quality

In situ hybridisation: Technologies and their application to understanding disease

Unlocking Evidence. 3rd Edition

Bevacizumab in NF2-related vestibular schwannomas: a nationally coordinated approach to delivery and prospective evaluation

Separating the effects of ethnicity and socio-economic status on sleep practices of 6- to 7-month-old infants

Applying gaze-contingent training within community settings to infants from diverse SES backgrounds

The London 2012 cultural programme: A consideration of Olympic impacts and legacies for small creative organisations in east London

STAT5 in Cancer and Immunity

Parental feeding behaviour and motivations regarding pre-school age children: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies

Evidence: Q&A. 11th Edition

Events in the City: Using Public Spaces as Event Venues

Modern Naval History: debates and prospects

Exploring the benefits of using Enterprise 2.0 tools to facilitate collaboration during product development

Associations between Belief in Conspiracy Theories and the Maladaptive Personality Traits of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5

Georg Lukács as a Communications Scholar: Cultural and Digital Labour in the Context of Lukács’ Ontology of Social Being

An integrated model for green partner selection and supply chain construction

Self-esteem mediates the relationship between connectedness to nature and body appreciation in women, but not men

The British Army of the Rhine: Turning Nazi Enemies into Cold War Partners

Criminalising contract: does ticket touting warrant the protection of the criminal law?

Against theoretical Thatcherism: a reply to Nicholas Garnham

Translating Protestant Christianity into China: Questions of Indigenization and Sinification in a Globalized World

Evaluation of the potential for virus dispersal during hand drying: a comparison of three methods

Targeted delivery and controlled release of doxorubicin into cancer cells using a multifunctional graphene oxide

Facilitating Small Group Discussions

Improving health and wellbeing independently of GDP: dividends of greener and prosoical economies

The married woman worker in Chatelaine magazine, 1948-1964

Gender, Rhetoric and Regulation: women's work in the Civil Service and the London County Council, 1900-55

Technical considerations for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses

Tracking rendition aircraft as a way to understand CIA secret detention and torture in Europe

Solar Eclipse: Investment Treaty Arbitration and Spain’s Photovoltaic Troubles

Gothic Tourism

Robert Marjolin: securing the common market through economic and monetary union

Book Review: The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on the Genealogy of Presence

Book review: 'Tourism and citizenship: rights, freedoms and responsibilities in the global order' by Raoul Bianchi and Marcus Stephenson

Consumer confidence indices and stock markets’ meltdowns

Governance, Coordination and Evaluation: the case for an epistemological focus and a return to C.E. Lindblom

Teaching by leading and managing learning environments

F. R. Leavis: The Creative University

Reading Marx in the Information Age. A Media and Communication Studies Perspective on Capital Volume 1

Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age

Marx in the age of digital capitalism. Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 80.

Marx and the political economy of the media. Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 79.

Accessibility instruments for planning practice: A review of European experiences

Public interests, private disputes: Investment arbitration and the public good

Media ‘Globalization’ as Survival Strategy for Authoritarian Regimes In the Arab Middle East

Citizenship, belonging and attachment in the ‘war on terror’

Reflections on conducting research on the ‘war on terror’: religious identity, subjectivity and emotions

Managing Creativity in Media Organisations

An analysis of bimanual actions in natural feeding of semi-wild chimpanzees

Real time motion estimation using a neural architecture implemented on GPUs

Churchill and the General Strike

A journey in progress

The Olympics, transnational law and legal transplants: the International Olympic Committee, ambush marketing and ticket touting

Wahhabi Empire

In the company of Frantz Fanon: the Israeli wars and the national culture of Gaza

Poetry and Politics in the Modern Arab World

Production studies, transformations in children’s television and the global turn

A study of Aldred's multiple glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels

The Online dating romance scam: The psychological impact on victims – both financial and non-financial

Examining Chinese Tourists’ Nature-based Tourism Participantion Behavior: Incorporating Environmental Concern into a Constraint-Negotiation Modela

Baidu, Weibo and Renren: The Global Political Economy of Social Media in China

Alan S Milward and contemporary European history: collected academic reviews

Biomedical applications of polyhydroxyalkanoates

Financial crimes in the European carbon markets

A Review of Crowdsourcing Literature Related to the Manufacturing Industry

Self-report measures of executive function problems correlate with personality, not performance-based executive function measures, in nonclinical samples.

Akkermansia muciniphila and improved metabolic health during a dietary intervention in obesity: relationship with gut microbiome richness and ecology

From dispersed to monopolized violence: expansion and consolidation of the Primeiro Comando da Capital's hegemony in São Paulo's prisons

Bridging the gap: giving public voice to prisoners and former prisoners through research activism

Does Daily Sunshine make you Happy? Subjective Measures of Well-being and the Weather

Home bias persistence in foreign direct investments

Feasibility of undertaking off-site infant eye-tracking assessments of neuro-cognitive functioning in early-intervention centres

New Ways of Being a Man: “Positive” Hegemonic Masculinity in Meditation-based Communities of Practice

Gentrifying the Peri-urban: Land use Conflicts and institutional dynamics at the Frontier of an Indonesian Metropolis

Research Handbook on EU Institutional Law

Cross-Industry Product Diversification and Contagion in Risk and Return: The Case of Bank-Insurance and Insurance-Bank Takeovers

Diversification, size and risk: The case of bank acquisitions of nonbank financial firms

EU Criminal Law and Enlargement

Britain and the threat to stability in Europe 1918-45

Diet quality: an evidence-based approach. Volume 2

Diet quality: an evidence-based approach. Volume 1

Pollution from seabed activities

Chinese Dreams of Socialism: Visions of a Better Future

Examining hotel salespeople’s new membership program sales performance

Exploring the intangible impacts of cultural events on the creative sector: Experiences from the Cultural Olympiad programmes of Torino 2006 and London 2012

Places and preferences: a longitudinal analysis of self-selection and contextual effects

The significance of Marx's value for strategy theory: competitive advantage and the issue of tautology within the resource-based view of the firm

Latin American prisons

Labour and the free churches 1918-1939: radicalism, righteousness and religion

Ordinary Workers, Vichy and the Holocaust: French Railwaymen and the Second World War

The Sacred and the Political: Explorations on Mimesis, Violence and Religion

Managing media firms and industries: what’s so special about media management?

Humanity Is In Our Hands

Akerman_Maziere Rear Window - TV Interview

Throwing Shadows: Japanese Expanded Cinema

Splitting the Assets


Twentieth Century Modern Architecture and the Countryside

Lesions in the Landscape

WZ280_Mont3 (2016) – Soldiers

Urban Co-Living as an Emerging Typology: The Collective, Old Oak, London



Time Present and Time Past

Manual Assembly Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (2016)

Waltzing by Daisy and The Dark

Circus by Daisy and The Dark

Time Present

Beyond My Brain

BFI London Film Festival Premiere of Confessions To The Mirror (16mm col, 68min)

Night In The Museum

Early Ornament

New Models of Intellectual Exchange: CAN, EVENTS, HOLO

Southern Collectives screening programmes and discussion

ADAPT-r exhibition in London (AMBIKA P3)