ATF Evaluation Baseline Report Baseline - Report for the Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 evaluation
Speed Limits: Accelerationism, Popular Futurism and the Decline of Jungle Drum and Bass
Another Advertisers Announcement
Cheffes de Cuisine: Women and Work in the Professional French Kitchen. By Rachel E. Black
Project Democracy in Protest Camps: Caring, the Commons and Feminist Democratic Theory
Media Ownership in Africa in the Digital Age: Challenges, Continuity and Change
The Mosque in Britain 1929-1990
Online engagement and usage final monitoring report, Deliverable D1.3, EX-TRA Project
Some Notes on Modernism and Creative Writing
Contours of time: archival revelations + spatial representation
Creative Industries and Cultural Diversity: Part 1 - Understanding the UK Policy Ecosystem
LEAPs as Relational Catalysts: Drawings for the Eastway Studiolo
Tourism Governance in Times of Crisis: A Multi-Level Governance Perspective
Dry powder formulation of azithromycin for COVID-19 therapeutics
Workers leaving the cloud factory: visualising the digital precariat
Food provision and mutual aid during COVID-19 in the UK
Representing digital platform work through delegated performance
Cochlear implantation surgery Soundscapes, textures and manipulations
Britanya’da yaşayan Kürt Aleviler: Göç, Kimlik, Adaptasyon, İntihar
Occupying Powers, Obligations of Prevention and Private Actors in Occupied Territory
Use of Force and Genocide Prevention in light of the Russian Aggression against Ukraine
The ICJ and the Duty to Prevent Genocide at Fifteen
Contemporary Robust Peacekeeping Mandates at 10 and the Quest for Fair UN Intervention
Sanctions against Assets of Central Banks: Countermeasures and State Immunity
The IHL Rules Applicable to the 2023 Escalation in the Gaza Strip
International Law Rules Applicable to the Hostilities in the Gaza Strip
‘Engendering Globalgothic: The “hideous progeny” of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’
BASES Expert Statement: Methods to Monitor Athletes Sleep
Gaza War: Deadlock in the security council shows that the UN is no longer fit for purpose
Feral Landscape Tools - Gardening, knowledge, and design tools for co-creating with wildness
Poverty and corruption: Selected cases in Zimbabwe
State Capture in South Africa: Going Back to Basics
Navigating Pension Fund Trusteeship: A Comprehensive Overview of Trustees' Obligations in Zimbabwe
Experiment, Cybernetics and the Formal Film in Britain
Whose is this street? Actors and conflicts in the governance of pedestrianisation processes
Rediscovering War Brides: Retracing Herbert Brenon's Lost Warrtime Masterpiece
Insights on metrosexuality and consumption for marketers in South-East Europe
Za naszą i waszą wolność. Imagining the Nation in Polish Graffiti Magazines
From Trespasser to Nerd: the changing image of trainspotting in post-war Britain
Space and imagination: testimonies of refugees in contemporary arts
Intercultural dialogues through African literatures with the author Ángela Nzambi
Positivism and Evolutionism in Flávio de Barros’s Photographs of the Canudos War
The Role of Postcards in Disseminating the Nuevo Ideal Nacional of Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Endurance lost and found: unwanted return and the suspension of time
Geospatial and temporal analysis of studies on construction projects' decarbonisation drivers
An Edge-Based Architecture for Personal Safety System on Construction Sites
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Construction Costing Practice
Methane abatement for oil and gas: handbook for policymakers
Impediments to Construction Site Digitalisation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
The Invisible Community: Alevi Women in Prison
An enslaved African acts to bring justice
Environmental Racism in Situations of Occupation
The Protection of the Environment in Situations of Occupation under the Rome Statute
Housing the Stranger: Feminist Sheltering in the Work of Bhanu Kapil
Nurturing the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention
Foresight for Policy on Science, Technology, and Innovation XV
Making walking irresistible: enabling level-of-service measures to achieve their potential
What should I be when I grow up?
Why do people share false political information on their personal social media accounts?
Reasons for deliberate and accidental sharing of false political information online
La tradition des Rose-Croix dans les littératures européenne et française au XIXe siècle
The esoteric love and the European literature, from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century
Balzac, Caetani et l'ésotérisme dantesque
L’ultima notte : Furio Jesi et la mystique du sang. Quand vampirisme et nazisme se rencontrent
The Philosophia Perennis in the English and French Literature of the nineteenth century
Evaluating a Non-platform-specific OCR/NLP system to detect Online Grooming
An Empirical Evaluation of Encryption and Decryption Times on Block Cipher Techniques
Trust-based Approaches Towards Enhancing IoT Security: A Systematic Literature Review
Citation Justice at the University of Birmingham
Study of Machine Learning Models for IoT based Efficient Classroom Usage
Member of Panel: In Flux Ceramics Exhibition, City Lit
Mucoadhesive pickering nanoemulsions via dynamic covalent chemistry.
Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem
Restorative Potential of Intermediate Environments
PVC-S Challenge Response. Summary report. QEI
Extraction of underlying factors causing construction projects delay in Nigeria
Generative AI in Higher Education: A Horizon Scanning Report for the University of Westminster
Public University Identity Shift From Philanthropy To Social Enterprise
Technical Considerations for Designing and Implementing Immersive Learning Applications
A Constellation of Potential: Tapping into the iLRN Community to Connect and Collaborate
Landscapes of support for farming mental health: Adaptability in the face of crisis
The Impact of COVID-19 on Farmers’ Mental Health: A Case Study of the UK
Growing Older with Haiku: What Haiku Offers to Japanese Expats in Denmark
Editorial: Managing Cybersecurity Threats and Increasing Organizational Resilience
Co Chair Roundtable session "How to design a law degree"
What is a thing? Considering the 'extended object' and the relationships from which it emerges.
Student Perspectives on the Usage of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Impact of Climate Change on the Heating Demand of Buildings. A District Level Approach
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Transporters
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Catalytic receptors
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Enzymes
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Introduction and Other Protein Targets
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Nuclear hormone receptors
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: G protein-coupled receptors
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Ion channels
The agency of small things: indicators of ownership on the streets of Liverpool and Belfast
Understanding Marginalisation and Defining South-to-South Media Activism
A Journey to the South: Asking Questions and Learning Concepts along the Way
Artivism in Kenya: Mobilising (Her)stories, Linking Resources and Creating Media Territories
The Stepping into Visibility Model: Invisible Stories, Protection Strategies and Link Visibility
Favela Media Activism in Brazil: Collective Memories, Dialogues and Media Territories
Introduction: The Importance of Fostering South-to-South Dialogues
A brief insight into the rare diseases in Egypt
Vehicular Propagation Velocity Forecasting Using Open CV
Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection Using NLTK and TextBlob
Sustainable Climatic Metrics Determination with Ensemble Predictive Analytics
Site-integrity: An embedded and embodied approach to practice-based research
Exploring AI readiness in higher education: Conceptualisation and research propositions
Photography and Early Motor Touring in Britain
Artistic research: Methods that work
Getting Older with Haiku: What Haiku Offers to Japanese in Denmark
Women in Revolt! exhibition book
The effect of ageing on the innervation and total collagen content of human colon
Effect of old age on the subpopulations of enteric glial cells in human descending colon
Effect of old age on the subpopulations of enteric glial cells in human descending colon
Thematic Section: Revisiting Mediation in Translation and Interpreting
Moving objects: French history and the study of material culture
Landscapes of Myth, Memory and Imagination: Ursula Schulz-Dornburg’s Memoryscapes
Critical Psychology, queer activism and “Intersectional Richness”
The Black Experience at PWIs, student organising and youth activism
Decolonising Fashion Society: Addressing coloniality in the fashion industry and fashion pedagogies
Growing up in London, gentrification and the effects on working-class youth
Unsettling the University: Confronting the Colonial Foundations of US Higher Education
Moving Towards Radical Love in Organising Spaces
Carving out decolonial spaces in higher education through student-staff partnership
Can we decolonise Organisation Studies?
Can we decolonise Business Management and Marketing?
Exploring the myths and histories of Dalit communities and decolonising Anthropology as a discipline
Rethinking academic research culture and decolonial approaches to student-staff partnership
Decolonising Social Work Education and Practice
Researching feminist movements in China and decolonising the media
The coloniality of knowledge and decolonising psychotherapy
Decolonising Memory and Trauma studies
Perspectives on Student (Dis)Engagement and Continuation (Academic and Support Colleagues)
Study of Machine Learning Models for IoT based Efficient Classroom Usage
Systemic Risk and Oil Price Volatility Shocks
Systemic Risk and Oil Price Volatility Shocks
Systemic Risk and Oil Price Volatility Shocks
The Impact of Cyber Threats on the Global Food Supply Chain: a Focus on Grain Storage Security
A big data study of language use and impact in radio broadcasting in China
Plan, Prepare and Respond: A Holistic Cyber Security Risk Management Platform
Secularism, Decoloniality and the Veil: Kutlug Ataman and Cigdem Aydemir on Hair and Veiling
Typologies of caregiving: Understanding support needs of carers across four continents
Linguistic Layers in John of Garland's Dictionarius
'Poems befitting a wife left at home'
Afterlives/Futurelives: Imagining Mermaids and Recalling Ghost Dancing
The Invention of Electronic Digital Computing - Plenary Panel Summary
The Sin of Omission? The Public Justification of Cherry-Picking
‘I like it when I can sit with my best friends’
A review of sustainable solutions in urban logistics in Europe
New Directions in Digital Modern Languages Research
New Directions in Digital Modern Languages: Introduction
Intelligence Oversight In Times of Transnational Impunity: Who Will Watch the Watchers?
Doherty Amplifier Linearity Test for Fifth Generation Signals
University of Westminster Open Access Policy
From Shore to Dinner Table: Finding and eating seaweed in Ireland and the British Isles
Switching Gear: Law Approximation in Ukraine After the Application for EU Membership
Collaboration in Higher Education: A New Ecology of Practice
High-level Design Models for Rich Web-based Applications
Design Methodoolgy for Rich Web-based Appllications
Luxury Fashion Brand Management: Unifying Fashion with Sustainability
Impact of Covid-19 Policies on Women Self-employment Rates: An Integrated Conceptual Framework
Stratejik Siber Güvenlik Yönetimi/Strategic Cyber Security Management (Turkish edition)
Employment Relations Fairness and Trust in the Workplace. 2nd Edition
Classifications in our interactive learning environments need careful critical scrutiny
Artificial intelligence in teaching and learning
A Comprehensive Study on Pain Assessment from Multimodal Sensor Data
Airlines' network analysis on an air-rail multimodal system
Techniques de décarbonation logistique: benchmark et pratiques internationales
Women in Construction, Wood and Forestry: a Resource Toolkit for Gender Equality at Work
Flexibility and choice: Think Global People Relocate Awards 2024
Working remotely abroad: Policy and talent implications
Innovation, quality & cost: Strategic separation or integration for organizational success?
The role of employee and family relocation support in the current cost of living crisis
The role of HR in change management: Key issues and priorities
Preprint: Murmurations of Dirichlet Characters
Strategies for Improving the Bacterial Biodegradation of PET
Until Marriage Do Us Part: Women Teachers and the Marriage Bar in the 1920's
Managing Cybersecurity Threats and Increasing Organizational Resilience
Performing Fear in Television Production: Practices of an Illiberal Democracy, by Siao Yuong Fong
Jungle: A Critical Intersectional History
Generative Photographic Spaces: A Pixel-perfect Thrill
Look Me in The Eye!: Towards Full Ownership of Every AI-generated Photograph
White spirit: situating whiteness in contemporary church architecture
Guest Editorial: Developing Sustainable, Innovative, and Agile Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
We need to work together to prevent domestic abuse-related suicide
Impact of Hypoxia-Induced miR-210 on Pancreatic Cancer
Computing Climates: Global Networks and Scientific Assemblages
SESAR’s European Knowledge Transfer Network – benefits delivered, opportunities ahead
Some Reflections on the Use of Force in the Recent Escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Climate Adaptation and Cultural Resilience. The Case of the Oasis of Figuig, Morocco.
Roadmap for a European open science alliance for ATM research - presentation
ATM strategies for, and impacts of, space launches
RSC Live from Stratford-upon-Avon: Ten Things I Think I Know, or, Of Course We’re Making a Movie
Project on Architectural Student Employment Outcomes (PASEO)
Kidney Shape Statistical Analysis: Associations with Disease and Anthropometric Factors
Las masacres del norte de brasil
Novel Pathogenesis and Treatments for Cardiovascular Disease
It’s time to end the negative narratives surrounding foundation students
Refinding my balance - on three wheels
European performance assessment –challenges and concepts
Connectedness, Collaboration, and Co-creation
Research on the Impact of Financial Resources on Industrial Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Impact of Financial Resources on Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
MultiModX - Integrated Passenger-Centric Planning of Multimodal Transport Networks
Mercury - An open-source platform for the evaluation of air transport mobility - presentation
Mercury - An open pax & flight simulator
Mercury: an open source platform for the evaluation of air transport mobility
Roadmap for a European open science alliance for ATM research
Prison Officer Training in Scotland And Norway: Is It Fit For Purpose?
The Islands Are Not Lost, The Compass Is
Chapter 15 (extract) Talbot & The Fall: A Comedy (With Support)
Chapter 7: Phenotyping, Body Composition, and Precision Nutrition
More-than-leaky bodies: Existence as resistance
Narrativising Dispossessed Histories
Stabilitocracy in Practice: An Analysis of the EU’s Policy towards the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue
Emerging trends for urban freight transport-The potential for sustainable micromobility
Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches
Global Diasporic Chinese Museums Network Initiative’ (AHRC Research Networking Scheme)
Negotiating Chinese Identities in Global Museumscape
Beyond Europe. Before James Holmes
Air pollution linked with global rise in antibiotic resistance.
‘School Streets’ and the Adaptation of London’s State-Led Tactical Urbanism During Covid-19
"Little Islands": Challenges and Opportunities for Student Carers at the University of Westminster
Contact-Induced Lexical Effects in Medieval English
Choice and equity: A critical analysis of multi-modal public transport services
Drawing metro maps in concentric circles: A designer‐in‐the‐loop approach with visual examples
Understanding Paris cycling revolution.
Delivering Good Work: A stakeholders’ perspective
Delivering Good Work: Labour, employment and wellbeing in London’s cargo bike sector
What Are You Looking At? Ableist Abuse in Public Spaces
Evaluation of the Dual-Band PA Nonlinear Behavior for 5G Signals
From Neuroscience to New Horizons and Innovative, Inclusive Research Agendas
The Art Schools of the East Midlands
Symmetrical Disguise: Realizing Homomorphic Encryption Services from Symmetric Primitives
MetaPriv: Acting in Favor of Privacy on Social Media Platforms
stoRNA: Stateless Transparent Proofs of Storage-time
Split Without a Leak: Reducing Privacy Leakage in Split Learning
Live Demonstration of the PITHIA e-Science Centre
Easy Edges: Automating Connectivity and Scheduling at the Edge
Immunopathology of Hematodinium sp. infection of decapod crustaceans
Exploring the Effect of Mindset on Project Manager Wellbeing
Non-Binary in Higher Education Survey Findings Report and Recommendations
Setting the agenda on Britain’s policy towards the European Community: Miriam Camps at Chatham House
Equity, diversity, and inclusion at the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
The National Imaginarium: A History of Egyptian Filmmaking, by Magdy Mounir El-Shammaa
The Exiles: My Stolen Chinese Father
To Live With: A Conversation Between May Adadol Ingawanij, Sorawit Songsataya, and Riar Rizaldi
Innovation (as a Systemic Activity) and Income Inequality: Conceptual Model and Causal Mechanisms
Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook’s Relational Tableaux
Negative Spill Over Effects in Brand Alliance Crises
Chinese and British Exhibition
‘Yu Rongling (裕容齡1889–1973) – Diplomat’s daughter who introduced Western dance to China’
Modernity and Monasticism: Roman and Anglo-Catholic Monasteries in the Twentieth Century
Electoral bonds are a threat to Indian democracy
Ethnic differences in intergenerational housing mobility in England and Wales
Tackling Fuel Poverty in London
Slow Practice -(re)drawing time. Balancing narrative, ghosts and tensions.
Editorial: Women in AI medicine and public health 2022
After Belonging: Architecture, Nation, Difference
Representing Black British Music in the Westminster Menswear Archive
Widening Student Access to Implicit Assessment Criteria Using Recorded Verbal Instructions
Machine Learning Class Numbers of Real Quadratic Fields
The values of urban design - spatial models
(Dys)Functional Polities: The Limits of Politics in the Postcolonial Arab Region
Key-Pre Distribution for the Internet of Things Challenges, Threats and Recommendations
A proactive approach to protect cloud computing environment against DDoS attack
Investigating the Dynamics of Host-Phage interaction: Towards Effective Phage Therapy!
A framework for the metrification of input image quality in deep networks
Migrations: Socio-Cultural Contexts and Constitutions
Why do people share false political information online?
Community language education in Greece and Cyprus: an afterword
“Complexity of Choice in Asylum Seeker Decision-Making,” UNU-CPR Policy Brief
A drug repurposing screen for whipworms informed by comparative genomics.
Suzanne Ciani – The Diva of the Diode
The role of employee and family relocation support in the current cost of living crisis
Fashion Supply Chain Management: Integrating Sustainability through the Fashion Supply Chain
Editorial: Global excellence in children and health
The Legacy of Coloniality in Migrant Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence in Britain
Apprehending Sound: Ordering and Interference
Greater male variability in daily energy expenditure develops through puberty
The Shape of Life: Reading Space in Sai Paranjpye's Cinema (1980-2009)
To be present with what we cannot see: Curating as a dialogical practice
Development of Service Assurance Techniques for Intent Based Networking
Using cultural animation to work with students to decolonise the Business School
Decolonising a Business School: Going beyond the curriculum
Decolonising Birmingham Business School: A Student’s Perspective
Doctor Watson Architects: Incomplete Works Volume Five
Artificial intelligence: the impact on the global mobility function
ESG: Putting the social factor into leadership and global mobility
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Immunological mechanisms and current treatments.
Targeting neuroendocrine abnormalities in Parkinson’s disease with exercise
Alternative forms of assessment - the oral tradition
Investigating the Value of UK Higher Education Fashion and Textile Collections
Antiviral Drug Target Identification and Ligand Discovery
Technologies of Power in Digital Inclusion
Consulting for Reform: The Definition and Naming of Domestic Homicide Reviews
The challenges of viral hepatitis elimination: a global response to a global problem
Low seroprotection against diphtheria and tetanus in Lao adolescents
Multifaceted information-seeking motives in children
Counting points on elliptic curves
The Ladies Ulster in the 1870s and 1880s: From “Eccentric-Looking” to “Beau Ideal”
What China is Missing: ‘Faith’ in Political Discourse
Impact of cost approximation on the efficiency of collaborative regulation resolution mechanisms
Non-chemical Signalling Between Mitochondria
Climate Assemblies: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Reviewing domestic abuse related deaths by suicide
Centring LGBT domestic abuse-related deaths
Liability for Environmental Harm to the Global Commons
Bio-Hacking Better Health—Leveraging Metabolic Biochemistry to Maximise Healthspan
Reviewing LGBTQIA+ domestic abuse-related deaths: keeping victims central
Immigrants and School Achievement Levels in the United Kingdom
Dual production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and antibacterial/antiviral gold nanoparticles
Bharat: why the recent push to change India’s name has a hidden agenda
Reviewing in a pandemic? A commentary on Covid-19 and domestic homicide review
Inclusion for Cultural Education in Museums, Audio and Touch Interaction
Multi-trait discovery and fine-mapping of lipid loci in 125,000 individuals of African ancestry
Collaboration for democratic change: a guide for practitioners and academics
Predictors of in-hospital mortality in HIV-infected patients with COVID-19
Generalisation of genomic findings and applications of polygenic risk scores
Racism is very much there: Validating Racial Trauma in the context of Criminal Justice
Sound and fury? The impact of councillors’ LTN positions on voting behaviour in Greater London
What does the evidence on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods really show?
Sonic Futures: Short Fiction Storytelling: Artificial Intelligence in Popular Music Studies
Orchestration in the Cloud-to-Things Compute Continuum: Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions
Active Blended Learning: Implications for academics and students in the post-pandemic period
Architecture and buildings: building the post-emancipation Church
Evaluating the Impact of green practices on company performance in the Montenegro hotel industry
Quantum accountability: When does enough become too much in top pay decision-making?
Provoking Us to Change the World
Entrepreneurial micro-ecosystems:a study on connectedness and collaboration in the edtech community
Photography as Criticism: Gabriele Basilico and the Project of a “Small Utopia”
Predictive Modelling Approach to Data-Driven Computational Preventive Medicine
Artificial intelligence for dementia drug discovery and trials optimization
Genetic signature detected in T cell receptors from patients with severe COVID-19
Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech sounded more like a snake oil salesman than a statesman
Religion and Terrorism: Is Far-Right Terrorism Another Form of Religious Terrorism?
Embodied and Disembodied FDI Spillovers and Distance from the Educational Frontier.
Diagnosing the UK Productivity Slowdown: Which Sectors Matter and Why?
Core Product Competence and Productivity Gains: The Role of Foreign Ownership
Foreign Direct Investment and Relative Capacity: Theory and Evidence
Gender, Firm Performance, and FDI supply-purchase Spillovers in Emerging Markets
Why 'It didn't Happen Here' The Irish Working Class and Party Politics 1791-1913
Empirical Research on Financial Efficiency and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Research on the Impact of Financial Resources on Industrial Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Accessing health care autistically: a routine nasojejunal tube replacement
Influence of digitalisation adoption level on construction project delivery in Nigeria
Young African diaspora: Global African narratives, media consumption and identity formation
Career Choice With the Serious Game Like2be
Are low-traffic neighbourhoods greenwashing? Here’s what the evidence says
The Malinowskis in the South Tyrol
Supervised learning of arithmetic invariants
Machine learning invariants of arithmetic curves
After Falling Away: Reflections on a Vertiginous Art Exhibition
Shigella serotypes associated with carriage in humans establish persistent infection in zebrafish
Discovering Drug-Drug Interactions Using Association Rule Mining from Electronic Health Records
Men, Trans/Masculine and Non-Binary People’s Views About Pregnancy
The pursuit of pleasurable work: Craftwork in twenty-first century England
Language Practices and Processes in English-Medium Higher Education in Uzbekistan
Reversing The Weapons: Recuperating the marginalised body with performative photography
Sino-African journalism and journalistic fields: CGTN Africa’s workers between worlds
Linen in Menswear 1800 - present
Increasing Authoritarianism in India under Narendra Modi
Domain-driven multiple-criteria decision-making for flight crew decision support tool
Building it Green: European Report
Interdisciplinary Summer School "Measuring Light and Illumination"
I Am an Ordinary Man: Getting and Wearing Suits in Britain 1945-1980
Different Conversations Podcast: Obesity as a genotoxic environment
Biomonitoring and predictive modelling of genomic instability in childhood obesity
Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management (3rd Edition)
Impoliteness Interpreting: A Gender Talk?
Roundtable: Situated Learning Experiences in Medical Translation. The Rare Dementia Project
Groupwork: Advantages & Disadvantages. A Students as Co-Creators Project
British and International Peace Campaigning against the Strategic Defence Initiative
Spill over effects of Geopolitical risk on the banking sector of CIS countries
The Contemporary Malaysian Fantastic Film: Imagining an Alternative Modernity
miR-34a-FOXP1 Loop in Ovarian Cancer
Contemporary Nurturing of the 1980 Hague Convention
Arcturus: what to know about the new COVID variant, omicron XBB.1.16
Homomorphic Routing: Private Data Forwarding in the Internet
Enter our innovation and excellence awards
The value of research in global people management
Innovation: best practice and best fit for the future
Stakeholder input in global mobility planning, decision-making and performance outcomes
Take five practical steps: international experience counts for women
To what extent do you think COVID-19 has impacted physiology teaching?
Language, Gender and Gendered Discourse of the Communities of practice of Professional Chefs
Chinese investment in Europe: An analysis of the Belt and Road Initiative
Hegemony of BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera’s Framing of Protests in China: The Cases of Wukan and Hong Kong
Interaction of skin cells with skin microbiota
An exploration of learner autonomy in an international university in Japan
The role of CD180 in hematological malignancies and inflammatory disorders
The Extracellular Vesicle Citrullinome and Signature in a Piglet Model of Neonatal Seizures
Sex, drugs and superbugs: The rise of drug resistant STIs
Time Perception in First Year Undergraduates: Correlation with Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Statues, Spatial Syntax and Surrealism: 'History' and Heritagescapes in Public Space
Modelling passengers in air-rail multimodality
Translaboration in the literary translation community of practice
Locating Menswear – A Non-Hierarchical Exploration of Place and Community.
Contribution to Evaluation of Nonlinear Distortion in 5G IoT Subsystems
Similar voltage-sensor movement in spHCN channels can cause closing, opening, or inactivation
Wireless Networks: Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures
SampleHST: Efficient On-the-Fly Selection of Distributed Traces
After the End of the World? Rethinking Temporalities of Critique and Affirmation in the Anthropocene
Economic Regulation of Airports in the United Kingdom
Managing Airports: An International Perspective. 6th edition
Extracellular Vesicles in Phylogeny
Resisting Cybercide, Strengthening Solidarity: Standing up to Israel’s Digital Occupation
The Suppression and Othering of Black Lives Matter Protests Through Tear Gas
The Constitution of the United Kingdom: A Contextual Analysis, 4th edition by Peter Leyland (2021)
Comparing Australia’s Brereton Inquiry and New Zealand’s Burnham Inquiry: A Discussion
The Repositioning of the Football Jersey from the Pitch to the Runway.
Preprint: Kidney Shape Statistical Analysis: Associations with Disease and Anthropometric Factors
CORONA HAIKUS: visual poetry in times of isolation
“You always think about what other people be thinking”: Black men and barriers to cycling in London
Exteriority as Law: Revisiting the Masochean turn within Levinas
An investigation into the tension lap splices
Adopting a Soft Transdisciplinary Approach via Inquiry: Focus on Law Education
Final Evaluation of the TSFT/GRCF Plants On The Edge Project
Tourism and Water: A Human Rights Perspective to Enhance Sustainable Tourism
Biotechnology, sustainability and the water environment
Playing to Survive; Street Children and the Right to Play in Bangladesh and Nepal
National culture and tax evasion: The role of the institutional environment quality
Critique pharmacologique de la condition des travailleurs du savoir à l’épreuve de la pandémie
Intercultural Skills: A Reflexive Approach to the Training of Sociocultural Workers
Reparations for Afghan Victims of Australian War Crimes
Recalibrating the Olympics: Misplaced leverage and a relational turn?
Freedom of Expression and the Olympics
Income and Earnings at the Olympic Games
The Curious Case of the IOC and the Creation of Olympic Law
Islamic Banks’ Sharia Compliance Disclosure: An International Evidence
Using drawing as a research tool in metaphor-led discourse analysis
Research Handbook on International Child Abduction: The 1980 Hague Convention
Our corporate tax windfall can bring life-changing equality to our thriving nation
DNS++: Dynamic Name Resolution with Homomorphic Encryption Based Privacy
Discovering Process Models from Patient Notes
On vowel nasalisation in transitional Francoprovençal and Occitan areas
Practice Research Voices (PRVOICES): Final report and recommendations
Prohibitin Links Cell Cycle, Motility and Invasion in Prostate Cancer Cells
Hope after ‘the end of the world’: Rethinking critique in the Anthropocene
Rethinking Research Ethics in the Humanities: Principles and Recommendations
ECG Baseline Wander Removal Using the LSRLMF-Based fixed-Point Interference Canceller
Skewness in energy returns: estimation, testing and implications for tail risk
Does schooling have lasting effects on cognitive function? Evidence from compulsory schooling laws
Reframing Construction Labour Productivity in a Colonisation Context: The West Bank as an Example
How to spend the country's €65 billion surplus and make people happy
RNA-Binding Proteins and Their Emerging Roles in Cancer: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg.
The Lisa and John Slideshow (2017): A Play about Photography
Making the elephant dance: Connectivity as transgressive practice in doctoral research
Including the 'Students' as Co-Creators
Moving Pictures: Reusing Cinemas as Places of Worship in Diaspora
Road transport and urban logistics
Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Summary slideset
Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Summary Report
Warehousing in the UK: Operations, Planning and Decarbonisation - Full Briefing Report
Road Freight Transport SMEs: Trading, Operational and Decarbonisation Perspectives - Briefing Report
The Image of the Road Freight Transport and Warehousing Industry
Fostering a growth mindset to reduce inequality in academic success
Travelling to Ankara: Western Perspectives of the Modern Capital
Policy Brief: Bridging the Gender Pay Gap
Smart Urban Metabolism: A Big-Data and Machine Learning Perspective
Changing Monsoonal Waterworlds
Topologies of Regional Cinema: Philippine, Mindanaon, and Southeast Asian Films
A Modular Deep Learning Framework for Scene Understanding in Augmented Reality Applications
Detection of Physical Adversarial Attacks on Traffic Signs for Autonomous Vehicles
An AI-Assisted Skincare Routine Recommendation System in XR
3D CATBraTS: Channel Attention Transformer for Brain Tumour Semantic Segmentation
Cosmos, Fiction and Transcendence
Recommending yoga for health: A survey of perceptions among healthcare practitioners in the UK.
Preprint: A drug repurposing screen for whipworms informed by comparative genomics
Editorial: Scene-dependent image quality and visual assessment
Sense of Humour and its Effects on Great Britain's Destination Image
Mini-Publics as an innovation in spatial governance
How to be an anti-racist ally on the university campus
Grassroots football club stakeholders’ sponsorship: the role of happiness and shared values
Hand in Hand With Love: An Anthology of Queer Classic Poetry
Joining the EU was the inflexion point in our modern progress
Olympic Laws: Culture, Values, Tensions
Birkbeck 1823-2023 and the future of lifelong learning
The industry’s inconvenient truth. We can’t just afford to build greener, we must build less
Challenging the Rules of the Game
‘Searching for the lost home in the labyrinth: Set design in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’,
Critical AI Studies Meets Critical Political Economy
Understanding A Century of Exceptional Progress: Ireland Since Independence
Disrupting work and leisure in lockdown: the case of the Soho Poly
Fostering a growth mindset in higher education for inclusive learning for all
Managing Cybersecurity Threats and Increasing Organizational Resilience
Live Coding and Music Production as Hybrid Practice
Effective Governance and the Political Economy of Coordination
Gothic Chapbooks, Bluebooks and Shilling Shockers, 1797–1830 by Franz J. Potter
Italian diplomacy and the Ukrainian crisis: the challenges (and cost) of continuity
Potentials and limitations of language in observing and interpreting art
Democratic design for future-regarding institutions
Doctor Watson Architects, Incomplete Works Volume Four
Is it possible to compete with car use? How buses can facilitate sustainable transport
Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of fruit-based kombucha
The Use of Plant Steroids in Viral Disease Treatments: Current Status and Future Perspectives
Inhibiting CDK4/6 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma via microRNA-21
The twilight of resource nationalism: From cyclicality to singularity?
Review of: Barang-Barang, Erika Tan
Misinformation as Material: Towards the use of cognitive psychology as a research tool for artists
Misogyny, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change
Organizing in digital platforms: Temporality, the grammar of actions, and algorithmic delegation
Mental health and the music industry: an evolving intervention landscape
Dynamics of Emotions Towards AI-Powered Technologies: A Study of GitHub Copilot
The Art of Meaningful Universal Values
Practice Research Voices (PR Voices): a case study
Decolonization, Indigeneity, and the Cultural Politics of Race
Fostering a Growth Mindset in Higher Education for Inclusive Learning for All
China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Amended to Adapt to its Booming Platform Economy
Genomic Analysis of Clinical Multidrug Resistant E. coli in Nigerian Hospitals
Excessive reactive oxygen species induce transcription-dependent replication stress.
Multi- Level Governance Framework for Global Political Renewal
“Doors that could take you elsewhere”: The Architectural Practice of Reading Science Fiction
Accounting, accountability and governance in junior stock markets
Social positioning matters: A socialized affordance perspective of mHealth in India
India: Rahul Gandhi’s defamation trial highlights drift away from democracy under Narendra Modi
Abdominal imaging associates body composition with COVID-19 severity
Interface: Resistance and Response in Planning
Environmental Design Strategies for Heritage
NOSTROMO: Lessons learned, conclusions and way forward
De-municipalisation? Legacies of austerity for England’s urban parks
Editorial: The public health problem of burnout in health professionals
Donate Yourself: An AR trail exploring the future of organ, tissue and body data donation
How incarcerating children affects their labour market outcomes
Islands and Resilience Experiences from the Pandemic Era
Enter our Innovation & Excellence Awards...
Take five practical steps: international experience counts for women
Critical Reception Studies: the White Feminism of Feminist Reception Scholarship
Bioengineering of Antibody Fragments: Challenges and Opportunities.
Spaces for children's play and travel close to home: the importance of threshold spaces
Moral leniency towards belief-consistent disinformation may help explain its spread on social media
Factors prompting and deterring suicides on the roads
Publications for the PhD by Published Work "Copyright Law and Fan Works"
Curricula comparison of mechanical engineering technology and similarly named programmes
Research Report on obtaining planning permission for retrofitting homes to reduce carbon emissions
Difference Festival: Fighting superbugs
Dr Manal Mohammed for The Conversation on the norovirus
Private events for public benefit? Events and the emergence of public-private parks
Re-thinking Photographic Portraiture of 21st Century Italian Migrants in the Arc Lémanique area
Open Research Practice Based Researchers
Social Economy in the Classroom: The London Birkbeck Schools
Rethinking “Hope” and “Resilience” in the Anthropocene: An Interview with David Chandler
Orientalist Afterlives: Theorizing Discourse about Peppa Pig and China
Zebrafish null mutants of Sept6 and Sept15 are viable but susceptible to Shigella infection
Spontaneous perspective-taking and its relation to schizotypy
Migration, Europe, and the question of political and economic sovereignty in Africa
Returns to Education: Individuals
Going Global: Evidence from India
Coercion and crime: Convergences, divergences and ‘county lines’
Preprint: Precision MRI phenotyping of muscle volume and quality at a population scale
Biochemical, molecular and microbial ecological aspects of bioelectrochemical systems
Multi-Agent-Based Modeling of Deshopping Behavior Considering Two or More Shops or Web Sites
On Balance: Architecture and Vertigo
Hydrocephalus: A neuropsychological and theoretical primer.
Integrating multi-communication research and the business English class
Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility Training in the EMT Network
International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Academic English in Turbulent Times
Intelligence at the Extreme Edge: A Survey on Reformable TinyML
Challenging Nation-Statism: Political Boundaries and Bodies at the Border
Subalternizing Geopolitics: Bhutan as a Small Himalayan State
P1 Bacteriophage-Enabled Delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 Antimicrobial Activity Against Shigella flexneri
Transformational Innovation in the Creative and Cultural Industries
What informs a firm’s Attractiveness as an Alliance Partner? The development of a survey instrument.
Dry Powder Formulation of Azithromycin for COVID-19 Therapeutics
'Negotiating Diasporic Identities in Glocal Heritage Discourses'
A tool for deriving camera spatial frequency response from natural scenes (NS-SFR)
Social Entrepreneurial Intention: Educating, Experiencing and Believing
Dr Manal Mohammed for CNN on how often you should wear your clothes without washing them
Beyond the pale: fencing off parks for festivals
The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on Global Financial Markets
The Wellbeing Effects of Developing and Staging a Community Festival During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Tasting Tunnocks Teacakes: Accidental Atmospheres in Scottish Food Tourism
Herding in foreign direct investment
Fan-Slicer: A Pycuda Package for Fast Reslicing of Ultrasound Shaped Planes
Festive Parks as Inclusive Spaces: Celebrating Latin American London in Finsbury Park
A Study of Curation, Location and Temporality in Contemporary Art Fairs
Understanding Cognitive Variability in Alzheimer’s Disease
Selecting the Right Digital Influencer in B2B Markets: Guidelines for Managers
Review of Alexander Gilder, Stabilization and Human Security in UN Peace Operations
Global Chinese media and a decade of change
A Trojan dragon and its Achilles heel
Ten Years After the European Crisis: Arbitrating Sovereign Debt
Islam, ‘terror’ and national identity
Seeking Truth in International TV News
Efficient Neural Network DPD architecture for Hybrid Beamforming mMIMO
Selective schooling and social mobility in England
Musicians, their Relationships, and their Wellbeing: Creative Labour, Relational Work
The Music of the Gothic 1790-1820
'Co-branding as a Masstige Strategy for Luxury Brands: Desirable or Not?
The Law School Degree Show: law, materiality, decolonisation and authentic assessment
The school-to-work transition for young people who experience custody
Moving Towards Transition: Commoning Mobility for a Low-Carbon Future
The EU in International Negotiations
Edward Said and the Question of Language
Intraclass Clustering-Based CNN Approach for Detection of Malignant Melanoma
Situating documentary film in a speculative future: an exploration in multi species entanglements
Model-based Resource Management for Fine-grained Services
Lexical replacement, retention and borrowing in Middle English: A case study
Wellbeing initiatives the role of mindfulness in international mobility
Artifact-Free Fat-Water Separation in Dixon MRI using Deep Learning
Regional Industrial Redistribution and Carbon Emissions: A Dynamic Analysis for China
The Italian Legislation on War Crimes: Obligations to Implement and Principle of Legality
Photography in Flux: The Global Contemporary
End-to-end slices to orchestrate resources and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum
Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice: Labour, Power, Ethics
Toilet talk: (Trans)Gendered negotiation of public spaces
Future multimodal mobility scenarios within Europe
Accounting and Auditing with Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence: A Literature Review
The associations between paranormal beliefs and sleep variables
Montage and Dialectical History: The Accession Day Tilts, Whitehall and Embodied Participation
Interpretations of European integration history and introduction to research tools
The Franco-German relationship at the heart of EU history
Ideas and movements in favour of European integration from the nineteenth century until today
Milk lakes and butter mountains: The common agricultural policy
The European Commission: A government in the making?
From the early Common Market to the crises of the 1960s, 1958-68
Miriam Camps and European Integration: Blurring the Boundaries between Scholarship and Diplomacy
Catastrophe Bond Pricing In The Primary Market: The Issuer Effect And Pricing Factors
“An Expensive Commodity”? The Impact of Hope on US Foreign Policy During the “Unipolar Moment”
Nuestra America: a family in the vertigo of translation
Attitudes Towards Passwords Sharing in Cohabiting Partners
Ageing Passenger Perceptions of Ground Access Journeys to Airports: a Survey of UK Residents
Why are we still reading Ovid's rapes?
Cuestiones de representación en Miss Museo: Mujer, Nación, Identidad y Ciudadanía (2007)
Towards social innovation strategy: an analysis of UK Social Enterprises
Using concordance lines to teach participial adjectives
What explains Alibaba’s miraculous IPO success on the New York stock exchange?
Chile – from Pinochet’s neoliberal counter-revolution to the 2019-20 anti-neoliberal revolt
Masculinities and men’s emotions in and after intimate partner relationships
Saudi Arabian Television: The Challenge of Connecting with Reality
Street children, criminological research and emotional labour; reflections from the field
Guest editorial: Challenges and opportunities for increasingly turbulent times
A transfer learning-based system for grading breast invasive ductal carcinoma
Flexible Green Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies: A Systematic Literature Review
Labour Standards in the Ghanaian Construction Sector: an investigation of the governance landscape
Water insecurity and gender‐based violence: A global review of the evidence
Zakariyya Tamir and the politics of the Syrian short story - modernity, authoritarianism and gender
A multi-contextual lens on racism and discrimination in the multicultural marketplace
Special Issue "The Exposome in Immune Evolution, Health and Disease"
Discovery of drug-omics associations in type 2 diabetes with generative deep-learning models.
The effects of institutional independence on initial central bank responses to the COVID-19 crisis
The psychological therapy preferences of patients who hear voices
Preprint: Liver Shape Analysis using Statistical Parametric Maps at Population Scale
Why London is Labour: A History of Metropolitan Politics, 1900–2020
Geospatial Technologies in Archaeology
Acoustic characteristics of fricatives in Francoprovençal (Nendaz)
International perspectives on academic English in turbulent times: an afterward
International perspectives on academic English in turbulent times: an introduction
Using a human rights approach to improve hotels’ water use and sustainability
Enlargement, Treaty Reform and Crises (1993-2021)
On Boredom and Contemporary Fashion Photography
Eros against Law: Levinas and Erotic Interiority in Don Juan of Kolomea
Victorian Values: past and present in the refurbishment of London's historic churches
Male victims of sexual violence and their welfare in the Criminal Justice System
Actor Network Theory and Sensing Governance: From Causation to Correlation
Tableaux and Sequent Calculi for CTL and ECTL: Satisfiability Test with Certifying Proofs and Models
The human translator in the 2020s
The human translator in the 2020s: an introduction
Septins promote caspase activity and coordinate mitochondrial apoptosis
Running and Reading Remnant Danwei Walls in China's Post-socialist City
Predicting anxiety, depression and wellbeing in professional and non-professional musicians
Toward a reference architecture based science gateway framework with embedded e‐learning support
Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Interdisciplinarity in Sustainable Tourism Research
Analysis of the quantum evolutionary game of coordination game
C.K. Ogden, I.A. Richards and ‘Word Magic’: Rethinking the Relation of Language to Myth
“Arab” Cultural Studies: Phenomenology Being Digital, and Other Notes
Geospatial Technology and the Sustainable Development Goals
A Queer Sexuality Education: The Possibilities and Impossibilities of Knowing
Routledge Handbook of Geospatial Technologies and Society
Religion and the Constitution since the Glorious Revolution
How do Olympic cities strategically leverage New Urban Tourism? Evidence from Tokyo
Religion and the Constitution to 1688
Purposes and practices of MENA television: Components of an ever-evolving medium
Spillover Effects in the Banking Sector of Emerging Economies: a South Africa Case study
International Management of Customer Orientation
Reinventing Europe: The History of the European Union, 1945 to the present
Building Mass Customised Housing through Innovation in the Production System
Paris and London Calling: the restaurant as transnational site
Tourism and/in the Metropolis: Nighttime and the metropolis (Episode 2)
Dr Regina Keith on the importance of free school meals for BBC Radio London
Social media in community building (SocMedHE2022)
Empirical Research on Financial Efficiency and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Anthropogenic Noise: An Artist Talk
The Art Schools of the West Midlands
Cape (Corporeal, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
Using AI tools in Higher Education [Podcast]
Video case study: AMC Natural Drinks, International Business Challenge
Optimum Nutrition & Team GB Weightlifting: Female Athlete Nutrition Talk
Confirmatory Research Design: Testing Sustainable Performance Model of Schools Improvement
Cumulus (sculpture) Towards a flower (video)
Public Engagement Event at Cody Dock as part of the Therapeutic Horticultural Live Project
Prostate Cancer in Black Musicians
老舍的《二马》记录了二十世纪二十年代的一对中国父子在伦敦经营一家古玩铺的经历。在对这部小说的导读介绍中,安妮·维查德(Anne Witchard)探讨了老舍如何用幽默的笔调塑造人物生活,直面种族主义。
90lifestyle Dailymotion video series on the French in London
Ken Grant in Conversation with David Moore
We live like trees inside the footsteps of our ancestors
Utopia Re-Visited: Post-Crash New Town
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg: Memoryscapes
David Moore in conversation with Nigel Shafran
Exiles: My Stolen Chinese Father
‘Yu Rongling (裕容齡1889–1973) – Diplomat’s daughter who introduced Western dance to China’
The Implications of Loraine James’s Production Approach as Real-time Production Performance Practice
Thinking Global Podcast – Nitasha Kaul
BOG - Decoding the Details with the Westminster Menswear Archive
Analyze how ChatGPT can be used in the research field
Studies (between heaven and earth)
WEb3 Creator Summit - Guest Speaker
A Speculative Approach to the Archive: Itinerant Imaginaries #3
Soho Poly Inspiring Future Generations: Educational Resource pack
Deliberate Practice and Unintended Consequences in Music Production as Practice and Pedagogy
Project on Architectural Student Employment Outcomes (PASEO)
Various fanzines dedicated to the casual subculture
What is an authentic teacher and how can you become one?
Utopia by Design. Contemporary opportunities for a timeless ideal
Fresh look at DNA of 5000-year-old 'Iceman'
Skeleton Woman and the Haunted Underwater: A Three-Part Podcast Series
'Double Exposure' 16mm+Digital, col+bw, 27min, 2023
Technologies of Care: Thought, Cardboard and Silver Paint
Digital Health Evidence Generation Ontology Prototype
Video: Join us at the University of Westminster to Fight superbugs!
Book launch: Effective governance and the political economy of coordination
A Guide To Interconnected Learning
Sharjah Architecture Triennial 02
CYGNA: Power of Neurodiversity
Pauline Boty: Artist - Model - Actor - Blonde
Lecture: 'The Architecture of Retrofit'
Beyond Singular Identity: Exploring the Power of Intersectionality
Dr Manal Mohammed comments on the spread of waterborne disease outbreaks during Gaza war
Changing Spaces (1992) and Kissing Life Better (2023) in The World that Belongs to Us
Changing Spaces (1992) and Kissing Life Better (2023) in The World that Belongs to Us
Digital Accessibility Symposium
Guest Presentation @ complecs TECC | workshop: “Navigating a Platformized Music Industry”