Maternal liver transplant: Another cause of discordant fetal sex determination using cell-free DNA.

MeDIP combined with in-solution targeted enrichment followed by NGS: Inter-individual methylation variability of fetal-specific biomarkers and their implementation in a proof of concept study for NIPT

Hesitant Comrades: The Irish Revolution and the British Labour Movement by Geoffrey Bell (review)

Monsoon Assemblages: Dhaka & Ladakh Fieldwork Log, June - July 2018

Monsoon Assemblages: Myanmar Student Field Trip Report, November 2018

Monsoon Assemblages: Yangon Field Trip Report, November 2018

Monsoon Assemblages: Yangon Field Trip Report, April 2018

Monsoon Assemblages: Dhaka Field Trip Report, September - October 2018

Monsoon Assemblages: Dhaka Field Trip Report, June - July 2018

Monsoon Assemblages: Dhaka Field Trip Report, February 2018

Design Guidelines for Creating Mobile Language Learning Applications

Orchestrated platform for cyber-physical systems

Predicting fetoplacental chromosomal mosaicism during non-invasive prenatal testing

ENTICE VM Image Analysis and Optimised Fragmentation

Deploying Docker Swarm cluster on hybrid clouds using Occopus

The flowbster cloud-oriented workflow system to process large scientific data sets

Occopus: A multi-cloud orchestrator to deploy and manage complex scientific infrastructures

Cloud agnostic Big Data platform focusing on scalability and cost-efficiency

Enhancing dietary practices, general nutrition knowledge and body composition of a female International Rugby Union player incorporating smartphone application technology

superconductr: digital platform labour and neoliberal subjectivity

Professional identity development of teachers: Does a safe environment help or hinder?

Which Elements Should Be Taken into Account in the Assessment of Sufficient Gravity?

Il progetto di articoli sulla responsabilità degli Stati e il diritto umanitario

Due Diligence and International Humanitarian Law

Expert systems: Special issue on “Machine Learning Methods Neural Networks applied to Vision and Robotics (MLMVR)”

Fantasy/Animation: Connections Between Media, Mediums and Genres

Memories of Fiction: The Living Library

Sport and the law: considerations for sports managers

Inside the Prefab House

La Promenade de Nerval: Souvenir et rêve

Introduction: Music as local and global positioning: how congregational music-making produces the local in Christian communities worldwide

Book review: Soundscapes of Wellbeing in Popular Music (Gavin J. Andrews, Paul Kingsbury & Robin Kearns, Eds.)

Member of panel: Curating Clay: What are the challenges in 2018 and beyond?

Evidence of chemotherapy-induced bystander effect and a potential involvement of reactive oxygen species in an in vitro co-culture model

Complete Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 4th edition

A validated low-carbon office building intervention model based on structural equation modelling.

Monitoring IAQ and thermal comfort in a conservation area low energy retrofit

An Evaluation of the Combined Effect of Window Shading and Thermal Mass to Reduce Overheating

Assessing the user response to differences in functionality when visualising 3D models of cultural heritage sites using the Technology Readiness Index

GI-530159, a novel, selective, mechano-sensitive K2P channel opener, reduces rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neuron excitability

HIV transgene expression impairs K+ channel function in the pulmonary vasculature

Activation of TREK currents by riluzole in three subgroups of cultured mouse nodose ganglion neurons.

Pharmacists detecting atrial fibrillation (PDAF) in primary care during the influenza vaccination season: a multisite, cross-sectional screening protocol

Multiscale Analysis of Microvascular Blood Flow and Oxygenation

Analysis of microvascular blood flow and oxygenation: Discrimination between two haemodynamic steady states using nonlinear measures and multiscale analysis

Efficacy of co-supplementation therapy with vitamins B9, B12, and D on endothelial dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the Next Economy

An Internet of ownership: Democratic design for the online economy

Financial effects of precautionary demand for oil

Reception studies in audiovisual translation - Interlingual subtitling

Genome-Wide and Abdominal Imaging Data Characterizes Common Alleles Associated with Higher BMI and Subcutaneous Fat but Less Liver Fat and Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Derrida and Foucault: Philosophy, Politics, and Polemics

Posthumanism’s Tabula Rasa: On Theory, Innocence, and Consumption

The Head, The Hand, and Matter: New Materialism and the Politics of Knowledge

Derrida and Foucault: Philosophy, Politics, Polemics

Editorial - Why do I care about interactive learning environments?

Preprint: Weil's Converse Theorem for Maass Forms and Cancellation of Zeros

'I hate this job': Guiding Ripper Tours in the East End

The effects of a three-week restricted carbohydrate diet on exercise metabolism and performance of three cyclists

Typographical Portabilities: The Designer and User inCommunication Technologies

Research on social remembering and intercultural understanding: Situating Anglo-Japanese reconciliation in the late 1990's

Revisiting the Past: A Discursive Psychological Approach to Anglo-Japanese Reconciliation Over the Second World War

Immunity levels to poliovirus in Lao children and adults before the vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreak: A retrospective study

High circulation of hepatitis E virus in pigs and professionals exposed to pigs in Laos

Selenium deficiency and pregnancy outcome in pregnant women with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria

Evidence of increased Hepatitis E virus exposure in Lao villagers with contact to ruminants

Seroprevalence and risk factors of hepatitis B and C virus infections in female workers of Lao garment factories

Measuring outcomes using goals

The role of Building Information Modelling in retrofitting works within the UK social housing sector

“It makes us cringe these days”: Killerton House National Trust and the alteration of Elizabeth Petipher Cash’s everyday Quaker bonnets

A Celebration of Plainness: Worthing Museum’s Quaker Wedding Bonnet, 1843

Conference review: Restraint and Excess in Fashion: Costume Colloquium V, 16 – 20 November, 2016, Florence, Italy

British Quaker Women's Fashionable Adaptation of their Plain Dress, 1860–1914

The Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the creation of individual and collaborative learning environments in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE)

Exploring Nightlife: Space, Society and Governance

A conjectural extension of Hecke’s converse theorem

Testing the effect of a Self-Administered Interview for Missing Persons Investigations.

Forensic Use Case Analysis of User Input in Windows Application

Digital Investigation and Forensic User Analysis

Power aware routing algorithms (PARA) in wireless mesh networks for emergency management

Ungating the city: A permeability perspective


Line structure representation for multi-level pedestrian network analysis

Preprint: Testing the ability of multivariate hybrid spatial network analysis to predict the effect of a major urban redevelopment on pedestrian flows

An online speed profile generation approach for efficient airport ground movement

Preference-based evolutionary algorithm for airport surface operations

MerTK expressing hepatic macrophages promote the resolution of inflammation in acute liver failure

The induction of autoimmune hepatitis in the human leucocyte antigen-DR4 non-obese diabetic mice autoimmune hepatitis mouse model

The evolutionary landscape of colorectal tumorigenesis

Social Determinants of International Student Mobility

International Student Mobility: Social Determinants of International Student Mobility: PhD students from Turkey in (2016), Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers. London: Transnational Press London. .

Proposing a holistic framework for the assessment and management of manufacturing complexity through data-centric and human-centric approaches

Pilot to Full-Scale Production: A Battery Module Assembly Case Study

Truth and Light

Trust and balanced culture: their effect on leadership style and organisational citizenship behaviour

Legal Issues in Online Fan Fiction

Human Rights, Social Movements and Activism in Contemporary Latin American Cinema

Control, collaboration and audience engagement in interactive sound installations

Bolus ingestion of whey protein immediately post-exercise does not influence rehydration compared to energy-matched carbohydrate ingestion

The effect of exercise intensity on gastric emptying rate, appetite and gut derived hormone responses after consuming a standardised semi-solid meal in healthy males

Whose responsibility is adolescent mental health in the UK? The perspectives of key stakeholders

Accounting for ethics: towards a de-humanised comparative approach

Is social media bad for mental health and wellbeing? Exploring the perspectives of adolescents

Potential of social media in promoting mental health in adolescents

Improved reference genome of Aedes aegypti informs arbovirus vector control.

The fungal alkaloid Okaramine-B activates an L-glutamate-gated chloride channel from Ixodes scapularis, a tick vector of Lyme disease

2,4-Diaminothieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines, a new class of anthelmintic with activity against adult and egg stages of whipworm

Preprint: 2,4-Diaminothieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines, a new class of anthelmintic with activity against adult and egg stages of whipworm

An automated high-throughput system for phenotypic screening of chemical libraries on C. elegans and parasitic nematodes

Hybridization to High-Density Filter Arrays of a Brugia malayi BAC Library with Biotinylated Oligonucleotides and PCR Products

Muscle tensions merge to cause a DNA replication crisis.

Preprint: Accumulation of prelamin A drives inflammation in the heart with implications for treatment of inherited and acquired cardiomyopathies

Determining executive pay: remuneration committees’ remit, composition and context

Extending Slices into Data Centers: The VIM on-demand model

Real-Time Management and Control of Monitoring Elements in Dynamic Cloud Network Systems

Realizing services and slices across multiple operator domains

Multi-Domain Orchestration for the Deployment and Management of Services on a Slice Enabled NFVI

Engage D2.1 Communication plan, website, and visual identity material

Engage D3.4 Thematic challenges priming report for first workshops

NADPH Oxidase 5 Is a Pro‐Contractile Nox Isoform and a Point of Cross‐Talk for Calcium and Redox Signaling‐Implications in Vascular Function

Vascular smooth muscle contraction in hypertension

Supply chain design considering cellular structure and alternative processing routings

Incorporating dynamic cellular manufacturing into strategic supply chain design


Prostate cancer detection using quantitative T2 and T2-weighted imaging: The effects of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors in men on active surveillance

Steady-state and tracking analysis of the SSLMS algorithm

Property Asset Management. 4th edition

What role Dhaka’s street children play in organised crime

There is no motion in a motion picture

Under The Earth

Differing Effects of Younger and Older Human Plasma on C2C12 Myocytes in Vitro

“Essential—Passion for Music”: Affirming, Critiquing, and Practising Passionate Work in Creative Industries

"The Whole Feminist Taking-Your-Clothes-off-Thing": Negotiating the Critique of Gender Inequality in UK Music Industries

How a rape exposes the conflict between two visions of India

Knowledge Management in UK Higher Education Institutions: What Type of Outcomes Do Higher Education Partnerships Attain?

What Makes Knowledge Management Activities Work in Higher Education Partnerships?

Understanding the Role of Knowledge Management in Higher Education Partnerships through Experts

Appropriating Ayodhya on “Valour Day”: Hindu Nationalism and Pilgrimage as Politics

An adaptive E-commerce application using web framework technology and machine learning

Taxonomy of Autonomic Cloud Computing

University of Westminster Open Access Policy

Integrated learning - a model for vocational education

The management of continuing professional development in General Further Education Colleges when intentionally aiming to improve Ofsted inspection from an ‘inadequate’ or ‘requires improvement’ grading to ‘good’.

Palestine online: Occupation and liberation in the digital age

Digital Anthropology

‘Exclusivity dared’, Impact of digital marketing on luxury fashion brands

Novel Brain Complexity Measures Based on Information Theory

Determination of optimal ultrasound planes for the initialisation of image registration during endoscopic ultrasound-guided procedures

Automatic Multi-Organ Segmentation on Abdominal CT with Dense V-Networks

Automatic segmentation method of pelvic floor levator hiatus in ultrasound using a self-normalizing neural network

The Impact of Physical Activity intervention on university employees’ behaviour change, health and well-being

Do University employees meet the physical activity guidelines’ (within or outside the workplace)?

How to eat right and keep well during Ramadan

Researchers give tips for a healthy Ramadan

Eating right and keeping well during Ramadan

How to stay healthy while fasting during festival

Eating right and keeping well during Ramadan

Review of Sarah Fishman, From Vichy to the Sexual Revolution: Gender and Family Life in Postwar France (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017)

'Botschafter in Uniform? Die Beziehungen der Britischen Rheinarmee zur deutschen Zivilbevölkerung 1948–1957

A Comparison of Event Impacts: Zimbabwe and the UK

A Guiding Conceptual Framework for Individualised Knowledge Management Model Building

Identifying the Components Required Supporting the Application of Effective Knowledge Management Activities in Higher Education Partnerships

A comparative analysis of lean implementations in NHS England hospitals

Knowledge management factors affecting educational partnerships within the British HE/FE sector

Empirical Analysis of Knowledge Exchange in Higher Education Partnerships: Using Knowledge Elicitation Methods and Techniques

Natureza, paisagem e afeto em post tenebras lux de Carlos Reygadas

The Right to Nature: Contested Landscapes and Indigenous Territoriality in Martírio (2016)

As formas da materialidade: quadro, escala e afeto no cinema de Ramsay

Understanding Awareness of Cyber Security Threat Among IT Employees

Phenotype-loci associations in networks of patients with rare disorders: application to assist in the diagnosis of novel clinical cases

A FAIR guide for data providers to maximise sharing of human genomic data

Personal Genome Project UK (PGP-UK): A research and citizen science hybrid project in support of personalized medicine

APPLaUD: Access for patients and participants to individual level uninterpreted genomic data

Nirbhaya, New Media and Digital Gender Activism


Modulation of Beta Bursts in the Subthalamic Nucleus Predicts Motor Performance

Telephone hotline for aging: Information needs, quality of service, and insights

Apparition: the (im)materiality of Modern Surface

Textilesphere: To mark is to be marked

Analysis and Design of Low-Cost Waveguide Filters for Wireless Communications

Mental rotation performance in aphantasia [Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract]

The Night The Wind Blew: Allegorical short drama written and directed by David Alamouti

Zebrafish Infection: From Pathogenesis to Cell Biology

Shigella-Induced Emergency Granulopoiesis Protects Zebrafish Larvae from Secondary Infection

Innovation Discovery: Network Analysis Of Research And Invention Activity For Technology Management

Bibliometrics and networks: Case of project management and the emergence of a knowledge-based discipline


In the Realm of Psychoneuroimmunology: The Role of Celecoxib as an Add-On Treatment for Bipolar Mania

Prevalence and predictors of depressive symptoms among attendees of a tertiary care dermatology clinic in Muscat, Oman

Networking Cities after Paris: Weighing the Ambition of Urban Climate Change Experimentation

Design Studio 18 Bangladesh Broadsheet, 2018

Photovoice and lived experiences of probation supervision: Using visual images to understand the experiences of service users

La prevención del delito y los medios de comunicación [Crime Prevention and the Media]

Book review: A Hucklesby and S Lister (eds), The Private Sector and Criminal Justice

Supervisible: Using Photo-Elicitation to Explore the Lived Experience of Offender Supervision

Privatization and coercion: The question of legitimacy

Women's voices made visible: Photovoice in visual criminology

The Effect of Optimal Discounting on Bundle Preference In Gift-giving Context

What constitutes the arts?

PO-018 Acquired DNA damage in adolescent obesity – a promoter and predictor of cancer?

Acute cardiovascular responses to resistance exercise in anabolic steroids users: A preliminary investigation / Réponses cardiovasculaires aigues à l'exercice de résistance chez les utilisateurs de stéroïdes anaboliques

The Life of a Dance: Double Take Part II

Thoroughly Modern Accounting: Shifting to a De Re Conceptual Pattern for Debits and Credits

Contested mobilities in the Latin American context

Exploring the right to mobility through the 2013 mobilizations in Rio de Janeiro

Urban Land-Use Dynamics in the Niger Delta: The Case of Greater Port Harcourt Watershed

Appraising the Effects of Physical Activity Interventions on Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases and Obesity: A Systematic Review

Growing from a Seed

Differential effects of age of acquisition and frequency on memory: evidence from free recall of pictures and words in Turkish

La fotografia d’arte

Soiveillance: Self-Consciousness and the Social Network in Hideaki Anno’s Love & Pop

Translational regulation in mycobacteria and its implications for pathogenicity

Southampton and the later medieval textile trade - Encyclopaedia of Dress and Textiles in the British Isles c.450-1450

Alum - Encyclopaedia of Dress and Textiles in the British Isles c.450-1450

Lexical exchange with Italian in the textile and wool trades in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries

Being ready for the next Uber: can local government reinvent itself?

Reframing the governance of automotive automation: insights from UK stakeholder workshops

Numbers/Data: A Roundtable

Sportivate: A Case Study of Sports Policy Implementation and Impact on the Sustainability of Community Physical Activity Programmes

The Art of Equity/The Equity of Art; The History and Future of a Malleable Concept

Brexit, the end of history and the Constitution of Social Europe: critical reflections on the Social Pillar and its limits


SQEezing the jurisprudence out of the SRA's Super Exam: The SQE's Bleak Legal Realism and the rejection of law's multimodal truth

Reclaiming our discipline

Introduction for Building Capitalism

Review: Donald S. Hair, Fresh Strange Music: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Language

Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment

Towards an Emancipation of Photographic Vision: ‘Visualism’, ‘Opsognomie’ and ‘Elementary Photography’

"Play the game" An archive of sporting heritage

Blurring the lines: a holistic approach to university records and archives

Caught in between: Profanation and Re-Sacralization in Marco Bellocchio’s Nel nome del padre (1971)

Maternal Rights Digital Activism and Intersectional Feminism

A rough life: exploring the involvement of street children in organised crime in Dhaka

Managing risks in virtual-agile it projects: The paradigm of responsiveness

RDSS Digital Preservation - Records and Archives Management Pilot

Werteentwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter

Community radio in rural development in Northeastern Ghana: the experiences of radio Gaakii in the Saboba district

An Analysis of the Same-Day Delivery Market and Operations in the UK

Assessment of Newspaper Circulation and Readership in Northern Ghana

North America

Vancouver as a Benchmark

New York City's comprehensive Waterfront Plan

Southeast Asia

Jakarta: A Case Study for Flood Challenges

Conserving Yangon's Colonial Heritage

Una finestra su - Giacarta: Giacarta e le sfide delle megalopoli nel sud del mondo [A window on Jakarta: Jakarta and the challenges of a mega city in the southern hemisphere]

Editorial: media and the ‘populist moment’

Study of behaviour of Biomechanical System in indented Articular Cartilage on a cellular level

Gender dynamics and ‘illicit labour’; exploring street children’s involvement in organised crime in Bangladesh and China

New Competitions and Contracts: Sports Entrepreneurs and Litigation from a Historical Perspective

The economic thought of William Petty: exploring the colonialist origins of economics.

Enhancing well-being and building resilience in people living with cancer part 2: a central role for nurses

Tuning Natural Deduction Proof Search by Analytic Methods

A tree-style one-pass tableau for an extension of ECTL+

Vista D6.3 - Stakeholder consultation on initial assessment

Assembly: Performing the materiality of Muslim prayer spaces

Subjective social inclusion: A conceptual critique for socially inclusive marketing

Brand addiction: Exploring the concept and its definition through an experiential lens

Tāmir, Zakariyyā (1931–)

Multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumors in epilepsy: dysplasia or neoplasia?

Characterising subtypes of hippocampal sclerosis and reorganization: correlation with pre and postoperative memory deficit

'Travestido, Transformado, Definitivamente Distinto’? Transgenericidad and Gender Trouble in Leonardo Padura’s Máscaras

Successful replication of the retrieval-induced forgetting - anxiety relationship, but no association with dispositional mindfulness.

Social representations, legitimacy and market change

The framing of moral dilemmas in the marketplace: The case of inequality in the illicit alcohol market in Kenya

Social representations and social conflict in the marketplace: The “war” against illicit alcohol in Kenya

Concerning the Apparition of a Mobile Phone in a 17th Century Painting and Its Issuefication

The Emancipated Student: Rethinking Knowledge, Equality and Democracy

Haunted Science: The BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the lost futures of hauntological music

Living Wandle Landscape Partnership: Final Evaluation & Completion Report

The Blood-Brain Barrier in Psychosis

Community Access and Participation in Community Radio Broadcast: Case of Radio Gaakii, Ghana

Commodification of Development Programming on Radio in Northern Ghana

Smart Sustainable City

Reassessing the effect of Colour on Attitude and Behavioural Intentions in Promotional Activities: The Moderating Role of Mood and Involvement.

Targeting tumour re-wiring by triple blockade of mTORC1, epidermal growth factor, and oestrogen receptor signalling pathways in endocrine-resistant breast cancer

Knitwear in the Westminster Menswear Archive: Building a Collection

Double Take: Looking Back at Yourself...

Double Take: A Second Look at a Dance

Reviews: ENO's Luisa Miller/ Pure Dance, Natalia Osipova

Ballet and the Soviet body

From Craft to Qualified Labour in Britain: a comparative approach

Builiding Capitalism Introduction


Architectural Fabrication: Towards Eco-Digital Design to Build Process in Architecture

Architectural self-fabrication

Ethnicity, popular democratic movements and labour in Malaysia

Defining the requirements for the pathogenic interaction between mutant calreticulin and MPL in MPN

Developing Educators for The Digital Age: A Framework for Capturing Knowledge in Action

Identifying ‘Immigrants’ through Violence: Memory, Press, and Archive in the making of ‘Bangladeshi Migrants’ in Assam

The Opera Village Africa: Christoph Schlingensief and his Social Sculpture

Willkommen! 1 - German Beginner’s Course, 3rd edition, Activity book

Willkommen! 1 - German Beginner’s Course, 3rd edition, Course book (incl. CD and DVD set)

Attendance of MSM at Genitourinary Medicine services in England: implications for selective HPV vaccination programme (a short communication)

Introduction (to Dossier on Walter Benjamin and Education)

Town of Strangers: The Performative ‘Making-of’ Film and the Production of Reality

Walter Benjamin and Education (Special Issue of boundary 2)

Curating the Nomadic – Film and Video at Ambika P3

Mathematical Reasoning

Dis-locations and Broken Narratives: articulating liminal and interstitial experiences through a series of moving image and mixed media installations

Advancing Health and non-Health Security, Diplomacy and International Relations through the Enlightened Design and Delivery of Smart Global Health Programs

Queer Migrations

Measuring children’s values from around the world: Cross-cultural adaptations of the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C)

Ontopolitics in the Anthropocene: An Introduction to Mapping, Sensing and Hacking

From Baghdad to Sarajevo to Beeston: The War Poetry of Tony Harrison

Human papillomavirus Genotype Distribution and Co-infection with Sexually Transmitted Pathogens in Reproductive age Women in Urban Gambia

Heterogeneity and Vulnerability in the Urban Informal Economy

Clinical utility of magnetic resonance imaging in first-episode psychosis

Roshini Kempadoo - Ghosting Portfolio pages in the 2018 Fotofest Biennial Catalogue - INDIA: Contemporary Photographic and New Media Art

Ghosting: Visualising a Caribbean. FotoFest's INDIA Symposium, 23/24 March 2018

Creating Interference Project (CIP) online

The Detection and Policing of Gun Crime: Challenges to the effective policing of gun crime in Europe

Painting, Photography, Photographs: George Shaw's Landscapes

Developing a ‘Global South’ Perspective of Street Children’s Involvement in Organised Crime

A Review of the National Policies on Street Children in China

Street Children and Dhaka’s Gangs: Using a Case Study to Explore Bangladeshi Organised Crime

Kosovo Specialist Chambers: Step Towards Justice or Potential Timebomb?

Serological evidence of myocardial injury with exercise

Pathophysiology: Altered Physiological States

Introductory Chapter: Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital Heart Disease

“I drive outside of peak time to avoid traffic jams—Public transport is not attractive here.” Challenging discourses on travel to the University campus in Manila

Car dependence and housing affordability: An emerging social deprivation issue in London?

Preventing Family Transmission of Anxiety: Feasibility RCT of a Brief Intervention for Parents

Understanding the Barriers to Accessing Symptom-Specific Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for Distressing Voices: Reflecting on and Extending the Lessons Learnt From the CBT for Psychosis Literature

Guided self-help cognitive- behaviour Intervention for VoicEs (GiVE): Results from a pilot randomised controlled trial in a transdiagnostic sample

An Introduction to Self-help for Distressing Voices

The ventrolateral medulla and medullary raphe in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy

Ultrasensitive quantification of cardiac troponin I by a Single Molecule Counting method: analytical validation and biological features

EnAbled: A Psychology Profile based Academic Compass to Build and Navigate Students' Learning Paths

The paleo-environment reconstruction on Mars: focus points for the next astrobiology missions

Society, Worldview and Outreach

Transitory Microbial Habitat in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert

Analysing the Network & Schedule Performance of Airlines and Developing a Passenger-Centric Commercial Methodology for Air Services

Convergences and Divergences Between International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law

General Conclusions

Fragmentation, harmonization and the users’ perspective: the Munduruku peoples’ view on land and the developing standards on indigenous peoples’ land rights

The (un)willingness to implement the recommendations of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights: revisiting the Endorois and the Mamboleo decisions

Evolving Legal Protections for Indigenous Peoples in Africa: Some Post-UNDRIP Reflections

Réflexions sur la législation congolaise de mise en œuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale

Towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings in Lebanon: Bioclimatic Design and Experimental Strategies

Physical Activity in Natural Environments

Implementation Processes and Planning Standards of Small-Scale Housing Redevelopment in the United Kingdom (영국의 소규모주택 정비사업방식 및 계획기준 연구)

Promoting demand-driven R&D of high technology via intelligent innovation of public services

Public service provider’s dynamic capabilities for IT-enabled government transformation projects

Revisiting the project management knowledge framework: Rebalancing the framework to include transformation projects

The importance of the Alma Ata principles of equity and voice, through intersectoral investment and leadership, in achieving the health and nutrition Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. A reflection on the upcoming Astana Conference, to be held on the 40th anniversary of the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978

Strengthening iron folate supplementation of pregnant women in Ntchisi District, Malawi

Taxation on Consumption in Brazil and Gendered Aspects

To Have To Do With The Law: An Essay

The Routledge Research Handbook on Law and Theory

The Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media

British Muslims perceptions of social cohesion: from multiculturalism to community cohesion and the ‘war on terror’

Public Service Broadcasting and the Construction of the Angolan Nation: Audiences’ perceptions of News at 8pm and Muangolé José Paulo

Melanocortin‐3 receptor responseis influenced by the melanocortin receptoraccessory protein‐1

Project Interrupted: Lectures by British Housing Architects

Ethnographic understandings of ethnically diverse neighbourhoods to inform urban design practice

Speaking the Unspeakable: Heidegger and Social Media's 'Mouseclick Solidarity'

The Responsibility to Protect: What’s in a Norm?

“Words lying on the table”?: Norm Contestation and the Diminution of the Responsibility to Protect

Assessing (and Learning From) the Record of Humanitarian Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era

Distribution Dilemmas for Public Service Media: Evidence from the BBC

Applying generative, functional and cognitive grammar to naturally-occurring language and multimodal data

Fabrication of inhaled hybrid silver/ciprofloxacin nanoparticles with synergetic effect against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Hydrophobically modified chitosan nanoliposomes for intestinal drug delivery

Why Psychological Analysis Shows We're Right To Worry For Musicians' Mental Health

Memory loss isn’t just an old person’s problem – here’s how young people can stay mentally fit

Feel younger than you are? Here’s why you’re on to something good

Dazzle Camouflage: Origin and Development of Visual Distortion and Devices

Distortion, illusion and transformation: the evolution of Dazzle Painting, a camouflage system to protect Allied shipping from Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, 1917–1918

Grey areas: a cross-country comparative study of user-generated hate speech, incivility and journalistic responsibility for online comments

Communication links, Productivity, knowledge transfers, growth and income distribution

Rethinking the norm of Life Beyond Biopolitics. Towards an Ethical Framework

Reviews: Life and Fate, Life is a Dream, New Work/New Music

Encounters of the Space Between: a Collaboration with Claude Cahun in Magic Mirror and Confessions to the Mirror

Disentangling Immediate Adaptive Introgression from Selection on Standing Introgressed Variation in Humans

IDV und FIPLV: Zwei internationale Dachverbände in 50-jähriger Vernetzung

A protocol for the process evaluation of a multi-centre randomised trial to compare the effectiveness of geriatrician-led admission avoidance hospital at home versus inpatient admission

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Hospital or at Home? The role of clinician uncertainty in recruitment to a randomised controlled trial

Developing Wise Leaders

Leadership and Wisdom

In Search of Value Rationality and Wise Leadership

Responsible Leadership and Management Education

Az Emberkozpontu munkakori leiras

Criminal Evidence: Evidencing Defences to Murder. R v Goodwin (Anthony Gerard) [2018] EWCA Crim 2287

Evidence and Variation of Confiscation Orders: R v O'Flaherty (Carl Anthony) (Court of Appeal Criminal Division, 29th of October 2018)

Interactive Recorded Music: Past, Present and Future

Adiabatic Approach for Low-Power Passive Near Field Communication Systems

Biopolymers for Bioartificial Pancreas

England’s Devolution, Tourism, and Local Economic Development

Queer Politics in Tibet: Past, Present and Future

Tibetan Literature and Film

The Light of the World

Emigration 2.0: Young Moroccans, Emigration and the Internet

Power Without Responsibility: Press, Broadcasting and the Internet in Britain, 8th Edition

Nature of the city, nature within city: a few perspectives on the forms of nature through the landscape typologies of Singapore public estates

East-West Arc: Delivering the Future Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge

The East-West Arc, Re-thinking Growth in the London Region

Case study 6.4: Individual, communal and institutional responses to climate change by low-income households in Khulna, Bangladesh

Go with the flow: responses to climate change

Expanding the Space of Real Estate Investment to Data Centers and Shopping Complexes

Setting and Tweaking: the architect as improvisatory choreographer of ecologies

From sovereignty to modernity: revisiting the Colebrooke-Cameron Reforms – transforming the Buddhist and colonial imaginary in nineteenth century Ceylon

Thomas Hardy Annual Conference and Festival: The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect

National Trust / Dorset County Museum Lecture

Thomas Hardy Society Annual London Lecture 2018

‘Destination’ Berlin revisited. From (new) tourism towards a pentagon of mobility and place consumption

Experience of Western Herbal Medicine practitioners in supporting brain health in mid-life and older patients: a qualitative research study

The Intrinsic And Extrinsic City

Green Transitions in the Built Environment: Europe

Green transitions in the built environment in Europe

Challenges for vocational education and training for low energy construction in Europe: divergent contexts, approaches and practices

Transforming the employment relation in construction to achieve energy efficiency: the need for a new coalition of actors

Hatching: Piranesi & Tafuri

Unfair Dismissal:The Legacy of Women Architects Working for London Councils

Modern Architecture and Religious Communities, 1850-1970: Building the Kingdom

The Building Sisters of Presteigne: Gender, Innovation and Tradition in Roman Catholic Architecture

Responsive higher education provision: The challenges and opportunities for student competence within a contemporary world

Bank Lending Channel and Monetary Policy in Nigeria

Finding the Themes Related to Designing Learning for Post-Experience, Management Professionals: How to Conduct Qualitative Research

Deliberation and Decision Making Online: Evaluating Platform Design

NANG issue 4: In & Out

Japanese Artists' Film in 1968-69

Performance in Print: Channeling Tōmatsu Shōmei’s NO.541

Korvapuusti / A Slap on the Ear

Papworth Hospital Heart Transplant Recipient Workshop

When Words Fail, an interdisciplinary investigation into the phenomenological effects of heart transplantation

The Live Creature and Ethereal Things: Physics in Culture

The Live Creature and Ethereal Things

Film performance, conférence performance

Studio Aalto: An Evolving Practice

Phase Velocity and F-T-L in the G.V.D.

Model for a Common Room

Material Performance: Presentation/panel discussion

Beyond the Studio

Fugitive Objects

The Problem of the Modern, the Problem of the New: Response to Audrey Wasser's The Work of Difference

It’s all relative: the small craft museum's contribution to intangible cultural heritage

Quorum quenching : a study of the inhibition of pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing-controlled biofilm formation and virulence

Seminar Presentation and Panel Discussion - Agenda Art & Craft: What is your question?

Beyond fixation durations: Recurrence quantification analysis reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of infant visual scanning

Ice Prints / Printing Ice (Impresiones del hielo / Impresión con hielo)

Ice Maps / Mapping Ice

Powerful writing

The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine improves glucose homeostasis in vivo by promoting insulin secretion and maintaining functional β-cell mass

Why art photography? 2nd edition

Notes on Photography and Cultural Translation

Lexical exchange with Italian in the textile and wool trades in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries

Beyond memory wars: The indigènes de la république’s grass-roots anti-racism between the memory of colonialism and antisemitism

From the Joys of Learning to Declaring World War: Militant Subversions of the Cinematic Apparatus and Constructions of New Audiovisual Assemblages after 1968

The Sky Is Not the Limit: Mutual Trust and Mutual Recognition aprés Aranyosi and Căldăraru

Effect of Urocortin on human osteoclasts differentiation

Lost Voices, Fragile Warriors: Social Capital, Reconciliation and the Reintegration of Former Combatants in Sierra Leone

Learning to Talk: Men's Management of Distress Through Disclosures

RACE-Seq identifies the Argonaute-2 cleavage products of RNA interference-based oligonucleotides

Reproduction of Gender Ideology in Russian Consumer Culture: the Iconography of the ‘Russian Mother’

Can gold be used as a hedge against the risks of Sharia-compliant securities? Application for Islamic portfolio management

Supporting prisoners into academia

Mapping CSR in a Saudi Banking Context

Car Park to Cosmos

Recontextualising the Practices of Action, Wisdom and Devotion in Relation to Dialogue in Design

Outcomes for Objecting Children under the 1980 Convention

The voices of children and young people in decisions affecting their lives

Introduction: Trans TV as Intervention into Contemporary Television, Trans TV Dossier 1: Platform Television, Netflix and Industrial Transformations

Trans TV Dossier 1: Platform Television, Netflix and Industrial Transformations, edited by Michael Goddard and Christopher Hogg, in Critical Studies in Television, Vol. 13, Issue 4

A Career in Popular Factual TV: An Interview with Tom Edwards (Parts 1 and 2), CST Online

Extending fairness expressibility of ECTL+: a tree-style one-pass tableau approach

Transformation of UML Activity Diagram for Enhanced Reasoning

Cover Uncover

Research and Culture Change – A Necessary Relationship

Can Music Make You Sick?

Striking a Balance: Restoring a neglected leading work

Can Music Make You Sick? Music and Depression

Can Music Make You Sick? Mental health and working conditions in the UK music industry

Understanding Consumers’ Attitudes and Behavioural Intentions towards Corporate Social Responsibility in the Airline Industry

Substrate Integrated Coaxial Line Planar Transitions to Single-Layer Transmission Lines and Waveguides

Rectifier Nonlinearity Effects on 4G and 5G Wireless Systems

Absent voices: Experiencing Prison Life From Both Sides of the Fence: A Turkish Females Perspective

Customer orientation of service employees in family businesses in the hotel sector

The impact of undergraduate degrees on early-career earnings

Assembly: Artist Talk at Closeup Film Centre

Hands-on, Shoes-off: Multisensory Tools Enhance Family Engagement Within an Art Museum

Evaluating the Substantive Representation of Women and Domestic Violence Legislation in England and Wales: a Critical Path Approach

Telling Stories: the Link Between Organisational Identity, Culture and Employee Advocacy

To what extent does the new American crime film reflect hybridity of genre?

Francoprovençal: Documenting contact varieties in Europe and North America

An overview of Francoprovençal vitality in Europe and North America

(l) as a sociolinguistic variable in Francoprovençal

Exploring contested authenticity among speakers of a contested language: the case of ‘Francoprovençal'

Heritage-language speakers: theoretical and empirical challenges on sociolinguistic attitudes and prestige

Health inequalities and health equity challenges for victims of modern slavery

Time-Varying Semi-Nonparametric Distribution and Portfolio Performance

Prospects in Britain in the light of the Bus Services Act 2017

Interurban Bus: Time to Raise the Profile

Bus economics

Human activity recognition from inertial sensor time-series using batch normalized deep LSTM recurrent networks

Zwischenbericht zur Funktionsweise der Allgemeinen Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

The making of a city: How Expo 88 changed Brisbane forever

Decentralised Workload Scheduler for Resource Allocation in Computational Clusters

Ximena Sariñana variPlay

Plan - Defab1 & Vanessa Knight

Asympt Man - Chasing Infinity

Connected Learning Journeys in Music Production Education

Complexity in Chinese herbal medicine supply chains

Domestication Study of Senecio nutans Sch.Bip. (Asteraceae): its Economic Potential and Sustainable Management

A collection of voices

Normierung im Praxistext – Arbeit und Normierung im Großbritannien der Nachkriegsmoderne

Pondhopping: Changes in Airline Competition and Service Patterns on the North Atlantic

Theatrum Botanicum

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) products – How variable is the primary material?

The biochemical basis of disease

Who is the subject of violence?

Racism, Nationalism and Right-Wing Extremism Online: The Austrian Presidential Election 2016 on Facebook.

Media Theory, Public Relevance and the Propaganda Model

Thematic Review: School Design and Learning Environments in the City of Espoo, Finland

Desiring homeland: the return of the Indonesian-Chinese women to Maoist China

Domino D6.2 - Stakeholders' consultation on system and investigative case studies

Domino D3.2 - Investigative case studies description

Domino D4.1 - Initial model design

Putative propriospinal modulation of premotor and motor cortical output during grasping

Potentiating paired corticospinal-motoneuronal plasticity after spinal cord injury.

Interview with Directors of Stanton Williams

Tectonic of Proximity: Notes on the Work of Stanton Williams

Stanton Williams. Arquitectura 2010-2018

Study protocol: HepaT1ca - an observational clinical cohort study to quantify liver health in surgical candidates for liver malignancies.

Activists as pioneers in PR: historical frameworks and the suffragette movement

The Role of Natural Laccase Redox Mediators in Simultaneous Dye Decolorization and Power Production in Microbial Fuel Cells

Transgressing Transnational Normativity? British Migration and Interracial Marriage in South Africa

Let's have a CHAT about curriculum design: using cultural historical activity theory to analyse the process

Women and Kashmir

Knowing In Our Own Ways

The Singular Picture

Measurement of liver iron by magnetic resonance imaging in the UK Biobank population

Historic Institutionalism and Urban Morphology in Jakarta: Moving Towards Building Flood Resiliency into the Formal Planning and Development System

So Present, so Invisible - Conversations on Photography

Widening the focus on informal entrepreneurship through the lens of intersectionality

The Rise of Authoritarian Capitalism

Developing Compassionate Academic Leadership: The Practice of Kindness

The neoliberal subject, reality TV and free association: A Freudian audience study of Embarrassing Bodies

Walking in a patient’s shoes: an evaluation study of immersive learning using a digital training intervention

Vista D1.2 - Final Project Results Report

Vista D5.2 - Final Assessment Report

A multi-layer model for long-term KPI aligment forecast

Airline disruption management with aircraft swapping and reinforcement learning

Towards new metrics assessing air traffic network interactions

Arrival trade-offs considering total flight and passenger delays and fairness

Research pro-design in environmental architecture, pedagogical approaches for quality and performance: the case of the Latitudes Global Studio Project

Passive cooling applicability mapping: A tool for designers

Influence on Learning Efficiency from natural light in Educational Environment

“Green Pockets” as Microclimate Modifiers in UK Urban Schools

Sustainable architecture and social engagement for flooding and drought resilience

Quantifying the effects of acute hypoxic exposure on exercise performance and capacity: A systematic review and meta-regression

Sodium bicarbonate supplementation improves severe-intensity intermittent exercise under moderate acute hypoxic conditions

The influence of alkalosis on repeated high-intensity exercise performance and acid–base balance recovery in acute moderate hypoxic conditions

Sodium bicarbonate improves 4 km time trial cycling performance when individualised to time to peak blood bicarbonate in trained male cyclists

Digitale Demokratie und Öffentlich-Rechtliche Medien [Digital Democracy and Public Service Media]. In ORF Public Value Studie 2017/2018: Der Auftrag: Demokratie [ORF Public Value Study 2017/2018: The Mission: Democracy]

Book Review: Waterways and the cultural landscape

Law and the Senses: See

Semi-Nonparametric Distributions with Time-Varying Skewness and Kurtosis: Properties, Estimation and Applications to Portfolio Choice

Cultural Aspects of Attachment Anxiety, Avoidance, and Life Satisfaction: Comparing the US and Turkey

Getting ads banned is a planned PR and Advertising strategy

Time-varying transmission between oil and equities in the MENA region: New evidence from DCC-MIDAS analyses

Facilitating Arab-European Dialogue: Consolidated Report on an AHRC Project for Impact and Engagement

Men who have sex with men who do not access sexual health clinics nor disclose sexual orientation are unlikely to receive the HPV vaccine in the UK

D2.1 – Establishment of Performance Framework

Art's Potentiality Revisited: Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook's Late Style and Chiang Mai Social Installation

Why is the new British Army advert actually a communication success?

Domino D6.2 - Stakeholders' consultation on system and investigative case studies

Domino D3.1 - Architecture definition

Domino D2.1 - Data management and sources

Domino D6.1 - Dissemination plan and project visual identity

Domino D1.1 - Project Management Plan

The door to door perspective

Haunting: Whitehead & Mies

Socialising Anti-Social Social Media

An Analysis of Basel III as a Prophylactic

Hardware implementation of Modified Annular Ring Ratio for Blood Cell Detection in Thin Blood Smear Images

Mobile Hardware Based Implementation of a Novel, Efficient, Fuzzy Logic Inspired Edge Detection Technique for Analysis of Malaria Infected Microscopic Thin Blood Images

Student experiences of using virtual laboratory simulations to develop skills as preparation for the professional work place

Language ideologies and identities in Kurdish heritage language classrooms in London

The October Revolution and Anti-Colonial Movements in South Asia

The implications of age diversity in multicultural team working

Novel Insights Into the prevention and Treatment of Invasive Salmonella Dublin

Novel Insights Into the prevention and Treatment of Invasive Salmonella Dublin. (1-2 November 2018): Invited speaker and congress moderator at the 7th European Clinical Microbiology congress. London, UK.

Where Old Meets the New at beyond the Glass: An analysis of the effect of internet and social media on consumers’ purchase intentions for luxury wine brands

The role of admission documents on the pricing of UK fixed priced IPOs

Employer branding – a relocation revolution

Millennials on the move

Vers un canevas méthodologique pour le design d’œuvres audiovisuelles interactives

Adiabatic Circuits for Power-Constrained Cryptographic Computations

The UK scheduled express coach market – its economic structure and consequent entry, exit and operation by small and medium firms

Creating Mediated Cosmopolitanism? Global Media Flows and the Beijing Youth

Enhancing energy recovery from industrial wastewater using microbial fuel cells

Public health nutrition intervention to enhance healthy eating and lifestyle modification among Lebanese women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

The Vital Role of Crowdfunding and Social Media in Establishing an Art Career: A ‘How To’

Insights from a New Division of the Self-employed: Analysis of Characteristics, Earnings Returns and Labour Market Transitions using the BHPS and UKHLS

Elucidate the elusive concept of ‘pleasant voice’ for interpreters: a case study

Intersecting Spheres of Analysis in Business and Human Rights: Developing a new Socio-Legal Research Agenda and Methodology for UN Guiding Principles No. 9

What is grammar? A universal grammar approach

Strengthening functionally specific neural pathways with transcranial brain stimulation

Old school wins: outbreak investigation of foodborne salmonellosis

Atlas of Science: Old School Wins: outbreak investigation of foodborne Salmonellosis

Physical fitness and prior physical activity are both associated with less cortisol secretion during psychosocial stress

Hormonal measurement in psychobiological research

Enhancing well-being and resilience in people living with cancer. Part 1

Hybrid IIR/FIR Wavelet Filter Banks for ECG Signal Denoising

Insertion strategies used with lone English verbs in otherwise Igbo utterances

BBC Radio London: Dr Manal Mohammed talks about research finding 19 types of bacteria on cash and coins

Experience of Hearing Loss, Communication, Social Participation, and Psychological Well-Being Among Adolescents With Cochlear Implants10.1353/aad.2018.0027

Towards Team Formation Using Belbin Role Types and a Social Networks Analysis Approach

Contributions of Knowledge Management to Firm Competitiveness from a Complexity Approach

Factors Affecting Corporate Happiness within Technology-Based Firms in Andalucia

Evaluating Socioeconomic Influences on Pinterest Consumer Behavior

The Ghadar Movement: Why socialists should learn about it

The Conceptual World of the Ghadarites

Weather Impact on Airport Performance

Measuring walking accessibility to public transport for the elderly: the case of Naples

Gaywaves: Transcending Boundaries - the Rise and Demise of Britain's First Gay Radio Program

Sounding Out: A Rapid Analysis of Young People and Radio in the UK

Keeping Data Safe: how to implement a secure repository

Identifying the Different People and Systems Involved and Potential Areas for Risk

Implementing a next-gen repository mid-REF cycle…madness or a stroke of genius?

Planning for waterway renewal: balancing institutional reproduction and institutional change

Female expatriates’ motivations and challenges: the case of oil and gas

In vivo modeling of human neuron dynamics and Down syndrome

Primed, Prepped and Primped: Reflections on enhancing student psychological wellbeing in tertiary education

Architectures of Nothing: Aldo Rossi and Raymond Roussel (full article & slideshow of images)

Biosynthesis and characterization of a novel, biocompatible medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate by Pseudomonas mendocina CH50 using coconut oil as the carbon source

The Chagos request: Does it herald a rejuvenation of the International Court of Justice’s advisory function?

Challenges of inequality to democracy

A Knowledge Spillover-based Approach to New Product Conceptualization

CSR Disclosure Practices in the Zambia Mining Industry

Extract from The Treatment

Extract from The Treatment

Did You Find the World or Did You Make it Up? Media, Communications and Geography in the Digital Age

Human papilloma virus genotype distribution and risk factor analysis amongst reproductive aged women in urban Gambia

Technical Education in England: Investigating Seven Key Assumptions

Transforming Last-Mile Logistics: Opportunities for more Sustainable Deliveries

Monographs on the move?: a view on ‘decoupling’ and other prospects

The Effect of Omega-3 Supplementation on Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

The 30th Anniversary of the Supercomputing Conference: Bringing the Future Closer - Supercomputing History and the Immortality of Now

Preface for the Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (IMMS 2018) (ACM)

Capitulation to the Laibach Kunst War Machine

Unexplained progressive visual field loss in the presence of normal retinotopic maps

Spatial Delight and Environmental Performance of Modernist Architecture in London – Golden Lane Estate

Not Just Curious Objects: The China Visual Arts Project Archive

Identification of the splice variants of Recepteur d'Origine nantais (RON) in lung cancer cell lines

The effects of mergers and acquisitions on acquiring banks' contribution to systemic risk

Gender Differentiation in Media Industries. Man-made media? Muted Women

Area and Power Efficient Implementation of db4 Wavelet Filter Banks for ECG Applications Using Reconfigurable Multiplier Blocks

A review of the global distribution of Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae) and comments on ecology and associated paralytic shellfish toxin profiles, with a focus on Northern Europe

Exploring cultural heterogeneity: The effect of intra-cultural variation on executives’ latitude of actions in 18 countries

Public Relations People: Occupational culture and the search for profitable sense

The paralytic shellfish toxin profiles and global distribution of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim

The Effects of Quorum Sensing Inhibitors on Multispecies Biofilms of the Oral Cavity

Plastics and Environment: Is There a Happy Medium?

Quorum Quenching Effect of Triclosan on Aspergillus fumigatus Conidia Adhesion to Surfaces, Aggregation and Biofilm Formation

The implications of Schumpeter's theories of innovation for the role, organisation and impact of community-based social enterprise in three European countries

BBC Radio London: Dr Manal Mohammed talks about spread of germs in public spaces

Rapporti fra strumenti di codificazione: il Progetto di Articoli sulla Responsabilità degli Stati e le convenzioni di diritto umanitario

IIR Wavelet Filter Banks for ECG Signal Denoising

Industrie 4.0 – Die digitale deutsche Ideologie

Computers and students’ achievement: An analysis of the One Laptop per Child program in Catalonia

Teaching and Learning Chinese in Global Contexts: from Language Policy to Classroom Practice

Project Report to Stakeholders: Invisible Children - Children's Media, Diversity and Forced Migration

Children's Screen Content in an Era of Forced Migration: Munich Workshop Briefing

The physiological variability of channel density in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells and interneurons explored using a unified data-driven modeling workflow

DNA barcoding of the medically important freshwater snail Physa acuta reveals multiple invasion events into Africa

Do self-employment rates converge? Evidence from European OECD countries

Anti-biofilm efficacy of triclosan-amphotericinB combination against filamentous fungus, Aspergillus fumigatus

What’s behind Alexei Navalny’s digital challenge to Vladimir Putin’s regime? Five things to know.

Towards Understanding the need for a Comprehensive Design Methodology for Rich Web-based Applications

Modification of bacterial cell membrane to accelerate decolorization of textile wastewater effluent using microbial fuel cells: role of gamma radiation, salinity and endogenous biosurfactant induction

Design of a single chamber air cathode microbial fuel cell using a stainless steel spiral anode and 3D printing techniques for continuous flow dye decolourisation

Degradation of azo dyes (Acid orange 7) in a microbial fuel cell: comparison between anodic microbial-mediated reduction and cathodic laccase-mediated oxidation

Hierarchical Framework for Automatic Pancreas Segmentation in MRI Using Continuous Max-flow and Min-Cuts Approach

Islamic Mortgages: A Comparative Study to Improve the Legal and Financial System of Mortgages in the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a Regulatory Analysis of the US and UK, and Case Analyses of the UK, Sharjah, Dubai and Saudi Arabia

Using Spatial Analysis in an Evidence Informed Approach to Community Engagement in Design

The Rasmaska project: temperature behaviour of three, full scale test cells in hot Mediterranean summer: non-insulated double masonry wall and different insulation locations

Botschafter in Uniform? Die Beziehungen der Britischen Rheinarmee zur Deutschen Zivilbevölkerung 1948-1957

The British Army of the Rhine and the Germans in Westphalia (1948-1957): Obstacles to Rapprochement

The Plural Society: Labour and the Commonwealth Idea 1900-1964

The Powerlessness of Employees in France: The Spread of Income Taxation, 1945-1980

The relative labour market returns to different degrees

Uncovering the influences on decision making in the popular music industry; intuition, networks and the desire for symbolic capital

Activin subfamily peptides predict chronological age in humans

Technologies of Uncertainty in the Search for Flight MH370

The Contribution of International Humanitarian Law to the Development of the Law of International Responsibility Regarding Obligations Erga Omnes and Erga Omnes Partes

The Use of Armed Force in Occupied Territory

A Cautionary Antecedent: The Belfast Career of John Bruce Wallace

Epitope recognition of peptide-imprinted polymers for Regenerating protein 1 (REG1)

Enhancing mathematics support using gaming technology, higher education current perspectives and future considerations

Interpretability and Complexity of Design in the Creation of Fuzzy Logic Systems - A User Study

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: relationship with cardiovascular risk markers and clinical endpoints

Cultural Preservation in a Saudi Domestic Environment in the Eastern Province

The Residue of a Deep Past: Struggle over cultural transmission in southwest China

Acquired DNA damage in adolescent obesity – a promoter and predictor of cancer?

A Reassessment of the Higher-Order Factor Structure of the German Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ-G) in German-Speaking Adults

DNA damage in obesity: Initiator, promoter and predictor of cancer

Race, Nationalism and Landscape Belonging: Stonehenge on the Summer Solstice

A Trojan dragon? CCTV news in English and the battle for global influence: 2014-16

The influence of digital capabilities on customer orientation of service employees (COSE) and its consequences on customer satisfaction and e-WOM within Family Businesses

The use of social media by train operating companies: A study case analysis

Beatboxers and guitarists engage sensorimotor regions selectively when listening to the instruments they can play

High-Order Hybrid Stratified Sampling: Fast Uniform-Convergence Fourier Transform Estimation

Ensuring our future doctors are resilient

Well Being and Mental Health in the Gig Economy: Policy Perspectives on Precairty

In Vivo Tracking and 1H/19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Biodegradable Polyhydroxyalkanoate / Polycaprolactone Blend Scaffolds Seeded with Labeled Cardiac Stem Cells

Molecular Nutrition: Fats

Social Media Landscape of the Tertiary Referral Hospitals in China: Observational Descriptive Study

Evaluating the long-term impacts of bus-based park and ride

Extracellular vesicles and their nucleic acids for biomarker discovery

Potential use of electronic noses, electronic tongues and biosensors, as multisensor systems for spoilage examination in foods

One step forward and two steps back? The ‘20 Principles’ for questioning vulnerable witnesses and the lack of an evidence-based approach

The New French Contract Law and Its Impact on Commercial Law: Good Faith, Unfair Contract Terms and Hardship

Evaluating the benefits of virtual training for students

Law and the Senses: Taste

Copyright and Heritage: Relation, Origin, Temporality

Book review: Jose Bellido (ed.), Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property Law (Bloomsbury 2017) 416 pp.

Smart Transitions in City Regionalism: Territory, Politics and the Quest for Competitiveness and Sustainability

Frederick Lanchester and the Invention of the Air-Supported Structure

CAMRI Policy Brief: Appearance, Discrimination and the Media - Portraying Facial Disfigurement Fairly in the News

Towards a Psychoanalytic Concept of Affective-Digital Labour

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a Novel Inhibitor for Exosome and Microvesicle (EMV) Release in Cancer

Filtering Nonuniformly Sampled Grid-Based Signals

Procedural justice in Alternative Dispute Resolution: Fairness judgments among users of Financial Ombudsman services in Germany and the United Kingdom

Managing Airports: An International Perspective

Post-Conviction Review in England and Wales: Perpetuating and Rectifying Miscarriages of Justice

Editorial: Re-evaluating China's global media expansion

Software tools for big data resources in family names dictionaries

The value of recent records, historical context, and genealogy in surname research

Neuro-Fuzzy Based Intelligent Approaches to Nonlinear System Identification and Forecasting

My Tryst With The Kurdish Freedom Movement

Symmetric Power Analysis Attack Resilient Adiabatic Logic for Smartcard Applications

The Rights Network: 100 Years of the Hohfeldian Rights Analytic

Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 3 through an increased investment in the Alma Ata principles of voice and equity through an intersectoral approach

Understanding Infant and Young Child Feeding and oral health practices and perceptions in Tower Hamlets

Book Review of Alex De Waal's new book, Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine:

Questioning the Solutions: Reaching the 800 million people living with hidden hunger in South and South east Asia, with effective interventions

Behaviours preceding suicides at railway and underground locations: a multimethodological qualitative approach

VHDL-based Modelling Approach for the Digital Simulation of 4-phase Adiabatic Logic Design

Rectifiers Based on Quadrature Hybrid Coupler with Improved Performance for Energy Harvesting

Fucking (with) Academia: Ethics, Epistemology, Method

TMS over right OFA affects individuation of faces but not of exemplars of objects

Palpable memory: re-conceptualising diasporic memories through the (im)materiality of built heritage

The memory of architecture and the architecture of memory: Re-conceptualising diasporic memories through the built heritage of the ‘Indonesian-Chinese’

‘Double heritagisation’: Negotiating diasporic Chinese identities through celebrating the Chinese New Year in London

Doublecortin-expressing cell types in temporal lobe epilepsy

Congenital macrothrombocytopenia with focal myelofibrosis due to mutations in human G6b-B is rescued in humanized mice

Impact of Penny Brohn UK’s Living Well course on informal caregivers of people with cancer

Geographic Protest: The Role of Counter-Mapping in Supporting Campaigns Against Large-Scale Extractive Projects in Colombia: The Case of La Colosa

Perceptions of pedagogy for employability at a transnational university

A third wave of Participatory Budgeting in France

A Note on the Wage Effects of the 1972 Raising of the School Leaving Age in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Paying for parks. Ticketed events and the commercialisation of public space

Modesty, liberty, equality: Negotiations of gendered principles of piety among Muslim women who cover

Discovering Business Processes in CRM Systems by leveraging unstructured text data

The fragile future of the Cypriot Greek language in the UK

Informant Personality Is Associated With Ratings of Memory Problems in Older Adults

Estimating city-level travel patterns using street imagery: A case study of using Google Street View in Britain

Comparative study of new point of care haematology blood count device Biosurfit Spinit with reference Sysmex XE2100 automated haematology analyser

The CloudSME Simulation Platform and its Applications: A Generic Multi-cloud Platform for Developing and Executing Commercial Cloud-based Simulations

Book Review: "Islamic Wealth Management: Theory and Practice" edited by Mohamed Ariff and Shamser Mohammad

Human Papillomavirus Sero-prevalence and Sexual Attitudes Amongst a Cohort of HIV Positive Women In The Gambia

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Time to Revisit the Syndromic Management Approach

Young people's labour market transitions: the role of early experiences

'Please Alexa': are we beginning to recognise the rights of intelligent machines?

A transcriptome-wide association study of 229,000 women identifies new candidate susceptibility genes for breast cancer.

Glycosylation and Disease

Economy and Divorces: Their impact over time on the Self-Employment Rates in Spain

Could Chinese News Channels Have a Future in Latin America?

Keynote Speech: Towards Treatment and Prevention of Invasive Non-typhoidal Salmonella

"The Politics and Law of Doctor Who": Special Issue of the Journal of Popular Television

The Online Advertising Tax: A Digital Policy Innovation

The Online Advertising Tax as the Foundation of a Public Service Internet

Reliability of functional outcome measures in adults with neurofibromatosis 1

Beyond image: Imagined experiences of a destination

BBC 100 Voices: Literary India at the BBC

Re-imagining Learning Spaces in Higher Education

From the cartographic gaze to contestatory cartographies

'She doesn’t want to go to hospital. That’s one thing she hates’: Collective performativity in avoidable nursing home to hospital transfers

Disrupting 'Self-Management': Broadening Understandings Through Narratives of Traumatic Brain Injury

Employer and part-time student perceptions of virtual laboratory teaching and assessment resources

Digitale Demagogie: Autoritärer Kapitalismus in Zeiten von Trump und Twitter

Post-translational Protein Deimination in Cod (Gadus morhua L.) Ontogeny: Novel Roles in Tissue Remodelling and Mucosal Immune Defences?

Resilience unpacked: Framing of ‘uncertainty’ and ‘adaptability’ in long-term flood risk management strategies in the regions of London and Rotterdam

The factors influencing the decision to list on Abu Dhabi securities exchange

The Internet of Living Things

Ceramics Collections: exploring object engagement beyond the known historic models of clay practice

Technological Innovation in Architecture: The Role of the Aberrant Practitioner

Fostering creativity through the use of digital tablets (an investigation into the potential of tablet use for creative production among seven- to ten-year-old children in Malta)

Children's Screen Content in an Era of Forced Migration: Copenhagen Workshop Briefing


Review of: Mies van der Rohe + James Stirling: Circling the Square, The Architecture Gallery, RIBA, March 8 to June 25, 2017

Primed, prepped and primped: Reflections on enhancing student wellbeing in tertiary education

How does drinking water affect attention and memory? The effect of mouth rinsing and mouth drying on children's performance

Who Fights Whom? Understanding the Complex Dynamics of Bacteria-Phage Interaction using Anderson Phage Typing System

Bond Resounding

Can Routing Systems Surpass the Routing Knowledge of an Experienced Driver in Urban Deliveries?

Humanism, Existentialism and Art

The history and development of the Ceramic Research Centre-UK

Critical Mass

Multi-Stage Complex Notch Filtering for Interference Detection and Mitigation to Improve the Acquisition Performance of GPS

Visualizing Collaboration Characteristics and Topic Burst on International Mobile Health Research: Bibliometric Analysis


OECD School User Survey: Improving Learning Spaces Together

Identity Conflicts and Emotional Labour in the Veterinary Profession

Transitional Frames: From Normalisation to Democracy Czech and Slovak Art Photography (1968-1998)

Modelling the Perinatal Network System

Everyday practices of sacrifice: a case study of Palestinian women

Sensory dominance and multisensory integration as screening tools in aging

Law, necropolitics and the stop and search of young people

Glutamate mediated metabolic neutralization mitigates propionate toxicity in intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis

The Role of Knowledge Share, Satisfaction, Social Commerce Usage Experience on Smart Mobile Device User’s Purchase Intentions: Evidence from South Korean Consumers

Branding post-conflict cities and nations: theory and cases

Human Capital Investment and Employment in Iran: The Importance of Urban-Rural Distinctions

“Their Need Was Great”: Émigrés and Anglo-American Intelligence Operations in the Early Cold War

Understanding taxi travel demand patterns through Floating Car Data

On the Mechanisms of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): How Brain State and Baseline Performance Level Determine Behavioral Effects of TMS

Technology is shaping the future of education: Striking the right balance between the old and new

A Conceptual Framework for Servitization in Industry 4.0: Distilling Directions for Future Research

Under the fucking skin: a whore and her hotel room door

Sustainability analysis of the CITYLAB solutions

Assessment of roll-out potential of CITYLAB solutions to other CITYLAB living labs

Assessing the Exchange of Knowledge Between Operations Management and other Fields: Some Challenges and Opportunities

How Customer Service Experience Deters Customer Switching Behaviour and Results in Brand Loyalty in a Collectivist, Developing Market

How the market driving approach utilizes a digital platform to enhance B2B and strengthen stakeholder relationships

INTREPID Futures Initiative: The future of Academia and trans-disciplinary knowledge production in the urban field, 6th INTREPID Report

Voices for alternative urban regeneration practices in China: the case of the historic district of Taohuawu

Over skies of extraction

Job-queuing and Auto-scaling in Container-based Cloud Environments

Automated Scalability of Cloud Services and Jobs

Telmisartan reverses antiretroviral-induced adipocyte toxicity and insulin resistance in vitro

Flexible Deployment of Social Media Analysis Tools, Flexible, Policy-Oriented and Multi-Cloud deployment of Social Media Analysis Tools in the COLA Project

High-level Description of Cloud Applications using TOSCA

A Generic Framework and Methodology for Implementing Science Gateways for Analysing Molecular Docking Results

Scalable Multi-cloud Platform to Support Industry and Scientific Applications

Comparison of Fuzzy Integral-Fuzzy Measure based Ensemble Algorithms with the State-of-the-art Ensemble Algorithms

How Do Public Service Broadcasters Make a Case for Themselves? An Analysis of BBC’s ‘Charter Manifestos’

The Organisational Life Cycle Narrative

Using Art to Teach

Can Robots Ever be Persons?

Dietary Assessment of Undernutrition

How can teachers move from traditional to innovative learning environments?

Understanding Energy Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Russia, Transition and National Interest

Design of agile supply chains including analysing the trade-off between number of partners and reliability

Pentraxins CRP-I and CRP-II are post-translationally deiminated and differ in tissue specificity in cod (Gadus morhua L.) ontogeny

Towards A Critical Theory of Communication with Georg Lukács and Lucien Goldmann

What kind of Brexit do voters want? Lessons from the Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit

Where's the Working Class?

Technical Note: Error metrics for estimating the accuracy of needle/instrument placement during transperineal MR/US-guided prostate interventions

The Effects of Biofeedback-based Stimulated Recall on Self-Regulated Online Learning: A Gender and Cognitive Taxonomy Perspective

A Fully Planar Substrate Integrated Probe-Based Wideband Orthomode Transducer

Impulse Response with Correlation Study of a Broadband Bended Wearable Monopole Antenna

The scope for pavement porters: addressing the challenges of last-mile parcel delivery in London

Proactive Energy-Efficiency: Evaluation of Duty-Cycled MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

Performance Analysis of Denial-of-Sleep Attack-Prone MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

Evaluation of a photographic food atlas as a tool for quantifying food portion size in the United Arab Emirates

Aspects Of London’s Evening And Night Time Economy: A Report for the Mayor of London/ GLA

Social Media and the Capitalist Crisis

Plasma metabolome analysis identifies distinct human metabotypes in the postprandial state with different susceptibility to weight loss–mediated metabolic improvements

Entrepreneurial decision making in a microcosm

Banning Taste: Boycotts, Identity, and Resistance

Preface for the ACM proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Computers in Management and Business (ICCMB2018) Oxford UK

Preface for the IEEE conference proceedings of the 2018 4th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM2018) Oxford UK

Optimised meta-clustering approach for clustering Time Series Matrices

Energy security in Central and Eastern Europe: An IR theoretical framework

Queer in Your Ear: Connecting space, community and identity in LGBT BBC radio programmes, 1992 – 2000

Road injuries in the National Travel Survey: under-reporting and inequalities in injury risk

A Resilient Multi-factor Framework for Low Carbon Cities: An International Perspective

Quantum games, quantum models, simulation & intelligent systems

Quantum strategies, quantum games, agent-based simulation, and intelligent systems for business, management and engineering

Is information diffusion a threat to market power for financial access? Insights from the African banking industry

Inequalities in self-report road injury risk in Britain: A new analysis of National Travel Survey data, focusing on pedestrian injuries

Impact and process assessment of the seven CITYLAB implementations

Introducing a gender-sensitive approach to pre-trial assessment and probation: Evaluation of an innovation in Kenya

Authoritarian capitalism, authoritarian movements and authoritarian communication

Personality biases in different types of 'internet samples' can influence research outcomes

Highly Efficient Balanced Power Amplifiers for 4G Applications

Ethics, security, and an invisible process: when fieldwork gets wrapped up in red tape

Extracts from the play 'she had a ticket in mind'

‘Shaken, Not Stirred’: An Introduction to Exploring Nightlife

EU politics and the making of the General Data Protection Regulation: Consociationalism, policy networks and institutionalism in the process of balancing actor interests

Enabled: Educational Network Amplifying Learning Experience (EnAbled)

Planetary Memory in Contemporary American Fiction

Synergistic Effect of Tryptophan and Erythromycin on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilm Structure and Dispersal

Mucosa-associated invariant T cells link intestinal immunity with antibacterial immune defects in alcoholic liver disease

Bibexcel-Quick Start Guide to Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis

Strategies for improving mental health and wellbeing used by older people living with HIV: A qualitative investigation

Body Composition Profiling in the UK Biobank Imaging Study

Postface: Horst Holzer’s "Communication & Society: A Critical Political Economy Perspective"

Serious Games as a Way of Augmenting Legal Education

Tian gao or tianxia? The ambiguities of CCTV’s English-language news for Africa

A novel antifungal property for the Bacillus licheniformis ComX pheromone and its possible role in inter-kingdom cross-talk

"Dear Mr. Neo-Nazi, Can You Please Give Me Your Informed Consent So That I Can Quote Your Fascist Tweet?": Questions of Social Media Research Ethics in Online Ideology Critique

I make, therefore I am: Agency, action, affordance, and the path to creative identity

Social Media Measurement and Monitoring

An Impossible Challenge for Public Service Media? The Intellectual Context of the Networked Society

Breaking Boundaries: Is team diversity changing in ad agencies? An exploratory investigation

Investigating the effectiveness of Without Charge-Sharing Quasi-Adiabatic Logic for energy efficient and secure cryptographic implementations

Using virtual reality laboratories to improve engagement and understanding for wet laboratory practical sessions

Framing Brexit: the role, and the impact, of the national newspapers on the EU Referendum

Hepatoprotective properties of Gentiana SPP: Against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Ideological Sinicization of China Central Television in Africa A Reception Analysis of African Audiences

Gaming-playing on social media: using the psychoanalytic concept of ‘playing’ to theorize user labour on Facebook

Permittivity Extraction of Glucose Solutions Through Artificial Neural Networks and Non-invasive Microwave Glucose Sensing

Cycling injury risk in London: A case-control study exploring the impact of cycle volumes, motor vehicle volumes, and road characteristics including speed limits

Analysis of the melanocortin system in the regulation of pituitary gland function in mice

A comparative study between the UK and the USA house price indicators before and during the financial crisis of 2007-2009

Making sense of the evolving nature of depression narratives and their inherent conflicts

Parliamentary Oversight and Corruption in the Caribbean: Comparing Trinidad & Tobago and Grenada

Post-Brexit trade survival: Looking beyond the European Union

Operations Management: An international perspective

Eyewitness Memory in Face-to-Face and Immersive Avatar-to-Avatar Contexts

Introduction: Radio Modernisms: Features, Cultures and the BBC

‘[N]or bear I in this breast / So much cold spirit to be called a woman’: The Queerness of Female Revenge in The Maid’s Tragedy

Ferments in the Field: Introductory Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies

Ferments in the Field: The Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies (Special issue). Journal of Communication 68 (2): 219-451

Book Review: Health without Borders: Epidemics in the Era of Globalization

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee: A British Isles Perspective

Energy efficient implementation of multi-phase quasi-adiabatic Cyclic Redundancy Check in near field communication

Climatic applicability of downdraught evaporative cooling in the United States of America

When Cives Europae became bargaining chips: free movement of persons in the Brexit negotiations

Co-creating value through renewing waterway networks: a transaction-cost perspective

Advanced body composition assessment: from body mass index to body composition profiling

Never Mind the Countryside

Quin-C1: a selective Fpr2 agonist that shifts microglial phenotype following LPS and Aβ1-42 exposure

Rurality and Minimal Architecture: An Inquiry into the Genealogy of Tate Modern’s Bankside Gallery Spaces

Children's Screen Content in an Era of Forced Migration: Manchester Workshop Briefing

Indigenous Medicine and Biomedical Health Care in Fragile Settings: Insights from Burundi

“A Cathartic Moment in a Man’s Life”: Homosociality and Gendered Fun on the Puttan Tour

Rethinking Affordances - Symposium and Exhibition

Shaping Earth Futures, Centre for GeoHumanities Creative Commission

A national survey on violence and discrimination among people with disabilities

Creativity in events: the untold story

Localism at the neighbourhood level: London borough governance and situated anti-politics

Contact effects on the technical lexis of Middle English: A semantic hierarchic approach

Corporate Values from a Personal Perspective

Automatic Heart Sounds Segmentation based on the Correlation Coefficients Matrix for Similar Cardiac Cycles Identification

Out of Ice at Ambika P3

Identifying Contributing Factors to Sustainability Awareness in the Norwegian Software Industry

Popularizing Party Journalism in China in the Age of Social Media: The Case of Xinhua News Agency

Digital Architecture Beyond Computers: Fragments of a Cultural History of Computational Design

Decoding and Encoding the Discourse Meaning of Punctuation: a Perspective from English-to-Chinese Translation

Towards Secure Cloud Orchestration for Multi-Cloud Deployments

Triage Decision-Making by Welfare Fraud Investigators

Vista D5.1 - Initial Assessment Report

Reciprocal peer coaching: A constructivist methodology for enhancing formative assessment strategy in tertiary education

A tale of two cities: The impact of airline mergers and consolidation at London and New York

Aligned nanofibres made of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) grafted to hyaluronan for potential healthcare applications

More police stop and search won’t stop knife crime – here’s why

A Semantic Field and Text-Type Approach to Late-Medieval Multilingualism

Imagined contact with atypical outgroup members that are anti-normative within their group can reduce prejudice

Prospects for Standardising Sustainable Urban Development

Anonymity and Democracy: Absence as Presence in the Public Sphere

Il coinvolgimento alla base della mobilità sostenibile

Learning, training and development

Career management and development

Motivation and work satisfaction

Sustainable Urban Systems: Co-design and Framing for Transformation

The Resurgence of Regional Design

Community Networks and Sustainability: a Survey of Perceptions, Practices, and Proposed Solutions

The Collaborative Interdisciplinary Studio

Simplexity, Complicity, and Emergent Collectivities: Informal Urbanism in Rome

Supported Decision-Making: The Expectations Held by People With Experience of Mental Illness

ICT for Sustainable Last-Mile Logistics: Data, People and Parcels

A cost and CO2 comparison of using trains and higher capacity trucks when UK FMCG companies collaborate

Pianificare per l’accessibilità: misure, applicazioni e barriere

A TOD Classification of Metro Stations: An Application in Naples

Performance assessment in ATM – towards better collaborative methods

The institutionalization of deliberative democracy: democratic innovations and the deliberative system

Sortition, Rotation and Mandate: Conditions for Political Equality and Deliberative Reasoning

Fucking Law (A New Methodological Movement)

Rethinking Energy Policy in Central and Eastern Europe

Doctor Watson Architects: AIR Grid Transnational

Modelling the Interaction Levels in HCI Using an Intelligent Hybrid System with Interactive Agents: A Case Study of an Interactive Museum Exhibition Module in Mexico

At work and play: business events as entrepreneurial spaces

Designing for events - a new perspective on event design

Guest Editors’ Introduction: Towards a Vertigology of Contemporary Cities

Ombudsmen and ADR: a comparative study of informal justice in Europe

Suspended: Art in the threshold

Impact of Institutional Environment Quality on Tax Evasion: A Comparative Investigation of Old Versus New EU Members

Antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction in using sharing economy platforms: Evidence from UBER platform

Future Cities: Asserting Public Governance

Binary Polyhydroxyalkanoate Systems for Soft Tissue Engineering

'There's Nowhere Wonky Left to Go': Queering the Politics of LGBT-Friendly Diversity

The Use of Computer Games in Teaching Law

'Robot Rights, Now!?’ A Conversation on the Possibility of ‘Machine Rights'

Modeling Patient Flows: A Temporal Logic Approach

“Who can play this game?” The lived experiences of doctoral candidates and early career women in the neoliberal university

Doctor Watson Architects: Publications in the History & Theory of Architecture

Internal Market Orientation: an empirical study in the context of small and medium business organisations in Russia

Targeting Receptor-Type Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases with Biotherapeutics: Is Outside-in Better than Inside-Out?

The Effects of the Selective Muscarinic M3 Receptor Antagonist Darifenacin, and of Hyoscine (scopolamine), on Motion Sickness, Skin Conductance & Cognitive Function

REPLY TO ADRION ET AL. ON PATEL ET AL. Letter to the Editor, British Medical Journal

Bridging the Gap Between Imaging Performance and Image Quality Measures

AIR Grid: Partial Recall

AIR Grid: Exhibition Extract

Metabolic Responses to Carbohydrate Ingestion during Exercise: Associations between Carbohydrate Dose and Endurance Performance

Investigation of factors influencing the immunogenicity of hCG as a potential cancer vaccine

Differing Effects of Younger and Older Human Plasma on C2C12 Myocytes in Vitro

Why There Are Certain Parallels Between Joachim C. Fest's Hitler-Biography and Michael Wolff's Trump-Book

Industry 4.0: The Digital German Ideology

Tomorrow’s accounting and society’s future

Cooperatives and family businesses

Learning from Young Entrepreneurs: Context and Competencies

Differences in personality and individual entrepreneurial orientation between entrepreneur students and non-entrepreneur students

Should robots have the same rights as humans?

Patterns and Drivers of Demand for Air Transport

Airport Economics and Finance

The Loss of Work

Relationships At Work

Digital Demagogue: Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter

Nationalism 2.0: The Making of Brexit on Social Media

Development of a pre-operative scoring system for predicting risk of post-operative paediatric cerebellar mutism syndrome

Work Psychology: An Introduction to Human Behaviour in the Workplace

An assessment of community-based social enterprise in three European countries

Children, Young People and the Press in a Transitioning Society Representations, Reactions and Criminalisation

In-between identities: A sociolinguistic analysis of the community of young Italians living in London

Regional Trade institutions in West Africa: Historical Reflections

Sports Tourism: Golf

Differential expression of Lp-PLA2 in obesity and type 2 diabetes and the influence of lipids

Attitudes towards Cypriot Greek and Standard Modern Greek in London’s Greek Cypriot community

Before you celebrate the centenary of women voting remember that it isn't actually the triumph you think it is

Enhancing Momentum Investment Strategy Using Leverage

My ‘Other’ Journey: From the Persecution of Refugees to the Misapprehension of Artificial Intelligence

The Law Firm, the Legal Services Market and Law Tech

Emerging Pedagogies: Using Serious Computer Games for the Purposes of Teaching Law

A Pseudo-Panel Approach to Estimating Dynamic Effects of Road Infrastructure on Firm Performance in a Developing Country Context

Ibn Taymiyya wa 'asruhu ابن تيمية وعصره (Arabic Translation to "Ibn Taymiyya and His Times")

Dutch and American waterway development: identification and classification of tools for value creation

Competing narratives in framing disability in the UK media: a comparative analysis of journalistic representations of facial disfigurement versus practices of self-representations online

Doctor Watson Architects: Plasma Department, Collection

Doctor Watson Architects: Bots, Collection

Greening of the Transport and Logistics Sector: Solutions for National and Local Governments

A multicentre integration of a computer-led follow-up of prostate cancer is valid and safe

All or Nothing: Capacity, Vulnerability and Autonomy

HRI Malta 2017—Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy: HRI’s Third International Research Conference in Malta

A Novel Two-Channel Continuous-Time Time-Interleaved 3rd-order Sigma- Delta Modulator with Integrator-Sharing Topology

MRI Indices of Cortical Development in Young People With Psychotic Experiences: Influence of Genetic Risk and Persistence of Symptoms

Costs and benefits to small companies of digital reporting

Brexit, the City and Options for ISDS

Trace: Design Project and Critical Reflection

Evaluation of plasma neurotransmitters in children living with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Do Androids Dream of Asylum? The Blade Runner Films (1982, 2017) and Fear of the ‘Other’

Unhappy Patients Are Not Alike: Content Analysis of the Negative Comments from China's Good Doctor Website

Measuring the Engagement of the Learner in a Controlled Environment Using Three Different Biosensors

Let’s talk about sex: deception, ethics and consent

Implicit mentalising during level-1 visual perspective-taking indicated by dissociation with attention orienting

Doctor Watson Architects: Classic AIR Grid, Collection

Walkable cities: the study cases of London and Ghent

Classifying day and night station areas: application of the node-place model in Greater London

Sustainable Accessibility and the Implementation of Automated Vehicles: Identifying Critical Decisions

The long-term impact of engaged scholarship: how do SMEs capitalise on their engagement with academics to explore new opportunities?

The economic value of additional airport departure capacity

Explaining city branding practices in China’s three mega-city regions: The role of ecological modernization

Special Issue ‘New Perspectives in Assessment in Translator Training’

Introduction to Special Issue ‘New Perspectives in Assessment in Translator Training'

Blind Faith: Between the cognitive and the visceral in contemporary art

Open Codes: Living in digital worlds

The Return of the Art and Technology Lab

Evaluating the benefits of virtual training for bioscience students

Faculty Responses to Business-School Branding: A Discursive Approach

Troubling Children’s Families: Who’s Troubled and Why? Approaches to Inter-Cultural Dialogue

China’s Manifest Destiny

The Return of the Repressed: three examples of how Chinese identity is being reconsolidated for the modern world

The Re-imagining of China under President Xi Jinping

Social Prescribing: community-based referral in public health

High intensity exercise decreases IP6K1 muscle content & improves insulin sensitivity in glucose intolerant individuals

Actual and Intended Growth in Family Firms and Non-Family Owned Firm: Are They Different?

The cortisol awakening response predicts response inhibition in the afternoon of the same day

Public Law

‘Cyclo-Photographers’, Visual Modernity, and the Development of Camera Technologies, 1880s–1890s

Education Act 1944

Public Trust in Mega Event Planning Institutions: The Role of Knowledge, Transparency and Corruption

Strategic allocation of flight plans in air traffic management: an evolutionary point of view

Secret Signals from Another World: Walter Benjamin’s Concept of Innervation

Living Behind Bars: Representations of the Costa Rican Home in Cinematic Works by Hernán Jiménez

Interpreting the Development and Growth of Convict Criminology in South America

Developing Insider Perspectives in Research Activism

Conviviality and Survival: Co-Producing Brazilian Prison Order

No evidence against Sketch Reinstatement of Context, Verbal Labels or the use of Registered Intermediaries for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Response to Henry et al. (2017)

Homeopathy in the age of antimicrobial resistance: Is it a viable treatment for upper respiratory tract infections?

Self-care and entrepreneurism: An ethnography of soft skills development for higher education staff

St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) products – an assessment of their authenticity and quality

Invisible cyclists? Disabled people and cycle planning–A case study of London

An Ethnographic Study of Suicide Among Young Men in the London Alevi Community

1938: Modern Britain

Examining Consumers' Intentions to Dine at Luxury Restaurants while Traveling

Camera Phones and Mobile Intimacies

Image quality loss and compensation for visually impaired observers

How Do Complainants Experience the Ombuds Procedure? Detecting cultural patterns of disputing behavior: A comparative analysis of users that complain about financial services

Biological Diversity

Drug law reform, performativity and the politics of childhood

A Ripening Surveillance - Material Environments exhibition

Model for a Common Room

Public Interest Litigation and the Civil Society Factor

Expanding known dinoflagellate distributions: Investigations of slurry cultures from Caspian Sea sediment

Do media play a role in promoting vocational education and training? The case of MasterChef

China's Media Go Global

Highly Efficient Balanced Power Amplifiers for Carrier Aggregation

Intervention and Statebuilding beyond the Human: From the ‘Black Box’ to the ‘Great Outdoors’

Book Review: Chinese Medicinal Plants, Herbal Drugs and Substitutes, an identification guide



The Rise and Limits of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

New Poles in Uncertain Times?

Misplaced Gender diversity policies and practices in the British construction industry: developing and inclusive and transforming strategy

Contradictions between Artisan and Wage Labour Production: Non–Simultaneity in the Building of Somers Town from the End of the Eighteenth Century

Residents’ support for the Olympic Games: Single Host-City versus Multiple Host-City bid arrangements

Mini-publics and deliberative democracy

Picturing statistical narratives: a century of data visualisation from the healthcare public relations perspective

Revisiting the impact of macroeconomic conditions on health behaviours

Financialisation of News in China in the Age of the Internet: The Case of Xinhuanet

MYC regulation of Glutamine-Proline regulatory axis is key in Luminal B breast cancer

Space, place, autonomy and the road not yet taken

Space, place and autonomy in language learning: An introduction

Using Research to Improve Outcomes for Abducted Children

Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries

Conducting an Exploratory Survey of a Little Researched Marginalised Transnational Migrant Community

What seals the deal? How compensation and benefits affect women’s decisions to accept expatriation in the oil and gas industry

Positive body image is positively associated with hedonic (Emotional) and eudaimonic (Psychological and Social) well-being in british adults

Arab Thought and Revolution as Event: Towards New Affective Registers of Critique

India’s obsession with Kashmir: democracy, gender, (anti-)nationalism

Tiangao or tianxia? The ambiguities of CCTV's English-language news for Africa

Building the layers of a manufacturing taxonomy: how 3D printing is creating a new landscape of production eco-systems and competitive dynamics

The academic impact of natural disasters: evidence from L’Aquila earthquake

Review: Franklin, Geraint, Howell Killick Partridge & Amis, Swindon: Historic England (2017)

Predictors of the frequency and subjective experience of cycling near misses: Findings from the first two years of the UK Near Miss Project

"Crunch my Heart! It Falls for You: Re-theorizing Chocolate Gift-Giving as Carnal Singularity Across Language Contexts

Tourism, nightlife and planning: challenges and opportunities for community liveability in La Barceloneta

The Relationship Between Schizotypal Facets and Conspiracist Beliefs via Cognitive Processes

Quantum strategies, quantum games, multi-agent-based simulation, big data, and hybrid intelligent systems

Britain’s Older Employees in Decline, 1990-2006: a panel analysis of pay

Retirement plans and active ageing: Perspectives in three countries

Current Trends on MA Translation Courses in the UK: Changing Assessment Practices on Core Translation Modules

'Countries in the Air': Travel and Geomodernism in Louis MacNeice's BBC Features

William Arrol and Peter Lind: demolition, construction and workmanship on London’s Waterloo Bridges 1934 -1946

The Routledge Companion to Media and Activism

Using Administrative Data to Explore the Effect of Survey Nonresponse in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement Demonstration

Formalization of the Classification Pattern: Survey of Classification Modeling in Information Systems Engineering

The road to Civilisation: early television journeys to Greece

Human Rights Fact-Finding and the CIA's Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programme: A Response to Cordell

The Cell, the Field, and the Tower: the spaces of ecological cybernetics

Managing local supplier networks: conflict or compromise

Are we spending too much to grow? The case of Structural Funds

What's Wrong With Rights? Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations

Gholam- British/Iranian feature film

"Coming To Life" and Intermediality in the Tableaux Vivants of Magic Mirror and Confessions To The Mirror

Doctor Who: A British Alien

Collective autonomy and multilingual spaces in super-diverse urban contexts: Interdisciplinary perspectives

The Internet of Things

An integrated approach to cultural heritage: The Council of Europe's Technical Co-operation and Consultancy Programme, 2018

The significance of a historical perspective on language planning and language policy making – Listening to past voices to inform future policy: the voice of Johan Storm

Authentic Reconstruction

Rurality Re-imagined: Villagers, Farmers, Wanderers and Wild Things

Turning the Sword: How NPD Teams Cope with Front-end NPD Tensions

Pedagogy as “Cryptic Politics”: Benjamin, Nietzsche, and the End of Education

A Survey of the Current Status of Research on Quantum Games

The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect

Lines of Enquiry: drawing out Sigmund Freud’s study and consulting room

The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management

Patterns and drivers of demand for air transport

Airport economics and finance

Retirement Saving in the UK: a Life-Cycle Analysis

The Intrinsic and Extrinsic City

A Tale of Two Cities: The Impact of Airline Mergers and Consolidation at London and New York

Lost lesbian spaces: memories of an urban community in 1970s London

‘Nuclear prospects’: the siting and construction of Sizewell A power station 1957-1966

Tourism Management - an introduction (2nd edition)

The British Mosque: An architectural and social history

Reaching Out - Engagement through Events and Festivals - the Cathedrals of England

A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Banks Risk Management Practices: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

Nonprofit Issues Management: A New Approach to Resist the Label of ‘Risk’

The Chinese connection: an historiography

Nestin-expressing cell types in the temporal lobe and hippocampus: Morphology, differentiation, and proliferative capacity

Forms of Solidarity

Governance, rights and the demand for democracy: evidence from Bangladesh

Politics and Governance in Bangladesh: Uncertain Landscapes

Off the record: The transcription of parliamentary debates for political discourse analysis

The Diffusion Network of Research Knowledge in Operations Management

Space, place and autonomy in language learning

Feminist Solidarity and Experiment in Kathy Acker's Early Writings

The Cosmopolitan Dream: Transnational Chinese Masculinities in a Global Age

Introduction: Transnational Chinese Masculinities in a Global Age

Smile yourself happy: Zheng Nengliang and the discursive construction of happy subjects

Redefining Italian spaces: Piazza Vittorio and migratory aesthetics

Between Resistance and the State: Caribbean Activism and the Invention of a National Memory of Slavery in France

Objects, Debris and Memory of the Mediterranean Passage: Porto M in Lampedusa

Messy entanglements: research assemblages in heart transplantation discourses and practices

Tennyson and Geology: Poetry and Poetics

Performing for Hollywood: Coloniality and the Tourist Image in Esteban Ramírez’s Caribe (2004)

Happiness in Chinese Socialist Discourse - Ah Q and the "Visible Hand"

Introduction: Chinese Happiness, A Shared Discursive Terrain

Chinese Discourses on Happiness

Missions of Dead Souls: A Hauntology of the Industrial, Modernism, and Esotericism in the Music of Joy Division

Iron enhances hepatic fibrogenesis and activates TGF-β signaling in murine hepatic stellate cells

Cherry-picking participation: explaining the fate of proposals from participatory processes 

Hiroshima-Nagasaki remembered through the body: haptic visuality and the skin of the photograph

Developing Educators in the Digital Age: A Framework for Capturing Knowledge in Action

The stop and search of minors: A 'vital police tool'?

Travel Marketing and Popular Photography in Britain, 1888–1939: Reading the Travel Image

'Don't make me go back': post-feminist retreatism in Doctor Who

Itinerant Cinematic Practices In and Around Thailand During the Cold War

Social Media Logic and Its Impact on Political Communication During Election Times

‘Smarter, stronger, kinder’: Interests at stake in the remake of Iftah ya Simsim for Gulf children

Evaluating coordination and learning within governance: open epistemological issues

Hip-Hop pedagogy as production practice: Reverse-engineering the sample-based aesthetic

Leakage Current Analysis for Diagnosis of Bridge Defects in Power-Gating Designs

Exploiting Aging Benefits for the Design of Reliable Drowsy Cache Memories

Corporate Governance and Firm Risk

Paracomplete logic Kl: natural deduction, its automation, complexity and applications

Neogeography, development and human rights in Latin America.

Understanding the Impact of E-commerce on Last-Mile Light Goods Vehicle Activity in Urban Areas: The Case of London

The Popular Front Novel in Britain, 1934-1940

Linkages between financial development, financial instability, financial liberalisation and economic growth in Africa

To Brexit or not to Brexit: The roles of Islamophobia, conspiracist beliefs, and integrated threat in voting intentions for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum

The ‘Ombuds Watchers’: Collective Dissent and Legal Protest Among Users of Public Services Ombuds

Cross-border arbitrage and acquirers’ returns in the Eurozone crisis

Skywalking in the city: Glass platforms and the architecture of vertigo

This is not a copy: writing at the Iterative Turn

Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Liberal Cosmopolitan IR: A Response to Burke et al.’s ‘Planet Politics’

Innovation Discovery: Network Analysis of Research and Invention Activity for Technology Management

Well-being and the Television Actor: Challenges and Coping Strategies

Interpreters = Cultural Mediators?

Rifaximin in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis: An Open-Label Pilot Study

Student Preferences for Lecturers' Personalities

Promoting free flow in the networks: reimagining the body in early modern Suzhou

The design of doctorate curricula for practising professionals

Risk, Commercialism and Social Purpose: Repositioning the English Housing Association sector

A new paradigm for virtual knowledge sharing in product development based on emergent social software platforms

Exploring suicidal behaviours by probation clients—a qualitative near-lethal study

The Hollowing Out of Public Service Media: A Constructivist Institutionalist Analysis of the Commercialisation of BBC’s In-house Production

Lesbian and gay teachers and sex/uality education policy enactment in schools

Changes in plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D during pregnancy: A Brazilian cohort

Using cultural diversity to advance multicultural dialogues in Higher Education

Stepping into uncharted waters no more: the Court of Justice and EU Criminal Law

Cyborg Activism: Exploring the reconfigurations of democratic subjectivity in Anonymous

The smart city and Its publics: insights from across six UK cities

A Strategic Approach to Crisis Management and Organizational Resilience

The effectiveness of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment therapy issued interactively through an Ipad device: a non-inferiority study

Capitalism, Patriarchy, Slavery, and Racism in the Age of Digital Capitalism and Digital Labour

Assessing the value dimensions of social enterprise networks

Stock price reaction to profit warnings: The role of time-varying betas

'Spontaneous' Visual Perspective-Taking Mediated by Attention Orienting that is Voluntary and not Reflexive

Teaching vicarious trauma in the journalism classroom: an examination of educational provision in UK Universities

Analysing Phraseological Units in Legal Translation: Evaluation of Translation Errors for the English-Spanish Language Pair

Erziehung: the critical theory of education and counter-education

Teaching, In Spite of Excellence: Recovering a Practice of Teaching-led Research

A Knowledge Capturing and Sharing Framework for Improving the Testing Processes in Global Product Development Using Storytelling and Video Sharing

Towards Internationalization: A Critical Assessment of China's Public Administration Research in a Global Context 2000-2014

Values in Families with Young Children: Insights from Two Cultural Milieus in Germany

An Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System for the Compensation of Nonlinear Distortion in Wireless Power Amplifiers

'Being in Being': Contesting the Ontopolitics of Indigeneity Today

Art Practice and the Community

Taking a hike: Exploring leisure walkers embodied experiences

Agency and Artifice in the Environment of Neoliberalism

From a ‘sort of Muslim’ to ‘proud to be Alevi’: The Alevi Religion and Identity Project combatting the negative identity among second-generation Alevis in the UK

Editorial of Special Issue of National Identities: Alevism as an ethno-religious identity: Contested boundaries

Heroism in the Frame: Gender, Nationality and Propaganda in Tashkent and Moscow 1924-1945

Text Metaphtonymy: The interplay of metonymy and metaphor in discourse

Drawing the answers: Sketching to support free and probed recall by child witnesses and victims with autism spectrum disorder

Declining Social Mobility? Evidence from five linked Censuses in England and Wales 1971-2011

Poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate), a promising new material for cardiac tissue engineering

Exploring Television Acting

Guerrilla Networks: An Anarchaeology of 1970s Radical Media Ecologies

Fast 2D/3D object representation with growing neural gas

Book review: Ethnicity in China: a critical introduction

Risk Preferences and the Role of Emotions

Not Belonging to one’s Self: Affect on Facebook’s Site Governance page

Design, Ecology, Politics: Towards the Ecocene

Modern Foreign Languages Get a Voice: The Role of Journals in the Reform Movement

Language standardization in sociolinguistics and international business: Theory and practice across the table

A Meaner, More Callous Digital World for Youth? The Relationship Between Violent Digital Games, Motivation, Bullying and Civic Behavior amongst Children

A Rapid Detection of Meat Spoilage using an Electronic Nose and Fuzzy-Wavelet systems

Laccase from Aspergillus niger: A novel tool to graft multifunctional materials of interests and their characterization

Constructing Brutalism: in situ knowledge and skill on London's South Bank

Sexuality and the politics of rights in post-colonial Southern Africa: the legacy of Venus Monstrosa

Vase Silkborg

The Academy of Saturn

See Through

BEEF Bristol Screening: Confessions To The Mirror and Q+A with Vicky Smith

Kalimpong (A Lost Future: Shezad Dawood)

‘Emergent and Erratic: Monsoonal Transmogrification of Land, Air and Sea,’

Lisa and John- Look at Us!


Hidden Histories in the Archived Web: Habitus Transformation & Hysteresis Potential in a London French Blog

WZ557_Mont1 (2018) – Horses

Roshini Kempadoo - Ghosting: INDIA - Contemporary Photographic and New Media Art

Pictures from the Real World [2017]

Lisa and John-Oh my Days!

Brownsea: An Imaginary Island (An Island of the Imaginary)


Wuthering Heights - A Manuscript

Bagdam Lesbian Festival, Toulouse, France, screening of Confessions to the Mirror

Hybrid Bodies Chiasma Exhibition

Anytime Now

WZ604_Mont1 (2018) – Inflatable

UCL Art Museum Screening: Confessions To The Mirror + Q+A with Maria Walsh


Architectures of Nothing: Aldo Rossi and Raymond Roussel

Other Tongue - An Evening with NANG

Dazzle Camouflage: War and Space (The Dazzle Camouflage Concept) animation

Creating Interference & Cream Screen event - Go Back and Get it: Seeking Sankofa, 28 June 2019

Team AIR Grid (CCC): Fab Fest 2018

Site and Science-Fiction


Chasing Infinity by Asympt Man

White Gloves

Golden Philip


Burning Man Temple 2018 - Galaxia

Southampton and the later medieval textile trade


Left Film Front – Workers’ Film Today

Double Ghosts

Hyphen - An Evening with NANG

Financial crisis in UK from a business ethics persspective. Video case study

Dazzle Camouflage: War and Space (The Dazzle Camouflage Concept) animation clip HENI film Dazzled! How a British Artist Tranformed the Seas of WW1

The Insider - video art


AIR Grid museum without balustrades, two animations

Double Ghosts

A Modest Proposal (film)

A Modest Proposal (in a black box)

Ophelia's Last Supper

Enabled: Educational Network Amplifying Learning Experience (EnAbled)

Victoriana by Mediaeval Baebes

The Open Frame

100 Mile City and Other Stories

Jamaat at Brick Lane Mosque (2018-9)

Bass Culture 70/50

The Literacy Library

The Art Schools of North West England

Deeper Love, Soundpad App

Strategies for Upgrading 1970s Housing: Barncroft Way, St Albans

Deeper Love

100 Medals For The Future