A Philosophy of Textile: between practice and theory

Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis by genome-wide haplotyping of cell-free plasma DNA

Monsoon Assemblages: Drawing Data Sources Shorthand

Monsoon Assemblages: Drawing Inventory

FRAMED x Optoma Collaboration

RIBA Bulletin: Getting Hands-On with a Daily Builders Briefing

N-Acetylcysteine Nanocarriers Protect against Oxidative Stress in a Cellular Model of Parkinson’s Disease

Use of Force in Occupied Territory

Animals in Occupied Territory

The ICJ, Community Interests, and the Rohingya Genocide case

Obblighi dei belligeranti in relazione al Covid-19

Fonti e contenuti degli obblighi internazionali di adottare norme penali a livello interno

Learning from the grassroots: A resourcefulness-based worldview for transport planning

Decolonising and provincializing knowledge within the neoliberal university? The challenge of teaching about sustainable transport

Transport and mobility justice: Evolving discussions

Netnography as a marketing research tool in the fashion industry in South-East Europe

Cover Image, Volume 30, Issue 11

African BIM Report 2020

Toward an Understanding of Responsible Artificial Intelligence Practices

Hobbits on the wall

Wallace and Gromit and the British fantasy tradition

Knowledge, skills and functionalities requirements for quantity surveyors in building information modelling (BIM) work environment: an international Delphi study

Drivers of sustainable adoption of building information modelling (BIM) in the Nigerian construction small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Guiding Audiences with Sound

The Living Library

The Living Library

Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low- and middle-income countries

Household water insecurity is strongly associated with food insecurity: Evidence from 27 sites in low- and middle-income countries

La rose initiatique : de la rose de Dante et des Fidèles d’Amour à la rose de Nerval

The Forgotten Man of Letters Gabriele Rossetti: His Discovery of Dante’s Esoteric Love and Its Influence on 19th and 20th-century English Literature

Sartre et Foucault : l’hétérotopie du jardin public dans La Nausée

Choral Singing in Australian Indigenous Christian Contexts and its Implications for Intergenerational Wellbeing1

Cultural Icons

Supplementation with a prebiotic (polydextrose) in obese mouse pregnancy improves maternal glucose homeostasis and protects against offspring obesity

EUFam’s Policy Guidelines

Public Policy

Perceptions of pedagogy for employability at a transnational university: A qualitative case study

A methodology to evaluate the use of Serious Games in achieving Deep Learning: An Application for Andragogy in Human Resource Development

Investigar la identidad de género: representaciones colectivas, comunicación y lenguaje [Researching Gender Identity: Collective Representations, Communication and Language]

Comparative Evaluation of Thermal Comfort Levels in Passivhaus Under the Impact of Climate Change

Evaluating the performance of an EnerPHit building under different climates in Greece - A Digital Twin approach

An analysis on the benefits of vernacular architecture to design passivhaus buildings in Kurdistan

Investigating natural ventilation behaviour of passivhaus PHPP using CFD building simulations

Assessing the Performance Gap of Climate Change on Buildings Design Analytical Stages Using Future Weather Projections

Evaluating the Effect of Different Base Temperatures to Calculate Degree-Days

Technological Advancement and Pandemic

Passive house vs. passive design: sociotechnical issues in a practice-based design research project for a low-energy house

Pharmacists detecting atrial fibrillation in general practice: a qualitative focus group study.

TASK-3 Two-Pore Potassium Channels drive neuronal excitability of the circadian clock and entrainment to challenging light environments

TRESK is a key regulator of nocturnal suprachiasmatic nucleus dynamics and light adaptive responses

Opportunistic screening for atrial fibrillation by clinical pharmacists in UK general practice during the influenza vaccination season: A cross-sectional feasibility study.

Multiscale, multidomain analysis of microvascular flow dynamics

O SILÊNCIO NÃO É A MELHOR ARMA: MISOGINIA E VIOLÊNCIA CONTRA AS MULHERES NO GAME LEAGUE OF LEGENDS | Silence is not the weapon of choice: Misogyny and violence against women in the League of Legends Game

Expediente Revista Mídia e Cotidiano - v. 14, n.2, maio-ago. 2020

Expediente Revista Mídia e Cotidiano - v. 14, n.1, jan-abr. 2020

Preprint: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Initial Effects of the Quiet Time transcendental meditation program: Evidence from two school pilots

Natto and Vitamin K2: a promising nutraceutical aid for bone maintenance

Evaluating the effectiveness of a tailored health educational health toolkit to modulate Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and restrain its complications

Investigating chemical changes during Snake fruit and Black tea Kombucha fermentation and the associated immunomodulatory activity in Salmonella typhi-infected mice

Novel antibiotic-loaded particles conferring eradication of deep tissue bacterial reservoirs for the treatment of chronic urinary tract infection

Correction to: “My tree stays tree”: Sylvia Plath and Ovid’s Daphne

Mediated ownership: capital as media

User trusts: broad-based ownership for online platforms

Perceptions of innovation-based relationship marketing (PIRM) in the Sri Lankan retail banking sector: A qualitative study.

Online store brand experience impacting on online brand trust and online repurchase intention: The moderating role of online brand attachment

Islam and resistance in the Middle East: a methodology of Muslim struggle and the impact on women

Is useful research data usually shared? An investigation of genome-wide association study summary statistics

Music and Economic Planning

University ownership and information about the entrepreneurial opportunity in commercialisation: a systematic review and realist synthesis of the literature

The Fully Functioning University (Great Debates in Higher Education)

Digital transformation of education: can an online university function fully?

How the coronavirus pandemic may be the discontinuity which makes the difference in the digital transformation of teaching and learning

Preprint: Twisting moduli for gl(2)

Preprint: Machine-Learning the Sato-Tate Conjecture

Preprint: Machine-learning number fields

Preprint: Machine-learning arithmetic curves

Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loafing: a mediation model

Comentario al Artículo 22 Reglamento General de Proteccion de Datos

Preprint: Image Processing and Quality Control for Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the UK Biobank

Preprint: Predicting and elucidating the etiology of fatty liver disease using a machine learning-based approach: an IMI DIRECT study

Predicting the Demand in Bitcoin Using Data Charts: A Convolutional Neural Networks Prediction Model

Bitcoin Network Mechanics: Forecasting the BTC Closing Price Using Vector Auto-Regression Models Based on Endogenous and Exogenous Feature Variables

Pertussis in Lao PDR: Seroprevalence and disease

Hepatitis A virus in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Seroprevalence and risk factors

Lasting benefit of infant hepatitis B vaccination in adolescents in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Association between maternal serum homocysteine concentrations in early pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes

Prevalence of Rhesus C and D Alloantibodies among Rhesus-Negative Women of Child Bearing Age at a Tertiary Hospital in South-West Nigeria

Prognostic impact of pretreatment thrombocytosis in epithelial ovarian cancer

A state in Anomie: an analysis of modern Turkey's States of Exception

Joining the dots: Day to day challenges for practitioners in delivering integrated dementia care

Demon? Disorder? Or none of the above? A survey of the attitudes and experiences of evangelical Christians with mental distress

Seroprevalence of anti-tetanus antibodies in mothers and cord blood and associated factors in health-care settings in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Timeliness of immunisation with the pentavalent vaccine at different levels of the health care system in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic: A cross-sectional study

The Role of Local Authorities in Catalysing the Adaptive Re-use of Buildings in London

Oil price shocks and EMU sovereign yield spreads

Are we back on the road to serfdom?

Interview: Elīna Ruka - Art Without Coincidences

A House in Germany

How waterproof were Ulsters? Analysing the waterproof claims of Ladies c 19th ulsters

Reviewing domestic homicide - international practice and perspectives

The ethics of victim voice in Domestic Homicide Reviews

Special Issue: Diasporic Heritage, Maritime Corridors and Connected Societies in Asia

Targeting the MAPK7/MMP9 axis for metastasis in primary bone cancer

The Growth Effects of Foreign Direct Investment. Whitaker Institute Policy Brief Series No. 55

Social Media and the Mediating Role of Perceived Authenticity in Covert Celebrity Endorsement: Influencing Factors

Twisting moduli for GL(2)

Weil's converse theorem for Maass forms and cancellation of zeros

Using Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain to Maintain the Integrity of Digital Evidence in a Containerised Cloud Ecosystem

The Pandemic and the Economy of Africa: Conflicting Strategies between Tanzania and Ghana

A technological approach towards the measurement of enterprise agility

Sensor Network in Automated Hand Hygiene Systems Using IoT for Public Building

sDNA: 3-d spatial network analysis for GIS, CAD, Command Line & Python

Effects of green space on walking: Does size, shape and density matter?

Indoor-outdoor navigation without beacons: Compensating smartphone AR positioning errors with 3D pedestrian network

Preprint: Urban volumetrics: Spatial complexity and wayfinding, extending space syntax to three-dimensional space

Multi-objective routing and scheduling for airport ground movement

Immune monitoring of a child with autoimmune hepatitis and type 1 diabetes during COVID-19 infection

Measuring single cell divisions in human tissues from multi-region sequencing data

Subclonal reconstruction of tumors by using machine learning and population genetics

Sarcoma and the 100,000 Genomes Project: our experience and changes to practice

Stabilising selection causes grossly altered but stable karyotypes in metastatic colorectal cancer

Effects of the ventilatory stimulant, doxapram on human TASK‐3 (KCNK9, K2P9.1) channels and TASK‐1 (KCNK3, K2P3.1) channels

Tension in big data using machine learning: Analysis and applications

Higher Capacity Vehicles (HCV) - Full Briefing Report

Keynesian Resurgence: Financial Stimulus And Contingent Claims Modelling

Downside risk measurement in regime switching stochastic volatility

Preprint: Rapid development of COVID-19 rapid diagnostics for low resource settings: accelerating delivery through transparency, responsiveness, and open collaboration

Preprint: Dynamics of IgG seroconversion and pathophysiology of COVID-19 infections

Preprint: Characterisation of a Highly Potent and Near Pan-Neutralising Anti-HIV Monoclonal Antibody Expressed in Tobacco Plants


Denizen Works' New Floating Church Sails into Stratford

Organizational Change As An Example Of Socio-Technical Design

Job Satisfaction Analysis for effective organizational change management: An Action Research Approach.

Understanding experiences of recruiting for, and participating in, genomics research and service transformation: : the 100,000 Genomes Project, 2015-17. Summary report

Method Development and Validation for Establishing a Virtual HPLC Simulator (PharmAlliance Project)

Identification of Cardiotoxicity related to Cancer Treatments: A Systematic Review

A Comparison of Intermittent and Continuous Exercise Bouts at Different Intensities on Appetite and Postprandial Metabolic Responses in Healthy Men

Prevalence and Correlates of Depressive Symptoms among Medical Students: a Crosssectional Single-centre Study

Social Justice Perspectives on Education, Skills, and Economic Inequalities

Exploring trends in the relationship between child labour, gender and educational achievement in Latin America

Teachers’ Pedagogical Autonomy, Professional Development and Students’ Digital Skills: New Evidence from Italy

A false promise? Decentralization in education systems across the globe

Epistemological breaks in the methodology of social research: rupture and the artifice of technique

Authority and ethics: A case for estrangement in educational research and research education

Anthelmintic drug discovery: target identification, screening methods and the role of open science

Preprint: Analysis of cardiomyocyte nuclei in human cardiomyopathy reveals orientation dependent defects in shape

Right Ventricle Has Normal Myofilament Function But Shows Perturbations in the Expression of Extracellular Matrix Genes in Patients With Tetralogy of Fallot Undergoing Pulmonary Valve Replacement

The nuclear envelope: LINCing tissue mechanics to genome regulation in cardiac and skeletal muscle

Vaccination with novel low-molecular weight proteins secreted from Trichinella spiralis inhibits establishment of infection

Rapid conjugation of antibodies to toxins to select candidates for the development of anticancer Antibody-Drug conjugates (ADcs)

Design and Implementation of an Elastic Monitoring Architecture for Cloud Network Slices

WIM on-demand - A modular approach for managing network slices

Engage D5.13 Engage SESAR Summer School 2020

Engage D5.12 Engage SESAR Summer School 2019

Engage D3.7 Update on the Engage repository and knowledge hub functionality (initial)

Engage D2.9 9th SESAR Innovation Days report

D3.1 High-level modelling requirements

Crosstalk Between Vascular Redox and Calcium Signaling in Hypertension Involves TRPM2 (Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 2) Cation Channel

Importance of cholesterol-rich microdomains in the regulation of Nox isoforms and redox signaling in human vascular smooth muscle cells

Paralytic shellfish toxins and associated toxin profiles in bivalve mollusc shellfish from Argentina

Analysis of the Signed Regressor LMMN Algorithm for complex-valued data

True Journey is Return: On Detours and Returning in Ute Aurand's films

Transforming vocational education and training for nearly zero-energy building

Towards ‘Embedded Non-creative Work’? Administration, digitisation and the recorded music industry

Re-Rewind: Heritage, Representation and Music City Aspiration in Southampton

The justification of a music city: Handbooks, intermediaries and value disputes in a global policy assemblage

Capoeira: An exploration of animism and the representation of the spirit through ethnographic animation

Modi: myth and the man

COCOA: Cold Start Aware Capacity Planning for Function-as-a-Service Platforms

Performance engineering for microservices and serverless applications: The RADON approach

Innovation Systems and Inequality

Do Innovation Systems Induce Inequality?

Innovation and Inequality: Review and Avenues

The Paradox of Case Study Research in Innovation Systems Studies: A Dialectical Analysis

Knowledge Diffusion in Management: Kaizen in Sub-Saharan Africa

Caring for those who care - free parking is not it

Exhibiting self-built British mosques; between the digital and the physical

Towards a new vernacular; the architecture of the mosque in Britain

How Customers Respond to Innovative Products? From the Perspective of the Disconfirmation Sensitivity

Role of Knowledge Management in Developing Higher Education Partnerships: Towards a Conceptual Model

Access to Finance, Technology Investments and Exporting Decisions of Indian Services Firms

MRFS: A Multi-resource Fair Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing

Validity of a four-item household water insecurity experiences scale for assessing water issues related to health and well-being

Factors Motivating Indian manufacturing SME employers’ to adopt GSCM practices

Examining the efficacy of a self-administered report form in missing person investigations

‘We’ve got a file on you’: problematising families in poverty in four periods of austerity

What (not) to do with political emotions: a reply to van Tuinen

Assisted Probe Positioning for Ultrasound Guided Radiotherapy Using Image Sequence Classification

Blog: Making the most of Ramadan during the COVID-19 pandemic

A Reverse-Engineered Insurrection

Dispatcher3 D1.1 - Technical resources and problem definition

Dispatcher3 D7.1 - Project communication, dissemination and exploitation plan

Dispatcher3 D8.1 - Project management plan

Dispatcher3 D8.2 - Proof of signature of Implementation Agreement / SPD Consortium Agreement / Internal Consortium Agreement

Pilot3 D8.2 - Proof of signature of Implementation Agreement / SPD Consortium Agreement / Internal Consortium Agreement

Pilot3 D7.1 - Dissemination, communication and exploitation plan

Pilot3 D3.1 - Airlines data collection report

Pilot3 D2.1 - Trade-off report on multi criteria decision making techniques

Hosting Mega Events in Africa: Fostering Sustainable Employment Initiatives Within the Host Community

‘Unwritten Rules’ in Social Partnerships: Defining Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Through Institutional Theory in the Peruvian Mining Industry

Bring the Break-beat Back! Authenticity and the politics of rhythm in drum & bass

Factors Affecting Sustainable Higher Educational Partnerships

Deploying Knowledge Management for Effective Technologies in Higher Education Partnerships

Knowledge Management Evaluation in British Higher Education Partnerships

What culture is your university? Have universities any right to teach entrepreneurialism?

Ecopreneurs’ Responses to Paradoxical Challenges In India

Is it safe for Construction Sites to Stay Open?

Third Party Funding Disclosure in England and Wales and in Australia

An interpretable semi-supervised classifier using rough sets for amended self-labeling

The extractive infrastructures of contact tracing apps

Resisting Disappearance: Military Occupation and Women’s Activism in Kashmir, by Ather Zia,

An Empirical Investigation of the Regulatory and Non-Regulatory Challenges of the UK Islamic Retail Banking

Written Evidence on the Proposal for a Statutory Presumption Against Prosecution of Alleged UK War Crimes after a Period of Five Years


Facilitating the Acquisition of Critical Writing Skills? An exploration of Pedagogical Practices at a New University in the UK

Sites of Exception: Gender Violence, Digital Activism, and Nirbhaya’s Zone of Anomie in India

Feminist activism 25 years after Beijing

Me Too’and the ‘List’–Power Dynamics, Shame, and Accountability in Indian Academia

Religious tourism and the environment

Cells, Tissues and Organs of the Immune System

Cultural intelligence and managerial relational performance: a resource advantage perspective

Estimating the Economic Impact of Acas Services: April 2018 to March 2019

Method of Food Preparation Influences Blood Glucose Response to a High-Carbohydrate Meal: A Randomised Cross-over Trial

Elevated microRNA expression could be diagnostic biomarker for PDAC

Exploding Head Syndrome: Clinical Features, Theories about Etiology, and Prevention Strategies in a Large International Sample

DETERMinants of quality of life, care and costs, and consequences of INequalities in people with Dementia and their carers (DETERMIND): A protocol paper

Investigating how individual differences in organisations are associated with employee performance, job satisfaction and climate for innovation : a quantitative study in Jordan's Middle Eastern context

The Textilesphere: The threshold of everyday contacts

Surface and Apparition: The Immateriality of Modern Surface

The digital ethical space: towards a transnational documentary ethics, a filmmaker\textquoterights point of view

A New Archipelago - Dwelling as the City in the City

Deficiency in the autophagy modulator Dram1 exacerbates pyroptotic cell death of Mycobacteria-infected macrophages

Shigella sonnei

Frontline Science: Antagonism between regular and atypical Cxcr3 receptors regulates macrophage migration during infection and injury in zebrafish

Chemokine Receptors and Phagocyte Biology in Zebrafish

Supplementary RNAseq dataset files

Analysis tools to quantify dissemination of pathology in zebrafish larvae

In vivo biomolecular imaging of zebrafish embryos using confocal Raman spectroscopy

A House and its Atmosphere

Diving: using fiction narrative and intermedial assemblage to understand family histories in colonial India between 1933-1947

Replicas and representation – reflections on authenticity at Bath Abbey

Time and value at Bath Abbey: Erosion, fragmentation and the role of the replica

Photobook Review: Maud Sulter: Passion

Night-time mobilities and (in)justice in London: Constructing mobile subjects and the politics of difference in policy-making

The Greener State: Public services for a carbon-neutral Europe

Developing Transition Pathways towards Sustainable Mobility in European Cities

100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for transport and mobility in Horizon Europe

City Typology, for context-sensitive framework and tools development

Hebridean Moon

Privatising Justice

Different ways of seeing: Exploring audience reactions to images of probation supervision

Music Distraction among Young Drivers: Analysis by Gender and Experience

Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk

The Power of Infrastructure that Shapes Spatial Strategy – Who is Left Behind?

Free school meals: the lifelong impact of childhood food poverty


African Regional Investment Agreements: Neutralising a Threat to Non-communicable disease Control Policies

Lina Wertmüller Symposium: A report, 13 December 2019, University of Westminster

From the margins: Alice Rohrwacher’s liminal adolescents

Is Democracy a Prerequisite for Economic Growth? A Sectoral Analysis of Authoritarian Capitalism in Rwanda's Coffee Sector

Deep Learning and Financial Regulation

Unlearning as Moving Towards Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements – Singh, Julietta (2018): <i>Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements</i>. Durham, NC: Duke University Press

Sukuk as an Infrastructure-Financing Tool

An interactive social media workshop using Lego® Serious Play®

Trust me, working alone is challenging: What are the benefits of working in partnership in higher education?

Grip strength and pen pressure are not key contributors to handwriting difficulties in children with developmental coordination disorder

The Indexical Imagination

Structural effects of the highly protective V127 polymorphism on human prion protein.

Exploring Takfir, Its Origins and Contemporary Use: The Case of Takfiri Approach in Daesh’s Media


More sugar and spice: Revisiting medieval Italian influence on the mercantile lexis of England

Marketing Innovation in Tourism

Out of place, out of time – the foundational relationship between the Landlord and Tenant

The Impact of Introducing a Low Traffic Neighbourhood on Fire Service Emergency Response Times, in Waltham Forest, London

Place-based Politics and Nested Deprivation in the U.K.: Beyond Cities-towns, ‘Two Englands’ and the ‘Left Behind’

Killer Joe’s: 1960s Japanese Expanded Cinema in Discotheques

Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia: Critical Texts of the 1960s

Power, Technology and Empowerment: A Case Study of Community Health Workers in India

Book Review: Seeing by Electricity: The Emergence of Television, 1878-1939

Bert Hardy: Exercises with Photography and Film

Ghost Cinema for a Damaged World

Il pluralismo giuridico e la crime fiction italiana: Le forme letterarie come opere di filosofia del diritto, l’autore come giuslavorista

英 国

Locating Unity in the Fragmented Platform Economy: Labour law and the Platform Economy in the United Kingdom

Gender and Political Speech

Can Arabs Represent America? The Performativity of U.S-Arab Mediated Public Diplomacy

Situating observations as part of a teaching portfolio.

Testing the association of growth mindset and grades across a challenging transition: Is growth mindset associated with grades?

Review: The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry

Making Ways: A Public Lecture

Erratum for Cadel-Six et al., “Draft Genome Sequences of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Dublin Strains from Raw Milk Cheeses Characterized by Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis Profiles Associated with Two Outbreaks in France”

Perspektif Gender dan Hak Anak dalam Bisnis dan Hak Asasi Manusia: Perempuan dan Anak di Bawah Kuasa Korporasi di Indonesia

Tourism and Gender-based Violence: Challenging Inequalities

“Tourism, water, and gender”—An international review of an unexplored nexus

Self-guided mindfulness and cognitive behavioural practices reduce anxiety in autistic adults: A pilot 8-month waitlist-controlled trial of widely available online tools

Book Review: Roxana Pessoa Cavalcanti (2020) A Southern Criminology of Violence, Youth and Policing: Governing Insecurity in Urban Brazil. New York, NY: Routledge

Cosmos, Fiction and Transcendence: Photography and Conceptual Art in Communist Bratislava

A Novel Optimization Algorithm for Notch Bandwidth in Lattice Based Adaptive Filter for the Tracking of Interference in GPS

Education and the Economy of Attention in Times of (Post-) Pandemic

The Development of Accounting in Africa in the Era of International Financial Reporting Standards

Donald Trump’s short-lived coronavirus poll bump reveals his fundamental vulnerability

Donald Trump’s Re-election Prospects

Ethnography and experimental non-fiction storytelling: relating the experiences of Maltese Fishermen

Ruins on Ruins: Forgetting, Commemorating and Re-Forgetting the Third Front

An Interpretivist View of Philosophical and Methodological Implications of Grounded Theory Methodology in Business and Management Studies

Managing teams: the nexus of productivity in remote- based IT organisations.

Exploring the role of ambidexterity and coopetition in designing resilient fashion supply chains: a multi-evidence-based approach

Due Diligence and International Humanitarian Law

Robust Peacekeeping Mandates: An Assessment in Light of Jus Post Bellum

Favela Digital Activism: The Use of Social Media to Fight Oppression and Injustice in Brazil

Brazil: More than Just a Little Flu

A mediação de vídeos pelo YouTube: política conectiva na comunicação de um partido e de dois movimentos sociais

Mind the Gulliver Gap: Architekturmodelle und das Realismusproblem

Ownership rhetoric and the question of belonging


Improving Hyperlocal Air Quality in Cities: Impact of vegetation on pollutants concentration at pedestrian level

How to define 'viral' for media studies?

Preparation of polysaccharide-based nanoemulsions to reduce melanoma drug resistance and inflammation markers

Exploring linguistic hybridity and lexical creativity in the UK’s Greek Cypriot diaspora: the Grenglish project

New Orientations: Touch in Women's Experimental Writing

African Politics in the Digital Age: A Study of Political Party-Social Media Campaign Strategies in Ghana

Nineteenth-century gothic architectural aesthetics: A. W. N. Pugin, John Ruskin and William Morris

Dispatcher3: Innovative processing for flight practices

Dispatcher3 - Machine learning for flight plan dispatching

Pilot3 - Software engine model for multi-criteria trajectory optimisation

Pilot3: A crew multi-criteria decision support tool – Estimating performance indicators and uncertainty for tactical trajectory management

Can Tim Davie save the BBC?

Putting the National Interest First - Reimagining the BBC for its Second Century

The BBC and 'the Blob'. The very local and the very global

Making the Process the Enemy of the People: what happens when No 10 Leaks

Fact Checking and Information in the Age of Covid

The Monarchy, 'Popularity', Legitimacy and the Media

Overdosed, Underplanned or What? Making Sense of Urban Tourism's ‘Politicisation from Below

The Evolution of Airport Design: Philosophy, Function and Form

Ghosts, Imagination and Theatre: re-enacting the futural past through documentary film

The Postal Service, Circulating Portfolios and the Cultural Production of Modern Networked Identities

Cross-border Investigative Journalism: a critical perspective

Exploring In Vitro and In Vivo Pharmacology of Echinacea Purpurea (L.) Moench

Religion and the Law in modern pluralist states: Towards a more balanced judicial approach to manifestation of belief in secular societies

FDI Determinants and the effect of FDI on Economic Growth of the East African Community (EAC)

Higher Capacity Vehicles (HCVs) Briefing Report - Executive Summary

Last mile delivery: the challenge for logistics providers

Four ways microbial fuel cells might revolutionise electricity production in the future

Investigating How Individual Differences in Organisations are Associated with Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction and Climate for Innovation: A Quantitative Study in Jordan’s Middle Eastern Context

Using sensory cues to curate, study and support autobiographical remembering across the lifespan

Mediterranean diet, cardiovascular health and longevity: Strategies to improve the assessment and interpretation of this dietary pattern in nutritional epidemiology

Factors Influencing Sustainable Land and Water Management Technologies Uptake in Northern Ghana

Editorial: Alevi Kurds: History, politics and identity

Conversing with Leaves

Mind the Fog, Stand Clear off the Cliff! From the Political Declaration to the Post-Brexit EU-UK Legal Framework (Part I)

The Effects of Knowledge Spillovers, Incubators and Accelerator Programmes on the Product Innovation of High-Tech Start-Ups: A Mixed Methods Approach

Viruses Can Also Wear the White Hats

Manal Mohammed for Which? about the common mistakes that people make when using hand sanitiser


Letter to the Editor: Going beyond Learning and Listening to Meaningful Pursuit of Equity for Black Microbiologists

FinTech Innovations: A Review of the Recent Developments and Prospects

Le « droit de citer »: retour sur la question de la citoyenneté des sans-papiers

Contemporary Fictional Representations of Anglican Clergy on British Public Service Television


Using Serious Games for Learning British Sign Language Combining Video, Enhanced Interactivity, and VR Technology

The Body Politics of Data

Intersectionality in Organisations: Exploring the Relationships between Gender, Ethnicity, Religion and Women’s Work in a Postcolonial African Space.

International Opportunities through Accelerator Networks: A Study of Startups Becoming Embedded in Edtech Context

Learning from Practice: editorial

Investigating the Diffusion of Workload-Induced Stress—A Simulation Approach

Ethi(cs)quette of (Re)searching with E-friends: Clicking Towards a Social Media-driven Research Agenda

The Quest for Deeper Understanding in Interpretative Research: Hidden Meaning in Plain Sight

Movement cultures and media in grassroots politics

Certainty and Fragility: reassessing the role of automatically generated aids to the making process

Empathic Narratives: a Case Study of Immigrati/e in Milan Perceiving the ‘Migration Crisis’

A study of the impact of substituting Warfarin with Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOAC), in Atrial Fibrillation (AF) patients over 65 years old: The Patients’ and Clinicians’ Perspectives.

‘The Bridge’: How The Penguin New Writing (1940-1950) shaped twentieth-century responses to China

Musicians in Space

Cycling Injury Risk in London: Impacts of Road Characteristics and Infrastructure

The Impact of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Other Active Travel Interventions on Vehicle Ownership: Findings from the Outer London Mini-Holland Programme

Factorization Method for Solving Multipoint Problems for Second Order Difference Equations with Polynomial Coefficients

Proceedings of the 4th Student-STAFF Research Conference 2020 School of Computer Science and Engineering SSRC2020

The Responsibility to Protect: A 'just' intervention?

The ECHR, the HRA and Protecting Human Rights in the UK: A view from international law

Sputnik Radio in Edinburgh: UK Effort to Secure Pfizer Vaccine is Good News but Will Not Give Immediate Protection, Says Expert Dr Manal Mohammed

Dr Manal Mohammed for The Conversation about the Pfizer vaccine and what to expect next

A Survey of Alzheimer’s Disease Early Diagnosis Methods for Cognitive Assessment

SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network (Engage) - mapping ATM research concepts, past and future

The Emergent City (2007- 2017): Artistic explorations of the control and the ethics of data

24-hour exams – blessing in disguise for inclusive assessments or a logistical nightmare for higher education?

Using accessibility metrics and tools to deliver sustainable mobility

Sick of the sick role: narratives of what ‘recovery’ means to people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis

Atlas Men’s Well-being Programme: Evaluation Report Atlas 2.0

Digital Transformation in Media and Society

An analysis of French borrowings at the hypernymic and hyponymic levels of Middle English

Islamophobia in India

UK regional airports: developments and challenges

Air Transport Markets, Strategies and Policies


SARS-CoV-2 and mitochondrial health: implications of lifestyle and ageing

The Influence of Robert Southey’s “The Origin of the Rose” on Robert Browning’s “The Heretic’s Tragedy”

Towards nearly zero energy building in Europe: the challenge of vocational education and training for the construction industry

Dialogues & Dreams: DS(2)01 2015-18

Emirati women journalists bargaining with patriarchy in search of equality

An Anthology of Law

Educating future doctors for uncertainty and complexity

Development of stochastic delay cost functions

Delays in European aviation – building passenger cost models

Co-Creating and Evaluating an App-Based Well-Being Intervention: The HOW (Healthier Outcomes at Work) Social Work Project

Intellectual Commons and the Law: A Normative Theory for Commons-Based Peer Production

Portfolio Risk Assessment under Dynamic (Equi)Correlation and Semi-Nonparametric Estimation: An Application to Cryptocurrencies

The Cloud we Share: Access Control on Symmetrically Encrypted Data in Untrusted Clouds

Extracellular Vesicles and Post-Translational Protein Deimination Signatures in Mollusca—The Blue Mussel ( Mytilus edulis ), Soft Shell Clam ( Mya arenaria ), Eastern Oyster ( Crassostrea virginica ) and Atlantic Jacknife Clam ( Ensis leei )

Queering LGBT-Friendliness: Three Possibilities (and Problems) in a Multi-Sited Ethnographic Approach to Diversity

Book Review: Malmkjær, K., Şerban, A., & Louwagie, F. (Eds.). (2018). Key cultural texts in translation. John Benjamins. 320 pp.

CAMERA – Mobility Report 3

Designing Momentums: Site, Practice, Media as Landscape

Implicit requirements for ontological multi-level types in the UNICLASS classification

Northern Heartlands Great Place Scheme Final Evaluation & Completion Report

Development of antibacterial Polyhydroxyalkanoates for their use in nerve tissue engineering

Entrepreneurial learning in multigenerational family business succession

DASP Implementation of Continuous-Time, Finite-Impulse-Response Systems

Talent Management Practices in Organisations - Hidden Gems or Hidden Agenda?

Guardians of public interest: the expectation and experience of non-executive directors in National Health Service commissioning boards in England

Large‑scale analysis of iliopsoas muscle volumes in the UK Biobank

Transport Access Manual: A Guide for Measuring Connection between People and Places

Sedimentary Ways

Natural Biomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering: A Highly Biocompatible Solution

Absurd-City Subver-City

Valerian Root in Treating Sleep Problems and Associated Disorders—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Health Care Investment: The Case of Multiple Sources of Risk

An analysis of dollar cost averaging and market timing investment strategies

Value within the resource-based view of the firm: An approach drawing on the temporal single system interpretation of Marx

On Sites as Ghosts

'Baby teeth'

The Notion of Home in Middle Eastern Cinema: The Presence of the Absence

Acceptability of remote prescribing and postal delivery services for contraceptive pills and treatment of uncomplicated Chlamydia trachomatis

An investigation of Organizational Justice in Pakistan’s higher educational institutes

An Exploration of the Help-Seeking Experiences of Patients in an Allied Professions-Led Rapid Access Chest Pain Pathway – A Qualitative Study

Transforming musical performance: activating the audience as digital collaborators

Re-addressing the Window: Environmental Performance of Adaptive Fenestrations for Indian Climate

The airport-airline relationship

Airport management and performance

How men step back – and recover – from suicide attempts: A relational and gendered account

The Twenty Years’ Crisis of European Energy Security: Central and Eastern Europe and the US

Performance and Energy-Tuning Methodology for Wireless Sensor Networks Using TunableMAC

Burke and Brexit

Building Bridges: Experiencing mediation in English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP)

Tools for addressing transport inequality: A novel variant of accessibility measurement

Framework for Participatory Quantitative Health Impact Assessment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

An Action Research Project: Students’ Responses to and Perceptions of Training to Develop Effective Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Production of Antibacterial Polyhydroxyalkanoates for Biomedical Applications

Decolonisation Through ‘Development Films’: Constructing and Re-Constructing the Zairian Spirit on Film

Wikipedia Conflict Representation in Articles of War: A critical discourse analysis of current, on-going, socio-political Wikipedia articles about war

The Impasse of Liberal (In)Equality: Materialising Egalitarian Politics Through Collective Fidelity

Architecture, Nation, Difference

Architecture in National Identities: a critical review

Investigating Social Contextual Factors in Remaining-Time Predictive Process Monitoring—A Survival Analysis Approach

Supplementary schools as spaces of hope for a more inclusive world: Challenging exclusion and social injustice in multilingual London

How could the station-based bike sharing system and the free-floating bike sharing system be coordinated?

The cortisol awakening response predicts a same-day index of executive function in healthy young adults

Understanding Private-Sector Engagement in Sustainable Urban Development and Delivering the Climate Agenda in Northwestern Europe—A Case Study of London and Copenhagen

Book Review of Donatella Di Cesare's "Resident Foreigners: A Philosophy of Migration"

The Talking of Objects: Migratory Experiences and Subjectivities of British Chinese Women in Contemporary Britain

The Problem of Hope: Orwell’s Workers

Infrastructure is Key to Make Cities Sustainable

How will transit station closures affect Londoners?

Future Tense

China : Xinjiang :: India : Kashmir

The Stones of Kashmir

Modi: myth and the man

The Condition of My Existence

The wheel that lost its chair Or how they came to bomb Palestine

Specific c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Inhibitor, JNK-IN-8 Suppresses Mesenchymal Profile of PTX-Resistant MCF-7 Cells through Modulating PI3K/Akt, MAPK and Wnt Signaling Pathways

Researching APEL routes to becoming professionally recognised as a teacher in Higher Education

Chemical Modification of Bacterial Cellulose for the Development of an Antibacterial Wound Dressing

Patient experience of Guided self-help CBT intervention for VoicEs (GiVE) delivered within a pilot randomized controlled trial

What do City Dwellers Want for Themselves and their Cities? Implications for Planning Liveable Cities

Cloud apps to‐go: Cloud portability with TOSCA and MiCADO

My Days of Mercy and In Between: Echoing Changes in Cinematic Representations of Women Lawyers

The long-term implications of mega-event projects for urban public spaces

Salivary Bioscience, Human Stress and the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis

The mosque and the nation

Alias-free Discrete-time FIR System Realisation Using Hybrid Stratified Sampling

The earnings returns to postgraduate degrees in the UK

Affective disorder: architectural design for complex national identities

Transport development, intellectual property rights protection and innovation: The case of the Yangtze River Delta Region, China

FinTech revolution: the impact of management information systems upon relative firm value and risk

Richmond House: Thermal Modelling Analysis Report

Application of IoT and BEMS to Visualise the Environmental Performance of an Educational Building

Bricolage - a mindset of resourcefulness: stories as a vehicle for mediating means into resources

On Visibility

LGBT+ Histories and Historians

Universal - but not necessarily useful

Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development – Prospectus and Purpose

An examination of EU trade disintegration scenarios

To what extent are the assessments by legal academics who critiqued the Irish personal injury reforms (PIAB & related measures) defensible in light of the outcomes? A case study

Asymmetric Responses of Economic Growth to Daily Oil Price Changes: New Global Evidence from Mixed-data Sampling Approach

Decolonising the Informal: Discourse, Everyday Life, and the Politics of Urbanisation in Windhoek, Namibia

An Aspirations-led Capabilities Approach to Women’s Career Pathways in Quantity Surveying

Bolaamphiphiles as a novel drug delivery system in the treatment of diseases of the brain

In search for totemic foods: Exploring discursive foodscapes online in Finnish, English and French

Global mobility policy: good governance and effective communication

Global talent mobility policy professional: a new job title

Higher education – addressing challenges in the years ahead

Modelling stylistic variation in threatened and under-documented languages

Creative Process, Material Inscription and Dudley Shaw Ashton's Figures in a Landscape (1953)

Optimised solutions to the last-mile delivery problem in London using a combination of walking and driving

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, Car Use, and Active Travel: evidence from the People and Places survey of Outer London active travel interventions

Crossing borders, pushing boundaries and privileging ‘marginalised’ voices: Shaping the future of Convict Criminology in the UK

Relationships between hyperinsulinaemia, magnesium, vitamin D, thrombosis and COVID-19: rationale for clinical management

Shopping malls as ideological battlegrounds: discipline and power in Riyadh’s pseudo-public spaces

Some Reflections on the Practice of Research

Pilot3 crew multi-criteria decision support tool estimating performance indicators and uncertainty

Pilot3 D1.1 - Technical resources and problem definition

Domino D1.2 - Final Project Results Report

Proceedings of Bhutan: Biodemocracy & Resilience Conference 2019

Trump’s offer on Kashmir: Does it matter?

Small state relations: Bhutan and Bangladesh

Bhutan-India Relations in the 21st Century

Can You Hear Kashmiri Women Speak?

A multi-layer model for long-term KPI alignment forecasts for the air transportation system

Can artificial intelligence, RegTech and CharityTech provide effective solutions for anti-money laundering and counter-terror financing initiatives in charitable fundraising

A relational analysis of an invisible illness: A meta-ethnography of people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis and their support needs

Airport Privatisation: a Successful Journey?

Diagramming the Social: Relational Method in Research

‘Super-Robust’ Peacekeeping Mandates in Non-International Armed Conflicts under International Law

Why do people spread false information online? The effects of message and viewer characteristics on self-reported likelihood of sharing social media disinformation.

'Artists Hidden From Human Gaze': Visual Culture and Mysticism in the Nineteenth Century Convent

Preface for the Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Information Management & Management Science (IMMS 2020) and the 2nd World Conference on Management Science and Engineering (WCMSE 2020)

China's Media in the Emerging World Order

Tracking and Mitigation of Chirp-Type Interference in GPS Receivers Using Adaptive Notch Filters

Image Analysis and Feature Extraction of Kato-Katz Images for Neglected Tropical Diseases Diagnosis

A VHDL-based Modelling Approach for Rapid Functional Simulation and Verification of Adiabatic Circuits

Antibiotic-free PHA-based antibacterial materials for bone regeneration

‘Through the patient’s eyes’: shadowing patients at the end of life

Manx English: a phonological investigation into levelling and diffusion from across the water

Competence development through the lens of structuration - Does age matter in Finnish IT workplaces?

Enhancing Deeper Learning Using Empathy and Creativity In Role-Playing Serious Games

Contextualising Individual Diversity Perceptions: A Relational Study across Egypt, Germany, and the United Kingdom Technology Industries

Entity regulation, litigation rights and the changing meaning of professionalism at the Bar of England and Wales

A New Framework for Understanding Memories and Preference for Music

Electrosprayed Chitin Nanofibril/Electrospun Polyhydroxyalkanoate Fiber Mesh as Functional Nonwoven for Skin Application

Men, trans/masculine, and non-binary people's experiences of pregnancy loss: an international qualitative study.

Can Music Make You Sick? Measuring the Price of Musical Ambition

Evaluation of Education and Training Impacts for the Unemployed: Challenges of New Data

K. Rajagopal on making films for and on the ethnic minority in Singapore

Boo Junfeng on funding, festivals and Chinese privilege

Why Do People Share Disinformation On Social Media?

The street party: pleasurable community practices and place making

Having a say? The potential of local events to articulate community responses to regeneration.

Toward a Closed Loop, Integrated Biocompatible Biopolymer Wound Dressing Patch for Detection and Prevention of Chronic Wound Infections

Remembering Cultural Experiences: lifespan distributions, richness and content of autobiographical memories of museum visits

Maladaptive Planning and the Pro-Innovation Bias: Considering the Case of Automated Vehicles

Miller 2: a Political Decision or a Saviour of the UK Constitution?

Doctor Watson Architects Incomplete Works Volume Two

Socio-Legal Studies in Germany and the UK: Theory and Methods

Participation in Reality Television: Entertainment Mobilization in Dance Talent Shows

Dr Manal Mohammed for The Conversation on three major scientific controversies about coronavirus

Comorbidity of compulsive buying and brand addiction: An examination of two types of addictive consumption

Brand addiction in the contexts of luxury and fast-fashion brands

Introducing the Journal of Deliberative Democracy

New centrality and causality metrics assessing air traffic network interactions

Book review: Victoria Brooks, Fucking Law: The Search for her Sexual Ethics - Manvir Grewal, 2020Fucking Law: The Search for her Sexual Ethics

Understanding the mental health of doctoral researchers: a mixed methods systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-synthesis.

Exploring digital discourse with Chinese characteristics: contradictions and tensions

A Trajectory of Caudillo Press, Journalism, and the Authoritarian Dilemma in Venezuela

International rotational assignments: Women’s challenge to occupational gender segregation

Letter from the soils I have designed with

Unions and the green transition in construction in Europe: contrasting visions

Future conditional: from Just Transition to radical transformation?

Chávez’s "Aló Presidente" and its Impact on Venezuela’s Journalistic Practice

Revisiting Latin American Media Democratisation Theories and the Populist Factor

Edulingualism: linguistic repertoires, academic tasks and student agency in an English-dominant university

Why advocate for public service media? Perspectives from organizations for media development

I Discovered Feminism in a Revolution

Civil society coalitions as pathways to PSB reform in Southern Africa

Cytocompatibility Evaluation of a Novel Series of PEG-Functionalized Lactide-Caprolactone Copolymer Biomaterials for Cardiovascular Applications

Lindsay Bywood interviews Carol Robertson on her experience of the early days of subtitling at the BBC

Book review: Sanderson, John D. and Carla Botella-Tejera (eds) (2018) Focusing on Audiovisual Translation Research

Technology and Audiovisual Translation

The Journey Experience of Visually Impaired People on Public Transport in London

Assessing young children from diverse backgrounds: Novel ways to measure language abilities and meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage

Contemporary Iran: Politics, Economy, Religion

In a minority in male spaces: the networks, relationships and collaborations between women MPs and women civil servants, 1919-1955

Design methodology for 360-degree immersive video applications

Deferoxamine and Curcumin Loaded Nanocarriers Protect Against Rotenone-Induced Neurotoxicity

A National Treasure? The Role of Civil Society in Promoting and Enforcing Human Rights in the United Kingdom

Transparency and global resources: Exploring linkages and boundaries

Taking a holistic approach to practice-based arts research: our experiences (successes and challenges) at the University of Westminster

The struggle to imagine higher education otherwise: the transformative potential of diverse gender knowledges

"I've Seen You": A conversation about the Transformative Potential of Working in Partnership

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: barriers to service innovation

Co-Creating Brand Image and Reputation through higher Education Internal-Stakeholder's Social Network

Leaders or Organisations? A comparison study of factors affecting organisational citizenship behaviour in independent hotels

Establishing psychological relationship between customers and retailers: a study of the small to medium scale clothing retail industry

Local Incentive Structures and the Constitution of Community-Based Enterprises in the Forest

Fabrication of Biopolymer Based Nanoparticles for the Entrapment of Chromium and Iron Supplements

N-Acetylcysteine Nanocarriers Protect against Oxidative Stress in a Cellular Model of Parkinson's Disease

Co-Administration of Iron and a Bioavailable Curcumin Supplement Increases Serum BDNF Levels in Healthy Adults

Novel Psychoactive Substances in Custodial Settings: A Mixed Method Investigation on the Experiences of People in Prison and Professionals Working With Them

Morphological and molecular characterization of an African freshwater fish trypanosome, including its development in a leech vector

Generation of High Dose Inhalable Effervescent Dispersions against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

Book review: Soltando amarras: La costa noratlántica ibérica en la Edad Moderna

Tolerance and Control. Developing a language policy for an EMI university in Uzbekistan

The ‘War on Terror’, State Crime & Radicalization: A Constitutive theory of Radicalization.

Service evaluation of a sole-session psychoeducational intervention to improve caregivers’ key illness beliefs after first episode psychosis (FEP)

Can urban ponds help tackle domestic water scarcity and build resilience?

The World According to Dave Trott: An Interview

Advertising and the Way Forward

Development of an electroactive aerobic biocathode for microbial fuel cell applications

The role of small businesses in employing the unemployed and inactive

A Tale of Two Cities

Aunthood and Narrative Voice: Virginia Woolf’s Materteral Form

Religion and the Rise of Mass Democracy in Britain

Events in London's parks: the friends' perspective

Global Warming Risk Perceptions in India

An Overview of Insider Dealing Law and Policy: A Chinese Perspective (Part Two).

An Overview of Insider Dealing Law and Policy: A Chinese Perspective (Part One).

Flexibility and Sharīʿah Compliance of Islamic Financial Contracts: An Evaluative Framework

Investigating Physical and Chemical Interaction of Aspergillus terreus Spores for Changes in Morphology and Physiology

Open access transport models: A leverage point in sustainable transport planning

Global mobility policies: good governance and effective communication

The Pragmatics of Modern Greek Cooking blogs

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (London 7-9/9/2017)

Archiving the Barcelona Pavilion and the Cumulative Tale

On-site as an Interdisciplinary Practice

Can AI help predict a learner’s needs? Lessons from predicting student satisfaction

Emerging roles of melanocortin receptor accessory proteins (MRAP and MRAP2) in physiology and pathophysiology.

Innovations in Simulation: Experiences with Cloud-based Simulation Experimentation

Early Modern Aesthetics: Antony and Cleopatra and the Afterlife of Domination

An excess of thought, or the thinking materials of research

Acts of Drawing Something you Cannot See

Barriers and opportunities for participatory environmental upgrading: Case study of Havelock informal settlement, Durban

Recommended resources for oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants in neurological diseases

What are the key features of Orthorexia Nervosa and influences on its development? A qualitative investigation?

Naturally-Occurring Autoantibodies to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) and its Subunits in Ovarian cyst Patients

Elevated levels of naturally occurring autoantibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) β core fragment in a female patient with thyroid follicular adenoma: Case report

Visual Activism and Marginalised Communities in Online Spaces

Uncovering variation within urban multilingualism

Book Review: Peri-Urban China: Land Use, Growth, and Integrated Urban–Rural Development

Normalized indices derived from visceral adipose mass assessed by MRI and their correlation with markers for insulin resistance and prediabetes

Peptidylarginine Deiminase inhibition abolishes the production of large extracellular vesicles from Giardia intestinalis, affecting host-pathogen interactions by hindering adhesion to host cells

Attitudes of Ageing Passengers to Air Travel since the Coronavirus Pandemic

Think excellence: the purpose and vision of the Relocate and Global People Awards

Knowledge sharing: Learning from the Relocate awards

Reading Signs and Symbols with Abdelkébir Khatibi: From the Body to the Text

Motivated forgetting: forgetting what we want to forget

Gender and the ecological modernisation of the built environment - Ecofeminist questions

Late changes in blood-brain barrier permeability in a rat tMCAO model of stroke detected by gadolinium-enhanced MRI

A Recipe for Shocking the Urban Body

Blog post: Proposed Amendments to the Human Rights Act to Disadvantage UK War Crimes Victims

Governing Without the Politics: Postcolonial Governmentality and the Indian Middle Classes

HIV in the UK: Voices from the Epidemic

‘As soon as you've been there, it makes it personal’: The experience of health-care staff shadowing patients at the end of life

Comparison of the Influence of 45S5 and Cu-Containing 45S5 Bioactive Glass (BG) on the Biological Properties of Novel Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)/BG Composites

Antimicrobial Materials with Lime Oil and a Poly (3-hydroxyalkanoate) Produced via Valorisation of Sugar Cane Molasses

Is the content of patient’s written emotional disclosure associated with improved health outcomes for asthma patients?

Lifestyle migrants and intercultural communication in Swedish villages

Partner selection in sustainable supply chains: a fuzzy ensemble learning model

Blog post: UK Accountability for War Crimes in Doubt

Covid 19 Business Impact Study - Global Perspective

Cancer cells grown in 3D under fluid flow exhibit an aggressive phenotype and reduced responsiveness to the anti-cancer treatment doxorubicin.

Effects of Quorum Quenchers on Aspergillus fumigatus Conidia Aggregation, Adhesion to Surfaces, and Biofilm Formation

The Application of the Principle of Mutual Recognition in EU Criminal Law Matters - Internally and Externally vis-à-vis Pre-Accession Policy

Avicii: True Stories - Review

Multilingual practices in a disavowed community: The case of new Italian migrants in London

One-pass Context-based Tableaux Systems for CTL and ECTL

More than just 'Protecting Veterans’: How the UK Government Plans to Get Rid of the ECHR in Overseas Operations

Nursing assistants’ experiences of administering manual restraint for compulsory nasogastric feeding of young persons with anorexia nervosa

Hadatha, dissent and hegemonic masculinity in the short stories of Zakariyya Tamir

Putative Roles for Peptidylarginine Deiminases in COVID-19

The role of multilingualism in the emergence of a technical register in the Middle English period

Trains, Twitter and the social licence to operate: An analysis of Twitter use by train operating companies in the United Kingdom

Extracellular Vesicles and Post-translational Protein Deimination Signatures in Haemolymph of the American Lobster (Homarus americanus)

Perspectives on language education policy

Insights into language education policies

Editorial: Exercise as a Countermeasure to Human Aging

Comparable endocrine and neuromuscular adaptations to variable vs. constant gravity-dependent resistance training among young women.

The self-defining period in autobiographical memory: Evidence from a long-running radio show

A Hybrid Combinatorial Approach to a Two-Stage Stochastic Portfolio Optimization Model with Uncertain Asset Prices

Differential Object Marking and Language Contact: An Introduction to this Special Issue

Modeling perception and behavior in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: support for the predictive processing framework

Power Range: Forward Private Multi-Client Symmetric Searchable Encryption with Range Queries Support

The combined impact of sauerkraut with Leuconostoc mesenteroides to enhance immunomodulatory activity in Escherichia coli-infected mice

Brands may support Black Lives Matter, but advertising still needs to decolonise

Towards a Cloud Native Big Data Platform using MiCADO

Predicting and elucidating the etiology of fatty liver disease: A machine learning modeling and validation study in the IMI DIRECT cohorts

Reconsidering the variable context: A phonological argument for (t) and (d) deletion

The Role of Art in Subverting the “Ungrievability” of Migrant Lives

Applying critical systems thinking to social prescribing: a relational model of stakeholder “buy-in”

Fleshing Out Non-Binary

Building Science Gateways for Analysing Molecular Docking Results Using a Generic Framework and Methodology

Media ownership and the exploitation of media power for corporate self-interest: a case study of News International's coverage of the BBC and OFcom

Excessive iron accumulation mediated oxidative stress and β-cell dysfunction via perturbations of insulin secretion in MIN6 cells

Keynote on ICIM 2020: Quantum models, multi-agents & intelligent systems for business & management and for fighting against COVID-19

Exploring Immersive Technologies in Learning [Special issue]. Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)

Immersive Learning Research Network. Proceedings of 6th International Conference, iLRN 2020, Online, June 21-25, 2020. Immersive Learning Research Network

International law and development: From 'company raj' to global governance via indirect rule

Constructing the Monsoon: Colonial Meteorological Cartography, 1844-1944

Preface for the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM2020) 27-29 March 2020 IEEE

A brief history of free school meals in the UK

More sugar and spice: Revisiting medieval Italian influence on the mercantile lexis of England

The Science of Gossip: Rethinking the Evidence-base for Healthcare Practice

Attitudinal Determinants of diet and lifestyle among African and Caribbean women living in the UK : study design and rationale - Diets of African and Caribbean women

The translaborative case for a translational hermeneutics

On statues and history: The dialogue between past and present in public space

On Random Sampling and Fourier Transform Estimation in Sea Waves Prediction

Tooting Common Heritage Project: Final Evaluation & Completion Report

Litigation on Regulations Rome I and Rome II: Spain

Automated Decision-Making and Article 22 GDPR: Towards a more substantial regime for solely automatic decision-making

Climate, capital, class & crisis

Dietary metabolite profiling brings new insight into the relationship between nutrition and metabolic risk: An IMI Direct study

Ethnic Differences in Body Fat Deposition and Liver Fat Content in Two UK-Based Cohorts

Neuroticism influences informant ratings of other people’s memory performance

A constructive role for social science in the development of automated vehicles

Reversal of beta-Amyloid-Induced Microglial Toxicity In Vitro by Activation of Fpr2/3

Being Negative to be Popular: Style in Online Comments at the Mail Online

Racism and Brexit: notes towards an antiracist populism

Overcoming diverse approaches to vocational education and training to combat climate change - the case of low energy construction in Europe

Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem

Machine Learning Prediction of Susceptibility to Visceral Fat Associated Diseases

Comprehending 3D and 4D ontology-driven conceptual models: An empirical study

Filmi vs the Everyday:Hindi films in the lives of women in an Indian village

How people successfully get in and get on in the UK broadcast television industry: implications for skills policymakers

Evaluating individuals with extreme phenotypes of HIV-1 contributes towards better healthcare management of all HIV-1 positive individuals

DNA damage in paediatric obesity: a promoter and predictor of cancer in adulthood

Data‐driven integration of hippocampal CA1 synaptic physiology in silico

Exploring the Suitability of Semantic Spaces as Word Association Models for the Extraction of Semantic Relationships

Towards a critical theory of communication as renewal and update of Marxist humanism in the age of digital capitalism

Women’s expatriate careers: losing trust in organisational equality and diversity policy implementation?

Introduction: Trans TV dossier, III: Trans TV re-evaluated, part 2

Trans TV dossier, III: Trans TV re-evaluated, part 1

Interrogating Democracy in the Digital Gaze

Science Gateways with Embedded Ontology-based E-learning Support

Industry Simulation Gateway on a Scalable Cloud

The effect of the visual exercise environment on the response to psychological stress: a pilot study

Effectiveness of stress relieving strategies in regulating patterns of cortisol secretion and promoting brain health

Hanging in the balance: Conceptualising doctoral researcher mental health as a dynamic balance across key tensions characterising the PhD experience

The UK Biobank imaging enhancement of 100,000 participants: rationale, data collection, management and future directions

Demographic predictors of wellbeing in Carers of people with psychosis: secondary analysis of trial data

The Prediction of miRNAs in SARS-CoV-2 Genomes: hsa-miR Databases Identify 7 Key miRs Linked to Host Responses and Virus Pathogenicity-Related KEGG Pathways Significant for Comorbidities

Prisoner university partnerships at Westminster

Long-Wellesley & Publicity: The Role of Celebrity in the Public Sphere (1788-1832)

Materialities and corridors: The Chinese diaspora and connected societies

Desiring homeland: The return of the Indonesian Chinese women to Maoist China

侨批研究的力作 国际学术沟通的桥梁: 评《亲爱的中国:1882—1980年的移民书信和汇款》

“Curating the Nomadic: Film and Video at Ambika P3.”

Intuiting a Monsoonal Ethnography in Three Bay of Bengal Cities

Constellations of weathering: Following the meteorological mobilities of Bangla bricks

Bangla Bricks: Making and Unmaking Monsoon Grounds

Lecture capture adds value to attending psychological research methods lectures

Supporting older eyewitnesses’ episodic memory: The Self-Administered Interview and Sketch Reinstatement of Context

Perceived barriers and facilitators to female condoms among UK based healthcare professionals

The sensitivity of GCC firms’ stock returns to exchange rate, interest rate, and oil price volatility

Practice-based (arts and architecture) research

Preface to Manfred Knoche’s Article “Science Communication and Open Access: The Critique of the Political Economy of Capitalist Academic Publishers as Ideology Critique”.

Describing and Processing Topology and Quality of Service Parameters of Applications in the Cloud

Modeling asset returns under time-varying semi-nonparametric distributions

Controlling Insider Dealing Through Criminal Enforcement in China

Kommunikation und Kapitalismus: Eine kritische Theorie

Communication and Capitalism: A Critical Theory

Malawi’s food security: two decades of agriculture’s trends and challenges, new perspectives.

Food sovereignty and agroecology as an alternate agricultural approach: lessons from Malawi

Exploration of parental perceptions and practices concerning sugar/oral health of children

Perceived Pathways to Kwashiorkor or Marasmus in Ameya, Ethiopia

Achieving Global Nutrition Targets, through an increased investment in voice and equity

Symposium on Global Nutrition themes 1B – “Are we there yet?” Are Health systems supporting the achievement of the Global Nutrition Goals?

Food and Mood: Exploring the determinants of food choices and the effects of food consumption on mood among women in Inner London.

WRITING UTOPIA NOW: Utopian Poetics In The Work Of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

Intellectual heritages of post-1990 public sector accounting research: An exploration

The Social Construction of a Concept- Orthorexia Nervosa: Morality Narratives and Psycho-politics

Aviation security by consent using the Controlled Cognitive Engagement (CCE) alternative screening programme

A class act: an interview with Julie Hesmondhalgh on casting, representation and inclusion in British television drama

“Aspirational capital” and transformations in first-generation Alevi-Kurdish parents’ involvement with their children’s education in the UK

Unpacking the 'Singapore New Wave'

Taipei Golden Horse film awards and Singapore cinema: Prestige, privilege and disarticulation

Clay:A Vibrant Matter

Slacklands 2

Fossil and Clay, we and they are Uncommon Ground

Evaluation of WGS-subtyping methods for epidemiological surveillance of foodborne salmonellosis

Migration Beyond Capitalism

"Doctor Who, Family and National Identity"

The Archers, the Radio, Violence against Women and Changing the World at Teatime

Why and how to integrate non-standard linguistic varieties into education: Cypriot Greek in Cyprus and the UK

From village talk to slang: the re-enregisterment of a non-standardised variety in an urban diaspora

Demob Suits: One Uniform for Another? Burtons and the Leeds Multiple Tailors' Production of Men's Demobilization Tailoring after the Second World War

False-positive troponin elevation due to an immunoglobulin-G-cardiac troponin T complex: a case report

Alternative digital journalism in Greece under conditions of austerity

Predictors of likelihood of sharing disinformation on social media 2019-2020

Semantic Data Pre-Processing for Machine Learning Based Bankruptcy Prediction Computational Model

Negotiating Brexit: A Clash of Approaches?

Queering Public Spaces

Social innovation drivers in social enterprises: systematic review

The Changing Narratives of Death, Dying, and HIV in the United Kingdom

Non-Standard and Minority Varieties as Community Languages in the UK: Towards a New Strategy for Language Maintenance

Growing PSM Organically: International Initiatives to Support National Conversations in New Contexts

The "Non-favourite": Neo-tribal Sexualities on Celluloid

Capital punishment: Creating more victims?

The Night and Cultural Benefit : The Case for a Holistic Approach to Licensing

Diversity in the work-life interface: Introduction to the Special Issue

Reading Öcalan as a South Asian Woman

Wars Beyond the Armed Forces: Colonialism and Militarisation of Ethno-national Conflicts in Contemporary South Asia

Machine Learning for Enhancing Dementia Screening in Ageing Deaf Signers of British Sign Language

Contribution of street food to dietary intake of habitual urban consumers: a cross-sectional study in Kampala city, Uganda

Approaching delivery as a service

An Asymmetric Neuro-Fuzzy Model for the Detection of Meat Spoilage

Reviews for Scene 2015-

An Extended NRBF Model for the Detection of Meat Spoilage

Architecture and Faux-nationalism: reflections on a remark made by the British architectural historian Gavin Stamp about the German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Exploring the Role of Organisational Context and Work Flexibility in Perceiving Digital Technology Affordances: A Study of Knowledge Workers

Re-enacting the mobility versus accessibility debate: Moving towards collaborative synergies among experts

Exporting cherries for the cakes: The Charter of Fundamental Rights in domestic courts of the EU’s neighbourhood

Copy-pasting or Negotiating? Post-Brexit Trade Agreements between the UK and non-EU countries

Left Lives in 20th Century Ireland, Vol. 3: Communist Lives

Learning atmospheres: Re-imagining management education through the dérive

Using serious games for learning sign language combining video, enhanced interactivity and VR technology

Post-Translational Protein Deimination Signatures in Serum and Serum-Extracellular Vesicles of Bos taurus Reveal Immune, Anti-Pathogenic, Anti-Viral, Metabolic and Cancer-Related Pathways for Deimination

How do knowledge workers with flexible jobs manage constant connectivity? An affordance perspective

Using emergent strategies to lead effectively

Corporate social responsibility: good for business and your brand

Extreme expatriation: the challenge of newly emerging economies

HDL-apoA-I kinetics in response to 16 weeks exercise training in men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Snacking on whole almonds for 6 weeks improves endothelial function and lowers LDL cholesterol but does not affect liver fat and other cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy adults: the ATTIS study, a randomized controlled trial

Ethnic differences in adiposity and diabetes risk – insights from genetic studies

Automated Measurement of Pancreatic Fat and Iron Concentration Using Multi-Echo and T1-Weghted MRI Data

'To trust or not to trust': The impact of social media influencers on the reputation of corporate brands in crisis

Clinical utility of cardiac troponin measurement in COVID-19 infection

Protein Deimination Signatures in Plasma and Plasma-EVs and Protein Deimination in the Brain Vasculature in a Rat Model of Pre-Motor Parkinson’s Disease

Post-translational Protein Deimination Signatures and Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) in the Atlantic Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus)

The Use of Dietary Supplements Among African and Caribbean Women Living in the UK: A Cross-sectional Study

Charlie and the CryptoFactory: Towards Secure and Trusted Manufacturing Environments

Theory, reality, and possibilities for a digital/communicative socialist network society

Evaluating the impact of multimodal Collaborative Virtual Environments on user’s spatial knowledge and experience of gamified educational tasks

The Coronavirus: Biopolitics and the Rise of ‘Anthropocene Authoritarianism’

Coronavirus and the End of Resilience

Recycling and the Environment: a Comparative Review Between Mineral-based Plastics and Bioplastics

Modification of bacterial cell membrane to accelerate decolorization of textile wastewater effluent using microbial fuel cells: role of gamma radiation

Technical Skills for Students of Architecture

Addressing Ethical Issues in Studying Men’s Traumatic Stress

Dr Manal Mohammed holds public lecture about superbugs at Westminster’s Difference Festival (27 February 2020)

Dr Manal Mohammed for The Conversation about which kinds of sanitisers are most effective against coronavirus

The Assumptions Underlying the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and their Implications

Instrumental Reason

Genome-wide and Mendelian randomisation studies of liver MRI yield insights into the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis

Assessing the Effectiveness of Automated Emotion Recognition in Adults and Children for Clinical Investigation

Unlocking inhibitors to women’s expatriate careers: can job-related training provide a key?

What does successful social prescribing look like? Mapping meaningful outcomes

An Exploration of Relocation Decision-making and Experience: Wellbeing and Chronic Stress Outcomes for Older Under- Occupying Homeowners

The role of causation, effectuation and bricolage in new service development processes

A Priority-based Fair Queuing (PFQ) Model for Wireless Healthcare System

Understanding how and when change occurs in the administrative justice system: the ombudsman/ tribunal partnership as a catalyst for reform?

Alltagsleben und Alltagskommunikation im Coronavirus-Kapitalismus

Everyday Life and Everyday Communication in Coronavirus Capitalism

Stress, the cortisol awakening response and cognitive function

Collaborative Parcels Logistics via the Carrier’s Carrier Operating Model

Servitization 2.0: The Significance of Product and Service Dominant Logics for Public Service Organisations

Demonstration of microRNA using in situ hybridisation on formalin fixed paraffin wax samples using conventional oligonucleotide probes: a comparison with the use of locked nucleic acid probes

UK tourism arrivals and departures: seasonality, persistence and time trends

Social Considerations in the COVID19 Emergency in Italy

Do regional self-employment rates converge in the UK? Empirical evidence using club-clustering algorithm

Hacking Antarctica

The changing nature of labour regulation: the distinctiveness of the National Agreement for the Engineering Construction Industry (NAECI)

Deimination Protein Profiles in Alligator mississippiensis Reveal Plasma and Extracellular Vesicle- specific Signatures Relating to Immunity, Metabolic Function and Gene Regulation

Architecture Without Plans

The worst place on earth to be a woman: violence against Yemeni women in peace and war

Which Way Huawei? ISDS Options for Chinese Investors

Technological advances relevant to transport – understanding what drives them

Owner challenges on major projects: The case of UK government

The end of the beginning: Understanding benefits realisation in transformation projects in the UK government

Unregulated Desires: Anomie, the “Rainbow Underclass” and Second-generation Alevi Kurdish Gangs in London

Tourism and development in Southeast Asia: concluding remarks and future outlook

Researching tourism and development in Southeast Asia: Methodological insights

The tourism-development nexus in Southeast Asia: History and current issues

Mapping tourism, sustainability, and development in Southeast Asia

Tourism and Development in Southeast Asia

Quantifying environmental and financial benefits of using porters and cycle couriers for last-mile parcel delivery

The Role of Differentially Expressed miRNAs and Potential miRNA-mRNA Regulatory Network in Prostate Cancer Progression and Metastasis

Upregulated wnt-11 and mir-21 expression trigger epithelial mesenchymal transition in aggressive prostate cancer cells

The response of corporate investments in the US to oil price changes: the role of asymmetries

Hepcidin secretion was not directly proportional to intracellular iron-loading in recombinant-TfR1 HepG2 cells: short communication

Organised crime, gangs and the complexity of group offending in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr Manal Mohammed for the Daily Mail about whether face masks can help stop the spread of viruses (11 Feburary 2020)

Would you ditch your car if public transport was free? Here’s what researchers have found

Development of Neurofuzzy Architectures for Electricity Price Forecasting

Televised documentary: Interview with extracts from Magic Mirror and Confessions to the Mirror in the documentary 'Masquerades and Games: the Female Artists of Surrealism'

Branching-time logic ECTL# and its tree-style one-pass tableau: Extending fairness expressibility of ECTL+

Becoming Indigenous: The ‘Speculative Turn’ in Anthropology and the (Re)colonization of Indigeneity

Granule Cell Dispersion in Human Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Proteomics investigation of neurodevelopmental migratory pathways

Urban China: The Tortuous Path Towards Sustainability

Stickiness of the Halasina Hannu

Learning Across Institutions – Secretariats (and Secretaries) from the League of Nations to the ECSC High Authority and the EEC Commission

Language learning experiences of postgraduate research students in the UK

The Architecture of Natural Cooling

Scene-Dependency of Spatial Image Quality Metrics

An Analysis of the Service Provider’s Legal Duty to Make Reasonable Adjustments: The Little Mix Saga

Deiminated Proteins and Extracellular Vesicles as Novel Biomarkers in Pinnipeds: Grey seal (Halichoerus gryptus) and Harbour seal (Phoca vitulina)

Peptidylarginine Deiminase Isozyme-Specific PAD2, PAD3 and PAD4 Inhibitors Differentially Modulate Extracellular Vesicle Signatures and Cell Invasion in Two Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Lines

Design and evaluation of a biologically-inspired cloud elasticity framework

Doctor Watson Architects: Incomplete Works Volume One

‘We believe in every child as an individual’: Nursery School head teachers’ understandings of ‘quality’ in early years education

Intervention in XIXth century international law and the distinction between rebellions, insurrections and civil wars

Amid the debris: ruins of underdevelopment in contemporary Brazilian documentary

An Extraordinary Duckling B2B Magazines as Information and Networking Tools for Professionals

Tacit Knowledge and Creative Possibility

Making demand side response happen: a review of barriers in commercial and public organisations

A mixed methods evaluation of an individualised yoga therapy intervention for rheumatoid arthritis: Pilot study

Deiminated proteins and extracellular vesicles - Novel serum biomarkers in whales and orca

Politics, The Regulatory Environment and HRM

Monsoon [+ other] Grounds

The Plural Society: Labour and the Commonwealth Idea 1900-1964

Oil price changes and industrial output in the MENA region: Nonlinearities and asymmetries

Novel anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective effects of the human melanocortin MC1 receptor agonist BMS-470539 dihydrochloride and human melanocortin MC3 receptor agonist PG-990 on lipopolysaccharide activated chondrocytes

A tale of two cinnamons: A comparative review of the clinical evidence of Cinnamomum verum and C. cassia as diabetes interventions

The role of physical activity in metabolic homeostasis before and after the onset of type 2 diabetes: an IMI DIRECT study

The effects of investor emotions sentiments on crude oil returns: A time and frequency dynamics analysis

Transport and Deregulation

Servitization 2.0: The significance of product and service dominant logics for public service organisations

"I wouldn't delve into it too much": public concerns (or not) about the UK food supply system

The “broken escalator” phenomenon: Vestibular dizziness interferes with locomotor adaptation

Salivary cortisol as a non-invasive window on the brain

Psychological stress reactivity and future health and disease outcomes: A systematic review of prospective evidence

Alternative Responses to Presidential Tweets on Elections in Africa: A New Counter Power?

The Changing Face of Election Campaigning in Africa

FIR Filtering of Discontinuous Signals: A Random-Stratified Sampling Approach

The Conversation (Manal Mohammed & Andrew Millard): Antibiotic resistance: Scientists are reengineering viruses to cure bacterial infections

High omega arachidonic acid/docosahexaenoic acid ratio induces mitochondrial dysfunction and altered lipid metabolism in human hepatoma cells

Mapping Crisis: Participation, Datafication, and Humanitarianism in the Age of Digital Mapping

The right to the city: Evaluating the changing role of community participation in urban planning in England

Live Project: Understanding the Design Process from Project Brief to Post Occupancy Evaluation

The Witness-Aimed First Account (WAFA): A new technique for interviewing autistic witnesses and victims

A network analysis to identify mediators of germline-driven differences in breast cancer prognosis

Reproduced, reinterpreted, lost: Trajectories of scientific knowledge across contexts

Night Matters—Why the Interdisciplinary Field of “Night Studies” Is Needed

Accountability, Denial and the Future - Proofing of British Torture

Could sleeper trains replace international air travel?

The role of hormones in financial markets

The Treatment

The City of Collective Melancholy: Revisiting Pamuk’s Istanbul

Berberine for prevention of dementia associated with diabetes and its comorbidities: A systematic review

Menu engineering to encourage sustainable food choices when dining out: An online trial of priced-based decoys

Acceptability of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled chatbots, video consultations and live webchats as online platforms for sexual health advice

Yoga practice in the UK: a cross- sectional survey of motivation, health benefits and behaviours

Design methodology for 360° immersive video applications: the case study of a cultural heritage virtual tour

Soft Power to Whom? A Critical Analysis of the Publicity Film “CPC (Communist Party of China) is With You Along the Way” in Relation to China’s Soft Power Project

Innovation Institution and Spatial Transfer of Energy Industry: The Case of Jiangsu Province, China

Parliamentary Influence Ten Years after Lisbon: EU Trade Negotiations with Japan

The Utopian Internet, Computing, Communication, and Concrete Utopias: Reading William Morris, Peter Kropotkin, Ursula K. Le Guin, and P.M. in the Light of Digital Socialism

Communicative Socialism/Digital Socialism

Communicative Socialism/Digital Socialism (Special issue)

Marxism: Karl Marx's Fifteen Key Concepts for Cultural and Communication Studies

What is Food? Researching a Topic with Many Meanings

The Tourist Experience of Heritage Urban Spaces: Valletta as a Case Study

Regimes of Temporality: China, Tibet and the Politics of Time in the Post-2008 Era

Sexualized Video Games, Sexist Attitudes and Empathy Toward Victims of Rape: Correlational Evidence for a Relationship Is Minimal in an Online Study

Building better relationships: Developing critically reflective practice when working preventatively with domestic violence and abuse

People analytics data – its value to HR professionals

Data analytics: building a data driven culture

Transport, Social Equity and Capabilities in East Beijing

The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible

Acts of Judgment and the Small Press: Learning from F.R. Leavis

Protein Deimination and Extracellular Vesicle Profiles in Antarctic Seabirds

The Politics of Exhaustion: Immigration Control in the British-French Border Zone

Natural outdoor environment, neighbourhood social cohesion and mental health: Using multilevel structural equation modelling, streetscape and remote-sensing metrics

Sharq al-Adna: British Covert Radio and the Development of Arab Broadcasting

Plasma mEV levels in Ghanain malaria patients with low parasitaemia are higher than those of healthy controls, raising the potential for parasite markers in mEVs as diagnostic targets

Sustainable business models: integrating employees, customers and technology

Changes in socioeconomic inequality in access to study abroad programs: a cross-country analysis

Career cooperation, coordination, compatibility and co-working: how female expatriates mobilise dual-career strategies

Carbohydrate intake and ketosis in self-sufficient multi-stage ultramarathon runners

A well-founded fear of being persecuted ... but when?

London governance and the politics of neighbourhood planning: a case for investigation

Service quality and customer satisfaction: The moderating effects of hotel star rating

Application Performance of Physical System Simulations

The Ways of Making, Dissemination and Reception Have Changed, So What Should We Do About It?

Distortion, illusion and transformation: the evolution of Dazzle Painting, a camouflage system to protect Allied shipping from Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, 1917–1918

Domestic Violence and Child Participation: Contemporary Challenge for the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention

The Social and Local Dimensions of Governance of Energy Poverty: Adaptive Responses to State Remoteness

Erich Fromm and the Critical Theory of Communication

The Ethics of the Digital Commons

The Rise of Data-Driven Governance

Impulsiveness or self-protection? Exploring individual perceptions, family and school strains related to why adolescents run away from home in China

The accessible museum: towards an understanding of international museum audio description practices

Book Review: Cyber Espionage and International Law (2018) by Russell Buchan

Noise Power Spectrum Scene-Dependency in Simulated Image Capture Systems

Camera System Performance Derived from Natural Scenes

Studies on the effect of MegaPixel sensor resolution on displayed image quality and relevant metrics

Flight and passenger efficiency-fairness trade-off for ATFM delay assignment

Determinants of consumers’ intentions to share knowledge and intentions to purchase on s-commerce sites: incorporating attitudes toward persuasion attempts into a social exchange model

‘Momma bear wants to protect’: Vicarious parenting in practitioners working with disturbed and traumatised children

Medicinal plant analysis: A historical and regional discussion of Chinese publication trends and emergent complex techniques

Constructing women's "different voice": Gendered mediation in the 2015 UK General Election

Emerging citizen contributions, roles and interactions with public authorities in Dutch pluvial flood risk management

How does the design of the Byers’ home in Stranger Things (2016-2019 Netflix) reflect notions of nostalgia for a particular space in time?

How community-based social enterprises struggle with representation and accountability

Managing complaints: Focusing on users and non-users of the system

Radio Modernisms: Features, Cultures and the BBC

Non-coercive human intelligence gathering

Planning the 2015 Chennai Floods

Sedimentary logics and the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh

Greer's 'bad sex' and the future of consent


Technocrats of the Imagination: Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde

Extracellular Vesicles, Deiminated Protein Cargo and microRNAs are Novel Serum Biomarkers for Environmental Rearing Temperature in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua L.)

Women, Language and Politics

Deiminated Proteins in Extracellular Vesicles and Serum of Llama (Lama glama) - Novel Insights into Camelid Immunity

Airline schedule and network competitiveness: A consumer-centric approach for business travel

Atmosphere in Participatory Design

Language attitudes and religion: Kurdish Alevis in the UK

Of Particle Systems and Picturesque Ontologies: Landscape, Nature and Realism in Video Games

Jacques Rancière

Photography as Critical Practice: Notes on Otherness

Enhancing the legitimacy of offices for future generations: the case for public participation

Airport Competition with the Scottish Lowlands Region

The impact of audit quality in rights offerings

Lack of Consensus Among Scholars on the Issue of Video Game “Addiction”

Visualising urban gentrification and displacement in Greater London

Gamification and online consumer decisions: Is the game over?

The Burkina Faso: Côte d’Ivoire Migration Corridor

(M)othering and the politics of early intervention

Contact and sociolinguistic variation

Exploratory analyses of crime-scene characteristics in cyber-related homicides

Securitising education: An exploration of teachers’ attitudes and experiences regarding the implementation of the Prevent duty in sixth form colleges

Exploration of crime‐scene characteristics in juvenile homicide in the French‐speaking part of Belgium

Steering, knowledge and the challenge of governance evaluation: the case of National Health Service governance and reform in England

The city inhabits me: space, topology, and Gabriele Basilico’s Milan: Ritratti di Fabbriche

Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness and Disorientation in vehicles

Parallax, a story in two parts

How Does the Design of the Prison in Paddington 2 (2017) Convey Character, Story and Visual Concept?

Participation as a Framework for Analysing Consumers’ Experiences of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

From the Proliferation of the Photographic to the Nullification of Truth: Personal and Commercial Narratives of Travel in Britain, 1890s-1930s

Helping parents to help children overcome fear: The influence of a short video tutorial

Institutional metamorphosis

Language Experience Impacts Brain Activation for Spoken and Signed Language in Infancy: Insights From Unimodal and Bimodal Bilinguals

Strategic Alliances and Firm Performance in Startups with a Social Mission

Flags of convenience? Sport & nationality at the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Police officers’ and Registered Intermediaries’ use of drawing during investigative interviews with vulnerable witnesses

Security through societal resilience: Contemporary challenges in the Anthropocene

Britain, the common agricultural policy and the challenges of membership in the European Community: a political balancing act

The Crown and Conservative Party Leadership: The Political Crisis of 1963 in Britain

‘A Dynamic Attitude of the Gaze’: Gabriele Basilico’s Sense of Vertical Space

Managing Religion and Difference: Ancient Constitutionalism in the Theravāda Buddhist Tradition and the Transformative Impact of the Modernist and Post-Colonial Turn

Communicating Fashion Brands: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives

Experimental Film

‘Maiden, whom we never see’ : cultural representations of the ‘lady telephonist’ in Britain, c.1880-1930, and institutional responses

Designing Democratic Innovations as Deliberative Systems: The Ambitious Case of NHS Citizen

Live Democracy and Its Tensions: Making Sense of Livestreaming in the 15M and Occupy

The role of brand equity and crisis type on corporate brand alliances in crises

Correcting for non-participation bias in health surveys using record-linkage, synthetic observations and pattern mixture modelling

Better housing for London: how on earth did we pull that off?

Carol White: The Bardot of Battersea

Nordic Visions of a Classical World (1901 – 1966)

Drawing from Grotowski and Beyond: Kuo Pao Kun’s Discourse on Audiences in Singapore in the 1980s

The beginning of a beautiful relationship: A case study on an immersive filmmaking process

The Relevance of the Concept of Due Diligence for International Humanitarian Law

Changing Technologies of Music Distribution

High dose Nitrate ingestion does not improve 40 km cycling time trial performance in trained cyclists

Communism in Cold War Belfast, 1945-62

Can board environmental orientation improve U.S. firms' carbon performance? The mediating role of carbon strategy

Accounting for the hostel for ‘coloured colonial seamen’ in London’s East End

On Photographs

Ambivalent heritage: the im/possibility of museumifying the Overseas Chinese in South China

‘Time for all of us to Walk into the Sunshine Together’: Glee, the same-sex wedding spectacle and the imagining of queer futures

Lesbians On Television: New Queer Visibility and The Lesbian Normal

The health impact of nature exposure and green exercise across the life course: a pilot study

A Few People, a Brief Moment in Time: Architectural Education Experiments 1987-91

Peptidylarginine Deiminase Inhibition Abolishes the Production of Large Extracellular Vesicles From Giardia intestinalis, Affecting Host-Pathogen Interactions by Hindering Adhesion to Host Cells

‘The own’ and ‘the wise’ as social support for older people living with HIV in the United Kingdom

"Fitting in" vs "standing out": How Social Enterprises Engage with Stakeholders to Legitimise their Hybrid Position

A gaming simulation approach to understanding blue ocean strategy development as a transition from traditional competitive strategy

On the Theopolitics of Sovereignty: Carl Schmitt and the theopolitics of global orders

(M)othering and the politics of early intervention: biologisation and the reproduction of gendered, classed and raced inequalities

Parallels and ruptures in the neoliberal intensive parenting regime

Genealogies of Immersive Media and Virtual Reality (VR) as Practical Aesthetic Machines

“This Is Radio Clash”: First-Generation Punk as Radical Media Ecology and Communicational Noise

Islam and Resistance in the Middle East: A Methodology of Muslim Struggle and the Impact on Women

The Spiral Economy: a Socially Progressive Circular Economy Model?

Language, Religion and Ethno-National Identity: The Role of Knowledge, Culture and Communication

The Challenges of Enlargement and GATT Trade Negotiations: Explaining the Resilience of the European Community’s Common Agricultural Policy in the 1970s

Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes.

‘Corporate image at stake’: The impact of crises and response strategies on consumer perceptions of corporate brand alliances

Forum: Complex Systems and International Governance

Making a Difference: Toward a Feminist Democratic Theory in the Digital Age

Improving Financial Inclusion through the Delivery of Cash Transfer Programmes: The Case of Mexico’s Progresa-Oportunidades-Prospera Programme

Transcultural body spaces: re-inventing and performing headwrap practice among young Congolese women in London

How intensity of cause-related marketing guilt appeals influences consumers: The roles of company motive and consumer identification with the brand

Review Essay: Biopolitics 2.0 – Reclaiming the Power of Life in the Anthropocene

Disability in higher education: do reasonable adjustments contribute to an inclusive curriculum?

Guided graded exercise self-help for chronic fatigue syndrome: Patient experiences and perceptions

Diaspora as Frame: How the notion has reshaped migration studies

The Time Capsule and the Cut Up: Negotiating Temporality, Anticipating Catastrophe

Applying FCM to Predict the Behaviour of Loyal Customers in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry

Islands of relationality and resilience: the shifting stakes of the Anthropocene

Media practices

World Social Forum

Engendering Cities: Designing Sustainable Urban Spaces for All

The Touch of Iconoclasm

Exploring the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: An instrumental variable approach

She’s Everything That’s Unpardonable: Hema Malini, Dream Girl on a Motorbike

External Dimensions of the Common Agricultural Policy: From Developed to Developing Countries

Conducting Effective Research into State Complicity in Human Rights Abuses

Women in the Frame: Feminist Intimacies on the British Screen

Ali Smith

Should We Believe? The Fictional, The Virtual and the Real in the Contemporary Novel

The role of ombuds - a comparative perspective

The Development, Preservation and Loss of Differential Case Marking in Inner Asia Minor Greek

Champs de bataille: expériences et imaginaires

Safeguarding Across the Life Span

Stitching, Healing and Empowering: Interrogating the Garden as a Space of Reclamation, Occupied Palestine

UNOVIS to Bauhaus: Malevich's Theory of Education

Doctor Watson Architects: The Architecture School

Patterns in nature - the true art of microscopy

Architectures of Nothing: Aldo Rossi & Raymond Roussel

Travelling Companions

2021 Venice Architecture Biennale - Three British Mosques/Assembly

Seminar: What or Who is Your Travelling Companion?

ppF: sensation of a person in space/Chry&Co

Improvisation Demonstration Number 1

Tell Me The Story of All These Things

Frankfurt Screening: Confessions to the Mirror


The influence of culture and cultural differences in business-crisis-management





Simulating A Complex Oscillator - Patching Techniques and Walkthrough - Proof of Concept





Modular Synth as Lab - Complexity and the Single Oscillator



Jersey Premiere Screening of Confessions to the Mirror


Jamaat at Old Kent Road Mosque (2019-20)

Corona Blessings

‘A small, fierce being’: Jon Silkin, Isaac Rosenberg, and the definition of the Anglo-Jewish poet

Fabrication Lab Dispositif: A new model for a specialist lab and centre for knowledge generation and exchange

DS2_6 Heritage to Helios: Six Projects, Hannah Ismail, Jason (Chan) Lai, Amber Collinson, Joe Robinson, Yuen-Wah Williams, Will Pope

The influence of women on national culture

Symbolic Violence (Critical Theory)

Not From Round Here

Music for a Non-Comported Reality Project

Residency at Kunstland, Norway


Corona Haikus

Sonic Recursion - Sound Based Music

Skyline Melody - Modular Synthesiser Proof of Concept

Confessions to the Mirror Staged in an Exhibition

Followers, 2020

Virtual Exiles (2000) and Mooove[s] (2020)

Drama Out of a Crisis: A Celebration of Play for Today

SMARTEST - knowledge and learning repository

Rituals of Architecture: Using Ecosystems as Co-Designers

An Atlas of Chronographic Things - (Time Machines - Part 1)

Corona Haikus

Jamaat at Harrow Mosque (2020)