'A Collection of Small Choices'
Timothy J. White (ed.), Lessons from the Northern Ireland Peace Process (review)
Monsoon Assemblages: Chennai Fieldwork Log, December 2016 & July – August 2017
Monsoon Assemblages: Chennai Fieldwork Log, November 2015 & July – August 2017
Monsoon Assemblages: Dhaka Student Field Trip Report, November 2017
Monsoon Assemblages: Chennai Field Trip Report, July – August 2017
Orchestrating federated clouds by occopus
Cloud agnostic orchestration for big data research platforms
Computing Extremely Large Values of the Riemann Zeta Function
An architecture proposal for V2X communication-centric traffic light controller systems
Education and Training of Armed Forces in the Age of High-Tech Hostilities
Authorship, “Ghost-filled” Islands, and the Haunting Feminine: Contemporary Scottish Female Gothic’
Shariah Law and Trademark Protection in the GCC Member States
Tramp Directories, Noms-de Road, and Unwritten Codes
Dialogue as Poetic Imagination in the Way of Tea
James VanDerZee’s New Negro vision
All Adventurous Women Sing: Articulating the Feminine Through the Music of Girls
O30 Natural compounds affecting neutrophil migration
Book review: Sustainable Futures for Music Cultures: An Ecological Perspective
Do performance musicians need acoustic education?
CD Review: The Songs Back Home: The Mission Songs Project
Is there a safe period for stem cell transplantation post-chemotherapy conditioning?
The Rome II Regulation in Italian and Other National Courts
IAQ and thermal comfort within a near EnerPhit retrofit of a historic house
Complementing retrofit with engagement: exploring energy consumption with social housing tenants
The nonlinear analysis of an innovative slit reinforced concrete water tower in seismic regions
Terbinafine is a novel and selective activator of the two-pore domain potassium channel TASK3
Quality of Life in prison, Well-being, and Innovation
Enhanced inflammatory cell profiles in schistosomiasis-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling
TASK-1 (KCNK3) channels in the lung: from cell biology to clinical implications
Book review: New points of view on audiovisual translation and media accessibility
An introduction to audio description: a practical guide
Being a Neural Stem Cell: A Matter of Character But Defined by the Microenvironment
UK Biobank Study of Liver Iron Overload Shows Variable Penetrance of Different Genotypes
Non-invasive stratification of fatty liver disease with high-throughput multiparametric MRI
Critical IR & the Sovereignty of Sovereignty
Working Holiday: Labour and Leisure in Trap Rap
Down With Childhood: Pop Music and the Crisis of Innocence
The Extraordinary Tale of Kate Marsden
The fully-functioning university and its contribution to society
Marketing 4.0: Enhancing Consumer-Brand Engagement through Big Data Analysis
A conjectural extension of hecke's converse theorem
Fashion Resource Book: Men [China Textile Press]
Fashion Resource Book [China Textile Press - China]
The Accuracy of Wrist-worn Heart Rate Monitors across a Range of Exercise Intensities
Energy Balance During a Self-Sufficient, Multistage Ultramarathon
Materiality of Memory: The Case of the Remembrance Poppy
Connecting dots: Family reminiscence
Authenticity, validation and sexualisation on Grindr: an analysis of trans women’s accounts
Role of BIM in Deep Retrofitting in the UK Social Housing Sector
British Quaker Women’s abandonment of Plain Quaker attire, 1860-1914
Conference Review: From Quakers to Cowboys
Framework Design for Implementation of Secured TPM on E-commerce
Automorphicity and mean-periodicity
Convertibility Evaluation of Automated Assembly System Designs for High Variety Production
Fan Works and the Law: Genre, Distribution, Reproduction
Written evidence for Parliament: “Mental health in schools.”
Current insights into LMNA cardiomyopathies: Existing models and missing LINCs.
O30 Natural compounds affecting neutrophil migration
Big MRI data dissemination and retrieval in a multi-cloud hospital storage system
Orchestration of Network Services across multiple operators: The 5G Exchange prototype
Option implied beta and option return
System architecture of Intelligent Monitoring in multi-domain orchestration
A multi-operator network service orchestration prototype: The 5G exchange
Pathology-MRI correlations in diffuse low-grade epilepsy associated tumors
Contact with the Polish Avant-garde Guaranteed: Modes of Exchange in the Workshop of the Film Form
A Peculiar Apparatus: Spectres of the Penal Colony
The Production and Consumption of Music in the Digital Age
Rethinking luxury through the handmade
Innovation paradoxes: a review and typology of explanations
Bandwidth Allocation with Fairness in Multipath Networks
Priced-Based Fair Bandwidth Allocation for Networked Multimedia
University of Westminster Research Data Management Policy
Brain parcellation based on information theory
The importance of exercise psychology in professional cricket
Soho: The Heart of Bohemian London
Investigation of Adoption of the Apprenticeship Framework in the Agricultural Sector in England
Investigating Stakeholder Perceptions of ISO Management Systems in the UK Agricultural Sector
E-learning Solutions for a Changing Global Market. An Analysis of Two Comparative Case Studies
Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema
Training set edition using Rough Set Theory for Semi-supervised Classification
BioCIDER: a Contextualisation InDEx for biological Resources discovery
Septins restrict inflammation and protect zebrafish larvae from Shigella infection
Modeling Infectious Diseases in the Context of a Developing Immune System
Servitization and the wider services communities: A bibliometric study
Perception of Preparedness for Clinical Work Among New Residents: A Cross-sectional Study from Oman
Influence of Eysenckian Personality Traits in Choice of Specialization by Young Omani Doctors
Public perception of mental illness in Oman: a cross sectional study
A literature review on the privatisation of public space
Heritage and time: mapping what is not there
Values in urban design: A design studio teaching approach
Equitable transport provision for night-time workers in 24-hour London
Design Studio 18 Broadsheet 2017
Portable Rootedness and Other Contradictions
The Diary of Archie the Alpaca
‘Oyster’ By Michael Pedersen, With Illustrations By Scott Hutchison
Probation, Risk and the Power of the Media
Pervasive punishment: Experiencing supervision
Robert Louis Stevenson: An Anthology Selected by Adolfo Bioy Casares and Jorge Luis Borges
Consumer Buying Behaviour for Telecommunication Bundles
Managing IT Projects: Exploring the Leadership approach in Virtual Project Environments
Cajamarca’s rejection of mining in Colombia was also a victory for social media and social mapping
Book Review: Surveillance after Snowden
SOSTA: An effective model for the Simultaneous Optimisation of airport SloT Allocation
Reducing ATFM delays through strategic flight planning
"Lars von Trier’s Women, edited by Rex Butler and David Denny.”
An unfinished mourning: Kenneth Lonergan’s Manchester by the Sea (2016)
Catholicism in Italian cinema in the age of ‘the new secularisation’ (1958-1978)
Building Energy Management Systems
Planning and Design Scenarios for Liveable Cities
Introduction: Psychoanalysis and the photographer
"De/facing Race: Towards a Model for a Universal World Comics"
Early Anglo-Italian contact: new loanword evidence from two mercantile sources, 1440–1451
Developing a ‘global south’ perspective of street children’s involvement in organised crime
A “Responsibility” or “Duty” to Protect? Politics and the Enforcement of International Law
Still Banned After All These Years- Retracing the Journey of Cavani’s ‘Revolutionary’ Galileo (1968)
Sonic Oppression and Resistance: Voices of Rio’s Favelas in the Buildup to the Olympics.
How Donald Trump could be removed from office under the US Constitution
Investigating the interdependencies of factors affecting virtual project environments
Exploring the Critical Success Factors of Virtual-Agile IT Projects: A Grounded Theory Study
Efficient Option Risk Measurement With Reduced Model Risk
"Democracy" (pp. 59-61) and "Identity Cards" (pp. 139-141)
Kashmir: The communalisation of a political dispute
“We want freedom” ~ Kashmir, a photo essay
Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons
Asia’s materialists: Reconciling collectivism and materialism
Brand addiction: Conceptualization and scale development
Fermentable carbohydrate stimulates FFAR2-dependent colonic PYY cell expansion to increase satiety
Science and Principles of Biodegradable and Bioresorbable Medical Polymers
Digital Technology and Marketing Management Capability: Achieving Growth in SMEs
The Concept of Establishment and Data Protection Law: Rethinking Establishment
The University of Westminster menswear archive: developing a new resource
Willkommen! 2 German Intermediate Course, Coursebook
Dracula and the Late Victorian Gothic Revival
Personal branding: 'Encoding a personal brand through semiotics: a case study'
Libya and Europe: imperialism, crisis and migration
Uganda: The Role of the Informal Economy in City Growth: Policy Brief for Decision Makers
Reviews: The Nose, The Red Shoes, Les Enfants Terrible
Two Poems - 'Sorry' and 'Ten Thousand'
Peacebuilding: The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1997-2017
Disruption, temporality, law: the future of law and society scholarship?
The Enduring Gift of Geoffrey Hill
Troubling an Unjust Present: Kareem Mortimer’s Filmmaking ambition for The Bahamas
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Child Maltreatment Among Migrant Families in China
Mastaans and the Market for Social Protection: Exploring Mafia Groups in Dhaka, Bangladesh
The sharing of ballistics data across Europe and neighboring territories
Ticket Master State of Play Grime Report
The Effects of Compression-Garment Pressure on Recovery After Strenuous Exercise
Cardiac troponins: from myocardial infarction to chronic disease
Heart Fatty Acid Binding Protein for the Diagnosis of Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction
Social Condensation in the Metropole: Locating the First New Left
Barriers to disseminating brief CBT for voices from a lived experience and clinician perspective
Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2016-2017
Performance of public sector information systems projects: The case of UK central government
Legacy infrastructure and transformation programmes
Realising benefits from UK government ICT projects
Developing a risk breakdown structure for managing UK government projects and programmes
The performance of government transformation projects
Digital practice misfits: Beyond IT artifacts
Domestic context of Chinese media’s globalization
After Indenture: Three Photo Stories Roshini Kempadoo; Sharlene Khan; Wendy Nanan
Is our national press a fading dinosaur? Don’t bank on it
Media plurality, the Fox-Sky bid, and the case for referral to Ofcom
Murdoch has had too many favours
Challenging negative perceptions of everyday leisure spaces in a superdiverse neighbourhood
The Lack of “Responsibility” in the Responsibility to Protect
Questioning the Turn Towards the “Responsibility to Prevent”
Denial, Fatalism, and the Protection of Human Rights
“Why is it that we keep failing?”’: The Responsibility to Protect as a Hollow Norm
Protecting Human Rights in the 21st Century
Parameters of high quality mixes: EQ and spectral clarity
Parameters of high quality mixes: EQ and spectral clarity
Creativity, Collaboration and Workflow in Ableton
Why the music we love as teenagers stays with us for life
How to respond psychologically to terror attacks
How reliable are our memories?
Dazzle Camouflage, War and Space
Dazzle Camouflage: War and Space
Leadership as Practice and a Meta-Profession: Conceptual Propositions
"He stole our translation”: translation reviews and the construction of Marxist discourse
Visual perception of nature scenes within urban environment
Singapore, the renewal of landscape typologies in HDB public housing neighbourhoods
Louis I. Kahn and Richard Kelly: collaborative design in creation of the luminous environment
The Gardener Architect: designing with the emergent natures of places
Contemplation in Leadership and Leadership Development
DLO Examples Today: Wakefield District Housing and Glasgow City Council
Sexualisation, or the queer feminist provocations of Miley Cyrus
Lesbian brides: post-queer popular culture
Monetary Policy and the Banking Sector in South Africa
LEEP Field Trial Implementation Report
Understanding capabilities, functionings and travel in high and low income neighbourhoods in Manila
Transport emissions in Beijing: A scenario planning approach
Circulations and Co-operations: Art, Feminism and film in 1960s and 1970s London
What influences quality of life in older people living with HIV?
Novel nanotechnology approaches to improve human nutrition and health
Fair assessment to enhance students’ learning: a beginner’s guide
Early Anglo-Italian contact: New loanword evidence from two mercantile sources, 1440-1451
An Exploration of the Non-Linear History of Immersive Media
Towards a Genealogy of Audiovision: From Expanded Cinemas to Virtual Reality
Using Research to Improve Outcomes for Abducted Children, Global Future Directions Report
Book Review: Religion, Law and the Constitution by Hall and Garcia Oliva
Can Music Make You Sick? Mental Health and Working Conditions in the UK Music Industry
Can I get a witness? the impact of contracting in the music ecosphere
New speakers: Challenges and opportunities for variationist sociolinguistics
Public Transport: its Planning, Management and Operation. 6th edition
The Life of a Dance: Double Take, Part II
Untitled ("Alexia Chevrollier est une historienne de l'insignifiant...")
The Politics of Post Modernism
Innovators intent: role of IT in facilitating innovative knowledge practices in social enterprises
Physiological responses to prolonged saturation diving: a field based pilot study
Astaxanthin in Exercise Metabolism, Performance and Recovery: A Review
Personal branding: ‘Encoding a personal brand through semiotics: a case study’
The global mobility agenda: current trends and looking ahead
Group moves: managing strategic choices
Innovation – The relocation perspective
Family support: Policy implications for domestic and international moves
Group moves: Raising engagement in mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures’
Peripheral Alternatives: Media and Tibetan Nationalism in the Chinese Tibetosphere
The Use of Integrated Design to Deliver the Energy Efficiency in Buildings at Least Cost
How assignment types affect women’s organizationally-assigned expatriation decisions
Identifying Variation in Learner Outcomes by Further Education Provider
Strengths-based performance conversations: an organisational field trial
Barriers and Drivers of Diversity: Analysis of 10 years of the BSN Diversity Survey Sample of Firms
Profiles and practices of people with food hypersensitivities
An automated panel for assessing pro-oxidant and antioxidant status in human serum
The Effect of Instruction on L2 Writing in Chinese: A T-unit analysis
2017 – ein Jahr der Proteste in Belarus [2017 - a year of protests in Belarus]
Sustainable Prosperity and Democracy: A Research Agenda
Educating for Professional Life: Twenty-five Years of the University of Westminster
Taming Contingency: Photography at the Crossroads between Collections, Archives and Atlases
Biomarkers in Liver Disease (Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications)
Biomarkers in Bone Disease (Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications)
Diet, Nutrition, and Fetal Programming (Nutrition and Health)
Nutrition and Diet in Maternal Diabetes: An Evidence-Based Approach (Nutrition and Health)
The effect of silymarin on chondrocytes
Listening to the Elders as Keepers of the Water (expanded version)
Listening to the Elders at the Keepers of the Water Gathering
Mechanisms into the development of fatty liver disease: role of free fatty acids and alcohol
Innovation in Learning Environments and the OECD LEEP Project
Creating Effective Learning Environments: International Experience
Reimagining Learning Space: A Global Perspective
The Arabic Flipped Classroom: Creativity, Challenges and Opportunities
Flipped Arabic Language Classes: The Learner's Perspective
"They brought you back to the fact you're not the same": Sense of self after traumatic brain injury
Sport and the Brain: The Science of Preparing, Enduring and Winning, Part B
Sport and the Brain: The Science of Preparing, Enduring and Winning, Part A
Towards a just future of Islamic finance: from a new historical comparative east-west perspective
Study on Street Revilisation based on Tactical Urbanism (택티컬 어바니즘 기반의 가로활성화 방안 연구)
The Role of Community Anchor Organisations and their meaning in the UK (영국의 공동체 앵커 조직의 역할과 의미)
The writer’s calling is now, increasingly, an unremunerated one
Pitch & Putt: The VIDA Survey of Gender Parity in Literary Periodicals
Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates and their application for coronary stent development
The press, national elections, and the politics of belonging in Nigeria
Exploring nutritional therapy practitioner perspectives on working with people affected by cancer
Artificial Intelligence in Legal Services: the boundary between disruption and evolution
Democratisation, mass media and the anti-corruption drive in Africa: the case of Nigeria, 1999-2015
Metabolic Suburbs, or the Virtue of Low Densities
Brave Old World: Modernist public space design in London and São Paulo
Reversal of β-amyloid induced microglial activation by an agonist of Fpr2
Fpr2: a novel drug target to tackle oxidative stress and inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease
Symposium on psychological well-being of students: A brief summary
FAB FEST ’17 - International Fabrication Festival
MARS Habitation Project at FAB FEST’17
Kalla: Robotics and Advanced Composites in Architecture
Taking Place 8: Interstitial Breakfast
Film of the Making of FAB FEST
FAB FEST – International Fabrication Festival
Architecture, Festival and the City Exhibition: Exploration of Pop-Up City
FAB FEST: The Fabrication and Exploration of a Pop-up City
Vista D2.1 Supporting Data for Business and Regulatory Scenarios Report
Vista D6.2 - Stakeholder Consultation on Business and Regulatory Scenarios
DATASET2050 D5.2 - Assessment execution
DATASET2050 D5.1 - Mobility assessment
Managing dwell times – a key challenge for the D2D target
A Considered Public Voice on Brexit: The Report of the Citizens' Assembly on Brexit
Training and employee mobility in the British private and public sectors
Que(e)rying the Gay-Friendly Organization: A Multi-Sited Ethnography of LGBT Role Models
Design Studio: A Community of Practitioners?
Jakarta as Method: Shopping Malls, Streets, and Mosques
Culture Influence on Managerial Discretion and the Implications for National Competitiveness
Reports on Payments to Governments: A critical review of early developments and experiences
Reports on Payments to Governments: A report on early developments and experiences
Strata: A Geophotographic Fiction
Facebook Idio-Culture: How Personalisation Puts the Me in Social Media
Nerve tissue engineering using blends of Polyhydroxyalkanoates
Moderations among Salafists & Jihadists
Reflections on the revival of the Chinese Canon
Of Value, Tautologies and Disconnects: A Temporal Approach to Revitalizing Resource-Based Theory
The impact of conditional higher moments on risk management: The case of the tanker freight market
Get your stories straight - A comparative analysis of organisational stories and brand narratives
Doctor Watson Architects: Corviale, Collection
A review of minimum U-values for Lebanon and the associated effect of Internal gains
What heavy weight buildings in hot climates can tell us about their thermal performance
A Human Rights-Based Approach in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Europe and the Maghreb
Revisiting E-topia: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings on Online Anonymity
The Earth is Flat and Square: Yves Klein’s Paintings of Thunderclouds
Which opportunities do local governments have to support smart purchasing and clean urban logistics?
Growing Consolidation and Electric Vehicle Solutions in Urban Logistics
Fashion Photography: The Story in 180 Pictures
Integrated Filter Antennas for Wireless Transceivers
Heroines, Anti-Heroines and New Women: The Early Drama of Michael Field, 1884-1895
Dairying history and the evolution of lactase persistence
Discussion panel guest at the screening of Helen Knowles' film 'The Trial of SuperdebtThunderbot’
Business and Human Rights Research Methods Special Track, Co-chair and Panel Organizer
The Corporate Form and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Socio-Legal Astigmatic Perspective
The LAW of Unintended Consequences: Between Disruptive Technologies and Enhanced Learning
Interdisciplinarity and Methods in Business and Human Rights Research
La maniera di Suzhou: innovazione urbana e continuità urbano-rurale
Cyberspace, Surveillance, Law and Privacy
Soho: The Heart of Bohemian London
Development of an Integrated Adaptive and Maladaptive Personality Model for Measuring the Big Five
Transfer Cost of Virtual Machine Live Migration in Cloud Systems
Exercises in Legal Acrobatics: Brexit Transitional Arrangements
Mapeando cenas da música pop: vol. 1
Building a Holistic ATM Model for Future KPI Trade-Offs
Building a Holistic ATM Model for Future KPI Trade-Offs
From the 16ème to South Ken? A study of the contemporary French population in London
Protest Spaces Online and Offline: The Indignant Movement in Syntagma Square
Gamification and Legal Education
All-Digital 1550 nm Optical Aqueous Glucose Solution Measurement System
The English new towns since 1946: What are the lessons of their history for their future?
The Pragmatics of the Modern Greek Segmental Markers
The role of emotions in the choice to adopt, or resist, innovations by Irish dairy farmers
Immaterial Labour and Reality TV: The Affective Surplus of Excess
Bottish: Digital Online Conference
Guilty until proven innocent? How a legal loophole is being used to name and shame children
Fascism 2.0: Twitter Users’ Social Media Memories of Hitler on his 127th Birthday
Development and Validation of the Alzheimer’s Questionnaire
Consumers’ Perceptions of and Responses to Creative Advertising
A Better Predictor of Marathon Race Times based on Neural Networks
Using MOOCs in Teaching Arabic: Opportunities & Challenges
Accurate age estimation in small-scale societies
Media Audiences: Local to Global (Implications for international business strategies)
Professional Training for the International Training Centre of the United Nations
Could intelligent machines of the future own the rights to their own creations?
Speaker on LawTech at 'The London Law Fair: Navigate your path through a changing profession
Into the Future…The October 2017 ‘Growing AI in the UK’ Report
Software code for hybrid quantum games
In situ hybridization: key concepts and applications
Ali Smith, Girl Meets Boy (2007)
Breast Cancer Progression and Phytoestrogen Interactions with Estrogen Receptors
China's Media in the Emerging World Order
Hybrid Manufactured Waveguide Resonators and Filters for mm-Wave Applications
Towards the Public Service Internet as Alternative to the Commercial Internet
Raymond Williams’ Communicative Materialism
The Segmentation of Europe: Convergence or Divergence between Core and Periphery?
Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact In Law
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Law
REVRLaw: Virtual Reality in Legal Education
Opportunities and Challenges for Managing Legal Services: Making LegalTech Succeed for You
How to lose weight well television series
Book review: Why English? Confronting the Hydra
Transforming the teaching experience
Interpretation and visitors in two Islamic art exhibitions
Indicator development: how could we improve existing indicators and which new ones do we need?
Modelling the 2035 and 2050 timeframes: key business and regulatory factors to be considered
The awkward silence in the classroom: students views on class participation
Joy and Division in Salford (and Manchester): The Artful Discourses of Gentrification
Modelling strategic trade-offs - insights into the SESAR ‘Vista’ project
Understanding KPI trade-offs - key challenges of modelling architectures and data acquisition
Vista - market forces trade‐offs impacting European ATM performance
Knowledge about language and learner autonomy
Families’ roles in children’s literacy in the UK throughout the 20th century
Research Methods in Environmental Law: A Handbook
Fucking Law: A Female Autoethnographer's Sex Research
Fucking Law (A New Methodological Movement)
Concevoir la démocratie pour le long terme: innovation institutionnelle et changement climatique
The Self-Proclaimed Statehood of the Islamic State between 2014 and 2017 and International Law
New Frontiers in High Performance Computing and Big Data
Can Music Make You Sick (Part 2)? Qualitative Study and Recommendations
Collaborating to Compete: The Role of Cultural Intermediaries in Hypercompetition
Phage typing or CRISPR typing for epidemiological surveillance of Salmonella Typhimurium?
Robustness of Power Analysis Attack Resilient Adiabatic Logic: WCS-QuAL under PVT Variations
A Novel Power Analysis Attack Resilient Adiabatic Logic without Charge Sharing
Virtual Environments and Advanced Interfaces
Singapore Pte. Ltd. : A Question of Limits
Seeking for a sense of place: beyond the digital space
Identification of ten variants associated with risk of estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer.
Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci
Self-adaptation via concurrent multi-action evaluation for unknown context
Experimental Film: Catholic and Feminist Readings of my Films (2010-2016)
Experiential learning in virtues ethics through a case study: The 'St. Albans Family Enterprises'
Risk and lifestyle sports: the case of bouldering
Rise of the Political Right in India: Hindutva-Development Mix, Modi Myth, and Dualities
Real Lives Half Lives: Fukushima
Conflict Minerals: Lise Autogena & Joshua Portway, Nabil Ahmed
Curating contemporary art in the framework of the planetary commons
Intercultural Communication Training for Translators: A Comparative Analysis
Generalized Net Model of Muscle Pain Diagnosing
Application of Topological Operators over Data from InterCriteria Analysis
Efficacy Of The Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine In Cervical Cancer Prevention Strategy In The Gambia
DART-P symposium on Psychological Well-being of Students
Sustainable Cities in Asia; Preface
The Resonant Tuning Factor: A New Measure for Quantifying the Setup and Tuning of Cylindrical Drums
A novel software system for hybrid quantum games
Software Work for Analysing the Current Status of Research on Quantum Games
Epic Aspects of Retail Encounters: The Iliad of Hollister
Data-driven computational modeling of CA1 hippocampal principal cells and interneurons
Adiabatic Flip-Flops and Sequential Circuit Design using Novel Resettable Adiabatic Buffers
AIR Grid: Mock-up for an exhibition on the bridge
Ideas and influences in practice development: Practicing with political awareness
Creating conditions for compassion
Flipping the Classroom: Practical Aspects and Potential Outcomes
Trend Scenarios: Innovative Methodology and Tools
Acting With Integrity Across The World’? What Do Multinationals Say About Labour Standards?
African Film Cultures: Contexts of Creation and Circulation
Resilient urban edges: Adaptive and mitigative design in Chennai
The use of Fiction in Management Research: The Journey of Ulysses
Sustainable retrofit for flooding resilience
Identity 2.0: Negotiating identity and the politics of belonging in cyberspace
Environmental Renaissance Studies
Everyday Media Culture in Africa: Audiences and Users
A Day in the Life of ... Ulysses in Dublin
Care Home Quality Scorecard: A scorecard inspired approach to benchmark care home quality
Visual Storytelling and Cultures: a 20 Year Long Journey from Cairo to China
Visual Storytelling and Cultures: a 20 Year Long Journey from Cairo to China
From The Photograph To The Meta-Image My Practice-Led Search For A New Digital Epistemology
Modeling and Optimizing Patient Flows
Italy in the Middle East and the Mediterranean: The evolving relations with Egypt and Libya
Westminster REFRAME workshops for foundation year doctors 2016-2017: Evaluation report
Westminster REFRAME workshops for Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital staff: Evaluation report
WEIGHTBIT: An advancement in wearable technology
Exploring the lost television and technique of Fred O'Donovan
UK Regional Connectivity on the North Atlantic: Hub-Bypassing or just changing hubs?
HMP Peterborough Social Impact Bond - learning exercise
A review of the matching process for the impact analysis of the HMP Peterborough Social Impact Bond
Peterborough social impact bond: final report on cohort 2 analysis
Gift-giving, reciprocity and trust
Affective Imagery, Risk Perceptions, and Climate Change Communication
Preface for The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications
Translation Strategies for Cultural Contents of Scientific and Technical Texts
The Visible and Invisible Story of the European Migrant Crisis
Depression at Work, Authenticity in Question: Experiencing, Concealing and Revealing
DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future Supply Profile
DATASET2050 D3.2 - Future Passenger Demand Profile
Seeking for a sense of place: beyond the digital space
F#cking research ethics through radical method: autoethnography and the field of environmental law
Urocortin protects chondrocytes from acute trauma in articular cartilage
Functional studies on receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatases of the R3 subgroup
Intra-acting with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, or; how the technosphere may come to matter
Smart Ways for Learning Spanish
Revealing Work. Interrogating Artifacts to (Re)View Histories of Feminist Architectural Practice
Volkswagen's scandal (Video case study)
Revolutions, the Internet, and Orientalist Reminiscence
Re-imagining China through the Overseas Chinese museums
Cultural heritage and the re-making of a qiaoxiang in South China
Your City's Place-Names: Leeds
Ambidextrous Human Resource Practices and Employee Performance
Multiplier Free Implementation of 8-tap Daubechies Wavelet Filters for Biomedical Applications
The concept of truth in International Relations theory: critical thought beyond post-positivism
Villages and Globalisation: Introduction
Interim Spaces and Creative Use
Project Management and Skills Enhancement in Informal Settlements Upgrading in Durban, South Africa
Future-Proofed Design of Low-Energy Housing Developments: Case studies from the UK and Sweden
Entrepreneurship students use of causation, effectuation and bricolage in a microcosm
The role of business ecosystems in the building of disruptive innovations
Performance measurement in a world of targets and trade-offs
A model of service design elements to understand innovative service processes
Using actor-network theory to reveal strategy processes in design firms
Vista D4.1 - Initial Framework Definition
Vista D3.1 - Business and Regulatory Scenarios Report
What is interiors? An essay on lining, concealing, and making one’s mark
Women and Low Energy Construction in Europe: a new opportunity?
Provisional Beliefs: the Shared Peculiarities of Architectural Teaching and Practice
How to help offenders on probation who are at high risk of suicide
Constructing Post-War Britain: building workers stories
Building Brussels: Building Brutalism
Standardization on Site: skill and the construction process in mid-twentieth century Britain
All-or-Nothing: Capacity, Vulnerability and Autonomy
MemTri: A Memory Forensics Triage Tool using Bayesian Network and Volatility
Making Space, adding value; locating and defining the 'creative space' of spatial production.
The British Mosque 1930-1990: laying the foundations for a battle of the styles
‘The Spirit of Ice / Isens Siäl’
Every Snowflake is a Hexagon and Entropic Properties of Printing with Ice
Organisational culture is key to getting the most out of technology
Employee engagement: what should leaders (not) do?
Developing an entrepreneurial mindset
Approaches to failure and management maturity
Diversity in the Contemporary Classical Composition - Time for Action
All the World is Now Better Meets the Woman Who Refused to Dance
The Woman Who Refused to Dance - an opera for solo singer, dancer/s, orchestra, speaker, video
Transit-Oriented Development scenario for the Metropolitan City of Naples, Salerno and Caserta
The Metropolitan City of Naples, Salerno and Caserta: Land Use, Mobility and Accessibility
Automated transport and society. Identifying drawbacks, exploring possibilities
Implementing Transit Oriented development - TOD in Greater London
'Moving to Access' in Transport Planning: Identifying Barriers, Designing Strategies
The Learning Experience of Transport Planners: An International Survey
Multi-Factor Dynamic Modelling and Forecasting of Interest Rates and Equity Markets
Is Sweaty Betty a Hollister Follower? Parsing the Poetics of Branding
The Stone Lab: Decoding Shikahogh Khachkars
360-degree interactive video application for Cultural Heritage Education
The Foreign Background of Lao She’s Novel Er Ma
How the market driving approach can create brand value through a digital platform.
User experience versus author experience: lessons learned from the UX Series
i-Docs: The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary
Resistance Through Discourse in Right-wing Online Commentary
Evaluation of the Reading Well Books on Prescription Shelf Help scheme for young people
Can Routing Systems Surpass the Routing Knowledge of an Experienced Driver in Urban Deliveries?
A Multi-Sited and ‘Queer’ Ethnography of Organizational Sexualities
The LGBT Role Model: Leadership and Inclusion in Gay-Friendly Organizations
Multi-sited Ethnography and a Critique of ‘the Gay-Friendly Organisation’
The Overworked Body: An Anthology of 2000s Dress Curated by Matthew Linde
Mixing work with therapy: a work based autoethnography
Stories of Hell and Healing: Internet Users’ Construction of Benzodiazepine Distress and Withdrawal
Material and Rational Feminisms: A contribution to humane architectures
Environments of Indifference: Architecture and Algorithmic Governmentality
Mapping autonomy in language education: A framework for learner and teacher development
The Relationship Between Cochlear Implants and Deaf Identity
The Significance of Deaf Identity for Psychological Well-Being
GPs’ perceptions of resilience training: a qualitative study
Submission to House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence
Objects and Gender: The Revenger's Tragedy in Performance and on Film
'Kandinsky-fying’ the law: A translaborative use of abstract art in the law classroom
Editorial: Neoliberalism, labour power and democracy - the sense of an ending
Exploring the Open Innovation Practices of Three Multi-National Manufacturing Firms
Application-Specific Energy Modeling of Multi-Core Processors
Other Stories: Strangers and Intrusions in Ali Smith’s Fiction
Scottish Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion
A diachronic take on the Source–Goal asymmetry
Utah and the Times: Governing Temporality in Deseret
The Supernatural as Decolonial Tactic: Afro-Costa Rican Motifs in Quince Duncan’s Fiction
Anna Kavan's Ice and Alan Burns' Europe After the Rain: Repetition With A Difference
Can a Common Currency Foster a Shared Social Identity across Different Nations? The Case of the Euro
Televisions, Tractations and Folklore: Raúl Ruiz as a Transmedia Filmmaker
Arqueologia das mídias, 'anarqueologia' e ecologias das mídias
City of Unimaginable Subjects: 01, 02 & 03
Book review: Voices from American Prisons: Faith, Education and Healing by Stern, K.
Fields: On Attachments and Unknowns
Reform of the United Nations Security Council: equity and efficiency
Making Sense of Social Prescribing
BBC Proms Brochure - BBC Prom 62 - August 30 2017
User experience evaluation of human representation in collaborative virtual environments
Drinking Games: Simulating Alcoholic Behavior Patterns in the ”Pubcrawler” Video Game
A Survey on Design and Implementation of Protected Searchable Data in the Cloud
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Inequality in the UK. An Empirical Analysis
Susceptible Workload Evaluation and Protection using Selective Fault Tolerance
The potential of destruction in art and science
Secure routing in IoT networks with SISLOF
Scenes from Cymbeline and the language of the early television studio
Yammer: Investigating its Impact on Employee Knowledge Sharing during Product Development
Knowledge Management and Collaboration Strategies for Technology-Based Firms in Baja California
Whose History? Feminist Advocacy and Experimental Film and Video
Housing policy predictions and radical solutions
Housing and planning politics after the general election
The Mayor's New Approach to Affordable Housing
Grenfell Fire: an indictment of government
Yes, the Grenfell Tower fire is political: it’s a failure of many governments
The Dilemmas of Metropolitan City Growth in the London Region
Radical solutions to the housing supply crisis
UK Sustainability Development Research Network: Bridging the Sustainability Science / Policy Divide
Gaussian estimation and forecasting of the U.K. yield curve with multi-factor continuous-time models
Integrative Whole Person Oncology Care in the UK
The challenge of biocompatibility evaluation of biocomposites
Distinct Processing of Ambiguous Speech in People with Non-Clinical Auditory Verbal Hallucinations
Asa Briggs and political history
Factory: the seen and the unseen
Moments expansion densities for quantifying financial risk
Media coverage of an election campaign on Twitter. The case of Belgium in the EU elections
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as pedagogical pragmatism
Exhibiting Lav Diaz's Long Films: Currencies of Circulation and Dialectics of Spectatorship
CASEBOOKS - Six contemporary artists and an extraordinary medical archive
Why should Britain Care about Salmonella Dublin?
Whole genome sequencing reveals the secrets of Salmonella Dublin invasome
Media Activism as Movement? Collective Identity Formation in the World Forum of Free Media
Chondroprotection by urocortin involves blockade of the mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo1
Analysing decision logs to understand decision-making in serious crime investigations
Short Term Projects, Long Term Ambitions: Facets of Transience in Two London Development Sites
Signposting risk: Parkour parks and the materialities of regulation
Surrealism and the Gothic: Castles of the Interior
Macro environmental analysis of the electric vehicle battery second use market
Participatory Art: Ceramic and social praxis
Narrative Strategies, Christie Brown
I Want! I Want!: Art & Technology
Recruitment Gone Wrong @ The New Observatory
The invasome of Salmonella Dublin as revealed by whole genome sequencing
Beneath the Street: Helen Levitt’s Subway Photographs
Under, Outside and Between: the Elusive Art of Ed Van Der Elsken
Image Ventriloquism and the Visual Primer
Undressing with the Lights On: Surveillance and The Naked Society in a Digital Era
An Ever Closer Union...of linguistic Diversity
The Still Point of the Turning World: Between Film and Photography
Amygdala volume and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity to social stress
Who is afraid of Action Research: the risky practice of immanent critique
Alcohol metabolism: implications for nutrution and health
Molecular docking with Raccoon2 on clouds: extending desktop applications with cloud computing
Towards Cloud Application Description Templates Supporting Quality of Service
Explorers of Boundaries: 1960-70s Expanded Cinema in Japan
Japanese Expanded Cinema Revisited
Rikuro Miyai's Expanded Cinema
Imai Norio: Severed Film / Jointed Film
Norio Imai: Time Severed, Jointed and Stretched
A ‘work in progress’?: UK researchers and participation in public engagement
Urban Heat: developing the role of community groups in local climate resilience
Cross-Fading Between Audio Files
Singer-Songwriter meets Music Production and Studio Technology
The Dreaded Mix Sign-Off: handing over to mastering
Interactive Digital Music: Enhancing Listener Engagement with Commercial Music
Interview with Mix Engineer David Wrench
Activation of the pro-resolving receptor Fpr2 attenuates inflammatory microglial activation
Designing Cities: A study of collaborative interdisciplinary practice in the London area
A Community Reborn: Archiving the London-French Web
Preface: Horst Holzer’s Theory of Communication
Analysis of online shopping and home delivery in the UK
Spies at home: How the design conveys character and narrative
The role of intermediary organizations in influencing urban deliveries to receivers / establishments
Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) in urban areas, revisited
Middle Man: An Efficient Two-Factor Authentication Framework
Factors influencing European passenger demand for air transport
The Financial Consequences of Servitization in Manufacturing Firms: An Empirical Analysis
Ethnic Bias in Ratings Demonstrated by Different Performance Dimension Intercorrelations
On the Complexity of the Natural Deduction Proof Search Algorithm
Low power probabilistic online monitoring of systematic erroneous behaviour
Gamification in Higher Education: Students and Academics Interest in Gaming
Manmade Media? The Muffled Voices of Women
The CPGB, the Connolly Association and Irish communism, 1945–1962
The French in London on-land and on-line: an ethnosemiotic analysis
History, landscape, nation: British independent film and video in the 1970s and 1980s
Platforms of history: Brecht and the public uses of radical history in 1970s independent cinema
Meeting the public: the perils and pitfalls of ‘walkabout’ questions to Theresa May in GE2017
Using virtual reality to prepare Bioscience students for practical classes
An analysis of the airport experience from an air traveler perspective
Semantic Selection of Internet Sources through SWRL Enabled OWL Ontologies
The Hormesis of Thinking: A Deeper Quantum Thermodynamic Perspective?
Improving teaching practice through education, mind, and selected brain research
Cities as International Actors: Urban and Regional Governance Beyond the Nation State
Moments expansion densities for quantifying financial risk
Disparities in Labour and VET in meeting LEC targets
Interconnectivity and Metacommunication
Affordance Theory in Social Media Research: Systematic Review and Synthesis of the Literature
Günther Anders’ Undiscovered Critical Theory of Technology in the Age of Big Data Capitalism
Die Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie der Medien/Kommunikation: ein hochaktueller Ansatz
The botany and macroscopy of chinese materia medica: sources, substitutes and sustainability
The Information Economy and the Labor Theory of Value
Repeated batch for dye degradation in an airlift bioreactor by laccase entrapped in copper alginate
(New) Cyber Exploitation and (Old) International Humanitarian Law
Time Will Tell: Time and Narrative in A. S. Byatt’s The Virgin in the Garden
Reviewing the Function of Criminal Appeals in England and Wales
Book Review: Tiantian Zheng. Tongzhi Living: Men Attracted to Men in Postsocialist China
An Investigation into Value Co-creation in Service Supply Chains
General Election Changes Press Coverage of London Bridge Terrorist Attack
L-Makhzan al-’Akbari: Resistance, Remembrance and Remediation in Morocco
Marginalised youth, violence and policing: A qualitative study in Recife, Brazil
Creative small settlements. Culture-based solutions for local sustainable development.
French Creoles: A Comprehensive and Comparative Grammar
Treatment of Prostate Cancer Using Deimination Antagonists and Microvesicle Technology
Positive Psychology Toolkit for HRM Professionals
Brexit and Article 50 TEU: A Constitutionalist Reading
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH): challenges and opportunities in the post-genomic era
Whole genome analysis of a schistosomiasis-transmitting freshwater snail
Rethinking media systems: insights from a case study of paid news in India
Information Technology and Sustainability in the Information Society
Flight and passenger delay assignment optimization strategies
Fresh Evidence and Factual Innocence in the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal
Challenging the politics of early intervention: who's 'saving' children and why
Learning Languages and Complex Subjects with Memory Palaces
Using Labster to improve Bioscience student learning and engagement in practical classes
In silico and in vitro approaches to develop Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 inhibitors
Technology and Legal Practice… How Disruptive Can It Possibly Be?
Research software: Computer code for simulating value co-creation
Huffington Post: No-Deal Brexit and Fear
Newsweek: The City of London is preparing for a hard Brexit
Forbes: Brexit Negotiations: A Greek Tragedy
Servitization of manufacturing: exploring financial performance
Intersession reliability of population receptive field estimates
Synthesis of graft copolymers based on hyaluronan and poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates)
Influences on GP coping and resilience: a qualitative study in primary care
Production Design for Screen: Visual Storytelling in Film and Television
Translation Strategies for Cultural Contents of Scientific and Technical Texts
Anti-politics in context: the politics of localism in London
Scalable Approach for Power Droop Reduction During Scan-Based Logic BIST
Introduction to 'Death and the Contemporary', a themed issue of New Formations
Understanding Why Scholars Hold Different Views on the Influences of Video Games on Public Health
Interpretability indices for hierarchical fuzzy systems
Predictors of review sites usage in hotels
Coarse-Grained Online Monitoring of BTI Aging by Reusing Power-Gating Infrastructure
Preface for the Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on information management (ICIM2017)
Towards a conceptual framework of the impact of servitization on firm performance.
Servitization and firm performance
Aging Benefits in Nanometer CMOS Designs
Sisterhood and Squatting in the 1970s: Feminism, Housing and Urban Change in Hackney
Reflections on the EPSRC Principles of Robotics from the New Far-Side of the Law
A General Formula for Impulse-Invariant Transformation for Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulators
Re-assessing the influence of mental intangibility on consumer decision making
Image Quality Evaluation in Lossy Compressed Images
Italia: Políticas sobres Concentratión y Medios Públicos
Critical Environmental Law as Method in the Anthropocene
Genomic and molecular characterization of a novel quorum sensing molecule in Bacillus licheniformis
English as the international language of campaigning
Overexpression of the Mtr pathway in Shewanella oneidensis for bioelectricity production
Ensemble Risk Model of Emergency Admissions (ERMER)
The Business Benefits of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive's Community Involvement Activities
Object or Subject? The Ongoing 'Objectification' of Asylum Seekers
‘Post-Truth and Time: Managing the PhD’
Melanin-concentrating hormone in peripheral circulation in the human
Finding Hope in Media Hype: The Challenges of Crisis Communications During Disease Outbreak
What influences quality of life in older people living with HIV?
Naval Leadership in the Atlantic World: The Age of Reform and Revolution, 1700–1850
HealthShare: Using Attribute-Based Encryption for Secure Data Sharing Between Multiple Clouds
Prevalance of Ureaplasma parvum and urealyticum in Urban Gambian Women
"Utopian in the right sense": The Responsibility to Protect and the Logical Necessity of Reform
The Conduct of Landing Operations
Animation or denigration? Using urban public spaces as event venues
Twitter in Teaching Arabic for Specific Purposes: Students' Perspectives
The External Dimension of Withdrawal from the European Union
The Fragmented Body and the Artwork of Berlinde De Bruyckere
A framework for student staff partnership in higher education
Nothing New under the Sun? Representations of trafficking in turn-of-the-century England
Disaster Supply Chain Management: Responsive Inter-organizational Networks Under Pressure
Coupled CRLH transmission lines for compact and high selectivity bandpass filters
Parody Microbloggers as Chroniclers and Commentators on Russian Political Reality
A Comparative Cyberconflict Analysis of Digital Activism Across Post-Soviet Countries
Industrial policy evaluation in the presence of spillovers
Women Asylum Seekers in the Current Crisis: A Conversation
The learning process of accessibility instrument developers: Testing the tools in planning practice
Everyday Media Culture in Africa: Audiences and Users
Arab Subcultures: transformations in theory and practice
Data, Information, Knowledge, Models & Systems for Decision Making in the Digital Age
Miniaturised Inkjet-printed Quadrature Hybrid Couplers for Multiband Wireless Systems
Design of Monopole Antennas for UWB Applications
The Roadhouse comes to Britain: Drinking, Driving and Dancing, 1925-1955
Victor's Law?: colonial peoples, World War II and international law
Comprehending auditory speech: previous and potential contributions of functional MRI
What has replication ever done for us? Insights from neuroimaging of speech perception
Citizen participation and changing governance: cases of devolution in England
Limits to air travel growth: the case of infrequent flyers
Book Review: addicted.pregnant.poor by K. R. Knight
Day ahead hourly Price Forecast in ISO New England Market using Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
Electricity Price Forecasting using Asymmetric Fuzzy Neural Network Systems
Intake of dairy foods and oral health: review of epidemiological data
Opposition and resistance: Governance challenges around urban growth in China and the UK
A Preliminary Study of Written Intonation
Sociology and Non-Equilibrium Social Science
A Strategy for Dual Biopolymer Production of P(3HB) and γ-PGA
Identifying potentially disruptive trends by means of keyword network analysis
Topping up the Trust Fund: restoring public confidence in science (part 3 of a 3 part article)
Social media: a critical introduction (2nd edition)
Psoas major cross-sectional area: A potential marker of cardiorespiratory fitness
An ‘existential’ shift? Technology and some questions for the legal profession
Heritage as theatre: re-conceptualizing heritage-making in urban China
The emerging role of exosome and microvesicle- (EMV-) based cancer therapeutics and immunotherapy
Symptoms of the Planetary Condition: A Critical Vocabulary
Metabolic dysfunction following weight cycling in male mice
PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services
Characterisation of liver fat in the UK Biobank cohort
The Praxis School’s Marxist Humanism and Mihailo Marković’s Theory of Communication
Public subsidies, TFP and Efficiency: A tale of complex relationships
Enriched Audio Description: Working towards an inclusive museum experience
minoritarian ecologies: performance before a more-than-human world
Investigating Survivability of Configuration Management Tools in Unreliable and Hostile Networks
Framing the Object of Desire: The Politics of Art in Alan Hollinghurst's The Folding Star
Capillaries of force: constituent power, porous sovereignty, and the ethics of anarchism
Texture MTF from images of natural scenes
Twitter in Teaching Languages: Students' Perspectives
Related but different: Examining pseudoneglect in audition, touch and vision
Testing the Curatorial in Artists’ Film and Video Installation
Catholicism in Italian cinema in the age of ‘the new secularisation’ (1958-1978)
The Queer Moment: Post-Devolution Scottish Literature
Strategizing in a Focused Context: Managerial Discretion in the Arab World
Observations on the concept of the aquapelago occasioned by researching the Maldives
Olympic Experiences: The Significance of Place
Liberalization, bankers’ motivation and productivity: a simple model with an application
Cysteine 893 is a target of regulatory thiol modifications of GluA1 AMPA receptors
Intra-Cultural Variation, Zone of Acceptance and Managerial Discretion: A Theoretical Discussion
The Docklands Community Poster Project and other creative approaches to regeneration
Changing Attitudes to the Past: Lieux de Memoire and Contested Histories
Withania somnifera Root Extract Enhances Chemotherapy through ‘Priming’
Core-sheath nanofibers as drug delivery system for thermoresponsive controlled release
Critical Environmental Law in the Anthropocene
Who is really in control of Brazil's Prisons?
Temporary Refuge from War: Customary International Law and the Syrian Conflict
How Brazil’s far right became a dominant political force
Genocide, Obligations Erga Omnes and Responsibility to Protect
Animals and the law of armed conflict
Imaginary Intimacies: Death and New Temporalities in the Work of Denise Riley and Nicholas Royle
Spiritually inspired creativity in business
The evidence-base for generational differences: where do we go from here?
The Millennial Millionaire, how young entrepreneurs turn dreams into business
Embracing the threat: machine translation as a solution for subtitling
Donald Trump: A Critical Theory-Perspective on Authoritarian Capitalism
Dumb Abstraction: Semper, Kracauer, and the Superficial Materialism of Architecture
Beyond Kolpak: EU Law’s unforeseen contribution to the movement of African Cricketers
ATM performance measurement in Europe, the US and China
The New Urban Agenda: key opportunities and challenges for policy and practice
What's Causing Brazil's Prison Massacres?
‘Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons', Prison Service Journal, 229
Surviving in the new mass carceral zone
The Propensity to Cycle Tool: An open source online system for sustainable transport planning
Structural ambidexterity and competency traps: Insights from Xerox PARC
The economic impact of on-screen tourism: The case of The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit
Introduction: Planetary memory in contemporary American fiction
Economic Growth and Regional Integration in Mexico
Predictors of clinical recovery from vestibular neuritis: a prospective study
Garden cities and the English new towns: foundations for new community planning
The Feminine Awkward: Graceless Bodies and the Performance of Femininity in Fashion Photographs
Music/Video: Histories, Aesthetics, Media
Redressing the balance: inverted hierarchies in the tourism classroom
Mysteries of Raúl Ruiz's Portugal: Territory, Littoral, City and Memory Bridge
Towards a threshold climate for emergency lower respiratory hospital admissions
Dress, Fashion and Anti-Fashion in the Medieval Imagination
Blunder, Error, Mistake, Pitfall: Trawling the OED with the Help of the Historical Thesaurus
An Empirically grounded Agent Based simulator for Air Traffic Management in the SESAR scenario
Marx’s "Capital"in the Information Age
Knowledge management activities in social enterprises: lessons for small and non-profit firms
'What about the children?' Re-engineering citizens of the future
Travelling with golf clubs: the influence of baggage on the trip decision-making process
Visual mismatch negativity to masked stimuli presented at very brief presentation rates
Wealth and risk implications of the Dodd-Frank Act on the U.S. financial intermediaries
Spatial justice in a world of violence
Accessibility Instruments In Planning Practice: Bridging The Implementation Gap
The signalling effect of eco-labels in modern coastal tourism
What kind of expertise is needed for low energy construction
Identification of enterprise carbon assets based on a business perspective
Risk and benefits in lifestyle sports: parkour, law and social value
Meniere’s, Migraine & Motion Sickness
Formamide-free Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Sustainability and Community Networks
Historical Space Steps of Turkey: It Is High Time to Establish the Turkish Space Agency
Rebranding Al-Jazeera Children's Channel: The Qatarization Factor
Forces for Change in Offiicial Arab Policies on Media and Children
Children's TV and Digital Media in the Arab World
The Effects of Teppanyaki Restaurant Stimuli on Diners’ Emotions and Loyalty
Airport Management and Performance
Performance and prospects of smaller UK regional airports
Introduction: resilience and the Anthropocene: the stakes of ‘renaturalising’ politics
Audit Tendering in the UK: A Review of Stakeholders’ Views
The Distributional Effect of Events on Rural and Urban Households in China
Clinical potential of oligonucleotide-based therapeutics in the respiratory system
The recent development and performance of ethical investments
Feeling the commute: Affect, affordance and communities in motion
Moments of Collusion? Close readings of affective, hidden moments within feminist research
‘Learning to be Zen’: Women travellers and the imperative to happy
Engaging with the public in public engagement with research
Agonism Reloaded: Potentia, Renewal and Radical Democracy
When is mediation mediatory and when is it really adjudicatory? Religion, Norms and decision-making
Listening to the World: Sounding Out the Surrounding of Environmental Law with Michel Serres
Degree classification and recent graduates’ ability: Is there any signalling effect?
New Developments in Tourism and Hotel Demand Modeling and Forecasting
The principle of legal certainty as a principle of economic efficiency
Armed violence and the politics of gun control in Brazil: an analysis of the 2005 referendum
Curating in the post-industrial landscape case study: Ambika P3
CODEX: mapping co-created data for speculative geographies
The Increasing Power of the European Parliament: Negotiating the EU-India Free Trade Agreement
The Effects of Trade Show Environments on Visitors
Natural disasters and university enrolment: Evidence from L’Aquila earthquake
Toxicity profile of bevacizumab in the UK Neurofibromatosis Type 2 cohort
Ruined Paradise: Geology and the Emergence of Archaeology
Multivariate Approximations to Portfolio Return Distribution
The Location of Cultural Authenticity: Identifying the Real and the Fake in Urban Guizhou
Uses of agent-based modeling for health communication: the TELL ME case study
Between adaptability and the urge to control: making long-term water policies in the Netherlands
Ecological Theory in Design: Participant Designers in an Age of Entanglement
Temporary Intervention and Long Term Legacy: Lessons from London Case Studies
New notions of value in Modern Architecture
Public Narratives and the Construction of Memory Among European Muslims
Clipped wings: corporate social and environmental responsibility in the airline industry
Long-Term Reward Patterns Contribute to Personal Goals at Work Among Finnish Managers
The Concept of Transparency in International Relations: towards a critical approach
Self-organization and social science
British torture in the 'war on terror'
Military objectives in cyber warfare
Molecular mechanisms controlling synaptic recruitment of GluA4 subunit-containing AMPAreceptors
Patriarchal investments: expectations of male authority and support in a poor Beijing neighborhood
‘The Party’s Over’: Critical Junctures, Crises and the Politics of Housing Policy
Sociological Knowledge and Transformation at ‘Diversity University’, UK
An Intelligent Decision Support System for the Detection of Meat Spoilage using Multispectral Images
Winston Churchill and the General Strike
Winston Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer (1924-9) and the Return to the Gold Standard
Discipline-specific writing for business students: Research, practice and pedagogy
Création et Infinitude: Pierre Albert-Birot entre peinture et poésie dans 'Les Poemes a l'autre moi'
Reframing reporting of childhood sexual exploitation: three journalists reflect
Sustainable Chemical Regulation in a Global Environment
The state and the development of an information society: Greek policy and experience
Motion Sickness Susceptibility and Management at Sea
Embodied perspective-taking indicated by selective disruption from aberrant self motion
National Policies for Local Urban Sustainability: A New Governance Approach?
Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds
Urban design, central London and the ‘crisis’ 2007-2013: business as usual?
Be careful what you wish for: procedural parameters of EU withdrawal
Genetic programming for the minimum time swing up and balance control acrobot problem
Representation of Language in Arab Media for Children
Artisanal materials for sustainable construction in developing countries
Inside but out? The UK and the EU
'As plants grow towards sunlight': Amity's NGO development centre through the lens of history
The SNCF affair: trains, the Holocaust and divided memories of Vichy France
Creteil International Women's Film Festival Official Selection: Confessions To The Mirror
Fashionable Yorkshire – Five Centuries of Style
National Portrait Gallery: Screening of Confessions To The Mirror
Un Refrain Féministe/A Feminist Chorus
CASEBOOKS Six contemporary artists and an extraordinary medical archive - Film
Salat at Birmingham Central Mosque (2016-17)
Cinematek, Oslo: Screening of Confessions To The Mirror + Q+A Greg Pope
Interactive Map of Student Site Diary Projects. 2016-Present
White Cube, Bermondsey, London: Screening: Magic Mirror, Confessions To The Mirror
All the World is Now Richer meets The Woman Who Refused to Dance
Transpositions: Artistic Data Exploration
All that is Data Melts into Air
Residue: Early Ancient Stage Chandelier
Creativity, Collaboration and Workflow in Ableton
Shuji Terayama, Emperor of the Underground
Japanese Expanded Cinema project
Dazzle Painting: War and Space The Dazzle Painting Concept
Shuji Terayama's Laura/The Trial
Throw Away Your Books: The Films of Shuji Terayama
Dreamed Native Ancestry (DNA) by Mission//Misplaced Memory
The Heart Project (exhibition and symposium)