Multilateral Principles in a Bilateral World
The Determinants of Commercial Bank’ Profitability in the South-Eastern Europe Region: A System GMM Approach
A World Beyond Work?: Labour, Money and the Capitalist State Between Crisis and Utopia, edited by Ana CeciliaDinerstein, Frederick HarryPitts. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, 232 pp., ISBN: 9781787691469, Price, p/b.
Falling Away: Catherine Yass at Ambika P3
Monsoon Assemblages: Drawing Inventory, 2017-2021
Fundamentals of a novel debugging mechanism for orchestrated cloud infrastructures with macrosteps and active control
Anthropometric Profiles and Physical Characteristics in Competitive Female English Premiership Rugby Union Players
British Mosques
Conceptual Design of An Aircraft Wing: Integration Management of Meso Structures in Passive Morphing Airfoils
The Role of Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Urban Development. East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Region
5.10 1970s House, St.Albans
Let’s Win Madrid: Radical Democracy and Prefigurative Constitutionality in the New Municipalism
The Kosovo War and Ethnic Crimes Court
Art-work or artwork? Collaborating with labour rights activists
Art and labour in retrospect, and a modest proposal for the future
Book review: 'Beyond the World’s End: Arts of Living at the Crossing', T. J. Demos (2020)
Professional Identity, Transition and Wellness – How can we Support New Academic Staff in the Early Stages of an Academic Career?
Freedom of Movement in Occupied Territory
Who Should Vaccine the People of the Occupied Palestinian Territory?
The Responsibilities of Occupying Powers in the Fight against Covid-19 under International Law
Publishing as an Early Career Academic
Covid19 Vaccinations in Occupied Territories
Crimes against Humanity and Genocide: Defining the Crimes
Dialectics as Creative Process and Decentring China: Zuni Icosahedron and Drama Box’s One Hundred Years of Solitude 10.0: Cultural Revolution
Student Partnerships in Assessment
Researching in partnership: R is for relationships
Students as Partners practices: Considerations for building diverse and inclusive educational spaces
Pension Funds in Zimbabwe: A guide for contributors and beneficiaries
'Confessions to the Mirror' (16mm, col 68min 2016)
The Restaurant Inspector
What is ethical consumption?
Tito Caula’s photographic imaginary and mid-century Caraqueño modernity
Tito Caula’s photographic imaginary and mid-century Caraqueño modernity
Towards a Hybrid Approach to BIM implementation – A Critical Discourse
Prospects for the Globalization of China's Science and Technology Industry Development
COVID-19 Responses of South Korea as Hybrids of Governance Modes
Across the narrow screen: televisual world-building in Game of Thrones
Encountering the Impossible: The Fantastic in Hollywood Fantasy Cinema
Rethinking the Digital Divide of BIM Adoption in the AEC Industry
Scientometric review and analysis
Modeling Supply Chain Resilience in Industrialized Construction: A Hong Kong Case
Adoption and implementation of building information modelling (BIM) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): a review and conceptualization
Bridging the Technical Divide: Techniques for effective communication with artists
Guiding Audiences with Sound: Techniques for interactive and games audio.
Household water insecurity will complicate the ongoing COVID-19 response: Evidence from 29 sites in 23 low- and middle-income countries
L’esoterismo dantesco del dimenticato Gabriele Rossetti e l’incontro con la letteratura francese e inglese
L’influence de Gabriele Rossetti dans la littérature française et les études de l’ésotérisme occidental
Dantean esotericism and the forgotten history of an indirect influence: from Gabriele Rossetti to Eugène Aroux, Péladan and Ezra Pound
Piero Latino, "The esoteric interpretation of Dante’s work and its reception in the English and French literature of the nineteenth century"
Stéphane Mallarmé professore di inglese
Stéphane Mallarmé professore di inglese
UK UNCLOS Inquiry: Is UNCLOS Fit for Protecting Human Rights at Sea? A Comment
TRPM2 ion channels steer neutrophils towards a source of hydrogen peroxide
Applied Ethnomusicology in Post-Mission Australian Aboriginal Contexts: ethical responsibility, style and aesthetics
Power and the Pursuit of “Justice” in Kosovo
Midwives and women's perspectives on family planning in Jordan: human rights, gender equity, decision-making and power dynamics
Perceptions Toward the Use of Digital Technology for Enhancing Family Planning Services: Focus Group Discussion With Beneficiaries and Key Informative Interview With Midwives
Applied artificial intelligence for predicting construction projects delay
Special Session - Students on Game Immersion Workshop
Complete Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 5th edition
Opportunities and barriers of marketing of equity-based financing products of Islamic banking in Pakistan
A review of contemporary practices incorporating digital technologies with live classical music
Application of operational-based strategic intervention model for evaluating office buildings energy efficiency performance
A Dataset of COVID-Related Misinformation Videos and their Spread on Social Media
An Evaluation on the Effect of Thermal Mass to Modulate Overheating in the Cold Climate in China and the Role of Shading Devices and Night Ventilation
A coupled modelling method for the evaluation of the impact of pavement solar collector on urban air temperature and thermal collection
Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Vegetation on the Aero-Thermal Performance of Buildings with Courtyards in Hot Climates
Switching transformation for soft pneumatic adaptive shading
Investigating the impact of surroundings on a high-rise residential block's performance
Evaluating the impact of neighbouring structures on a high-rise residential block’s performance
Boundary layer wind tunnel modeling experiments on pumping ventilation through a three-story reduce-scaled building with two openings
The Impact of Data Granularity of Indoor Temperature Measurements on the Calculation of Degree Days
Developing Competent Project Managers for Mega Infrastructure Construction: A Digital Construction Approach
Heterologous Expression of Ion Channels in Mammalian Cell Lines
The Concise Guide to Pharmacology 2021/22: G protein‐coupled receptors
The Concise Guide to Pharmacology 2021/22: Introduction and Other Protein Targets
The Concise Guide to Pharmacology 2021/22: Enzymes
The Concise Guide to Pharmacology 2021/22: Catalytic receptors
The Concise Guide to Pharmacology 2021/22: Nuclear hormone receptors
Pharmacological Approaches to Studying Potassium Channels
Block of TREK and TRESK K2P channels by lamotrigine and two derivatives sipatrigine and CEN-092
A “Target Class” Screen to Identify Activators of Two-Pore Domain Potassium (K2P) Channels
Preprint: Outcomes and phenotypic expression of rare variants in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy genes amongst UK Biobank participants
Converging the attributes of firm generated contents (FGC) and user generated contents (UGC) in social media
Communication as a tool in achieving excellent and timely execution of projects: A study of Dangote cement company in Nigeria
Impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on marketing and sales of oil/gas in Nigeria
Long-term memory
Short-term memory
Turmeric Kombucha as effective immunomodulator in Salmonella typhi-infected experimental animals
Edible Insects: Sustainable nutrient-rich foods to tackle food insecurity and malnutrition
Exit To Community
Modular Politics
No Revolution without Religion
Enabling Community-Owned Platforms
Editorial: Peer Governance in Online Communities
Effective voice: Beyond exit and affect in online communities
Inferences Derived from Reservoir Permeability Estimation Using Static and Dynamic Data: Core Data Analysis Versus Drawdown Tests
Platelets' regulatory role on postnatal brain Neural Stem Cells of the Subependymal Zone
"Milking": an innovative approach to investigate the properties of postnatal brain neural stem cells and to obtain oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from live experimental rats
Platelets as novel regulators of postnatal brain Neural Stem Cells
Neurogenic and oligodendrogenic cell fate decisions of postnatal brain Neural Stem Cells are differentially dependent on their microenvironment
Advanced Project Management for Translators
Book review: Pedersen, J. (2011). Subtitling norms for television: An extrapolation focussing on extralinguistic cultural references. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 240 p.
Quality Control of Subtitles: A Study of Subtitlers, Proofreaders, Quality Controllers, LSPs and Broadcasters/Streaming Services
Isolation of neural stem and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from the brain of live rats
Characterization of substantia nigra neurogenesis in homeostasis and dopaminergic degeneration: beneficial effects of the microneurotrophin BNN-20
Using Genetics to Uncouple Higher Adiposity from Its Adverse Metabolic Effects
The carnivalesque pedagogy
The Cambridge Companion to Music in Digital Culture. Ed. by Nicholas Cook, Monique M. Ingalls, and David Trippett
Review: Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music, by Kyle Devine
Intellectual Property
Clipped Coins, Abused Words & Civil Government: John Locke's Philosophy of Money
Learning from the quantified self
Accelerated modernity
Action learning for neighbourhood improvement – from practice to theory
The risk of algorithmic injustice for interactive learning environments
Monitoring athletes sleep: a survey of current trends amongst practitioners
Measured Lives - Theoretical Psychology in an Era of Acceleration
Advanced Personal Training: Science to Practice (2nd ed.)
Subjugation and Subterfuge: Struggling with Metrics as a Middle Manager in a UK Business School
A Route Diversity Measure for Performance Evaluation of Urban Rail Transit Network Considering Transfer Constraints and Length Threshold
Preprint: China's Metro Boom: A Review on the Development Patterns from 1970 to 2020 and Beyond
Research Notes: Social Movement Revealing Opportunities for Grassroots Transport Initiatives: Lessons from Hong Kong
Evaluating the value of new metro lines using route diversity measures: The case of Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway system
COVID-19, community response, public policy, and travel patterns: A tale of Hong Kong
Harmony, Contrast & Discord: Rochdale and the Art Schools of the North West
Theorising evidence based policing: a discourse analysis
Preprint: A combined bioinformatics and LC-MS based approach for the development and benchmarking of a comprehensive database for CNS proteins in Lymnaea stagnalis
Preprint: Histone acetyltransferase activity of CREB-binding protein is essential for synaptic plasticity in Lymnaea
Children’s subversive interactions in the school mealtime
Children's humour and the grotesque pleasures in school mealtime socialisation
Learning in retirement
Customer Oriented Ideation and its Impact on Customer Adoption of New Solutions
Preprint: Swap-Free Fat-Water Separation in Dixon MRI using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
Preprint: Body fat volumes and distribution in chronic schizophrenia compared to healthy controls; a cross-sectional MR study
Analyzing BTC’s Trend During COVID-19 Using A Sentiment Consensus Clustering (SCC)
Forecasting the Early Market Movement in Bitcoin Using Twitters Sentiment Analysis An Ensemble based Prediction Model
Predicting market movement direction for bitcoin: A comparison of time series modeling methods
The Life and Travels of Isabella Bird: The Fearless Victorian Adventurer
Seroprevalence of ToRCH Pathogens in Southeast Asia
Seroprevalence of measles and rubella antibodies in vaccinated and unvaccinated infants in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Low seroprevalence of COVID-19 in Lao PDR, late 2020
Prevalence of Factor V Leiden G1691A and Prothrombin G20210A Gene Mutation Among Pregnant Women: Experience from a Multi-Center Study in Nigeria
LGBQ adults’ experiences of a CBT wellbeing group for anxiety and depression in an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service: a qualitative service evaluation
Impact of Mobile Technologies on Cervical Cancer Screening Practices in Lagos, Nigeria (mHealth-Cervix): A Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of selenium supplementation on pregnancy outcomes and disease progression in HIV-infected pregnant women in Lagos: A randomized controlled trial
Awareness and practice of cord blood donation by pregnant women in Lagos Nigeria: Practice implication for future cord blood transplantation in Nigeria
'The Murderer State Will be Held to Account’ The Myth of the State and Its Violence
North-South Feminist Dialogue: Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Higher Education-Report
Mapping Stories of Cause and Cure Using Story Stem Completion: Mental Distress in the Evangelical Christian Community. A Study Protocol
A Qualitative Exploration of CBT and Psychodynamic Therapists’ Views, Experiences and Perceptions of Integrating Different Therapeutic Modalities into their Private Practice with Adult Clients: Study Protocol
An age-stratified serosurvey against purified Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi antigens in the Lao Peoplé s Democratic Republic
Waning of maternal antibodies against measles suggests a large window of susceptibility in infants in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Analyses of blood donor samples from eight provinces in Lao PDR suggest considerable variation concerning HBV exposure and carriage
Contending with Spiritual Reductionism: Demons, Shame, and Dividualising Experiences Among Evangelical Christians with Mental Distress
From Whence Cometh My Help? Psychological Distress and Help-Seeking in the Evangelical Christian Church
Grenfell and Construction Industry Reform: A Guide for the Construction Professional
Buildings as complex systems: the impact of organisational culture on building safety
The valuation of high-risk residential buildings and the role of EWS1
Hepatitis B virus in Lao dentists: a cross-sectional serological study
High seroprevalence of Foot and Mouth Disease in Laos: Call for nationwide vaccination campaigns and disease surveillance
Epidemiology of acute respiratory viral infections in children in Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic
A closer look into the global determinants of oil price volatility
Energy poverty through the lens of the Energy-Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis
Fashion and Materiality: Cultural Practices in Global Contexts, ed. by Heike Jenss and Viola Hofmann
The Figure of Migration
The International Criminal Court and the transformation of post-war justice in Northern Uganda.
More Than Just a Meeting: Exploring Dialogic Space in Domestic Homicide Review
A HML6 endogenous retrovirus on chromosome 3 is upregulated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor cortex.
The Emotional Work of Homicide Review
Scarlett H.. Neuroscience for organizational change: An evidence‐based practical guide to managing change. London: Kogan Page, 2019, 288 pages, $39.95 paperback
Intersectionality and invisible victims: reflections on data challenges and vicarious trauma in femicide, family and intimate partner homicide research
Commissioning for inclusion: delivering services for LGBT+ survivors of domestic abuse
Interviewee Transcript Review as a Tool to Improve Data Quality and Participant Confidence in Sensitive Research
Editorial: Personal Genomes: Accessing, Sharing, and Interpretation
The role of ERK5 signalling in macrophage behaviour during wound healing
How online advertising competes with user-generated content in TripAdvisor. A neuroscientific approach.
What drives the helpfulness of online reviews? A deep learning study of sentiment analysis, pictorial content and reviewer expertise for mature destinations.
Advance booking across channels: the effects on dynamic pricing
Refining vertical productivity spillovers from FDI: Evidence from 32 economies
A Model of Adoption of AR-based Self-service Technologies: A two Country Comparison
A Cost-benefit Analysis of Information Security Mitigation Methods for ORVIs
Character expansion of Kac–Moody correction factors
Trans Parenting
Visual Analytics of Urban Informality and Infrastructure Planning with Tableau for Sustainable Urban Design Research Strategies in Lagos Metropolis
Associating street-network centrality with spontaneous and planned subcentres
Preprint: Using genetics to uncouple higher adiposity from its adverse metabolic effects and understand its role in metabolic and non-metabolic disease
Restorative Characteristics of Intermediate Architectural Environments: a Pilot Study
Freedom to create
Dietary intakes in community-dwelling older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak
A chance-constrained programming model for airport ground movement optimisation with taxi time uncertainties
A single-center report of COVID-19 disease course and management in liver transplanted pediatric patients
A novel insight into the pathophysiology of autoimmune hepatitis: An immune activator mutation in the FLT3 receptor
Human Leukocyte Antigen Profile Predicts Severity of Autoimmune Liver Disease in Children of European Ancestry
Course of vitamin D levels before and after liver transplantation in pediatric patients
Circulating tumour DNA is a promising biomarker for risk stratification of central chondrosarcoma with IDH1/2 and GNAS mutations
The early evolutionary landscape of osteosarcoma provides clues for targeted treatment strategies
Reconstructing single-cell karyotype alterations in colorectal cancer identifies punctuated and gradual diversification patterns
Preprint: A Genetic Model for Central Chondrosarcoma Evolution Correlates with Patient Outcome
The Prostacyclin Analogue, Treprostinil, Used in the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, is a Potent Antagonist of TREK-1 and TREK-2 Potassium Channels
Two-Pore Domain Potassium Channels as Drug Targets: Anesthesia and Beyond.
Spectres of English Fascism: History, Aesthetics and Cultural Critique
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s Release may Depend on the UK Repaying its Debt to Iran – But can it Lawfully Pay?
Performance Comparison of Recent Population-Based Metaheuristic Optimisation Algorithms in Mechanical Design Problems of Machinery Components
A novel data-driven approach to support decision-making during production scale-up of assembly systems
IgG Seroconversion and Pathophysiology in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection
Characterisation of a highly potent and near pan-neutralising anti-HIV monoclonal antibody expressed in tobacco plants
Preprint: Selective inhibition of PfATP6 by artemisinins and identification of new classes of inhibitors after expression in yeast
Construction Logistics - Summary slideset
Saintly Progression: St John-at-Hackney refurbished and re-branded by John Pawson
Perceptions and Content of Traditional and Online News: an analysis of Bias in Indian Media
Devolver a História, Materializar o Trauma: Observações sobre os corpos migrantes em Cavalo Dinheiro (2014) e Vitalina Varela (2019) de Pedro Costa
Ireland at 100: 12 reasons to feel great about being Irish
Can Ireland Inc.'s Expanding risk Register be Successfully Managed?
Opinion: 'You might think Ireland's fast going to hell in a handbasket. But that’s not true'
Cybersecurity, Threat Analysis and the Management of Risk
An Impact Investment Strategy
ISPE Annual Meeting Abstracts: A Systematic Review of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment-Related Cardiotoxicity.
Bringing the News from Ghent to Axanar: Fan Works and Copyright after Deckmyn and Subsequent Developments
Music and Sound in Virtual/Augmented Realities-Questions, Challenges and Approaches A Multidisciplinary Roundtable
Teaching Principles of Interactive Sound
There are Only Islands After the End of the World
Conclusion: A Critical Agenda for the Anthropocene
Correlation: Registers of Change
Patchworks: The Ontology of the World
Resilience: The Power of Interactive Life
Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds
From subsistence farming to agribusiness and nonfarm entrepreneurship: Does it improve economic conditions and well-being?
Tourism and development in Southeast Asia
Business Model for Non-Conventional Energy Source: Absorption Refrigeration System Using Solar Evacuated Tube Collectors
Marxism in Comparative and International Education
The double pendulum
Survey Data on the Impact of COVID-19 on Parental Engagement Across 23 Countries
The Research Schools Programme in Opportunity Areas: Investigating the Impact of Research Schools in Promoting Better Outcomes in Schools
Countering misinformation with targeted messages: Experimental evidence using mobile phones
Improving cross-cultural comparability: Does school leadership mean the same in different countries?
Can head teacher autonomy mitigate the effects of COVID-19 school closures in India?
Fatima Maatwk: Student-staff partnership in the University and decolonising Business Studies
Aishwarya Tiku: The British curriculum in an African context and decolonising Business Management Studies
Samir Pandya: ‘Equity’, Diversity and Inclusion and decolonising Architecture curricula
Tamara Naouri: “All the spaces within Counselling Psychology have been colonised”
Cheyenne Holborough: Creative writing as a tool for activism and decolonising English Literature
Moonisah Usman: Student partnership, anti-racist approaches to biomedical research and decolonising the Life Sciences
Catherine Charrett: Settler colonialism, sovereignty and decolonising International Relations
Raidat Suleiman: The “angry Black woman” stereotype, attacks on Critical Race Theory and decolonising Sociology (No. 11)
Mrinalini Greedharry: ‘The limits of literature as liberation’ and decolonising English Literature curricula
Tamara Reid: Inclusion, student partnership and decolonial work in higher education
Olimpia Burchiellaro: LGBTQ Studies, queer politics and coloniality
Dibyesh Anand: Colonial rule in China, securitization and decolonising International Relations
Lubna Bin Zayyad: Representations in the media and decolonising Journalism
Tanveer Ahmed: Decolonising Fashion Design and shifting the Western canon
Deanne Bell: Decolonial atmospheres, retrospective autoethnography and decolonising Psychology
Lubaba Khalid: Multiraciality, the attainment gap and student unions
Yahlnaaw: Indigenous worldviews, language revitalisation and Psychology as a discipline
Welcome to the podcast! with Jennifer Fraser, Fatima Maatwk and Kyra Araneta
Automated phenotyping of mosquito larvae enables high-throughput screening for novel larvicides and offers potential for smartphone-based detection of larval insecticide resistance
Structural Requirements for Dihydrobenzoxazepinone Anthelmintics: Actions against Medically Important and Model Parasites: Trichuris muris, Brugia malayi, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, and Schistosoma mansoni
Preprint: Actions of camptothecin derivatives on larvae and adults of the arboviral vector Aedes aegypti
Preprint: Structural requirements for dihydrobenzoxazepinone anthelmintics: actions against medically important and model parasites - Trichuris muris, Brugia malayi, Heligmosomoides polygyrus and Schistosoma mansoni
Preprint: Automated phenotyping of mosquito larvae enables high-throughput screening for novel larvicides and offers potential for smartphone-based detection of larval insecticide resistance
Actions of Camptothecin Derivatives on Larvae and Adults of the Arboviral Vector Aedes aegypti
The cardio‐respiratory effects of passive heating and the human thermoneutral zone
Dual-acting therapeutic proteins for intraocular use
TRPM2 ion channels steer neutrophils towards a source of hydrogen peroxide
Carbon Criminals, Climate Crimes: Critical Issues in Crime and Society by R.C. KRAMER, R. WHITE
The NECOS Approach to End-to-End Cloud-Network Slicing as a Service
Private Routing in the Internet
Engage D5.15 Production of three-part introductory courses
Engage D2.6 Annual combined thematic workshops progress report (series 2)
Engage D3.8 Mapping ATM research concepts, past and future - including the Engage wiki implementation
Engage D2.10 10th SESAR Innovation Days report
Engage D3.1 Final workshop presentations of wave 1 catalyst-funded projects
The Impact of Encoding and Transport for Massive Real-time IoT Data on Edge Resource Consumption
FinTech Innovation: Review and Future Research Directions
Credit-based mechanisms for user-driven prioritisation during ATFM regulations
D8.3 POPD - Requirement No. 7
D8.2 POPD - Requirement No. 5
D8.1 H - Requirement No. 1
D6.1 Intermediate concept assessment report
Online Shopping and Last-Mile Deliveries: Briefing Report
Rapid uptake and slow depuration: Health risks following cyanotoxin accumulation in mussels?
Trends in Data Engineering Methods for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAIAME 2020)
The Future of Public Service Media and the Internet
Analysis of the Normalized Sign-Sign LMS Algorithm
‘A movement that renovates people, as well as buildings’: squatting and neodomestic space in Seth Tobocman’s <i>War in the Neighborhood</i>
Introduction to the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC): A Conversation between Radha D'Souza and Jonas Staal
‘Double Lives: A Conversation between Grace Ndiritu and George Clark’
Through the lens of labour; reconceptualising young people’s involvement in organised crime in the global South and beyond
Of Knives, Mustaches, and Headgears: The Fall of the Qabaday in Zakariya Tamir’s Latest Works
Tissue Remodeling in Health and Disease Caused by Bacteria, Parasites, Fungi, and Viruses
Special Issue: “Extracellular Vesicles in Phylogeny”
Special Issue: “Cancers across Phylogeny and Cancer Evolution”
Quality-Aware DevOps Research: Where Do We Stand?
Innovation Systems and Income Inequality: In Search of Causal Mechanisms
"Innovation-Productivity Paradox: Implications for Regional Policy" Background paper for the OECD-EC High-Level Expert Workshop series “Productivity Policy for Places”, March 3 and 5
Innovation Studies and Policy: A Topic-Sentiment Analysis
Active neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester
Disabled Environmentalisms
Permeability and Protest in Lane 49: Entangling Materialities of Place with Housing Activism in Shanghai
Integrated, Holistic Approach to Planning and Collaborative Governance for More Climate-Resilient Cities
Investigation of measures to reduce dog attacks and promote responsible ownership amongst dog owners with dog control issues in the UK
Editorial: Nucleic Acid-Associated Inflammation
Cultural Integration: Implications for business leadership and service productivity in sub-Sahara African
Facilitating academic writing practices at a British and an Uzbek tertiary institution
Invited Speaker, "Blurring Boundaries? Illiberal conservatism and the New Right", panel on "Illiberal Conservatism and the New Right -- Cross-National Entanglements"
Invited Plenary Speaker, "Global Authoritarian Populism Workshop" (panel with Bill Schwarz, Dan Nexon, Walden Bello)
Developmental Challenges in Bhutan and how to overcome them
Organiser and Speaker, "Bhutan Development and Resilience Early Career Researchers’ Conference”
Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EUMS
Physical migration
Invited Speaker, "The Transnational Right in World Politics", (panel with Nicholas Michelsen, Mustafa Kutlay, Xin Fan)
Invited Speaker "Blurring Boundaries? Illiberal conservatism and the New Right", panel on "Illiberal Conservatism and the New Right -- Cross-National Entanglements"
Invited Speaker, "Rising India, Falling Freedoms: Hindutva Visions of Dissent and Democracy", (panel with Professors Purnima Bose and Mona Bhan, Pralay Kanungo, Bernadette Marie White, Zainab Farhat)
Invited Speaker, Lecture titled “Desiderata for 21st Century Decolonisations”
Technological Catch-up to the National and Regional Frontier: Firm-level Evidence for India.
A Safe Space / Supervising Solicitors: an approach from psychotherapy
H-FFMRA: A Multi Resource Fully Fair Resources Allocation Algorithm in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing
Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Deshopping Using A Multi-Agent Based Method
Excessive Iron Induces Oxidative Stress Promoting Cellular Perturbations and Insulin Secretory Dysfunction in MIN6 Beta Cells.
The impact of workplace physical activity interventions on university employees health, wellbeing and behaviour change
Online Ready-To-Eat Meal Orders and Last-Mile Deliveries
Online Non-Food Parcel Shopping and Last-Mile Deliveries
Online Grocery Shopping and Last-Mile Deliveries
Online Shopping and Last-Mile Deliveries - Summary Report
Online Shopping and Last-Mile Deliveries - Full Report
A review of literature on roadmapping to reduce freight transport CO2 emissions by 2050
Understanding and Addressing HGV Driver Shortages in the UK
Construction Logistics
COVID-19: Passenger Boarding and Disembarkation
Analytical approach to solve the problem of aircraft passenger boarding during the coronavirus pandemic
“Patchy Patriarchy” and the Shifting Fortunes of the CCP's Promise of Gender Equality since 1921
Intra-Sector Firm Performance and its Determinants in the UK Construction Industry
Active Learning Metamodels for ATM Simulation Modeling
Don’t let feedback becomes dangling data… Improve student engagement with feedback!
Supporting student retention in socially distanced campuses: What can personal tutoring do?
Resisting Executive Dominance: An assessment of executive-legislature dynamics during the United Kingdom’s entry into, and withdrawal from, the European Communities
Challenging hydro‑hegemony of India: resistance of Nepal in the Upper Karnali and Saptakoshi dam project
Examining life in detention: A process of survey translation and adaptation through an ecological and collaborative approach
Digital Marketing in Luxury Fashion: From Crisis to Strength
The Effect of Bilingualism on Executive Functioning Found in Young Adults: an eye-tracking study
Preliminary but Necessary: The Question on the Applicability of the Notion of Apartheid to Occupied Territory
Liminality in Cuba’s Twentieth-Century Identity: Rites of Passage and Revolutions
Curating Arts on the Edge of an Unstable Society
Shezad Dawood in conversation with Lucy Reynolds
You scratch my back, and I scratch yours: Bartering for qualitative data
Quantum Ecologies in Cosmological Infrastructures: A Critical Holographers Encounters with the Meta/Physics of Landscape-Laboratories
TOLOnews: Dr Ayaz Safi for TOLOnews about the public health crisis in Afghanistan and potential solutions
Barriers to Physical Activity: A Comparison of Afghans Living in the UK and Afghanistan
An Improved Lotka–Volterra Model Using Quantum Game Theory
Dispatcher3 D2.1 - Data definition and processing report
Pilot3 D5.1 - Verification and validation plan
Pilot3 D4.2 - Crew assistant decision model software package (first release) - Pilot3 - user manual
Pilot3 D4.1 - Crew assistant decision model description (first release)
Local Amenity Societies - Participation and Power: A case study on the St Marylebone Society 1948 - 2021
BBC School Broadcasting, Progressivism in Education and Literacy 1957-1979
A software engine for multi-criteria decision support in flight management - Use of dynamic cost functions - Architecture and first results
Machine learning to improve tactical flight decision making - The case of Pilot3
The lasting social value of mega events: experiences from green point community in Cape Town, South Africa
Resident engagement in the regeneration of social housing: the case of Woodberry Down, London
"The recording has started": Notes on the sudden move to online teaching
Knowledge Management Model Building for Business Resilience, Continuity, and Sustainability
Factors Affecting Successful Adoption and Adaption of E-Learning Strategies
Exploring Institutional Behavioural Elements Needed to Support Knowledge Management in Higher Education Partnerships
Role of knowledge management in developing higher education partnerships: Towards a conceptual framework
Great Power Privilege
Third Party Funding Regulation in Australia
Interpretable semisupervised classifier for predicting cancer stages
Artificial Intelligence in Precision Medicine: A Perspective in Biomarker and Drug Discovery
An ensemble approach for evaluating the cognitive performance of human population at high altitude
Machine learning in precision medicine
Questioning the practice of la sape: will the London movement survive?
EU Digital COVID Certificates: When governments move fast and break things
Photography (Art Essentials)
Políticas de Riobaldo: a justiça jagunça e suas máquinas de guerra
The value of home narratives in shaping identities and making sense of experiences in a host culture
Digital Transformation and Social Business: A Practice-Based Pathway Framework for SMEs
Breast Cancer Risk Factors and Survival by Tumor Subtype: Pooled Analyses from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium
Travelling Companions
Novel Inhibitors for Isocitrate Lyase as a Potent Antitubercular Agent for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Online blended learning using virtual microscopy for students: Seeing and naming patterns
Understanding Autonomic Control via Human Deep Brain Stimulation
Train tweets and the social licence to operate: Exploring stakeholder engagement through the use of Twitter by train operating companies in the United Kingdom
Phenomenal Landscapes: exploring children’s neighbourhood mobility and their experiences within three east London neighbourhoods
Navigating Burnout within the Changing Context of the NHS: An Exploration into the Experiences of General Practitioners
Exploring the Impact of School-Based Yoga and Mindfulness for Adolescents in a Highly Deprived Urban Area: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study
The British Museum of Decolonized Nature
Repaying Iran that Outstanding £400 million: What does International Law Say?
MacDonald Gill: Charting a Life
A Key Action Plan for Education in a Global Crisis
Whole Genome Interpretation for a Family of Five
Helmut Schmidt and British–German relations: a European misunderstanding
A brief analysis of the physical requirements for converting coal-fired power plants to hydrogen
‘Spectacularising’ Nigeria’s Niger Delta Condition as Necropolitics: Revisiting Ken Saro Wiwa’s Genocide in Nigeria: the Ogoni Tragedy
Framework for monitoring implementation of national science and technology policies for challenge and innovation
Book Review: Fur: A Sensitive History
‘The men who wear corsets are just ordinary people, Officers, aye and Privates too’: Fragments of biography of a gentleman’s corset in mid-twentieth century Britain
Contaminated Objects - Collecting and Exhibiting Face Masks during COVID-19
Encounters with Errors: How the error shapes relationships with digital media practice
REVERIE Virtual Hangout: An Immersive Social and Collaborative VR Experience
A Comparative Study of the Delhi Nirbhaya Protests and the Occupy Nigeria Movement: Evaluating Uses of ICTs and Social Media
Текстиль-сфера (Textile-Sphere): порог повседневных взаимодействий
Photo-Texts: Critical Intersections in History
On the ABET accreditation of academic programs and rankings of universities in Saudi Arabia
The Judgement of the Court of Justice in LU. A missed opportunity to address certain aspects of the Framework Decision on financial penalties
" For the Love of Music - Crossing the technological divide; an examination of the impact of digital disruption on issues of social reproduction, mental health and inequality in the working lives of the music workforce in the UK.”
Social Housing, Enclave and the Poetics of Habitation
Estimating the costs of workplace conflict
Profiling successful change in Diversity & Inclusion: Law Firm Case Studies
Understanding and Operationalising Rapport Building in Police and Probation Interviews
Capturing the whole effect of social prescribing – meaningful outcomes and theoretical positions
Practice made Practical. Reducing the OTHER of non-text
8-BIT MUSIC ON TWITCH: How the Chiptune Scene is Overcoming the Pandemic
Performing Electronic Music Live
Emotion regulation and decision-making in persons with dementia: A scoping review
Association between symptoms of sleep apnea and problem behaviors in young adult twins and siblings
Digital Media Practice as Critique: Roshini Kempadoo's Installations: Ghosting and Endless Prospects
Life Between Islands: Caribbean-British Art 1950s–Now exhibition book
Music, Identity, and Community
#ICPConcerned: Global Images for Global Crisis
Providing unity where there is division: Rethinking public space in the twin cities of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Palestine
Corporate Social Responsibility in China: The Influence of Dynamic Capability and the Implications on Financial Performance and Investment
Clouds of discontent: art, work, solidarity and digital platform labour
Practices of shared living: Exploring environmental sustainability in UK cohousing, community living, and coliving
The value of toxin profiles in the chemotaxonomic analysis of paralytic shellfish toxins in determining the relationship between British Alexandrium spp. and experimentally contaminated Mytilus sp.
Geopolitics of China's Rising Media and Soft Power in Africa: Eating and Being Eaten
Changing the Narrative - Planning for How Women use Space
Curricula comparison of electrical and electronics engineering technology and similarly named associate degree programmes
Transcending Disciplinary Fetishisms: Marxism, Neocolonialism, and International Law
The Engage KTN achievements, lessons and legacy
The origins of imperial yellow glazed porcelain in the Ming Dynasty (1,368 to 1,644) China: Technical comparison to low‐fired tile with yellow glaze
Distinction by indistinction: luxury, stealth, minimalist fashion
Dataremix: Aesthetic Experiences of Big Data and Data Abstraction
Rivalry in International Relations: A Mimetic Approach to the Case of the Rivalry in Northern Ireland (1963-2020)
Cinema and the Urdu Public Sphere: Literary imaginaries in the making of film cultures in north India (1930-50)
Agency is molecular: moved by being moved to moving or co-constitution in intra-active knowledge production
Women and the Practice of Studio Portraiture in Britain 1888 – 1914: Politics, Commerce and Constructions of Femininity
Impact of healthcare strikes on patient mortality: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Data linkage for early intervention in the UK: Parental social license and social divisions
La Rabbia
5. Europe’s Migration Regime: Why a Radical Approach is Necessary and Possible
The CFA Franc Under Neoliberal Monetary Policy: A labour-focused approach
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Screening Tools for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents.
In Fact: An Optimist's Guide to Ireland at 100
Disruption of Cxcr3 chemotactic signaling alters lysosomal function and renders macrophages more microbicidal
Mapping the landscape of male-on-male rape in London: an analysis of cases involving male victims reported between 2005 and 2012
Using DAWs as modelling tools for learning design sound-based applications in education
SARS-CoV-2 and EBV; the cost of a second mitochondrial "whammy"?
Editorial: From Modems to Mobile Apps
Regulation of TNF-Induced Osteoclast Differentiation.
Challenging Institutional Racism in International Relations and Our Profession: Reflections, Experiences, and Strategies
Using Salivary Biomarkers for Stress Assessment in Offshore Saturation Diving: A Pilot Study
Emergent quality issues in Chinese medicinal plants: Investigation of their contemporary occurrence and historical persistence through questionnaires and interviews of key informants.
Quality differences of genus Chrysanthemum used as food and medicine from the global market
Simultaneous identification of common synthetic adulterants in slimming aids and sexual enhancers herbal supplements by High-performance Thin Layer Chromatography
A mixed methods evaluation of Viniyoga therapy intervention for rheumatoid arthritis
Valuable Space: Nicole Polonsky Profile
White Gold
“Gothic and the Heritage Movement in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries”
Flexibility in policy design
Efficacy of a Six-Week-Long Therapist-Guided Online Therapy Versus Self-help Internet-Based Therapy for COVID-19–Induced Anxiety and Depression: Open-label, Pragmatic, Randomized Controlled Trial
Predictors of psychological distress among the public in Oman amid coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a cross-sectional analytical study
AU-Rich Element RNA Binding Proteins: At the Crossroads of Post-Transcriptional Regulation and Genome Integrity.
Phonetic Teachers and the Reform Movement: evidence from records of the IPA
Exploring barriers to carbon management in UK universities
The Case of the United Kingdom: Mapping Localism, Resilience, and Civic Activism in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Design of a Network Topology Using CISCO NSO Orchestrator
Doherty Amplifier Linearization in Experiments by Digital Injection Methods
Experimental Verification of the Impact of the 2nd Order Injected Signals on Doherty Amplifiers Nonlinear Distortion
Evading Representation: The Literature of Contemporary U.S. Anarchism
Günther Anders’ Theory of Media and Communication: Developing a Conception of Technological Domination, Alienation and Ideology with Marx beyond Marx
One Planet Living and the legitimacy of sustainability governance: From standardised information to regenerative systems
Media Consumption and the Construction of Diasporic Identities of Youth of Pakistani Origin in Britain
Marketisation and Privatisation in Criminal Justice, K.Albertson, M.Corcoran and J.Phillips (Eds.). Bristol: Policy Press (2020) 329pp. £64.00hb, £23.19pb, £23.19e‐book ISBN 9781447345701, 9781447345817, 9781447346180
Making Digital Surveillance Unacceptable? Security, Democracy, and the Political Sociology of Disputes
Finding the right fit: Enhancing the academic-industry link in the sector for Nutrition undergraduates – a pilot study
Teaching homocapitalism with Rahul Rao’s out of time the queer politics of postcoloniality: navigating against queer inclusivity as a way of shoring up capital
Real-World Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience
Unlearning (in) the anthropocene
Adventures in Scale
Role of microRNAs in response to cadmium chloride in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Health chatbots acceptability moderated by perceived stigma and severity: A cross-sectional survey
Thinking with Groundwater from Chennai: Materials, Processes, Experimental Knowledge
Preface to the Brazilian edition
Defining Women Subjects: Photographs in Trinidad (1860s – 1960s)
Imagining Activism: Black, Gold, Dust
Nationwide assessment of the mental health of UK Doctoral Researchers
Life Between Construction Sites and Reconfiguring Public Space: The Current Case of Istanbul
Finding the Material of Memory: Sketch for a Palimpsest
Parametric procedures for environmental adequacy of architectural conception: Methodological proposal
Emerging from the third space chrysalis: Experiences in a non-hierarchical, collaborative research community of practice.
Capacity sharing within Virtual Centre: How much delay can be reduced?
Microbial Electrolysis Cells for Decentralised Wastewater Treatment: The Next Steps
The Persisting Past of Iraq
1848 Springtime of the People
Modus D5.1 Definition of use cases
Modus D4.1 Interface to modal choice model
Modus D3.1 Modal choice analysis and expert assessment
Controlled Delivery of Pan-PAD-Inhibitor Cl-Amidine Using Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) Microspheres.
How to Learn Spanish
Cultural China 2020: The Contemporary China Centre Review
British Mosques
Improving Automatic Renal Segmentation in Clinically Normal and Abnormal Paediatric DCE-MRI via Contrast Maximisation and Convolutional Networks for Computing Markers of Kidney Function.
Controlled Delivery of Pan-PAD-Inhibitor Cl-Amidine Using Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) Microspheres
Reflections on a French linguistics co-creation project
The History of Building Trades and Professionalism: the Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Construction History Society
Pathways for accelerating transitions towards sustainable mobility in European cities
Initial conceptual framework to map and establish cross-sector Links between major trip-generating sectors of the economy
Developing transition pathways for mobility in European cities – challenges and new approaches
Urban Mobility Transitions: Governing through Experimentation in Bristol and New York City
Assessing the Policy Environment for Active Mobility in Cities—Development and Feasibility of the PASTA Cycling and Walking Policy Environment Score
Heritage and Memory
Monsoonal Multiplicities
Jade Urbanism
Editorial - "Weathering, Weathermaking"
'Ordinary Case of RLS and RLS'
‘My Dreams, My Plateau’: State Media Representations of Tibetan Entrepreneurs in the Post-2008 Era
Russia, Transition and Poland’s Energy Security: A Retrospective View
The diffusion of democratic innovations
Capturing multimodal performance – KPI choices and trade-offs
Nanotechnology based therapeutic approaches to iron‐induced oxidative stress in an in vitro model of Parkinson’s disease
Assessment of student outcomes of an electrical and electronics engineering technology programme: A case study
Current practice in English-medium education in higher education: Case studies from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and Nepal
Engage D2.7 Annual combined thematic workshops progress report (series 3)
Adipose tissue dysfunction, inflammation, and insulin resistance alternative pathways to cardiac remodelling in schizophrenia. A multimodal, case-control study
The many manifestations of successful partnership
Personal, social and relational predictors of UK postgraduate researcher mental health problems
Quorum quenchers affect the virulence regulation of non-mucoid, mucoid and heavily mucoid biofilms co-cultured on cell lines.
Towards a digital legal consciousness?
Case Study 3: Ipsative Feedback at the University of Westminster
Carbon emissions in China's thermal electricity and heating industry: An input-output structural decomposition analysis
Covid-19 Associated Risks and Mitigation Strategies relevant for the UK Construction Industry
Developing authenticity, building connections; exploring research methodologies in Asia
Measurement practices in hallucinations research
“The Ancient East in the West End”: Margaret Morris and Angkorr (1917) at the London Coliseum
Conflicting Goals: Calorie Attentiveness and Consumer Food Bundle Choice
Ab ū l-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī l-Tusūlī
J aʿfar ibn Idrīs al-Kattānī
Undercover: The Migration of Face Coverings During COVID-19
Reading Sauerbruch Hutton
The Power of the Interpreter in the Business Domain: A CDA Approach to the Professional Interpreter’s Mediating Role
Investigation of the role of monocytes/macrophages in allogeneic immune response
Social media literacy for empowering children with new literacy skills for reading, writing and interacting in the networked digital setting: An Action Research Study of teenage students in Mumbai
Learning of Research Methods in Psychology: The Influence of Affective, Behavioural and Cognitive Factors
Working in partnership to build a Research Information Management System at the University of Westminster
The Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation on Corticospinal Excitability
The Implications of Parental and Child Smartphone Use on Parent-Child and Family Relationships: a Case-Study of the Turkish-Speaking Community in London
Romanian Migrant Entrepreneurship: a Vehicle of Acculturation in London
Fungal Enzymes as Catalytic Tools for Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Degradation.
The Role of CDK4 in the Pathogenesis of Pancreatic Cancer.
The Routledge Handbook for Regional Design
Borders and the Design of the Civic
Beyond ambivalence: Locating the whiteness of security
Towards A Short to Medium Term Mitigation Strategy to Address the External Air and Sea Connectivity Challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic for Northern Ireland
Preface: Manfred Knoche’s Critique of the Political Economy of the Media and Communication
The UN Decade of Nutrition: WPHNA’s position at mid-term
A reflection on the CFS (Committee on World Food Security) Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition in advance of the United Nations Food Security Summit
Queering the web archive: A xenofeminist approach to gender, function, language and culture in the London French Special Collection
Photography in Surrealism
Land Resources Rights for Oil Producing Communities in the Niger Delta During Petroleum Operations: An Appraisal of the Legislation Relating to Petroleum Operations in Nigeria
Current state of the art and use case description on geofencing for traffic management
An agent-based model for air transportation to capture network effects in assessing delay management mechanisms
Leisure communities and digital participation in mass online CAL (crochet along) events
Equity in new active travel infrastructure: a spatial analysis of London’s new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan: Prosecutions Face an Uncertain Road Ahead
Alcoholic liver disease: Current insights into cellular mechanisms
In Vitro Investigations of miR-33a Expression in Estrogen Receptor-Targeting Therapies in Breast Cancer Cells
Layered-MAC: An Energy-Protected and Efficient Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Queerying Planning Policy
Apocalyptic films have lulled us into a false sense of security about climate change
‘A polyphonic tale’: Arendt, Cavarero and storytelling in Sarah Polley’s Stories We Tell (2012)
Dr Manal Mohammed for Which? Travel about how to best protect your health when travelling
Why El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as legal tender
The human connection to an intelligent building
The misleading simplicity of designing an intelligent city
Analysis of Natural Scene Derived Spatial Frequency Responses for Estimating Camera ISO12233 Slanted-edge Performance
Navigating my ethnic minority identity in higher education: a student reflection
Editors' Introduction
Enhancing student learning and teaching experience through a cross-level collaboration: a reflection
Enriching BAME staff-student partnerships in higher education
Accelerator Networks As Embedding Mechanisms For Internationalizing Startups: A Study In The Finnish Edtech Context
How older people living with HIV narrate their quality of life: Tensions with quantitative approaches to quality-of-life research
Health, environmental and distributional impacts of cycling uptake: The model underlying the Propensity to Cycle tool for England and Wales.
Sustainable solutions in urban freight & logistics management: European experiences
A snapshot of translation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis during exponential growth and nutrient starvation revealed by ribosome profiling
Functional Profiling Reveals Altered Metabolic Activity in Divers’ Oral Microbiota During Commercial Heliox Saturation Diving
The politics of organising during the pandemic
Living in the Workroom. Elements for a (rhythm) analysis of the everyday during a lockdown
English Domestic Interiors, 1986-88
The switch to online teaching during the first COVID-19 lockdown: A comparative study at four European universities
Architecture and Allegory, A Tale of Three Sites
Architecture and Allegory, A Tale of Three Sites
Learning from World Architecture Festival 2015: Transitional opportunities and teaching in the new normal
Z is for Zoom
Estimation of ISO12233 Edge Spatial Frequency Response from Natural Scene Derived Step-Edge Data
Edu-Communication Strategies of Cashew Production in a Rural Ghanaian Community
MiCADO-Edge: Towards an Application-level Orchestrator for the Cloud-to-Edge Computing Continuum
Dr Manal Mohammed for CNN about how often you should wash your towels
Ontological Anosmia
The Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale: comparison scores from 27 sites in 22 countries
The power of celebration: Learning from the Relocate Awards
The future of international mobility
Italy’s Legal Obligations to Criminalise
In and Out of Fashion - Aligning Education with the International Fashion Calendar
The Corset and the Hijab: the Discursivisation of Identity Between the West and the Orient
Russia and the Middle East: Quest for Recognition
Preliminary Investigations Into the Effect of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage on Systemic Extracellular Vesicle Release in Trained Younger and Older Men
Law, Drugs and the Politics of Childhood
AI for Everyone? Critical Perspectives
An Analysis of the Trade Policy Review of the European Union
Post-Pandemic Urbanism: Criteria for a New Normal
Coloniality, just war & carceral injustice in Brazil
Mining the hidden seam of proximity m-payment adoption: A hybrid PLS-artificial neural network analytical approach
Silver Nanoparticle-Coated Polyhydroxyalkanoate Based Electrospun Fibers for Wound Dressing Applications.
The Impact of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on Active Travel, Car Use, and Perceptions of Local Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Impact of Introducing a Low Traffic Neighbourhood on Street Crime, in Waltham Forest, London
Editorial: Immersive Media in Connected Health
Progressive social movements
English in higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan
Organizational Justice in the Hotel Industry: Revisiting GLOBE from a National Culture Perspective
Bhutan and India: The Importance of Subnational Diplomacy
Bhutan and Northeast India: Subnational Diplomacy Possibilities
Association of germline genetic variants with breast cancer-specific survival in patient subgroups defined by clinic-pathological variables related to tumor biology and type of systemic treatment.
Prospecting for electrochemically-active hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms for use in bioelectrochemical remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons
Taking the waste out of dye wastewater using microbial fuel cells
Analytical models for CO2 emissions and travel time for short-to-medium-haul flights considering available seats
LMS Design Interventions Forenhancing the Intention to Continue Use
“Morocco’s Arab Spring Protests: Transmediality as ‘Doing-Publicness’”
How does mode of travel affect risks posed to other road users? An analysis of English road fatality data, incorporating gender and road type
The impact of the image on personal life: is current law out of focus?
Saving England’s public health nutrition system
The Social Value of Community Events: A Literature Review
“It just makes me feel a little less alone” a qualitative exploration of the podcast “menopause unmuted” on women's perceptions of menopause
Is England's public health nutrition system in crisis? A qualitative analysis of the capacity to feed all in need during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dissociable effects of age and Parkinson’s disease on instruction-based learning
Future of Public Health Nutrition Services in England
Local Modernism and Universal Aesthetics
Insights Into the Origins of the IEEE Computer Society and the Invention of Electronic Digital Computing
Exploring individual differences in neuropsychological and visuospatial working memory task performance in aphantasia
A Comparative Review on Ombuds: Recommendations of Action for the Turkish Ombudsman and Guidelines for the Ombudsman and Public Authorities
‘My Dreams, My Plateau’: State Media Representations of Tibetan Entrepreneurs in the Post-2008 Era. British Association of China Studies, University of Birmingham.
Action Learning as a Practice: A Case Study of Compassion in Action
Letter from Lubumbashi
Diy laboratories, their practices, and challenges – a systematic literature review
Rethinking Fragility Fractures in Type 2 Diabetes: The Link between Hyperinsulinaemia and Osteofragilitas
The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto
Fragile minds, porous selves: Shining a light on autoethnography of mental illness
A just and green transition to a carbon-neutral society: are union strategies at global level implemented locally?
Communicating COVID-19: Everyday Life, Digital Capitalism, and Conspiracy Theories in Pandemic Times
Climate change and the architectural profession - the 'social' turn?
Psychological and Pastoral Orientations Towards Survivors of Human Trafficking
Exploring the relationship between the commuting experience and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being
Extracellular Vesicle Signatures and Post-Translational Protein Deimination in Purple Sea Urchin ( Strongylocentrotus purpuratus ) Coelomic Fluid—Novel Insights into Echinodermata Biology
How B2B marketers interact with customers and develop knowledge to produce a co-owned marketing strategy
Exploring the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in travel behaviour: A qualitative study
Flexibility in strategic flight planning
A systematic review of the applications of Expert Systems (ES) and machine learning (ML) in clinical urology.
Rejecting acceptance: learning from public dialogue on self-driving vehicles
Feasibility study of the Home-based Exercises for Responsible Sex (HERS) intervention to promote correct and consistent condom use among young women.
Popular Conservatism and the Culture of National Government in Inter-War Britain. By Geraint Thomas
Mendelian randomisation study of smoking exposure in relation to breast cancer risk.
A Protocol of Process Evaluations of Interventions for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review
(Un)welcome guests: VoD platforms and the new rules on European works quotas in Italy
A study on the symbiotic model for green and conventional buildings considering the game payoff matrix and limited market capacity
Preface for the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Management & Management Science (IMMS 2021)
Web Analytics: Web sites, strategies, models, frameworks, software tools & decision support
Genetically defined favourable adiposity is not associated with a clinically meaningful difference in clinical course in people with type 2 diabetes but does associate with a favourable metabolic profile
Unprecedented challenges for boards: 9 pillars for the next decade
‘Filming the invisible’: Barrie Gavin in conversation with John Wyver
Flight flexibility in strategic traffic planning: visualisation and mitigation use case
Investigating the asymmetric linkages between infrastructure development, green innovation, and consumption-based material footprint: Novel empirical estimations from highly resource-consuming economies
Application of the tools of Positive Psychology within the university setting
Copula methods for evaluating relative tail forecasting performance
An exploration into the impacts of music learning experiences on the musical proficiencies of popular musicians
Ways of Monsoon Air: Entanglements and Stories of Matter, Space, and Time
Investigating Microbial Quorum Sensing Potential for Enhanced Production of Biodegradable Polymers
Rapport building and witness memory: Actions may ‘speak’ louder than words
Understanding suicidality and reasons for living amongst Doctoral Researchers: A thematic analysis of qualitative U-DOC survey data
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as a Potential Countermeasure for Phenotypic Characteristics of Sarcopenia: A Scoping Review
Metabolic Phenotypes and Step by Step Evolution of Type 2 Diabetes: A New Paradigm.
Treating Chronic Wounds Using Photoactive Metabolites: Data Mining the Chinese Pharmacopoeia for Potential Lead Species
Global criminology 2: Transnational criminology
Global criminology 1: Comparative criminology
Expedited biodegradation of organic pollutants and refractory compounds using bioelectrochemical systems
Increasing access to cognitive–behavioural therapy for patients with psychosis by evaluating the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of brief, targeted cognitive–behavioural therapy for distressing voices delivered by assistant psychologists: the GiVE2 trial
Mapping the Politics of Vision: searching for a transformative gaze
A Population-Practice-Based Model to Understand How Yoga Impacts on Human Global Functioning: A Qualitative Study
Trust, personality, and belief as determinants of the organic reach of political disinformation on social media
Weathering the storm: A qualitative study of social prescribing in urban and rural Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cinematic Animism and Contemporary Southeast Asian Artists’ Moving Image Practices
Philippine Noir: The Cinema of Lav Diaz
Visions of electric media: television in the Victorian and machine ages
Education for 21st Century Urban and Spatial Planning: Critical Postmodern Pedagogies
Customer Oriented Ideation and its Impact on Customer Adoption of New Solutions
Offerings for a ghost film: From fragmented work to cosmic assemblages
Drinking the Winds: Monsoon as Atmospheric Spring
Concluding Chapter
National Perspectives, England and Wales
Introduction to the International Handbook
International Handbook on Child Participation in Family Law
Pathways to global employee voice: analysis of three company case studies in the metalworking sector.
Novel Digital Alias-Free Signal Processing Approaches to FIR Filtering Estimation
Universal Health Coverage by 2030, or the Right to Health? The continued relevance of the Alma Ata principles of voice and equity, through an intersectoral approach, to reducing global inequalities
The Role of the RNA-binding Protein ZFP36L1 in Suppression of Replication Stress-induced Genomic Instability
Enabling the City: Learning for Transformational Change
A Creative “Nanotown”. Framing Sustainable Development Scenarios with Local People in Calabria
What Causes Social Marketing Programs to Fail? A Qualitative Study
Post-translational protein deimination signatures in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) plasma and plasma-extracellular vesicles
Spaces of Law and Custom
Chinese Media in Africa: Perception, Performance, and Paradox
Step-free railway station access in the UK: The value of inclusive design
Spatial and social mobility in England and Wales: A sub‐national analysis of differences and trends over time
Impacts of 2020 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London on Road Traffic Injuries
Bioclimatic and Regenerative Design Guidelines for a Circular University Campus in India
Pregnancy influences the selection of appropriate reference genes in mouse tissue: Determination of appropriate reference genes for quantitative reverse transcription PCR studies in tissues from the female mouse reproductive axis
CNN Health: How frequently should you wash your bed sheets? More often than you think
Why radical transformation is necessary for gender equality and a zero carbon European construction sector
Ownership structure’s effect on financial performance: An empirical analysis of Jordanian listed firms
Pension Schemes, Sustainable Investing and the Promise and Challenge of Governance Innovations
Dr Manal Mohammed for The Conversation about bed hygiene.
Enhancing mental health awareness in emergency services (the ENHANcE I project): cross-sectional survey on mental health stigma among emergency services staff
A mixed-methods investigation of mental health stigma, absenteeism and presenteeism among UK postgraduate researchers
Gender, language, and elite ethnographies in UK political institutions
Labor Participation and Gender Inequalities in India: Traditional Gender Norms in India and the Decline in the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR)
Why should we care about media policy? Critical directions in media policy research
Expression patterns of CD180 in the lymph nodes of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 infection associated cell entry proteins ACE2, CD147, PPIA, and PPIB in datasets from non SARS-CoV-2 infected neuroblastoma patients, as potential prognostic and infection biomarkers in neuroblastoma
Democracy in a Pandemic: Participation in Response to Crisis
Addressing the challenges of delivering a laboratory class when students are miles away
Becoming the Monsoon Forest – Emergence in the Breakdown of Categories
Barriers and facilitators to engagement with artificial intelligence (AI)-based chatbots for sexual and reproductive health advice: a qualitative analysis.
Do frequent satisfying trips by public transport impacts its intended use in later life?
Comparative Assessment of the Acute Effects of Whey, Rice and Potato Protein Isolate Intake on Markers of Glycaemic Regulation and Appetite in Healthy Males Using a Randomised Study Design
Bruno Latour's Mode(s) in Situations
The Global Cyber Security Model: Counteracting Cyber Attacks through a Resilient Partnership Arrangement
Harnessing Polyhydroxyalkanoates and Pressurized Gyration for Hard and Soft Tissue Engineering
Prediction of reactionary delay and cost using machine learning
The End of the Beginning: Achieving Value for Money from Government Digital Transformation Projects
Proceedings of Bhutan: Biodemocracy & Resilience Conference 2020
Research and recommended resources on Zika virus, pathology, and control
Dynamic Composition and Automated Deployment of Digital Twins for Manufacturing
Through the lens of labour; reconceptualising young people’s involvement in organised crime in the global South and beyond
Re-imagining the landscape of gangs; reflections from Bangladesh and China
Tales from the field; an invitation to criminological research in Asia
The transformed Gram Charlier distribution: Parametric properties and financial risk applications
Investigating the implications of the London Heathrow Airport expansion for the landside freight industry
The Technopolitics of Mapping Dar es Salaam: An examination of the technological and political motivations of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team / La tecnopolítica de la cartografía de Dar es Salaam: Un examen de las motivaciones tecnológicas y políticas del equipo humanitario OpenStreetMap
Culture and Rural-Urban Sustainable Development: Is South Africa Addressing this New Global Agenda?
Introduction: Culture and Rural-Urban Revitalization in South Africa
Culture and Rural–Urban Revitalisation in South Africa. Indigenous Knowledge, Policies, and Planning
Natural Scene Derived Camera Edge Spatial Frequency Response for Autonomous Vision Systems
Estimating commuting matrix and error mitigation – A complementary use of aggregate travel survey, location-based big data and discrete choice models
Obesity, oxidative DNA damage and vitamin D as predictors of genomic instability in children and adolescents
Network-wide assessment of ATM mechanisms using an agent-based model
Mass Univariate Regression Analysis for Three-Dimensional Liver Image-Derived Phenotypes
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of women migrant workers in the ASEAN region: a systematic narrative review and synthesis.
Acute Administration of Bioavailable Curcumin Alongside Ferrous Sulphate Supplements Does Not Impair Iron Absorption in Healthy Adults in a Randomised Trial.
A Data Science Approach for Early-Stage Prediction of Patient’s Susceptibility to Acute Side Effects of Advanced Radiotherapy
Feasibility and outcome of an online streamed yoga intervention on stress and wellbeing of people working from home during COVID-19
Functional annotation of the 2q35 breast cancer risk locus implicates a structural variant in influencing activity of a long-range enhancer element.
On Thinking in the Anthropocene: A Sketch of a Proposal
Advancing Conversations About EDI in Football
EAP Student Perspectives on Using Real Work Activities Within Their Courses
Implementing the TRAAC model in an Academic English Context
Two sides still at play 20 years after the Good Friday Agreement
An integrated decision-making approach for sustainable supplier selection in the chemical industry
Cézanne the Cartographer
PITHIA-NRF e-Science Centre – A Science Gateway based on Cloud-based Reference Architectures
Motion Sickness Lessons from the Southern Ocean
Common Negative Thoughts in Early Motherhood and Their Relationship to Guilt, Shame and Depression
Using protection motivation theory to explain the intention to initiate human papillomavirus vaccination among men who have sex with men in China
A qualitative analysis of factors influencing infant and young children feeding perceptions and practices, of working mothers, in London Borough of Ealing
Exploring Online Diasporas: London’s French and Latin American Communities in the UK Web Archive
Supporting minority expatriate diversity
Policy uncertainty and seasoned equity offerings methods
French London: A blended ethnography of a migrant city
Effects of Icelandic yogurt consumption and resistance training in healthy untrained older males
Sea lice (Copepoda: Caligidae) from South Africa, with descriptions of two new species of Caligus
Olmi and Pasolini: Industrialisation, the underdog and ‘ecological eschatology’ in Manon finestra 2 (1956) and Grigio (1957)
“Communitas in Crisis”: An Autoethnography of Psychosis Under Lockdown
The effects of spatial planning, well-being, and behavioural changes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Digital cultural heritage: Collaborating with students and discovering lost museums
The Politics of Self-Representation
Plant Cell Wall Hydration and Plant Physiology: An Exploration of the Consequences of Direct Effects of Water Deficit on the Plant Cell Wall
Trace: Translating Bankside Air Raid Shelter through Material and Spatial Tracings
Genetic architecture of 11 organ traits derived from abdominal MRI using deep learning.
The Tokophobia Severity Scale (TSS): measurement model, power and sample size considerations.
Get a grip: variation in human hand grip strength and implications for human evolution
The Relational Materiality of Groundwater
The Analysis of World Works Councils, World Union Councils and Global Trade Union Networks in a Regulatory Space Framework.
Making an impact on Bali's water crisis: Research to mobilize NGOs, the tourism industry and policy makers
Journalism and the Problem of Progress
Protests, Development and Democratization in Ethiopia, 2014-2020
An exploration into aphantasia: the inability to form voluntary mental imagery
The Assessment of Daily Energy Expenditure of Commercial Saturation Divers Using Doubly Labelled Water
Modelling and Simulation of Proteins
Proteins and Proteomics
International Interventions
The strategic logic of ethnic cleansing in post-intervention Kosovo and its implications for the Kosovo Specialist Chambers
Introduction: power and the pursuit of justice in Kosovo
Kosovo and Transitional Justice: the Pursuit of Justice After Large Scale-Conflict
One Planet Living and the legitimacy of sustainability governance: From standardised information to regenerative systems
On the Usefulness of Modern Animism: Co-Creating Architecture with Soils as Ontopolitical Practice
Events and sustainability: why making events more sustainable is not enough
Material Ecstasy: cultural alienation and the influence of the nouveau roman in the work of Nakahira Takuma and J.M.G. Le Clézio
Corrigendum to “A tale of two cinnamons: A comparative review of the clinical evidence of Cinnamomum verum and C. cassia as diabetes interventions” [J. Herbal Med. 21 (2020) 100342]
Ecological Civilisation Discourse in Xinhua’s African Newswires: Towards a Greener Agency?
Smaller Cortisol Awakening Responses Are Associated with Greater Visual Dependence in Postural Control
Foundations of Communication/Media/Digital (In)justice
3D Deep Learning for Anatomical Structure Segmentation in Multiple Imaging Modalities
The Urban Character of the Early English Seaside Resort 1700-1847
Resilience in Humanitarian Supply Chains: A Focus on the Procurement Decisions
Unheard voices: practice based arts research and the PID landscape
Sexual healthcare professionals’ views on the rapid provision of remote services at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-methods study
Individual differences in sharing false political information on social media: Direct and indirect effects of cognitive-perceptual schizotypy and psychopathy.
Mussel Inspired Chemistry and Bacteria Derived Polymers for Oral Mucosal Adhesion and Drug Delivery.
Research Trends and Future Perspectives in Marine Biomimicking Robotics
Mastermind of Dunkirk and D-Day: The vision of Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay
How leadership affects organisational citizenship behaviour – a study of independent hotels
Spatiotemporal impact of major events on air quality based on spatial differences-in-differences model: big data analysis from China
Do responses to the COVID-19 pandemic anticipate a long-lasting shift towards peer-to-peer production or degrowth?
HIV-related stigma in the UK then and now: to what extent are we on track to eliminate stigma? A qualitative investigation
Editorial: Keith Douglas at 100
How to write a love poem
Micellar Nanocarriers of Hydroxytyrosol Are Protective against Parkinson’s Related Oxidative Stress in an In Vitro hCMEC/D3-SH-SY5Y Co-Culture System
The changes of intergovernmental collaboration dynamic in post-disaster destination management: Network analysis
At the limits of ‘Capability’: The sexual and reproductive health of women migrant workers in Malaysia
Corona Haikus - documentary during Covid 19
The Weather Is Always a Method
The Misogyny of Authoritarians in Contemporary Democracies
Modelo de Escalas da Visibilidade: Mapeando Percursos de Visibilidade e suas Consequências para Midiativistas do Sul Global
Salada Sonora: O Que Dizem as Paisagens Sonoras e a Rádio de Poste Sobre Viver em Comunidade em um Bairro Popular de Salvador
Foreign Policy of Pakistan: a Critical Approach
Russia and the Gulf States: Between East and West
Sexual offences and to have done with the courtroom
Mouth Rinsing With a Pink Non-caloric, Artificially-Sweetened Solution Improves Self-Paced Running Performance and Feelings of Pleasure in Habitually Active Individuals
Rejecting the Civil Society Paradigm. Chinese Christian Values and China's Hegemonic Discourse
Early Career Planners in a Neo-liberal Age: Experience of Working in the South East of England
Intermediary-led Participation in Regeneration: Governing and Networking Communities in Post- Developmental Urbanism - A Study of Seoul
Influential factors of loyalty and disloyalty of travellers towards traditional-resorts
Into the Unknown: Impact of Coronavirus on UK hotel stock performance
Impact of COVID-19 on air transport passenger markets: Examining evidence from the Chinese market
Short-Term Association between the Introduction of 2020 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Street Crime, in London, UK
The Impact of 2020 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on Fire Service Emergency Response Times, in London, UK
The Trump Party: Republican In Name Only
Radiation Nation: Three Mile Island and the Political Transformation of the 1970s, Natasha Zaretsky (2018)
In Other Words: What’s Happened to Metaphors in the Translation of Political Texts
Co-creation as im/mediate/d caring and sharing in times of crises: Reflections on collaborative interactive documentary as an agile response to community needs
Enhanced electrochemical treatment of phenanthrene-polluted soil using microbial fuel cells.
Vaccine acceptability, uptake and completion amongst men who have sex with men: A systematic review, meta-analysis and theoretical framework
Microbiological hazards associated with food products imported from the Asia-Pacific region based on analysis of the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) notifications
Prostate Cancer Cell Extracellular Vesicles Increase Mineralisation of Bone Osteoblast Precursor Cells in an In Vitro Model
Incorporating spatial context into remaining-time predictive process monitoring
Why do Irish pig farmers use medications? Barriers for effective reduction of antimicrobials in Irish pig production.
Law and the Senses: Un-sensing Time
Law as Sonic Performance
Rail Freight
Alternative Streitbeilegung und vulnerable Gruppen
The institutional forces that impact on the understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the form of social partnerships in the Peruvian Mining industry
Regulating nightlife, policing race: a critical exploration of public and private policing in a non-metropolitan setting
Music Culture and the Self-Presentation of Indigenous Musicians on Social Media in Contemporary Taiwan
“Cross-editing”: Comparing News Output Through Journalists’ Re-working of Their Rivals’ Scripts
IPSO: Regulator or Complaints Handler? – Summary
IPSO: Regulator or Complaints Handler? How UK News Publishers Set Up Their Own Regulator to Avoid Scrutiny
Preclinical study of peripheral nerve regeneration using nerve guidance conduits based on polyhydroxyalkanaotes
Dynamic Capability and Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Adoption: Evidence from China
RACISMO Y CLASISMO EN LA PUBLICIDAD MEXICANA Una exposición de mensajes visuales
Racismo y clasismo en la publicidad mexicana
COVID in India: a tragedy with its roots in Narendra Modi’s leadership style
Exploring relationship between environmentalism and consumerism in amarket economy society: A structured systematic literature review
Neoliberal agency, relational agency, and the representation of the agentic child in the Sociology of Childhood
The Dynamics of Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Industry’s Environmental Regulation: Revealing/Storying Neglected Voices and Excluded Lives of Environmental Encounters and Affects
Genetic evidence for different adiposity phenotypes and their opposing influence on ectopic fat and risk of cardiometabolic disease
A Miraculous Materialism: Lines of Flight in We Have a Pope and Corpo Celeste
Margaret deGuzman, Shocking the Conscience of Humanity: Gravity and the Legitimacy of International Criminal Law
Marco Longobardo and Marco Roscini, Review of Giulio Bartolini (ed.), A History of International Law in Italy
Black Women in Parliament and on Social Media: Link visibility as an Intersectional and Solidarity-Building Tool
Investigating the difference in phage susceptibility among MDR Salmonella Typhimurium phage types DT104 and DT104b.
Microorganisms and food safety risks associated with indigenous fermented foods from Africa
The Condition of My Existence
Engagement in a virtual learning environment predicts academic achievement in research methods modules: A longitudinal study combining behavioral and self-reported data
Bricolage – a mindset of resourcefulness: Stories as a vehicle for mediating means into resources
Transport Planning and Management and its Implications in Chinese Cities
Hindutva in Western Societies: Entanglements and Paradoxes
Adapting a large class practical skills examination during the Covid-19 pandemic
‘Viral journalism’, is it a thing? Adapting quality reporting to shifting social media algorithms and wavering audiences
Dreaming to learn together: Lessons in decolonial and anti-racist partnership practices
Staging city events in public spaces: an urban design perspective
Generational Categories: A Broken Basis for Human Resource Management Research and Practice
An Evaluation of Physical Activity Levels amongst University Employees
Developing Belief in Online Teaching: Efficacy and Digital Transformation
Queering Public Space: Exploring the relationship between queer communities and public spaces
Church, Episcopacy and Ecumenism: Debates about order, authority and ambiguity in the Anglican-Methodist Conversations
Responsibility Sharing in International Refugee Law: Towards Differentiated Legal Obligations
Bioresorbable and Mechanically Optimized Nerve Guidance Conduit Based on a Naturally Derived Medium Chain Length Polyhydroxyalkanoate and Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Blend
Non-coding RNAs in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: New approaches for better diagnosis and therapy
Naphthalimide-phenanthroimidazole incorporated new fluorescent sensor for “turn-on” Cu2+ detection in living cancer cells
Changes in Italy's education‐related digital divide
Exclusion and Inclusion in the Australian AEC Industry and Its Significance for Women and Their Organizations
Have a Good Trip! Expanding our Concepts of the Quality of Everyday Travelling with Flow Theory
Enhancing mental health awareness in emergency services (the ENHANcE I project): cross-sectional survey on mental health stigma among emergency services staff.
Measuring accessibility to health care services for older bus passengers: A finer spatial resolution
The voice, text and the visual as semiotic companions: an analysis of the materiality and meaning potential of multimodal screen feedback
Antibacterial Composite Materials Based on the Combination of Polyhydroxyalkanoates With Selenium and Strontium Co-substituted Hydroxyapatite for Bone Regeneration
Staying Alive: 1970s Southern Cone Exiles in the UK
Association of Infrastructure and Route Environment Factors with Cycling Injury Risk at Intersection and Non-Intersection Locations: A Case-Crossover Study of Britain.
Added Value Report: University of Westminster Transformation in Students Project
Between the state and citizens: Changing governance of intermediary organisations for inclusive and sustainable urban regeneration in Seoul
Beyond self-help: learning from communities in informal settlements in Durban, South Africa In: African cities and collaborative futures
Audiovisual Translation
The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination
The secret thoughts of social network sites users: a scale for the measurement of online knowledge-hiding in a knowledge exchange (KE) context
Measuring and Comparing QoE of Hybrid VR Applications under increased network load
Work-In-Progress Paper: 360-degree immersive storytelling video to create empathetic response
Work-In-Progress Paper: WebXR to support student wellbeing and anxiety
Characterisation of Phage Susceptibility Variation in Salmonellaenterica Serovar Typhimurium DT104 and DT104b
Fashion Media and Sustainability
Small state, big example: Covid pandemic management in Bhutan
Old Photo Sharing and the Politics of Time in Post-2008 Tibet
Medicinal plants from the Himalayan region as potential novel antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory skin treatments
The potential of Serious Games to foster learning among children and adolescents with disabilities: A systematic review
The Politics of Exhaustion and Migrant Subjectivities: Researching border struggles in northern France in 2016-2019
Innovative Digital Start-Ups and their Venture Creation Process with Enabling Digital Platforms
Förderung der Exploration im Berufswahlprozess mit Serious Games am Beispiel von like2be
A novel measure of corporate carbon emission disclosure, the effect of capital expenditures and corporate governance
Zinc-dependent multimerization of mutant calreticulin is required for MPL binding and MPN pathogenesis
"Are trans rights human rights? The case of gender self-ID"
An Empirical Investigation of U.K. Environmental Targets Disclosure: The Role of Environmental Governance and Performance
Transport and Mobility Planning
Linguistic (il)legitimacy in Migration Encounters
Preface for the IEEE proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Management at Imperial College London UK
The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: The Sins of Silence
Holistic Business Psychology Practice: Towards Building A Culture Of Compassion In Higher Education
Response: the Anthropocene Islands agenda
A Call for Abolition: The Disavowal and Displacement of Race in Critical Security Studies
Acute Alcohol Tissue Damage: Protective Properties of Betaine
Styles, standards and meaning: Issues in the globalisation of sociolinguistics
How to counter organisational inertia to enable knowledge management practices adoption in public sector organisations
The role of brand love on bank customers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility
Mitochondrial Function as a Potential Tool for Assessing Function, Quality and Adulteration in Medicinal Herbal Teas
Social Media: A Critical Introduction
Marxist Humanism and Communication Theory
Corporate Governance Practices and the Pandemic Crisis: UK Evidence
Dr Manal Mohammed for The Conversation about the long-term problems of hand sanitiser
The BBC: Guardian of Public Understanding
Acetate induces growth arrest in colon cancer cells through modulation of mitochondrial function
Befriending Ourselves: Self Compassion
The Neuroscience of Depression: Genetics, Cell Biology, Neurology, Behaviour, and Diet
Recommended resources on the neuroscience of depression: Genetics, cell biology, neurology, behavior, and diet
Characterization of a biosurfactant producing electroactive Bacillus sp. for enhanced Microbial Fuel Cell dye decolourisation
Blog: Global narratives of Britain in the 1990s
Automatic Pancreas Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction for Morphological Feature Extraction in Medical Image Analysis
Bioelectrochemical remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons
Advice pandemic report final
Sustaining Brand Loyalty: the Moderating Role of Green Consumption values
AMPK Is the Crucial Target for the CDK4/6 Inhibitors Mediated Therapeutic Responses in PANC-1 and MIA PaCa-2 Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines
The Digital Commons and the Digital Public Sphere: How to Advance Digital Democracy Today
Navigating the London-French Transnational Space: The Losses and Gains of Language as Embodied and Embedded Symbolic Capital
Compassion and tolerance: their relationship in a spirit for turbulent times
Concluding Remarks
What Constitutes a Compassionate University?
Action Learning as a Vehicle for Compassion
Rethinking the UK Languages Curriculum: Arguments for the Inclusion of Linguistics
Strategic Ingestion of High-Protein Dairy Milk during a Resistance Training Program Increases Lean Mass, Strength, and Power in Trained Young Males
A benzimidazole-based new fluorogenic differential/sequential chemosensor for Cu2+, Zn2+, CN-, P2O74-, DNA, its live-cell imaging and pyrosequencing applications
MicroRNA-Regulated Signaling Pathways: Potential Biomarkers for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Sprint interval training (SIT) reduces serum epidermal growth factor (EGF), but not other inflammatory cytokines in trained older men
Children's rights to information: The responsibility of public service media during the Corona pandemic
Backtesting VaR under the COVID-19 sudden changes in volatility
Post-Translational Protein Deimination Signatures in Plasma and Plasma EVs of Reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus )
The Italian Legislature and International and EU Obligations of Domestic Criminalisation
Identification and characterisation of the lactic acid bacteria associated with the traditional fermentation of a dairy fermented product
Chemical Authentication of Botanical Ingredients: A Review of Commercial Herbal Products
Drama Out of a Crisis: A Celebration of Play for Today
Post-traumatic stress, personal risk and post-traumatic growth among UK journalists
Law with the Sound of Its Own Making
Exploring multi-quality attributes of airports and the asymmetric effects on air traveller satisfaction: The case of Thai International Airports
Stop Superbugs!
Contractual Performance in Covid-19 Times: Does Anglo-French Legal History Repeat Itself?
Book review: Adam Phillips, Attention Seeking, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 2019, 144pp
Do Assurance and Assurance Providers Enhance Covid-Related Disclosures In CSR Reports? An Examination In The UK Context
Determinants of industry herding in the US stock market
Portraits of Places: Gabriele Basilico and the Slowness of the Gaze
The Effect of Social Media Addiction on Romantic Relationship Outcomes: Factors Associated with Social Media Addiction
Building trust in cross-cultural relationships: Active trust through culture mobilisation in Finnish-Indian project teams
Afrokology as a transdisciplinary approach to media and communication studies
Cannabidiol modulates mitochondrial redox and dynamics in MCF7 cancer cells: a study using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy of NAD(P)H
Afrokology of media and communication studies: theorising from the margins
Decoloniality and the push for African media and communication studies
Estimating economic severity of Air Traffic Flow Management regulations
SESAR: The Past, Present, and Future of European Air Traffic Management Research
Incumbents’ capabilities to win in a digitised world: the case of the fashion industry
Peptidylarginine Deiminase (PAD) and Post-Translational Protein Deimination—Novel Insights into Alveolata Metabolism, Epigenetic Regulation and Host–Pathogen Interactions
Discovering the evolution of urban structure using smart card data: The case of London
An inverted U-shaped relationship between cortisol awakening response and same-day error monitoring function in healthy males
Global Policy Uncertainty and Cross-Border Acquisitions
Doctor Watson Architects: Incomplete Works Volume Three
A Quantitative Examination of the Phenomenon of Soli and Public Relations Practice in Ghana
An Exploration of Ethical Decision Making with Intelligence Augmentation
Fat and trans: Towards a new theorization of gender in Fat Studies
'Trusted to the Ends of the Earth?’ An Analysis of Solicitors’ Disciplinary Processes in England and Wales from 1994 to 2015
Patterns and motivations for method choices in suicidal thoughts and behaviour: Qualitative content analysis of a large online survey
A behavioural and ERP investigation of the wearable camera photo review in autobiographical memory
Adolescent School Bullying Victimization and Later Life Outcomes
Carbon Footprints in Emergency Departments: A Simulation-Optimization Analysis
Inclusive museum audio guides: ‘guided looking’ through audio description enhances memorability of artworks for sighted audiences
Dehydration in older people: a systematic review of the effects of dehydration on health outcomes, healthcare costs and cognitive performance
Automated Valuation Models (AVMs): Machine Learning, namely Mass (Advanced) Valuation Methods and Algorithms
Belt and Road: The China Dream?
Palliative Prototypes or Therapeutic Functionality? Examining C.P. Company’s Urban Protection Collection
Motion sickness diagnostic criteria: Consensus document of the classification committee of the Bárány society
Large-scale enterprises, social capital and the post-disaster development of community tourism: The case of Taoping, China
Choosing Among Alternative Brands: Revisiting the Way Involvement Drives Consumer Selectivity
The cash-holding link within the supply chain
Where do we go from here? EU relations with the Eastern Partnership avant garde
Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies
MiR-21 Is Required for the Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition in MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells
Editorial: Tissue Remodeling in Health and Disease Caused by Bacteria, Parasites, Fungi, and Viruses
The 1930s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction
Peptidylarginine Deiminase Inhibitor Application, Using Cl-Amidine, PAD2, PAD3 and PAD4 Isozyme-Specific Inhibitors in Pancreatic Cancer Cells, Reveals Roles for PAD2 and PAD3 in Cancer Invasion and Modulation of Extracellular Vesicle Signatures
The Self(ie) in the Anthropocene
Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene
Autonomy in the Age of Multilingualism
Clinical relevance assessment of animal preclinical research (RAA) tool: development and explanation.
The Standing of Indirectly Injured States in the Litigation of Community Interests before the ICJ: Lessons Learned and Future Implications in Light of The Gambia v. Myanmar and Beyond
Formulation and Characterization of Phytostanol Ester Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for the Management of Hypercholesterolemia: An ex vivo Study
Representing Bhutan: A Critical Analysis of the Politics of Knowledge Production
The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination
Does online sexually transmitted infection screening compromise care? A service evaluation comparing the management of chlamydial infection diagnosed online and in clinic
The World Economy and Islamic Economics in the Time of COVID-19
Curation as methodological enhancement in researching production cultures behind screen content about displaced children in Europe
The Impact of Introducing Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on Road Traffic Injuries
Cohesin mutations alter DNA damage repair and chromatin structure and create therapeutic vulnerabilities in MDS/AML
Focusing on the family: Policy issues in the Covid-19 era
Managing employee engagement during the pandemic
Remote working: implications for talent management and global teams
Heterogeneous effects of missing out on a place at a preferred secondary school in England
Sexual Knowledge and the Formation of Chinese Modernity
Documenting as Method: Photography in Southeast Asia
The Digital Transformation of the Valuation Sector in the World of Algorithms
Improvising Songwriting and Composition Within A Hybrid Modular Synthesis System
Identifying Urban Functional Areas and Their Dynamic Changes in Beijing: Using Multiyear Transit Smart Card Data
The effect of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on exercise-induced muscle damage
How Did Donald Trump Incite a Coup Attempt?
MicroRNAs for Virus Pathogenicity and Host Responses, Identified in SARS-CoV-2 Genomes, May Play Roles in Viral-Host Co-Evolution in Putative Zoonotic Host Species
The Proteome and Citrullinome of Hippoglossus hippoglossus Extracellular Vesicles—Novel Insights into Roles of the Serum Secretome in Immune, Gene Regulatory and Metabolic Pathways
The influence of music on black, Asian and minority ethnic women working in the field of domestic violence and abuse: Critical reflection on music as method
Masking Masculinity – An overview of the mask in menswear before and after COVID-19
DARKROOM NETWORKS: Mundane subversiveness for photographic autonomy, 1880s-1900s
Laccase Immobilization Strategies for Application as a Cathode Catalyst in Microbial Fuel Cells for Azo Dye Decolourization
Variations in the determinants of regional development disparities in rural China
Social welfare [law] advice provision during the pandemic in England and Wales: a conceptual framework
Predicting individual susceptibility to Visually Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS) by Questionnaire
Neighbourhood satisfaction in rural resettlement residential communities: The case of Suqian, China
Factors Affecting Organizational Effectiveness in Independent Hotels- The case of Iran
Bangla bricks: constellations of monsoonal mobilities
Operations Management. 2nd edition
Editorial: Special issue on ‘transport, gender, culture’
Festivals, public space and cultural inclusion: public policy insights
The impact of Covid-19 on G7 stock markets volatility: Evidence from a ST-HAR model
Cornel West and Marxist Humanism
South Africa: Beyond democratic deficit in public service broadcasting
Comparative VET European Research since the 1980s: Accommodating Changes in VET Systems and Labour Markets
Participation in the Art Museum: Defining New Models for Public Engagement at Tate Exchange
Glial regenerative cell types in the superficial cortex in cortical dysplasia subtypes
Why do students dislike research methods modules and what to do about it?
The Airport Dependency Index
Air Transport and Regional Development Policies
Air Transport and Regional Development Case Studies
Air Transport and Regional Development Methodologies
Integrating molecular modelling methods to advance influenza A virus drug discovery
The hidden cost of uncertainty for airspace users
The use and efficacy of question type and an attentive interviewing style in adult rape interviews
States’ Mouthpieces or Independent Practitioners? The Role of Counsel before the ICJ from the Perspective of the Legal Value of Their Oral Pleadings
Friedrich Engels and Digital Capitalism. How Relevant Are Engels’s Works 200 Years After His Birth?
Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism. Introduction
Engels@200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism
Prosecuting terrorism: secret courts, evidence and special advocates. The panoply of challenges facing criminal justice, the United Kingdom perspective
Antithetical Stratified Sampling Estimator for Filtering Signals with Discontinuities
Out of time: The queer politics of postcoloniality
Access to Justice for Vulnerable and Energy-Poor Consumers: Just Energy?
The chimera of choice in UK food policy 1976-2018
Whose sister? ‘Convenient pigeonholes’, Peter Owen and the publishing of Anna Kavan
Sustainable value creation in event ecosystems – a business models perspective
Performing Metaphors
Peptidylarginine deiminases and extracellular vesicles: prospective drug targets and biomarkers in central nervous system diseases and repair.
Psychological and pastoral care for survivors of human trafficking and the effects on their personhood
Processes Underlying Glycemic Deterioration in Type 2 Diabetes: An IMI DIRECT Study
Building a Heavy Metal World: Cultural Entrepreneurship in the Polish People’s Republic
‘No Pope Here.’ Britain, the Vatican, the IRA and the Papal Visit to Ireland, September 1979
Quantifying Aphantasia through drawing: Those without visual imagery show deficits in object but not spatial memory
The impact of information and communication technology and internal market orientation blending on organisational performance in small and medium enterprises
Measuring Success for a Future Vision: Defining Impact in Science Gateways/Virtual Research Environments
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the Understanding of Behavior
Institutionalizing diversity and inclusion engaged marketing (DIEM) for multicultural marketplace wellbeing
Book review: Wong, R. The Illegal Wildlife Trade in China: Understanding the Distribution Networks
Expertise and Participatory Governance: The Incorporation of Expert Knowledge in Local Participatory Processes
Efficiency of scanning and attention to faces in infancy independently predict language development in a multiethnic and bilingual sample of 2-year-olds
Testing the input-process-output model of public participation
Working conditions and wellbeing in UK social workers
Understanding the transport and CO2 impacts of on-demand meal deliveries: A London case study
Coloniality and/as Development in Kashmir: Econonationalism
Public service media in the age of SVoDs: A comparative study of PSM strategic responses in Flanders, Italy and the UK
Reimagining the landscape of gangs: reflections from Bangladesh and China
The Politics of Exhaustion and the Externalization of British Border Control. An Articulation of a Strategy Designed to Deter, Control and Exclude
Edmund Burke, Delegates, Trustees and Parliament: From Constituency Instructions to Delegatory Government
Examining the spatially heterogeneous effects of the built environment on walking among older adults
Gaza, Palestine, and the Political Economies of Indigenous (Non)-Futures
Understanding the diverse sexual repertoires of men who have sex with men, trans and gender-diverse groups is important for sexually transmitted infection prevention
Explicitations in Political Texts and the Translator’s Rationale
Empirical Studies of Translation and Interpreting: the Post-structuralist Approach
Men, trans/masculine, and non-binary people negotiating conception: Normative resistance and inventive pragmatism
English grammar writing
European Citizens Assembly: Bring Citizens into EU Decision Making
The UK’s shifting diasporic landscape: negotiating ethnolinguistic heterogeneity in Greek complementary schools post-2010
'Where is Bhutan?': The Production of Bhutan's Asymmetrical Inbetweenness in Geopolitics
Working together: Factors affecting the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction in Iranian HR departments
Developing academic wellbeing through writing retreats
Entrepreneurial Intentions: a bibliometric analysis
Combining on-foot porters with vans for last-mile parcel deliveries: results of a study in central London
It made me feel brighter in myself”- The health and well-being impacts of a residential front garden horticultural intervention
Violence against women in peace and war: cases from the Middle East
The contribution of community events to social sustainability in local neighbourhoods
Self-governing prison communities
Ethnographic reflexivity and ethics of community in the new mass carceral zone
Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century
Towards Sustainable Informal Settlements: A Toolkit for Community-Led Upgrading in Durban, South Africa
On the Beach
Improvising Songwriting and Composition Within A Hybrid Modular Synthesis System
Space, Taste and Affect: Atmospheres That Shape How We Eat
Anthropocene Islands: there are only islands after the end of the world
Evil Eye in Christian Orthodox Society: A Journey from Envy to Personhood
Investigating users’ perspectives on the development of bike-sharing in Shanghai
Moral Music Management: Ethical Decision-Making After Avicii
OPEC meetings, oil market volatility and herding behaviour in the Saudi Arabia stock market
Can democracy safeguard the future?
The Individual and Administrative Justice
Reimagining the Role, Duties and Liabilities of Non-Executive Directors in 2020; 15 Years of the Companies Act 2006 and the Pathway to the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018. Part Two: The Most Current Approach
Reimagining the Role, Duties and Liabilities of Non-Executive Directors in 2020; 15 Years of the Companies Act 2006 and the Pathway to the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018. Part One: A Prelude to the Current Approach
The Legality of Closure on Land and Safe Passage between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank
The undeniable reality of the ‘war on terror’, radicalisation and sanity
'The Artist as Filmmaker': Modernisms, Schisms, Misunderstandings
‘[A] stronger position as women alone’: women’s associations in the British civil service and feminism, 1900-1959
Towards sustainability: An assessment of an urbanisation bubble in China using a hierarchical - stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis - Choquet integral method
Divergent Trajectories of Creativity and Coercion - An Introduction to the Media and Popular Culture Section
Waste to Wealth (W2W): The need for a social enterprise approach to turn Waste into Wealth
How corporate social responsibility contributes to strengthening brand loyalty, hotel positioning and intention to revisit?
State Immunity and Judicial Countermeasures
English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education in the Countries of the South Caucasus
Stories of Animistic Cinema
Queering Control and Inclusion in the Contemporary Organization: On ‘LGBT-friendly control’ and the reproduction of (queer) value
Judicial Interpretation of Commercial Contracts in English and French Law: A Comparative Perspective
From Counterpublics to Contentious Publicness: Tracing the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Articulations of Popular Protest Through Social Media
The critical surf studies reader
Sustaining municipal parks in an era of neoliberal austerity: The contested commercialisation of Gunnersbury Park
A Multi-modal Machine Learning Approach and Toolkit to Automate Recognition of Early Stages of Dementia among British Sign Language Users
Customer Orientation and e-WOM in the hotel sector
Environmental Design Sourcebook: Innovative design ideas for a sustainable built environment.
Museum Representations of Chinese Diasporas: Migration Histories and the Cultural Heritage of the Homeland
A Bayesian structural time series analysis of the effect of basic income on crime: Evidence from the Alaska Permanent Fund*
The Three Grammars and the Sign
The effect of astaxanthin supplementation on performance and fat oxidation during a 40 km cycling time trial
Experiencing interim landscapes: ephemerality and place-making
Performing Metaphors
Ad Vitam Aeternam: a legal text that remains relevant
"Fatties Cause Global Warming": The Strange Entanglement of Obesity and Climate Change
‘There’s nowhere wonky left to go’: Gentrification, queerness and class politics of inclusion in (East) London
Why compassion, why now?
Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact
Creative-led strategies for peripheral settlements and the uneasy transition towards sustainability
Creative Considerations for On-Screen Visuals in Popular Electronic Music Performances
Patient-specific Alzheimer-like pathology in trisomy 21 cerebral organoids reveals BACE2 as a gene dose-sensitive AD suppressor in human brain
Optimal Instagram Advertising Design Features. A study on brand image and Millennials consumer’s purchase intention
History and Class Consciousness 2.0: Georg Lukács in the age of digital capitalism and big data
Ethnography as thrownness and the face of the sufferer
Can academic writing retreats function as wellbeing interventions?
The impact of digitalization and servitization on the financial performance: An empirical analysis
Lone other-language items in later medieval texts
Urban logistics and freight transport
Unpacking the difference between digital transformation and IT-enabled organizational transformation
Adapting Television Drama: Theory & Industry
About Time: Addressing Intersectionality in the Casting and Performance of Chris Chibnall/Jodie Whittaker Era Doctor Who
„Europa wird nur sein, wenn es einig ist.“ Deutsche Christliche Demokraten in der Hohen Behörde der EGKS und der Kommission der Euratom, 1952-1967
The share of the global energy mix: Signs of convergence?
Landscape as Weapon: Cultures of Exhaustion and Refusal
Islands and the rise of correlational epistemology in the Anthropocene: rethinking the trope of the ‘canary in the coalmine’
Gender and the legal academy in the UK: a product of proxies and hiring and promotion practices
Children's television in an era of digital distribution: European and Arab responses
Imagine being off-the-grid: Millennials' Perceptions of Digital-Free Travel
Introduction to Architectural Technology (3rd edition)
Parkour and Street Culture: Conviviality, law and the negotiation of urban space
Why Spontaneity Matters: Rosa Luxemburg and Democracies of Grief
Making sense of (new) social mobilisations, conflicts and contention in the tourist city: a typology
At what stage in the drinking process does drinking water affect attention and memory? Effects of mouth rinsing and mouth drying in adults
The Erber: Tracing Global Trade Through a London Building
Women’s participation in organisationally-assigned expatriation: an assignment type effect?
Nutritional Management in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Challenges and opportunities
And For Law: Why Space cannot be understood without Law
Which Visual Transmission Of Knowledge For A Hawza Knowledge?
A Dialogue with Claude Cahun: Between Writing, Photography and Film in Magic Mirror and Confessions to the Mirror
Fishes with Funny French Names: The French Restaurant in London from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century
Classical Arab poets
‘Hot Dog, Jumping Frog’: the community of experience and meaning in songs
First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway.
China, Tibet and the Politics of Time.
Fantasy/Animation @ AniFest
Monsoonal Multiplicities
Introduction: Thinking with the Monsoon
Tower Flat
V&A Pavilion of Applied Arts at the Venice Biennale 2021
Double Ghosts
Undercover – From Necessity to Debris: The Pollution of Face Coverings During COVID-19
Undercover – From Necessity to Luxury: The Evolution of Face Coverings During COVID-19
Queering Public Space
[Audiobook] Can Music Make You Sick? Measuring the Price of Musical Ambition
Between the Barometer and the Dragonfly
An Eco Museum for Stevenage
Coventry Cathedral: Building for a New Britain
Undercover – From Necessity to Debris: The Pollution of Face Coverings During COVID-19
Virtual Assembly
Wicked Changes - Curated exhibition (LFA)
The Space Between The Stars
The British Museum of Decolonized Nature
The Space Between The Stars - Parts 1, 2 and 3
Jazz Jamaica All Stars: The Trojan Story - Live Event
The Spirituality of the Psyche
Real Friends EP
Corona Haikus @ the Corona Bug Exhibition
A Nuclear Bomb Memorial
Jettisoning Limited Liability: Okpabi, and Four Nigerian Farmers v Royal Dutch Shell Plc as the Reckoning for Oil Multinationals’ Environmental Harm in Frontier Oil Provinces?
Performing Electronic Music Live - video tutorial series
Video Case Study "Banger Games". (Students as co-creators)
Universal Publishing Production Music UK
Ghosting (2004) in Fragments of Epic Memory
Online Masterclass as part of 'Photo Film' research group I gave a masterclass presentation of my two films on the writer and photographer Claude Cahun
Imprisonment! Poplar Council in 1921
WZ59_Mont2_Poem1 (2021)
Quince Duncan Moodie
The Impact and Significance of Brian Belle-Fortune’s ‘All Crew Muss Big Up’
Machinic Unconscious
superconductr: disassembling the cloud factory
Music Creator's Earnings In The Digital Era - A Discussion Of The Findings
C.P. Library
Risky Business - Music Creator's Earnings In The Digital Era – A Discussion Of Comments
Corona Haikus @ Women's Stories Exhibition
Switch Beetles
Falling Away - Vertigo
Flipped Clock
Falling Away
A New Skyscraper Concept
am skyscraper series #1
Collection Rebellion
A Grid with a Brain
Ghosting (2004) in Life Between Islands: Caribbean-British Art 1950s – Now
Clothing the Pandemic: A Virtual Exhibition of COVID-19 Face Masks from Around the World
Percussion Animation
Construction Voids
Face masks from the Westminster Menswear Archive
Itinerant Imaginaries: Seminar series published online
Lydia Carmichael, in her former classroom at Ashlyns school, Berkhamsted